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  • Report:  #477399

Complaint Review: Diane Trapiche

Diane Trapiche tarot reading, promises, rip-off Sherbrooke Quebec

  • Reported By:
    London Ontario
  • Submitted:
    Fri, August 07, 2009
  • Updated:
    Wed, December 02, 2009
  • Diane Trapiche
    104 King Ouest #174 Suite A, Sherbrooke, J1H 1P6, Canada
    Sherbrooke, Quebec
  • Phone:
  • Category:

I signed up for the free email of course, and then she sent me the report. She told me she would send the full reading for about $30. So I figured why not. I've actually done the tarot readings online before, and it was accurate, and I wasn't ripped off. So I figured I'd give her a chance because I am feeling low in life right now. Of course I got ripped off.

The email I received from her:

Dear Ashley,

On Sunday, I experienced a strange feeling about you.
In fact Ashley, I performed your tarot reading with a
very particular attention...

Lets say that my feelings were founded because the tarot desk
confirmed that you really are a special being and also that a major
transformation is about to take place in your life...

First the cards indicated that close people to you have been taking
advantage of you. Your basic honesty has been getting in your way.
Many opportunities that you have had offered in the past have to be
surrendered because you refuse to take advantage of others.

You have a very strong capacities for understanding people problems
and you can sympathize with them. Although you are firm when
confronted with obstinacy or outright stupidity.

But I want to focus your attention about THE LOVERS cards;
which is the main key card concerning your situation.

The Basic Card Symbols is An angel, a man and a woman, two trees
(in Waite, it is Adam & Eve with one tree having a serpent and
apples) - in some decks one tree is flowering, but the other has
fruit. Also in some decks there is a man standing between two women.

The Story of this card is a Fool coming to a cross-road, filled
with energy, confidence and purpose, knowing exactly where he wants
to go and what he wants to do. But he comes to a dead stop. A
flowering tree marks the path he wants to take, the one he's been
planning on taking. But standing before a fruit tree marking the
other path is a woman. He's met and had relationships with women
before, some far more beautiful and alluring. But she is different.
Seeing her, he feels as though he's just been shot in the heart
with Cupid's arrow, so shocking, so painful is his "recognition" of
her. As he speaks with her, the feeling intensifies; like finding a
missing part of himself, a part he's been searching for his life

It is clear that she feels the same about him. They finish each
others sentences, think the same thoughts. It is as if an Angel
above had introduced their souls to each other. Though it was his
plan to follow the path of the flowering tree, and though it will
cause some trouble for him to bring this woman with him, to go
somewhere else entirely, the Fool knows he dare not leave her
behind. Like the fruit tree, she will fulfill him. No matter how
divergent from his original intent, she is his future. He chooses
her, and together they head down a whole new road.

Let's say that in the beginning, this card was only called LOVE.
And that's actually more apt than "Lovers." Love follows in this
sequence of growth and maturity. And, coming after the Emperor, who
is about control, it is a radical change in perspective. LOVE is a
force that makes you choose and decide for reasons you often can't
understand; it makes you surrender control to a higher power. And
that is what this card is all about. Finding something or someone
who is so much a part of yourself, so perfectly attuned to you and
you to them, that you cannot, dare not resist.

In interpretation, the card indicates that the querent has come
across, or will come across a person, career, challenge or thing
that they will fall in love with. They will know instinctively that
they must have this, even if it means diverging from their chosen
path. No matter the difficulties, without it they will never be

The Lovers can be a confusing card as it is ruled not by an
emotional water sign but by airy Gemini. The original trump
featured a man and a woman with a cupid above them about to shoot
his dart. Later this became three figures, the interpretation being
a man choosing between two women, or a man meeting his true love
with the help of a matchmaker. Still later, with Waite, we have an
Angel above Adam and Eve. The Angel stands for Raphael, who is
emblematic of Mercury and Air, planet and element of Gemini. Gemini
is the communications sign. It's all about messages and making
contact; also, as it is the card of the twins, it's about finding
your other self. In this regard, you can see that the Lovers card
begins to make sense. Especially if you change it back to "LOVE."
Here is a card about perfect communication, about finding something
your soul requires. In this regard, its most common interpretation
about being "A Choice" makes sense.

