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  • Report:  #1175293

Complaint Review: Dr. Abe Beagles

Dr. Abe Beagles, Mother Lode Mining Inc., Gerry Beagles A Polished Scammer; Lies by Acts of Omssion and Commission; Never Fulfills Promises and or Terms of Legally Signed Agreements; Now in Accra, Ghana, West Africa Internet

  • Reported By:
    Patrick — Silver Peak Nevada
  • Submitted:
    Mon, September 08, 2014
  • Updated:
    Tue, October 25, 2016

The overview of this report is that I worked closely with Dr. Abe Beagles, a.k.a. “Gerry Beagles” for two years, since Sept 2012.  The basis of the relationship was to fund and establish a mining project in Panama under his company, “Mother lode Mining Inc.”   

This report is a heads up to be aware and avoid enormous future headaches and frustration by VERIFYING ALL and anything to do with Dr. Gerry “Abe” Beagles.  Those who trusted him and have never seen a nickel of repayment, have run out of patience and want no more to do with him.  That is the legacy after two years of wasted time, loss of personal credibility and investment by placing trust and in Dr. Abe Beagles.  

In early discussions, Abe presented himself as PhD in Geology and Mine Engineering (his declared background per his biography says PhD Geology and Metallurgy).  After a period of exploring backgrounds and common interests in mining and water technology, and with my experience in mining in the U.S., we agreed to work together on Business, Financial and Project Start-up Plans for a gold mine project in Panama.  A legitimate, highly qualified investor was brought to the table.  When that investor required on-site due diligence to verify the gold content, Abe got upset and walked away…the first red flag.

Since the Panama gold project would also be a substantial resource of sand and gravel, and there is a scarcity of quality sand in the country, it was decided to make contact with CEMEX, the concrete contractor for the Panama Canal Expansion.   Abe said he had CEMEX connections.  Meetings were scheduled in Panama.  The specific agenda was to secure forward agreements for the acquisition of sand and gravel.  The forward funding would provide the money to start the mine.  Since Abe said he did not have funds for a Panama trip nor could he raise it from his connections.  I contacted my family and friends.  Several friends and a family member invested funds with a specific agenda for travel and obtaining contract funding from CEMEX.  Legal Agreements were drawn up with promises, guarantees and dates of performance.  All were signed by Abe as CEO of Mother Lode Mining, Inc.  

At the same time, Abe also invited his “friend” Carlos Slim to Panama.  Prior to this, Abe had related that Carlos was a friend and that he knew him well.  There is no way for me to verify that Abe actually met Carlos Slim in Panama in March 2013.  Even though I was in contact with Abe by phone with Abe during his visit to Panama, I did not actually speak to Carlos Slim.  Abe had maintained that Carlos Slim was the CEMEX CEO.  It looked like a done deal if this was true!  Abe did not realize until it was discovered and disclosed to him on the phone the night before the meeting the next day with CEMEX that Slim was NOT the CEO of CEMEX.  Slim is the CEO of a Mexico-based competitor to CEMEX.  Another red flag…

When Slim arrived in Panama, Abe invited him to the CEMEX meeting!  Abe verbally related to me that Slim questioned his reasoning but Abe was all for it.  At the meeting, according to Abe, the CEMEX CFO floated the idea of CEMEX funding the project. The end of the story is that CEMEX was interested in the sand and gravel under contract and even the potential of funding of the mine.  CEMEX actually tested the sand provided by Abe, not from the actual project river but from another river source.  The sand met the requirements for the Panama Canal but CEMEX never responded with interest for additional discussions.  No reasons were given but it was clear from the two meetings that CEMEX was very apprehensive about any involvement of Carlos Slim.

Abe clouded the picture by suggesting the potential of mining the Panama western rivers to Slim after his arrival.  Carlos Slim, according to Abe, then became interested only in sand from the “western rivers” in Panama for future road building into Columbia. When Slim understood the western river potential, he did not want to fund an “eastern river gold project”.  Looking back 18 months ago, these actions were all red flags.

Abe’s personal background is clouded in obscurity that is difficult to verify.  Abe claims his grandfather was a highly successful US mining magnate of the early 20th century.  From a humble beginning of selling picks and shovels to California miners according to Abe, the grandfather incorporated Mother lode Mining Inc. (MLM) as a “UBO” (Unincorporated Business Organization).  You won’t find much on UBOs with a web search.   According to Abe, the company did very well and apparently went public in 1986 on the AMEX.  The family supposedly backed out of the company management after the IPO, as the story goes.  Records that verify his family involvement in MLM could not be verified.  Abe says he was the MLM Geologist.  After leaving MLM after the public offering, the Grandfather, now 112 (or more) and his father, 92 years of age (or more), are, according to Abe, alive and well and mining in Guatemala.  There is no way to verify this and Abe would only say how difficult it is to communicate with someone in Guatemala.  More red flags…

According to Abe, a team of lawyers now oversees a multi-billion dollar family Trust Fund in Canada established by his Grand-Dad (as he calls him). Abe says he is the third Trustee after the Grand-Father and Father.  When asked why he (Abe) could not fund the Panama project himself, he said that in 1994, when the Grand-dad and Father went to Guatemala to mine, he (Abe) decided not to participate, in effect, taking himself out of obtaining funds from the Trust…even as “third Trustee”!  Abe would say he wanted to “do it himself”.  However, when I first met Abe, he spoke openly about his “rights” to $70M of funds in the Trust.

