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  • Report:  #1305319

Complaint Review: Eckankar

Eckankar, Eckankar Satsang Society, Eckankar Student Society Machiavellian, Dishonest, Immoral, Treacherous, Backstabbers, Illicit Activities, Fear Mongers, Schemers Chanhassen Minnesota

  • Reported By:
    Renata — Miami Florida USA
  • Submitted:
    Fri, May 13, 2016
  • Updated:
    Fri, May 13, 2016

I joined eckankar many years ago and have been a member for a long time.I was a practicing witch before joining eckankar.I hoped eckankar would help me to get out of witchcraft only to realize now that eckankar is witchcraft.

I became a trainer to teach eckankar classes and seeing so many odd illegal things of students I have taught to get higher initiations.

I was asked by headquarters to confront a person called Ann that rummaged through visitors and members purses,backpacks,bags including North Americans personal belongings at eckankar centers.

Also main headquarters in United States sent the headquarters manager in Europe to speak with a woman,Ann.The manager asked Ann about her searches inside study centers that main headquarters in the United States encouraged,which could bring police interest.

A Scot woman and friend of the European manager started a break away separate spiritual group in Scotland.Break off group causing much problems for our spiritual leader.Yet The Scot still passed on information about people she did not like to eckankar headquarters in United States so they would be harmed.

The eckankar Europe manager has been friends with this Scot woman doing what she tells her. The manager watching members and spreading malicious stories to get them in trouble, and attack who the Scot does not like.

This Ann woman has had association with this Scottish woman doing what she has been told by her. The woman digging up dirt on threatening members to the Scot woman, which might reveal the break away group in Scotland.

An English Hi initiate man has also helped this Scot woman. This man under control to do what she orders and in turn he gets initiations from her as a member of the break away group in Scotland.

There are so many deranged members in eckankar practicing illegalities amongst the group. Students making mischief behind the back of main headquarters including illicite money making protected by the study group name.

Members using study group association to make money and not passing profits on to main headquarters.Study group members spreading malicious rumors, searching private purses, bags, backpacks brought in by class members and outsiders.Bullies assailing feared members without their knowledge and behind visitors backs by gossip and actions.

I have practiced loyalty to eckankar, followed orders resulting in me brought down with numerous bad people. Worse than when I had friends as associates that practiced witchcraft with me.My witch friends were better characters than most of current eckankar members I have known for years.

An impaired member received free car - currency gifts for doing mischief business for member foreigners not from within the country.He confided to me about fear authorities would find out, afraid he would be found out along with other members accross the world.This man fearing presumptions of agencies convinced there is inappropriate networking with american, and other member nationalities, so he is hiding to not be questioned.

My experience is eckankar is far worse than when I practiced witchcraft because so much blatant attack against membership who don't comply.Eckankar accross Europe for instance encouraging practicing dirty business dealings using front of being spiritual scholarship group.

I have been asked so many times by eckankar headquarters to go to classes and meetings to watch covertly bad members not following orders.I have reported what I saw to headquarters.

High leaders in eckankar to me look and feel like body embalmer morticians.They are creepy and shadowy wearing dark clothes and reeking of death.Our high initiates seem to be at a continuous seance talking to dead people.

I also know a person Geri, a member hiring many people to do bad business in Europe and United States. Coincidently Geri knows the English man who has helped the Scot woman who made the break away group in Scotland.

I don't know how I can study spiritual subjects with the witchcraft machiavelli intrigue inundating eckankar.I am so afraid to speak out that I will get attacked by headquarters with worse witchcraft then what I joined eckankar to get away from!

I have conviction that eckankar president in Germany is afraid for his young boy that is why he keeps his mouth shut and is secretive.Members do not want to get in trouble and be harmed if they get found out in eckankar.

I have witnessed so many bad things during my years practicing eckankar in which members were referred to in derogatory disrespectful names and punished.

Top management highs running headquarters do nasty enforcer tactics that are underhanded and illegal.Enforcers ignore consequences they could suffer from repeated attacking against noncomplying members.

For any that want to join eckankar I think it is safer to practice witchcraft and more spiritual.This is not a joke. Join eckankar and find out. During my experience with Eckankar members, I understand them to be the most immoral people I have ever met.

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