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  • Report:  #817675

Complaint Review: Dr. Raven

Dr. Raven Conjureman Ali Fraud/fake/ destructively insulting/ e-mail harassment/ con artist fake spiritual worker/hoodoo, conjure Internet

  • Reported By:
    anonymous — london Nationwide United Kingdom
  • Submitted:
    Wed, January 04, 2012
  • Updated:
    Fri, January 16, 2015

I paid $45 for a so called 'reading' from this guy. The 'reading' I got was so vague and lacking in any substance, it was basically just nonsense. I e-mailed back saying just that and asking for my money back since I felt it was breach of contract. He had entered into a contract to provide 'insight' but had not. In fact what he provided was opinion. I explained that tarot readings could be got for free on the internet and references to the Bible I could get for free from any church, so why should he get $45 for that.

He obviously does not have much to do since he responded each day with a long e-mail with insults using the information I had provided for the reading to insult me!

When I said I would be contacting paypal he replied: "paypal side with the vendor and always have." So he and his cronies have that well worked out.

The reading he gave read something like this: you have the evil eye on you from an ex-boyfriends' ex-girlfriend." That is really specific isn't it? insightful? worth $45? I don't think so! Could that possibly be informative to anyone? these are the  words of a self professed expert charging $45 for less than 10 minutes work.
Here are a two of his comments following my complaint:

( I found these interesting especially because one involved third parties, in an equally vague manner)

"your accusation of fraud is extremely rude (his stealing of my money isn't?! it is just criminal!) are now banned from seeking assistance (as if I would considering I was pretty annoyed at wasting my money once! ) from myself and those who count me as a colleague or friends" ( I wonder if they all know about this?)
" you simply are not someone suited to be helped by spiritual matters" ( I guess he thinks he is God here)

He is a member of something called AIRR whatever that involves. My guess is it is just something to make people believe this type of con-man is reputable but in fact serves no purpose whatsoever. Whatever it is if it permits people to be so insulting and intentionally destructive it can't represent much. I suspect that all the members of AIRR are who he is referring to as his friends and colleagues.

So there you are readers: if they belong to AIRR this is quality you can expect!

He claimed that conjure and hoodoo were Christian practices!
The e-mails of vitriol all came just after Christmas and on New Years day, what goodwill! from someone who practices a 'christian' practice of hoodoo /conjure.

This is my first internet solicited reading and my last. I guess I was naive enough to waste my money on his paypal account but savvy enough to know he was a fraud!

Of course his sistersite lucky mojo has all sorts of positive feedback about him but not one even slightly negative 'testimonial'. So where are they? no-one is perfect everyone gets complaints. My guess is the testimonials are done by his 'friends' who are evidently prepared to slate someone/anyone if he says so. Are these people adults?any of them?

If just one person avoids this con-artist or any of his sister-sites, like the luckymojo shop, I will have got my money back (metaphorically or dare I say it spiritually speaking!) and prevented someone else from losing theirs.

Fortunately for me it was just entertainment but for many people it isn't they actually believe the nonsense of it all. For someone like that I think the comments and insults he made could be extremely destructive. It is a shame he has the freedom to do this sort of thing.

Anyone interested in this occult/hoodoo/tarot reading stuff should bear in mind they advocate nasty remedies that only a fool would follow, including soil from graveyards often advocating it is taken from a soldiers grave! God forbid! That is the respect they have for people that have died for their freedom.

Don't waste your time or money on this nonsense. Not even for entertainment. And in that vein I have a spell for ali( the self professed conjure artist):

For this spell you will require a pitchfork, a bottle of water and a crucifix:

1. Dig a nice deep hole with the pitchfork
2. Leave the pitchfork on the ground (you won't be needing it where you are going, you'll be given another at your destination) leave the crucifix too, you won't be needing that either it's too late.
3. Climb inside the hole, with the bottle of water. Pull the dirt in over you (graveyard dirt is best! but don't forget to ask before you take it)
4. Stop breathing, this way you will purge the evil from yourself.
5. When you arrive in Hades you can use the water to bribe people there to do what you want!
Good luck. Here ends the spell instructions.

