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  • Report:  #138404

Complaint Review: E-commerce Exchange & National Wholesale Company &

E-commerce Exchange & National Wholesale Company & Company rip off has promised many things and has not delivered on one thing that I paid for. Ripoff Smithtown New York

  • Reported By:
    Waynesvill Georgia
  • Submitted:
    Mon, April 11, 2005
  • Updated:
    Thu, August 24, 2006
  • E-commerce Exchange & National Wholesale Company &
    732 Smithtown Bypass
    Smithtown, New York
  • Phone:
  • Category:

I recently purchased a dealership from NWC or (they are the same company) I paid $2500 dollars for a dealership and it has been 1.5 months now and I still have not received wholesale prices or my own website.

They said that I do have my own website but the only thing I can do to the site is change the colors.

I have no way of knowing when anyone buys anything from the site(they say to trust them when someone buys they will put it into my account).

I have no emails which I was promised also in the contract they are supposed to take $25 month out for ecommerce and they took out $45(this is stealing and is illeagal).

This pair of companys are very underhanded and are trying to rip people off.

When I contact them they tell me they will call me back but they do not.

They are not abiding by the contract and should be sued(for breach of contract and theft by taking).

Waynesville, Georgia

20 Updates & Rebuttals



Was also victimized by NWC Inc.

#21Consumer Comment

Thu, August 24, 2006

I don't know what made me google NWC, since it's been quite sometime since I have dealt with them. But I found it hilarious that I came across this website with so many people upset about how they have been scammed by NWC Inc.

I thought I was the only sap who fell for their ridiculous business opportunity. It's been about 3 yrs now for me. I was at the time in the Navy and was looking for a opportunity to make some extra income and came across their ad in Small Business Opportunity magazine. I tell you what, if they spent half as much money in their business as they do in their ad, they might be a little better off.

Anyway, it seemed great and I requested their free info package. It was only a couple hundred bucks, but I said what the heck I will make that back. I am pretty computer savy, so I fell for their "Ecommerce" business opp. Wow what a huge mistake this was. They made me sign a lease for 36 mths for 99 dollars a month to own my own website. Own my own website is typed very loosely. As another victim wrote, all you can do is change the color and text of the website and write a short paragraph on the home page. Needless to say, it looks very cheap and home made.

No one in their right mind would buy something from a website that looks like that. So I said screw it, I will sell most of my stuff via Ebay anyway. Wrong again. From the assorted catalogs I received from NWC, which btw their "business kit" looked like somebody just threw a bunch of catalogs and basic letter welcoming you. It was not very professional at all. Again, looked homemade. So I was like ok, whatever. I go to place an item on Ebay, and guess what sold instantly. Jackpot! Right? Wrong! First of all, to be competitive on Ebay, you have to be a lil cheaper than the next guy.

Well I only made about $25 bucks profit on the deal. So I take their payment from PayPal and send it to good ol Susan. Well a day goes by and I havent heard a beep from NWC. So I give them a call to see whats up. Big surprise, Susan is the hardest person to get ahold of. And when she does finally call me back 6 hrs later, she informs me the product is not in stock. So the joy of my first sale is quickly becoming deflated. So a 3 whole days later, she says it finally is in, add on 4 more days to ship and the customer finally gets it over a week later after payment.

Needless to say the customer wasnt too happy with the slow shipment. Well since I am a drop shipper, I get the blame not NWC. Another one of their great claims. Well after about 6 transactions on Ebay, NOT ONE, NOT ONE, transaction went smoothly. All were said to be out of stock, slowwwww shipping......and my website creating dust while being charged a 100 bucks a month for.

After a month of their BS, I said screw it and ate the loss. Oh and Jim would always email me other "great business opps" and tools. I bought his stupid CD about Sales Letters and Ebooks. Wow what a piece of garbage that was. It was a burned CD with just crap downloaded on it, which 90% of the ebooks didnt work. These guys are not in business like they say, they are the modern version of the medicine dog/pony show. They wow and dazzle you and wave a watch in front of your face while stealing money out of your pocket.

As for Ecommerce, I canceled my automatic withdrawl from them since the website is useless and since then have turned me into the credit agency. It is simply amazing how these people can get away with this kind of falsehood. Stay away from NWC. Their only goal is to get your "membership fee" and dont expect anything else from them.


South Carolina,

Report an Injustice, don't get personal

#21Consumer Suggestion

Thu, August 17, 2006

I have read many complaints about NWC when I ran across them about 6 months ago. The first thing I did was check the Better Business Bureau for any negative reports and, when I found that there were, I made my decision to NOT give them any money.

