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E.E. I. Inc, Scott Hurt Garret Lease, Scott Hurt, E.E.I Inc Portland Tennessee
Scott Hurt and his company E.E.I. Inc sold me what he and his business partner touted as a Oil and Gas Revenue project that would pay 12% to 15% annually on an existing oil lease. His business is based in Portland TN Scott Hurt and his business partner only know as John sold me a fraudulent Oil and Gas venture based on a lease called the Garrett lease which is located in Oklahoma. They initially started sending revenue checks out on a timely bases which amounted to anywhere from just over $300 dollars to as little as $50. Then he skipped a month saying that the oil purchaser switched his company to "Easy Pay". Then checks started arriving later in the month only after a number of calls and text to Mr. Hurt requesting him to send the checks out would he send checks, then things dried up and he disappeared. He had every excuse from his car breaking down to multiple deaths in the family. In December of 2014 no revenue check was sent out. It is now January and checks have completely stopped and he is not return calls. We had a heated talk the first week of January in which he promised to return my initial investment. He never returned it nor has he responded to text or emails. I made Mr. Hurt aware that if my investment was not returned or monthly revenue checks stopped coming out which they have I would be filling complaints against his self and his company.
One additional piece of information, I am sure that Mr. Hurt and his partner are still raising capital from other investors as several times after investing I got cold calls from sells reps representing his company touting the same fraudulent investment. After I explained to Mr. Hurt that I would be pursuing legal action and or reporting his scheme to the proper authorities he told me that he would return my investment. He has not returned my investment and has since stopped sending revenue checks or returning calls.
If anyone else has been victim to this scam please email me as a case is being built against Mr. Hurt and his business partner John. Feel free to contact me at (((Redacted)))