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  • Report:  #26713

Complaint Review: DS Max Starlight Promotions Credit card sales

DS Max, Starlight Promotions Credit card sales used my services and never gave me a red cent New York New York

  • Reported By:
    brooklyn ny
  • Submitted:
    Mon, August 12, 2002
  • Updated:
    Fri, October 24, 2003
  • DS Max, Starlight Promotions, Credit card sales
    New York, New York
  • Phone:
  • Category:

I worked for DS Max, a total of one week. Granted it took me a week to find out that this business wasn't for me. I respect the fact that this is what people do for a living but I was never compensated for my services to this company.

I quit the company and waited until the end of the payroll cycle to pick up my check. For the total week I was there I was sent on a business trip to promote Walmart's credit card. For the whole week I completed about 200 applications at a comission of $1.80 an app. I also worked a couple of Amoco station promoting their credit card also.

When I went to pick up my check a mananger from clearance, not credit sales, told me that my boss went on maternity leave and to come back in about a month to pick up my check. In that month come to find out credit card sales shut down. The company upped and left or fell through. I don't know, but all the people that worked in credit card sales seemed th have just switched over to clearance with no problem.

The mananger of clearance told me that there is nothing that she can do about my money because the credit card sales manager owes her money too. I believe that she can give me my money and still has contact with the credit card sales mananger.

I only worked a week for this company but I am still supposed to get paid for the work I completed. Working at walmart from (a.m to 8 p.m, I think that I should be compensated for this. I truly believe that I wasn't going to be paid in the first place. I just feel it is wrong to do this to employess, especially college students who try vwery hard to make a dollar for their company. To come back for my paycheck, which going to be a hefty one, and hear that the company no longer exists leaves a hole in your heart especially when you were looking forward to that money.

All I want is to be paid for my time there. I do not want to take this to court because I feel it shouldn't have to go there but if it needs to then by all means. I hope more people out there understand my view on this matter. Thank you for taking out the time to read it.

Brooklyn, New York

10 Updates & Rebuttals




#11UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, October 23, 2003

Trust me guys I know what it's like. As for the "owner" of whatever company he was talking about, DS MAX is responsible for the people running these companies. I went two months with NO PAY ( totally about 3500 )! Why did I stay? I had a wonderfull leader who told me he was dealing with the owner, Terry.
Terry told me I could do nothing because of a contract I had signed making me a independant distributor... ha ha ha jokes on him, I wasn't 18! When I told him I contacted a lawyer, he "fired me". To Terry: I know you will get far in this company, you're a liar and a cheat, and that's what sells, but I sincerely hope you realize what you're doing I hope you all do because this may have been an honarable company at one time but now not even their customers are happy!



I was in the company long enough to learn the good and the bad

#11UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, October 14, 2003

I used to work for ds-max out of tampa and moved on to help open an office in new orleans. from there quit when the management disapated.
you guys are both right. I was in the company long enough to learn the good and the bad.

there is deception in there hiring proccess and there is also the oportunity to make big bucks. It is on the individual. some people are not cut out for it and some are.

I think dsmax can do wonderful things for people i have also seen it destroy people. I personally gained from my experiance. I do not regret one day of my time there. I could not put a price on the confidince and self-respect i gained from this company. on the other hand i saw people lose everything. they gained nothing becouse they negged out. not that they didnt try it just aint the job for everybody. the owner that responded to this post had to step on alot of people to get where they are at now and if they deny this they are lying to everyone including there self. and for the people that posted negatives about the business usally didnt make it long enough to see what the business is all about so i wouldnt listen to those people either so to sum it up if your in a ds max business and its not for you get out now or you will get steped on by someone on there way to making 6 figures. its the people that arn't sure if its for them and stay in the biz becouse its possible to make money that get hurt. so get to know yourself. remember this is a free country and "nobody" is forced to work for no money. you decide to get up and go to dsmax in the mourning that is your choice. well thats all for now any comments you can post your questions belwo and I will respond...i am being absolutly honest here. I may be the only one.

in the mean time i am looking for a ds max office in my area (there is none that i can find as of yet)so i can work my way to 6 figures even if i have to step on people who are unrealisticly trying to make it in the biz to get there thats all

p.s the whole raa raa juice meeting thing sucks a fat one i hate it i hate it i hate it but thats what u need to do to be succsessful in dsmax.




