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  • Report:  #195354

Complaint Review: Dr Steven Bo DDS

Dr Steven Bo, DDS ripoff "abnormal dental function" and "dental complications" due to his work. Sunnyvale California

  • Reported By:
    sunnyvale California
  • Submitted:
    Thu, June 08, 2006
  • Updated:
    Mon, April 29, 2013
  • Dr Steven Bo, DDS
    1565 Hollenbeck #122
    Sunnyvale, California
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Dr Bo told me I needed to put crowns on my two lower right molars because they were worn down. He drilled the two teeth down even lower and placed crowns on them. Even though I told him I thought they were too low he would just pooh-pooh me and refused to replace them. Eventually I developed headaches and told him so. He said I should see my medical doctor.

Finally I had so much pain in my mouth I had to go to a Pain Mgmt Clinic at UOP in SF. This dentist told me the crowns were too low and had caused the problem. He wrote a nice two page report stating there was "abnormal dental function" and "dental complications". Dr Bo just ignored this report and continued to deny he had done anything wrong. Dr Bo himself sent me to an endodontist and told me I needed a root canal. This endodontist put this in his report - replace crowns? Need adjustment?

Dr Bo simply would not listen to anyone including specialist who told him that that was the problem. He simply refused to take care of the substandard work he had done. He asked me to find a new dentist. I have been a patient of Dr Bo's for 20 years. I raised my only daughter under his care. I am a low-income person and simply cannot afford the thousands of dollars it will cost to repair my teeth. Prior to this dental work I had only had my teeth cleaned. Dr Bo would always say to his hygenist "ask her how old she is" because I had only three fillings in my mouth and a perfect bite.

Now thanks to Dr Bo's incompetence I will have to have an implant in the front tooth and maybe crowns on all front teeth costing thousands. When I went to the Lab to find the receipt for the crown I learned that Dr Bo had installed 72 crowns that month. The average busy dentist only does 30 - 40 so you can see Dr Bo overtreats and that is why he refused to replace two crowns he had made too low. Thereby ruining my bite and damaging all my front teeth. Dr Bo is incompetent, negligent and a man on extremely poor character.

I would not send my worst enemy to him. Frankly I think he should lose his dental license. I will report him to the dental board in Sacramento. If anyone wants to know if he overtreated you by placing a crown on a tooth that didn't need it to get money call me. I have a list of names of all the people he placed crowns on the month he placed my crown. It was given to me by the Lab. I can only stay away from this evil and incompetent man.

sunnyvale, California

8 Updates & Rebuttals


Santa Cruz,

Dr. Bo, a kind and generous man, an amazing dentist!

#9Consumer Comment

Sun, April 28, 2013

To all it may concern,

I have been a patient of Dr. Bo DDS for over 15 years. As have my parents and a very large portion of Sunnyvale Public Safety Department (Fire and Police Department). Dr. Bo has never rushed me through any appiontment, procedure, or exam. He has done quite the opposite, he has always taken his time and explained all of my options in every situation. Dr. Bo has come into the office on a holiday to fix an emergent chipped tooth, he has done a beautiful job keeping my teeth beautiful and healthy.

As for Dr. Bo doing unnessassary procedures to make more money, that's just ridiculous. About 3 years ago, I became physically disabled, and have only Social Security and Medicare to care for myself. Dr. Bo has done several procedures at no cost, and several more at an extreme discount. Those are not the actions of a money hungry, low life, dishonest dentist. They are the actions of a dentist who SINCERELY cares for his patients and puts their well being before his paycheck.

As a professional in Emergency Medicine for over 12 years, I have been in contact with thousands of healthcare providers, including hundreds of dentists both as my patients, and colleagues. Dr. Bo has always treated me and every other patient I've observed in his office, with respect, kindness, and professionalism. And may I add, a gentle sense of humor to help his "nervous" patients relax and get comfortable.

Dr. Bo has been such an amazing dentist, I have recommended several friends and co-workers to him. All of those recommendations came back to me with, "thank you so much", "dr. Bo was incredible and so nice!", and now the 3rd generation is going to Dr. Bo, my parents, me and my 4 brothers and sisters, our spouses, and now our growing children!