Abe prides himself on convincing others with promises to get things done for his benefit, but never really being able to perform on verbal or written promises to pay back anything.  He never wants to use his own money for anything.  He said this was how Grand-Dad operated.  Another investor group showed interest in funding the Panama Project but wanted to ensure that the funded entity had sufficient net worth.  Abe revealed a summary of cash position net worth of approximately $8M.  The funds were in U.S. off-shore accounts.  He said this summary did not include the physical assets.  Later, when asked why he did not fund the Panama project himself with these funds, he explained that he had lost all these cash assets.   The reasons given were that a Nigerian Bank went bankrupt and that he had shorted the gold market in 2013 and lost all…if that is to be believed.  More red flags…

In his Bio, Abe stated that he attended the Kamskij Institut in Russia from 1970-1972, receiving PhD degrees in Geology and Metallurgy (not Mining Engineering as verbally claimed).   When an expert was consulted as to the likelihood of his receiving dual PhDs in Russia, the answer was unlikely in that time frame of history (height of the cold war).  The feedback was that it was certainly not feasible to obtain two PhDs in Russia in a three year time frame.  It would take a minimum of 4-5 years of concentrated study.  The Kamskij Institut responded by email that the institution was not founded until the early 1990s.  Abe never provides credentials or affiliations with Professional Associations…a red flag according to the expert.  So many questions for what should be straightforward!  Abe stated in writing that if this rip-off report were published, that there were factions in the government that would “show me the light”…those that are keeping his identity “hidden”.

Abe made this statement because he claims to have received a political appointment by the President as a four-star General to the position as head of Special Forces Operations headquartered in the Pentagon.  He also claims this was done because he was a Geologist, the perfect cover in a military, Pentagon-based, “Special Operations” position. He further bragged that he was the third most powerful position in government…after the President! Looking back over Abe’s background, the common thread is that this it is all very difficult, if not impossible to verify….and he does not want anyone digging as threats will follow!  The perfect cover…  Background checks produce little information….red flag!!  Anyone who has known Abe long enough would seriously doubt that Abe could have ever been in such a position.   It is a strain in belief to accept the idea.  Abe has personally told so many about his “secret” exploits with nary a concern about keeping his supposedly “secret life”… secret!

Abe would often refer with pride to his military and government service.  He said he was appointed by the US President as the head of Special Forces Operations as a Four Star General.  With extensive background in the military and relationships, no one who has heard this story believes it.  Moreover, he claimed to have led the Iran-Contra Operation in the 1980s and that Oliver North worked for him.  When the now-retired person who actually led this operation for the CIA was contacted, he said that he had never heard of Abe or Gerry Beagles.

When once gets to know Abe, it becomes apparent that he does not provide all the information.  He calls this “need to know”.  It is his credo.  You don’t get all the information unless you have a need to know…and you won’t know what it is that you don’t know….until you find out the consequences later.  Call it truth distortion by omission.  He is a Master at this.  Abe’s distortions of truth are of the both the commission and omission varieties and there are many who will attest to this. There are a number of examples of distortion of truth by “commission”. 

Here are a few examples:

  1. Abe claimed an area of a Panama River mouth where the Panama mine operation was to commence was within a legal concession owned by Panama Mining of Golden Cycle (PMGC).  On the maps provided by Abe and the Panama concession owner, the area of the operations was clearly outside the concession. When Abe was asked about the discrepancy, he claimed he had personally verified the coordinates on the ground with GPS and in the Mineral Office and the maps were incorrect.  Later, independent due diligence found this not to be the case as verified at the same Panama Mineral Office.  Positions with UTC and Latitude/Longitude coordinates could easily be established with Google Earth on 2013 images.  There was no discrepancy.  The implication is that legitimate investors reviewing the project would not realize that a crucial point of legality of ownership/control was in question.  How could someone who claims to have been at the Panama Mineral Office and on the ground to know position, have known otherwise? Red Flag

  2. When it was discussed that an NI 43-101 report would be important for obtaining the interest of a legitimate investor for the Panama project, Abe claimed he had made contact with the “Qualified Person”, who authored an NI 430-101 report for this whole Concession area of Panama.  Abe claimed that the Qualified Person (PhD Geologist/respected expert) had agreed to let him amend the report to show dredging test results he had obtained on the sandbar at the Panama river mouth.  Abe made the amendments to the Ni43-101 report and issued the report to investors in the name of his company, Mother Lode Mining Inc.  Abe told me that the Qualified Person had agreed to the amendments/updates.  Months later, in a discussion with the Qualified Person, it was discovered that this geologist had never heard of Dr. Abe Beagles and had never authorized any alteration of the report.  One can draw their own conclusion as to what this means.

  3. Abe said he had agreements in hand to verify Mother Lode Mining control of the Panama Concessions from the Concession Holder, Juan Carlos “JC” Franchesi, President of Panama Mining of Golden Cycle PMGC).  Through due diligence conducted in 2014, it was discovered that JC Franchesi, the “owner” of the Concessions is considered to be the “poster boy” of Panama corruption.  Through his corrupt connections in the Panama Mineral Office, Franchesi allegedly “stole” the PMGC Concessions from a legitimate US citizen/company holder.  Other legitimate sources came along to verify that Franchesi made a business of conning individuals and companies based on false representations of ownership of the concessions and other equipment.  

