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  • Report:  #632121

Complaint Review: DISH NETWORK

DISH NETWORK Lied to, ripped off, took my money and sent wrong equipment Internet

  • Reported By:
    SolemnSinner — Las Vegas Nevada United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Tue, August 17, 2010
  • Updated:
    Mon, August 23, 2010

Oh boy, where to start with these people.
I was tired of my other television service provider, so I decided to try Dish Network.
I visited their site, checked out various plans, and decided to place a call to make an order.

One of the first things the customer service rep asked me is if I had any HD televisions in my household.  Of course my answer was YES.  Then we went through the various packages including HD channels, and I found the perfect package to fit my needs/wants.

The next step was to run credit check.  I was then told that I had to pay $99 dollars up front for service.  Cool, no problem.  Not ONE mention during this phone call that I "did not qualify" for an HD receiver.  NOT ONE.  So we finished up the deal, I was told it would be a few days before an installer would be there.  I was happy.

This is where it gets ugly.  The installer shows up.  Asks me immediately if I own my property.  I do.  Clearly this was to ensure that it was ok to drill into the property to mount the dish.  So the installer is outside for a while, getting everything set up.

He then comes inside, and connects the receiver and all the wiring and everything and just left the receiver on the floor.  He said, "you can just set that up however you like when you get time".  I was fine with that as I had to jumble around different components anyhow.

He then spent a good 20 minutes going over the remote control and all of the neat little things you can do with it and the Dish Network Service.

So I go outside and noticed the dish is mounted on a hideous tripod in my yard, and not to the residence itself.(remember, he asked me if I owned the property).  I asked him why he didn't mount it to my residence(I live in a manufactured home).  He promptly stated how it would be a pain in the a*s to find studs to drill into.  NOT MY PROBLEM.  He already had the tripod drilled into 3 gaudy cinderblocks(they must carry them with them on installs) in my back yard.  I let that one go, but let him know I was not satisfied.

So, I go back inside, sign all the paperwork, he leaves.

I go to place the receiver on the shelf of the entertainment center where I wanted it and realized "Hey, where is the HDMI cable?".  I immediately looked over the receiver and realized they had sent me a REGULAR DEFINITION RECEIVER!  What the hell?

I ordered HD service.

So I contacted Dish Network IMMEDIATELY.  Their response to my complaint was "You didn't qualify for an HD receiver upon your credit check".  This was NEVER, EVER, stated to me over the phone.  As I stated earlier, the first thing they asked was if I had any HD televisions in my household...and clearly stated I do, and even ORDERED HD programming.  I even asked the customer service rep to go over the phone conversation(since I know they're recorded).  His response was "Well, you signed the contract with the installer, there is nothing we can do." 

OMG, are you kidding me?  There was nothing they could do?  I told the rep, yes there is something you could do, you could send me an HD receiver as I ordered HD services, and I'll return the regular definition receiver.  NOPE.  They wouldn't budge.  The only recourse they gave me was to purchase an HD receiver from them for some $450!  Are you kidding me?  Charging me for something I should have received IN THE FIRST PLACE?

I was livid.  I still am when I think about it.
I cancelled service immediately. 
Then the customer service rep said that my cancellation fees would equal the amount of buying an HD receiver.  He clearly didn't get it...or actually, REFUSED to get it.  I'm not paying for something that I should have received in the first place.

So, not only did Dish Network scam me out of the initial $99, now they've got me on the hook for the early termination fees, and get this...CHARGING ME FOR THE RETURN OF THE EQUIPMENT.

The arrogance and gall and absolute shadiness of this companies sales team is reprehensible.  They're fast talkers over the phone, and will omit VERY IMPORTANT items related to your account just to make a sale.  They don't care if you're duped.  The second they shmooze you into signing that dotted line, they know they don't have to lift a finger to rectify THEIR OWN MISTAKE.  In this case, I'm highly convinced the "mistake" was intentional.  Just another sale to rack up. 

Why would I order a regular definition receiver when I have HD televisions?

I wouldn't. 

DISH NETWORK will never get my business again, and I urge everyone I come into contact with to avoid them at all costs.

This issue could have been simply rectified by them going over the taped phone call and realizing that I was NEVER notified that I wouldn't be receiving an HD receiver, and then sending me one.  I even went as far as to ask the customer service rep if he could break up the receivers cost over a few months billing time.  NOPE.  They wouldn't budge.  I tried relentlessly to work with these people but they don't care about ripping off the public as long as they get their sale.

Stay away from Dish Network.  Shady sales and business practices, lies by omittance, duping customers into buying services they don't need/want or even could use. 

Horrible.  Just horrible.

5 Updates & Rebuttals

Mom of 4


I'm not saying Dish isn't at fault....

