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  • Report:  #16826


DISNEY WORLD ORLANDO FLORIDA ripoff evil dirt bags ORLANDO Florida

  • Reported By:
  • Submitted:
    Thu, March 14, 2002
  • Updated:
    Tue, November 11, 2003
    ORLANDO, Florida
  • Phone:
  • Category:






14 Updates & Rebuttals



Reality Check: How not to have a bad time...

#15Consumer Comment

Tue, November 11, 2003

Sorry everyone about my absence from checking this report. The family and I have been visiting friends we know at Disney and I haven't been keeping up with the complaints...lets see here...

For those who don't know me, I am an annual passholder, along with my family, that now has lots of ties to friends and extended family at Walt Disney World. I know the tricks, traps, things to do, and not do for Disney and most of Orlando. I also have traveled extensively and know how the prices of travel can get to be astronomical, but seem to save no matter where I go...

Park Hopping problems, eh? Sure, in the good old days when Walt was still alive you may have been able to buy a day or two worth of tickets and go to each park, but back then all there was was the Magic Kingdom, Epcot, and four or so resorts to stay at and there was no need for something called park hopping.

Reality Check: However the rules haven't changed since THEN or NOW, despite the last persons comments (verified with WDW ticket office records). Back then when good old Walt set up Disneyland and WDW it was one ticket PER day to the park, and only one park a day. This means you can leave the park (with a handstamp to verify you were there), ex. Epcot, and still return to the same park (not any of the others) in the same day without having to by another ticket. This is considerate if you think about it; not even Universal Studios or Six-Flags will let you back in after you leave the park for a minimum of 1-3 hours if you have just a 1 day admission slip, otherwise you would have to buy another 1 day ticket (a true rip-off)...I have been there, done that, and praise Disney for that convienience...but going on...

As for today we have four major WDW parks, two waterparks, Downtown Disney, Pleasure Island, and a dozen or so resorts that are just for Disney. With so many places to go, how do you keep up with all of the tickets being sold, concidering each park has its own unique 1 or 2 day admission ticket? Disney's internal network for ticket sales wouldn't be able to keep up with individual tickets on that kind of sales level, especially when the fake voucher tickets now-a-day vacationers buy outside of WDW thinking they can get a cheap Disney ticket to any of the parks...which is another reality check for another day...

Anyway, thus the park-hopper ticket was invented. It allows guests to leave one park, GO to ANOTHER, and RETURN to the same park in the same day. In other words, go and do what you like, when you like. No need to stay in just one park per day if you want to ride the rides, but see another parks show. All of the park-hopper tickets are sold and controlled by Disney ticket sales and security for YOUR satisfaction. Should the ticket become lost/missing/damaged the sales office will still have all of your information on file to issue you another one good for the amount of time left on your ticket, plus a fingerprint scan image to reuse when you are reissued a park-hopper ticktet (hence the "bone-scanning" is just a fingerprint scanner that stores information in Disney's database for your ticket and loss prevention). The fake vouchers you can buy outside of the park come with no such guarantee. It is a very decent ticket to buy, especially for vacationers who want to spend every hour possible at all of the parks, even after one closes (ex. Animal Kingdom closes before sundown, 5:00 P.M. EST currently during winter hours, later in the summers).

Oh, speaking of factual information, 1 and 2 day passes presently make up less than 2 percent of all disney ticket sales per year. Park-hoppers (3 (min days),4,5,6,7 or more days) make up about 62-65 percent of yearly ticket sales and the rest are seasonal/annual or company purchased tickets for school-related functions and charities. I wonder why no-one on vacation buys just a 1 or 2 day pass? It just isn't enough time to take in all of the sights at disney, and then make a FAIR jugdement call on how you perceive all of Disney, hmm?

Oh, as for the other reports about lousy cast members treating you badly...well, that is unfortunate, but I know that everyone has their moments...even you, the person reading this report, and be honest...

