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  • Report:  #129204

Complaint Review: DeVry

DeVry Misrepresent ripoff False Promises + Lies = Worthless Degree Mississauga Ontario

  • Reported By:
    toronto Ontario
  • Submitted:
    Fri, January 28, 2005
  • Updated:
    Wed, March 22, 2017
  • DeVry
    Mississauga, Ontario
  • Phone:
  • Category:

After reading the various reports/rebuttals about DeVry I wanted to submit an unbiased version about my experience.

I graduated from DeVry Calgary in June of 2004, since DeVry Ontario was not granted degree granting status as was promised by Stephen Wong a DeVry sales rep. To make a long story short I spent 3 years and roughly $48,000 for my EET (Electronics Engineering Technology) degree which I earned with a GPA of 3.4.

DeVry promised so much but failed drastically which is why it no longer operates here in Ontario. This leads to several interesting points of discussion. For many of the programs a relevant co-operative education was never in place as promised. By trying to keep the programs up to industry standards, DeVry strayed from their traditional hands on approach to more of a theory based ciriculum (they taught a little bit of everything but not enough of anything).

I had professors who would seldomly attend the scheduled laboratory period and one professor who could be found playing chess or table tennis more often than helping students in the lab where he was being paid to be. There were some excellent professors at DeVry but unfortunately in my final few semesters the majority were laid off and replaced by unqualified staff to fill in the gap since DeVry realized it was closing it's doors and wanted to save $$$ MONEY $$$

The career services department at DeVry offers 6 months of job placement assitance, but in reality you are on your own. There was only 1 career lead relevant to my degree with 1 opening for about 14 DeVry graduates from different programs sent to the interview. As far as job placement sucess, DeVry considers you employed in your field even if your a shipper/receiver working for an IT company, a telemarketer selling electronics or if you decided to further your education etc.

Of all my classmates about 80% ended up working as a CSR (Customer Service Rep) or in Sales regardless of GPA or program of study, with myself included. It is ironic that many of my peers are also the ones who appeared in those DeVry commercials saying "I want to go into Robotics, be a systems specialist etc. I go where employers go."

I graduated with a class of great people and formed many strong relationships at DeVry. We would openly discuss DeVry and how everyone felt betrayed and swindled by this corporation. People felt used as part of a cash grab and realize you can't sue DeVry and win therefore, life goes on. I have the right to call DeVry by what it really was DeFraud.

My rebuttal to those who defend DeVry by its "proven" track success is that times have changed. You have left students with unjustified amounts of debt and went bankrupt here in Ontario only to be acquired by RCC (Radio College of Canada) after all your lying and stealing. People have the right to defend DeVry. Just take what they say with a grain of salt. I wish I did.

Anonymous (dangerous to tell the truth)
Mississauga, Ontario

4 Updates & Rebuttals



My experience with DeVryJob Placement

#5General Comment

Wed, March 22, 2017

My «experience with DeVry`s Job placement.


I know not what has happened to this lawsuit. It is rumoured that a couple persons went to jail for fraud, but this fact is unverified.


All I can tell you is that I was not the only displeased with DeVry Job Placement Program. DeVry Boasted a 93% Job placement, However, our graduating challenged the career placement personnel as to how they attain this claim. We students, saw only 4 students from previous graduating classes get Jobs in a fields of their study. The rest [of graduated student known], were still looking and as we were close to graduating, getting a job was of high concern.


My experience with DeVry Job Placement Program proved to be adverse. I did well at my studies. I claim the best of my education was working a Faculty Assistant and then Senior Faculty Assistant, supervising the Student Faculty staff. My college life, both with study and work was good. I have unfortunately lost touch with all my friends at college. One could argue that in itself is a tragedy. I guess that has mostly to with the hardship of the alumnus and the tenuous relationship with the Career Counselors in Job placement having dissolved in a begrudging distrust.


My job search with the DeVry Career Placement, involved only 5 job interviews. I went to each interview with high expectations.


1. was Geo-tech a geophysical airborne surveying company I did well at the interview and was disappointed (I love aviation and pursued a pilots license) when In formed that they were looking for a Technician with a min 2 yrs experience. not a new graduate.

2. was a company which built RF microwave Radios. Also required a experienced technician and not open to students or graduates.

3. This interview was damaging to my enthusiasm: I was explicitly informed that were looking for Queens Graduates only... ouch.

