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  • Report:  #42812

Complaint Review: Ds-Max

Ds-Max What I learnt about Ds-max California

  • Reported By:
    Toronto Ontario
  • Submitted:
    Sun, January 26, 2003
  • Updated:
    Mon, October 11, 2004

I started to work for Ds-max in Barbados at their head office in 1994 as their bilingual administrative assistant. When I first started with the company I learnt how it came into existence and I thought that it was a really great success story. I can tell you now that the founder went through the same things that every single owner present and past and every single distributor has had to go through.

First of all, there were two of them that started as I understood and one of their parents did not approve of their son selling crap on the street. One year later and a bank account filled with cash made the parents change their mind and 20 years later his mother is still the one at the helm of the finances. Like everything in life the company has a good and a bad side. I choose to learn to the good side. Dsmax was actually my training ground in terms of motivation in life and hard work. If any one applys their system in their everyday life they will realize that it is true. One should not hang out with negative people, no matter what you do in life.

I am a christian and I can tell you that a lot of the principals I learnt there I have to apply in my christian walk. If I am to be a good christian, I cannot hang out with people that talk negative about the things that I have to do.

After working in Barbados for Ds-max for four and a half years I ended up in what you would consider as the General managers's right hand man. Mind you I started out as bilingual office boy. I took coffee for the boss, fax, filed and all the smaller office duties. Because I was a hard worker I excelled and was promoted in the office and given a raise within three months.

Six months later I was given a second raise and promotion and my colleagues were kind of bewildered. You could say that I was your typical career type, but it was'nt that, I was a very hard worker that found a system that rewards hard work. If I were at any other company I don't think that I would of been given the same opportunity, nor would I have been so well trained.

After working there I had learnt everything about business, includung: shipping, banking, office procedures, accounting(I was doing the accounts receivables), in essence I did a lot of things that people go to school to learn and what is funny is that those that had the education did not fit into the system because it was just to fast paste and completely different to what they teach in school. The system was very very practical, very everyday, anyone could do it with a little hard work and dedication.

After leaving Ds-Max(for personal reasons) I remained in close contact with my boss and some of the owners. I started my own business with what I had learnt at Ds-Max and was quite happy to see that I was very efficient and comfortable at it. I lost a lot of money at it though. I had'nt learnt the system at that point because I was a simple employee. A lot of the things that are reported here on this site are very true, especially about them lying about what it is the person being hired will be doing.

After failing at business I got the odd jobs here and there and where ever I went people loved me for my efficiency. They could not believe the number of things I could do and speed at which they were done. Employers would always say to me " Most people just pretend they are busy, but what ever you put your hand to gets done" that was my personality, is was'nt learnt in Ds-max, but Ds-max gave me the chance to realize my fullest potential.

I knew that they were a lot of things that I was good at but no one would give me the would always have to have some kind of qualification. In one of the reports that I read on this site the person mentioned that they don't screen the employees...thank God for that because that's exactly how I got hired, above all the others who I was told(by the manger hiring me)had degrees and spoke spanish as their mother tongue(I was applying for a bilingual job). The manager said to me in that interview " You sem like the man for the job....but it is not a glamarous position". I was just happy to have a job and give it a shot, but he was right.

I later ended up in Venezuela where I got involved with Ds-max again but this time I was running the country as Country Administrator. I quite enjoyed it because now I was working for an owner in the business and I saw the business from the other side. I did'nt like a lot of things that I saw and the type of sacrifice that people had to make, especially when it came to family(but as the saying goes.." those that excell are those who did what no one else wanted to do). I am a family man and I don't think I could make that kind of sacrifice(so I would never be an owner. What I did see, were all types of people from all walks of life managing and owning offices and that for me was one of the most beautiful things about their system.

There were Homosexuals as owners, peasants, women, men, young men and women(17yrs old) old men and old women, and the list goes on. It is not the kind of thing that you see in your typical company. Nothing about this company is typical, that's probably why it stands out. People say cult, but life is a cult(if you can say that) we are all in our little groups and we shut out the other groups. Some do it for money, some for love, some for religion, some for class, some for education, and some just for the heck of it. No single person is really an individual, no man is an island.

I worked for a year and some in Venezuela and had a bit of an experience there. The owner lived in Canada and another owner was sent to manage. I did not see eye to eye with the one that was sent and one would think that a simple employee would have no clout, but not so. I representd the head office and there were things that I had to do and I did them, to make a long very long story short, I received a lot of support from some of the elite as they call them and this was very rear. No I am not a favourite in the company, they never gave me anything except my salary(no bonus, or benefits), that's just how they do business. I learnt a lot more in Venezuela and after that year with them I went to Canada. You would think that I would be done with Ds-max by now(no I am not brainwashed!!), but there I found myself in the field, going door to door. I did pretty well, I became a leader after the first week, built a crew of about three or four people within my first two months and had a chance to see everything about this company. By the time I was in Canada I had already seen a lot of the meetings and heard about a lot of the strategy from the owner in Venezuela because I had to translate everything into spanish for him and often times I interpreted. I guess I excelled fast because of that.

