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  • Report:  #104174

Complaint Review: Earthlink Mindspring

Earthlink, Mindspring Their overseas cheap workers don't comprehend the American language, Customer Service advertising is BS... Atlanta, Georgia

  • Reported By:
    Irvine California
  • Submitted:
    Wed, August 18, 2004
  • Updated:
    Sun, December 05, 2004
  • Earthlink, Mindspring
    Atlanta, Georgia
  • Phone:
  • Category:

I started with Earthlink years ago and received great customer service from American workers. Now it's called Mindspring, and I call in and get sent to India and Singapore. I don't understand them, they don't get me.

They may speak the American language enough to steel our jobs, but they don't comprehend it ! Mindspring is a mess. The overseas people put in T1 lines only to steal our jobs and the Government in the US allowed these crappy, dirty, foreigners who bring diseases, America, to do it.

3 times this month... and again tonight I have had problems with my eMail and web page with domain. Their cheap overseas workers ask me hundreds of questions, put me on hold, over and over, trying to figure it out. I have been on hold with them over 1.5 hours in 2 different countries just tonight.

The last time spent ALL weekend trying to get help. I had to keep calling back hoping to get some foreinger who knew what I was talking about. I was actually hoping to get an American and never did. I asked to speak with a Supervisor both times and was told "NO" by the cheap foreign workers in every other company but the US !

I would hang up to call back hoping I would get an American worker and was sent to another country only to deal with the same crap.

I called the home office of mindspring with out going through customer service the Monday after the weekend I wanted to rip my hair out over this Mindspring, Government mess of American job going overseas. I finally received an American worker during working American working hours last time on both occasions and was taken care of in minutes!!! This is the truth! I'm not making it up, I swear. You have to call Mindspring Corporate and file an complaint about the overseas workers at:


during American hours, and then you will finally be sent to an American worker and be properly taken care of.

The overseas cheap job stealers are taking my money and I'm not getting anything in return.

The Government should shut down mindspring. They send innocent Martha to prison...the CEO of Mindspring should be put in a foreign prison!!!! see how he likes the customer service there.

The mindspring workers in the US should walk off the job and shut the company completely down.

I need a new Internet service provider. I will not pay American companies to send my money or my personal information for terrorists to see in other countries. They have no regulations there. I have no idea what of my personal information they are steeling on a daily basis.

There is absolutely no reason why Mindspring cannot pay American workers. Their BS of not enough money is just that, BS...

I bet the CEO is sucking up the rest of the American workers going home to his mulimillion dollar mansion at night. While American workers are living in poverty..How he sleeps at night is beyond my comprehension.

This company needs to be shut down for investigation purposes. Bet they are doing it to shuffle money around so not noticed by the American Government !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Irvine, California

19 Updates & Rebuttals


Casa Grande,

Jeff and Nancy

#20Consumer Comment

Sat, December 04, 2004

Well I personally know both this Nancy and Jeff and I can tell you that they use the Rip Off Reports to try and get personal info on you. Eventually they find out who you are and establish contact with you. Then the con job starts with Nancy telling you about all her diseases and medical problems (all of them made up). Then comes the visit into your home and thats when she steals your property. Jeff is a friend of Nancy's and his wife took his child away from him because he was sexually abusing it. So folks you decide if you want to take thier advice.


Pleasant View,

How Can They Be Saving Anything??

#20Consumer Comment

Wed, December 01, 2004

I realize that I am getting into this discussion a little late. However, I had similar, absolutely terrible customer service and tech support experience - and when I cancelled, I was offered another phone number to call for customer service (from America) if I would stay. Not on your life!!

I was on the phone with these jerks for hours, first with tech support, then with customer service. All foreign personnel with accents who had extreme difficulty understanding me and I them. And not just because of the accent, either,they speak so low into the headset. When I was FINALLY transferred to sr. tech support my problem was resolved quickly. So, if they must be paying at least 10-12 times more man-hours simply because WE CANNOT UNDERSTAND THEM!! How can this save money????

Good luck.


Phoenix (Area),

Get over it!

#20Consumer Comment

Wed, August 25, 2004

Ok Vicky,

You know this is supposted to be about Earthlink/Mindspring right?

Guess not!

Kerry/Bush - nothing to do with anything. Earthlink and Mindsprinkg have nothing to to with political parties or policies. Get past it! You want to change it - this isn't the place.

