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  • Report:  #1177797

Complaint Review: Directv

Directv Don't Let This Shark of a Company in Your Living Room or Your Bank Account Nationwide

  • Reported By:
    MadinMichigan — Idlewild Michigan
  • Submitted:
    Fri, September 19, 2014
  • Updated:
    Fri, October 17, 2014

I was a customer in good standing for 2 years. After being disconnected by Directv because they wouldn't accept waiting a day for my paycheck which was delayed, they charged my debit card with my minor daughter's SSI benefits $386 wiping it out. They did not receive permission, and I never approved them for auto payments and I didn't even get to watch tv! I sent the equipment back and they only gave me $120 back and charged me an additional $50 "late equipment fee".

The bank won't do anything about it. This is the first time they ever said no to a fraud complaint such as this. As a result, I no longer trust them either especially because the rep said he has ties to their company. I completed my 2 year contract and only used the debit card to pay the bill. I don't understand how this company can add so many fees and take funds without my permission.

This has caused my household a great deal of hardship. Even if they get away with this, they also billed me repeatedly for services I never ordered during the duration such as NFL ticket. My bill continued to soar to $140+ a month and still I paid. This is a company that got PLENTY of my money without having to steal more and leave us broke. I don't care what their contract says, this is a contract that shouldn't be able to stand. It's not okay to add services you didn't request, and prey on someone's bank acct. This seems like fraud. They are predatory on rural people, and if this complaint serves as a warning then my experience has done some good. Go to RedBox, folks, anything but this.

Basically, if they have your credit card on file no matter whose it is that allows them to steal? Shame on them for causing so much hardship on my household. Directv you got your cash to add to your pile, but that doesn't mean I have to like it. No, I will not in good conscience recommend you. Those commercials are also fake since I passed MANY referrals out and NEVER got a single credit.

3 Updates & Rebuttals



I Feel for You

#4Consumer Comment

Fri, October 17, 2014

I know where you're coming from, because my poor mother just experienced the very same thing this evening.  She cancelled Directv because she could no longer afford it, and she just discovered this evening that they had "stolen" money from her bank account--to the tune of $435!  When I called them to complain about this, they were not compassionate about our plight.  My Mom is 83 years old, disabled and on Social Security--and that is what they stole from--her Social Security account, but they didn't care at all!  In fact, they said she still owed $13 more--I bet they take that, too! And cause her account to bounce.  I think Directv is a highly unethical company.  I don't think it's your fault at all, and I don't think it's our fault--it's the economy's fault.  If she can't afford a monthly bill of $95, what makes them think she can afford a cancellation fee of $435?  It's all she had left in the bank--now we have nothing, and we still owe $339.30 in bills!  How are we supposed to pay them?  And one of them is Comcast.  Are we going to have to turn off cable, too?  I would not recommend Directv to anyone--not even my worst enemy!


Reed City,

Your Argument is Invalid and Offers Nothing.

#4Author of original report

Fri, September 19, 2014

I shouldn't feed you or your straw man arguments, but I will try to explain. I'll only do this once as I don't usually feed trolls. I published this complaint because Directv is all over the place selling something to folks of all incomes something they think they can afford but can't. This shouldn't be about picking on a low income family because is this not the group they most aggressively market to? It is in Michigan.

Since you like straw man arguments, here's a red herring for you: If I would have thrown in that I received welfare or/and foodstamps, you would have pounced on that too, because surely those that receive any kind of assistance shouldn't ever aspire to be or have anything more, we should stay in our place right? Is that what you do? Well then, perhaps Directv should stay in their place and not market to us. By the way, I do have a job, am college educated plus run a business, so you don't need to get on your little soapbox about that either. Basically, I'm not rich but I work hard so that's all you need to know. I have had to borrow money and work extra hours this month to repay my daughter for what was taken. No I'm not too pleased about it. Yes, I totally wish I would have not ordered Directv and should have read every word in that contract no matter how unfair, no matter how slick. Normally I know better. That doesn't make this right. I've talked to plenty of people that had this happen to them with larger losses than mine so no, it's not fair.

No I do not need this service, that is why it was cancelled after fulfilling a 2 year agreement and was overcharged withot warning. Directv charged this account repeatedly until it was funded. That's why I'm here. No I didn't owe them a balance. Directv puts a spin on things, but for those of you who are not aware, you prepay your bill. They don't provide anything in advance unless it's a free promotion and then it doesn't stay free at all. If you had read the complaint you would see that sometimes I used this card to pay the bill. 

That is the larger issue that effects everyone. Is it fair that Directv can use a credit card simply because it was on file, then add exhorbatant fees wiping it completely out? I think not, and if my venting here brings about any change or transparency in their billing indescrepencies, I'll be glad. I would like to add that Directv has repaid $181 of what they charged. I am due more money they have chosen to keep for "late equipment fees" and whatever else they dream up.

You attack someone because of where they get their money, which leads me to another life lesson. Never give any ammunition to trolls. Because of your bias, your argument is invalid.



NOT their fault

#4Consumer Comment

Fri, September 19, 2014

 You did not pay your bill therefore you a liable for the balance.  IF you did not give them permission to access your money then how did they get it?? Your daughter is on SSI and you think you "need" this service?? Your priorities are very unethical!!! SO you did this to yourself!

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