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  • Report:  #620892

Complaint Review: Eben Pagan Frank Kern David DeAneglo Mike Filsaime Yanik Silver Andy Jenkins Jeff Walker

Eben Pagan, Frank Kern, David DeAneglo, Mike Filsaime, Yanik Silver, Andy Jenkins, Jeff Walker Frank Kern & Eben Pagan on Investigation by FBI & FTC: "Syndicate" Organization. Internet

  • Reported By:
    Private — Beverly Hills California U.S.A.
  • Submitted:
    Wed, July 07, 2010
  • Updated:
    Wed, April 07, 2021

I heard from reliable sources that someone very close to Frank Kern who works for him is cooperating with the FBI & the FTC to get more information on him so they can prosecute him for deceptive business practices and misleading income claims. 

Frank Kern as we know got into trouble with the FTC beforehand for his MLM business. So what the sources tell me don't leave me much doubt. Kern is also a convicted felon.

Authorities are also running in on Eben Pagan because they found out that he is connected to Frank Kern's actions.


Eben Pagan currently runs an secret organization called "The Syndicate". 

Members of this organization include Mike Filsaime, Jeff Walker, Andy Jenkins, Frank Kern, Yanik Silver & other unknown members. 

The purpose of this organization is to destroy any competition regardless of the morality of the actions needed. They are out to ruin the business of any other internet marketer who they fail threatened by. They want to basically kill competition.

Eben Pagan claims to be the first dating guru. This is FALSE. Ross Jeffries was the first dating and seduction guru ever. He started the WHOLE thing offline and online. 

Eben used to be a student of Ross Jeffries and Ross himself has also briefly talked to my sources about the unethical and immoral character of Mr. Pagan. 

Pagan basically stole the work of others and sold it as his own as stated by Jeffries. He used to live in a 1 bedroom apartment in La Jolla, California where he was a student of Jeffries. 

Jeffries has also openly stated that the seduction/dating community itself frowns upon Pagan because of the low quality of his materials. 

It's true that Pagan has built a $20 million dollar a year business from dating but that business is a made up of stolen content. The ebook he sold was rehashed as clearly stated by Jeffries. 

As his ebook sales starting picking up and growing massively - Pagan also got greedy. 

He started selling DVDs, CDS & Interviews that were expensive plagiarized content. And the content of this "higher-end" material was also repetitive. 

Pagan's real motive for the majority of these extra products were MONEY...Now some of the products lots of people have benefited from. Others not so much so. 

If you read the book called "The Game", Neil Strauss describes and talks about Eben Pagan. Pagan basically screwed Mystery. His "Syndicate" organization first pretended to be his friend so they could do some damage to his business. 

Strauss, mentions these there are plenty of marketers who market to the seduction/dating community unethically and he also points out the dirty business behind it. A lot of PUA marketers are basically like drug dealers. A lot of them are out to get their competition in anyway possible. 

Pagan's dating courses are basically over-priced, hyped & plagiarized. He also lied about how he got to where he is today. His business associations are also shady. 

Pagan's business courses are excellent however those too have been ALL plagiarized, repetitive and over-priced.

Pagan defiantly gives a lot of useful advice and he knows a lot but his motivations are deceitful. He as a person is deceitful and he's not the character to what many people may think he is. His dating business has surely made a lot of money but his associations, business practices, product content and motivations are all deceitful. 

His sales figures maybe close to number 1 in the dating niche but his QUALITY, COMPETENCE & SKILL level are very low compared to his competitors. 

He's not the great business leader he portrays himself to be. His sales figures may get other people to think otherwise, but if you look at the picture behind the sales figures, he's not very authentic in terms of his actions, behavior and motivation. Some of his customers maybe happy but even a "half-shaddy" business can have some happy customers. 

In fact, he himself can NOT get women. Strauss points this out. He talks about how Pagan is a horrible authentic PUA but a very good marketer who can sell PUA content like a crack dealer.

