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  • Report:  #292929

Complaint Review: DS-Max Coral Group


  • Reported By:
    Denver Colorado
  • Submitted:
    Wed, December 19, 2007
  • Updated:
    Tue, January 08, 2008

Hello I had to add to this long report of complaints. I worked for a DS-Max company called the The Coral Group Inc. I too was out of college and applied for the entry-level marketing managment position and got a call back right away for an interview. I was just getting my feet wet and seeing what was out there.


1. They lie to you right off the bat. You go into this interview thinking that you are getting management training and marketing experience making 30-35000 a yr. Instead you are working a door to door sales job and hitting residental areas on weekends making God know how much working for 5 bucks and hour if you sell that much anyway.....

2. I didnt get a full description of the job until I got hired ( I asked and got the run around)

3. You have to pay for everything gas/food

4. Job description said 9-5 job well I was working 7am-730pm mon-sat. Sat is invite only but that is bs...if you dont work Sat then expect the CEO to snub you.

5. No backround checks so God knows who you are working with. Stories of girls having to share beds with guy in sleezy motel rooms during road trips since the company didnt give them any money even though they are making the CEO money. How is this ok? It's not with me.

6. Atmosphere is odd/different no matter how you slice it. You have to go in to have leaders contradict there teachings to you over and over while they try to get you a pitch. I would literally get snapped at if I was like well my leader told me this and you are telling me the opposite I AM A DIFFERENT LEADER SO LISTEN TO ME!!!! wow ok.......? JUICE my a*s then hows that for being positive? You cant sit down...You must stand for an hour, then go walk for 10 hours, to stand some more at the end of the night. Tired/hungry/ broke/ easily influenced hmmmm sounds like someone is trying to break people rude! How about just telling people about the job and asking them if they can hack it?

7. No negatives period... no matter what is bothering you. If you neg people out then what would happen? People could gasp quit once they realize they arent going to make any money working all of the time? If someone leaves its becasue they stole money or couldnt cut it when people did what i did and just left you know quit. If anyone was caught not complying they were yelled at behind doors...not like i couldnt hear or anything.

8.Leaders who are in there 20's on a f****ing power bitches

Here is my story....hope it helps you even though its long im a detail oriented kinda gal

I take an afternoon off of work to go in and be interviewed. They didnt even really ask for my qualifications. They just asked me some basic questions about my personality.

I asked them what the job entails. He made it sound soooo pretty. He is the CEO there and he is a arrogant sexist a-hole. Anyways he tells me that I will be doing direct marketing with fourtune 500 clients. That is all he would tell me. He then asked me if I would like to come back for an interview and that I was 2 of the 15 they were going to ask back today. Got my hopes up, got too flattered and came back just to see 10 faces that I saw yesterday going out for their 2nd interview.

The next day I had a day off, all he told me was to wear comfy shoes THAT'S IT nothing else I go for the 2nd interview just to be told that I am going to get a feel for the company. I then get introduced to a leader named Matt. Matt tells me that we are going out into the field ALL DAY no pay at all AND NO THIS WANT TOLD TO ME. Well the field was the industrial part of Denver which can be scary for a lil lady like myself to be walking around door to door but like the CEO cares.

I am in the car getting driven 35 mins across town while being told that I am going to sell Paintball packages door to door. He tries to sugar coat it for me. Hell tells me that we offer packages to the same great place people already go to, that all we do is go into an office and offer what we have (ahem SOLICITING). He tries to give me this pretty picture of how easy it is going to be, how much money I am going to make, and how I am going to own my own company. Well my BS detector went right off.

I was like so we are solicting stuff then? Door to door sales? Pretty much? He was like NO NO NO we do a direct marketing campaign and we offer people discounts to make companies money. I learned that we get 8-10 bucks a piece that we sell. So we try to get people to buy a $50 card right now and I get 8 bucks. No base pay/salary even though the website posting said base 30,000-35,000. Liars. Even if you made that its not a guarantee and that is false information.