Reality Check: Just because one, two, a small group, or even the whole park from the lowly guy sweeping your trash to Eisner himself treated you badly doesn't mean everyone is like that. True, some people don't care about their job at Disney, and it shows, but there are cast members who would just about drop dead to satisfy a guest if it would make them happy. Just this past weekend at the Magic Kingdom I saw a guest treat and talk to a cast member at a level lower than hell itself, yet the cast member kept her cool, smiled, and took care of the guest by correcting his order for ice-cream. What was the problem you ask? The guy was already upset at his screaming kids, both begging for ice-cream, and the cast member accidentally handed out the wrong flavor from another order...d**n People!!! Of all the petty little things to chew someone out fight over getting pecan ice cream over vanilla, which would have taken like 4 seconds to get another cone and rescoop the proper ice cream. I can understand you being upset when you do have a person who could care less what you get, do, or in this case the flavor of ice cream you got, but you don't act like a river full of rage to someone who couldn't possibly care more about your well-being and happiness. I commend that cast member for taking the blunt of a blade that was never supposed to be swung...

Besides, do you all know what these negative comments are doing? Sure, it is forcing Disney officals to re-evaluate the staffing and cast members to weed out possible weaknesses in character, but it usually harms the people you want working for the company when you vacation here or in California. This usually involves removing people in batches to weed out possible problem cases or company policy issues with individual cast members, and just becasue one person was bad, two others, who are worth saving due to some technicality and not due to professional demenor, lose their jobs as well or are transfered away from where they like to be. Think People!!! How would you feel if someone said you were lousy and were unsociable when truely you care about everyone? How would you feel because one person made everyone look bad and you lost your job or position over someone else's attitude? From now on if you are going to complain on this site or even to Disney, make sure you get a good look at the person's name tag (which is a requirement for all Disney workers, corporate and cast), the time, date, and complaint you wish to file to Guest Services and THAT cast members immediate supervisor before you say the whole company and all the people who work there treated you poorly. Try to save the jobs of those who do good and care, and try to cut down that ever-growing national unemployment level.

Have I talked about rides? I know I talked about misconcieved prices on food/merchandise, but not rides...getting into that...

Reality Check: Why do you have to wait in line? Is it because there is only so much space on a ride for so many guest at a time, or is it because so many guest want to ride the same ride at the same time? Who knows. Anyway, even with the rides running at full till, ex. the new Mission Space (with 4 centrifuges, 10 cars per centrifuge, 4 people per car, 160 max people at one time on a 4 minute ride, 2 minute trasfer of guests, and Epcot is open 12 hours a day), a maximum amount of 115200 people can ride that ride in one day. That is IF everyone rides it once, there are no break-downs, and if the line was distributed evenly throughout the day. But...we don't live in a perfect world do we? A ride or part therof has to go down for saftey and maintence before, during, and after park hours every day. Even though Disney maintence is VERY effiecent, they cannot bend space-time to allow for this maximum amount of guests. Then there is a matter of grouping; do you stay with your family or are you willing to break up to get a one-person spot (much quicker and allows more people to ride per day) on a ride? And finally, timing...everyone tries to get on the first ride they come across when they enter the park. Why not head for the ones further away and then filter back to the front or the park? This would cut down on the early morning 1-hour lines, but it was just a thought...

What is the point I am trying to make? Be Patient, wait in line or get a FastPass (another convienent perk if used wisely), try riding single-riders if at all acceptable, and WAIT YOUR TURN. Another thing to concider, try coming during an off-season month when it is less crowded (ex. After new years and before March-ish prior to spring-breakers). My family and I have rode some of the major rides 3-5 times in 30-45 minutes during off season months just standing in the regular stand-by line (you know, the one that takes forever during spring-break, or summer)...

Well, I will try to keep up with this report from time to time, but I hope everyone can make sense (and get some sense) about what points I am trying to make. Walt made this company for families to enjoy, not bicker about how terrible of a time you had while visiting his vision. Don't be so quick to judge everyone you HAVEN'T met, LISTEN and COMPREHEND before you ACT or REACT, and understand why things happen the way they do. Your life might be a lot richer and prosperous if you do...



Reality Check: How not to have a bad time...