#11Consumer Comment

Tue, December 17, 2002

Since you are so high and mighty and "successful", let me ask you a question. Why do you consider it "whining" when someone is upset about not getting paid? It should be a GIVEN that when you go to work, put in so many hours/sales/whatever x the amount you are supposed to be paid per week/hour/commission/etc., you should get a check for X-amount of dollars. End of story. Not everyone can go two or three months without a paycheck. I know that I couldn't go more than two, and not even that if my husband didn't work.

One thing I LOVE about California. They go after predatory jerks who refuse to pay their workers or consistently short their checks. Ask my husband's prior employer. The $212.00 they tried to screw him out off cost them $6600.00 in penalties and another thousand in fines to the state. Selena should also contact her state labor commission for any assistance they can give her.


New York,

Matson Your as Dumb as the People Working for You

#11UPDATE Employee

Mon, December 16, 2002

In response to the crap written above I must say Matson, that kind of circular reasoning only exemplifies how you either have to be in total denial, a complete idiot, or a deceitful a*****e to run an office.

You claim that the poeple whose relationships were ruined, went into serious debt, etc. did so on their own accord because they let it get to that point. But assholes like you help them get there. Ever talk someone into staying at the company whom you did not think could ever be "an owner"?

I bet you did you spinless piece of s**t.
Ever say something like "15,000 success stories, there's got to be something to it"? How many of those "success stories" were actually successful? Achieved financial independence?

The bottom line is that it is simply impossible to be successful at any company involved with DS-Max without lying or misleading people, everyday.

The only thing you can fault people writing things to this extent for is for not recognizing it before they took the job. At least have the self-respect to say "look it isn't for everyone and not everyone will suceed or is capable of suceeding."

You can't have your cake and eat it you a*****e, it isn't everyone's own fault that they don't become an owner in this business, unless yolu include not wanting to actively lie to people as "their own fault" F-you Matson. Guess what---Anyone can go to Atlantis on their own dime, and they won't have to spend a vacation with 14,000 cultish idots.



Grow a brain, Matson.

#11Consumer Comment

Wed, November 13, 2002

It irritated me so much to read your posting, Matson, that I would give my left pinky to have a nice conversation with you. Let me state that I am not, never have been and never will be involved with this sad joke of a company.

You question people's objectivity? Are you friggin' kidding me? Is harping on "negativity" the only thing you lame people can do to defend this sham? YOU NEED HELP!!! Open your eyes!!!

Anyone reading these postings...if you get involved with this company after seeing all of these stories, you deserve to be SCREWED!!!

I am floored that anyone would be involved with this joke. Anyone who has postings in support of DSMAX has absolutely no ability to think logically or objectively, and that is coming from a complete outsider.

I am currently a law student who has a friend involved with this. Within three sentences of him describing this crack-pot operation, I knew it was bad.



santa fe,
New Mexico,


#11UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, November 04, 2002

Matson you are so full of it you make me sick.

I hate what you and all you other Pseudo fale entrepreneurial gurus are doing to the world.

You are all parasites on people who are willing to give something new a try.

We were open minded and got bitten. Now I speak my peace so that others don't make my mistakes.

How many people out there read what is said here about Ds-max and say "yes!". That is because they know there are some bad things and they can't put there finger on any one item because everyone oppressively promotes the opportunity without room for doubt. You get programed to close the back door and just DO the business and overlook all the bad. If you don't accept you are told that you think too much. They read what is written here and relize how they have been taken in.