Well by then I had just decided to see where this would take me and I had a quick exit plan if this foiled. I just wanted to see how f*cked up this place was and just wanted to see how it all worked. I had another job lined up anyway that I could start. Anyways so we are in industrial Denver. Every place we got to we automatically got shunned/yelled at/grumpy people/ NO SOLICITING SIGNS/ threat to call the cops (why did a person who they havent even hired yet get placed in this area?) by then I was VERY DISCOURAGED the leader I was with could tell that I was tired of getting yelled at/insulted/hit on (gross guys being rude) so he tries to tell me that somedays are bad and some are good. Any days where you have constant negativity it is bound to do something to you whether it makes you hate people or be fake. He thought I was a good sport though and by the way I had to pay for my own is this place a professional atmosphere? While lunch is going on he tells me ill be making about 200-400 a week and after a few months up to 600-800 a week. Sounded nice to me though I didnt know how it was possible for him to make that much when we get rejected all morning.

Yeah and he tried to get me to drive my car over to the field sayin he was low on gas......dont know where that is my problem being that i dont even WORK THERE and YOU ARE TRYING TO GET ME TO TAKE THIS JOB. He then called another leader and said that he needed some new "juicey" territory so we ended up in downtown Denver which is littered with these people running around getting kicked out all day by security. We sold a couple of pieces by 6pm. After walking around with this fake person who lied to people and didnt follow no soliciting signs thinking that we are above the law for some reason, I was just so entertained by then and decided I'd give it a week just to see how this place even works. Worst case senario I leave.

At the end of the night Matt gets me hired (im sure it was so hard) and he then tells me that they want me to start right away. I made them wait a week so that I can finish out my job. He calls me that night and every couple of nights after trying to be all friends and buddy buddy, I knew what he was doing but I played along. I go in the 1st day and witnessed atmosphere and it pretty much reminded me of a cult. Everyone is chanting and loud music is blaring rap. Leaders are quizzing there distributors and teaching them methods. You cant talk about anything else is atmosphere except work. Anyone I overheard being negative was quaranteed to a day of following his/her leader around as a retrain.

I FINALLY learned on DAY ONE after im hired that this is a 100% commission only job. When hired I was told by Matt that I was going to make about 10 bucks and hour starting and id make more as I gained experience LIARS LIARS LIARS. I thought maybe if you didnt make good numbers that the 10 an hour would apply guess not. Job doesnt help you with lunch/gas/travel/ANYTHING if we are independant contractors then why am I nicely forced to come into atmosphere stay after working 10 hours for more atmosphere when I am not even getting paid for it. NOT GETTING PAID FOR HAVING TO BE AT YOUR JOB IS WRONG WRONG WRONG!!!!

These people run you into the ground. You are required to work 10 hour days walking in the field plus another 2 plus hours UNPAID of atmosphere. Benefits? I think not :) So basically this job gives you nothing but stuff to sell that you make a lil money off of here and there. You have to drive your own car/pay for everything on your own. If I wanted to start my own business I wouldnt want to do it this way really becasue you have to have other people make money off of your hard earned work you know like a pyramid scheme?

I was encouraged after following Matt around day after day seeing him make no money/his cars about to die/ tired/ exhausted/fake fake fake anyways I was encouraged to go on a road trip. Well I asked what they covered for the road trip......was told nothing. I tried to keep from laughing...I'm like ok so you want me to go on a road trip and pay for everything out of pocket and you arent going to hook me up with a room and give me gas $? A distributor came over to me Alan....he pulled me aside quickly and said that he'd been there for 3 months and makes about 100 a week. The road trip he went on put him in more debt than he could handle and that he was getting out. Good enough for me. By then 5 days later I was done figuring out what this company was about. I told the CEO that I wasnt cut out for this. I didnt understand why a company would make there employees pay for everything and give them no financial support at all. He told me that I wasnt going to cut it here and that I was giving up too quickly. Well after you insult me sir, I'm done with you. Walked out havent been back since. Have another job where I am not going door to door. I am still marketing and make salary...and when I do go out of town my expenses are covered so that I can do my job without worrying about money.

O and one more thing. CEO d****e must not hvae been making his quota that week because the day before I bailed I had to stand there and the CEO nicely bitched at us and told us that we better sell more or he's firing people.....ok well then dont make me go to f****ing ghettoville to sell spa packages idiot to people who cant even speak English and have no interest in dropping 50 bucks on something they cant even read.

