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  • Report:  #439338

Complaint Review: E JOY INTERNET CAFE


  • Reported By:
    peoria Arizona
  • Submitted:
    Tue, March 31, 2009
  • Updated:
    Sat, April 02, 2011

I recently parked my car at EJoy Cafe and had my car towed. What makes me extremely upset is EJoy Cafe is ripping people off and scamming people. What they do is they have what you call a "spotter" in the parking lot. When you leave your car in their parking lot, they then call a towing company to to tow your car. Then they will make you pay $135 to pick up your car from some tow company in S. Phoenix. This is a complete scam.

A friend and me parked our car in their parking lot, got a bite to eat, and then came back to e-cafe to buy an expresso and my friend had to print out his boarding pass because he had a flight to catch. Then, we leave the cafe and find out our car has been towed. What upsets me is the fact that my poor friend missed his flight and had to pay $200 for a later flight. I still have not decided if I will sue them civally, but needless to say I will never ever go back to E-Cafe in Tempe. What they dont realize is they might get a kickback from the tow company, but they have lost a customer for life. Shame on E-Cafe for ripping people off.

peoria, Arizona

13 Updates & Rebuttals

Bret Linden


Name Change

#14Consumer Comment

Sat, April 02, 2011

The lowlife scumbag, David Sweetman, still owns this place...but he has reopened it. It's now called "Fixx". If someone could update the name of this report, or tell me how to do it, I'd be grateful.

Apparently, the lot is still a tow bait lot, since the owner of Fixx is also the owner of Monster Towing. Now, customers of Fixx must put their car on a "no tow" list once they enter the establishment. One of Sweetman's fluff boys comes around every hour to check the now tow list, and if your car isn't on the list it gets towed. So, if you make the mistake of frequenting Fixx make sure to put your car on there every hour.

Bret Linden


The charges against Elvis were dropped

#14Consumer Comment

Tue, November 30, 2010


The above is a link to a story stating that all the charges against Elvis Saloum have been dropped. I don't know if it pasted correctly, but if you google "Elvis Saloum charges dropped" you'll find it.

So, it seems as if the more times that goes by, the dirtier Ejoy Internet Cafe and it's scumbag owner David Sweetman look, and the more his previously-demonized victim get vindicated.

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

Bret Linden


I won a law suit against Monster

#14Consumer Comment

Wed, November 24, 2010

To all the idoiots who said that the sign was clear, it's all your fault, blah blah blah...I have something to say to you.

Not only was the sign NOT clear according to me, it was also not clear according to Arizona Revised Statues 9-499.05. I sued Monster towing on that basis. My hearing was last Thursday...and guess what...I WON!!! To the naysayers out there, I'm not going to cite examples. Do your own googling and use your own brain. But, you probably won't need it as ARS 9-499.05 is very clear.

So, it doesn't matter what my opinion or your opinion of the sign is. What matters is the law. Sweetman's signs are not in compliance with the law. He knows it. He also knows that most people won't sue him. They'll just lay down for him, give him his ill-gotten gain, and walk away. But, that's not how I roll.

Now, back to the matter at hand...I found out something very disturbing as I was researching my lawsuit. I stated in my previous post that Maceo Sharp, previous owner of ejoy, died last April. What I didn't know at the time is that, before Maceo's body was even cold, David Sweetman, owner of Monster Towing, obtained ownership of the ejoy internet cafe. Sweetman immediately closed it. He just bought the lot so he could have it to tow cars from. He has those deliberately ambiguous signs up so he'll lure in a bunch of easy marks, just like he lured me in and most likely Elvis also.

So, ejoy internet cafe a ripoff? Absolutely and unequivocally, now more than ever before.

What I also found is that I am the eleventh person to successfully sue Monster Towing. Monster/Sweetman have NEVER won a lawsuit. He's been the subject of several investigate reports in the Phoenix Metro area. His BBB rating is an F. He's been publicly condemned by members of the Tempe City Council. This guy is nothing more than a bully and a crook. If anyone else reading this has been victimized by Monster/Sweetman, feel free to contact me at . I will gladly share with you all of my files and research, which you can use to help you obtain a victory against this scumbag in small claims court.

Ronny g

North hollywood,


#14Consumer Comment

Sat, September 18, 2010

This is just like the sign where I have to park if I visit my mom in Manhattan. Decipher that one...

Ronny g

North hollywood,

That sign is pretty clear...