My suggestion to everyone here is to do the following about any monies paid to NWC.

1. File complaints with your state's Attorney General. Be sure to include any and all documents that you may have.

2. File complaints with the FTC via their web site and again, include as much that is relevant.

3. File with the BBB just to add insult to injury.

4. Search the Internet for other sites such as and make a complaint.

What I suggest that you not do:

1. Do Not Make it Too personal [Don't talk about your kids and custody battles and complain about Parental Alienation Syndrome] as these things have nothing to do with the Company or the Complaint.



Thanx kind words

#21UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, December 30, 2005

Thanks Ben for the kind words and support. I hope you got a chance to google Parental Aleination Syndrome.

Where is Nicholas? I hope he is okay.


Jamaica Plain,


#21UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, December 28, 2005

While I cannot know about the situation you are going through, I understand your refraining from responding here. We do hope you'll share the results with us when the battle is over and done with. We'll be anxious to hear about it, and hope it provides some form of therapy to discuss it and get it off your chest.

Again, good luck to you.


Jamaica Plain,


#21UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, December 28, 2005

While I cannot know about the situation you are going through, I understand your refraining from responding here. We do hope you'll share the results with us when the battle is over and done with. We'll be anxious to hear about it, and hope it provides some form of therapy to discuss it and get it off your chest.

Again, good luck to you.


Jamaica Plain,


#21UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, December 28, 2005

While I cannot know about the situation you are going through, I understand your refraining from responding here. We do hope you'll share the results with us when the battle is over and done with. We'll be anxious to hear about it, and hope it provides some form of therapy to discuss it and get it off your chest.

Again, good luck to you.


Jamaica Plain,


#21UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, December 28, 2005

While I cannot know about the situation you are going through, I understand your refraining from responding here. We do hope you'll share the results with us when the battle is over and done with. We'll be anxious to hear about it, and hope it provides some form of therapy to discuss it and get it off your chest.

Again, good luck to you.



EX employee

#21UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, December 28, 2005

Ben and Nicholas: I don't know whether you guys
have children but if you do you might understand
the pain I am going thru. PLEASE go on google and type in the words Parental Alienation Syndrome.

Also keep in mind that almost 50% of mothers are
going thru this type of hell now compared to yearsago when it was mostly just a fathers issue. I am an advocate for both mothers and fathers who aregoing thru this, so if you know anyone that is experiencing this please let them know there ishelp out there and I would be willing to steerthem in the right direction. I have a lot to say but I cannot for fear it would be twisted and used against me.


Jamaica Plain,

I hope Jim will lose!

#21UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, December 28, 2005

It would be in the child's best interest to stay away from this lying scam-artist. As these complaints show it, Jim Polino is construed as a bad influence. If the kids end up far away from him, that would be the best thing that could possibly happen for them.

Good luck, and we hope you let us know how it all turns out.



ex employee

#21Consumer Comment

Tue, December 27, 2005

Niocholas and Ben: I first want to say there is a God up there and he works in mysterious ways. I am also an ex-employee but more importantly I am Jim P's ex and mother of his 2 older children.

Everything I read in Nicholas report is true
except one thing: I am not living large and I am
going into debt myself trying to defend myself in
an ugly custody battle with Jim P.

I cannot say much more because I fear Jim P. will read this and somehow, as you probably know, will use it against me.




#21UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, December 05, 2005

sorry, allowing you to give a competitors name would instigate others to just file against their competition, to only come back later to suggest their company your comments on this policy are welcome! CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

He would most likely still catch the dumb with his marketing, specially those that do not read or research a so call best opportunity on the net. But for every person that doesn't get caught out there it would be a success.

Too many minorities who are trying to make ends meet are being had every year so if we can help atleast one out of 100 in the beginning from being had than our job is done. Not to mention that if people catch on and start letting the word out than it can become of biblical proportion to the point where he may actually have to re-think he's whole scam and eventually have to drop NWC/ all together.

Major corporation would usually claim bankrupt only to re-start again under another name but I know ways to know so if that ever happened I could always add his new venture along with company/corp/and new website address to the website I would build in order to alert folks that the devil has disguised himself again as an angel of different names.

How can we go about it? Let me know in order to get it started.


Jamaica Plain,

You're a Web Designer?