So Matson, how many people in your office are living together? How many live with you? How often have you visited an office and found that half the office are all room mates? And it is the half of the office that are all senior leaders!

May be that is because they are so broke they can no longer afford to pay rent on their own after giving all their money out to lunches with days of o's that toast or to training new people that quit all the time.

With your response you made your self look bad and you confirmed all that has been written.

You just dug your own hole.

Hypocrite. You pick on us for speaking out yet you are the cause of the problem.

I'll still pray for you though. God bless you.


North Carolina,


#11UPDATE Employee

Sat, November 02, 2002

To everyone who is concerned!!
I am an Owner who distribute's Granton Mktg. products in the state of North Carolina. I have an office full of excited people who enjoy what they are doing as well as the opportunity that they have found within my business. First thing is first!!

I want the people reading these silly reports to understand that they are reading testimonials from people who are claiming that ds-max, granton mktg, and cydcor have mislead, cheated, and been untruthfull to them.

When in reality it is these same people who are doing what they acuse the Owners of doing. So lets lay out all the facts and then the people can make their own oppinion.

I do not work for Granton Mktg. I own my own office which happens to be supplied by Granton Mktg. In other words, I sell their products, I represent their Client's. Clearence(product) Owners do not work for DS-MAX, they are supplied by DS-MAX. In other words they sell DS-MAX products.(STARTING TO SEE A PATTERN HERE!!)GOOD!!

Every office that is supplied by one of the parent Companies is run by individual Owners. People who made it through the training program and advanced into management, some be it good, and some be it bad, at any rate they are individuals who run a business.

They met the necesary requirements that it takes to become an Owner and therefore deserve a shot at becoming succesfull through our business. There is never going to be a perfect business world.

There will allways be companies that may or may not operate under a certain business code and the reason being is because people are different. Our system teaches you the proper way to build a business from the ground up and teaches you to be success minded, yet the people sending in these reports want to call that a form of brainwash simply because Owners teach people to think in a positive manner rather than very (negative) manner, which, by the way is displayed by people in these reports.

At times people mistreat the opportunity that they have found. They treat ownership like it is a cakewalk and it certainly is not that. Therefore they may develope business practices that hender the field rep's opportunity and could be labeled as an unprofesional company.

The Vice presidents of our business have weekly conference calls and put each office under a microscope to make sure that these things are not taking place and that the Client's and field rep's are the number one priority and if for whatever reason they are not, than that particular Owner is denied product and replaced with someone who will not misuse this opportunity.

I have run an office for allmost 2 years now and am enjoying doing it. I run a clean business and respect my people and their advancement and work my a*s off every day to make sure that I am providing the right example to follow because it was done for me when I was in the field.

I made a 6 figure income last year, my first year as an owner which is exactly what Kevin Dodd said in his meetings that we would do when we became owners. therefore he never lied to me or mislead me in any manner. Rather than complain about what I percieved as a (scam),or the negative experiences I may have encountered in the field I chose to focus on my goals to get promoted and that focus guided me into ownership. I will not sit here and say that every day was perfect, because they certainly were not, but nothing ever is, it all comes down to how you choose to react when things go good or bad. Most of the reports I read were from people who seem to be negative by nature and therefore it is not a surprise that they would write a negative report.

Keep in mind that anything you read in these reports that people are complaining about their particular owner had to do the same thing to get promoted. Yes, Vic Sandre had to pay out retrains in the field. Why? Because he was building a business. Yes, Vic Sandre had to work 12 hours a day as well. Why? Because he was building a business and rather than get negged and complain to a computer screen untill 3 in the morning, he sucked it up, remained positive and focused and you guessed it,(GOT PROMOTED).

Any negative response on this web site geared towards our business for whatever reason there is someone who experienced the same thing and rather than complain, whine, and b***h about it chose to just get the job done. I am gratefull that I found this business when I did. It has provided me the ability to live a comfortable life and work for myself rather than some huge corperation that has control over everything I do, what I get paid and lay me off at the drop of a dime. I have met wonderfull people through our business, developed wonderfull friendships and have had the opportunity to travel to cities that I would have posibly never got the chance to visit.