  4. Before this was discovered, in fall 2013, a US investor represented by an attorney expressed interest in investment in the Panama project.  As part of due diligence, the attorney hired a Panama law firm to verify the concession ownership.  Abe was not happy about this.  This hired attorney wanted to speak directly with Franchesi’s attorney.  Abe had to be convinced to make that connection.  When the attorneys made a connection, information would not be provided by the attorney without Franchesi’s authorization.  Franchesi never gave the authorization.  This had a huge credibility impact on those who made the project introduction to the U.S. attorney/investor.

Then there is the rest of the story.  When serious questions started to arise about PMGC (Franchesi) ownership of the concessions, it was apparent that more due diligence was needed.  With luck, and without Abe’s knowledge, connections were made with trusted people in Panama who had been highly recommended.  When the Panama Mineral Office was contacted in August 2014, after the change in Administration from President Martinelli, an investigation ensued.  The Panama Mineral Office issued signed and certified letters that PMGC had never held mineral concessions in Panama.  Further, the legal position was that PMGC or any entity could not venture, sub-lease or sub-contract on Panama concessions without the approval of the government of all entities involved.

  1. In November 2013, Abe ended up in Ghana, country rife with scammers and con-artists and he fully realized this to be so.  At one point, based on verbal assurances of personal responsibility, funds were provided to Abe to close a gold deal so that he could pay pack his obligations. He said the he had personally verified the gold as authentic.   The funds realized from this transaction would be the first step in compensation for all involved.  There was concern whether Abe would be able to control the situation and protect the funds.  This was discussed with him in detail over the phone. It was the day before Christmas 2013 and late in the afternoon.  The local refinery would close at 5pm local time for the holiday weekend.  The short story of the outcome is that Abe lost the funds to close the deal in a scam.  In a later conversation unknown to Abe, a legitimate Ghana contact was present with him for the deal.  This person strongly advised Abe to not close the deal that day as there was not enough time before the refinery closed.  He would not be able to take physical possession of the gold.   He was advised to wait until the day after Christmas.  Abe ignored the advice and did not take physical control of the gold.  The gold was put into a hotel vault requiring two signatures for release.   The Ghana “seller” holding the gold got “sick” for a number of days after Christmas (2013)… suspicions arose.  When delays continued, Abe went to the hotel to check on the gold in the vault.  It was no longer there.  It turned out that the second shift manager was the brother-in-law of the seller of the gold.  Both were long gone.  These were the “boots on the ground” actions of a self-proclaimed, “professional” gold buyer?  Abe blamed those who provided the funds to close the deal because he felt “pressured”.  To anyone reading this, does this sound like the head of Pentagon Special Operations for the US as a “appointed Four Star General”? 


  2. Abe has also conducted business under a 501-C3 Non-Profit called the Lori Jane Foundation.  This report is also found on this Rip-Off Site: Lori Jane Foundation, Abe Owner, Seller E-Bay Auto Sales E-Bay Auto Sales lets con artists do business... Sacramento California .  The reader can make their own assessment.


  3. On 8 July 2014, the following was published on the MBendi website:      “The CEO of Mother Lode Mining, Inc. Dr. Abe Beagles, on June 10th announced that the company had received a loan from Iteico Investment Group, a large development and investment company for the UAE had signed the final loan agreement giving MLM a $55,000,000.00 loan for a term of 5 years with a convertible clause in it for the interest to be converted to equity in it Panama Rio Concepcion Project. The terms stated that MLM would buy out Panama Mining of Golden Cycle a corporation in Panama for a negotiated price of $25,000,000.00, the corporation owns over 62,000 acres of Concessions in the gold rich eastern seaboard of the country”…   In fact, Panama Mining of Golden Cycle has never had legal possession of any concession in Panama.   This fact can be verified by anyone with a visit to the Panama Mineral Office.                                 

The intention of this report is to provide awareness to anyone contemplating a business relationship with Dr. Abe Beagles.  There are additional examples of distortions of the truth.  Some instances were contrived to assess Abe’s ability to tell the truth.  He failed miserably.

Others whom I have contacted who have had previous business relationships with Abe, no longer want anything to do with him….for much the same reasons. 

All are cautioned to not trust the “aw shucks” …“good Ole Boy from Texas” routine.  Abe is a Master of deception and illusion.  He likes to play the game of “I’m the seventh generation direct descendant of President Abraham Lincoln”.  He may resemble the former President, but he is certainly has shown himself to this group of people involved with him in Panama that he is the OPPOSITE in character to the 16th President.

Abe recently skype chatted that he has no intention of fully repaying my friends and family except what was invested plus an “appropriate interest rate”.   This position is in breach of contracts he has signed with performance dates and guarantees.  After 18 months of promises, these investors, including myself who also provided funds to him, have given Abe many, many opportunities in 18 months of time to perform.  It is always one more verbal promise that has completely changed by the next conversation.

When a table for negotiation was set to attempt to resolve the situation, Abe said he would make the payments and verbally agreed to a detailed plan.  At the end of this statement skype chat was the caveat, “I am going to say this again, THIS IS AFRICA and because of that you can plan your a*s off and still you never know what is going to happen, so I am not giving out any kind of a contract that you guys can hang over my head again, once bitten twice shy…”. After 18 months of numerous, continuing, unfulfilled promises and discovering the truth about Abe and his distortions of the truth, this will go on no longer.  Abe has shown himself to always be less than honest.  He shades and hides the truth.  By his own words to me, he uses others.  He works with others who have been exposed as con-artists, i.e. Juan Carlos Franchesi of Panama.

All of what is stated here is supported by emails, text chat messages, legal documents from Panama and direct personal experience , phone conversations and emails from Abe to friends, a family member and myself, each of who invested in Dr. Abe Beagles, Mother Lode Mining Inc., and the Panama Project and lost money.