I will give you this much. Earthlink.Mindspring should offer better support if you are paying for better support. I have to question if you really are paying for better support or if you're as confused about that as you are about using your computer!

How can you run 2 companies and not understand something as simple as email? What are these companies? Selling pencils and paper perhaps? People with no computer knowlage can understand email. People with no computer knowlage can remember how they are told to do things on a computer, especially if they've been told 3 times.

At very least 99% of the people in this country are smart enough to know to write things down so they don't look like an idiot calling with the same problem over and over again.

I would suggest you do a online chat with tech support so they can email you a copy of the written instructions afterword, but since you can't seem to work your email that doesn't seem to be very good idea does it?


You don't want to trust Nancy - that's your problem! I have known Nancy for years, in fact I am the person that originally brought her to RipOffReport. I assure you everything she's told you is completely true. She does not work for Mindspring or Earthlink and neither do I. She does own/operate several websites, and unlike you she knows what she's doing!

I was the department head for an IT Department for years, and Nancy was still able to teach me a few things - because I listened. Perhaps you should do the same and save your political garbage for another time!


San Deigo,

Kyle and Vicky are correct..we know first hand.

#20UPDATE Employee

Tue, August 24, 2004

Many customers complain about the Customer Service practices with Earthlink, now more than ever in the companies history.

Customers are extremely angry the company standards have changed for the worst. However, forced to pay more money.

I know first hand. Just like Kyle.

It's simple -

Vicky had a right to receive appropriate answers to her questions through Earthink C/S. This is the company she was paying to provide her the service; as Earthlink advertises '24 hour customer (people) support'.

The customer's should not be forced to deal with the rebuttal assistance through mean strangers on the Internet. I would not trust Nancy. I do not know who she is, or if she is honest.

Most of the Earthlink customers aren't computer savvy. This is why they pay more to receive personal assistance. Customers have a right to receive the services promised for their money.

I am sure Vicky is glad (especially now) she did not trust you in the beginning. It appears her initial gut instinct was accurate.



Darren :) Those words are more precious to me than money any day.

#20Consumer Comment

Tue, August 24, 2004

Thanks for the advice. I was gonna drop it at this point. I could be off doing jokes and having fun with you and David on other reports. LOL. :)

The main reason I replied to this woman the last 2 times was because so many people feel the way she does these days. I get sick of being put down when I say I'm a housewife. Far as I know that is still an honorable profession these days. I guess she would have been happier if I had said 'I'm sick a lot of the time, I'm basically homebound, so that is why I help people via the internet instead of in real life'. I think you know what I mean.

She was wrong about me not getting paid for all this .. I do .. in the 'thank you's' I get from those I've helped via my knowledge and experience. Those words are more precious to me than money any day.



Beyond hope Nancy

#20Consumer Comment

Tue, August 24, 2004

This is a no win situation for you. I understand where you were going with the first questions. Often setting up an e-mail account, especially a POP3 with Outlook or something similar requires a quick check of their FAQ page to find out their Incoming and Outgoing addresses and it is done. Usually about 10 mintues, tops.

I would have to guess that this is one of those cases of technology rage.

Even having built computers, tested them to EC stafety standards for major computer manufacturers and doing some on the side training and support I can still understand a person taking the computer outside and shooting it!

When a person reaches this point it is almost impossible to help because the anger gets turned back towards you.

I ususally enjoy your comments on this board and since this is a lost cause I would suggest helping those that want (and apprecaite your help).

Good luck,



Why make this political?

#20Consumer Comment

Mon, August 23, 2004


Again I say you have serious issues.

Again I say that Nancy was only trying to offer some assistance.

After she made a simple observation, you had to turn this into a political debate, and a personal attack against her when you knew nothing about her current life situation or political stance.

You have a legitimate complaint which was well noted in your original post. But when you start spewing political garbage the way you did, you do nothing but destroy your credibility as a complaintant.

Please save the political gibberish for the debate forums, it does not belong here.



You can ASSuME.... do you want me to bake you some cookies?

#20Consumer Comment

Mon, August 23, 2004

*Had* you looked up a lot of my rebuttals in this website instead of just thinking you knew everything about me, you would have seen I am NOT a luxurious housewife. I am a wife, I do stay home all the time, so I use the term to describe myself. As I said in my last rebuttal to you, I am disabled, I can't work, even if I wanted to. Anyway, what the hell does that have to do with my offering to help you out with your computer problems?