#15Consumer Comment

Tue, November 11, 2003

Sorry everyone about my absence from checking this report. The family and I have been visiting friends we know at Disney and I haven't been keeping up with the complaints...lets see here...

For those who don't know me, I am an annual passholder, along with my family, that now has lots of ties to friends and extended family at Walt Disney World. I know the tricks, traps, things to do, and not do for Disney and most of Orlando. I also have traveled extensively and know how the prices of travel can get to be astronomical, but seem to save no matter where I go...

Park Hopping problems, eh? Sure, in the good old days when Walt was still alive you may have been able to buy a day or two worth of tickets and go to each park, but back then all there was was the Magic Kingdom, Epcot, and four or so resorts to stay at and there was no need for something called park hopping.

Reality Check: However the rules haven't changed since THEN or NOW, despite the last persons comments (verified with WDW ticket office records). Back then when good old Walt set up Disneyland and WDW it was one ticket PER day to the park, and only one park a day. This means you can leave the park (with a handstamp to verify you were there), ex. Epcot, and still return to the same park (not any of the others) in the same day without having to by another ticket. This is considerate if you think about it; not even Universal Studios or Six-Flags will let you back in after you leave the park for a minimum of 1-3 hours if you have just a 1 day admission slip, otherwise you would have to buy another 1 day ticket (a true rip-off)...I have been there, done that, and praise Disney for that convienience...but going on...

As for today we have four major WDW parks, two waterparks, Downtown Disney, Pleasure Island, and a dozen or so resorts that are just for Disney. With so many places to go, how do you keep up with all of the tickets being sold, concidering each park has its own unique 1 or 2 day admission ticket? Disney's internal network for ticket sales wouldn't be able to keep up with individual tickets on that kind of sales level, especially when the fake voucher tickets now-a-day vacationers buy outside of WDW thinking they can get a cheap Disney ticket to any of the parks...which is another reality check for another day...

Anyway, thus the park-hopper ticket was invented. It allows guests to leave one park, GO to ANOTHER, and RETURN to the same park in the same day. In other words, go and do what you like, when you like. No need to stay in just one park per day if you want to ride the rides, but see another parks show. All of the park-hopper tickets are sold and controlled by Disney ticket sales and security for YOUR satisfaction. Should the ticket become lost/missing/damaged the sales office will still have all of your information on file to issue you another one good for the amount of time left on your ticket, plus a fingerprint scan image to reuse when you are reissued a park-hopper ticktet (hence the "bone-scanning" is just a fingerprint scanner that stores information in Disney's database for your ticket and loss prevention). The fake vouchers you can buy outside of the park come with no such guarantee. It is a very decent ticket to buy, especially for vacationers who want to spend every hour possible at all of the parks, even after one closes (ex. Animal Kingdom closes before sundown, 5:00 P.M. EST currently during winter hours, later in the summers).

Oh, speaking of factual information, 1 and 2 day passes presently make up less than 2 percent of all disney ticket sales per year. Park-hoppers (3 (min days),4,5,6,7 or more days) make up about 62-65 percent of yearly ticket sales and the rest are seasonal/annual or company purchased tickets for school-related functions and charities. I wonder why no-one on vacation buys just a 1 or 2 day pass? It just isn't enough time to take in all of the sights at disney, and then make a FAIR jugdement call on how you perceive all of Disney, hmm?

Oh, as for the other reports about lousy cast members treating you badly...well, that is unfortunate, but I know that everyone has their moments...even you, the person reading this report, and be honest...