#21Consumer Comment

Wed, November 30, 2005

James asked for proof of any claim, so why not put up a dedicated NWC website consisting of your findings as well as mine? I have the emails and documentation (the proof of mine) I'd like to scan and have posted on such a site. Let me know....



I see folks got his last name and it is Polino

#21UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, November 23, 2005

I'm back and would like to clarify the period I worked there when I said 13-14. That was months folks and it was may or june of 1999 thru July of 2000. I got $7 per hour and never did get a raise eventhough I put up with the BS there and did him a favor by getting rid of the few outdated products he had in the small warehouse in his woburn location. I guess eventhough I somewhat helped people to understand that they were better off just trying to sell SMC products and the office supplies by B.A. Pargh since they were legit companies with 1,000s of products in stock. Most of them reply that they were already members of these institutions and were interested in the Name Brand consumer electronics.

I did alert many who try to buy into these services and eventhough I would make a hefty commission on them I would tell them not to do it. I even had one lady from New Jersey (single mom) report me for trying to alert her since I felt bad that most of the people getting caught in NWC's trap were people who needed to pocket their little bit of money. Go figure, I tell someone as a person sitting there seeing everything for what it really is not to do it out of love and they report me. Well the ignorant lady hopefully didn't get taken to the cleaners.

I didn't get fired folks I still was there for a few months after that. Jimmy did bring this to my attention but his mother stuck up for me. Thank You Anna. I fought for my vacation that was well over a month due and when I came back to see my vacation paycheck he had screwed me. Also screwed me on the commission I was supposed to get which was only $2 for the $59.99 package, $5 for the $79.99 package and $8 for the $99.99 package. There were other commissions but I told people do not do this for you will regret it and they believed me and were very thankful for my honesty. I turned down many eventhough I would have made lots of money by selling these bogus services.

I would get $40 for an OEM but I didn't feel right doing it. I did sell lots of computers as well and there was a $6 commission on each one sold. I just stayed away from the other stuff that were made to be a nice incentive pay out to sell. I didn't want the money and because of I didn't sell these services.

I stayed there that long because I felt people needed me to save them the heartache and pain but when I saw my check after coming back from vacation I said enough is enough and I had to leave since he was now stealing from me as well.

I did sell lots of packages specially in the beginning when I was still naive to his practice.

It slowed down and he noticed it and was giving me list of people to call in order for me to con them into buying, OEM, Merchant Accounts, and Websites. He even asked me what happened towards the end with no reply from me, but that the phones weren't ringing. After being reported by the lady in New Jersey I started getting phone calls on these bogus services and I suspected Jimmy behind it in order to catch me alerting people but since her report I gave up on helping people and I was selling everything with not a care in the world but it did play on my concious specially when people realized they had just been scammed.

I complaint to my wife everyday for hours to the point where she told me she didn't want to hear it anymore and just quit. All these things had me going bananas. I was so stressed out every day that towards the last 2 months you can tell if you spoke to me on the phone since I was no longer alerting people but at the same time I felt guilty taking peoples credit cards and processing them for all these bogus expensive paper work because that is all you will ever get is cheap paper with a high price tag. I was so relief on my one weeks vacation that when I saw my check and all the non sense all over again that one day I came back to work I had no problem leaving.

I have doubt with many distributors and I will say this much, distributors asking for money before you can sell their products will 90% + of the time will be a scam selling you just that cheap paper. Folks you can do better by simply paying a small yearly fee for wholesalers like B.J.s Wholesale, Costco, and Sams Club. The product is there and you can pick it up yourself so if you really want to start a business for extra income these places can help since people are just so naive that they do not become members with these local institutions yet will buy from you the very same things these institutions offer at a mark up.

sorry, allowing you to give a competitors name would instigate others to just file against their competition, to only come back later to suggest their company your comments on this policy are welcome! CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

A real distributor will 90% of the time ask for a resellers tax ID number since they have to report to the IRS everything they have sold to you in order for the IRS to go after you for tax owed on your profits made. NWC wouldn't ask for this since they are making all of their profits on services so the IRS will not sweat them about it's members since its members aren't making money but giving it away. s**t may be you can use it as a write off since you are contributing towards companies like NWC to become successful at what they do.

People lets wake up and be a bit more savvy. Make phone calls, crossed check companies and search for information on their back grounds. Even by calling companies like JVC, RCA, and Panasonic, directly you can get information as to where are the local distributors if any. They may not want to be of help once you tell them that you do not have a store front or warehouse dock but if persistent without an attitude making sure you are always courteous and they will direct you to whom you want to speak to.