You did a report here about email problems. You've talked about everything under the sun EXCEPT that for the most part.

9-11 has NOTHING to do with your setting up an email account. If you want to talk about it, then start a new report. People will click on the link to this report to read about Mindsping and Earthlink, not about 9-11.

I'm real happy about your friend who does a lot. What does she have to do with your email problems? If you were trying to infer I don't do anything, then you are wrong. I do a lot, but most of it is online or computer related (such as in building them). All that I can do from home and doesn't depend on a schedule, which is something people with Crohn's have trouble with since we never know from day to day how we will feel. I don't know from day to day if I will even be able to walk on my own or if I will have to use my wheelchair.

You can assume you know my feelings on issues, but you don't. I'm the wife of a retired police officer, my cousin is a retired sheriff, and another cousin gave his life for this country in Viet Nam. *HAD* you started a report about 9-11 I probably would have said how wonderful the men and women were that gave their lives that day, but this report was about email, not 9-11. As I already said, you wanna discuss it, start a new report.

As far as me getting a job, I don't need to do that, even if I could. My husband and I live within our means, live in a beautiful neighborhood, pay our bills on time, and have no need for credit cards. We have no debt. Can you say that?

As far as needing to call my ISP for problems, the only time I call is when they go down and I am able to troubleshoot it from my end...such as when the node blew out in our neighborhood. I talked to engineering and made them aware of the problem so they didn't have to waste time sending techs out to all the customers who called in. They just sent an engineer out and he replaced everything from motherboard down and we all were back online again in a couple of hours.

Any other computer problems I have encountered have been easily fixed by reading FAQ's online, help .txt's in the program I'm using or are things that I've done before and committed to memory. Had you bothered to find out who I am, you'd have known I'm bilingual in computers, I can talk windows and *nix (DEC, Solaris, Linux, and FreeBSD) OS. Of course you were too busy taking your own report off topic to do that weren't you?

I have no desire to put my Pastor's name on a worldwide forum, just cause you think you wanna talk to him. I know what he would tell you anyway: grow up, get a real life, quit whining about a simple email problem that you could have found the answers to in the help section of your email client and learn to stick to the subject at hand when you do reports.

Now .. do you want me to bake you some cookies?



John Kerry on jobs!

#20Consumer Comment

Mon, August 23, 2004

Vicki you crack my face,
John Kerry has been griping about how Bush has been causing the outsourcing of jobs to China and India. Completely ignorant of the fact that the President has very little to do with where those jobs are located, and the fact that there is nothing even remotely illegal for those corporations to feel guilty about, Kerry is shooting in the dark, but Bush is basically ignoring the point.

That doesn't stop Kerry from trying to use it to bash Bush. He is running for President against him, after all.


... what if Kerry was doing it, too? Would that make him a liar? Or just a hypocrite?

Money quote: "H J Heinz & Co, the family business of Kerry and his wife Teresa, has spread its ketchup operations across the world. Of the 79 factories that the food processor owns, 57 are overseas. Heinz makes ketchup, pizza crust, baby cereal and other edibles in such countries as Poland , Venezuela , Botswana , Thailand , and most of all, China and India."

Let's see - John Kerry-Heinz has 57 of the plants owned by he and his wife (the trustee for the leftist organization The Tides Foundation) overseas, including in China and India.

Hmmm... Heinz.... 57... Hey, I've got this great new advertising campaign worked out, involving the phrase "Heinz 57"! Any ad agencies interested in buying the rights, give me a call...

But let's get another quote: "Campaign finance reports reviewed by the Congressional publication, The Hill, reveal that executives at 25 companies identified by CNN's Lou Dobbs as prime outsourcers have contributed more than $370,000 to Kerry's presidential campaign."

And: "All this has led analysts to believe that Kerry's anti-outsourcing stand is just election season posturing."

"Just election season posturing", eh?

I guess they do know John Kerry...

Also whats up with this bashing of Nancy. All she was doing was trying to help you. You my dear lady are an idiot and dont know what your talking about.



Gag me!

#20Consumer Comment

Mon, August 23, 2004

Vicky, I so hope your business doesn't depend on your deductive skills or it won't be around very long.