#6Consumer Comment

Mon, August 23, 2010

What I am trying to say is that there is also personal responsiblity for the consumer as well as the company involved.  Yes, the sales rep should have been more forthcoming with ALL of the information.  However, in this day and age, you must check absolutely everything yourself to ensure you are getting what you want.  No one should believe everything a sales rep says no matter what company they work for.  Sales reps have quotas and need to fill them which is more and more difficult with the economy.

The only way to ensure you are getting what you paid for is to check everything out yourself.  Most receivers have HD on them if they are HD and just talking to the tech would have shown that it was not HD.  As for the install....yes the tech should have been more professional in a multitude of different ways.  But, once again, who doesn't watch what someone is doing during an install or at least check in?

The complaint is valid, but I am just saying some personal responsibility is also necessary.  We are becoming a nation of victims and we need to stop.

Ronny g

North hollywood,
USA local dealer...

#6Consumer Comment

Sun, August 22, 2010

All well and good. But this is simply a consumer who called Dish network expecting an HD install, and did not get that.

Do you reasonably expect the average consumer to understand  "211. 211k , 222, 222k their is no upgrade fee. If the main receiver is a 612, 622, 722 or a 722k . The upgrade fee is 200.00 and the 922 upgrade fee is 600.00."

Might was well speak Chinese.

All the consumer "understood", was that the answer to the reps question if they had any HD TVs was "yes", and that the rep told them they only had to pay 99 dollars up front for service. You don't think perhaps some important info was left out????? Maybe it would have been at the very least a consideration to inform the customer they did not qualify for HD? If you actually read this will note that when the customer called Dish network, they were told and I quote...."You didn't qualify for an HD receiver upon your credit check".

As an independent should by VERY pissed and concerned at Dish network for non disclosure and deceptive is only going to hurt you in the end.



local dealer

#6General Comment

Sat, August 21, 2010

I believe you are signed up on the Flex24 plan. The 99.00 you paid was a non refundible activation feed. You did qualify for the HD under the business rules.

If the main receiver is a 211. 211k , 222, 222k their is no upgrade fee. If the main receiver is a 612, 622, 722 or a 722k . The upgrade fee is 200.00 and the 922 upgrade fee is 600.00.

For any other receivers after the main receiver . Would have had a upgrade fee from of 100.00, 200.00 or 400.00

All i can say is. As a dealer i hand out blank copies of the contract and my invoice. To any potential customer who is interested in Dish Network. Dish only requires us dealers to give a 6 month warranty on the installation.  I personally give a one year warranty on the install. Plus we are to do a walk through with the customer before the install starts. It work really well when all parties on involved in the install process.

The last time i checked i have a less than 1 % turn off rate of new customer installations. I've been doing this now for 26 years. I realize that their are people in any business  that are not honest and reliable.

The biggest problem i have is getting the customer to read the contract. I'm only human and can make mistakes.  

But i don't know if you had any local dealers in your area. If so didn't you even consider calling them.

When i install an HD box . I usually show the customer ESPN 140 SD and then take them to 140 HD to show them the difference in the pic.

It also doesn't hurt to read your contract before you sign.

Every install is different , but when i can get the right customer. When I'm done with my installs.  I take 2 dual tuners place them in one location. So that the customer can watch all 4 receivers on every tv in their home. Sometime I also send out the DVD player and the local tv antenna along with the 4 receivers . To all the tv's in the home.

Experience say it all. All you got to do is research .

Ronny g

North hollywood,

In this case though...

#6Consumer Comment

Sat, August 21, 2010

I think the responsibility falls on dish network.

The customer had no reason to assume they were not getting HD service and equipment. It may not be reasonable to expect every consumer to know if the equipment is HD or not when the installer and company is assumed professional. The service rep should have told the customer they do not qualify for HD and then the customer would be responsible to decide whether or not they want the service and an ugly dish on a tripod and cinder blocks in the yard.

This situation would have been MOST avoidable had the service rep been forthright..not blaming the customer after the install when they didn't get what they expected a legitimate well known company to deliver on.

In this case, the company was inept, and very possibly deceitful so we can't really blame this customer for being angry and lodging a complaint. It seems legitimate.

Of course everyone should check what they are signing before they sign..that goes without saying. But it does not do anything at all to defend what the company did or take any validity away from the complaint.

Mom of 4

United States of America


#6Consumer Comment

Fri, August 20, 2010

I understand that you are frustrated with Dish Network.  However, some responsibility rests with you since 1.  you did not even look at the receiver before the tech left and 2. you didn't read what you were signing.

I'm not defending Dish Network, just stating that you would never have had an issue if you did the 2 items above.  If you don't sign, they will take the equipment back.  If you looked at the receiver, you would have known if wasn't HD.  Part of this issue stems from you not doing the above.

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