I'm sorry for all of those who had been taken by NWC but you shouldn't pay out 1,000s from the get go without testing the waters. I don't care how professional their literature may look or how many nice color brochures they send you. When someone is looking for you instead of you looking for them, most of the time you will be scammed. Sort of like pop ups it is an unethical way of doing business since I always felt that when I want something I will come out to look for it. When did a job come to your house looking for you? You have to come out and look for that job is that simple and even when you thought you have found it you still have to be aware of lots of things before accepting anything, specially when it comes with a price tag.

NWC more Power To You. Keep profiting big and may GOD have mercy on your SOUL!



Jimmy I see you still up to your no good ways

#21UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, November 23, 2005

Well unlike Ben from JP (Jamaica Plain) I'm a real Xemployee and it is funny Ben is from JP because those are James or Jim's initials for his real name.

Once I'm done with this, Jim will know who I am not James but Jim P. This guy is a smart educated person with a bachelors degree but I'm sure that his practice was never taught to him by any teacher he might have come across. I will start by giving you folks a bit of history.

Founded in 1982 out of his house before his father past away may he rest in peace. Jim is young and was only a 14-16 year old smart teenager in 1982 when he joined SMC. Out of his house located in Chelsea, Mass. he started his enterprise. This house was owned by his father and left it to them when he past away. Now this neighborhood is not such a good neighborhood and it is populated by a lot of hispanics. Once he reads this he will be red and furious with anger. Sorry Jim but it is not fair what you have been doing to a lot of good folks. Therefore the truth must come out. I just hope that his mother who is a sweetheart (Anna)doesn't get ripped by him since she was the one who ran down the whole story I'm giving you today.

As he grew bigger in this business still a kid he used his mother and downstairs neighbors to help him FREE of charge since the potential of this young ambitious kid showed plus with the promise that he will look after them in the long haul. The neighbors that helped him were a couple who must have been in their 40's back in the mid-late 80s when he got started (Caroline and Husband). After a few some what successfull years selling SMC products he finally started branching out to bigger and better things. He started looking for name brand electronics, office supplies, and computer distributors. He did find them to say the least but he was never a source who stocked the product as he has been claiming for years. It actually makes me laugh when he says to come and visit the showroom because if anybody ever did you would have never been allowed past the secretary's front desk located at the front door. Not to mention there wasn't a secretary sitting there but they would known you came in because of the chime alarm that would beep alerting everyone there that someone has just walked in the front door.

Anyways he did continue to grow out of his house when in the 90s he had to get an office to work out of since the size of the business was growing to the point where he could no longer do this out of his house anymore. The biggest incentive to get such location was that when he came across some local JVC, RCA, Panasonic distributors he could not get them to distribute to him for the simple fact that he needed a warehouse/store front other than that he probably would have never done so. He did eventually move to a very nice location which was very industrial oriented. Now I don't know if his unethical ways of doing business were always the same from when he was a teen but I will say probably not. when I got the job in his nice spacious location with a very small warehouse he had moved in to located at 21c Olympia Ave. Woburn, Mass. he was out to just take people for a roller coaster ride. He did not care about fullfilling any orders but to sell all his bogus services that would just empty peoples pockets and nothing more.

Now I wasn't looking for a job when I first walked in his woburn, mass office but a member who had been ripped off by him and I was highly upset at the fact that he had taken my $107.99 for a so call Partner in Business that gave me just a few black and white JVC, RCA, Panasonic paper catalogs that were no more than 12 pages. I also got the world of products catalog from SMC with the yellow price list but never did get the 400+ page office supplies or computer catalogs. I did called every day for a while with no response and when I finally did get an answer from Xemployee Becky I demanded my catalogs and also asked her how Am I supposed to sell your goods if I don't know what I'm selling. Evetually she just plain old hung up on me. I met her when I got the job and after experiencing the ordeal in that place I could have not blame her for having hunged up on me.

Well I really walked in his woburn office to demand answers and the truth was I was ready for the worst even getting arrested at the time since I had nothing going for me, I had no job and I thought since they made it sound so beautiful that I would be on my way to making an honest living selling their goods. This is when I met his mother Anna and since I'm still a person with a big heart I couldn't blow up on her but at the same time she also had said rather quickly when I came in the door if I was the person who had called about the job for the customer service and sales Rep? A light lit up in my head since I knew that by just looking at his place that they weren't big at all and that they were simply middle man I figured get the job and find who is the direct source to all his products so I said to Anna no I'm not but I do need a job. To say the least I got it.