It's very difficult to believe an entire Police/Fire Department would continue to get their dental care from a dishonest, money hungry, incapable dentist. Everyone in every Proffession, makes mistakes from time to time. But it's how you handle making up for those mistakes that separates the good from the GREAT!!! Dr. Bo has, in my and thousands of others opinions, worked diligently to be in the GREAT category.


Santa Clara,

My different experience

#9Consumer Comment

Wed, May 21, 2008

I am saddened by this story. Obviously a terrible experience and I feel sure that expressing it here was not something taken lightly. My family and I have also been patients of Dr. Bo for over 20 years and I just want to provide another view.

Regarding the unfortunate experience expressed here, I can say little other than I don't recognize the dentist I know as Dr. Bo at all in these comments. I have had a completely different and always positive experience.

I almost never recommend anyone but I have over the years made a rare exception in the case of Dr. Bo and have recommended him to a number of friends and work colleagues and have often been thanked by these friends and colleagues for the excellent referral.

I would like to directly address the comments regarding the assertion that Dr. Bo "overtreats" recommending work that is not needed. My own experience is completely the opposite. I have many very large fillings from childhood and have been told by other dental professionals that they should all be replaced as soon as I could afford it. The counsel from Dr. Bo has always been to not touch them until they become a problem. Over time, I have so far received three crowns, always in the case of a problem developing.
In each case the crown was well fit and I have never had any trouble with any of them.

One other comment I would like to make is that in over 20 years I have never, ever had to wait past my scheduled appt. time. I realize that this may involve some measure of luck, but that experience over such a long time period, mostly shows a well run office and the realization that they are in a service business. It shows they value my time and I value that.

So, my experience has been very different and I just wanted to state that.



Steven Bo, DDS -Deadbeat dentist

#9Author of original report

Tue, August 07, 2007

I haven't written anything about my favorite dentist lately so I had better put a few more things on this site so no one will make the mistake I did and let an incompetent lying piece of filth work in your mouth. I can't really decide whether to call him a piece of filth or a piece of human garbage. But he is either one of the two or both.

Just suffice it to say if lying would kill a person he would be dead. He is a liar but a poor one as almost anyone of any intelligence would know he is lying.

Just a couple of days ago when I was thinking about my dental situation it just occured to me that the only problem I have ever had ever had in my mouth or with my teeth has been caused by a dentist.

Now folks that is not saying much for the dental profession. But of course Dr Bo was the worse. And, really he is the only one I spent twenty years as a patient and the only one who lied about what he had done.

The first dentist simply told me he cracked the tooth and couldn't save it and extracted it. I was 19 and I really didn't know much about anything so what could I do. I only learned later when I went to a new dentist that I lost the tooth because of incompetence. Another dentist told me that!

Anyway, when it came time for dentists to tell the truth about DR Bo they did. They told me it was exactly what caused my problem but when I asked them to testify they said "we can't testify against another dentist or we will lose our malpractice insurance". My poor general dentist at the time told me that. She blurted out "I can't tell the truth" and then "I can't testify against another dentist or I will lose my malpractice insurance" There is a word for that and it's called "collusion".

Now this poor woman didn't know it was illegal. She even said "I will have my insurance carrier call you". Now folks you know her insurance carrier is not going to call me. They probably set her straight and said "hey, sweetie, you don't tell that to a patient because that is illegal". This poor woman did not know it was a "secret agreement that she had with her insurance co to defraud a person of her rights".

Doesn't anyone ever read the papers anymore. Or listen to CNN. Did they not hear that Scooter Libby got 30 mo's for lying under oath and was fined $250,000 for obstruction of justice? If a person refuses to tell the truth don't you think that is "OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE". If a dentist fails to record in your dental record what she learned upon examining you is that not a lie and obstruction of justice pr destroying evidence? Is this not illegal. NO I AM NOT AN ATTORNEY BUT I CAN READ. I DO WATCH TV AND I READ THE PAPER AND OTHER PERIODICALS INCLUDING A LAW JOURNAL.