It restructured the way I look at life and my overall attitude as a whole and I feel fortunate for that. If it was not for you that it was not for you, But do not blame the company for your misfortune because it certainly is not the fault of anyone but yourself. If you are a person complaining about losing your girlfriend(slit), your wife, house, or car or whatever, it is not the company's fault. You are the dumbass that hung around untill it happened or either you were to stupid to realize it before it did happen. STUPID not BRAINWASHED.

Anything you could posibly complain about is your own fault because you let it happen not the company. Any person who is reading this who is not, or ever was a part of our business, I advise you to at least check it out with an open mind. Disreguard the (NEGBOMBS) who failed at our business because they are not even strong enough to move on. They would rather hold grudges against us much like young kids do in high school over a girl. They failed at our opportunity and it is easier to blame it on the system rather than themselves.That is my 2 cents. HAFE A GREAT DAY!!


North Carolina,


#11UPDATE Employee

Sat, November 02, 2002

To everyone who is concerned!!
I am an Owner who distribute's Granton Mktg. products in the state of North Carolina. I have an office full of excited people who enjoy what they are doing as well as the opportunity that they have found within my business. First thing is first!!

I want the people reading these silly reports to understand that they are reading testimonials from people who are claiming that ds-max, granton mktg, and cydcor have mislead, cheated, and been untruthfull to them.

When in reality it is these same people who are doing what they acuse the Owners of doing. So lets lay out all the facts and then the people can make their own oppinion.

I do not work for Granton Mktg. I own my own office which happens to be supplied by Granton Mktg. In other words, I sell their products, I represent their Client's. Clearence(product) Owners do not work for DS-MAX, they are supplied by DS-MAX. In other words they sell DS-MAX products.(STARTING TO SEE A PATTERN HERE!!)GOOD!!

Every office that is supplied by one of the parent Companies is run by individual Owners. People who made it through the training program and advanced into management, some be it good, and some be it bad, at any rate they are individuals who run a business.

They met the necesary requirements that it takes to become an Owner and therefore deserve a shot at becoming succesfull through our business. There is never going to be a perfect business world.

There will allways be companies that may or may not operate under a certain business code and the reason being is because people are different. Our system teaches you the proper way to build a business from the ground up and teaches you to be success minded, yet the people sending in these reports want to call that a form of brainwash simply because Owners teach people to think in a positive manner rather than very (negative) manner, which, by the way is displayed by people in these reports.

At times people mistreat the opportunity that they have found. They treat ownership like it is a cakewalk and it certainly is not that. Therefore they may develope business practices that hender the field rep's opportunity and could be labeled as an unprofesional company.

The Vice presidents of our business have weekly conference calls and put each office under a microscope to make sure that these things are not taking place and that the Client's and field rep's are the number one priority and if for whatever reason they are not, than that particular Owner is denied product and replaced with someone who will not misuse this opportunity.

I have run an office for allmost 2 years now and am enjoying doing it. I run a clean business and respect my people and their advancement and work my a*s off every day to make sure that I am providing the right example to follow because it was done for me when I was in the field.

I made a 6 figure income last year, my first year as an owner which is exactly what Kevin Dodd said in his meetings that we would do when we became owners. therefore he never lied to me or mislead me in any manner. Rather than complain about what I percieved as a (scam),or the negative experiences I may have encountered in the field I chose to focus on my goals to get promoted and that focus guided me into ownership. I will not sit here and say that every day was perfect, because they certainly were not, but nothing ever is, it all comes down to how you choose to react when things go good or bad. Most of the reports I read were from people who seem to be negative by nature and therefore it is not a surprise that they would write a negative report.