10 Updates & Rebuttals

Someone who knows

New York,
New York,

Don't be surprised

#11Consumer Comment

Thu, January 15, 2015

Don't be suprised if all the sudden tons of people disagree with what you said. This person along with his business partners Wolf and Goat our professional con artist. This is what they do for a living. They will start up fake accounts come on here and say wonderful things about him because they either our him or there people who benefit from his fraud. Soon your complaint will be one of 40 reviews yours being the only one thats negative. Of course thats cause they made all the others up themselves. They do this so that they can continue to rip people off and get away with it. There criminals. This is what they do. Wish theyd find real jobs. And im sorry for what you went though



I disagree

#11Consumer Comment

Sun, April 27, 2014

Conjureman Ali gave me a spot on reading- I asked for work to be done on my behalf and he within a few days agreed to help. He was very polite and timely. I am still working with him and could not be more appreciative of the help I am receiving. He is truly a great man.  



Conjureman Ali Did Work Wonders For Me.

#11Consumer Comment

Thu, February 06, 2014

   A while back, I had a horrible suoervisor that was constantly trying to make me look bad and bring me down who continuosly gossiped about me. I first wnet to Dr. E. who passed away recently for a root work consultation. I was not able to make my appointment with Dr. E. and then emailed Dr. E. to in form him of the cancelation. I then payed to have a reading with Conjureman Ali. The next day, Dr. E. had emailed me saying that I'd be able to reschedule with him. I went ahead and rescheduled with him. I ended up having two consultations and readings for the same situation and neither Dr. E. nor Conjureman Ali knew that the other was doing a rootwork consultation or reading about the same situation.

   The day came when I had the reading done by Dr. E. Then a couple of days later, I got the email reading from Conjureman Ali. Both readings said the same thing; that the sitaution may seem to be getting better, but that it would then get worse. It sure did get worse. Both Dr. E. and Conjureman Ali did work. Dr. E. did boss fix and shut up work for $150 and Conjureman ali did boss fix, gossip stop, protection, and reversal work for 30 days for $500. As far as I'm concerned, the prices for the work are pretty d**n good prices compared to a lot of people out there that charge a crap ton of money for one work that is only worked onece!!! On top off that, neither one of them pressured me into paying them to do the work either and that they both told me what I could do to take care of the situation. Dr. E. quoted me a d**n good price for the work he said he would do because I was asking him to do work on my behalf to take care of the situation. Conjureman Ali just gave me advice in the email as to how I could take care of the situation and did not quote me a price for the work until I asked him what he was willing to do on my behalf in another email I sent to him.

   The end result was, the situation got completely better and my supervisor could not have been any nicer to me. she was giving me way way more time off, always telling me I could go home early, always telling me that I could take longer lunch breaks, and was constantly offering to buy me stuff from the store when she went  during work.

   Some people may say that it was Dr. E.'s work that worked and that Conjureman Ali's didn't, but they need to remeber that neither one of them knew that the other was doing a rootwork consultation, reading, and rootwork for the same situation. They also need to remember that Dr. E. and Conjureman Ali both said the same thing in the readings they did for me to look into the situations, too.

bill j


Own Opinion

#11Consumer Comment

Sun, May 19, 2013

 I have paid for Dr. Raven to do a reading for me. It took him a while to reply. I have sent several emails and finally got my reading. I realized he was busy after he was off for a few days to which is clearly stated on his blog. I can understand why took him long enough to reply back. His reading was absolutely right on. I understand some of you might not get what you are looking for but this is what the best he can do and is just fair that he got paid for his job. He never pressured or suggested for me to to proceed with his work and asked for more money like any other hoodoo practioner.


United States of America

OP is dead on

#11Consumer Comment

Wed, January 16, 2013

I am sorry but I am going to have to agree with the Original Poster here. I too have been taken in by this man and right around the same time that the OP was.

I asked him to perform some work that was out of my experience, being a practitioner of Hoodoo myself. All I got from him once I asked for an update is isnults, telling me that I was the reason that he does not want to help people anymore, telling me that he sent me emails, even though the one with the "proof" of the work was the only email that seemed to get "lost". He accused me of delaying in the submission of personal concerns even though I mailed them less than 48 hours after he finally gave me mailing instructions.

