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  • Report:  #1269626

Complaint Review: Downhill Money Rick Bell

Downhill Money Rick Bell Charlie Bell, Commission Miner, Wealthy Afftilate Downhill Money Rick Bell posts lies about others on his blog in hoping to gain affiliates to his program. Lewisville Internet -Texas

  • Reported By:
    vichutchinson — Macon Georgia USA
  • Submitted:
    Sun, November 22, 2015
  • Updated:
    Fri, April 29, 2016

Downhill Money Rick Bell posts lies about other successful marketers hoping to gain attention to his program Wealthy Affiliate. He contacted me Vic Hutchinson about paying me $5,000 for me to work with him one on one all year.

He told me he had faile miserably at this online marketing stuff and needed help from someone that was already a successful marketer. I was able to quit work under the age of 40 because a friend and I over an 8 year period was creating niche products outside the IM(Internet Marketing) niche and simply had so many products up that the commissions we were making from the sales was enough after 8 years to quit work and go full time at online marketing.

An example of one of our products was headache remedy. There is a way for you to talk to yourself that actually will make the headache go away. This is just one example of the hard work over the years we put into this marketing.

I do give God all the glory and this Rick Bell from Downhill Money did not like. He even made fun of me for being a christian and saying that I was one.

After quitting work in 2006 and taking the year of 2007 to travel, I got bored and then in 2008 I came into the teaching niche of Internet Marketing and decided I would give away my training for free to show others how to build websites the correct way and to get better conversions etc... I did not charge for this training when I first came out in this niche.

I found out quickly that not charging made people not take it all that serious, so then I started charging $21 per month and started a membership all under my name Vic Hutchinson.

Well, he spoke real nice to me and I thought he was someone I would want to work with and I accepted his offer.

Next, I asked him did he want to pay the $5,000 he said he was going to pay me with a check or paypal.

This is when it started turning a little weird.

He said he didn't have the money and asked if I would take monthly payments starting the following month.

Huh? How did he go from telling me he had the $5,000 and was ready for me to train him via a Facebook Post to not having the money.

I then told him that he should just come into my $25 membership and learn a ton through that, but then he asked if I would take a used old motorcycle for trade. He even sent me pics. This was very unusual as I have never bartered before with trade for any of my trainings.

I asked if he was serious? I said if he was then I was going to make him video explaining in detail what he and I would work on all year and that he should go on to do well from all of that personal training.

Next, I said I was excited to work with him Rick Bell and that I could meet him half way as he lived in Texas and I was in Macon Ga. He said okay, that he needed to find a trailer and that he would get back to me. I said great and then he was really excited that I took his offer.

Well, can you guess what happened next? Yes, the excuses started coming again and this time he said his girlfriend was mad at him and that he was crazy for doing this.

I then said RICK, let's drop this. Just come into my $25 training and you will enjoy that.

He said, no you now how women are and that he would be able to cool her off and would get back to me the next day. I again told him to just drop it, that this was not worth all this.

Guess what happened the next day? Yep Rick Bell from Downhill Money Blog out of nowhere now started calling me a fraud and a scam and that I was all along trying to scam him out of his motorcycle..

I said huh? I now knew that I was dealing with a deranged individual and told him to please stay away from me or I would get the law involved. This was very disturbing to me.

He then came back with psychotic emails making fun of me for calling myself a Christian and he even said I was never a soldier in the US Marines. I knew I was dealing with a psycho for sure now and told him to please leave me alone and for him to stop harassing me through these emails.

He next said he had a blog that was really powerful and that he would smear my name all over the internet if I did not allow him to come in for FREE to my trainings and see if he could make some money with my trainings.

I have ALL of this documented from his emails that he sent.

I told him to please get away from me. NOPE! His emails started getting disturbing now saying he wished he could be there to see my face when he put up this site against me.

..and so he did. He did exactly what he said he was going to do and now he ranks for the #1 spot for my name and here is where you can go see the psychotic writings of Rick Bell from Downhill Money and you will also find that I am not the only one that he smears lies about.

I now know that this person was simply a demon that loves to cause hate and pain to others just to get all the people that search for reviews in Google about successful people and programs and he simply tries to rank for those keywords to try and get people to come into his wealthy affiliate program.


I asked him to please take down those lies and that he knew they were lies and that picture of cash that he says is mine and that I make fun of all my clients from the money I make from them.


This guy is a psycho and now here I am trying to defend myself from this demon. Every time I emailed him asking him to take it down, he would say he would remove it if I would train him for free.

I finally said YES  after realizing this guy had some major issues with his way as a human being.

He then took it down and apologized to me and ( yes I have all this in an email ) where he said he made it all up only because I denied to train him.

Well, this is when it got really cooky. I was on Skype with Rick Bell from Downhill Money around 3 times and each time this guy seriously was a wack job. He made no sense in the things he was asking me to train him on and then I asked it he would be okay if I had another one of my clients to help him.

He said sure. Bad mistake. He acted even weirder with 2 of my clients and they both BLOCKED him from their FB and skype. They both said he was a wacko.

I told them sorry and that I would try to tell him to just please go away.

This is when he got even more violent with me and said he would love to come and punch me in the mouth in front of my family.

This is when I DRAWED THE LINE with this guy. I took out a restraining order against Rick Bell from Downhill Money.

I had no idea what this deranged human being is capable of. He put his site back up with the lies against me and now he will not take it down no matter how I pleaded with him that if he was a true Christian as he said he was then he should not make another human being feel the way he has made me feel and my two clients that tried to help him.