Reality Check: Just because one, two, a small group, or even the whole park from the lowly guy sweeping your trash to Eisner himself treated you badly doesn't mean everyone is like that. True, some people don't care about their job at Disney, and it shows, but there are cast members who would just about drop dead to satisfy a guest if it would make them happy. Just this past weekend at the Magic Kingdom I saw a guest treat and talk to a cast member at a level lower than hell itself, yet the cast member kept her cool, smiled, and took care of the guest by correcting his order for ice-cream. What was the problem you ask? The guy was already upset at his screaming kids, both begging for ice-cream, and the cast member accidentally handed out the wrong flavor from another order...d**n People!!! Of all the petty little things to chew someone out fight over getting pecan ice cream over vanilla, which would have taken like 4 seconds to get another cone and rescoop the proper ice cream. I can understand you being upset when you do have a person who could care less what you get, do, or in this case the flavor of ice cream you got, but you don't act like a river full of rage to someone who couldn't possibly care more about your well-being and happiness. I commend that cast member for taking the blunt of a blade that was never supposed to be swung...

Besides, do you all know what these negative comments are doing? Sure, it is forcing Disney officals to re-evaluate the staffing and cast members to weed out possible weaknesses in character, but it usually harms the people you want working for the company when you vacation here or in California. This usually involves removing people in batches to weed out possible problem cases or company policy issues with individual cast members, and just becasue one person was bad, two others, who are worth saving due to some technicality and not due to professional demenor, lose their jobs as well or are transfered away from where they like to be. Think People!!! How would you feel if someone said you were lousy and were unsociable when truely you care about everyone? How would you feel because one person made everyone look bad and you lost your job or position over someone else's attitude? From now on if you are going to complain on this site or even to Disney, make sure you get a good look at the person's name tag (which is a requirement for all Disney workers, corporate and cast), the time, date, and complaint you wish to file to Guest Services and THAT cast members immediate supervisor before you say the whole company and all the people who work there treated you poorly. Try to save the jobs of those who do good and care, and try to cut down that ever-growing national unemployment level.

Have I talked about rides? I know I talked about misconcieved prices on food/merchandise, but not rides...getting into that...

Reality Check: Why do you have to wait in line? Is it because there is only so much space on a ride for so many guest at a time, or is it because so many guest want to ride the same ride at the same time? Who knows. Anyway, even with the rides running at full till, ex. the new Mission Space (with 4 centrifuges, 10 cars per centrifuge, 4 people per car, 160 max people at one time on a 4 minute ride, 2 minute trasfer of guests, and Epcot is open 12 hours a day), a maximum amount of 115200 people can ride that ride in one day. That is IF everyone rides it once, there are no break-downs, and if the line was distributed evenly throughout the day. But...we don't live in a perfect world do we? A ride or part therof has to go down for saftey and maintence before, during, and after park hours every day. Even though Disney maintence is VERY effiecent, they cannot bend space-time to allow for this maximum amount of guests. Then there is a matter of grouping; do you stay with your family or are you willing to break up to get a one-person spot (much quicker and allows more people to ride per day) on a ride? And finally, timing...everyone tries to get on the first ride they come across when they enter the park. Why not head for the ones further away and then filter back to the front or the park? This would cut down on the early morning 1-hour lines, but it was just a thought...

What is the point I am trying to make? Be Patient, wait in line or get a FastPass (another convienent perk if used wisely), try riding single-riders if at all acceptable, and WAIT YOUR TURN. Another thing to concider, try coming during an off-season month when it is less crowded (ex. After new years and before March-ish prior to spring-breakers). My family and I have rode some of the major rides 3-5 times in 30-45 minutes during off season months just standing in the regular stand-by line (you know, the one that takes forever during spring-break, or summer)...

Well, I will try to keep up with this report from time to time, but I hope everyone can make sense (and get some sense) about what points I am trying to make. Walt made this company for families to enjoy, not bicker about how terrible of a time you had while visiting his vision. Don't be so quick to judge everyone you HAVEN'T met, LISTEN and COMPREHEND before you ACT or REACT, and understand why things happen the way they do. Your life might be a lot richer and prosperous if you do...



Reality Check: How not to have a bad time...

#15Consumer Comment

Tue, November 11, 2003

Sorry everyone about my absence from checking this report. The family and I have been visiting friends we know at Disney and I haven't been keeping up with the complaints...lets see here...

For those who don't know me, I am an annual passholder, along with my family, that now has lots of ties to friends and extended family at Walt Disney World. I know the tricks, traps, things to do, and not do for Disney and most of Orlando. I also have traveled extensively and know how the prices of travel can get to be astronomical, but seem to save no matter where I go...