My little general dentist was upset because I told her the local dentists were all liars. She as offended. Think of how offended I was when she lied. I mean really. Who's the liar here? I am going to give her full coverage on another website. I think I am going to make a Blog and it is going to be called "Dental Fraud in California". I am planning to name names and tell everything I know about these liars. They lie because they are literally co-owners of the insurance company that the claim is against. Folks that is called "conflict of interest". If a person co-owns something that has a claim against it would you tell the truth"? Absolutely everything about this case was illegal.

I have a friend who is a dentist. Here is what he told me "they will never listen to a layperson and the dentist are not going to tell the truth so you are just going to spend thousands of dollars to repair what this incompetent man did to you. He said "you can't believe the lies they will tell. It will make you sick and you will wonder where these weird creatures come from. But he said "it will be your friendly dentist who has been overtreating for years and they will continue to overtreat until someone drags them into a back alley and bludgeons them to death. He said "they know no shame". They are predators. And, the lawyers who represent them are hardened criminals. You just need to steer clear of these vile and inhumane people who call themselves dentists.



Dr Jesperson retreated the tooth for free

#9Author of original report

Wed, May 02, 2007

This is an update on DR Bruce Jesperson. Dr Jesperson is the endodontist that I used to perform the root canals on three teeth that Dr Steven Bo, DDS damaged when I was under his care.

First Dr Jesperson did the root canal on tooth #18. Six months later he gave me a clean bill of health. Said the tooth had healed up fine. So I asked 'then why does the tooth still hurt?". So Dr Jesperson said "maybe it's just a sensitive tooth" and then he asked me to find another dentist.

I went out the very next day to a new dentist. I told this dentist I had just gotten a clean bill of health and yet the tooth still hurt. So he x-rayed the tooth and showed me where one side of the tooth was not cleaned out properly. He said the tooth needed to be retreated.

So here I am thinking I will probably have to have the tooth extracted and have an implant and the new dentist says it needs to be retreated. He said the cost would be between $500 - $600. Folks I had just paid DR Jesperson $1103 and my insurance paid $172.

So I wrote Dr Jesperson a note asking if he wanted to pay the dentist directly or if he wanted to send me a check for $600 for the retreatment of the tooth. In the meantime I called Blue Shield to ask about something else and just thought I would mention that about Dr Jesperson.

Blue Shield said "you were only supposed to pay $43". Wow. I didn't know I had overpaid. They just simply tell me what I owe and I write a check and that's it. I have to say Blue Shield is absolutely excellent. They had me hold on while they called Dr Jesperson's office. Not only was Dr Jesperson willing to retreat the tooth for free (he should have done it right the first time) but they also gave me $300 back as they had indeed overcharged me.

So I think Dr Jesperson was fair at least in that event. However I complained and he examined my front teeth 6 - 11 numerous times and said there was nothing wrong with them. the new dentist told me tooth #8 and #9 are both badly damaged and need root canals. The new dentist says #8 is worse. He says it is badly traumatized.

Now why DR Jesperson did not see that I don't know. The new dentist says maybe he doesn't have the proper equipment. I suspect it has more to do with Collusion than improper equipment. But I don't have to live with DR Jesperson's conscience. And, he did retreat the tooth. So at least that is better than incompetent Dr Bo who did a lot worse damage.

A little additional note here. In January I received a letter from Dr Bo's attorneys, They said if I didn't cease and desist from putting anything on this website Dr Bo would sue me. Yikes. He further stated that if Dr Bo lost any business as a result of this posting he would sue me. I believe we are talking about My First Amendment right - the freedom on Speech. Can a person keep you from talking about what happened to you to warn others?

I don't think so. I read an article in the Wall Street Journal that said "as long as you tell the truth and it's your opinion" the attorneys don't have a leg to stand on. Yesterday I read a website called The two dentists that were named on that website sued the woman. The ACLU got involved and they dropped the lawsuit.

Folks you simply cannot stop someone for going on-line and telling the truth. What I have said here is the truth - in my opinion - and in the opinion of a lot of dentists. I was just quoting from the Report of Dr Peter Chase when I said "abnormal dental function and dental complications". Those are not my words. They are Dr Chase's words. He is the dentist/specialist not me. I can only relate what happened and they can examine me and confirm it. End of story.