When this card appears, you are being told to trust you instincts,
to choose this career, challenge, person or thing you're so
strongly drawn to, no matter how scary, how difficult, irrational
or troublesome - without it, you will never be wholly you. It's
sudden and unexpected, and it means a compete change in plans; but
this is LOVE. True love. Go for it!

The second key card about your tarot reading is THE WHEEL OF FORTUNE.

This card shows a wheel turning clockwise with rising or falling
figures, beasts on it. Waite also includes a good many Hebrew letters
and alchemical symbols. Often there is a sphinx perched atop the wheel.

The Basic Tarot Meaning is the following:

From out of hiding comes the Fool, into the sunlight, as if being
pulled up from some low, dark point on a wheel. It is time for a
change. Staff in hand, he heads back out into the world, expecting
nothing. But, strangely, things seem to happen to him as the hours
go by, good things. Wandering by a water wheel a woman offers him a
drink in a golden chalice, and then urges him to keep the cup, just
because she likes him; as he wanders by a windmill, he stops to
watch a young man swinging a sword; when he expresses his
admiration of the weapon, the young man presses it into his hand,
insisting that he take it.

And finally, when he comes upon a rich merchant sitting in a wagon,
right over one of the wheels, the man hands him a bag of money. "I
like giving away money," explains the Merchant, "and I decided,
just randomly, that the tenth person who walked past me today would
get this money. You're the tenth." The Fool hardly thought he could
still be surprised, but he is. It is as if everything good that he
ever did in his life is being paid back to him, three-fold. All
luck this day is his.

Yes Ashley, I understand yourself, and your present
situation is about to let place to a new period full of luck,
love, fortune and joy!

With Jupiter as its ruling planet, the Wheel of Fortune is all
about big things, luck, change, and fortune. Almost always good
fortune. Honestly I don;t invent anything; almost every definition
of this card indicates abundance, happiness, elevation, or luck; a
change that just happens, and brings with it great joy.

As much as the Tarot is about what a Querent can do to change their
life or self, there are cards like this one that admit that
sometimes you just get lucky. This card mean movement, change and
evolution, but its primary meaning always seems to say that such
changes will seem to come out of the blue, a stroke of good,
unexpected fortune. you are going to get that money, that job, that
promotion, that special person, that break you've been waiting for!

Why such great events are announced to occur in your life on the
followings days? What have you done; is it your destiny or a simple
period of luck?

Let me explain you, it seems to happen as a karmic payback for
all the good things you've done in life.

Yeah Ashley, a payback, isnt it wonderful? Off course
it is and you are probably extremely joyful too if you understand
the whole impact it will cause into your life.

We both know you act right and you are a good person and that you
deserved more so in other words you can consider that a big
paycheck is on your way!

Imagine living without any worries, simply profiting of your money
with your friends and the love of your life. I know you wish better
things for you and it's the perfect time to accomplish your mission.

Understand that all your dreams can come true if you are
properly prepared. Nothing will happen by hazard, you need to
become aware of your actual inner capacities. Life is a kind
of fight and you are called to win!

Keep in mind that I am present by your side to help you taking
the best decisions. I have been able to detect in you a good psychic
potential. You possess real premonition aptitudes. I think you could
develop this special gift for your own advantage or maybe for other
people around you later.

With your intend, I can help to provoke the best conditions allowing
a much greater development of your hidden psychic abilities.

There is no magic there, every human have these unconscious
abilities. However most people never develop them. I can give you
the right tools and the knowledge you need to affect your life forever.

I think it's kind of my responsibility to get you out of this
negativity spiral that block and hide the path of your inner balance.