3 Updates & Rebuttals

Dr. Abe Beagles

Panama City

To all who read after 2016

#4REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, October 25, 2016

The Individual who wrote the original report on this site, tried to protray me as some Chicago type 1920's crook who takes people's trust and misuses it.  I have been protrayed as a lier, one who writes contracts and then does not fulfill them.  He has impuned my family as existing and he has tried to shed doubt on my life, history, credentials, education and I would wonder if he even would have tried to say that I was a bigamist if he could have talked to any of my wifes.  He even tried to indicate the university in St. Petersburg Russia did not exist until the 1990's.  If any of you are old enough to remembeer the cold war years when the USSR was abolished.  Well the University that I attended was funded by the government of Russia and when it went down the school was closed and never reopened until it was re-formed in the 1990's.  If you have ever talked to me or been on a mine site with me you know damned well that I can tell you more about the ground under my feet that you can obtain from drill holes or any other method.

As far as Mother Lode Mining, the real history is that my Grand Father came from old world Germany in 1917 and moved into Canada, he came to America in 1927 where he established the Mother Lode Mining Supply Company as a propriatorship.  In 1934 a man died who he had backed with equipment and money, the man willed his claim to my grandfather and this was the first property he owned as a miner.  He grew this company into a very successful company until a group bought his mining property and took the new company public.  In 1984 C.G. gave me the company.  For he and my father were concluding mining in the US for opportunites in Central America.  Where he was until he died in 2015.  My father has retired and is no longer mining.  I took the company international and acted as a gold buyer in different countries until I incorporated it in 2012 in Nevada under the old name of Mother Lode Mining, Inc.  I did this so that I could take the company into IPO offerings here in the US for mining concessions that I had access to in Panama, and Ghana.  I did not elect any officers in those years for I wanted to place future investors as Board of Directors.  After efforts to raise money in the US for Panama Properties I decided that there was no money left in America for mining investments because of the environmentalists and the government regulations that inhibit the opening of a new mining project.

There is so much that he said I was that in my original rebuttal I tried to give all of you the OTHER HALF OF THE STORY.  For many of you that wasn't good enough for you have come to me and rejected me as a partner, a board member of some of your mining companies, and in general as a miner who knows how to mine and get the gold out of the ground.  But for those of you who choose to believe all that has been written about me, whether correct or not, then go ahead and reject me and my knowledge and my experience for you cannot take that away from me and I have succeeded for I now am going back into Panama and I am getting the contracts from the government to open up those 7 rivers that are aggregate bound on the west coast and we will sell our aggregate to the new Concrete plant that is being build in  David'.  I have formed a new mining company in Ghana that will reclaim mined over ground in that country.  So if you don't think you need what I bring to the table in business knowledge, new technology, experience in the field and what over 50 years in the mining industry gives a person then go ahead and invest with someone who doesn't have these attributes and see what you get.  Don't hire me to do the 43-101 that you need and pay more for it than I will charge you.  So to wrap this up in one sentence, I know who I am and I know what I have done and I know everyone of the 37 countries that I have been in and now that my Grand Dad is dead see how much money I will pull out of my legacy to do the business of the future, and you should know that I really don't need you now if you choose to believe all this one person has written about me, A Country Boy will Survive.


Silver Peak,

Final Rebuttal to Dr. Abe Beagles

#4Author of original report

Tue, September 23, 2014


The rebuttal claims that, Mother Lode Mining, Inc. is the “Oldest Mining Company in California still working today, bringing jobs back to the US by Green Mining Technologies.”

I have not seen any verifiable records, anywhere, verifying any of these claims:

(1)   that, the Mother Lode Mining, Inc. is the oldest, still producing, minerals or metals, mining company in California;

(2)   that, the Mother Lode Mining Inc. is creating jobs for actual productive mining activities;

(3)   that, the Mother Lode Mining Inc. utilizes green mining technologies in actual productive mining activities. Nor, can I find any.  Nor, were any provided to me.  

There is a Mother Lode Mining Company, in California, but it did not become so until July 1, 1984.  There is no phone number listed for this company at this address including online white and yellow pages.  Google maps does not show a building with this address in Grass Valley, CA.




Entity Number:




Date Filed:












Entity Address:


11471 SUTTON WAY, STE 207


Entity City, State, Zip:




Agent for Service of Process:




Agent Address:


11471 SUTTON WAY, STE 207


Agent City, State, Zip:





There are other mining companies which make similar claims.  The major difference being that these other mining companies are transparent, whereas, the Mother Lode Mining, Inc. has little to no transparency.

Mother Lode Mining, Inc. is a Nevada Company and listed on the Nevada Secretary of State website.  The license is revoked.  No active officers are listed for the company.   

The registered agent is Gerry Beagles, a.k.a. Dr. Abe Beagles.  The list of officers has not been filed since 9/30/2012.   No Officers are listed for the company from the original filing.  So much for the claims by Dr. Abe Beagles that Mother Lode Mining Inc. has been creating jobs for active, productive mining operations. 

Like everything else about Dr. Abe Beagles, it is all an illusion.  



The rebuttal claims that I submitted my rip-off report to attain the chairmanship of the board of directors of the Mother Lode Mining, Inc.  Dr. Gerry “Abe” Beagles is the only shareholder and controls the company (with a revoked license).  No one else aside from Dr. Abe “Gerry” Beagles that I am aware of owns any stock in the company.  I am not a member of the board of directors of the Mother Lode Mining, Inc. and never will be.   