Park Hopping problems, eh? Sure, in the good old days when Walt was still alive you may have been able to buy a day or two worth of tickets and go to each park, but back then all there was was the Magic Kingdom, Epcot, and four or so resorts to stay at and there was no need for something called park hopping.

Reality Check: However the rules haven't changed since THEN or NOW, despite the last persons comments (verified with WDW ticket office records). Back then when good old Walt set up Disneyland and WDW it was one ticket PER day to the park, and only one park a day. This means you can leave the park (with a handstamp to verify you were there), ex. Epcot, and still return to the same park (not any of the others) in the same day without having to by another ticket. This is considerate if you think about it; not even Universal Studios or Six-Flags will let you back in after you leave the park for a minimum of 1-3 hours if you have just a 1 day admission slip, otherwise you would have to buy another 1 day ticket (a true rip-off)...I have been there, done that, and praise Disney for that convienience...but going on...

As for today we have four major WDW parks, two waterparks, Downtown Disney, Pleasure Island, and a dozen or so resorts that are just for Disney. With so many places to go, how do you keep up with all of the tickets being sold, concidering each park has its own unique 1 or 2 day admission ticket? Disney's internal network for ticket sales wouldn't be able to keep up with individual tickets on that kind of sales level, especially when the fake voucher tickets now-a-day vacationers buy outside of WDW thinking they can get a cheap Disney ticket to any of the parks...which is another reality check for another day...

Anyway, thus the park-hopper ticket was invented. It allows guests to leave one park, GO to ANOTHER, and RETURN to the same park in the same day. In other words, go and do what you like, when you like. No need to stay in just one park per day if you want to ride the rides, but see another parks show. All of the park-hopper tickets are sold and controlled by Disney ticket sales and security for YOUR satisfaction. Should the ticket become lost/missing/damaged the sales office will still have all of your information on file to issue you another one good for the amount of time left on your ticket, plus a fingerprint scan image to reuse when you are reissued a park-hopper ticktet (hence the "bone-scanning" is just a fingerprint scanner that stores information in Disney's database for your ticket and loss prevention). The fake vouchers you can buy outside of the park come with no such guarantee. It is a very decent ticket to buy, especially for vacationers who want to spend every hour possible at all of the parks, even after one closes (ex. Animal Kingdom closes before sundown, 5:00 P.M. EST currently during winter hours, later in the summers).

Oh, speaking of factual information, 1 and 2 day passes presently make up less than 2 percent of all disney ticket sales per year. Park-hoppers (3 (min days),4,5,6,7 or more days) make up about 62-65 percent of yearly ticket sales and the rest are seasonal/annual or company purchased tickets for school-related functions and charities. I wonder why no-one on vacation buys just a 1 or 2 day pass? It just isn't enough time to take in all of the sights at disney, and then make a FAIR jugdement call on how you perceive all of Disney, hmm?

Oh, as for the other reports about lousy cast members treating you badly...well, that is unfortunate, but I know that everyone has their moments...even you, the person reading this report, and be honest...

Reality Check: Just because one, two, a small group, or even the whole park from the lowly guy sweeping your trash to Eisner himself treated you badly doesn't mean everyone is like that. True, some people don't care about their job at Disney, and it shows, but there are cast members who would just about drop dead to satisfy a guest if it would make them happy. Just this past weekend at the Magic Kingdom I saw a guest treat and talk to a cast member at a level lower than hell itself, yet the cast member kept her cool, smiled, and took care of the guest by correcting his order for ice-cream. What was the problem you ask? The guy was already upset at his screaming kids, both begging for ice-cream, and the cast member accidentally handed out the wrong flavor from another order...d**n People!!! Of all the petty little things to chew someone out fight over getting pecan ice cream over vanilla, which would have taken like 4 seconds to get another cone and rescoop the proper ice cream. I can understand you being upset when you do have a person who could care less what you get, do, or in this case the flavor of ice cream you got, but you don't act like a river full of rage to someone who couldn't possibly care more about your well-being and happiness. I commend that cast member for taking the blunt of a blade that was never supposed to be swung...