I spent part of yesterday building 2 new computers. Your bad for not wanting to listen to me or take the help I was at one point willing to extend to you. I guess dating an ISP for 2 years let me see the all sides of the internet and I try to help where I can. I'm proud of being a geek.

I hate TV, we don't even have one. Why would I want to waste my time and braincells vegging out on a TV when I can spend it helping others in here, running my IRC network, and working on a couple of online forums, one I own, one I don't?

I don't cook either. My husband does the cooking, I do the repair work. For computers, I do the hardware, he does the software. (Yes, there is a joke in here if you care to find it, but it's also the truth.) For other things, he breaks it, I fix it. Works well for us. I do need to learn to sweat pipe still, but I met someone here on ROR that is willing to teach me and I'm really looking forward to that. See, I'm the type that put a new roof on my home when I was 9 months pregnant. 6 hours after that son was born (home birth) I was at the store shopping, cause we were out of Pepsi. So tell me again I sit at home and bake cookies. Gag me! I don't even carry a purse .. if it doesn't fit in the back pocket of my jeans, it doesn't need to go with.

I do know what it's like to lose a husband also. My first husband was murdered a year and 2 months after we were married. I was a whole 19 years old. Welcome to the real world...

Do I know what it's like to be sick? Yeah, I have Crohn's Disease, which is why I can't work outside my home these days. It has no cure, it's for life.

I don't discuss politics, just leads to fights. Let's just say my great grandfather was a Governor and a Republican, that should tell you where my loyalties lie.

Again, I've done many things in my life and experienced more than most ever will. I take of my experiences and knowledge, good or bad and openly give of myself to help others. You chose to flame me instead of taking the help I offered. That was your choice.



You bet I still 'whine' over 9/11 like 50% of Americans. Your heartless......

#20REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, August 22, 2004

Thanks Kyle, but these other 2 women are rumpass heads. They need to come out for air and a reality check..:>

IN CAN'T BELIEVE YOU SAID 'WHINE' ABOUT 9/11 ON THE INTERNET as though you are a heartless. You better pray the victims of 9/11, particularly the Firefighters who lost their co-workers and friends don't see your rebuttal along with troops dying for your freedom to every second of every day. Because they still whine' over it.

THINK, This current overseas fighting is all because of 9/11 ?

You bet I still whine' over 9/11. I know people with children overseas fighting for you're freedom. Which some have come home in caskets. Your children must not be in the war.

My issues' are the issues' of 50% of America.

Yes I whine' because I hear about it every day from someone who is desperately trying to find work (9/11 impacted their previously good life). You see I am a Recruiter, I know first hand what 9/11 did and the amount of lives it impacted. How companies like Mindspring and Earthlink are helping our downward economy and job market. I hear it every day and feel the peoples pain who call me once a week just hoping me and the other Recruiters they are calling will say Yes, I have an interview for you. I, like many other Recruiters have had grown men and women cry on the phone to us, and choking up on the phone because they are loosing everything from NO jobs because of 9/11. So again, YES I whine' over 9/11 still and have issues' with companies like Mindspring and Earthlink.

You are heartlesshave you no respect for the victims or the NY Firefighters or all the troops over seas fighting for your rights ! This does include companies like Mindspring and Earthlink who have no respect by sending jobs to foreign countries especially after 9/11 and the hard economy we are fighting. The money they pored into politician's personal pockets in order to send the jobs there and receive tax breaks to do it.

Busch is opening up this country for one reason and taking big corporate money contributions for his campaign to do it. While our tax dollars are paying for young innocent troops to be killed. He is opening up the world so companies like Mindspring and Earthlink can take American jobs overseas, do cheaper business, allow more tax breaks for the rich. Why do you think the stars' are rallying with big concerts in support of Kerry who's main campaign 'issues' are to tax companies for taking jobs off shore ?

The war is all funded by the American's tax dollars paying for young troops to die leaving women with no alternative but to raise their children on their own and work too. All the while corporate big moneys going straight to Busch to convince him to do it..go guy, more war, means more money in corporations pockets in years once the world is open to send more jobs there.

You will be visiting your kids in India and Singapore for the holidays because they will get no Christmas or Thanksgiving time to visit you. They don't celebrate our holidays over there. Busch is on his ranch hiding more than he is in the White House. Wish I had time to bail my hay that the American's tax dollars paid for on my work hour time OOOO that American tax dollars pay for that too.