So much also for the rebuttal claim that I want to take over the company Mother Lode Mining Inc. 

Like everything else about Dr. Abe Beagles, it is all an illusion.  



The rebuttal claims that Dr. Beagles has “60 years of work in the mining industry, the water recycling industry and the desalination of water technologies”; 50 years bringing new technologies to the mining industry; Hydro Geologist since 1972; Metallurgist since 1975; Mining Engineer since 1978:

If Dr. Abe Beagles is as well-known as he claims to be over so many decades as claimed and has accomplished so much, why is there not one single, verifiable, independent record or comment about him on the internet? What a Google search on Dr. Abe Beagles will reveal are links to files written by Dr. Abe Beagles about Dr. Abe Beagles. 



The rebuttal claims that Mr. Beagles admits that, “I did possibly overestimate my ability to find the truth about the concessions” regarding my verifiable evidence that the concessions in Panama that Mr. Beagles claims to have been under his control, were never under his control.

Everyone, who is actually engaged in the mining business, knows that verifiable evidence of ownership is the most important factor regarding soliciting prospective investment in a mining concession or a mining claim, anywhere.  Such an admission is proof positive of utter and complete incompetence in the mining business. 

No one, who is actually engaged in the mining industry, would ever associate with a person of this level of incompetence, what to speak of invest with that person.  It is a bell that cannot be un-rung.



The rebuttal claims that Dr. Beagles is willing to “’wring’ a working relationship out” with me but, only if, he “tried hard enough”.

No one, who is actually engaged in the mining business, would continue to work with a person of such utter and complete incompetence as Dr. Abe Beagles.

To avert this rip-off report, Dr. Beagles was offered ample opportunity to return what he had fraudulently taken from friends, family and me but, instead, he elected not to resolve his legal obligations and commitments.  Obviously, Dr. Beagles neither “tried hard enough” nor has any intention, whatsoever, of making amends.   It is one thing to make a mistake and yet another to fail to make amends for it.  The rebuttal claims that Dr. Beagles admits to having made many mistakes but also claims that he is unwilling to make amends for them.

No one, who is actually engaged in the mining business, would continue to work with a person who fails to make expeditious and complete amends for their admitted mistakes.



The rebuttal continues to perpetrate proven lies: “. . . these concessions did have gold in them, including Environmental Impact Studies done on 5 of the concessions.”

Whether the Panama concessions contain gold or that an Environmental Impact Study was done as claimed by Dr. Beagles is irrelevant and fraudulent.  Dr. Beagles is still clueless that the supposed owner of the mining concessions, Juan Carlos Franchesi of Panama, has never had legal control of any Panama mineral concessions.  Franchesi is a known con man.  Certified documents disproving that Franchesi’s company, Panama Mining of Golden Cycle, either now or in the past, has had legal control of any Panama concessions are available.  A visit to the Panama Mineral Directorate in Panama City, Panama by anyone, including Dr. Abe Beagles, would prove this.  It is all pure fiction.

All the documents that Dr. Beagles provided to investors and to me from Franchesi, to prove concession ownership by Panama Mining of Golden Cycle, are fraudulent.  Any agreement between Juan Carlos Franchesi of Panama Mining of Golden Circle and Dr. Beagles of Mother Lode Mining to mine the Panama concessions are therefore based on a fraud.  The documents to prove this were provided by the Director of Minerals in Panama.

This rebuttal dialogue could continue on many other points of Dr. Abe Beagles rebuttal “counter-claims”.   However, I will no longer engage in reciprocal rebuttals on  Before this Rip-Off Report on Dr. Abe Beagles was published, I interviewed a family member, friends who invested funds, as well as others who Dr. Beagles had introduced to me.  All agreed to the content detail of this Rip-Off Report and its publication.  None wanted any more to do with him.

The decision for all was to walk away or warn others.   Dr. Abe Beagles says he has no money to compensate anyone.  He has been given more than ample opportunity to perform over a period of many months.  The victims agreed to drastically reduced terms of compensation.  There has been no restitution nor any commitment to restitution.  This is why the Rip-Off Report alternative was chosen.

Dr. Abe


Mother Lode Mining, Inc. Rebuttal to Ripoff Report

#4REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, September 14, 2014

Mother Lode Mining, Inc

Oldest Mining Company in California still working today, bringing jobs back to the US by Green Mining Technologies

Office:  5440 Fruitvale Rd, Newcastle, Ca. 95658  Phone:  916-240-0752




This is Dr. Abe Beagles and I am the CEO & President of Mother Lode Mining, Inc.  The report that I have just read was contrived between a group of investors in MLM to try and get me to step down from the Chairman of the Board and give the man who wrote this report the position.  The alleged wrongs that I have done to this group of people are fictitious and have been presented in such a way as to discredit my some 60 years of work in the mining industry, the water recycling industry and the desalination of water technologies that I possess,  and to try and keep me from doing the work that I have been doing for over 50 years now and that is one of bringing new technologies to the mining industry all over the world where I choose to apply my trade of Hydro Geologist since 1972, Metallurgist since 1975  and Mining Engineer since 1978 with my family training in Metallurgy and Refining which took place in Germany.  Because of the nature of these claims as presented I am forced to respond to each so that the reader knows my side and position on each of the alleged wrong doings and can get a clear picture as to why I am the personality and type of businessman that I am and the real reason why I have Credo’s as my management techniques, as they are called by Kevin.  In my estimation of the fact that the supposed owner of the concessions in Panama were legal and that he did own them, then I did possibly overestimate my ability to find the truth about the concessions and that was the one in trying to do a legitimate deal in business with a man that I knew had cheated 4 other companies out of millions of dollars.  But in my own defense on this issue I felt that with proper care and protecting my backside I could ”wring” a working relationship out of this man if I tried hard enough.

