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  • Report:  #907927

Complaint Review: Diana Jo Prause Cedar Park Texas of Dell Computer Corp

Diana Jo Prause, Cedar Park, Texas, of Dell Computer Corp Diana J Prause, Diana Prause, DianaPatDell Cyberstalker, Stalker, Cyber Bully, Violent, Aggressive, and Foul Mouthed Woman who Slanders, Harasses, and Threatens Innocent People via Internet Psychotic Austin, Texas

  • Reported By:
    Beatrix K — San Francisco California United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Sat, July 07, 2012
  • Updated:
    Sat, July 07, 2012
  • Diana Jo Prause, Cedar Park, Texas, of Dell Computer Corp
    319 E Parmer Ln
    Austin, Texas
    United States of America
  • Phone:
    (512) 370-3820
  • Category:

Diana Prause, Dell Computer Corp, Austin, Texas
Diana J. Prause Cyberstalker and Bully has Harassed, Slandered, and Threatened Innocent Individuals behind the veil of the Internet

Diana J. Prause who is employed by Dell Computer Corp., Austin, Texas has spent the past year and a half relentlessly stalking me and several other individuals from the safety of the Internet. She has a hosts of email and Twitter accounts she uses along with numerous negative web presence forums to fabricate complete lies about me because I dated a man she formerly dated. She has stalked numerous other people for similarly petty reasons or imagined beliefs about her self importance and presence in their lives. Her attacks are intent on causing irreparable damage to an individual's reputation both on and offline. Much of this constant stalking and annoying harassment and slander is done during her work hours at Dell Corp. The behavior she has exhibited is beyond jealousy or what many may consider permissible of a woman scorned, it is absolutely psychopathic and pathological.

Her employer should be alerted since she has broken several laws during the course of her ongoing campaign to cause me constant strife and fear for the past six months. Apart from stalking and harassing me with hundreds of emails from numerous accounts, she has also impersonated me and my email accounts, threatened me with physical harm, and hacked into my email and Facebook accounts. The list of offences is ridiculously long and bizarre--it's quite the accomplishment she has made on Dell's watch when she undoubtedly had genuine tasks at hand. 

The issues she has caused me and other individuals is outrageous and completely unwarranted. I have never met Diana Prause and live several states away. I had never heard her name before investigators revealed she is my cyberstalker. That fact makes her behavior quite frightening as she had to indeed go to great lengths to accomplish her sick and twisted attacks, many of which were sexual in nature and deviant based. The list of examples is far too long and complicated for this forum, but I felt it was necessary to issue a warning.

I warn any single men in the Austin Cedar Park area of Texas to avoid Diana J. Prause and her dark hidden lifestyle. If you break things off with her, she will not let go and any women you subsequently meet may become her target. I would also issue a general warning to any individual that Diana J. Prause is dangerous and suffering from a plethora of likely undiagnosed mental illnesses. There is nothing remotely normal about her personal life and behavior. She will stop at nothing to stalk her prey on a daily basis in any and all ways available. She pursued me on a seemingly full-time basis and she will employ the same destructible energy against others.

I do not believe her attacks will cease, but I firmly believe she needs professional help and would benefit from an intervention. Beware and be warned that Diana J. Prause is mentally off kilter and morally bankrupt and these two characteristics cause the perfect storm for her delight in behaving as the ugliest human being I have ever encountered in my life. Whether or not she has additional demons is unknown to me, but I would not be surprised if she were a substance abuser or heavy drinker. I have a difficult time understanding how a person not under the influence of some mind altering chemical can be so deviant and driven to cause harm to innocent people.

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