Keep in mind that anything you read in these reports that people are complaining about their particular owner had to do the same thing to get promoted. Yes, Vic Sandre had to pay out retrains in the field. Why? Because he was building a business. Yes, Vic Sandre had to work 12 hours a day as well. Why? Because he was building a business and rather than get negged and complain to a computer screen untill 3 in the morning, he sucked it up, remained positive and focused and you guessed it,(GOT PROMOTED).

Any negative response on this web site geared towards our business for whatever reason there is someone who experienced the same thing and rather than complain, whine, and b***h about it chose to just get the job done. I am gratefull that I found this business when I did. It has provided me the ability to live a comfortable life and work for myself rather than some huge corperation that has control over everything I do, what I get paid and lay me off at the drop of a dime. I have met wonderfull people through our business, developed wonderfull friendships and have had the opportunity to travel to cities that I would have posibly never got the chance to visit.

It restructured the way I look at life and my overall attitude as a whole and I feel fortunate for that. If it was not for you that it was not for you, But do not blame the company for your misfortune because it certainly is not the fault of anyone but yourself. If you are a person complaining about losing your girlfriend(slit), your wife, house, or car or whatever, it is not the company's fault. You are the dumbass that hung around untill it happened or either you were to stupid to realize it before it did happen. STUPID not BRAINWASHED.

Anything you could posibly complain about is your own fault because you let it happen not the company. Any person who is reading this who is not, or ever was a part of our business, I advise you to at least check it out with an open mind. Disreguard the (NEGBOMBS) who failed at our business because they are not even strong enough to move on. They would rather hold grudges against us much like young kids do in high school over a girl. They failed at our opportunity and it is easier to blame it on the system rather than themselves.That is my 2 cents. HAFE A GREAT DAY!!


North Carolina,


#11UPDATE Employee

Sat, November 02, 2002

To everyone who is concerned!!
I am an Owner who distribute's Granton Mktg. products in the state of North Carolina. I have an office full of excited people who enjoy what they are doing as well as the opportunity that they have found within my business. First thing is first!!

I want the people reading these silly reports to understand that they are reading testimonials from people who are claiming that ds-max, granton mktg, and cydcor have mislead, cheated, and been untruthfull to them.

When in reality it is these same people who are doing what they acuse the Owners of doing. So lets lay out all the facts and then the people can make their own oppinion.

I do not work for Granton Mktg. I own my own office which happens to be supplied by Granton Mktg. In other words, I sell their products, I represent their Client's. Clearence(product) Owners do not work for DS-MAX, they are supplied by DS-MAX. In other words they sell DS-MAX products.(STARTING TO SEE A PATTERN HERE!!)GOOD!!

Every office that is supplied by one of the parent Companies is run by individual Owners. People who made it through the training program and advanced into management, some be it good, and some be it bad, at any rate they are individuals who run a business.

They met the necesary requirements that it takes to become an Owner and therefore deserve a shot at becoming succesfull through our business. There is never going to be a perfect business world.

There will allways be companies that may or may not operate under a certain business code and the reason being is because people are different. Our system teaches you the proper way to build a business from the ground up and teaches you to be success minded, yet the people sending in these reports want to call that a form of brainwash simply because Owners teach people to think in a positive manner rather than very (negative) manner, which, by the way is displayed by people in these reports.

At times people mistreat the opportunity that they have found. They treat ownership like it is a cakewalk and it certainly is not that. Therefore they may develope business practices that hender the field rep's opportunity and could be labeled as an unprofesional company.

The Vice presidents of our business have weekly conference calls and put each office under a microscope to make sure that these things are not taking place and that the Client's and field rep's are the number one priority and if for whatever reason they are not, than that particular Owner is denied product and replaced with someone who will not misuse this opportunity.

I have run an office for allmost 2 years now and am enjoying doing it. I run a clean business and respect my people and their advancement and work my a*s off every day to make sure that I am providing the right example to follow because it was done for me when I was in the field.

