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  • Report:  #1126161

Complaint Review: Astro Genesis Records

Diana Ray Wells - Astro Genesis Records - Astro Genesis Entertainment - Astro Genesis Records/Entertainment ASTRO GENESIS RECORDS IS A SCAM. SCAMMED ME OUT OF MY DEPOSIT AND TRAVEL EXPENSES PALATKA Florida

  • Reported By:
    Baezz — Boca Raton Florida
  • Submitted:
    Mon, February 24, 2014
  • Updated:
    Tue, June 03, 2014

I saw a complaint from Stacey McVaigh and I knew I had to tell my side also. My son was one of the winners in the Palatka Showcase back in May 2013. We didn’t hear anything from Astro Genesis Records - Diana Ray Wells until I sent an email trying to find out some information from them. I was sent a draft Recording Contract to look over in August 2013 with a list of 8 Tour dates starting in September 2013. This is where everything started to show its organization. The first tour date was supposed to be on September 14, 2013. When questioned about it, there was no information. After this, all the shows seemed to be cancelled or postponed. Finally we get a date for a showcase in Atlantic City for December 18, 2013. I needed to come up with $150.00 for myself to cover the cost of the bus and room and was able to stay with my son in a Mansion. My son would go free because he was to be signed to the Label. So when I was ready to send the money via Money Pak, she let me know that the show was postponed. Go figure. The next date was to be on January 25, 2014 and the money needed to be in by January 10, 2014. Well I did my part and sent Diana Ray Wells (which is not a registered name in the State of Florida) a Money Pak in the amount of $150.00.

I stood in contact with Diana about the trip, letting her know that I would be taking the Amtrak Train to Tampa, which was the city the Label was listed under. She said ok and that the bus would leave around Midnight on Thursday, January 23, 2014. I asked her to let me know where was the pickup area for the bus, since our train was arriving in Tampa after 4 pm. There was no pick up location sent to me, but I did receive and email telling me to be on a train that leave Miami around 8:30 am and arrived in Palatka, FL around 3:30 pm. The bus will leave at around 4:00 pm HUH? I was a bit confused now. But what the heck, at least the bus will be there, so I thought.

The cost of that train was a little more than the one to Tampa, but Diana said she would reimburse us for the difference, so I said ok. Well the cost to Tampa would have been $68.00 for 2 passengers, instead I ended up paying $180.00 for 2 passenger just to get to Palatka. But no worries she said she would pay us the difference (which she didn’t). The night before we left I sent an email asking Diana if the Bus and the Mansion had Wi-Fi. Her reply was, the Mansion does, but she wasn’t sure about the bus. So my son and I leave to head up to Palatka and get there at exactly 3:45. Well guess what folks….NO BUS. It was freezing in Palatka and we were there calling Diana over and over again until after 10 minutes of trying she picked up. She said someone will be by to pick us up. Wait a minute, did she just say someone. Where is the bus? After going back and forth, she finally said there was no bus that we would be driving to New Jersey because everyone backed out. Seriously? In a car. If I knew that I would have stood on the train, more comfortable and more leg room. Also, why wasn’t I informed the night before. Well after an hour of waiting, I asked a police officer if there was a place we could go and eat, because for those who have never been to Palatka, this place is a ghost town. He directed us to Wendy’s which was 8 blocks from the Amtrak Station. So we headed to Wendy’s to get warmed up. It is now after 6:00 pm and we are still at Wendy’s when we finally get a call saying they were at the Amtrak station. Why, when I told her we were headed to Wendy’s. Anyway, here comes a car and a Mini Van packed to the max. Another artist that is signed to the Label pops out of the van and takes our bags. Confused again, I asked where we are going.