I only stuck around for a week. I really really just got curious. By day two I called the other job that was going to hire me and picked a start date. This is why I quit on top of my interview being lame.

There are people that do well but the are a 1% it doesnt make them special or better even though they like to think that. Just because you can sucker people into buying crap while you make 6 bucks an hour hawking s**t doesnt make you better, just a bottom feeder and if you are good at that then do what makes you money.

Even legit salesmen laugh at this pyramid scheme. Luckily I was not in a bad situation with money and i could take a small hit which I did. If you are poor or having money troubles DONT EVEN THINK ABOUT THIS JOB IT ISNT FOR YOU BECAUSE YOU HAVE TO PAY TO WORK HERE WHICH IS A LAME SCAM. Even if you can afford it dont waste your time like my curious self did. Now I know why they have so many want ads.

Denver, Colorado

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4 Updates & Rebuttals



Wow you are waaaaay off buddy. Please cal down

#5Author of original report

Tue, January 08, 2008

***Not at all. I was naive I'm not lieing about that. I thought that you would make salary after they trained you. I know some jobs that get that way. Yes I did learn that you make 8-10 a piece but I still thought I was going to be compensated with salary on top of that because I was under the impression that's how it worked. I was told a couple of different ways I was going to be compensated and I thought it would all even out so please back off with these crazy accusations and assumptions I am just informing people of my bad experience there and that is it. This is not an independent office either.

'Well by then I had just decided to see where this would take me and I had a quick exit plan if this foiled. I just wanted to see how f*cked up this place was and just wanted to see how it all worked. I had another job lined up anyway that I could start'

'I only stuck around for a week. I really really just got curious. By day two I called the other job that was going to hire me and picked a start date. This is why I quit on top of my interview being lame'

'I was encouraged after following Matt around day after day seeing him make no money/his cars about to die/ tired/ exhausted/fake fake fake anyways I was encouraged to go on a road trip.'

'I am still marketing and make salary...and when I do go out of town my expenses are covered so that I can do my job without worrying about money.'

these are all paragraphs by you. If you had another job lined up why would you start at this place to see what it was, that makes no sense. You say you called after day two but you were encouraged by watching Matt day after day make no money? And then you say that was on top of your interview being lame. Why did you start if your interview was so lame?
I'm sorry, but you are not in marketing, making a salary, and having your roadtrips paid for if you do even travel at all. You are just embellishing everything that happened to make yourself look good.

*** Yes and you have taken them all out of context to go against me and you dont even know me. Are you just bored? All I am doing is telling my story.
I'm sorry I wasn't more specific with what I said, never knew someone had enough time to critique my whole story and bash me. I am not arrogant at all. I have read alot of these posts and people say that you shouldnt try these jobs at all if you do not have extra money saved up. I saved up extra money by working a lot. Dont want a metal for it jeez I was just stating that I was at a boring point in my life and had some time to do a lil experiment and see what this place was really all about AFTER I caught on that this place was a pyramid scheme. I started to see what the big deal was that's all. I had a friend that could have gotten me a job at a restaraunt until I got a better is that arrogant? I was just being smart in case this place was what people warned me it was that's all. I was just nosy after all of the bad things that happened in my interview so what? I can't tell me story?

Look, the place is a scam and you are just another puppet it scammed. There is no reason for you to try to make yourself seem like your'e on a high horse and better than the average person that has gone through the process. If you were as good as you say you are you never would have gotten involved with the company to begin with. Chances are you had a crush on the owner or Matt the guy that took you out, that you figured you would stay and see if anything would happen with them. When you found out they were just there for business you got upset and left. Your story has too many holes in it, try again when you have the story figured out.

***Also it seems that my human self MADE A TYPO MISTAKE and Matt did not encourage me and all I meant to say DISCOURAGE. No @sshole I did not have a crush on him. I have been married for 5 years now and would never mix work and pleasure stupid. I had no crush on anyone I was out of college and wanted to apply my marketing degree and when I realized this place was a scam I just wanted to see what kind of people take these jobs. I AM NOT better than anyone else at all. I am not bragging that I have a good job now and yes everything I said about my job is true. I went to school and earned my degree and wanted to find a great makreting job and I have had to work what I'm not bragging at all I was just stating that there are jobs out there that offer what people should be getting and that's piad compensation for their job just like the one I found so once again you are just trying to be rude for no reason at all. I am one of the people that graduated from college wanting a markerting job and got shown this company. If the story has holes in it then I'm sorry....ask me whatever you want. A lot of these stories have holes in them....we all want to tell our story and there is so much to tell that sometimes you leave out a few details I'm only human.