If you check out Kerry's numbers (if you even know who Kerry is). You will find his main campaign issues' are because of the poor issues' of companies like Mindsrping and Earthlink sending jobs off shore.

I have 'issues' which are 50% of the American's 'issues' if you look at Kerry's numbers. I was never a Democrat before I saw what was really going on. Right now companies are using it as a tax break and a low wage break while making foreign countries stronger than our own.

My girlfriend with 3 children has to work. Her husband makes 90K and they still have trouble getting by here in CA. There is no money in the school system here for added books, she has to prostitute her kids (we call it here) to earn money for their own school needs/books. On the weekends kids are jumping rope at school anything THE SCHOOL can think of to earn the extra money because of the government cut backs on the school systems here OOOOO because of 9/11. They go to a medium level society school in Mission Viejo, CA and live in what is a middle class home costing 450K here (this is middle class).

In the mean time she holds down a weekly job, fixes the house, takes her kids to school (there is no bus system now), to church and on the weekends her kids have activities and to earn money for their school.... they have to work for the school system because the government can't provide the necessities her tax dollars paid them to provide her kids in school. She is exhausted. This is the real world of someone who is not just a housewife. She is 45.

So when I have a week like my friend and all I want to do is call Mindspring in order to get them to do what they say they will do and provide me with customer service that I paid for, I expect it to be there. Or they are going to hear about it... OOOOOOO because I am not just a housewife and don't have time to make notes on everything, or remember it, and I thought Mindspring would walk me through it faster than I would remember myself...God forbid I should get a company to do what they promise and then actually make a complaint when they don't.

Foreign countries threaten their people if they speak up, but this is America. We have a Constitution. I have seen it and read it, you should take the trip to go and read it personally. But I doubt you even know where they keep it.

As a 47 year old housewife you would have no clue what working single moms go through after their husband died fighting for your freedom to open up the world so American jobs can go overseas. Most likely form your rumpass head rebulttle..You berry your head in your soaps everyday. You have time for your pastor, which most working moms with a deceased husband after 9/11 and no job barely have time to take their kids to church from exhaustion because they have to deal with the after effects of 9/11 and have to feed their children. If you have never HAD to earn a living to support yourself and your kids, at the same time, than you will have no clue in what I and 50% of America are 'whining' about.

Most women don't just stay at home and bake cookies. They don't have that luxury. Most others don't want to be a slave to a husband and like having their own money and using their own minds. Other women went to college and wanted their day to be more than a car ride to the pastors house when they were over 40. Your kids must be grown at 47. What do you do all day, watch soaps and go visit your pastor ? Most women don't have these luxuries to just sit infront of their computers and make notes and remember everything Mindspring tells them when they have other 9/11 issues' to deal with. Which OOO by the way, pastors reputations are not that great theses days either.

My issues' are the issues' of over 50% of the Americans in the US. My whine' is the same whine' as over 50% of Americans in the US. You just insulted 50% of America.

The job index was down, rates are back down, more people call me begging for work because this 2nd hit America is taking and the hardest. They are out of money now and lost all their savings. People can't afford to send their kids to college, the grants aren't there like they use to be. The medical facilities here have been closing for the past 2 years since OOOOO 9/11. So with no work since 9/11, no company insurance since 9/11, no money for personal insurance for their kids or themselves since 9/11, now since 9/11 they receive no free health carefrom Health facilities closing.

So you bet me and 50% of America is 'whining'. The ones who have to work and support their families. How would a house wife who watches soaps all day and the only visit you take is to your pastor would know what is going on in the real world.

When you get a job and get out in the real world from underneath your husbands coat tails than you will know what the real world is like.

How dare you insult America and American's trying to make this world a better place and people dying for your freedom so you can stay at home and bake cookies and have time for your nice visits to your pastor.

This overseas fighting and job loss all because of 9/11. You bet I am still 'whining' because of 9/11.

Congratulations on your luxurious housewife life. I really mean it..However, I would not want it. I like worldly, intelligent, helpful, and people who fight against the wrongs in America so the future children will have a better world. I want to help people and offer them jobs; not unfortunately say I'm sorry I just don't have anything for you.

Congratulations on your 77 year old pastor having a nice conversation with Mindspring. I would like to speak with him to see he in fact does exist.