We ended up at Moseley Elementary School where Diana’s husband works, or so I thought. It is 7pm and she leaves to go to Walmart and asked us if we needed anything. She was waiting for another artist to arrive and she was on her way. Ok. She leaves us in this staff lounge area until midnight waiting with this family that grossed us out. We became uneasy and impatient. Finally the artist arrived and they all came to the school. Diana gave us some excuse which later on we found out was a lie. I didn’t care, I just wanted to head out. Since it was late she decided to put us up in a hotel for the night and we were to head out in the morning. Welllllllllll. She put 6 people in ONE ROOM. The family that stood with us was just plain disgusting. I have never felt so grossed out. It’s now 2 am when we check in and we couldn’t sleep because of all the snoring and coughing the mother of the other artist. (Chain Smoker). At 6 am my son called Diana to find out what were the plans. She told us she is getting the car and we should be headed out. Well it is now 8 am and I called asking her to let me know what is going on because if we are not going, I needed to catch the last train back to Boca Raton which left a little after 10 am. She told me she was getting us flights so we can make it on time. I asked her if she was sure. Yes. So here we go again putting our trust on her. We checked out from the hotel at 11 am and Diana, made the decision that she would fly my son, myself and a female artist, but couldn’t take one of the artist because he did not have an ID. So again we were taken to the school. At this point, the family of artist to be left behind was outraged, but took it out on the wrong people us. I kept my composure because I didn’t want to get arrested. I am at this school wondering where in the world is this woman at. She needs to come talk to us. Well I find out that her place of business was in a trailer home behind the school. HUH?

So people, ASTRO GENESIS RECORDS IS LOCATED OUT OF MOBILE HOME THAT IS LOCATED RIGHT BEHIND A SCHOOL. No business address what’s so ever. After the disgusting outraged family leaves, Diana comes to see us and tells us we were not going. She then stated that there one of her artist was there and there was a line out the door. Well, from reading the complaint Stacey made, there must have been a line of snowmen. She said they were going to video tape it and send it. (NOT)

I couldn’t believe it. I missed my train and now I have to stay in this town that doesn’t even look like Florida. I told her she needed to put us up in a room and she said to head back to the hotel and she would make the reservation. Well we did, the time is after 2 pm now. I called Diana after an hour of waiting in the Lobby and this child of God said she was on her computer working on the reservation. After 20 minutes I called again and the same old story. Finally after waiting 3 hours, she decides not to pick up the phone after calling her over 30 times. He husband called me and tried to put me in another hotel because it was cheaper. Now how in the world was I supposed to get there when I didn’t know my way around? I was told to take a cab.

Oh hell no. THIS WOMAN WAS ABOUT LEAVE ME AND MY SON OUT IN THE COLD WITH NO CONCERN FOR OUR HEALTH. MY SON HAS ASTHMA AND WE HAD NO WHERE TO GO. I didn’t have enough money on my credit card and the hotel didn’t except cash. I was dead tired. By the grace of GOD, the hotel employee took care of us and I was able to pay for a night there. They even took us to the Amtrak Station the next morning. NOW THAT IS WHAT YOU CALL A CHILD OF GOD. I was never so happy to leave a place in my life. Well back to my $150.00 Money Pak. I was promised a refund within 7 days. Well Ladies and Gentleman, it is almost a month later and I still have not received a refund/email/call. So I will be posting my complaint on every website I could find to make sure ASTRO GENESIS RECORDS AR DIANA WHATEVER HER NAME IS, NEVER SCAMS ANOTHER ARTIST AGAIN. 

7 Updates & Rebuttals


Boca Raton,

BBB was notified

#8Author of original report

Tue, June 03, 2014

So just to update this complaint. I filed a complaint back in March with BBB. They contacted AGR and was informed by Diane that a refund would be sent to me within 6 weeks. It is now June and guess what folks...NO REFUND. So BBB tried many times to get a hold of AGR/Diane with no luck. I even sent her an email and she never responded. So that just goes to show her credibility. 6 months and I am still fighting. This is so sad. 

Sonia Baez

Boca Raton,

Facts are all true

#8Author of original report

Wed, March 26, 2014

Ms Stacey Watkins and Mr. Charles, My name is Ms. Baez, and the only person who always got that wrong was Diana and called me Ms. Baezz, so I am starting to wonder about the legitimacy of these rebuttals. 

Lets put the cards on the table. Ms Diana was reported because she did not do what was right. We are all warm and kind and sincere, but when it comes down to paying someone what is rightfully theirs, then all that goes out the window. 