Just so you know, I do not support these companies at all. I am totally against the practices of DS Max, Cydcor, Innovage, Smart Circle, Quantum, or any other affiliate of them. I do however also oppose people who leave posts about independent offices on ripoffreport without the proper pretenses

***That's great but going around bashing people that are just trying to get the word out makes you look like an @ss. I am not better than anyone else and I have never felt that before and you take my words out of context and that is just disturbing. So sorry that I had some downtime in my life and was able to check out a place that I THOUGHT at 1st was legit just to ride it out for a week and see how the operation works I just got curious. I am not trying to glorify anything in fact there are so many strories that I have read that are down right rediculous but hey people have their own interpretations. Back Off.



Wow you are waaaaay off buddy. Please cal down

#5Author of original report

Tue, January 08, 2008

***Not at all. I was naive I'm not lieing about that. I thought that you would make salary after they trained you. I know some jobs that get that way. Yes I did learn that you make 8-10 a piece but I still thought I was going to be compensated with salary on top of that because I was under the impression that's how it worked. I was told a couple of different ways I was going to be compensated and I thought it would all even out so please back off with these crazy accusations and assumptions I am just informing people of my bad experience there and that is it. This is not an independent office either.

'Well by then I had just decided to see where this would take me and I had a quick exit plan if this foiled. I just wanted to see how f*cked up this place was and just wanted to see how it all worked. I had another job lined up anyway that I could start'

'I only stuck around for a week. I really really just got curious. By day two I called the other job that was going to hire me and picked a start date. This is why I quit on top of my interview being lame'

'I was encouraged after following Matt around day after day seeing him make no money/his cars about to die/ tired/ exhausted/fake fake fake anyways I was encouraged to go on a road trip.'

'I am still marketing and make salary...and when I do go out of town my expenses are covered so that I can do my job without worrying about money.'

these are all paragraphs by you. If you had another job lined up why would you start at this place to see what it was, that makes no sense. You say you called after day two but you were encouraged by watching Matt day after day make no money? And then you say that was on top of your interview being lame. Why did you start if your interview was so lame?
I'm sorry, but you are not in marketing, making a salary, and having your roadtrips paid for if you do even travel at all. You are just embellishing everything that happened to make yourself look good.

*** Yes and you have taken them all out of context to go against me and you dont even know me. Are you just bored? All I am doing is telling my story.
I'm sorry I wasn't more specific with what I said, never knew someone had enough time to critique my whole story and bash me. I am not arrogant at all. I have read alot of these posts and people say that you shouldnt try these jobs at all if you do not have extra money saved up. I saved up extra money by working a lot. Dont want a metal for it jeez I was just stating that I was at a boring point in my life and had some time to do a lil experiment and see what this place was really all about AFTER I caught on that this place was a pyramid scheme. I started to see what the big deal was that's all. I had a friend that could have gotten me a job at a restaraunt until I got a better is that arrogant? I was just being smart in case this place was what people warned me it was that's all. I was just nosy after all of the bad things that happened in my interview so what? I can't tell me story?

Look, the place is a scam and you are just another puppet it scammed. There is no reason for you to try to make yourself seem like your'e on a high horse and better than the average person that has gone through the process. If you were as good as you say you are you never would have gotten involved with the company to begin with. Chances are you had a crush on the owner or Matt the guy that took you out, that you figured you would stay and see if anything would happen with them. When you found out they were just there for business you got upset and left. Your story has too many holes in it, try again when you have the story figured out.