The first few months Jim loved me since I was well spoken on the phone and seem to know the business. I sold lots of the stuff he had sitting on his small warehouse and brought to lots of unsatisfied members some what peace since I would never hang up on people and harrased them for closure on a lot of the stuff I was getting complaints about. He must of had about 60 or so out dated consumer electronics in his small warehouse. I went back there to his warehouse and at first Caroline now the head of accounting had a fit that if Jim saw me back there he would not be happy bla bla bla. I said since you are not the one answering phones dealing with all these unsatified members I'm going back there so that I can make a list of the stuff you do have in order to sell it. All of them including Jim himself were uneasy to see me back there at first but when they saw that the list I made out with all the products in stock with brand name, part number and quantity available started selling by me they were ok with it. At this time I would like to mention that the quantity per model were 1 and 2 and maybe very few were 6 so there wasn't like I can fax, email or call any members telling them I have 100 vcrs model number bla bla bla start selling. All I did was fax the list to a selected few that I noticed were selling.

He even bought like 40 vcr here and there while I was there but his main focus was always talk to people who called about these services. OEM service value $399.99 (Bogus) The 3 business packages from $59.99, $79.99, and $99.99 plus S&H(Bogus) The 1 million email ad submission (Bogus) The Merchant Account, locking someone at $59.99 a month for 4 years not to mention the banks $25 + $10 statement fee for a total of $84.99 per month which folks I myself got into and still own it today and in a way I'm glad I did since I have had good use with it but for people who were depending on NWC to fullfill orders didn't make any sense since order rarely were fullfill unless it was SMC products but that was a joke buying at the yellow price list to than mark up. Their business had already failed before it got started. (Bogus) Than the so call website for an extra 10 product website for $699.99, 30 products $1,399.99, or 60 products $2,499.99 and I may be off a bit on these website prices since it has been over 5 years since the last time I worked there but once again (Bogus) This I didn't get into since I was a web designer at the time and have only got better with time. I just can't believe people see his website and have no problem paying out 1,000s when his website or the one he makes for his members are so weak. This Jim character has not even 1 testimonial or proof of any one who has become successful. Why? But people do not see this. A business that has been around for nearly 25 years and they can supply 1 success story. People need to learn how to add 1 + 1.

There were more services I just refuse to get involve since I do have a concious. In the time I was there I roughly calculated anywhere between $1.5 - $2.5 Million in services which is 1000% profit so why make anyone a success when that would have been adding work to themselves. His own warehouse manager (Cindy) who still there for about almost 7 years now travelling from Woburn to first Haverhill and now most recent move to Methuen told me that before I got there he almost got hit with FRAUD by the USPS. Why? Check this out, the membership packages he sold would be sent via USPS Parcel Post and since he is giving you the 30 day money back guaranteed when people didn't appreciate the BS they received when opened and revised the member would sealed it back up and send it back but since there is no tracking number he would not give the member their money back until the Post Office got sick and tired of doing Jimmy's work by having to answer all these complaints about packages that were sent back not having been received by NWC. Cindy I'm sorry if you loose your job but enough is enough how can you continue doing this line of work for him and go to sleep at night knowing he's taking peoples money for nothing in return. Well the Post Office caught on rather quickly and secretly started loggin all packages that were sent back and when the phone calls continued they paid him a visit one day with a list of customer complaints who said that NWC told them they never did receive the package back when the Post Office did have records that they did. He than quickly found nearly 100 packages or else it would have been Jail time.

He changed to UPS after that and I believe it wasn't by choice and he was indicted and maybe did some time for this but do not quote me on this since I never did get anyone to admit to this or stayed there long enough to witness it and it was only a rumor I heard but I wouldn't doubt it. Folks I got more it is long but cope with me. Many times he would go in Caroline's Office since caroline herself was getting many phone calls from people harrasing her for their money back. It got to the point where she unpluged her phone and all these calls started pouring into my end now as if I didn't have enough to deal with already from all these people complaining where is Caroline? where is my money I was promise to get refunded? I went into her office and told her something has got to give because I can't deal with all this non sence what is the matter with Jimmy? She than said to me with sad puppy eyes it is not up to me if it was I would give these people their money back but all I can do is presented to him and he tells me who to refund and who not to refund. I guess this is why he keeps moving from place to place. From Chelsea, to Woburn, to Haverhill, and presently Methuen in the last 7 years or so.