By this error, I assumed lies to be fact on the front end of my dealings with JC.  This plus the fact that he had every conceivable document that one would need to prove up the fact that these concessions did have gold in them, including Environmental Impact Studies done on 5 of the concessions.   It was only in the later stages of my negotiations with him and the due diligence that one investors attorney did turn up on one of the concessions that led me to go back to Panama and get deeper into the records of the Minerals Commission that I found there was a GPS error on the end points of one of the Concessions that had been recorded by a clerk in that office improperly and it gave a skew to the findings of anyone who was trying to verify the exact corners of this one concession, so by my going back to the actual Rio Concepcion River and taking new GPS readings was I able to determine where the corners should have been located and were not.  So by filing a request for correction with the Minerals Commission in the name of Mother Lode Mining, Inc. was I able to apply for a corrected location of that one concession.  Now let’s get to the opening statement in Kevin Crooks alleged claims against me and my company.


Kevin goes into one of my many trips to Panama over the past 4 years, and on numerous trips I was in negotiations with cement companies, construction companies and the like to offer up the aggregate that would be coming out of the mine.  One was Cemex out of Mexico City and it was my thought that the name of Carlos’s cement company was Cemex, but I was wrong.  It only took one phone call to set my memory correct and realize that Carlos was not the CEO of Cemex, but a competitor to Cemex.  Kevin calls this a red flag and if he had been here I doubt that he would have even known whom to call or to get in touch with to verify that Carlos Slim was a competitor to Cemex and not the principal of the company.


Kevin also states that my background is shrouded in obscurity and hard to verify.  Now how far back do you want to go into my history to find I was born into a mining and ranching family and that for the past 22 years I have been involved in research to extract nano particles from aqueous solutions?  In other words I have been trying to remove gold and other noble metals from water that they are dissolved in.  My research has produced two methods to do this.  One is called Electro-coagulation and the other is a system to desalinated water and remove 100% of the contaminants in it and this one is called the Plasma Incubator Reactor System with the Bubble Gen Linear Generator.  By the way if you want to verify this you can find my white paper on this at

In those years I was awarded numerous awards from EPA as such the Businessman of the Year Award which was for my work in the worst superfund site in America in 1983 and that was called Tar Creek which was a SuperFund Site by EPA standards and my EC technology cleaned those waters and the award was a Presidential nomination by G.W. Bush.  I have been awarded the Ronald Regan Gold Medal Award in California for solving the two worst Super Fund Sites in that state.  I have received the Congressional Order of Merit for my participation in the Gulf Oil Spill and also the cleaning of drinking water in Tahiti when the hurricane hit that island.  Ever since 2002 I was a member of the President National Business Council  until 2008, I was awarded the Presidential Commission Award for my work in the oil fields and the cleaning and recycling of what is called “Frac Water” the water which comes up from a natural gas well when the well is completed.    Again this technology is housed on the same web site at the one above so that you can read about it and what its capabilities are. So would you say that my background is clouded?  Here I would like to state that this report in this medium is the only negative press or alleged wrong doing that has ever been put out to the public on myself or any of my companies over the past 50 years.

Next Kevin attacks my family wealth by trying to shed doubt that I have a grandfather or a dad that is mining.  In the 20’s and 30’s when the old money of this country was being made they didn’t have all of the cute little tricks that are available today through corporate attorney’s but what he did have were the same tools that he was taught to use by the Rockefeller, the Kennedy, the Chase and the famous Rothschild family attorney’s.  These were called UBO’s and they do protect against probate and law suits and people trying to get in your hip pocket with faulty claims about you or your work or your holdings, for these entities cannot be sued.  These tools of the wealth function with a First Trustee and then a Second Trustee and a Third Trustee so that when one of the trustee’s dies he is automatically succeeded by the next trustee without a will being necessary or any new document being created by a family member to determine who the rightful next in line managing person is  and this is true of the children of the trustee’s.  Does this give you the picture why a young man from Germany might want to adopt these same sets of tools to protect what he would make in the decades to come.  I think if they were available to us today we would also use them, at least I still do and that is all I am going to say about family wealth, except Obama is trying to break every wealthy family down to the level of some working class blue collar worker who doesn’t have enough education to qualify for a job other than a salaried employee of some company.  And that is not a slam on the working man but a slam on the Obama Health Care program that is liable to wipe out any savings of any owner of a company in America unless he is stopped.

Kevin states that I get others to do what I need done for my benefit.  Yes I do, because I lead by being out there in the front line of management in the war, if you want to call corporate America that, and leading by my example, which is to do it and teach others how to do it and then let them do it for me once they know what they are doing.  Is that not a pretty good way to manage a large group of employees and companies?  This is the format that our military is sit up by where there are NCO’s who do a lot of the grunt work, then there are the officers who have the training skill and knowledge of how a task is supposed to be done and they tell the lower officers, who are really their protégé’s, and the lower ranked officers get the work done by the NCO’s.  This is a style of management that has lasted for as long as there has been a leadership structure.  Should Kevin accuse me of using a style of management that I was involved with for many years and say that I am wrong for managing by example?

