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  • Report:  #307764

Complaint Review: Dominic Rosati Who Works For Cerniglia Co In Melrose Park

Dominic Rosati From Cerniglia Co In Melrose Park, Donna Manzo is missing Melrose Park Illinois

  • Reported By:
    Melrose Park Illinois
  • Submitted:
    Sun, February 10, 2008
  • Updated:
    Sun, February 10, 2008
  • Dominic Rosati Who Works For Cerniglia Co In Melrose Park
    St. Charles IL Or 1417 N. 33rd Ave
    Melrose Park, Illinois
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Donna Manzo is Dominic Rosati's sister. He got her to sign power of attorney, now she is missing. The moment Donna Manzo ended up in her brother's care, she ended up in the hospital. We all saw that coming didn't we? How is it every time someone is mentally incapacitated, somehow Dom Rosati gets power of attorney, people drop dead and he reaps the benefits? Is there a pattern here? Surely this isn't a humanitarian effort, there are rewards to be had, it's easy money. Throw someone in a home, wait for them to die and take the loot. Maybe that's a bit harsh, but if the situations all end the same and one or two people are the common denominators then hey, you do the math. Money is the root of all evil and if Donna didn't have a load of cash (in a bank owned by her sister's husband no less) then I doubt there'd be this interest in Donna at all. All her life nobody gave a d**n. Sure people were cordial, but there would never be this level of hatred and money grubbing if Donna didn't have some money. You all know it, and you hate that it's posted because it makes you look at yourselves for who you are. It shows the public who you are as you're all trying to hide behind your practiced smiles, fake concern and lawyers.

There is a lot of money to be had if she passes away and this is a concern. Donna's husband and kids have no idea where she is now and this is sad because her birthday is on Valentine's Day. Happy Birthday if we never see you again. The Rosati and Napolitano family are upset that posts have gone up about them but that's the price they'll pay for being underhanded. What is wrong with you people? I heard your attorney quit you because he probably feared being dis-barred! Can ya blame him with all the tampered wills and all! Poor Dom and Barb! Your attorney QUIT! HA! That's a worse thing than this post! It is utterly PRICELESS! Apparently Dom/Barb and their mafia saw the first post and are not happy about it because it's going as predicted. Good, I'm impressed you all can use a computer. Even after being outed the drama ensues. You people all need to stop meddling and get a hobby before you kill your sister.

Property was taken from Donna Manzo's home without any legal paperwork by Dom Rosati, Dom Napolitano and possibly some Mexican workers from Cerniglia Company in Melrose Park. (gee, I hope they weren't illegals) If Dom and company don't like the public posts, then abide by the law and act civil toward other people. Should you really be doing bad things as an employee of Cerniglia Co and embarrassing Lou Napolitano? Does he even know what his wife and her family is doing? Bottom line is, Donna Manzo is missing, her birthday is Valentine's Day and her kids don't even know where she is, if she's alive or how to get in touch. She was put in some apartment in Melrose Park last we all heard, then she ended up in the hospital, likely because she was not receiving proper care.

A report will be placed with Melrose Park Police Department and an inquiry has also gone to Villa Scalabrini, a senior facility that Donna may have been dumped at. A previous post stated that this is what would happen if Donna's family got involved and unfortunately those words came true. Donna is gone from her home, she ended up in the hospital, and now nobody has heard from her or knows where she is. To the rest of us this is shady and criminal, especially given that there's a huge amount of inheritance that will be had by her family if she does die. The lies need to stop or the posts will keep going up. Your choice. I'm absolutely floored by how low people will go, the defamation of character, slander etc. and for what? Oh, and don't blame Phil, he doesn't know about this message, he doesn't endorse it, he didn't approve it so don't go on the attack. Face the music people! Millions can access this post and read it and I'll chronicle everything here. Smile for the cameras.

Technically, this post can't even be considered in a court of law, but the reason it's here is a timeline, a journal. As predicted, Donna Manzo was removed from her home, ended up in the hospital and no one except her brother, sister and cohorts know hwere she is. If there's no negligence then why not come forward with where she is? Embarassed maybe? Guilty of something? The Manzos know how much the Rosatis and Napolitanos hate them, that's never been a secret, but to act cruel and inhuman about our feelings? Why that would make you monsters who think you're above the law wouldn't it? This post will remain up no matter how many people you threaten, how many lawyers you get etc. Outside of Melrose Park you people are small fish, just remember that. The internet is a big place where freedom of speech is golden. The truth will be told, and if Donna Manzo dies in your care there's going to be hell to pay. Again, don't blame Phil because you hate him and want him dead. Don't believe a word Donna says because she's mentally not making any sense.

If a person like Donna has a doctor make a home visit and insists the doctor gave her a shot that gave her AIDS then gee, that kind of tells you that patient might be delusional or mentally "off". What doctor would risk losing his medical license? You idiots are so stupid you even call a doctor's office to get medical records? Ohhhh, we might find that there's evil things there, like some evil plot, or maybe we can plant some info there because gosh, we hate Phil so much. Yeah, Phil who has Doctors and nurses willing to sign affidavits that they witnessed the care he gave Donna and commented to Phil "no one is going to do everything you've done" And...even after the man had a stroke, he's still caring for his wife no matter how mentally disturbed or abusive she is. Verbally and emotionally abusive is what Donna is when off her meds. Mental, emotional and verbal abuse IS ABUSE and many caregivers will attest that patients can be d**n near impossible to deal with and only the tough caregivers can continue to get the stubborn patients to take meds, and accept medical care etc. I must ask, if you believe a mentally challenged person are no not then equally as insane? As for this AIDS thing - Do you even know how aids is biologically transmitted? Do you not know that forensics can detect poisons? So run tests you freaking morons. You won't find anything because there IS nothing. FOOLS! Nobody wants Donna's money except you people. hmmmm. Affidavits will be signed as to Donna's ongoing mental breakdown since the 1980's, the medications, incidents etc. People who LIVED there and cared for her tell things first hand, it won't be hearsay like your words, nor will it be delusions from someone who had to be on meds. Don't blame a husband or kids for any alleged abuse when those allegations are being made by a woman who once insisted that her dog Sammy had AIDS and she wanted him kept away from her. What's this thing with AIDS anyway?! Jesus freakin' Christ! The person obviously is not making sense, seldom did, unless medications were taken, which Phil made sure of. Or tried to. If you believe a mentally ill person's delusions then I must ask, how freaking retarded are YOU?

God what disappointing people you all are. Dom Rosati Sr is probably looking down at all of you in disgust right now. A brother and sister who talked crap about Donna and her family for years, seldom came over, were embarrassed of their poor sister - all of a sudden now want to be hailed as saints and rescuers? Gee, just add money and everyone comes-a-runnin'. Come forward with where Donna is. For Christ's sake doesn't the woman deserve birthday cards and gifts from her kids and friends? That's if she makes it to her birthday in your shoddy care. Shameful and tragic is what this is. Why are you people so hateful? Why do you lie and cause problems for other people? And Dominic Napolitano Jr...going into Auntie Donna's house to take things? Leave that crap to your Uncle Dom before you get your hands dirty. There should be a list of items before anyone enters a residence and starts walking out with things. What you did looked to the neighbors like theft. There are other people's property in that house, there are baby books, personal items that other people are entitled to. You should all know better than to act as your Grandpa would term "sub-humans". Have some decency will ya?

Melrose Park, Illinois

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