He does advertise on a few Income Opportunities magazines every year and spends about 120,000 or so for a full page add plus the thousands of letters he sends out every year to lure in more victims so that he can live the good life. He probably spends close to half of a million dollars and I know for sure it is more than a quater of a million every year. He did buy a real nice realstate in a high class neighborhood in Andover, Mass right before I quit. He also right around the same time married Suzanne who is the second in his life since he already had a previous woman who is probably living large now since Jimmy is so well off now and she did bare 2 of his children (a beautiful Boy and Girl) and that is about the only beautiful thing he has done but if they learn his ways they will be beautiful in the outside but ugly in the inside but lets hope not. Hopefully Suzanne was smarter and did or didn't I don't know if it would be a good or bad thing to bare his children since Jimmy one day could be going to Jail for a very long time. But she probably hasn't since I always felt that she was plastic and was only marrying the money. They deserved eachother.

I never did appreciate the fact that he would sleep late and come in there after noon time or at all if that while his mother came in every day from 10am - 6pm that to me showed me the real scum that he really was. I even asked his mother why? She said that he has to have some one he trust in the office looking after us. Go figure! Why couldn't he wake up and come in instead. If there is a GOD this guy will not get any type of Mercy when he faces Judgement Day if there is such thing and from his action I'm sure he doesn't believe in GOD but only in GOD WE TRUST which is the mighty dollar. Wait Folks there is more. I could probably write a book but I'm trying to keep it simple and as short as I can. He will never come in here again I guaranteed you that and if he does he will first need some time to cool off. Also I will be coming in here just to say hello once a month and if you do not see my Hello than he paid somebody to get rid off me and I would appreciate if someone would turn him in to the authorities for conspiracy on my Murder. I don't know if he is capable I truly do not think so since he's a punk but money is the root of all evil and now he has plenty of it and can easily pay any looser off the streets to do the deed. I would add my wife's email address for you folks to check up on me periodically but I don't know if they will permit it. If they do allow it let me know so that I can add it.

Anyways I just felt that people needs to know the truth about Jimmy P. Last name is of Italian origin. If allowed I will also supply his last name next time I come on. Jimmy all you have to do is make an honest living that's all, do not hate me but you have to be stoped. Ebay and PayPal are next for I have plenty on them as well. These Fraudulent Corps need to be stoped if the Internet is to become the way to do business in the future.

Put it this way if the FBI seized all of Jimmy's records or browse his order taking software program than called half the people they will have a strong case to put him away for a long time. Jimmy said show me proof well one of your employees, Corleen remember her? supplied me with thousands of names, addresses, and phone numbers to their Jobs and Homes so one or the other may still be current. Lets call these people or email them and ask them what they think about NWC. Should I supply that info here maybe not since it probably would be something illegal something you know how to do.

You may ask why am I doing this? well you did nothing to me personally but the many people I spoke to broke my heart and until this day I'm trying to figure out how can people like you do this to their own cousins. We are all humans and want the same things and they believed in you but did you care? You were selfish and greedy that even your own mother you mistreated and I personally witness the way you talked to her and how you treat her as if she's a slave you bag of crap you deserve no mercy. Jesus was crucified for a good cause but you deserve to get crucified for the opposite and with pleasure I'm serving the sentence and cross. I for years broke my head thinking how can I make the world see you for what you really are. I visited your website from time to time hoping you were out of business. Guess what you gave up BBB for doging you and swichted to FBAA who was the one that opened the doors to this website allowing me to cleanse my soul finally after so many years. I felt quilty for being your tool to rob good folks but now I can serve justice to the many you played.

It's funny how you gave up BBB for FBAA and the FBAA has so many good things to say about you but when I clicked on their home page there I saw an article trying to dog the BBB yet that same article mentioned and when I went there I ended up at which in the end came back to bite ya in the a*s. If I were you I would ask the FBAA to give you your money back since it was them who by trying to dog the same people (BBB) that doged you for years opened the doors to this website that really talks about issues people have experienced. At first I was amazed that nothing came up when I typed NWC but I soon realize that people on here are using website addresses so when I typed there you were how can you change? You never will and I knew it just that NWC wasn't used yet profitbig was and now here I am with the truth about your so call profitbig. The only one profiting big is you because not even your employees get pay well. I now wash my hands like Pilato and give you to the people to decide your fate.