Besides, do you all know what these negative comments are doing? Sure, it is forcing Disney officals to re-evaluate the staffing and cast members to weed out possible weaknesses in character, but it usually harms the people you want working for the company when you vacation here or in California. This usually involves removing people in batches to weed out possible problem cases or company policy issues with individual cast members, and just becasue one person was bad, two others, who are worth saving due to some technicality and not due to professional demenor, lose their jobs as well or are transfered away from where they like to be. Think People!!! How would you feel if someone said you were lousy and were unsociable when truely you care about everyone? How would you feel because one person made everyone look bad and you lost your job or position over someone else's attitude? From now on if you are going to complain on this site or even to Disney, make sure you get a good look at the person's name tag (which is a requirement for all Disney workers, corporate and cast), the time, date, and complaint you wish to file to Guest Services and THAT cast members immediate supervisor before you say the whole company and all the people who work there treated you poorly. Try to save the jobs of those who do good and care, and try to cut down that ever-growing national unemployment level.

Have I talked about rides? I know I talked about misconcieved prices on food/merchandise, but not rides...getting into that...

Reality Check: Why do you have to wait in line? Is it because there is only so much space on a ride for so many guest at a time, or is it because so many guest want to ride the same ride at the same time? Who knows. Anyway, even with the rides running at full till, ex. the new Mission Space (with 4 centrifuges, 10 cars per centrifuge, 4 people per car, 160 max people at one time on a 4 minute ride, 2 minute trasfer of guests, and Epcot is open 12 hours a day), a maximum amount of 115200 people can ride that ride in one day. That is IF everyone rides it once, there are no break-downs, and if the line was distributed evenly throughout the day. But...we don't live in a perfect world do we? A ride or part therof has to go down for saftey and maintence before, during, and after park hours every day. Even though Disney maintence is VERY effiecent, they cannot bend space-time to allow for this maximum amount of guests. Then there is a matter of grouping; do you stay with your family or are you willing to break up to get a one-person spot (much quicker and allows more people to ride per day) on a ride? And finally, timing...everyone tries to get on the first ride they come across when they enter the park. Why not head for the ones further away and then filter back to the front or the park? This would cut down on the early morning 1-hour lines, but it was just a thought...

What is the point I am trying to make? Be Patient, wait in line or get a FastPass (another convienent perk if used wisely), try riding single-riders if at all acceptable, and WAIT YOUR TURN. Another thing to concider, try coming during an off-season month when it is less crowded (ex. After new years and before March-ish prior to spring-breakers). My family and I have rode some of the major rides 3-5 times in 30-45 minutes during off season months just standing in the regular stand-by line (you know, the one that takes forever during spring-break, or summer)...

Well, I will try to keep up with this report from time to time, but I hope everyone can make sense (and get some sense) about what points I am trying to make. Walt made this company for families to enjoy, not bicker about how terrible of a time you had while visiting his vision. Don't be so quick to judge everyone you HAVEN'T met, LISTEN and COMPREHEND before you ACT or REACT, and understand why things happen the way they do. Your life might be a lot richer and prosperous if you do...


Ft. Lauderdale,

Disney World New Rip-Off Scam

#15REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, August 19, 2003

My wife and I just completed a 4 day trip to Disney World and left with a bad taste in our mouths. It all started when we approached the ticket booth. I asked for a 2 day ticket and all they wanted to sell me was a 4 day "Park Hopper" and the sales pitch was "unused days never expire--right"..? You used to be able to pay for disney, get your hand stamped and then come and go as you please, even to another park etc. Now they say, you can go to another park the same day unless you have a park hopper--what a Ripp-Off. If I have paid for a day at disney and want to go to Animal Kingdom and pay for a day there, what is wrong with me going back to Disney later? If I have paid for a day at both places I should be able to come and go as I chose, "WRONG"..! The reason is they want to milk more money from you with this "Park Hopper" crap. The parking lot fee's,out of control prices for drink and eats,too many lines, I say it's time to go somewhere else.



two little words bud-get!

