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  • Report:  #1013846

Complaint Review: Denise Pace Escort Service

Denise Pace Escort Service Power Driver Scammer, Prostitute, Escort Denise Pace,POF, Pleanty of Fish Stalker Port Saint Lucie, Florida

  • Reported By:
    Crabs — Port Saint Lucie Florida USA
  • Submitted:
    Thu, February 14, 2013
  • Updated:
    Sat, September 20, 2014

About Me

Im THE Curly-Haired Optomist of the World! :) I enjoy reading, cooking interesting meals with a partner who then quickly realizes that part of staying alive means to try and stay out from under my feet! Dont Ask. (im clumsy :0) hint hint) I adore turning the stereo up load and dance like the old movie Flashdance all around the house. I love thinking while I stare at the ocean and dig my toes n the wet sand.
Im willing to try any fun adventure as long as ur arms are around me protectng me from any real or imagined danger. I love 80s classics all the way til todays hits. I need a strong emotional man who does not care for drama, believes in that a womans place is treating her man like a king --- as long his WOMAN is kept like a Queen!!

First Date

Youd meet me at my door with flowers in ur hand. When i turn to put the flowers in the vase u notice my curves. Ur dressed handsomely and me, im n a sexy dress. We wind up at a nice mexican resteraunt when the chips n salsa come out so does our personalities. We start talking and we each hang on every word. Before we know it dinners over and musics playing. This gets us n the mood for the live music and ocean air of archies! Ur all gentlman treatng me all lady. We get 2 archies and u
ordr 2 tequila shots n honor of our meal. I try to beg out but your eyes had lickd the salt from my lips n popped a lime n my mouth. U did ur shot and used ur tongue around that lime that sent shivers down my spine. My turn. Of course i wind up w tequila down my chin messing that trick up. You wipe my chin n laugh good naturedly. The liquor n our
head had us dancing for a bit til its just us kissing. Heads clear we head home. Though we both yearn for much more, you walk me to my door and give me an amazing gnite kiss.

$$$$ Ask me about the $$$$$

17 Updates & Rebuttals


port saint lucie,


#18REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, September 20, 2014

Glad to see you regularly update my photos so you appreciate my beauty. Im doing awesome.  Since then ive recolored and restyled my hair, back in my own lovely condo whilst you seemingly continue to spiral mentally downward as a perpetual victim as nothing is ever your fault.  Its really time to admit you made everything up and be a role model. We simply contacted each other on a dating site, then exchanged numbers and texted one another when eventually you sent your ,'nude'. So rude n trashy by the way. After that this report site has been the sum total of our interaction. Did you think i will allow myself to be bullied by you? Im very emotionally strong and will not roll over and be a victim. No sir.

I will continue to google myself and right every wrong you put on this stupid site which is supposed to be about companies who rippoff consumers. Since this stupid site justs lets you say anything with zero accountability. Youd never be successful doing it on craigslist where you risk legal repricussions.  Every single thing else you invented. So if you decide to call the police falsely again with outlandish make believe as revenge AGAIN you will have to prove by a call log i contacted you, which i have no clue how to obtain your info anyway. Or that time you invented me being in some car. Make sure you remember hair color and contacts or glasses and when and where because of where i live  plus at home medical companion it so easy for me to prove where i i have zero desire to hurt you in any such way. I feel so sorry for you. I pray for you. I just refuse to let hurt me. I get to feel powerful that way.  


North Palm Beach,

What do you mean by still? Did you not look at the date at the of the last post

#18REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, June 25, 2014

This proves how mental and medicated you are. Before you up dated your Escort ripoffreport it hasn't had anything added to it since March of 2013.... This is why I got a restraining order on you. Your a screwed up drunk that shouldn't be allowed to even use a computer. You admitted to your lies a long time ago and now your doing it all over again and insulting me all over again and asking me to say what I wrote about you was a lie? You solicited me for sex and I said no. You really need to be put in a secured facility and watched over so you cannot be messing with innocent peoples lives. Your post and all the other screwed up women that posted lies about me is perfect example of how ripoffreport can be abused. Your ripoffreport is 100% true...leave me alone and pretend this never happen otherwise i will be awaiting your day of passing. Obviously thats what will have to happen to make you go away.


port saint lucie,

really? still?