Pack your bag, Go get a job that will support you and your children in a middle class home, with out any help from your husband or family. Then call Mindspring at 10:00-11:00pm pm at night when you finally have time after the kids go to bed and a 12 hour work day. Ask for help because you desperately needed your business up on the computer the next day. This was the business related episode I had 4 months ago which an American guy took care of latter on the next Monday form the _____ up's over seas mess.

Then get back to me about real life when you have to go out an support yourself after today's 9/11 job market.



O-Well, so your anti-American and for overseas jobs...

#20REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, August 22, 2004

The issues you are accusing me of are the issues of more than half the US, if you take the time to check out Kerry's campaign numbers.

If you check Mindspring has other complaints listed. I would not trust Nancy's help, she threw it back on me to do their job. I complained about Mindspring for not doing their job. I paid them. I made a legal complaint. Later recalled there was more to it regarding their poor issues.

Guess you all don't know about the law suites against companies taking American jobs off shore....I think if you check the NY Fire Fighters are part of the initiation.

Guess you all are not going to vote for Kerry because he is going to start taxing companies who take American jobs off shore. If elected, these companies will receive no more tax breaks...A VERY BIG PART OF HIS CAMPAIGN.

Guess you all have no clue why many, many, many "stars" are rallying with big concerts around the US to vote for Kerry...could it be because he wants American's to have jobs ?

Guess you all don't know that Arnold here is doing his best to bring jobs backwith a very big campaign..

Guess you all have no idea what it is like to have 2 kids and a career...putting both through college in 2 to 4 years alone, because husband die of cancer this past year.

AND was hoping Mindspring would do what they promise, to offer customer service...

You should find out the facts before shooting off your mouths against someone who just wants companies to do what they advertise. To make sure children have a future here.

By the way, I am a Recruiter and have grown men who have cried on the phone to me begging for any type of work. They are loosing everything, have not worked in one to two + years, executives and over 40 who could not keep their kids in college because of the costs, less grants and no job. T his is how I know what it is like out there. I have many, many more people calling than jobs. Not just me but all the Recruiters I know. Many men over 40-45 can't get hired at all

The market dropped again, rates dropped again but I'm sure you have no idea about the market and the poor job index that came out. America is taking a second hard hit and people don't have the money this time around to withstand itBut a housewife would not know how hard it is for single working mom's to support their children or for older men now to find jobs

You have insulted many American's with accusing me of having these issues' because of the poor issues' of MindspringThe issues' you are talking about are the issues' of more than half the American's and especially a very big part of Kerry's campaign along with "stars" and the NY firefighters.

I'm sure the 47 year old housewife just watches soaps all day. or you would be standing up for what I wrote,. Standing up for America and against companies who take American jobs overseas your free ride could be over soon.

Like Hillary say's "I don't stay at home and bake cookies ".



Wow Vickie, you have issues

#20Consumer Comment

Fri, August 20, 2004


You sure do have issues. Nancy was only attempting to help by getting more information from you regarding your "web page and domain" issues. But you had to go off on her and accuse her of being a Mindspring employee. Then you had to rant and rave about US companies shipping their CS jobs overseas.

When you get a chance, try looking up Nancy in the many reports on this website where she has provided valuable assistance and information to others.

As for her statement about you not knowing how to set up an email account after having done it 3 times previously, I agree with her. You should know how to do it on your own by now. Especially if you indeed run 2 companies. Takes some intelligence to do that.

Don't get me wrong, I agree that you should get the level of service that you pay for. That's one of the reasons that I like this site so much (thanks ED!!!). With that in mind, I have but 2 suggestions for you:

1) Tell Mindspring how you feel by cancelling and moving to another provider.

2) If you don't already, go out and Vote! It's the only way we can bring about change in this country.

My 2 cents.

Hey Nancy, did you ever see that movie "Just Married" with Ashton Kutcher and Brittney Murphy? I especially loved the scene where they were arguing with the owner of the hotel in France when Ashton plugged a 110V sex toy into the 220V outlet and destroyed the wiring. Part of the conversation went like this:

(Ashton to the owner) - "Well, it's your responsibility to put some American on your signs!"

(Brittney to owner) - "He means English."




YOU don't get it

#20Consumer Comment

Fri, August 20, 2004

"You must work for Mindspring and be very young and a techy, or overseas...."

Sorry, I'm a 47 year old housewife.