#15Consumer Suggestion

Sat, August 16, 2003

My wife and I recently (beginning of June) took my son & one of his good friends to Disney for their birthdays. As a last minute idea (we made plans 18 days in advance), we made a budget, planned our meals, and went online to find the best deals. The end result, we stayed on Disney property for $59 per night at the All-Star Resorts, bought the refillable cups, used the Disney transportation system (slow but free), and purchased Park-Hopper passes. We went shopping for meals in-room at the Publix at the end of I-4, brought a cooler from home and filled it with free ice, had two nice dine out dinners, took bottled water and snacks into the park, ate in the park 4 times and bottom line: We spent less than $1500 for 7 day and 6 nights!!! Oh, yeah, that includes souvenirs for all four of us.

Stop whining and start planning better...


North Carolina,

Disney Discounts

#15Consumer Suggestion

Wed, June 18, 2003

You don't have to pay $3000 to do disney. Evidently you just checked at the disney company for prices.

Perform searches on the internet for "Disney Hopper passes Plus Hotel".

Tons of places will come up that offer rooms with discounted tickets practically right outside the gates of Disney and these hotels usually offer free shuttles to the different parks.




#15Consumer Comment

Tue, April 15, 2003

My wife and I have tried to find a good deal for the 4 of us. We can not see paying $$$$ to go to Disney World, its way to much. We even went to ebay to find some tickets that still had days left on them. They to were outrageous. For two Adults and two grandkids , for 5 days, we would have to pay $3,300.00 and this does not enclude any T-shirts and ect..... . If we drive then the cost is $2,200.00 plus $200.00 in gas, and about $125.00 for motel rooms on the road. A total of $2525.00. Any information on trip to Disney would be helpful. We just think its a little to high.
We would like to take the grandkids and will take them soon, we just need to plan ahead.




#15Consumer Comment

Mon, February 10, 2003

I, too, am an advocate for Disneyland. My grandfather worked for Disney Studios for many years and I've been to Disneyland over 55 times in my 23 years (19 of those actually visiting Disneyland). They have many services as well as a lot of fun.

Michael: Lay off the Lysergic Acid Diethylamide will you? (If you don't know what that is, look it up)

Kevin: We're talking about Disneyland here not New York. Your deal with spending too much on room service has nothing to do with one of the happiest places on earth, ok? Learn how to stick with the topic.

Michael: Disney spends a lot of money building and maintaining all the rides, shows, stands, lockers, employees, etc. on their properties and they have to charge a good amount for their products. They don't charge as much as you said, so stop being childish and exaggerating prices. If you don't want to pay it, don't go, but don't be ignorant and try to influence other people (ignorant or intelligent, only decided by whether they choose to believe your insane BS or not) by writing something as retarded as your original post.

Then again, only a person who's jealous and angry he didn't think of it first would write something like that.



Reality Check - Back to Basics

#15Consumer Comment

Tue, December 03, 2002


What did you do, spend all your money on room service? Yes, I think so, especially when you made mention of breakfast served to your room. That is your own fault at the price you paid since room service in any hotel ALWAYS is outrageously expensive. However, I am willing to bet that if you went and got your own food and drinks, even at the nearest fast-food style restaurant, you would have saved a bundle.

Anyway, yes I have been on several vacations, both here and outside of Florida. New York, NY, Alexandra, VA, Washington, D.C., Detroit, MI, Chicago, IL, just to name a few. I have even been to Frankfurt, Germany, Berlin, Germany, Trier, Germany, toured through Belgium and France, Holland, Denmark, and even a little bit of Austria...all of this in a four in a half year timespan. At least I can say I have traveled quite extensively thoughout my lifetime, can you? Also, I spent my money wisely and not at a hotel eating from expensive room service menus, but much rather out on the town, and still got to taste the delights of each city/country I visited.