#18REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, January 14, 2014

Unfreaken bellievable. JANUARY 4th to show my cute pics. After a year? !  you sre absolutely nuts. So I was wondering how my hooking wss going? Me thresten you? Your outa yout crazy mind. You live in a fantasy world. Fitdt, if your kid is glue tjrn you agree you are threatening me. Second, my multiple sclerosis caused seizures causing me to fall. Turns out had lousy spine and i live in a nursing home. I go on the dating site for fun. Talk to all kinds of people and entertain myself.  Heres the joke on you, I cant speak. So me "calling and threatening you is physically impossible. Access to disconnected numbers just to annoy you, well thats not covered by medicare.So im confined to a bed and dont speak snd have no real access outside this place. So I want to know how I threatened you, have sex w strangers or do anything illegal for that matter. Its time for you to take.a deep breath an admit the truth. There was nothing zip zero on my dating site profile about money. Thst you and I met on there, exchsnge numbers for quicker texting andvyou sent me whats is known ss a "D*** pic" . Offended, I teased you cruelly about your body which was wrong n mean and since your company was reported here you knew I cant have it removed unless I pay ripoff $ 2,000 in exthortion money but there are new antibullying cyber laws but I dont go places so itd be difficult to get tp DA office,  the cops said the law is too new bla bla and do it civilly w lawyer on contingency as I have gteat case but you physically cant do anything, and I just had brain surgery so I just dont have the gumption to go to courthouse yet. It s taken forever to recover.  Just remember karma (cuz im someones baby too) whatever lies you tell or harm you wish for will ultimately fall to you and your family. What goes around always comes around. Almost as often as m=mc2 so try to be good to those who cross your path friend. Well my hands are tired and med are comin round. Oh crimes against disabled and elderly are higher chsrgesb and sentencing. So let me talk to people in peace cause its fun and interesting and yea im cute as my pics show but I cant do nothing for myself much less bother you. The only reason I looked is becsuse you pposted ny reak phibe number and got sone wuerd creeps calling me who are oh so embarrassed when they learn the truth. 


n massapequa,
New York,
United States of America


#18REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, March 07, 2013

You absolutely made my day today! I cannot thank you enough!!!! This was not all over a dating site, this was all over the filth of the obscene picture you texted me! Do you really think that's what a woman wants to see?! Nutball! Anyway since you can't find me to hurt me physically and your desperate pathetic attempts at hurting me emotionally failed so miserably, I just wanted to thank you for putting such a smile on my face. Ill check back in a few weeks for some more giggles :)


North Palm beach,

Voice text typos

#18Author of original report

Fri, February 22, 2013

I use voice text a lot.. and sometimes the words I say to not come across on the computer correctly...lies cone out as lives and so on.... and I look back at everything I said about you... although I had many typos and errors in what I wrote... I never once saw anything in my comments saying I would put my son's life on the line by making a promise or swearing on my son's life to prove something to be true.... I would never ever say something like that.... and I never said that I killed my father this is ridiculous I have the proof that he is alive.. and like I said the lie that I made up about him dying was untrue and that is the only thing I said that was a lie.. honestly I thought I would find morels in you to make you quit by saying that why I actually thought you would feel bad and apologize for what you were doing to me back then... but you continued with your sick verbal abusive threats and made me out to be a person that I am NOT just like the prior reports that were made about me before... you made the choice to come here and add all of this garbage you posted about me so... unless you want me to say everything I know about you and keep going on for days and days and years and years like you are obviously are then just stop now and it will and the more you keep going the more I will keep going... and until you go to the source of the original post that you made when you decided to harass me and slander rise me... then I will never leave you alone about this either... if you want me to go away then you will have to post the truth on my page... come clean with all of the lies that you posted be the woman that you say you are because looking back at all of your posts you already made a fool of yourself with the childish things that you have been saying... you have pushed me to the edge you started this with me and now it is up to you to do the right thing the ball is in your court I play hardball and I always win do you want to prove me wrong??? You sent me another text message today after the police have warned you 5 * already what does it take for you to stop??? You're over 40 years old in your playing games with your own life... and to me that means that you don't care about your life... will this is your problem you leave my child in my father and myself out of your issues this was all over a date site and not only did you ruin my income by you doing this to me you hurt my child's future......... do you honestly think that a protective father like me would let you get away with this??? And you are honestly think that this is over??? Until you do the right thing and you figure out how to fix this then this will never be over!!! Denise You have brought things so far they will not change they cannot be fixed This stuff is up here for the rest of my life that's right your lies ruined a 7 year old kids life.... Hope you're proud of yourself Because honestly you hurt the most innocent child that anybody would ever meet in their life you have no idea what you did to this kid..... And since my son cannot defend himself I will dedicate the rest of my life until you fix this to come after you and make sure you pay for what you did....... He was born 4 pounds 3 ounces 2 months early he struggled through the beginning part of his life I am NOT going to have him struggle anymore and I'm sure not going to let outside forces hurt him....Denise you really f**ked up...I want payback in the name of my 7 year old son......