#14Consumer Comment

Sat, September 18, 2010

If you think parking signs are confusing..move to NYC (where I once lived), or Los Angeles where I now live. Heck,the city will have your car on a hook before you are done reading the sign trying to make heads or tail.

But the sign you posted is easy. Do not park ..period... or tow away. However IF you have a can park 7am to 8pm Mon-Fri that really tricky for you?

As far as this Elvis seems clear he left his car in the Cafes spot and went to eat elsewhere and print out plane tickets. So he got towed. It sucks, especially that it caused a plane flight to be missed, but I see no evidence of the cafe scamming anyone.

If the new owner had died, I doubt it had anything to do with the karma of those that responded here laughing at Elvis. But it does seem more likely, this Elvis thinks he can drive as he wants and endanger others, and can park where he wants even if it hurts a business. So for that alone..he deserves whatever mocking he gets for reporting is a fraudulent and baseless report bottom line.




#14Consumer Comment

Sat, September 18, 2010





Bret Linden

United States of America

More on E-Joy

#14General Comment

Mon, June 07, 2010

First off, laughing at this Elvis guy's misfortune may have been bad karma because Maceo met a much worse fate on April 6. He's dead.

My car was towed from a lot nestled between E-Joy Cafe, Jack In The Box, and Suckerpunch Sally's. I have been in contact with Sally's management and I am satisfied that they do not own the lot in question or know who does. The "manager" at Jack In The Box doesn't even know how to speak English, so I doubt he knows bigger and better things like who might own that lot. Besides, the signage for Jack In The Box's lot was different, and much less ambiguous. The restrictions on parking were clearly stated, which is why I did not park in their lot. The lot where I parked implied on the signes that any parking outside the designated hours would be fine.

I've been trying to get someone on the phone at the E Joy cafe, but no one is answering. If the guy is dead then that would explain why he's not answering the phone. However, I have seen through an internet search that E-Joy may still be in business but that their hours have of operation have been drastically cut back. So I'll keep trying until someone answers.

To be clear, I'm not accusing E Joy of anything, and have no intention of considering doing so until it becomes clear who owns the lot I was towed from. I did want to answer the initial post to point out a couple of things...

First off, as to Shap's claims of only 8 parking spaces...that is not totally correct. If you pull up Google Earth you will see a lot immediately to the west with no less than 16 spaces, and one immediately to the south with about the same amount of spaces. So, something is not consistent with Sharp's claim of only 8 spaces.

Next, my internet search has made me aware that mine was not an isolated incident, that unethical towing practices, mostly done by Monster Towing, is a major problem in that immediate area, and has been for some time. There have been many victims of it, and it has even been the subject of no less than two investigative reports done by local TV stations. Speaking of Monster Towing, court records search has shown that they have been sued 12 times. Two of those cases are still pending, but as to the other ten Monster has lost them all.

My research, as well as conversations with Sally's management, has shown me that despite Shap's claims to the contrary, these towing practices have severely hurt local business in the area. Many have even formed the Mill Ave Business Association, uniting to fight this problem.

So, my point...I wasn't witness to Elvis' particular situation, so I can't say if he's right or wrong. What I will say is that his claims are consistent with what happened to me, and several others in the area. I know mine was through no fault of my own, as well as several other victims. Food for thought next time you want to dismiss Elvis' claim so easily.


United States of America


#14General Comment

Fri, November 20, 2009

Hahaha - the guy that filed this complaint (Elvis Saloum of Peoria, AZ) just got arrested for 55 counts of speeding on AZ highways, including one where he was clocked at 104 mph, 11 counts of criminal speeding, and 1 count of reckless driving.  Apparently he thinks he should be allowed to park wherever he wants and drive recklessly, endangering other people's lives, without consequence.  I bet he's whining about suing for being thrown in jail too.




Elvis doesn't get it.

#14Consumer Comment

Fri, July 31, 2009

"First of all, we ONLY left our car at E-joy for less than 30 minutes. We were not even gone an hour. I also DO BELIEVE that E-Joy CAFE does employee 'spotters.' Even one of the cops on Mill knew about the little scam that E-Joy Cafe pulls. "

Did you bother to read the reply from the owner? Did you read any of the replies? You can't park your car at a business then go off to some other business. This makes you look especially stupid because you parked at a business (with limited parking) that sells food, then left to eat at some other place. If you think that's OK, you're in need of a reality check.

I don't think the cafe employs these mysterious "spotters", mainly because it wouldn't be worth paying someone to sit in a parking lot all day and watch eight spaces. What is more likely is that an employee in the store watched you park in their spot, then walk away. If you only have 8 spaces for your business, it doesn't take a detective to notice this. You were killing 1/8 of their potential business at the time.

