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  • Report:  #480744

Complaint Review: Dr. Gary Wilcox

Dr. Gary Wilcox The University of Texas at Austin. Advertising Department. Discrimination, bigotry, group fascism, and noneducational experiences. Anonymous, New York

  • Reported By:
    Anonymous care — Anonymous New York USA
  • Submitted:
    Sun, August 16, 2009
  • Updated:
    Mon, May 12, 2014

This report is meant for educational and informative purposes only.  It is also meant to describe the opinions and judgments on my experiences with Dr. Wilcox and the Advertising Department at University of Texas at Austin (which he represents as past Chairman of the board, current adviser, and professor). This is also in exercise of my first amendment rights of freedom of speech.  You may report any further complaints against the department of advertising at UT at Austin to  

My experience occurred over a year ago.  The experience was non-educational and very disturbing to say the least. As a minority and a student I do believe I was discriminated against (given unfair, unethical, and abusive treatment).  The first problem is that Dr. Wilcox accepted me into his advertising program when my math test scores were deficient and not acceptable for his program.  I am bewildered by his unethical decision.  I believe Dr. Wilcox just wanted to play harmful and damaging political games (typical of bigots in power) and wanted to show that he really does care about diversity by accepting a minority into the program which I believe to be a complete facade (bigotry hidden behind politically correct behaviors, or a wolf in sheep's clothing).  I was lead to believe that my poor math scores would not be a problem, considering I applied for advertising, not for an accounting program. When I first met with the coordinator and scantily clothed peer adviser that work closely with Dr. Wilcox they were very unhelpful (snarky and scowling) and they tried to persuade me to not get a degree there and that a degree there did not matter (that is more evidence of discrimination).  They also wanted to know how stressed out I was about my move to the city of Austin, considering I moved there from a distant city. They arrogantly cross examined me (the coordinator shouted at me "Why are you even here?") and treated me like a third class citizen by telling me I didn't have to be there and constantly questioned me to see if I was stressed out about the move.  During my first semester they blocked my phone calls and refused to reply to my emails.  In the hall if the peer adviser passed by she would scowl at me or look at  me in utter disgust.  One of the first mandatory classes I had to take upon my arrival was with The Chair of the department (Borderline personality disordered "Dictator") whom taught "advertising management" but the class was really about upper level finance and accounting, and how finance and accounting technique apply to advertising.  That is trickery, deception, bait and switch advertising, and discrimination.  The peer adviser, coordinator, and the syllabus previously informed me that the class would only have some basic math.   

The second problem occurred before I attended the program.  A doctorate level student in the advertising program sent me an email stating that The Chair runs the department like a dictatorship and is unpopular, he also mentioned that the program needed improvements. I kept that email as evidence to prove the bizarre and detrimental politics that were rampant in the program at the time that I was there.

The third problem is that the so-called academic program is run with a statist-Machiavellian type management system (this management style seems prevalent at The University of Texas at Austin), group think, statism, and spying through the behavior concerns hotline and through informants are rampant.  You can generate bad rumors about anyone if they showed up late to class through that hotline or through university informants. Spying and reporting any activity was encouraged and embraced when Stalin was dictator of The Soviet Union.  I believe the university also use sell out token minorities (for window dressings/facade/show) and use other student workers as informants and for the purpose of mobbing. (Westhues 2005).  They also use token minorities to show that the university is truly sensitive to diversity but it is only a destructive facade that perpetuates problems and oppression.  I am shocked that this university has adopted that system.  They are truly disgusting and low class.

The organization, advisers, The Chair, the professors, peer adviser, coordinator, token minorities, and sell-out students (wimps and sheep) try to destroy any independent thought, individualism, and actively encourage group think.  One of their methods to accomplish their Stalinism type goals is through "mobbing" (Davenport, Schwartz, and Elliott, 1999.)  The goals of mobbing are to "force someone to adapt to a group norm, revel in animosity, gain pleasure out of boredom, and to reinforce prejudices." (Davenport, Schwartz, and Elliott, 1999, 58-59).  Mobbing behaviors can include "No help, promises are made and not kept, no eye contact is made with you, contact is minimized or avoided with you, you are ignored, gestures that signal humiliation, talking behind your back, communication via email that should be discussed face-to-face, having your work checked by someone unqualified to do so, policies changed or not followed, mixed messages, you are made to look inconsistent, you are set up, those supportive of you are discredited, an environment of paranoia is created, giving you tasks that you have not been adequately prepared to assume, and attacks on your private life"(Davenport, Schwartz, and Elliott, 1999, 46-47).  Mobbing can be argued as a form of discrimination, harassment, retaliation, workplace/academic hostility, and conspiracy against rights (2007 Federal Law).  Im shocked that the university doesnt have a policy against mobbing.  I doubt they would enforce it, even if there was a policy.  They seem to use every trick in the book to further their statist type goals.  The root of this problem starts with Dr. Powers (The President), Dr. Lilly (The Dean of Students), and other deans that are involved with furthering fascist collectivism and mobbing.  Team-work and community is great but statism and Stalinism influenced management and group culture are very counter-productive, especially in the field of academics where you should be able to hold fair discussions and not learn in continuous fear.      