"Along with after 9/11, I do not trust my info in overseas hands."

If you are a customer, they already HAVE your information in their files and can bring it up on their screen at anytime. The 'evil ones' from 'over there' really can't hurt you much knowing your name, address, and last 4 of your social security number, but if you wanna keep believing that, go for it.

"I should not have to 'make notes' on everything I do...THAT was never suggested when I received American Customer Services PROFESSIONALS."

This would probably be because most businesses assume that once you have a computer for even a small amount of time, you will have learned how to set it up on your own without needing your hand held. At the least most people will have taken notes on what they did in the past when they needed help, so they didn't *have* to keep calling for assistance, especially for something so minor as adding in a new email username.

My 77 year old Pastor just bought a new computer last week and we have ALWAYS done all his setup for him, but we weren't available that day to get over to his house. Ya know what, he called Mindsping and they walked him thru the whole setup to get him back online and he did it .. himself! I'm still in a state of shock, since he still hasn't yet figured out the difference between a web brower and an email client, but those techs were good enough to get him online over the phone. (He only has one phone line too, so he was not on his puter as they helped him. He had to write it down and then go do it himself.)

I don't see where any other ISP will be able to help you more, since you refuse to learn the basics about computers and the internet. You don't know the basic terms, you have already shown us in your report you don't know the difference between email and DNS, so no tech support person will be able to help you easily. You have to be able to convey to them the problem and understand their answer to get it fixed.

Did I understand what you were saying from the start of this? Yes, for the most part I did. I could see you had no idea that setting up an email account had nothing to do with your personal website on their DNS (Domain Name Server) and that it's not your own domain, which is what you made it sound like in your report. Now if you had them hosting your own domain (, you had a website set up there and the email link on it wasn't working correctly, THEN what you said at first would have applied. That isn't what you meant though is it? You were only trying to add in a new email username to your existing internet account. No wonder you had the techs all confused, you were using terms that had nothing to do with the problem at hand.

Why did I reply to you? To get your attention and to try to get you to see that YOU need to put a little effort into this if you want to get anything out of it.

I think you used your little adventure here more as an excuse to whine about 9-11. You spent most of your time talking about that, rather than talking about your computer problem.



Your right

#20UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, August 20, 2004

A few things.

Mindspring and Earthlink were 2 seperate companies at one point in time. Mindspring *USED* to kick sand in earthlinks face when it came to customer service. Mindspring initially had won many JD edwards awards for customer service. The CEO of mindspring used to brag to his employees that he would never sell the company, That one day he would own earthlink. Well it all came apart. The ceo sold out to earthlink. Earthlink purchased mindspring, Earthlink consolidated it support of both products.

Earthlink techs had nothing on mindspring techs as far as mindsprings product. Earthlink decided to use off-shore customer service. You now speak to a complete idiot, in a foreign country who has no interest in doing whats right for you, or has no incentive. As a former employee of mindspring, I enjoyed my job for the most part. It *WAS* one of the best companies to work for. They *DID* value their customers. But the CEO Charles Brewer sold his company down the river to earthlink.




#20Author of original report

Fri, August 20, 2004

You don't get it. You must work for Mindspring and be very young and a techy, or overseas....

Mindspring offers higher prices for better 24 hour Customer Service.. But you just threw it back on the customers to do the work by 'making notes'. We are paying more money for you to do what Mindspring advertises they will do for our money...24 HOUR GOOD CUSTOMER SERVICE.

Along with after 9/11, I do not trust my info in overseas hands.

The biggest reason (from the heart) after thinking about it more the past couple of days and not just relating it to my own bad personal experience..

I think it is a slap in the face to New York firefighters and to the people who lost loved ones in 9/11. A slap in the face to ALL THE PEOPLE in the US, who helped start these companies with their hard earned money making the company executives multimillionaires in this time with American dollars.

Then these companies who grew off American dollars, send American jobs overseas. Send our hard earned money there instead of using it to protect the US and take care of the losses of 1000's of lives disrupted by this (why in the heck are we in) war and job loss. To be honest, every American I know see's a Mag Truck' coming at this country in 10 years. They fear desperately for their children's future if the big companies are allowed to continue the way they do.

OUR FUTURE IN AMERICA IS: We keep sending money/JOBS there, we become broke, they are superior because of our money in their country, then they come and take over the US or another attack.. We college ed the terrorists then they came back and bit us. Now American corporations are making other countries more profitable than our own, they are going to come back and bit us again ?