I made a 6 figure income last year, my first year as an owner which is exactly what Kevin Dodd said in his meetings that we would do when we became owners. therefore he never lied to me or mislead me in any manner. Rather than complain about what I percieved as a (scam),or the negative experiences I may have encountered in the field I chose to focus on my goals to get promoted and that focus guided me into ownership. I will not sit here and say that every day was perfect, because they certainly were not, but nothing ever is, it all comes down to how you choose to react when things go good or bad. Most of the reports I read were from people who seem to be negative by nature and therefore it is not a surprise that they would write a negative report.

Keep in mind that anything you read in these reports that people are complaining about their particular owner had to do the same thing to get promoted. Yes, Vic Sandre had to pay out retrains in the field. Why? Because he was building a business. Yes, Vic Sandre had to work 12 hours a day as well. Why? Because he was building a business and rather than get negged and complain to a computer screen untill 3 in the morning, he sucked it up, remained positive and focused and you guessed it,(GOT PROMOTED).

Any negative response on this web site geared towards our business for whatever reason there is someone who experienced the same thing and rather than complain, whine, and b***h about it chose to just get the job done. I am gratefull that I found this business when I did. It has provided me the ability to live a comfortable life and work for myself rather than some huge corperation that has control over everything I do, what I get paid and lay me off at the drop of a dime. I have met wonderfull people through our business, developed wonderfull friendships and have had the opportunity to travel to cities that I would have posibly never got the chance to visit.

It restructured the way I look at life and my overall attitude as a whole and I feel fortunate for that. If it was not for you that it was not for you, But do not blame the company for your misfortune because it certainly is not the fault of anyone but yourself. If you are a person complaining about losing your girlfriend(slit), your wife, house, or car or whatever, it is not the company's fault. You are the dumbass that hung around untill it happened or either you were to stupid to realize it before it did happen. STUPID not BRAINWASHED.

Anything you could posibly complain about is your own fault because you let it happen not the company. Any person who is reading this who is not, or ever was a part of our business, I advise you to at least check it out with an open mind. Disreguard the (NEGBOMBS) who failed at our business because they are not even strong enough to move on. They would rather hold grudges against us much like young kids do in high school over a girl. They failed at our opportunity and it is easier to blame it on the system rather than themselves.That is my 2 cents. HAFE A GREAT DAY!!


santa fe,
New Mexico,

I'm so sorry

#11UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, September 13, 2002

Dear Selena,

The clearance owner in question probably can't refund you your money. He may or may not know where the credit card manager is.

When some one becomes a "manager" or "owner" in Ds-max they set up their own seperate corporation. They get authorized to run an office that sells products that DS-max gets and at the same time the person is not DS-max. In that way, DS-max escapes liabiliy from people like your self that don't get payed and from offices that misrepresent its products.

Periodicly, managers will team up and occupy the same office space to split business costs. Running a business is expensive. This is often the case for a new manager that starts out. Many new owners fail. That is probably what happened to the girl you worked for. She is either out of business, she moved her office to another location, or she is starting over again and trying to build a crew that makes enough money so that she can go into business again.

I would suggest two things. 1) Make a BIG stink with the company that you did the credit card applications for. Even though you were not employed by (was it walmart and whatever gas station it was) this will not look good to management and they can pursue thier own channels in DS-max. Even if you don't get your money back, you can affect SIGNIFICANTLY the relationship DS-max has with one of its clients. 2)There is a head office of Ds-max in Farmingdale Ny - not far from you. Complain there. Find out who is in charge of the Credit card division. I hope you have proof of your earnings. Managers have "hubs" - people that are responsible for their book keeping. Maybe you could find out who this managers hub is. Headoffice would be good to start.

Ds-max waisted alot of my time and I Hate what they do to people. My individual managers were good people and always compensated me for what I was supposed to get. Nevertheless, I have seen horror stories of people that have been abused by corrupt and/or inefficient managers.

I wish you luck.

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