***Also it seems that my human self MADE A TYPO MISTAKE and Matt did not encourage me and all I meant to say DISCOURAGE. No @sshole I did not have a crush on him. I have been married for 5 years now and would never mix work and pleasure stupid. I had no crush on anyone I was out of college and wanted to apply my marketing degree and when I realized this place was a scam I just wanted to see what kind of people take these jobs. I AM NOT better than anyone else at all. I am not bragging that I have a good job now and yes everything I said about my job is true. I went to school and earned my degree and wanted to find a great makreting job and I have had to work what I'm not bragging at all I was just stating that there are jobs out there that offer what people should be getting and that's piad compensation for their job just like the one I found so once again you are just trying to be rude for no reason at all. I am one of the people that graduated from college wanting a markerting job and got shown this company. If the story has holes in it then I'm sorry....ask me whatever you want. A lot of these stories have holes in them....we all want to tell our story and there is so much to tell that sometimes you leave out a few details I'm only human.

Just so you know, I do not support these companies at all. I am totally against the practices of DS Max, Cydcor, Innovage, Smart Circle, Quantum, or any other affiliate of them. I do however also oppose people who leave posts about independent offices on ripoffreport without the proper pretenses

***That's great but going around bashing people that are just trying to get the word out makes you look like an @ss. I am not better than anyone else and I have never felt that before and you take my words out of context and that is just disturbing. So sorry that I had some downtime in my life and was able to check out a place that I THOUGHT at 1st was legit just to ride it out for a week and see how the operation works I just got curious. I am not trying to glorify anything in fact there are so many strories that I have read that are down right rediculous but hey people have their own interpretations. Back Off.



Wow you are waaaaay off buddy. Please cal down

#5Author of original report

Tue, January 08, 2008

***Not at all. I was naive I'm not lieing about that. I thought that you would make salary after they trained you. I know some jobs that get that way. Yes I did learn that you make 8-10 a piece but I still thought I was going to be compensated with salary on top of that because I was under the impression that's how it worked. I was told a couple of different ways I was going to be compensated and I thought it would all even out so please back off with these crazy accusations and assumptions I am just informing people of my bad experience there and that is it. This is not an independent office either.

'Well by then I had just decided to see where this would take me and I had a quick exit plan if this foiled. I just wanted to see how f*cked up this place was and just wanted to see how it all worked. I had another job lined up anyway that I could start'

'I only stuck around for a week. I really really just got curious. By day two I called the other job that was going to hire me and picked a start date. This is why I quit on top of my interview being lame'

'I was encouraged after following Matt around day after day seeing him make no money/his cars about to die/ tired/ exhausted/fake fake fake anyways I was encouraged to go on a road trip.'

'I am still marketing and make salary...and when I do go out of town my expenses are covered so that I can do my job without worrying about money.'

these are all paragraphs by you. If you had another job lined up why would you start at this place to see what it was, that makes no sense. You say you called after day two but you were encouraged by watching Matt day after day make no money? And then you say that was on top of your interview being lame. Why did you start if your interview was so lame?
I'm sorry, but you are not in marketing, making a salary, and having your roadtrips paid for if you do even travel at all. You are just embellishing everything that happened to make yourself look good.

*** Yes and you have taken them all out of context to go against me and you dont even know me. Are you just bored? All I am doing is telling my story.
I'm sorry I wasn't more specific with what I said, never knew someone had enough time to critique my whole story and bash me. I am not arrogant at all. I have read alot of these posts and people say that you shouldnt try these jobs at all if you do not have extra money saved up. I saved up extra money by working a lot. Dont want a metal for it jeez I was just stating that I was at a boring point in my life and had some time to do a lil experiment and see what this place was really all about AFTER I caught on that this place was a pyramid scheme. I started to see what the big deal was that's all. I had a friend that could have gotten me a job at a restaraunt until I got a better is that arrogant? I was just being smart in case this place was what people warned me it was that's all. I was just nosy after all of the bad things that happened in my interview so what? I can't tell me story?

Look, the place is a scam and you are just another puppet it scammed. There is no reason for you to try to make yourself seem like your'e on a high horse and better than the average person that has gone through the process. If you were as good as you say you are you never would have gotten involved with the company to begin with. Chances are you had a crush on the owner or Matt the guy that took you out, that you figured you would stay and see if anything would happen with them. When you found out they were just there for business you got upset and left. Your story has too many holes in it, try again when you have the story figured out.