In other words he is really just a huckster and VERY VERY VERY few people can see through him because he is excellent at speaking, talking, manipulating and selling. You can certainly learn from this aspect of Pagan but otherwise people really need to be informed of WHO this guy really is and his REAL character. This guy even fooled me and I thought of him in very high regards before.

If you read "The Game", they throughly discuss him for what he really is. 

Now, we turn to Mike Filsaime. (Eben Pagan's close friend) The guy has been involved in force continuity, rehash products, horrible support, SPAM, failure to honor unsubscribe links, and he only made his money being selling products which teach others to make money. Also fails to refund other people's money and blames the customer for not "taking action". He was a used car salesman who used deceptive MRSP on the cars he sold. He also promotes low quality products most of the time to his email list. He also did a business launch of his "marketers cruise" with a child sex offender and Donna Fox who ran a scam company. Avoid him. 

Frank Kern (Another Friend of Eben Pagan) was involved in MLM. MLM is always a dishonest business. None of it is honest. He was shut down by the FTC for his MLM business. He is also a convicted felon. And FBI & FTC are getting in on him right now. They want to take him down because of his false income claims and deceptive business practices. A person that works for him has already stated and verified that he is not very morally sound. The FBI is gathering more information on him to have a warrant for his arrest.

Yanik Silver (Another Friend of Eben Pagan) - Copy writes MLM sales letters. (Eben Pagan also helped write MLM sales letters.) He is also very vicious and cruel towards competition. Yanik Silver also really only made his money from selling products to others on how to make money. His associations are also shady. (Same with Jeff Walker. )

And by the way, pretty much all these "gurus" also promoted a $2,000 CPA course which made claims of earning $100,000 a day. The earning figures were real but the way that income was made however was very unethical and ill-gotten. It was cracked down by the FTC, Google, Credit Card Companies and Merchant Accounts were shut down. All of it was on the news.

My Personal Advice?

Do not make friends with these people. Do not associate with them and do not do business with them. They ARE out to get you and your business. If you are having major success in online business their organization is out to get you. That's the whole point in their "Syndicate" crew. They want to control the market, destroy competition through any means, and keep any competitors out. They are a evil mastermind group. 

Always remember: "You are who you hang out with". Any guru who associates with these shady characters, be careful from them because they might not really be the great heroic business leader (as portrayed) who will always welcome new business owners who are just beginning to have some big success.

They are out to kill you... Period! And if you have so happen to be interested in getting into the dating niche - be very careful because that market has a lot of competition and the "Syndicate" organizational will be very jealous of you if they feel you to be any kind of threat.

I suspect Eben's business is hitting the peak of his boom and I predict he fears it will fall. There are plenty of competitors who offer 1000X better value, quality, honesty and originality than Double Your Dating. It will certainly take time for DYD to fall but eventually in my opinion, it will prevail to fall.

PS. Can't reveal sources. :)

4 Updates & Rebuttals


santa cruz,
United States

I think his material is solid

#5Consumer Comment

Wed, April 07, 2021

 A book will never get you all you want so far as transformative information. If you have followed Pagans advancement, and listened to his seminars, then you will see that he is a sincere individual offers a great deal of real useful information that can help a guy go from clueless to being a solid dude. Dont stop at the books, go to the audio sessiins and your mind will be blown.


North Attleboro,
United States of America

Belief Half of What You See, Nothing of What You Hear

#5Consumer Comment

Wed, June 03, 2015

First, I'm surprised that ROR allowed this critique without one shred of substantiated evidence.


Second, the writer is not well versed in grammar, but that does not automatically disqualify his/her claims. However, it does preclude possibility of being any type of legitimate journalist.


What I've found to be true in his claims: Ross Jeffries did indeed beat Eben Pagan to the punch as far as online 'guru' status. I can't find claims that Eben claimed to be first, but, assuming the reporter is correct, I would say this: Ross was/is totally about self-serving seduction claiming to help men "get the women you want and deserve" like they're some sort of prize. Eben's position is to date more women and develop genuine relationships with them. From their own websites, I would agree that Eben is the first "dating guru" and Ross is the first "seduction guru" (my opinion: if you feel you need to seduce/trick women to feel like a man, then you are pure insecure scum). 