I had grown men cry on the phone when I worked there, I spoke to people who used relay operators since they were deaf to complaint, elderly, single moms, SSI recepients, handicapped, welfare recepients, since that is who he mainly suckered because they didn't know any better. The smart ones can see it right of way most of the time cause even smart ones would get caught out there with his scams. Boy people are getting fired or he may just take his own life if his business is exposed for what he really is and since his drive is money I can see that happening. He never had intentions on selling goods since he had none really but the SMC products and Office Supplies which was owned by B.A. Pargh and they went out of business there were a computer distributor dropshipper who really has the goods stocked in huge quantites but I won't mention their name since I use them. Also the office supplies has been taken over by another company and that company I won't mentioned either. Bottom line is the Name Brand Electronics were never there or even had a company that would dropship for him and even if he does now he is not driven to sell products but to take your money for services.

He might sell stuff here and there trying to stay in compliance but the incentive is to discourage you so you leave after you have purchased a membership or services. Main goal is a website and merchant account since his profit would be around $1000-$3000 per sale. 100 suckers will be around 100,000-300,000 with just the ecommerce website. That's not counting memberships, oem, email blast marketing and the new stuff I'm sure he has came up with the recent years. Also hoping an order placed was back ordered so that he can play with your money. Credit cards company can not get your money back after 60 days it used to be 30 days when I was there this way you have to fight with them to get a refund put back into your credit card or a check sent out. Usually people give up since they barely answer the phone and in order to put in a law suit would cost more allowing NWC to keep all together your money in the so call NWC account. Only those who fought on end without giving up that NWC personnel would be like I need peace from this guy can we send him his money? Other than that most people got better things to do than to waste hours on end every day for a long period of time trying to get a few hundred dollars. Folks do not hesitate to call your credit card to get a chargeback because if you believe them when they tell you the item is backordered and allow this to go on past the 60 days your credit card company will become powerless and tell you now you have to hound them for your money since there is nothing they can do.

Anyways the link below is a guy who's $7,000= was frozen by PayPal and in the long essay I wrote I used a story of a company I worked for but never did mentioned the name NWC but if you go there and read it you will soon find out another way Jimmy stole money from folks. When you visit that link read the longest essay on the page and it will tell the story I mentioned within the text.

P.S. Jimmy don't be mad at anyone else but your greedy self. Do not take it out on your Mother Anna, Cindy, and thanked god Caroline left right before I did. OHHH Yeahh What ever happened to your so call Vice President, Computer Manager Eric with the cool Limp? Do not deny you know me or that I ever worked there because it wasn't an under the table Job since I did pay taxes for 13-14. Unless you cheated that too, but I have all my pay stubs still so go for what you know best. No one in here is a liar but you. Remember That. Justice is a Mother ain't it? I guess GOD is not smiling down on you. The only one smiling was you until today and believe me this website will catch on fire and you will be out of business once they know the TRUE NWC, INC. National Wholesale Company. You might want to cut your loses early and file bankrupcy and move back to the HOOD AGAIN because if you try to come back up under another name I will let people know when you do and the New Name you use for your business. Easy comes and at the same time Easy can go.


Jamaica Plain,

Yeah, I knew it! 2 months and the company doesn't follow up on complaints

#21UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, July 17, 2005

See? 2 months and the company doesn't follow up on complaints, never provides proof of their own when they ask for ours, let alone make an effort to support their own claims listed above.

This proves my point one again that the people of NWC of Methune, MA are scam artists.

If I didn't respond under ex-employer, (which I am NOT, before the company accuses me of lying again), they wouldn't have anything else to say. So there!

BTW, when checking the BBB report it says this Ms. Suzanne Polino is the Vice President of the company and Ms. Jane Polino is the Chief Executive Officer. Jane? James? What ficticuous handle can't you decide to go under? (Unless you want to call the BBB liars.)

Thank you James (or Jane) for keeping your mouth shut and not making up more lies than you already have.

Stacey, how did you make out with trying to resolve your problem with these charlatans? Keep us informed, please!


Jamaica Plain,

By the way, James....

#21Consumer Comment

Tue, May 17, 2005

What exactly behooves YOU to say I filed false reports against you?

I KNOW for a FACT there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING you can show to VERIFY that I filed said reports against you and this company. Because if you do, I'm sure you would not have ignored the truth below, and maybe even be more specific about it in your defense.

So, why don't you bring YOUR proof about this to the table while you're asking for proof.

Now this upcoming lie from James, (if he's ever brave enough), is going to be interesting.

Get ready to laugh...