Kevin also goes forward and says that I don’t like to use my own money or that of the family.  That is not true, for in the past 50 years I have put on the ground 8 financially successful mining projects that have made money for the family and all of the investors.  The way I worked in Panama was to first go in and buy gold from the indigenous miners along the rivers of that area.  I used my money to go into the area and investigate if there was gold there, once I determined that there was gold in the area to be purchased, I proceeded to purchase raw gold from the natives and it was the profits from this action that was used to acquire agreements with the government, the corporation that was supposed to own the concessions, there were originally 6 of them, later that was reduced to 5, and I invested over $1.7 million into the project over a two year period prior to Kevin Crook and his investors getting involved.  This was my personal money and this was the seed money that was needed to prove up the project, so one can see his statement is not true.  Then like any mining company would do I put together offerings that were presented to potential investors in different arenas so that we could cover as many potential investors as possible.  We have looked for funds for this project for over a year and a half and that was at the end of August 2013. 

Let me now finish with this thing on the Panama Project and say that we have received a firm commitment in writing from a well know Investment Company in the UAE and the amount is for $55,000,000.   I am currently doing my own due diligence on this firm to confirm that they have blocked the funds for me and that it is sitting in the bank in my name as they say it is.  I also am putting in place the guarantees that is required by this lender and that is taking a lot of money and time to find the right guarantee form and acquire it, before they will release the funds to me.

Mr. Crook has insinuated that my degrees are in fault and that I did not attend a college in Russia, he also insinuates that I am not a geologist because some expert said it was unlikely that I could have gotten dual PhD degrees in 3 years and he is right, BUT THE FACTS ARE WRONG.  First let me set the record straight by saying that I did not get both of my degrees in Russia, only one came from there.  The second came from the education that I received while training in Mexico City with the family that first perfected the refining technology now used to refine Silver to Bullion.  It was here that my first two years of Mining Engineering occurred.  Then later on in Europe where I was trained in the fine art of refining gold that two more years of Mining Engineering took place.  Then when I was in Russia in the great nickel & Platinum mine in Siberia learning to extract all 11 Platinum Group Metals that I finished up the Mining Engineering studies and then later when back in Europe was I given that Masters Degree.  In the latter part of 1969 is when I worked in Russia under a great master refiner who is no longer with us.  It was there that I was taught how to refine 11 Platinum metals and not just 6 like the rest of the world of Metallurgy thinks exist.  The Russians know how to refine the 5 metals that were originally called Isotopes into a hard metal.  During my studies there I was able to translate their procedures manual for this process into English and I probably have the only version of that manual to ever leave Russia for it was a very protected technology and it is because of my grandfathers connections in the old USSR that I was able to be trained there.  It was also during this same time that the cold war was raging and I had access to top Russian government officials who were in control of the mine where I was studying.  This gave me much information as to the movements of men and equipment through Siberia and other parts of Russia for I would often go with shipments of noble metals to the banks scattered throughout Russia where the stockpiles of their riches were stored. 

In regards to my military service I have a DD 214 that clearly states what I was, what my rank was and what my AFSC was and so it is a classified document that the government does not allow anyone without a ‘NEED TO KNOW” have access to it.  So now you know the rest of the story on why I use a NEED TO KNOW BASIS when dealing with confidential information of a sensitive nature such as the research into the “Desalination of Frac Waters”  where patent secrets are kept, and when it comes to keeping secrets,  YES I AM PROFICIENT AT IT FOR IT IS THAT ABILITY THAT KEEPS THE CHINEESE FROM LEARNING WHAT METALS ARE IN THE ELECTRODES OF THE PLASMA INCUBATOR REACTOR.  If that were known then they would steal this technology and reproduce it and sell it back to us at a much higher price than it can be produced here in America,  and yes I do get other individuals to do my bidding for me, because here is another of my CREDO’S, ALWAYS SURROUND YOURSELF WITH INDIVIDUALS THAT ARE SMARTER THAN YOU ARE.  And in the case of COLD FUSION RESEARCH and Plasma Technology Development that is very important for NO ONE MAN KNOWS IT ALL  and I certainly not a know it all as anyone who has ever worked with me can tell you that is why I work with men like Pecca Siackisan and Erika Havilla both from Finland who assisted me greatly in the development of the Electro-coagulation technology & other great scientists from Russia, Germany & Switzerland who have helped me to understand such things as GAMMA RADIATION,  which is generated when you desalinate water with salt in it by using a Plasma Arc.

Kevin has tried to skew the facts about the school where I earned my PhD, by saying that the Kamskij Institute of today was started and formed in 1990, which it was.  What he didn’t say, as with so much of what he has written about me is, that the old Institute existed and was a government owned and ran facility that was operated under the University of St. Petersburg which was one of the oldest Universities in Russia.  When the USSR was disbanded this university which was owned by the government was also closed and being a very old structure that needed much revamping to be usable later it was demolished.  The records of course are in storage where all of the USSR stuff is and lord knows where that is but it certainly is not Internet accessible.  This accounts for the fact that if you check the records of the current Institute you will not find my name there, and as for the years of study done to get my PhD it was stretched over an 8 year period and over three different continents.  Kevin states that I do not belong to any Professional Associations and that is a very true statement, but he calls it a red flag.  Now consider this until you stop and think that I only worked for the family business and was not for hire outside of that business, so why should I be a member of organizations that I or the family business does not need. 