More substandard dental work

#9Author of original report

Sat, November 25, 2006

Folks here is an update to my on-going dental problems. Please recall that before Good ole Dr Bo installed two crowns too low I had only had my teeth cleaned. Because of his bad dental work I ended up needing three root canals. That is to date. I am told I will need more.

Yes , root canals in perfectly healthy teeth that were damaged because they were hitting together too hard because Dr Bo created what he called a "bad bite". I said "but Dr Bo you created this hard bite by making the crown too low". Dr Bo said "nah".

After taking his deposition and learning that he spent 1 to 2 minutes after teeth cleaning I could understand why he never wanted to check the bite or do anything else. He has not allowed any time for those kinds of things. He had to dash to the next operatory to install another crown. Yes, I was only one of the seventy -two that he installed that month. Dr Bo could not take the time to rectify something he had done incorrectly. No, he didn't have time. He would just make the next crown a little higher and that should take care of that. Dr Bo said on the witness stand that it was a "nuisance" to change a crown that had been installed improperly.

Well, Dr Bo it is not only a nuisance to go to dentist all the time with problem after problem and thousands of dollars in damage that you caused. Do you understand that you incompetent piece of filth?

So one of the people I saw for a root canal was a Dr Bruce Jesperson in Cupertino. My dental insurance referred me there. I personally liked Dr Jesperson but he didn't like me for some reason. I think he didn't like me because I can't just go into a dentist's office and assume that they are going to do the right thing. That went out the window after my 20 years with Dr Bo , the incompetent!!

No more will I trust a dentist. They are basically a business and they have to make money else they have to close their doors. So sometimes they create problems so they can fix it and get a fee. Now I am not saying that is what Dr Jesperson did. I believe he is an honest dentist. The only problem I have with Dr Jesperson is this. When I told him I had a "closed bite" he starts talking about an "open bite".

I gave him the report from UOP where it stated that I had a 60% closed bite with a class 2 Div 2 bite. Now you have to ask yourself this question. How does a woman with a class A1 occlusion get a class 2 Div 2 closed bite? She gets it from an incompetent dentist like Dr Bo. There is no other way. He simply drilled down the teeth and put crowns on them. So I told Dr Jesperson that I had to have a root canal because the tooth was hitting to hard from a bad bite.

So sweet little ole Dr Jesperson being the knowledgeable dentist - endodontist that he is says "that tooth was probably injured when you got the crown". Now folks Dr Jesperson does not know my dental history. He does not know whether the tooth was just taken down to place a crown on it or not. He is offering his opinion about something he knows absolutely nothing about. That is the problem with good ole Dr Jesperson.

One my last visit which was last week Nov 21, 2006 I believe. Anyway, it was to check up on a root canal that he had done in May. AFter 6 mo's they check the tooth to see that it healed o.k. Well, Dr Jesperson checked the tooth and said it was fine. Then he said "I want you to find another endodontist". So I said "is this patient dumping?" He said "no, it's your personality".

So I go to a new general dentist to discuss some work that I will need to correct Dr Bo's damage and I told this dentist that I had had a root canal in tooth #18 and had just gone the prior day to have it checked and Dr Jesperson said it was o.k. I told Dr Jesperson said "well, it must just be a sensitive tooth because everything is o.k. Folks I thought maybe I would have to have an implant because maybe the tooth ws just too sensitive and painful as Dr Jesperson had suggested.

Guess what the new dentist told me. He said "you will have to have that tooth re-treated because it was not done correctly." So there you have it. I think Dr Jesperson does not want a person who knows what they are talking about. Believe me I know nothing about root canals but I do know when the tooth still hurts. The other two root canals he did are o.k. This one is not. The new dentist says it needs to be "retreated" and I just finished with my 6 mo's check up and was given a clean bill of health.

So my question is this - if it was done correctly and I just got a clean bill of health why does the tooth need to be re-treated? This new dentist showed me the tooth on the x-ray. He showed me where it was not done correctly. Will Dr Jesperson make good on that? I don't know. He charged me $1103 and my dental insurance paid $172. And, the tooth needs to be re-treated. I asked how much it cost for a re-treatment and I was told between $500 and $600.