4. UPS > this was a logistics comptroller with US Duties experience. > what this has to to with Electronic Engineering.

This one did not past a phone call. I was told that they were looking

5. was with a company seeking a Seasoned C Programer and not a fresh graduate. It was a really good with this interview. I felt good. But, David the HR person interviewing, he stated He liked me but had nothing he offer and wished me well. He did express his curiosity of how and why my Career Counselors would direct me to his company.


I took my results to DeVry's Career Counselors along with my questions and sated my expectations for more qualified interviews and prospects. Their response was to refuse to work with me further.; Claiming “That I was uncooperative”.


Well, there you have it, 4 years and high tuition costs with an Institution promising to get you a job; all amounting to very little. The cost of me going to DeVry is imaginative at best. I gave up a part-time job paying just $10.50. I sold my two houses so as not to be in a position to look after after rentals. Incurred a OSAP debt with took years to pay off. Nearly a decade of part-time, temporary jobs until I took a fueling job. No education required.


And my experience with DeVry Job Placement Program proved to be adverse, calamitous, disappointing if not disastrous. I felt like they did not care about the promises made and concluded that DeVry's Job Placement program to behave in a fraudulent manner. They did care? > they got your

Matt McClure


Reporter Would Like to Hear Your Story

#5General Comment

Tue, February 05, 2013


I'm a reporter at the Calgary Herald and  was hoping to speak with you about your experience at Devry.

Can you call me at 403 235-7522 or 403 971-3784?


Matt McClure



DeVry Calgary Will Not Help Your Carrer But They Will Take Your Money

#5General Comment

Tue, October 09, 2012

After attending DeVry Calgary for about 6 semesters I finaly realized how much I was getting financialy screwed and decided to put my education on hold. This was a huge decision I made wanting to go back to school to further better my quality of life and completely change my career to do something I love, EET.


DeVry will accept anyone with an SIN#, High School transcripts, and immigrants. The lab is adaquate for projects if you find the right stations that work. This is a very easy school to enroll for education, but only because they want money and numbers.


Professors and students lack the ability to speak fluent english. Professors and students speak spanish in front of students that cant speak spanish. Professors come 30 min late to class. Most professors do not help students or show students any hands on labs, they just sit on their asses marking other classes homework and labs. 2 hour lectures are really 1 hour lectures especially EET, yet 4 hour lectures about psych are actually 4 hours. I didnt attend a tech school to learn about how many brain cells the human body has. Class sizes of 3 students, not to mention when you did get in a class size of say 12 people 8 of them would drop out.

Going for help at the Student Resource Center is like pulling teeth, meaning there really is not any professional help and they pay other students to help you. Most of the time nobody could or would help me with anything. When I did find a smart person they could only help or only wanted to help me for 15 to 20 min. There really seems to be no team work in any of the EET courses. Connecting to their servers was s**t, every month I had to go get my computer reconnected. $21,000 tuition for 15 courses if your lucky. Around $800 per credit 19 credit max per semester then you pay out of your pocket $60,000+ for 3 years = scam Yet again another set of professors that fornicate. WTF is with that?

The list of cons completely out weighs the list of pros and I'm not impressed. When I was attending DeVry I found three professors that were good at what they do, but only 1 of 3 could actually teach and do hands on experiments. I really found the lack of student and faculty participation to be very frustrating. It almost seemed like most people including faculty were there for no purpose, nothing seemed to be professional. It was like high school but worse. When I talked to some students in my classes most of them were unhappy with the education they were receiving and others were really happy about what they were getting for their money. Seriously, English courses were they teach you how to use a paperback dictionary. I learned how to use a dictionary in grade 1 not when I was an adult.

This brings me to another quirky topic. Immigrants have taken over DeVry Calgary like wild fire. When I was in the lab one day it was full of people and theats whean I realized that I was the only white boy in the room. After counting a 19 to 1 ratio I then started listening to everyone talking, an everyone was speaking in their native tongue arabic, pakistan, whatever it was I did not understand it at all. With that being said it becomes very difficult for one to do any work when you have 90dB of nonsense running through your ears. Its an experimenral EET lab not a social club.