I know things happen. That is life, but my problem is that all of this would have been avoided if she was honest with everyone. There was no show and I truly believe the weather was a factor, but be honest about it. Don't make folks travel and spend their money if you know things were not going to happen. 

"she will make any amends to correct those issues to those that attended." To this comment I say, she never did make amends to correct anything. She left me and my son out in the cold to have someone else help us. So how can you say she is warm, kind and sincere? And her promise to have my deposit back to me within 7 days was never kept. It's now 2 months. 

And Ms. Stacey, REALLY, using my son's story to benefit your rebuttal. Sorry to say, that didn't upset me. But in the future make sure you use the correct information. MY SON TRIED TO COMMIT SUICIDE AND WE ARE NOT ASHAMED OF THAT FACT. So using that in the rebuttal really did nothing but made you look desperate. And no, AGR DID NOT AND I REPEAT DID NOT, have any part of changing our relationship for the better. That was just something that was entered in his bio by AGR to make it look good, so please get that straight.

As far as "And, off the record someone had said something about her husband?  She is not married.  So, that information is not ture.  Please get your facts straight before you try to discredit someone and try to ruin someone's reputation, those allegations are not true," Whether or not she is married isn't a big deal. We were introduced to Mr. James as her husband, so that wasn't something we used to discredit her. Married or not, that isn't an issue.

So to finish this off, I am not here to take away from Diana, I am a person who she did not do right by and have the right to report my story. No one should be taken advantage of. If you owe someone money, do right by them and pay back what is due. Both of the rebuttals were about her credibility, but not one of you took the time to ask her WHY DIDN'T SHE REFUND WHAT WAS DUE. My story is the truth and no one questioned anything on it but the marriage part. So before anyone else comes to this site to rebuttal anything I have said, first ask DIANA, WHY HAVEN'T YOU REFUNDED WHAT IS DUE TO BAEZZ. And please let me know the answer.


Boca Raton,

Let's Clear This Up

#8Author of original report

Tue, March 25, 2014

Diana, since we know this is you writing the rebuttals, why don't you clear this whole situation up by refunding my money and this will all go away. I just want what is rightfully mine and I won't have a problem deleting this report. So what do you say. 


Boca Raton,

One Question

#8Author of original report

Tue, March 25, 2014

So the one serious question is....WHERE IS MY REFUND. Lets see if you have an answer for that one Ms. Ray. If you are such a great person like stated on YOUR rebuttal. Where is the refund you stated I would receive in 7 Days.  




#8UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, March 25, 2014

Hello, my name is Natalie Myers and I have worked with Diana Ray on various show projects. I got a call from a friend of mine and she told me that Diana Ray of Astro Genesis Records was being harrassed about a recent show in January. She called me to ask if I would like to attend that weekend and I told her no because there were flight cancellations out of the airports and the roads were slippery, it just was not safe and I am glad she decided to reschedule it. Sometimes, things happen for a reason they all could have had an accident due to the roads and the weather. People have to just get over it. I know her as a professional person and I know she will make it right. They mention a trailer, that is a joke – I've been to beautiful offices at meetings with Astro Genesis Records. Keep it going, Diana! I have been to alot of the shows and I enjoyed them and a lot of my friends had a great time! I still support Astro Genesis Records and Diana Ray. Listen, they crucified Jesus Christ and nailed him to the cross and see what an impact he made on the world! People deserve a second chance sometimes. The Bible says “He without sin cast the first stone?”. Keep it going Astro/Genesis Records and Ms. Diana Ray! We have your back! Natalie

Stacey Watkins



#8UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, March 25, 2014

 My name is CHARLES E. ROTHSTEIN and I have worked with Astro/Genesis Records on past shows and have had internal meetings with them in their offices in various states and locations. I know they are an up and coming independent record label and they have put a lot of work into their efforts, goggle them and see the amount of time and energy that have put forth in their efforts, they have pages and pages of events and it appears to me from the posts that I have read that the people that have complained have not even attended an event but was trying to get there. I know that Ms. Diana Ray is a professional person and is a “warm”, “kind” and “sincere” person and takes her job very seriously.