The fourth problem are the snide professors that said brusquely that "if you don't like the way they do things then you can just leave" and "if you wanted to attend a program with a good reputation you would have attended the accounting program at the McCombs School of Business."

The fifth problem is that I saw on an intermittent basis the incompetence, rudeness (snarky and flippant behaviors), group think, lies, brainwashing, and hostility that the advertising program actively encouraged and facilitated when I was there. They also covered up and protected their reputation once problems were reported; also they provide overly pleasant lip service (Dr. Wilcoxs website and his Newsweek article prove that he is a good fundraiser for the program, , goes above and beyond in recruiting minorities, and in helping a certain female student).  If some of this is true then it points more to favoritism, preferential treatment, and superficiality.  When I informed Dr. Wilcox about my perceptions of discrimination and how it was a problem for me, he was then supposed to follow company policy which is to report it to officials so that I may receive due process (as an individual in the protected minority group) and appropriate customer service in resolving my complaint. That never happened.  The advertising program provides cheerful group photos on their website to make it seem as if they are personable and do excellent academic work.  At the end of the day you either feel that you are to blame or that the problems never happen there in their program. This is mostly due to students and staff, at the University of Texas at Austin who defend and protect their ruthless, bigoted, and inactive superiors.  Looking back on the destructive situation, Id like all of my tuition money back; however, I believe that will never happen.

 If you want to learn about the bag of Machiavellian, and statist tricks (Stalinism) that The Advertising Department at University of Texas at Austin utilized when I was there then read all of these books: Mobbing: Emotional Abuse in the workplace (1999), In Sheep's Clothing: Understanding and dealing with manipulative people (1996), Malignant Self Love: Narcissism Revisited (2001), Brainwashing: The science of thought control (2006), People of the Lie (1998) Living with the passive aggressive man (1993), The Gaslight Effect (2007), and Political Ponerology (2007). Don't forget to read up on Stalin and learn how he used trickery to convince his people that he was a fair, honest, and loving dictator.  Also read up on the very good philosophy of Ayn Rand (1905-1982).  


"The ideological root of statism (or collectivism) is the tribal premise of primordial savages who, unable to conceive of individual rights, believed that the tribe is a supreme, omnipotent ruler, that it owns the lives of its members and may sacrifice them whenever it pleases to whatever it deems to be its own good. - Ayn Rand

The Roots of War,
Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal, 36.

"The degree of statism in a countrys political system, is the degree to which it breaks up the country into rival gangs and sets men against one another. When individual rights are abrogated, there is no way to determine who is entitled to what; there is no way to determine the justice of anyones claims, desires, or interests. The criterion, therefore, reverts to the tribal concept of: ones wishes are limited only by the power of ones gang." -  Ayn Rand

The Roots of War,
Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal, 36.

"The basic principle and the ultimate results of all statist doctrines are the same: dictatorship and destruction. The rest is only a matter of time." - Ayn Rand

 Americas Persecuted Minority: Big Business,
Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal, 47.


Ayn Rand Institute (ARI)

Davenport, Noa, Schwartz, Ruth, and

Elliott, Gail. Mobbing: Emotional Abuse in the American Workplace. 1999.

Westhues, Kenneth. Workplace Mobbing in Academe: Reports from Twenty Universities. 2005.


2 Updates & Rebuttals

UT ad grad

Highlands Ranch,

Dr. Wilcox is not the monster you portray

#3General Comment

Sun, May 11, 2014

I am an alumni of the UT Austin Advertising program, and had Gary Wilcox as a professor back in the late 1980s and early 1990s.  My experience with him was completely different.  I am also a minority.  I am BLOWN AWAY by this mean-spirited and hateful review of his teaching and the Advertising department.  