I don't know how other people handle things like this. Maybe they have company dental insurance and the insurance just pays for everything. I do not have company insurance. I am self-employed and I pay for my own insurance. Insurance that I never needed before Dr Bo's work as I simply had my teeth cleaned. Now I pay more than $100 per mo for dental insurance. they only pay about $1500 per year. So you can see the $1103 is coming right out of my bank account.

Why shouldn't I ask Dr Jesperson to do this again or pay another endodontist. For some reason the dentist just think if they make a mistake you pay for that too. Unfortunately I can't afford it. I can't afford the time spent in a dentist's office of the money they charge. And, believe me they always ask for the money - upfront.

I don't know where I am going from here but I am certainly tired of being ripped off. Maybe I will have to leave the state to get the dental work done. I am tired of being ripped off.



Names of the prostitutes involved in this Case ((( site end of 1st paragraph)))

#9Author of original report

Mon, August 28, 2006

I haven't written anything lately about Dr Steven Bo, DDS and his lying attorneys and so-called "expert witnesses". I think I should name the prostitutes - yes, that's what they are. People who lend their talents for evil purposes. That is the definition of prostitution. Look it up on

These two men, Dr Charles McNeill and Dr Ted Jacobson 450 Sutter St SF are nothing more than prostitutes. They are hired by the Insurance Company to come in and lie so the insurance company avoids paying a claim. Now folks they know Dr Bo is guilty. Everyone knows DR Bo is guilty. I bet the judge knew he was guilty too. The only people who didn't know he was guilty is those poor dumb 12 jurors who sat their with their fingers in their noses and were bored to death and just wanted out.

So they said Dr Bo was "no negligent". They said that because Dr Bo "dummied up" a lab slip, an in-house piece of paper that he could have made up at any time and claimed the crown was done in 1988. The jury said the work was done too long ago. Folks, this man was my dentist for 20 years. I only had my teeth cleaned except for these two crowns. Dr Bo knew they were too low he simply didn't want to replace them. He sent me a letter stating that the one crown was made in 1998 and the other in 1999.

And, that is the truth. Only when the "scumbags" despicable lawyers came on the scene did he change it to 1988. It was something in my dental chart that showed he did something to the one tooth in 1988 but it was not a crown. It simply said IRM and N/C in the margin of the chart. IRM stands for "interim restorative material" and N/C stands for "no charge".

Yes, Dr Bo did put something over the tooth in 1988. He told me it was "temporary" and to see if it helped . If it didn't we would need to put a crown on the tooth. Their was no charge. At that time I had only been a patient for 4 years. Dr Bo had taken over this practice from a very nice compassionate man named Dr Director. I think maybe in those early years or maybe it was because Dr Director was still around DR Bo acted in a more professional manner. Whatever the case that is exactly what happened. BUT when it came time to tell the truth what do you think good ole Dr Bo did? He lied.

His attorney, Alan G Harvey of the Goldman Law Firm in Tiburon said "hey, let's make it look like she had this dental work done years ago". Now doesn't that sound just like a lying lawyer? Wouldn't you hate to make a living with lies and deceit? Anyway, that's how it came about that Dr Bo lied. Folks I really don't think DR Bo has a very high IQ. A person with any moral character at all would not allow an attorney to cause him to tell a lie.

But Dr Bo, in my opinion has an IQ of less than 100 and I simply don't know how he was able to graduate from UOP. His parents must have made a large contribution to the school. Something certainly must have happened because he is not a very smart man. No person with an ounce of common sense would believe that that crown was installed in 1988. It is just not in the realm of the possible. I had literally been chewing on the front teeth since 1998. Dr Bo had simply taken the support off the back molars, tooth #30 and #31 and caused me to not only bite with the front teeth but to chew on the front teeth thereby causing damage to all my front teeth.