Another issue I had was getting access to books and lab parts kits at the book store. DeVry actually does not have a book store in Calgary anymore and you have to ask the secratery for books and equipment. Really, Sait has a book store the size of Chapters. With that being said another huge issue was paying over $200 for the ESOC board which doesnt work unless you have the proper software with a software license. I could not do any labs with that board and the only person who had a license for the software was a professor who couldnt speak fluent English. What a rip

All in all I give Devry Calgary a huge thumbs down and I would highly recommend going to SAIT or the U of C or anywhere else for that matter.



DeVry University ripoff dishonest not helpful Fremont California

#5Consumer Comment

Mon, May 30, 2005

Ok now here is my story. I was reading and browsing through ripoff report particularly relating to DeVry University, after reading them, they infuriated me enough and showed me what DeVry was also doing to me! So I am now here posting my own ripoff report.

I too was a student at DeVry University Fremont California, now I still, keyword being "still", have not graduated yet, and I cannot continue, I will explain more below. My campus is granted degree granting for Bachelor Degrees for EET. So here is what happened to me....

I started in Fall trimester of 2001, right after graduating High School, I didn't have that great of a GPA in high school, like 2.78, it was not challenging enough for me, I did receive A's in courses I did enjoy, like Electronics and Programming, anyway, I was getting a 4.0 GPA and on the Deans List for about 5 Trimesters Straight! Now the 6th and 7th I had run into a personal problem that made me lose focus on one class, so i failed it and had to reenroll in the course the next semester, now that was my fault. But here is where everything falls apart. Now keep in mind here, because of my lack of grades in high school and for some reason being who I am and my last name, I had no scholarships whatsoever. I have $43k+ in Student Loans so far right now from attending DeVry.

In my 5th, 6th and 7th semester when EET Projects started, I already had a whole senior project planned out and schematics and everything for a working prototype that I just had to build! I had everything calculated and drawn out with manuals and everything! I wont go into detail of the whole senior project, because I don't really want to be identified by a employee at DeVry for posting this.

Thoughout the whole 7th semester the professor for the senior projects, Dean Mueller, he is a Dean of the campus for EET not named Dean. He told me and my group right on the spot after our lengthy presentation for concept ONLY mind you! We FAILED! We have to take the course over next semester and try again! this happened to us again the next semester!!!!!

Now I am paying thousands of dollars for them to tell me I failed! And that my project wont work! I was already playing around with actual working concepts at my house, they were not full blown working prototypes, but thats why the 1st EET Senior Projects are concept only! The next semester we work on Prototypes and all that stuff! Now I was very determined to come up with an innovative senior project that I and my team could build.

Oh yea and one more thing, our teams ideas were to ACTUALLY Engineer and Improve on an existing product! During this whole time we were told we cant do it! Never one time did they say..."well you may have some problems with this or that, i would like to work with you to help you understand more what you need to get this working", no no no, they never said anything like that, it was "You failed! Try again! See you next semester!" F**** that! Now by this point i was focusing and determined so much on senior projects, cuz this is a key and important step to graduating i put my other classes aside! In turn making my grades decline! Not because i was not learning, i just didint focus on homeworks and labs for those other classes. Finally i reached into the 2nd senior project class, now at the beginning of the trimester for this class, right away he told us, we cant do it, and to change our project, my group was like WHAT!, you mean a whole trimester of work down the drain and now try to make that up plus this semester, it was like starting over all over again! This was rediculous, for the 4th Time, this is a waste of my loan money to the school, and they were telling me this straight to my face that I could not do it and i didn't know how to do it, how in the hell would they know what I can do, I was known by previous professors and colleagues at school to not only do the labs and assignments but go beyond what the professor needed or even assigned, my projects would dazzle and amaze even the professors, i dont mean to sound conceded or anything, but i received many compliments on my projects that have always been completed successfully and on time and working! And this Dean! tells me I dont know anything! I had a 4.0 before remember!

So now where I am at now, I current have to place my education with DeVry on hold, althought I would like to continue, because at our campus we do have very knowledgable professors! They know their stuff and very good I might add! However The senior projects Professors are clueless as to what the students really know. Now I have had to postpone my education because of financial aid, I am in my 11th semester of a 9 semester program! Doesnt sound right huh, that because of my pushbacks with these morons of senior projects, it turns out I owe DeVry money!!!!!!!!!!!