North Palm beach,

I told one lie in an attempt to see if your human

#18Author of original report

Fri, February 22, 2013

The lie about my father dying was already admitted I have no other lies to admit... that live was created as an attempt to get you to stop to see if you had any Humanity in you... it did not work and you continued to make up more lies and spread false claims.... you also lied to everybody and said the I told you my treatments did not work... you and I never did business together and I never told you anything about a business the on for 10 years.... you added to all of the other lives there on there and the ball is in your court now you either go to my page and admit all your lies for this will continue and I will keep finding dirt on you to post about you're have it your way


n massapequa,
New York,
United States of America

i didnt know of ur existance til the month

#18REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, February 22, 2013

Knoi cannot apologize, for things I didn't do. All I did was flip out on u when u texted me that nude pic. I reacted cruelty and you did not deserve that at that point. I noticed you didn't swear on the s**t u did was truth. I extended a true apology for that. But when you asked me if I'd like to see a pic of you, I presumed it would be a clothed pic. I have not lied. I swear on MY children's health that I'm no Hooker and ask me bout money never existed on my profile. Pof took the complaint and has my profile archived if I needed. since I can't drive due to siezures live on a third floor and use a wheelchair it wouldn't be very conducive for business lol. If I was I wouldn't have been offended by you. So I wont lie for you online or otherwise. So do what you want I know the truth and you just can't hurt me. I don't live where you think. So you can't hurt me physically mentally nor emotionally. The ball is in your court. Admit the truth or swear on your lies and condemn your child. I'm assuming you lie him enough that you wouldn't swear that the lies are truth's but after you killed your father I see your moral compass is off. Jason, I bid you adieu and now you are left all alone in your own internet. May truth and health find your heart one day


North Palm beach,

if you want me to apologize for everything I said then you need to do something. more than what you just did

#18Author of original report

Fri, February 22, 2013

If you want me to apologize publicly on your rip off Report then you need to go to the original page and sincerely apologize about all the lies that you said about me my business and my family... not on your page... I want you 2 right you're wrong... you added to live that were posted about me back in June or July sixth of 2012... I pointed fingers and I blamed the wrong people for this and I tracked it down to a girl named Sara Lording Of the Cheesecake Factory and she has her own Ripoff Report now too.... So until you go and apologize sincerely without saying anything to p*** me off anymore Than I am already then you in return will get the most sincerest apology that I put can possibly give someone that attacked me!!! Deal???


n massapequa,
New York,
United States of America

lets see

#18REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, February 22, 2013

Lets see how much u love your son
Though you've already killed your dad so I'm not banking on you telling the truth. I Jason poswencyk solemnly swear that I did not add the part on Denise's profile that said ask me about money. It was truly there. In addition I also swear she is a Hooker. If it is a lie, may G-D give my son extremely slow painful cancer and die. OK buddy. There is no shame in saying you got pissed cuz I insulted you and you were seeking revenge and your wrong and your sorry and go on with ouror collective lives. So will you finally be honest? I was a b***h fimaking fun of your picture and being mean about it. I was truly taken aback by your forwardness and was truly unkind. I did not forward it to my friends and laugh at you. I was wrong and I humbly apologize.


North Palm beach,

Maturity Level Of Denise Pace to insult a 7 Year Old Boy

#18Author of original report

Fri, February 22, 2013

How dare you bring a 7 Year old boy into this! I protect my Family and for using my son in this will have a heavy price to pay with that choice you made! Good Luck escaping this! I will not let you get away with this...a 40+ year old Woman and her nut case boyfriend from the Military hurting a 7 Year old again..Not only did you confirm the threats you made against killing my son now your hurting him in front of Millions of People!!!


n massapequa,
New York,
United States of America

sticks & stones

#18REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, February 22, 2013

You know u added the money part as pof does not allow it. because that's not something they allow. Its seems you have oodles of enemies and just hateful lies as your weapons. But you can't hurt me!!! Ha ha sir you CAN NOT AND WILL NOT EVER EVER HURT ME!!! Sticks n stones will break my bones but your lies will never hurt me you morally bankrupt bafoon. I'm rubber your glue whatever you you say to me bounces off of me n sticks to your kid


North Palm beach,

Lmfao!!! Two things that You Said Was True!!!