I am going to put a photo on this site so you can see what my mouth looked like prior to these this dental work. Not once in 20 years did I go to Dr Bo's office with a toothache. Not once did I have a filling. I just went to have my teeth cleaned. then one day I said "maybe this tooth hurts, the one you put the film over in 1988 - 10 years ago. What can you do about that? Dr Bo said "well, you need a crown and as a matter of fact you need a crown on tooth #31 as well". It was decided that I would do #30 first and then #31. #30 was done in July 1998 and #31 was done in March 1999. AT the time I told good ole Dr Bo I thought the crown was too low. He said I had a 'hard bite and needed to make the crown on #31 a gold crown. But I said "DR Bo you created the Hard Bite by making #30 too low". Naw, said DR Bo. Folks , he knew the tooth was too low. He just made #31 a little higher to cover up his mistake. Unfortunately it didn't work as the occlusion had been too low on tooth #31 since it was filled in 1984 by Dr Bo's office.

Sorry about all the details but this is not self-daignosing it is called "critical analysis". After this dental work the front teeth started to wear down. DR Bo said it's your age. I thought that's funny I have been this age up to this point and they never wore like this before. But I let it go. AFter all I am not a dentist.

Next I started getting headaches. I told Dr Bo I had more headaches than usual. He said "better see your Medical Doctor nothing wrong in your mouth". Now folks any competent dentist who has just done some dental work in a patients mouth who reports she has more headaches than usual would check the person's bite. Did incompetent Dr Bo do that? NO, he just said "nothing wrong in your mouth, better see your doctor". Finally in the end once I had discovered that both crowns were too low and the headaches had become so bad that even the Medical doctors thought that I might have something "fatal" and ran tests only to determine that I am you guessed it "medically and physically very healthy" and it is your dental work.

I ended up in physicaly therapy from March until October with physical therapy. I used a heating pad and pain killers for weeks and months while the collusive dentist in the area refused to treat me. They can't treat me and tell why the treatment was necessary because TDIC would cancel their malpractice insurance.

Folks are you listenting to this? THIS IS COLLUSION, CORRUPTION AND OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE. If a dentist examines you and sees what the problem is and refuses to tell the truth then they are obstructing justice. Anyone with a very small amount of intelligence can understand that.

There is no way to beat these lying pieces of "filth" . Yes that is exactly what they are. Filthy prostitutes. They are using their talents for evil purposes. Why should a senior citizen who has simply had her teeth cleaned her entire life have to pay thousands of dollars and be in pain for the rest of her life because of a dentist incompetence? Why indeed. Because the TDIC which stands for The Dentists Insurance Company doesn't want to pay the claim.

Yes, these heartless people would probably still the pennies off a dead man's eyes. I went to their website and read all about them. If there are no claims then they give the dentists "DIVIDENDS" . So these dentists are actually co-owners of this insurance company. That by the way was "evidence" that was not allowed to be presented at trial. Why would two supposed legal experts hired by the insurance company that they co-own tell the truth? Why indeed? It's called "COLLUSION, CORRUPTION AND OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE" And, the judges permit it.

Is our justice system fair? Give me a break. they have taken God out of the Oath. They simply do not swear you in with "to tell the truth and nothing but the truth so help you God". They have taken God out of the Oaths. Lawyers lie, but I guess everyone knows they have always lied. But two supposedly professional men who claim to be experts deliberately lie under oath. Poor low IQ Dr Bo lies because he listens to his corrupt attorney, Alan Harvey of the Goldman Law Firm.

May God strike this whole bunch of theives dead. PLease do not use DR Bo. He is incompetent, negligent and money hungry. He should lose his dental license.

JUST MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THESE NAMES DOWN CORRECTLY DR Steven Bo, DDS (incompetent and negligent with low IQ) Dr Charles McNeill UCSF. A mere prostitute who came to lie for the insurance company that he co-owns. The man has probably never told the truth in his entire life. He wouldn't know the truth if it hit him in the face. He is near retirement age and he needs to be put out to pasture before someone permanently puts him out to pasture.

Dr Theodore(Ted) Jacobson 450 Sutter St San Francisco a prosthodontist (or so he claims) perhaps he doesn't quite know how to spell "prostitute". Then Dr Jacobson let me spell it for you and give you webster's definition. Definition " A person who uses their talents for evil purposes". Now Dr Jacobson do you think your testimony was for evil purposes? Of course you evil man it was for evil purposes. But then that's what you to to make a living isn't it.