Anyway, the point of my original message was that the person who wrote the first rip off report was a fraud, considering I have used anual passes to Disney for several years and know the parks and resorts from top to bottom and know that nothing the guy said was true, unless he too ordered from room service or was eating for three. This was all I had to say on this point.



On Vacation

#15Consumer Comment

Thu, November 28, 2002

have you ever gone on vacation ??????

I went to New York a few months ago and stayed in the Interconti hotel ..

well a can.... YES a can of soda was 7.50 !
you want cereal for breakfast delivered to your room with a juice ?....well how about 29.00 dollars !

last year went to San Francisco .. 20.00 for a hour boat ride around the golden Gate ...and so on and on .. im sure we can go on forever..

the great thing about being a consumer is you have a right to either go to Disney or Not .. and by the sound of your letter we will all be happy with NOT !



On Vacation

#15Consumer Comment

Thu, November 28, 2002

have you ever gone on vacation ??????

I went to New York a few months ago and stayed in the Interconti hotel ..

well a can.... YES a can of soda was 7.50 !
you want cereal for breakfast delivered to your room with a juice ?....well how about 29.00 dollars !

last year went to San Francisco .. 20.00 for a hour boat ride around the golden Gate ...and so on and on .. im sure we can go on forever..

the great thing about being a consumer is you have a right to either go to Disney or Not .. and by the sound of your letter we will all be happy with NOT !



On Vacation

#15Consumer Comment

Thu, November 28, 2002

have you ever gone on vacation ??????

I went to New York a few months ago and stayed in the Interconti hotel ..

well a can.... YES a can of soda was 7.50 !
you want cereal for breakfast delivered to your room with a juice ?....well how about 29.00 dollars !

last year went to San Francisco .. 20.00 for a hour boat ride around the golden Gate ...and so on and on .. im sure we can go on forever..

the great thing about being a consumer is you have a right to either go to Disney or Not .. and by the sound of your letter we will all be happy with NOT !



On Vacation

#15Consumer Comment

Thu, November 28, 2002

have you ever gone on vacation ??????

I went to New York a few months ago and stayed in the Interconti hotel ..

well a can.... YES a can of soda was 7.50 !
you want cereal for breakfast delivered to your room with a juice ?....well how about 29.00 dollars !

last year went to San Francisco .. 20.00 for a hour boat ride around the golden Gate ...and so on and on .. im sure we can go on forever..

the great thing about being a consumer is you have a right to either go to Disney or Not .. and by the sound of your letter we will all be happy with NOT !



Reality Check, Please?

#15Consumer Comment

Wed, July 03, 2002

This guy has no clue what he is talking about.

My name, or rather nickname, is Wizer and I am a dedicated Disney-goer with my friends and family, and not one word of this rubbish that this gentleman has said is true.

It is known that any major tourist attraction in any major city has high prices on everything, or at least, more so than usual. However, at Disney, the most you can expect to pay for a soda, for example is $1.00 to $5.00 depending on where you go and what you buy. The reason for this price difference is supply and demand in the parks, location of the vendor, and whether or not this drink is refillable. Typically, you will find the more expensive drinks to buy in restaurants that offer free refills on these sodas, or in elaborate side stores that offer collectors cups with soda.

As for food...I have never seen a Cheeseburger in all the restaurants that serve cheeseburgers charge $24.00. The person that made this accusation that a single cheeseburger costing $24.00 must have eaten for three people or was blaming Disney for spending his money elsewhere...Anyway, the most I have ever seen a cheeseburger run is for $8.00, which came with fries and a drink, which really isn't too bad considering the markup. Now lets tally it up: $8.00 times 3...hmm...$24.00 which includes two extra cheeseburgers, three fries, and three sodas...the numbers this guy mentioned just doesn't add up.

The point is this...if you come to Disney, expect to spend money, but be reasonable when you shop or eat and you should have enough money to last your entire vacation, and don't be upset when the price of a burger is higher then the McDonald's outside of the that case, eat before you come.

And as for this guy and his sublimital mind control...please see a councelor because you are too high on crack or something, and you need to be let down before it takes you higher than you care to go.

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