What I did learn from the field was persistence and that what ever you do in your daily routine will determine your future success. I also learnt that the strategy Ds-max uses to motivate people is needed because beleive me, people need a lot of motivation in life. At church even though people believe in God and know that he is very powerful they still loose their faith(me counted as well). Do you know how many times I lost my motivation with God...too many to mention and on too many occasions, and I will say this, if you are not motivated with God, there is nothing that he can do for you. Don't get me wrong, I am not comparing Ds-max to christianity, rather I am comparing it to life.

I agree that not everyone will make it in Ds-max(it is a massive challenge) and it is true,as a matter of fact only a small percentage do, but how different is that from life itself and everything we do. What percentage of our world is rich? and how many poor?(get the picture) how many hunger and how many enjoy a good meal? How many get "good jobs?" how many have good marraiges?, how many kids have both parents in a happy family setting? I can tell you, VERY FEW!!!!!

Ds-max thought me just as God first thought me, you have got to make a choice, stick with it and do what no one else wants to do because you must carry your own cross(sacrifice).

I thank Ds-max for the opportunity they gave me as an individual, cult or not, right or not, good or not.

Toronto, Ontario

Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on ds-max, dsmax, ds/max, granton marketing, cydcor

5 Updates & Rebuttals




#6UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, October 10, 2004

El Penitas,

How could you want to go back? Do you think that the owner you worked for is the only guy that holds leaders back from promotion or fires guys on a whim like that?

Now that you are out, take a look at the rest of the reports on the ror. Look up the msn user chat group dsmax the aftermath. Time after time people are being lied to and mislead and harrassed.

You got caught up in the hype. You got mislead. You did your part to mislead people to.

But now you are out the the madness. Use this time to let your thoughts direct you and not the innovage hype.

Why should innovage programming direct every aspect of your life?

Do you really want to mislead people again like yo did before?



Scam Or No Scam

#6UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, October 07, 2004

I started to work with ds max now innovage straight out of highschool. It was just a temporary job at first , but when i started to see people getting their deals as they called it. That got me excited it took me 3 months to become a leader and start training my crew most people would have quit by then , but not me I was determind to be one of those selected few who made it. I came in on time everyday I dressed sharp I made sure i rang brass atleast 3 time out of a week. Everything was going smooth until about 6 months in the business Dave my manager was holding 2 of my guys from becoming leaders I confronted him about the issue. He claimed that they weren't strong enough to become leaders so I said I'll make them stronger and I did but still nothing I lost both of them. I later trained 3 more people to my crew. All of them were knocking on leadership and me on assistant manager. Then one morning after we left the office me and some of the guys stop to have breakfast as we did every morning Dave shows up talking bullshit cause we had stop I mean come he didn't pays by the hour. He told us to go turn in our stuff when we did he fired all of us . That was some mest up s**t . I really believed I was gonna make. Later I heard that the next day he ran an impact about us he feared to us being fired as throwning out the trash. Out all the things I did thats all he could say about me. Well that my piece of the story I hope to relocate to another innovage affiliate to show Dave I dont need his bullshit to get my deal. If you ever see him tell him i said f him and DMC!




#6UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, June 22, 2003

On one hand, its easy for me to say my experience with DS-MAX was one of the best experiences, and on the other the worst.
The office pollitics are a joke. The door to door is very phsycally and mentally draining. The way you can learn to use the 8 and 5's at the door or just genarally in life is an amazing education.

This job may not be for everyone (it wasn't for me), but it was a great education that school could never teach me.

I don't know your situation, but keep an open mind, try it, and if it's not for you, you come out of it with a totally different perspective of life.

I worked in Vancouver B.C. under Adam. S. @ One Six Enterprises.



That's all well and good, but the truth is better

#6UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, February 13, 2003

Here are a couple of facts:

Fact: you are a door-to-door salesmen

Fact: repeating things over and over does not make them happen. No matter how many times you claim to own a company under DS-Max you never will. What you do is rent a commercial space, place ads, and hire people all to do what DS-Max wants you to. They select the location, the name, and various other aspects. You get suckered into spending your own money to make them money. If you fail they lose nothing. If you fail they don't give a d**n. THEY DO NOT PAY YOU A FLAT ANNUAL SALARY. You are their b***h.

Fact: Wanting you to succeed is a catch-22 for them, they are watching their backs and making moves to protect themselves. Do you really think they want to set up their own competition (They are independent after all, right?)? At the same time they want to make the money that they make off you. Your success and acheivement is not the only determining factor, your manager's own agenda carries much more weight.

Fact: It IS more like a cult than anything else (except a cult, of course). The military, other jobs, etc. have nothing on DS-Max when it comes to cult status.

Fact: Most DS-Max employees realize at some point that they must spend more than they make. That their "Net worth" is actually negative.

Fact: The truth is discouraged at DS-Max. If you have a bad day and make no money you still have to say your day was "great." If you say otherwise they will pull you aside and chastize you. I saw a girl cry once and she was pulled aside. When she returned she was wearing a smile so manufactured she would have put a flight attendant to shame.

Fact: The company sucks. It is a scam. If you interview, ask questions and don't settle for redirections, or questions used as a response, only people who have something to hide do that.




#6UPDATE Employee

Thu, February 06, 2003

I am currently a employee of ds-max and i think that it is a great for people that have the will to stick with and go all the way. Yes the company does have a great turn over rate due to the fact that the job is tough and not set for everyone. The office that i work out of has great owners and who are very successful and make tons of money. I have met great people and many vice presidents and very successful owners

DS-MAX is awsome if your tough enough for the job!

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