In my professional opinion, I think she should have cancelled the event due to the weather conditions at that time. But, knowing Ms. Ray she is a people pleaser and went ahead any way to appease her guests. I believe the people that have made these complaints do not know her and don't know how hardworking she is and dedicated to Astro Genesis Records. And due to what happened due to the inclement weather at that time, she will make any amends to correct those issues to those that attended.

I enourage GENESIS RECORDS to forge ahead with their endeavors and do not get discouraged. They are not the first and won't be the last to have had to reschedule a show for one reason or the other. People, unfortunately, will always have something to complain about whether you are doing good or bad. You have to be tough skinned in this business. Be encouraged MS. DIANA RAY of ASTRO/GENESIS RECORDS. And, Diana correct any issues and don't give up! I know the kind of person you are and how hard you work!– Charles E. Rothstein

Stacey Watkins



#8General Comment

Tue, March 25, 2014

My Name is STACEY WATKINS and I have attended ASTRO GENESIS RECORDS events and have always enjoyed myself and they were always fun and enjoyable.  I have referred people to their events and they always had a fun and enjoyable time.  The event recently in January, I was reading these allegations and I gave Diana Ray a call to find out what happened?  She expressed to me that the Company had put together the show in January and they had issues with flights out due to bad weather conditions in January so flights were cancelled, out of their control, and they hired someone to drive some guests and artists to the event and on the same day and the driver called and cancelled as well.  So, it was her job to find another driver the same day and she expressed to me she could not find another driver to get everyone there and some of the artists to the event. 

I know Ms. Ray and if it was something at she could have done within her control she would have.  Due to the weather conditions around that time, it was "snowing", the roadways were dangerous and she said could not get any flights out.   She told me that she did have a Representative at the venue, while she was still trying to get everyone there in time.  It was a difficult day that day she said because of the inclement weather conditions and it bought things to a halt and it threw the engagement off course.  She told me even though they did not cancel the event, she should have.  As she was trying to get the show on the road, the DJ called to say that he could not get there in time due to the weather conditions as well, so she knew the show had to be rescheduled. She told me that she is aware that people were going to be "upset" about it, and I understand, but she told me the Company will redo the show.  Things do happen in life beyond our control but she told me on behalf of the Company she would make every effort to have that show rescheduled to appease the people that did attend that event and the people that she was trying to get there and that is why she was getting some complaints.

My knowing of Diana Ray is that she is a "good" person at heart and this must have been something that she could not control.  My feelings go out to those that did not get to the event or those that did attend, but did not get to see what Astro Genesis Records has to offer.  I  know they are a Company that really works hard and loves aspiring talent! It's ashame that people take one event and it is blown it out of the water.  They have done many events, I attended them and people had a great time!  And, as far as Ms. Diana Ray, she is a good person and works very hard at Astro Genesis and will work out what needs to be worked out.  And, if she has not contacted you yet, she will.  I know she has alot on her plate over there.

If this is Ms. Baezz, Diana Ray expressed to me that you earlier expressed to her that Astro Genesis improved the relationship that you had with your son JUAN because he had tried to kill himself.  But, coming to Astro/Genesis his relationship with you had changed for the better.  But, I see that was not expressed in your complaint. , Now, someone wrote something about About Genesis about a trailer, I believe that was you. I asked Diana Ray about that and she told me that one of her security people was attending the event and let her work out of his trailer close to the meeting place of departure for the event that day. And, off the record someone had said something about her husband?  She is not  married.  So, that information is not ture.  Please get your facts straight before you try to discredit someone and try to ruin someone's reputation,  Those allegations are not true,

I am sure all of this "hoopla" is from that event and due to the weather condition cancellations.  Diana Ray express to me that she wanted to cancel it due to the weather conditions.  But she did not want to disappoint everyone but she said maybe she should have.  People that attended that event, was upset because was upset due to the DJ cancelling due to the weather whichput a damper on the event due to the weather.  Overall, I know Diana Ray, is a good, hardworking and professional person, and I have known her for many years and what I know of her she will work it all out to all that was affected by that day.   Thank you for listening! -- STACEY WATKINS

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