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  • Report:  #1275201

Complaint Review: Deseret Industries

Deseret Industries (provo,ut location) All managment Raised price of merchandise clearly marked Provo Utah

  • Reported By:
    MetalMatt — provo Utah USA
  • Submitted:
    Sat, December 19, 2015
  • Updated:
    Sat, December 19, 2015

 I was at Deseret Industries in Provo,Ut the other day when i came across an LG Home Theater Set it was a six speaker set. It has 25 dollar stickers as a set on all six pices with one speaker marked with two stickers obviously an accident but also obvious as the other five had 25 dollar stickers and the speaker in question also had a 25 dollar sticker common sense would tell you that the odd ugly duckling of the bunch was the 75 dollar tag. To make sure i even asked an employee in that particular area and he said yeah 25 for the set and if you have any trouble at the register i will come up and let them know. I get up to the register and right away the gal sees the 75 dollar tag and says its 75 for the set as i politley point out the somehow invisible six other 25 dollar tags. She calls managment over who says the same as the gal at the register and rudely cuts off my every attempt to point out the other 6 tags and that i had asked an employee who will come up to back up my story. He says 75 for all of it or 25 apiece for each individual speaker! Then yells embarrassing me in front of the entire store "TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT IM NOT GOING TO ARGUE WITH YOU"! So not satisfied with the outcome went and asked a worker because they were set to close to please hold this item til morning when they reopened with a new hopefully more reasonable manager on shift. The employee that i approached and explained to him what the situation at hand was and that i just need said item held til morning when they reopened the store to hopefully a more reasonable thinking staff and manager. The employee tells me he cant hold it til they open even tho the store was closing right then and i said id be in first thing when they opened. Again not sure the common sense that is lacking when the hrs im asking item to be held upfront so as it was available at opening time and i was told NO unless paid for in advance even tho the time asking to please just hold it upfront the store would be closed anyway! So i go up to a register and i pay the 25 dollars cuz that is all i am going to pay for it because that is the price it is marked. The guy takes my reciept and pushes the item in the cart to pick up for the morning. I see a minute later the manager talking to this guy who put on hold after it was paid for and when hes done conversing with manager steps outside as i was leaving and again in front of all the other patrons leaving the store embarrassing me bellows " YOU JUMPED ME IN THERE AND WAS NOT HONEST TO GET ME TO DO SOMETHING I SHOULDNT"! Im getting upset at this building nightmare thats ensueing because i tried to purchase an item that was donated to them for FREE and calm but firm i reminded him of the story i had gave him when i came back to ask it be held til open the following day and in no way was anything he was told was misleading dishonest or a lie and i even paid the price of the item to be held til new managment arrived in the morning. The employee with zero effort to make an apology just walked off. Now angry and shocked and humiliated drive home speakerless taking place of excitment and exhileration that adorned my countanence on my way to the register. In the morning i drive fairly confident i am going to walk in talk to different managment show my paid receipt and walk out now finally with my speaker set. I approach managment quickly followed by some random employee who obviously thought she knew the situation started some broken english i couldnt understand except enough to know that she only knew half the story and had it all wrong and was telling this other manager wrong. I also noticed in the pick up room the merchandise was no longer there. I quickly went to the back where they store the electronics to see if it had been reshelved. Yes the item that i had already paid for and purchased with receipt in hand and in question and was known thru out the store that it was in limbo to be dealt with that morning. The item was not back there either. Now im flat out mad and i say i am not leaving the store until the item id purchased was located because they were not going to convince me they put it out on the shelf knowing i was coming in to discuss the item with managment and that in my mind it was already bought paid in full but worst case partially paid for by a customer so either way hands off til dealt with and resolved or so you would think! To my shock i went back up to the manager who proceeded to tell me if its not in the pick up area then it was moved back to the electronics section and believe it or not im the short time they had now been open i was told then someone must have came in a bought it even tho i had paid money either in full or partial! Well ill say first off i think i was flat out lied to because the odds of it selling within minutes of store opening are very slim to nil and WHY WOULD THEY EVEN PUT A PAID FOR ITEM BACK ON THE FLOOR FOR SALE!!?? I now livid say i am not leaving the store until my item i had paid for reappers miraculously right that instant before my eyes. And again all this is taking place in front of the new day patrons like im some kind of psycho crazy guy trying to decieve the mighty DESERET INDUSTRIES! Let me remind you this is a NON- PROFIT CHURCH RELATED THRIFT STORE SO THIS ITEM WAS GIVEN TO THEM FOR FREE AND THEN STOLEN BY THEM FROM ME! Now extremely embarrassed and in utter disbelief all this can actually happen to a paying patron i am willing to start a riot until they call the police my mindset is im not leaving until this is made right as all they were offering was my money back. Had my wife not been there pulling my hand towards the exit and to just take my money back and just go i stubbornly would have stayed to defend my rights and my reputation and to stand against the too numerous to mention ways i was wronged until the police im sure would have been called and i a consumer trying to buy a speaker system that was given for free to a thrift store for a person like me less fortunate to purchase and enjoy what life it might have still had in it. I would hope that if there was a way to let the donor know what his item hed dropped in hopes some joy might still come out of this old system to a happy and grateful human being... i would hope his outrage would keep him from ever donating to this particular institution again knowing those items might cause another nightmare like this to another human being. I use that term twice not by accident here on the end of my complaint because A HUMAN BEING IS THE FARTHEST THING AWAY FROM HOW I WAS TREATED! HUMAN BEING ISNT EVEN IN THE SAME BALLPARK! I never in my wildest dreams would have thought any organization or institution that sells products of any kind would treat me this way let alone one that their claim to fame is that they are a christen based church organization set in place to help less fortunate people. Think about the irony of my last sentence and really let it saturate and simmer in your mouth before you try and swallow all you just read... A RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATION SET IN PLACE TO HELP OTHERS BY TAKING FREE ITEMS TO RESELL TO PEOPLE WITH LESSER MEANS BELITTLES AND HUMILIATES ONE OF THEIR PAYING PATRONS IN FRONT OF THE OTHER PATRONS OVER A PRODUCT CLEARLY MARKED WITHOUT QUESTION SLANDERS ME IN PUBLIC AS WELL BY SAYING I WAS BEING DISHONEST AND THEN I STILL BELIEVE HID MY ITEM ID PAID FOR BUT ALSO LIED TO ME THAT IT HAD BEEN PURCHASED BY SOMEONE ELSE WHICH IF TRUE IS STILL JUST AS MESSED UP BECAUSE I HAD ALREADY PURCHASED THE ITEM SO I CALL THAT STEALING!! THIS CHURCH OVERSEEN CHARITY DRIVEN ORGANIZATION STOLE MERCHANDISE FROM ME HID THE ITEM AND LIED TO ME ALL THE WHILE HUMILIATING ME AND SLANDERING ME IN PUBLIC OVER A DONATED ITEM THEY RECIEVED FOR FREE.... unbelievable....

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