I now know that this is what he does. He lies about successful people in order to try and get the search engine traffic from Google where people try and get reviews on them and he tried to get them to join his wealthy affiliate program.

I emailed the owners of Wealthy Affiliate and asked them to please make this person take down the slander about others in order to sell their product that he is doing on his website. They would not return my email or private messages.

I do forgive this guy. I have no idea how or why I got caught up in his very hateful world he has built around himself and I hope that one day God will make him stop the lies and hate he spreads about others.

It really is painful to see someone write things about you that is not true and you not be able to do one thing about it.

The bible says that we are not sue our brothers and I won't, but what if my mom was to search for my name one day and see this filth that he put online. You have no idea the hate you are building around yourself Rick, but I do hope one day that God pricks your heart and brings you to your knees and you ask for forgiveness from him and me and turn your hate filled world into a positive one. You will do so much better online if you do.

No one likes evil hate filled people. I love you and forgive you, but the pain you have caused me does not feel good inside of me. Only you have the power to stop it. I forgive you and hope you get the help you need.

I know you will respond to this and try and come off as some gentle person, but you and I BOTH know that is not true. I have THOUSANDS of successful and satisfied clients who have come through my training and some of it you can Make Money Fast. ( sorry wanted to put a link to one of my sites real quick to give it a backlink for a keyword I am trying to rank

Good luck to you Rick and if you were a true Christian you would take down the hate and evil you are spreading about others and that is the end of all that or anything you will try and say to defend what you have done and continue to do on your hate filled blog about others. If you are a true Christian and love others as we are supposed to, then simply take down the site. Anything else you say means nothing, if you do not take down the lies about others.

Now, BELOW is one of many emails I received from him after i told him I would train him for free. He was trying to extort me.

--------------------------- Rick Bell's email below to me ( one of them. I have tons. ) One minute you think he is a sane human and the next he is a disturbing demon.. God help you Rick.


Yes, Your program softwares really caught my eye and that is why I was so excited to find you online before. I just knew my luck would change once I started learning and using what you use. Thank you for this.

 I want to also thank you for a second chance and
possibly a great friendship going forward in 2015. Thank You. ---Remember though Vic, I'm not a member that is going to flake out on you.--- I worked all of 2014 for $45.00.. ( see this PROOF guys, but on his blogs he says he has retired himself from being a trucker and that he has helped numerous people do well online. He is a scam artist )
8 hours a day and most weekends. I'm willing to do the same here this year starting now.

Now that I have you as my mentor,  online value, and programs to sell...I feel invincible. :)

All I've ever wanted to do here is make a dollar online and be able to help my friends do the same. As far as the review, I just threw a bunch of stuff out there as I had no real proof of anything. I was trying to get passed the pain is all. Sorry. Ive never even been vengeful like this before. Normally I take the quiet way out. As I don't like conflict at all. It makes me crazy!

Funny thing this online stuff. I've beat my head against it for 13 months now, not knowing even how to send an when first starting...and even though I've learned a lot of what doesn't work...I've never found anything that actually did work. At least that was worth doing the work for and being compensated. That is me, fair pay for fair work.

I'm a much better promoter than you might think, even with my lack of success. Even though I haven't had success myself online.

And I do write reviews telling others of good programs and ones to stay away from. But I would only call it a program a scam if I see hundreds of others saying this and I also check it out myself first. Yours was the one exception.That review was my first bad feedback review ever.

-------------------------------------------------- Make Money Fast

This is a story from Vic Hutchinson that I wished I didn't have to write, but this guy really has caused pain in my heart. All I wanted him to do is take it down, but he still today continues to write nasty things about other successful marketers as well. If he knew the pain he causes others, I would hope that he would remove them and just stop and start writing beautiful stories. Thanks for reading. Now, when he sees this he will come back like a lamb, but he truly is a wolf. Where do these people like this come from? What if he was writing lies about YOU and putting them online for the world to see and knew that they were all lies? Would it upset you? It did me. Bully Marketing is an old tactic and it is one that still today that does NOT work. I pray for you. Now, go ahead with your come back. You are a very disturbed person living all alone with your dog hiding behind a monitor with your hate. I hope you get everything in life you deserve. Karma can be a thing of beauty, but it can also be the opposite as you are true proof to that.

2 Updates & Rebuttals


Kansas City,


#3REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, April 29, 2016

Sorry you had to deal with Rick Bell.  He's a biggest fraudster on the internet.   

Stealing the s****.>



I'm sorry mostly for every contacting Vic.

#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, December 12, 2015

No matter how many you try to help and work with online, there will always be one or two that even if you tell the truth, they will find a way to turn things around and try to make others look bad.

Why this happens is self preservation. Vic can only try to explain why my review on him is not justified by writing this report. At this time the review I wrote is not even on the internet.

I found out it is not worth telling the truth in some cases here online expecially when someone goes ballistic! I have nothing bad to say about Vic other than I did not have any luck making his program work. So I wrote a review saying so. It is what I do here online.

I'm not here to make friends, but I am here to tell the honest truth about others who appear to be scamming and then going around trashing others because they got caught.


Sorry for this man Vic, report. I can justify what I do in helping thousands of others with correct information. SAving them money and time and frustration.

You cannot please every one here online. Even if you tried.


Thanks, Vic for your rip off report. You will get what you deserve.


Rick Bell

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