Dr. Wilcox and others in the Communications department were an asset to my education at UT Austin.  Advisors and professors were always approachable by students.  Dr. Wilcox took a real interest in us, and was quick to share his diverse experience and knowledge of advertising with ALL of his students.  I remember sitting in his office on several occasions just talking about career choices and the advertising industry in general.  There were no games...if you went to class, participated in projects and discussions, you would succeed in his classes.  And I'm sorry, but math really played no significant part in my advertising degree program past the basics, with the exception of one class. I'm also not a math whiz.  Statistics was a challenge for for me, but extra time spent with teaching assistants and the instructor, and letting them know of my difficulty with it meant that I was able to pass the class.  But that's no different than ANY class in a college environment.  Your writing indicates that you're a true believe in personal responsibility...and in this situation you have a responsibility to do the work and find help if needed.  If you ARE having difficulty, it's not THEIR responsibility to spoon feed you and coddle you.  It's not high school, sweetie. 

You might check out this chart on the differences:

I am concerned when I see that this reviewer is quoting Ayn Rand, Stalin, and others to make some pretty outlandish accusations.  But then again, if you think Ayn Rand is a good person to quote, and your hero, then that tells me a LOT about the kind of person you are and why you feel like you're a victim and that the world has "wronged" you. 

And seriously, if you have problems with math, don't you think that's YOUR problem and not something to use as an excuse to attack someone who tried to overlook your poor performance and make an exception to let you into a program that you were interested in?  I have taken the Advertising Management class that you describe, and my experience was completely different.  There were basic little accounting principles in there, but if you had stepped back from stewing in your seat, you might have learned something.  That type of survey class is also designed to give you a broad overview of the advertising industry...and I bet you learned that perhaps a management position was not for you.  You should be thanking them.  

I am appalled that the person who chose to write this mean-spirited review on RIPOFF REPORT literally ATTACKED Dr. Wilcox...apparently having given way too much thought to how they were "wronged."  Really, isn't Pick-a-Prof a better outlet for venting your anger at a professor??  But if you feel that it's necessary to try to destroy someone's reputation because they made an exception for you to give you a chance, then I guess that's prerogative.  

I only wish that you were required to post with your REAL NAME because you would be shunned from the advertising industry for your inability to see past your own perceived victimization.  If you're whining already about mistreatment, I can tell you that you chose the wrong major.  Advertising is competitive, and if you feel the best solution is to cry "discrimination," you're not going to fit in well.  You've spent way too much time ruminating about this...I wish you the best of luck, but I doubt that you will find happiness anywhere if you can't focus on what's really important.  

As someone who chose not to go into advertising after completing the program, I've used the MANY skills that I gained from the program to be successful in other areas.  I went on to earn another undergraduate degree and an MBA in Services Management, which deals with customer service and customer loyalty.  I'm guessing that you were not really pleasant to deal with for the department.  Sounds like you're just not a good fit for Austin or UT Austin.  And being a grown up means being able to realize something's not a good fit, thanking others for the opportunity, and walking away in a respectful and dignifed way.  Apparently something that you're incapable of doing.  

Anonymous care

New York,

Cause Stalking (community based harassment/gang stalking)


Wed, September 02, 2009

According to licensed private investigator and author David Lawson, "Cause stalking is  performed by extremist and anti-government groups (groups that do not honor the bill of rights). Targets include activists, the enemies of politicians and the corporations they work for, whistle blowers, Public Officials, and Doctors who perform abortions. They also select targets of opportunity. These are not enemies of the group, but are selected, based on their vulnerability. Stalking groups can be as large as hundreds of people. Targets are subjected to harassment campaigns, break-ins, staged incidents, vandalism, etc. Their M.O. is 1.Identify, 2 Villify, 3 Nullify 4 Destroy."

A clinical psychologist by the name of Cathy Meadows is another leading expert in gang stalking (cause stalking).  You may collect important information at her myspace website:  You may also listen to truth brigade radio and research cause stalking and gang stalking on and on  Gang stalking can be considered a conspiracy against rights which is a 2007 federal law which makes it a federal offense and a felony for two or more people to conspire against an individual's enjoyment of his or her rights and privileges.  Cause stalking and group harassment can range in intensity from mild to severe.   