#18Author of original report

Fri, February 22, 2013

Lets see!!! Getting fired from Clear Channel was my idea and it was the way I wanted to leave there and that was No lie and its obviously not a secret because I share that Funny story with everyone and yes I do live with my parents so I can help them out with Bills and I also have a Built in Baby sittersnd you know what??? Yes sometimes I can't afford gas, You know why??? Because I help my Family out even if it hurts me to do so! You know why? Because they are Family! And the only Losers here are the ones that are so obsessed with posting something about me every day Michele Vickery Perez!!! The next ripoffreport will be on you and your Vitamin World with the pics you sent me!!!


United States of America

Jason is a loser

#18Consumer Comment

Fri, February 22, 2013

Jason you are the biggest loser. You are a complete failure because youre a psycho pothead. You got fired from the radio station and youre forty years old living at your parents house and cannot even afford a full tank of gas. Get a life and a job. Stop being so pathetic.


North Palm beach,

The Last rebuttal was written By Denise Pace

#18Author of original report

Wed, February 20, 2013

If you look closely at the last rebuttal it will say the owner of the company wrote this.. she thought she could be clever by changing the name of the person who wrote it down below (mrheinz) .... but she forgot that she logged into her own account and wrote a lie to cover the truth...... in order for somebody to come on and defend her they would actually have to make their own account.. so as long as she logs on through her account it will always say owner of company... so now she just discredited her lie and proved that everything here is true..her Pof That I copy and pasted was never an edited... I could not possibly of made up an account like that... My mind does not work like that I do not think of alcohol as a way to attract someone ... and if this was a copy pasted and edited then this is an open invitation to sue me for slander if I am lying.. but the fact is that it is not a lie.........

Now unless she has 2 different personalities and dates herself this rebattle that she just made is making her look like and complete coo coo.... now I want to put an end to this and stop all of this and nonsense.... stop posting crap about me and I'll stop posting the truth about you!!! I have asked you many many many times to stop contacting me and now you have your new boyfriend Tom calling me now if he calls me 1 more time I will make a post about him.. mister X Navy SEAL or marine whenever you are... I want the threats to end and I want the harassing phone calls and text messages to and I let my son use my phone a lot I purchased AT&T smart limits to stop all this in you somehow I still managed to get through and send pornography and nasty emails to my cell phone.... leave me alone and I will leave you alone and if you choose not to leave me alone I will never go away and if you bring more people into it I will bring them into it and make them look just how you look right now!!!


n massapequa,
New York,
United States of America

uh uh

#18REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, February 20, 2013

I know this lady and that profile has been altered! I know for a fact because we had a coffee date and her profile didn't say anything like that guy put!!! I took met her for coffee and she was in a wheelchair!!! This crazy dude is just trying to hurt this kind sweet lil lady which wouldn't hurt a fly! Don't believe any thing this man say. He crazy and has no life but to harass. This Jacko is whacko!


North Palm beach,

You Deleted Your Pof Profile soooo

#18Author of original report

Sat, February 16, 2013

Since you deleted your po.f profileyou or I cannot prove this is edited... the only thing you said was true was that it was copy and pasted.... so if you want to keep continuing to go onto Ripoff Report and keeps land rising me then go ahead all you are doing is proving that you were stalking me... this is why I put up all the information I know about you.... and you provided it!!!


port saint lucie,
United States of America

what a a crock

#18REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, February 16, 2013

This sick individual became obsessed with me on a dating site when I went bonkers after receiving a lewd naked picture of himself. This "profile " has been cut pasted and edited. I just want this guy to know about the laws passed in 2012 statute 748.48. This constitutes cyberstalkung and cyberharassment and is currently an active case being investigated. I will no longer respond to any lies outrageous claims etc. You cannot hurt me sir! I will not be your victim. Whatever you do to me verbally or by computer is laughable. I have the love and respect of my family and friends. I am respected and well liked. You can tell the world what you wish but they see through what you do. In the beginning, after u admonished you for sending such a nasty pic you told me I had no idea who or what I was dealing with. You were quite correct. But I will not ever be hurt or victimized by mere words. Sticks and stones will break my bones but your words will never hurt me!

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