Do not allow fear or insecurity to dominate your perceptions,
it could deteriorate your current situation.In fact we don't need
to worry, instead we should work to eliminate the bad forces having
a negative effect on you, the negatives thoughts patterns.
Theses influences rule your existence for too long, take control of
your reality while it's still possible.

Every human possess a EXTREMELY POWERFULL SECRET to succeed in life.
It's true but the problem is that most people don't even realize
that they possess such hidden ability. I will reveal and give you
more details in your complete tarot readings. Enjoying life suddenly
take sense when understanding these secret tricks...

It doesn't matter if another person have tried to help you out
without significant results, stay optimistic I have helped several
persons before you and those who follow my directives always get
astonishing results.

Shame on me if you ignore my help because it would mean I have not
been able to explain the importance of your actions in the next days of
your life.

If you could only REALIZE that your problems are disguised solutions.
When these wonderful and remarkable opportunities will come to pass,
you must be well prepared to seize them.


This secret reading will detail all revelations and
the major changes coming in your life during this great period
of luck and fortune I have discovered with many advices
to assist you emotional and rationally.

You will notice that some situations can appear ordinary at first
glance. However, if you know in advance which signs or messages
to decode, you will find and profit from many unseen opportunities.

With these amazing revelations, you are certain to completely
benefit of each occasion you would not usually remark. It will
contain many diectives, advices and instructions to assist you
regarding your feelings and your emotions.

This clairvoyance reading will allow you to avoid obstacles before
they occur in your life. It will maximize your entire capacities.
I will explain you how to get out of this negativity circle that
blocks and hides the road to your happiness.

In addition, I will achieve your 'Full Personality Examen'.
This special document will reveal:

-The real cause behind your present situation.
-The forgotten objective of your life.
-Who you really are!

There is no reason to wait any longer, it is time to celebrate,
it's time to put together the best conditions to let you enjoy life.
This kind of awakening happen once in life...

If you don't change your present actions, your life will not change.
Since to long, your positive and energy and your potential are kept
being blocked.

I must admit that Im not sure that you will be able to completely
benefit from this exceptional timing alone. I don't want to scare
you but you have to know the truth.

This is the reason why I will send you the "SECRET MAGIC FORMULA x13"
as Bonus. That very Ancient Formula will serve to protect you in
your everyday life from all the negative outsider waves of energy,
it will also play a much greater role that you will discover on
appropriate time...

Moreover, I will calculate your "LUCKY NUMBERS" and find the proper
dates to utilize them. This will help you to win money as quick as

Seriously Ashley, I'm not sure you deeply understand the
importance and the value of the next weeks to come. It's time to
take action, we should not take
any more risk by waiting longer.

Because I treat you as my friend, here is your private link
to benefit from my guidance and also to get all your Special Gifts!

For the moment, simply decide what you really want. Are you ready
to discover and accept to develop your infinite inner potential?

Don't hesitate to much, don't miss it all...


P.S. Love is knocking at your heart's gate, waiting for you to
unlock and open the gate once for all...

No matter which direction you choose to go, allow Love to shine
throw you in order to always walk with the Light on to the Light...

If you got this email by error, you can click the link below to let me know.

Diane, 104 King Ouest #174 Suite A, Sherbrooke, J1H 1P6, Canada

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

I am not impressed. I know it's a huge risk to do a psychic reading online, but still. I figure others should know about her. I see I am not the only one ripped off by her. I hope other people read this and find out before she rips them off as well.

London, Ontario

2 Updates & Rebuttals

Ms. anonymous

fort lauderdale,

Thanx for the warnng!

#3Consumer Comment

Wed, December 02, 2009

I too received the free reading. I also received the same exact (word for word) report. Luckily I decided to do some googling on her before I wasted my money. 



Hey There


Mon, September 14, 2009

I wanted to tell you that I am sorry that this happened to you and that I did not see your report before I did the same thing. I made a report as well and I hope that you take the time to look at it. This made me very upset because I am incredibly serious about the Tarot. Thank you for your concerns as well.

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