If you do the research you will find that cause stalking is also called gang stalking and stalking by proxy.  The cause could be for religious, political, or white supremacy reasons.  The fact is that people who engage in cause stalking believe that they are part of some form of very special group, watch dog group, or cult following that is permitted to police the citizens, they believe that cause stalking is to benefit society by exiling a bad person, they may also try to get the person arrested for a crime or at worst harass the person to the point of committing a violent crime against self or others.  That is why it is very important to report cause stalking to consumer websites, the media, a district attorney, ACLU, authorities that specialize in stalking, and it is most important for the targeted individual to stay mentally strong, aware, remain law abiding, drug free, and gather as much group stalking/conspiracy against rights/cult and legal information as possible in order to maintain a productive lifestyle.  Protecting oneself is another very important aspect.  You must document group harassment and stalking with your cell phone camera and report descriptions of it in your journal.  Be sure to use dates, times, names, places, and phone numbers.  If the situation is too mild for a district attorney to help you, then please make detailed reports about cause stalkers to consumer or advocate websites so that others are forewarned or so that the harassment stops.  The best advice is to understand that these gang stalkers overestimate their power and glory. They believe they can harass you into committing crimes and into committing suicide.  Do not fall into the trap.  Do not engage in illegal or unstable behaviors ever.  Their goal is to make you believe that all is hopeless and doomed for you.  Do not believe in that lie.  Continue to educate yourself. Continue to work. Continue to read self help.  Continue being a productive citizen.  Continue to care for yourself like you would do for a loved one. If you need inspiration read the biography of Ayn Rand and her philosophy of objectivism.

A leader, usually somebody powerful and with money (pastor, professor, dean, president of a college, supervisor, group counselor, police supervisor, leader of any group, rich bigot, etc.) selects a target individual in which the leader's group (usually some form of academic, religious, political, radical, or extremist group) is influenced to engage in harassment campaigns against the target individual to damage his or her career and life.  The reasons behind cause stalking are obviously deluded, illogical, and extremely unethical but those doing the cause stalking believe they have a legitimate cause (to rid society of a toxic individual).  It takes people without critical thinking skills and empathy capabilities to engage in cause stalking (gang stalking).  So in other words a leader(s) exploits people who have no empathy capabilities or critical thinking skills and they use those impressionable people to stalk and harass an individual that they deem as inferior, unworthy, and bad.  Targeted individuals can be civil rights activists, minorities, out spoken/opinionated individuals, or anybody that the leader and the group do not agree with.  Lies are told about the targeted individual so that the group becomes more convinced to pursue harassment and stalking.  It can also be done by sadistic psychologists that are experimenting on human behavior.  The goal of the leader and the group is to demonize and ruin the targeted individual's character first, and then harass the person out of town or into doing something illegal so that he or she goes to prison or commits suicide.  Some of the tactics used by the gang stalkers are similar to those of cults.  Please review the website, the author of the website corrects myths about cults appearing weird.  

How does group thought reform or control occur?

"1. Keep the person unaware that there is an agenda to control or change the person. 2.Control time and physical environment (contacts, information) 3. Create a sense of powerlessness, fear, and dependency. 4. Suppress old behavior and attitudes. 5. Instill new behavior and attitudes 6. Put forth a closed system of logic." (Singer, 64, 1995)

"Now when you engage in cooperative activity with peers in an environment that you do not realize is artificially constructed, you do not perceive your interactions to be coerced." (Singer, 76, 1995) 

"The misconception that all cults are religious has left many unaware not only of the variety of cult contents but also of the plethora of cults, large and small, that has spread throughout our society." (Singer, 13, 1995)

Be sure to understand that if you are accused of schizophrenia (inherited disorder) or being crazy that you understand that schizophrenics are often apathetic and lack emotion and are most likely to complain about voices and demands from God or spiritual visions NOT gang stalking, harassment, conspiracy against rights, or discrimination. Complaining about discrimination, group harassment, or conspiracy against rights especially if you are a minority, a gay, or different in some way is not a sign of mental illness.  There is past documentation and research from sociologists and psychologists on mobbing, gaslighting, martha mitchell effect, and gang stalking. Those authors include Dr. Robin Stern, Kenneth Westhues, Noa Davenport, Cathy Meadows, and David Lawson.  As long as you keep a detailed diary, remain healthy at all times, and continue to do secondary research on your findings then you should be taken seriously.

"Psychotherapy cults tend to arise when legitimate individual or group psychotherapy becomes corrupted.  Two colleagues and I studied twenty two psychotherapy cults. The leaders of these groups ranged from college faculty members to a paroled felon." (Singer, 172-173, 1995)

Dr. Margaret Thaler Singer is a clinical psychologist and professor who has researched cults and trauma.


Lawson, David. Cause Stalking. 2007.

Singer, Margaret. Cults in our midst: The hidden menace in our everyday lives. 1995.

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