If anyone on this earth doubts that I am one of the top notch geologists left in the world then I challenge him or them to take me on a site where there is a mine or a prospect and test my knowledge of the earth and its minerals and see if I do not tell you more about your mine than any other geologist has told you and I will do it with a walk through of your property as long as it is in a mining area of the world.  Of course I won’t be able to tell you how much gold you have per ton or per cubic yard without testing or I can’t give you figures as to the reserves that is on your site without core drill samples and assay’s, but I will tell you where your mineralized zones are and if they exist as outcrops and if you are in alluvial mining I can tell you the potential of there being gold in your gravels with enough investigation upstream of your site.  Those of you whom I have contracted and or worked with on your mining properties knows this is true and you can tell the world what I say is correct if you will just place your comment at the end of this report.  NOW THERE IS ONE THING I CAN DO FOR YOU, no matter where in the world your site it that you take me to, I will be able to analyze your existing equipment as to its production capabilities and its cost and I will be able to tell you how efficient your recovery system is because if there is one thing that no one can dispute and that is I am an expert in the field of mining site and equipment design to get all of the gold out of a ton or cubic yard of your head ore.  In fact I can show you how you can justify the cost of some of the most recent breakthroughs in mining recovery and pulverization and one of those system will cost you just $347,710. But what it will do is recover up to 98% of all the gold you have down to 300 mesh and that was proven in a study done on this equipment by the McKay School of Mines at the University of Nevada Reno back in the 1990’s when the technology was first patented.  This is the things that this rip off report doesn’t tell you about me and what I know and how I manage information and money to benefit not only me but the people around me.

Mr. Crook has more or less slandered my tenure in the military by his acquisitions of poor judgment on my part long after my military career has ended.  Mr. Crook eluded that I BRAGGED ABOUT MY SECRET LIFE AS A MILITYARY MAN, as he stated he has been involved in my companies business for about 2 years.  During that time we have spent less than 24 hours together IN PERSON and for him to say that I often bragged about my military is quite the untruth for I have only mentioned this to him as a matter of utmost confidence, discretion and privilege, and now here it is splashed all over the Internet for anyone who ever hunted me to see that I am now exposed to the world as a businessman rather than protected as a soldier.  For this you are shamed beyond your wildest imagination and military men all over the world who may read this will agree that the past of a soldier in a critical and official post should never be divulged and especially one of the rank that I held.

In one of Kevin’s statements he accuses me of altering an official document without permission from the person who wrote the piece.  When we needed an update on this particular document the writer and author of the document was out of town and I think maybe even out of the country, as my source told me, but since the contacting person was not myself but one of the men on another corporation who was working with me at the time, knew the author personally he said that he could contact him and get the permission to update the few things that were needed to bring the document up to date.  Upon learning of the Author’s absence my associate asked for the head of the legal dept. for the company who had written the report and inquired if it would be alright to update the necessary information since it only amounted to dates and names and the attorney saw no wrong doing in stating that those should not cause any distortion of the relevant facts in the report and that he would let the Author know as soon as he returned.  And Kevin was right in stating that I (PERSONALLY DID NOT CONTACT THE AUTHOR OF THE REPORT. )  However permission was granted so where am I the guilty party except in the eyes of the unknowing public.

In conclusion I am going to hit the basis of this ALLEGED RIPOFF SQUARE BETWEEN THE EYES.  It is intended to discredit me and any effort that I may have in the future to do business with anyone who is a legitimate lender, investor or a joint venture potential partner.  It has been stated but not proven that I have broken contracts with investors and lenders who are close associates to Mr. Crook.  I am going to print a couple of clauses directly from the contract signed with one lender, please read and understand how the repayment is to take place. 

As can be seen in the first paragraph we required the Mr.Nash to loan us $7,500.  The paragraph 1.1 clearly states that we will repay or fund the company an amount of money.   Then paragraph 1.2 again clearly states that AS SOON AS THAT AMOUNT OF GOLD HAS BEEN RECOVERED FROM THE OPERATION IN PANAMA AND SOLD THEN THE FUNDS WILL BE TRANSFERRED.

This contract has no guarantee of return of the loaned monies or does it state any guarantee of a loan if the Panama Project does not happen.  This is a production based contract exclusively based on gold being sold in Panama and if no gold is ever produced or sold in Panama then there is no loan and no contract breach.  Mr Nash will receive stock for his loan and that is not required in this contract but out of the goodness of my heart I will do this for him.

Now lets look at another contract and this time it is in the form of a promissory note signed by myself and it is on the letter head of Mother Lode Mining, Inc.


Promissory Note


FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the undersigned hereby jointly and severally promise to pay to the order of Magnum Investment Group, LLC the sum of $7,000.00 (Twenty One Thousand Dollars) Dollars together with interest thereon at the rate of 300% Principal Amount of the Loan.

Said sum shall be paid in the manner following:  A lump sum payment from the proceeds of any investment received by Mother Lode Mining, Inc. in the amount of $21,000.00

All payments shall be first applied to interest and the balance to principal. This note may be prepaid at any time, in whole or part without penalty.


Now this is really interesting because before I am required to pay any monies on this promissory note there is one very important thing that must happen, read the red print.  It says in essence that there is NO PAYMENT DUE UNTIL AN INVESTMENT IS RECEIVED BY MLM.  Since the company has never received any investment from any investor or lender how am I guilty of breaking this contract.


These are two examples of Kevin Crook’s broken agreements and contracts that is referred to in this RIPOFF REPORT.  After reading the facts and seeing the actual documents who is the one who is really getting RIPPED OFF IN THIS RIPOFF REPORT.

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