OK heres my crap about financial aid, now Corina has helped me a lot, she is a godsend! Thank you very much if you ever see this, however, everyone else in the financial aid department does absolutely nothing to help me at all. Now because I had to postpone school and take of a semester or two?, who knows now, they are telling me it cut my financial aid so now the refund i got which wasnt a lot, i owe them $1100+, and I cannot register to come back until i pay that $1100, and they didnt tell me this until about 2 months after I told them I was postponing school! I actually got a letter in the mail that said i was gonna get $1100 back from them, and then 1 month after that i got something that said i was charged back $2300 so now i owe them $1100+. Now im sure at the time i told them i needed to postpone classes they knew what would happen to my financial aid, they mad absolutely no attempt to let me know this would happen until it was too late, i would continued if i knew this, so i could re register for the next term without any problems, so now i have to come up with that money which they are sending me to collections for now, before i can even go back to school, at this rate im not sure i even want to go back at all. They will give me loan after loan to continue to go but as soon as i tell them i need to take a break and then i will continue, they want money!

And yes this campus im sure as all other campuses have promised such change in your life and your career after and even during graduation was all bull crap! Now granted you know the right people you will get a job in the industry in your actual field, because I lived with some people that were my roommates for about 2 years, they already graduated from DeVry, the same Campus too, 3 of them! They all had good paying tech jobs, on at AMD, one at Intel, i dont remember the company of the other, they had friends that graduated with them that work at Lawrence Livermore Labs and Sandia Labs, some even work at Nasa! Some of their friends work at Nvidia and Microsoft! Now these people were just my roommates, i did not really form a relationship with these people, so i didnt have the connections to get a job hook up though them. So i don't doubt about actually learning things at this campus however, the campuses Career center never helped me once actually get a job or reply back to my messages about anything ever, i was supposed to be set up with so many interviews and group interviews at major companies, i was supposed to get calls from people and also call people which the number were disconnected or could never get through! So abandoned their help anyway already, ive been doing things on my own, even starting my own mini company to do something I love in my field. Contracted jobs i put out there myself cuz devry sure is not helping.

Also some other things about the professors, every once in a while a long the way we had a brand spankin new professor, he knew the subject he was teaching and very well, the problem was, he didnt know how to teach! We complained to the administration about the professor, he was fired and replaced, with another NEW guy, that had the same problem, not only that he had a deep accent which no one could understand the english words he was speaking, finally they gave us a professor that was there for a while already and has been teaching and even has teaching credentials! I had him for a previous course, he is good and i liked him, but by the time this was corrected, in the time of a 15 week course there was only 3 weeks left! to learn everything! Now it was surely to late to drop the course to take it with the same professor the next semester and not have to pay for the course, which i never believe this should not be at our expense that we get professors that cannot teach! I arugued that we should not be charged for this course this semester and allow us to do as much as we can this semester but take it next semester in a time period specifically for us to retake that class so it would not interfere with our next semester general layout courses! But no, we had to pay for it we couldnt drop the class for the semester, and I still had to retake it and not only pay for that too but also pay more because they raised the tuition 1 week before the semester started! After i registered!

As for the career center, they consider you employed in you field whether you work at McD's punching keys on the computer there or being a customer service rep for any company, most of the graduates that cant get a job are employed within the company in the administrative departments! Some i have seen are professors????!?1?!? What is that? I was lucky enough not to receive these professors.

One more thing, in the senior projects, two of the advisors to these projects which are married and work at the school together have a daughter that is enrolled in the course, when her group was up, they stood back and said nothing of complaint or concern in their project when i saw many flaws my self, but not enough to fail them, i felt they should continue as they did, but her parents said nothing! Now i would understand if this was a free school or something, i could retake without any financial burden or anything, but why should this woman, their daughter have special treament! ?? I am a paying customer/student for my education, i want her crap to be overanalyzed and criticized just as mine was!

With this said, I believe DeVry Unviversity is a ripoff! Education is good and you will learn a lot, however with no experience in the field and no job placement whatsoever you will get nowhere with the degree, and nowhere fast, unless you have connections. There are countless other Universities to go to, and also receive a higher and even more respected degree for a less money, or more money also. To me i have just been taken for $43k in loans and no suitable job/career in my field to pay them back! And on top of that I cant even continue to finish and get my degree! Because I owe them money!

Anyway, if anyone reads this and has any solutions or information it would appreciated.

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