All other claims about Kern, Pagan, and even Tony Robbins being involved in 'The Syndicate" started with this article back in August 2009.  A dubious blog with the most ridiculous examples to support their case such as: a conversation with a volunteer crew member at a Robbins' event. Emails from Pagan that say it's against the TOS to forward links to video pages and claiming that the tactic is probably illegal ( some research and say one way or the other, not "probably" - which, I believe a person can set any TOS they want for a webinar that they're creating and hosting on their site using their mailing list.) Oh, and also, for evidence, uses comments posted to blog post. Yeah, anybody who has ever authored or read a blog has seen some pretty freakin' weird comments that have nothing to do with the post, its author, or reality for that matter.


This article was followed by others posted by a notorious internet muck-raker who, on his own website, states that the author is an uncouth...son-of-a-b***h b*stard. Does he have any proof? Yes! Half a dozen snippets of conversations taken out of context leading to a sand-solid case of circumstantial evidence that wouldn't pass muster in front of a Grand Jury. One point of evidence is from an alleged email sent to potential Joint-Venture Partners saying that a proposed product would be have "similar price-point" to the people named above and he calls that proof of price fixing. No. It's not. That's like Hyundai saying in an internal email that the new Scoop (made up) will target that same price as a Honda Civic. Is that price fixing? No. That's looking at market conditions, target audience/consumers, and competition and deciding what the market will bear. Because, if his definition of price fixing were correct, every gadget sold on TV for $19.95 would be facing a criminal investigation.


This uncouth author is the main antagonist in perpetuating this story in 2009-2010 and then other sites picked up the torch without adding any new evidence. The author, in fact, has been investigated by the state of Illinois for violating its anti-stalking laws. He claims to be a lawyer but comes across as anything but professional, thorough, or mature. He has also written that he writes the way he does because that is how the scammers talk about their victims in their back-rooms. And he would know this how? I believe he was scammed by somebody using the same sales tactics that a lot of marketers use and has equated that to mean "If you use X tactics you are the same as John Doe who ripped me off."


Frank Kern makes a great rebuttal of his own here: (full disclosure - I was on his email list all of 2 weeks and have never bought or read any of his products) He says that the Syndicate is a matermind group. That's great. I'm a member of one too. We're 5 business owners who all have a presence on the internet (who doesn't?) and use our knowledge & backgrounds to help each other. I guess that makes me a scammer?


Inciting that all MLMs are scams is pure opinion. I admit that there are many shady dealings but, I was involved in one (didn't suit my personality) and a few of my friends have done very well who stayed with it and are doing their business fulltime. They're providing products to customers who use and enjoy them. Yes, total scam.


This entire report is nothing more than rumor that is self-perpetuating, everybody citing everyone else, without any shred of real evidence.


The reason I saw this is because I'm checking out Jeff Walker. I've never done business with him but I got his book (out of the library) and wanted to see if he was legit. Here's the thing you, the reader of the above report, need to consider: If any of these men were in fact snake-oil salesmen, using unethical marketing practices to offload products that provide little or no value and high prices and who did not honor their well-advertised money-back-guarantees - don't you think if all of that was indeed true, then there would be at least a few hundred reports on this site out of the thousands of 'victims'?  There are virtually zero. That's all the evidence you need.


I reveal my sources.


United States of America

Eben Pagan

#5Consumer Comment

Tue, October 25, 2011

you should really get your facts straight man.

I've spent time with Eben. that guy is a marketing freaking genius.

Ross who???


United States of America

You're Crazy

#5Consumer Comment

Tue, August 23, 2011

I mean this with all due respect, but you are crazy!!

I don't know all of the individuals you named, but I will tell you this.  I know Frank Kern, Love Frank Kern and can say that not only is he a great guy, but



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