Jamaica Plain,

YES, James IS lying once again!

#21Consumer Comment

Thu, May 05, 2005

I acknoloedge that I placed my previous rebuttle under X-employee, which was a mistake made on my behalf - just selected the wrong response title. I have not worked with the company, just scammed from them.

There, I have honestly admitted and rectified my mistake. Now James, are you ready to admit yours? NWC is a mistake????

I thought it was funny how you pointed me out, and made an accusation about filing false reports against you, yet you ignore all the other recent rebuttles against you, avoiding the true issues in question.

Everything you read about in my ROR is exactly the way it happened. I still have every document and paperwork from you and from the AG office. Why don't I get them out and SHOW you that you were dishonest, and the scam you pulled.

Want proof? Come and get it! Or should we all start up a website like,, and post our documentation for you?

Naah, cause you'll lie about that, and start telling us we edited it in Photoshop, or something like that.

You're a lier James! (and a joke!)



The right company. I have listed three companies not just NWC and according to my contract you are my source contact at NWC.

#21Author of original report

Fri, April 29, 2005

First,I would like to say a few things in reference to the comments made by James.If you look at the title I have listed three companies not just NWC and according to my contract you are my source contact at NWC.

I have tried numerous times to contact my sales rep.(Paul O'Malley)at this number(1-800-639-6644)which I might add is the number for all three companies and has the same sales reps.These people will not return any of my messages that I leave on their voicemail and have not tried at all to resolve any problem I have had.

James also has said he does not take any money monthly but he sure took his cut to start with and is not doing the things that I did pay for.

I have been tring now for 1.5 months to get the wholsale prices from them and they say all you have to do is go to and enter your username and password. The problem is they have never given me a UN or PW and I can't seem to make them understand this.

I also am supposed to be getting lifetime technical support but I can assure you this company will not even return my calls.James is the one who is not telling the truth.

If I wanted to buy anything wholsale I could not because I do not have the wholesale prices which NWC and profitbig are supposed to supply but will NOT.

I guess this was an oversight by your companies even after numerous emails by me to

resolve this.I will tell everyone who reads this to stay away from these companies they are not to be trusted as I stated previously they are all in breach of contract because it clearly states all services would be rendered in 10 days I have still not received all services.Also you do not own their website even though they say you do.

All you can do is change the cookie cutter website color and your contact information.

Even now it is amazing to me that this is the only contact I have heard from anyone.Don't be fooled by James's remarks he is not telling the truth.

These companies are working together so STAY AWAY! Go to the Better Business Bureau and see how many complaints has been filed against NWC. Here is a address you can type in your browser to find out what the BBB says about them.In the words of the BBB they have a unsatisfactory record!Read under customer experience.(



Reporting the wrong company

#21REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, April 28, 2005

First, I would like to say that the rebuttal by Ben of Jamica, MA who claims to be an X-employee is a liar. They are not an X-employee and have filed several false reports against us (jealous competitor maybe?).

Second, as far as Stacy's comments are concerned, National Wholesale Company does not bill her anything, we are simply the wholesaler who drop ships their orders for them. Ecommerce Exchange uses us as the supplier to fill orders for their web site customers, that is the extend of what we do. We do not bill or collect anything from Stacy (or our lying friend Ben above) on a monthly basis.

Any issues regarding what they are being billed, monthly fees or what their web site can or cannot do needs to be addressed with Ecommerce Exchange. We do not handle any of the above, nor do we collect any of the fees they claim they are being charged.

Ecommerce has an excellant reputation of taking care of customers and have thousands of satisfied merchant account customers nationwide, I am sure if this person addresses their issues with Ecommerce, they will make every reasonable effort to satisfy them.

In closing, anyone who has any questions or concerns regarding this matter, I would ask that you ask these people to provide some form of proof of their claim. We would like to see anything with our name on it, in which we charged this person, Stacy, one-cent. Bottom line is that they are making accusations against the wrong company and unfortantely this web site allows them to do so without requiring any verification what so ever.


Jamaica Plain,

Suzanne? James? Are you still there, or did we offend you?

#21UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, April 18, 2005

I think it's interesting that ever since the last ROR was made against this company, the owners, Suzanne and James decides they don't want to retaliate like they did before. Don't they want to defend their actions and dictatorship, which has left many people angry and upset? I guess maybe they are coming down to the truth about themselves... thieves and scam-artists, and have nothing else to say for themselves.

I hope you take them to court for what you have found. If you do, please keep us informed.

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