You lie for money. It came out when you were on the Witness Stand that you had been 'sued' for malpractice yourself. It was right then that the judge should have disqualified. If you can't even diagnose one of your long-term patients how in the world can you diagnose a woman you have never even met. The answer is simple. You can't. But you can lie. And, you did lie. Dr Jacobson. And, now you want to collect $36,000 from me for showing up and lying. I don't think so. Why, because it;'s a lie and because it 's collusion, corruption and obstruction of justice. DR Jacobson if you were a decent man you would refuse to prostitute yourself in this manner. But those wicked attorneys always know someone they can call in to lie FOR MONEY.

The love of money is a terrible evil. But worse than that is the covering up of an incompetent and negligent dentist who should not be allowed to practice dentistry. Maybe he could find a job cleaning toilets or something. But dentistry. No. He is just too incompetent. I think I have addressed everyone here except Alan Harvey. Mr Harvey is a Senior Partner or co-owner of the Goldman Law Firm of Tiburon. Now folks I have to tell you a few things about Mr Harvey. When I first met the man it looked like if he smiled it would crack his face. That's how bad it was. He was so stern.

What he said to me is this " I will take your house away and every dentist you have seen will testify against you". Now how could Mr Harvey know that unless he knew in advance that they had been given an ultimatum by their insurance company "if you testify against another dentist I will revoke your Malpractice Insurance". I thought "wow, is this man a mind reader"? Can he know is advance how these people will act and what they will say, etc. without ever going to trial? Yes, he knows because he is the defense attorney for TDIC - The dentists Insurance Company. He knows because his firm has only one client TDIC.

So Mr Harvey knows if he loses a Case he will lose his one client and he simply cannot afford to do that. So he knows every prostitute in town who will come and use their talents for evil purposes such as DR MCNeill and DR JAcobson. These two men earn a million dollars a year testifying falsely for a corrupt insurance company. An insurance company that they co-own. Now if that isn't collusion, corruption and obstruction of justice then I don;t know what is. Do the judges know this. I am sure they do. Do the judges do anything about it? No, they are probably afraid of the deep pocketed insurance company and the little filthy lawyers like Alan Harvey. God helps us all if this is what the justice system has come to.

If you have a solution to this dilemna call me. Don't suggest a 9mm semi automatic pistol. I have already considered it and axed it. They simply are not worth the bullet it would take to blow them to hell. There is no way I would want to lose access to my precious grandchildren and daughter. They deserve a loving grandmother and a well grandmother. Not one who has been hobbled by an incompetent and negligent dentist who refuses to tell the truth. A money grubber who is willing to continue ripping off innocent people in order to pay for his trips to Maui, his porsche and his BMW. God help these unscrupulous men. Now they want my money even though I am stuck with ill health, the inability to eat and work and they want to force me to sell my home of 32 years to pay for their lies.

God save those wicked people. God save us all from a perverted justice system. If it weren't so sad it would be laughable. No decent person ever belongs in a Courthouse in this Valley. There is too much corruption there. God save these corrupt judges, God save us all.

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Seeking Criminal Justice Lawyer

#9Author of original report

Fri, June 09, 2006

If anyone knows of a Criminal Justice Lawyer please call me at (408) 733-3961. I believe I have a good Criminal Justice Lawsuit. I think this is true because I have overwhelming evidence that Dr Bo did the substandard dental work. First of all I have a 20 yr dental record with him showing I only had my teeth cleaned. I agreed to let him place the crown on my tooth because of a "cracked tooth" that occured because the occlusion was too low. The tooth was filled in his office in 1984. That was simply the only work I had done.

I am caries resistant and have only had three cavities/fillings in my entire life. When Dr Bo made the crowns too low and took the support off the back molars that forced me to chew on the front teeth. Thereby causing damage to all the front teeth. Without good support on the back molars it causes damage to the front teeth. You bite with the front teeth and chew with the back teeth. AS a consequence I will lose all my front teeth. Now the part about the Criminal Justice Lawsuit is this. The two experts who came to testify have the same insurance company as Dr Bo. They simply are not going to tell the truth. AS a matter of fact they were simply hired by the Insurance Company to tell a lie to avoid paying for Dr Bo's incompetence.