***Also it seems that my human self MADE A TYPO MISTAKE and Matt did not encourage me and all I meant to say DISCOURAGE. No @sshole I did not have a crush on him. I have been married for 5 years now and would never mix work and pleasure stupid. I had no crush on anyone I was out of college and wanted to apply my marketing degree and when I realized this place was a scam I just wanted to see what kind of people take these jobs. I AM NOT better than anyone else at all. I am not bragging that I have a good job now and yes everything I said about my job is true. I went to school and earned my degree and wanted to find a great makreting job and I have had to work what I'm not bragging at all I was just stating that there are jobs out there that offer what people should be getting and that's piad compensation for their job just like the one I found so once again you are just trying to be rude for no reason at all. I am one of the people that graduated from college wanting a markerting job and got shown this company. If the story has holes in it then I'm sorry....ask me whatever you want. A lot of these stories have holes in them....we all want to tell our story and there is so much to tell that sometimes you leave out a few details I'm only human.

Just so you know, I do not support these companies at all. I am totally against the practices of DS Max, Cydcor, Innovage, Smart Circle, Quantum, or any other affiliate of them. I do however also oppose people who leave posts about independent offices on ripoffreport without the proper pretenses

***That's great but going around bashing people that are just trying to get the word out makes you look like an @ss. I am not better than anyone else and I have never felt that before and you take my words out of context and that is just disturbing. So sorry that I had some downtime in my life and was able to check out a place that I THOUGHT at 1st was legit just to ride it out for a week and see how the operation works I just got curious. I am not trying to glorify anything in fact there are so many strories that I have read that are down right rediculous but hey people have their own interpretations. Back Off.



Cydcor, Smart Circle, Innovage, Quantum

#5UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, December 23, 2007

"I learned that we get 8-10 bucks a piece that we sell. So we try to get people to buy a $50 card right now and I get 8 bucks. No base pay/salary even though the website posting said base 30,000-35,000. Liars."
"While lunch is going on he tells me ill be making about 200-400 a week and after a few months up to 600-800 a week. Sounded nice to me though I didnt know how it was possible for him to make that much when we get rejected all morning.

"I FINALLY learned on DAY ONE after im hired that this is a 100% commission only job. When hired I was told by Matt that I was going to make about 10 bucks and hour starting and id make more as I gained experience LIARS LIARS LIARS."

you wrote all three of these paragraphs in your post. You stated in the first two that the man explained to you how much you made per piece while you were in the field, then you stated you didn't know it was commission til your first day working. Why is that? Are you just being a liar to make them sound worse?

"Well by then I had just decided to see where this would take me and I had a quick exit plan if this foiled. I just wanted to see how f*cked up this place was and just wanted to see how it all worked. I had another job lined up anyway that I could start"

"I only stuck around for a week. I really really just got curious. By day two I called the other job that was going to hire me and picked a start date. This is why I quit on top of my interview being lame"

"I was encouraged after following Matt around day after day seeing him make no money/his cars about to die/ tired/ exhausted/fake fake fake anyways I was encouraged to go on a road trip."

"I am still marketing and make salary...and when I do go out of town my expenses are covered so that I can do my job without worrying about money."

these are all paragraphs by you. If you had another job lined up why would you start at this place to see what it was, that makes no sense. You say you called after day two but you were encouraged by watching Matt day after day make no money? And then you say that was on top of your interview being lame. Why did you start if your interview was so lame?
I'm sorry, but you are not in marketing, making a salary, and having your roadtrips paid for if you do even travel at all. You are just embellishing everything that happened to make yourself look good.

Look, the place is a scam and you are just another puppet it scammed. There is no reason for you to try to make yourself seem like your'e on a high horse and better than the average person that has gone through the process. If you were as good as you say you are you never would have gotten involved with the company to begin with. Chances are you had a crush on the owner or Matt the guy that took you out, that you figured you would stay and see if anything would happen with them. When you found out they were just there for business you got upset and left. Your story has too many holes in it, try again when you have the story figured out.

Just so you know, I do not support these companies at all. I am totally against the practices of DS Max, Cydcor, Innovage, Smart Circle, Quantum, or any other affiliate of them. I do however also oppose people who leave posts about independent offices on ripoffreport without the proper pretenses

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