When I finally got in touch with him for an update, he started telling me all of these things that he NEVER stated in any of his original emails. Timing, delays, blah, blah, blah.

I have worked with other members of the AIRR and have had wonderful success with them. Unfortunately, Conjureman is nothing more than a con man.

To the Original Poster, you can file a complaint with the Lucky Mojo website for a refund on your money. They will assign a mediator and work through the issue.

To those who will come back with all the "fool and his money" comments, save it. Closed minded views will be ignored as they should be.


Washington DC,
United States of America

Do your research

#11Consumer Comment

Tue, May 08, 2012

This person clearly didn't do his research before ordering a reading.  Dr. Raven is well educated in the Hoodoo conjure tradition,  and often gives spiritual advice from that tradition along with a reading.   That's very generous considering the rate I've seen for spiritual instruction runs about $150/hour.  You get a detailed reading, and advice (if needed) for $45 bucks.

I suggest you visit his 'cronies' site luckymojo(.com) and read about Hoodoo Conjure and Tradition before slandering someone.  The owner of Lucky Mojo has THOUSANDS of pages worth of research and information up for free, for anyone to read, as well as a forum when she as well as, Dr. Raven gives out free advice just about every day.

Pretty darn generous for con artists, wouldn't you agree?

When you go to a medical doctor and he/she recommends over-the-counter medication and rest, do you demand your money back?  No. 
You are paying for well educated advice - which is what he gave you.   The fact that you didn't understand it, or didn't like it - doesn't mean he didn't give you the service you paid for.

If you had bothered to take a few moments to research the methods and spiritual philosophy of the reader you chose, you wouldn't have had a bad experience.  No one wants to deal with a person who is both caustic and willfully ignorant.

I am in no way affiliated with Dr. Raven or Luckymojo.  I'm not a professional spiritual advisor.  I only speak from my  many years of good service from Luckymojo, and my personal experience having a reading performed by Dr. Raven.


San Antonio,
United States of America

Are you sure you're talking about Conjureman Ali?

#11Consumer Comment

Fri, March 16, 2012

I read this post and it's the opposite of how I feel by the services I've received--you're way off! Conjureman Ali gave me a spot-on reading, and has been nothing but helpful and patient towards me.  He's also a very respectful guy, so I'm sure if you had been civil and polite when emailing him, there would be no bad response. You need to understand that you received your service, and if you didn't get what you wanted--tough.  That's not how this industry works. I got a reading from another practitioner that wasn't accurate by any means, and did I flame her or act rudely towards her? No. She worked hard on my reading. Mature, respectful people do not do what you're doing. You paid for a service and received it. It's done. If you didn't like it, send the person a review, but don't demand to get your money back. You can't get a refund because you don't like what you hear.  That's like wanting your money back after you ate the whole pizza. Life simply doesn't work that way.  



Yeah right!

#11Consumer Comment

Wed, January 11, 2012

I'm glad you and your wife and you are back together but I am absolutely positive that 'conjureman" lol - had nothing to do with it.

You are a sucker but the worst thing you did is subject friends to this fraud.


United States of America

couldn't disagree more

#11Consumer Comment

Wed, January 11, 2012

I couldn't disagree more. This person is just disgruntled. I've worked with ConjureMan Ali and he's been nothing but amazin for me.

I met him through AIRR when my wife left me and his reading pin-pointed everything to a "t" and he even mentioned things that no one else could know. I really didn't believe in this stuff until I met him.

I hired him to do work for me and I can say that my wife and i are happily back together for the past 5 months.

I guess not everyone's going to be happy but the previous report sounds like a crazy person to me talking about pitchforks and crucifixes.

I'd recommend Conjureman ali to all my friends and have.


North Carolina,
United States of America

A fool and their money

#11Consumer Comment

Wed, January 04, 2012

Ever hear that ole maxim about how soon they are parted?

And the song goes on and on.

Hey Mambo, Mambo Italiano, Hey Mambo...

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