That my friend's is "Collusion, Corruption and Obstruction of Justice". It's a cut and dried case. It is simple to see and is the Truth. Did the judge know that - probably. Did my incompetent attorney know that - probably. Did the defense attorneys know that - yes. That is how they make their living - with lies and concealment and in hiring people for $650 per hour to come and testify (lie) for the defense. What a terrible way to make a living.

Getting on the Witness Stand and prostituting yourself for money. Of the two experts that testified I was told that one makes almost $1M per year testifying. That's a lot more than he could make as a dentist. But someday he is going to have to pay for his lies. There is a judgement day and it is coming up for this poor man who lies and distorts the truth. And, all for money. When I filed this lawsuit I have to say I did not know that they hired "expert witnesses" to come in and lie.

CAll me naieve and that is simply true. I just had no idea of the wickedness and evil in this world. I have led a very sheltered life. I haven't even had any dental work. I have been given wonderful health and wonderful teeth. That is the part that is so sad. To have my health ruined by a careless and incompetent person like Dr Bo. And, it is because of his excessive greed. I just had no way of knowing that he was there everyday ripping off many many poor innocent people by performing procedures that were probably not necessary.

Yes, he overtreats. No man can do 72 crowns per month unless he is overtreating. He certainly can't do that many crowns and take the time to replace one that he installed too low. that would cut into his time working on the other 71 patients that he is putting crowns on.




"collusion, corruption and obstruction of justice".

#9Author of original report

Thu, June 08, 2006

Although Dr Bo knew he was wrong and he was guilty of malpractice he put a note in my dental chart stating I was looking for a Lawyer. As a consequence other dentist refused to treat me. Finally a friend referred me to her dentist. My general dentist has this to say: I can't tell the truth I could be counter-sued. When I told her no you can't be sued for telling the truth then she said "I can't testify against another dentist or I will lose my malpractice insurance".

So in my opinion that is "collusion, corruption and obstruction of justice". The insurance company strong arms these dentists and tell them if they tell the truth they will drop their malpractice insurance. To hell with their insurance, Dr Bo has simply ruined my mouth and health and he needs to pay for his incompetence and negligence. Before this work I had never even had a tooth ache. After the dental work I haven't been able to eat in three years and I have been completely disabled and am in pain 100% of the time.

Dr Bo is greedy and didn't want to take the time to replace something he knew was too low. That would have kept him from doing the other 71 crowns he did that month. Add it up 71 crowns X $1000 = $72,000 per mo. The Lab Owner would not tell the truth because if he did then he would lose $7200 or $100 per crown for every crown he makes for good ole Dr Bo. I have a feeling Dr Bo is in serious trouble. He is divorcing his wife. He was sued in 2004 and lost. It was a workmen's comp issue I have been told. Something serious is going on in this man's life.

He couldn't take the time to see what my problem was and referred me to another dentist, a Dr Tsuchiya so he could spend more time with me. Good job Dr Bo. You destroy my mouth and then you want someone else to fix it at my expense of course. While you continue to install another 70 or so crowns. You have turned your office into a money making machine. But you damage people's mouths and teeth and ruin their lives in the process. But that's o.k. because you are making money. Yeah.

You will have to pay for your greed and dishonesty. One dentist had this to say about Dr Bo. "What goes around comes around" and "he's ruined your mouth now don't let him ruin your life, go and get your teeth fixed". But also note he didn't offer to fix them. I spent $8000 trying to find someone to work in my mouth. All because of Dr Bo malicious and self-serving comments in my dental chart. He maligned me in the dental community. After cleanings Dr Bo would come in and say "any problems?". Little did I know that he was really just looking for business. If I could rephrase that it would go like this "Can I make any money in this person's mouth today?" That's what he was really asking. He was looking for money. Dr Bo's greed is excessive.

When I asked Dr Bo how much time he spent with a patient after teeth cleaning (which I had only had done for 20 years) he said one to two minutes. So in twenty years I had probably spent no more than 20 - 40 minutes with this man. He simply didn't want to spend time with patients unless they were spending money. So he finally got the approx $1500 for two crowns. I hope he spends that money wisely because if I have anything to do with it it will be some of the last dishonest money he will make. Do not use this man unless you want a bad mouth. He is incompetent and dishonest. He is a Moral Leper.

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