Wise up, Elvis. If you really think you're in the right, this is going to happen to you over and over.


British Columbia,

Grow Up, Elvis...

#14Consumer Comment

Fri, July 31, 2009

First thing's first... Any suit you bring to bear on the proprietor of eJoy is totally stillborn. You'll lose. Badly, might I add.

You parked your vehicle at one establishment, went to ANOTHER that was doubtless not even in the same location, and for 30 minutes no less, get your car towed and you have the temerity to whine about it?

How many places have you been where it's been posted "Parking for patrons of [business name(s)] only. All others towed at owner's expense"? A business that has limited parking has the right to safeguard their livelihood by removing the vehicles of those, like yourself, who feel a false sense of entitlement to park where they please, thus inconveniencing patrons who have to walk additional distance because of your arrogance.

So what if there IS a "spotter"? Even if there was, that person or persons are doing their job by turning in someone who, due to their self-indulgent thought, is using a resource that they are NOT entitled to. As for your charge of eJoy getting a "kickback" from the towing company, where's your proof of that?? Nothing like a nice conspiracy to help you feel better about having been (rightly) called on your shenanigans.

Your laughable "defense" that you were only gone for 30 minutes is just that. Laughable. I'd wager you're the type of person who parks in the handicapped spot, and then bitches about the $300 ticket because you were "only gone for a few minutes".

This isn't a Rip Off Report, this is a perfect example of a consumer trying to point the blame at anywhere or anyone except the place where it truly belongs, themselves, and then getting all butthurt when someone shows them that they aren't a special and unique snowflake.

Grow up, grab your ankles and smile, because you deserve what you got.

Elvis Saloum


In response to the owner of E-joy Cafe

#14Author of original report

Fri, July 31, 2009

First of all, we ONLY left our car at E-joy for less than 30 minutes. We were not even gone an hour. I also DO BELIEVE that E-Joy CAFE does employee "spotters." Even one of the cops on Mill knew about the little scam that E-Joy Cafe pulls.

We actually went to grab a burger and came back and our car was towed. The reason we parked at E-joy is because my friend needed to catch a flight and we needed to print out his boarding pass. My friend actually showed the girl at the front his boarding pass after he printed it out.

Lastly, I will not support a business that tries to rip people off by towing their car so they can make an extra buck. If you just took over E-Joy Cafe, I would recommend that you change the name at E-Joy Cafe. Lastly, I am not writing this review on your establishment because I want a free expresso or money from your company. I am just writing this review so other people know about the scam E-Joy Cafe does to make money. It's unfortunate that you bought a business with a bad reputation.

Maceo Sharp/ Owner


Ejoy under new management

#14REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, July 13, 2009

Ejoy is under new management and the aforementioned complaint is unfortunate, but, based on the facts put forth only partially true. Bare in mind that Ejoy has only 8 parking spots in our parking lot. In his complaint "Elvis" states that he parked at Ejoy, WENT SOMEWHERE ELSE TO EAT, and then came back to eJoy to buy an espresso ($1.50) and print a boarding pass. Come on friend. You go spend $30-40 elsewhere while taking up one of our precious few parking spots. Why didn't you park where you were eating? Probably because you have to pay there.

And eJoy doesn't "employ spotters", we make our money on coffee, FOOD and internet service. But, when someone parks in our lot and goes elsewhere to buy FOOD, what is our recourse? We have had to hire a towing company because it has gotten completely out of hand. Sometimes our lot is full and our cafe is empty because people like you are at the Library watching the (very) pretty girls. :0

Look, I will be a sport about it, I only took over in June but the problem that you helped create persists. Come into eJoy, TRY OUR FOOD FOR ONCE, and I will buy you an espresso.

And I'm sorry your buddy missed his flight. Elvis, park where you plan to do business. Pay the buck at the meter. It's called being responsible for one's self. Like using your REAL NAME and not a monicker when you trash someone's business. My name is Maceo Sharp and I am eJoy's new owner. Please park in my very small lot and support my cafe. My staff is friendly and knowledgeable and OUR FOOD ROCKS.

Thank you,

(Real Name)
Maceo R. Sharp



Good luck

#14Consumer Comment

Wed, April 01, 2009

You parked in their parking lot and then went somewhere else for a bite to eat? Well, there's your problem. You won't stand a chance with a civil suit. If you park in their lot and head off somewhere else, they have every right to tow your car.

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