Your children are going to be the ones who are going to be bitten next time or have NO job and be living with you, off your retirement funds, which OOOOOOOO guess you forgot; MOST LIKELY YOU WILL NOT HAVE ANY RETIREMENT FUNDS AND WILL BE DESTITUTE BECAUSE THE GOVERNMENT WILL HAVE NO MONEY TO PAY..However, your children will not be able to afford to support you because OOOOO... guess what....THERE WILL BE NO WORK

Let people come here and work cheap and pay American government taxes for America to profit. We need to get out of our jam first and work off the deficit. To pay our troops more and the loved ones of the troops who are dying and are left destitute. No wonder American colleges are charging more, more health care facilities closing downAmerica is turning into a mess and now our jobs going off shore with my money and bad experiences of so called Customer Service. We already pay enough money to other countries and give them food from our taxes..

We should be teaching them to plant and grow corn', not giving it away to them forever; only creates laziness and dependability.

I should not have to 'make notes' on everything I do, with every company I speak with 24 hours a day, when they are to offer me a 24 hour dial in for "Customer Service". THAT was never suggested when I received American Customer Services PROFESSIONALS.

I pay more money so I can get support, not have you throw it back on the customer to remember and make notes to avoid using your customer service, which OOOO by the way, I only used 3 times in one year, unsuccessfully.

No, I did not remember how to re-set up a new eMail address from a year or 2 ago. I am not a computer person. I own 2 separate businesses and like to have one eMail to friends for personal.

I paid Mindspring more money to get help when I need it, at any hour, I would need it. This is what they advertise..? Or, might as well pay less to do the work myself (make notes). Get a free eMail account like even my rich friends did to avoid the above.

Never had a problem before with customer service when I started with the company, before the mess ofthrowing everything back on the customers to do the work Mindspring should be doing to help support the customers...OOOOO who by the way pay their salaries, put the roofs over their heads.

The Executive level's...., thinking about how to do it cheaper by sending American dollars to other countries, so they personally can make more millions off American dollars and say to their investors see look at your profit now ? Well, did any of these so called 'educated idiots' think about what it is doing to our future ? Or their childrens futures. OOOOOOOO - their children wont need money becuase the Exectutive levels who made the mulimillions will be able to pass on the wealth to their kids, while other's starved. So their protected all the way down to their grandchildren becuase money just goes when you have lots of it and power with it. But what about the rest of the people ?

This is why I think I can pay another provider less and still get the same service and America workers who understand my language. Along with knowing that the simple down the street family has a chance with their children getting employment in the future...

Mindspring expects me to make my own notes now ???????...and speak to people now who don't get what Customer Service means.


The other problems with your overseas customer service were business related. They had no idea what a Mindspring Urchin report was...I had to sit and explain it to them along with a Mindspring Control Center, they had no idea...An American worker took care of that in 2 minutes as well on the Monday after.

I'm done with this, your rebuttals are obviously just to throw the work back on the customer and make up excuses for US dollars supporting other countries.




#20Consumer Comment

Fri, August 20, 2004

If you have already set up email 3 times in the past, why would you need help with it again? Didn't you write down what you did step by step, if you know you aren't going to be able to remember it after doing it once?

Also in your original report you said "...again tonight I have had problems with my eMail and web page with domain."

You never said what was wrong with your domain and the webpages you have on it. Did you get that fixed too?



I just wanted to set up a new eMail address

#20REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, August 20, 2004


Thanks for your response. All I wanted to do was set up a new eMail address. American workers always walked me through it in minutes...

Mindspring owes me 6 months free service for all the time I have spent with their off shore cheap resources.

Don't know how you can help, unless I am reimbursed for my time. I am shopping for a new provider. I don't believe in American companies who are making multimillions already sending jobs overseas.

If they want to come here and pay taxes, fine...I have to pay taxes on my money I make here and give the rest to mindspring.... So should Mindspring and their employees.



What was wrong?

#20Consumer Comment

Wed, August 18, 2004

"3 times this month... and again tonight I have had problems with my eMail and web page with domain."

What was wrong with your email? Is Earthlink hosting your own domain or are you talking about personal webspace that everyone gets with their internet account?

If you can post some details I will try to help you.

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