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  • Report:  #1020253

Complaint Review: Eco Construction & Maintenance

Eco Construction & Maintenance Eco Construction Lie, Cheat, Illegal Work Environment, Favoritism, Sexual Harassment, Lake Mary, Florida

  • Reported By:
    anonymous — Kissimmee Florida United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Tue, February 26, 2013
  • Updated:
    Mon, November 24, 2014

This company hires you and then overworks you, for a pay that does not correspond with the amount of work you do. The owners whom are husband and wife scream and fight with each other on a daily basis. If someone like your boss, or the owners have an issue with you, or a company as a whole, they hold meetings and scream at you as a group or they will scream at you in front of everyone making you on the verge of crying. 

The office you will work in is a mess! Dirty, dusty, and hand-me down beat-up office furniture from craigslist is what you'll be working with. It was embarrassing working there when big clients would come in and they would have to sit in the middle of the call center area to wait for an hour beyond their appointment for the owners.

This company also plays favoritism with at least 4 people working there being relatives. The General Manager whom has his brother working and wife working under him which is illegal as well as the IT guy being a close family member from another company.  There is also a sex ring going around that people seem like they almost blackmail each other about. The GM also passes his responsibilities that are deemed dirty work on to others way below him so he doesn't have to deal with them. The GM also doesn't know how to make decisions as there are several people, below him, within the office, whom can tell him what to do and he jumps to do it. 

The company also does not pay their subcontractors whom they hire to do their construction and maintenance work. The accounting department looses information and hides information purposely telling the subcontractors they didn't receive their paper work so they can't pay them. 

There have been several people whom were great employees whom placed their 2 weeks  written notice in and they have fired them either on the spot or within days later before the 2 weeks was even up. According to the department of labor this is illegal as this was an agreement. This company is also famous for running after your car and writing down your license plate number filing police reports after they fire you. The owners also make it clear and have even told me "Don't bother filing for unemployment because you wont get it and you will have to fight me for it!" No lie they told me this!

The have people work there or continuously make huge mistakes costing them huge amounts of money, but they keep them and fire the people whom give fresh ideas, and push the ideas to make them happen to expand and make the company better. 

When people leave they reduce your pay considerably from you original amount which is illegal as stated by the Department of Labor. The company also at the beginning of employment make you sign paperwork which no one ever reads, but I will now! They say you read and signed for the Employee Handbook and you never receive one. When you are fired or leave voluntarily and ask for you employee file or copies they say they have to speak to their attorney and never hear from them again which is also illegal it's your information within the file. 

I can create a book that is about this company but can only tell everyone beware of doing business with this company, beware of working directly for this company, and beware of doing subcontracting work with this company. 

6 Updates & Rebuttals


Lake Mary,

this is so true

#7UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, November 24, 2014

This is so true. I am an ex employee of this company and this was so crazy.

The owners will scream at you for no reason, will say insults all day long !

They do everything possible not to pay the contractors, this is a shame.

They should be controlled by IRS and would be out of business right away.

To leave the ocmpany was the best thing I have ever done.




Were coming in numbers to tell the truth!

#7UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, September 12, 2014

As I am another former employee that can agree with all of this. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stay away from this crazy sick joke of a job if you are job hunting. They are going to write back and rebuttal these reports with sweet words and try thier best to encourage others how great of a place this is, and how could these people write such negative things about us.. WELL I AM ANOTHER WITTNESS THAT'S SAYING IT'S ALL TRUE. These two twisted individuals that call themselves married need professional help(business and professional). Out of all the SCAMS and the amount of GOOD working people that performed great work for this company NEVER got paid. Dawn is known to hold checks behind that hard working subcontractors already did the work that havent been paid, this is NOT un common. And what you read in the above reports about how the accounting department will be forced to tell these unpaid sub-contractors that they are missing paperwork as a excuss to delay thier check. (ALL TRUE) This Job was the worst job I've ever had. This is the most stressful enviroment to work in, having the owners throw "F" bombs back and forth at the top of thier lungs with all employees present at least once a week. And at this place it does'nt matter how hard you try, regardless if you show up on time everyday, Yes even an ideal employee has the constant everyday stress of walking on egg shells of not knowing if you were next to be fired or not, because its does'nt matter how good of an employee you are, ONLY if they like you or not. This place is such a stressful enviroment, I am glad that I found this web site, as everyone that researches this company needs to know the truth. I'm sure some poor employee that's in fear of thier job will be forced to write a rebuttal that sounds so sweet and that nothing I wrote is true. But I promise you, more and more former employees are going to find this web site and add to this discussion of how these MONSTERS operate. Out of the NUMBERS of employees that are hired and fired, the truth WILL come out. And how can you argue when a number of people all state the same facts!








so silly

#7UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, December 13, 2013

Haha this must be Dawn writing this (or Dawn forcing someone to write this).

You guy's are both silly... ECO is just another company, a very shitty ran company yes, but still just another company.  Dawn and Steve do take care of those that they consider 'family', but if you are just another person on the floor then you are nobody to them... So what?  Who cares, it's just a J-O-B!  I used to work there and I have no bad feelings about them, I just figured that they were not very smart people in general.  Sure they know how to screw people over (and then hide under the veil that they are 'religious' and that alone makes them good people), but they don't know how to make the common person happy.

They really do think that they are the only two people in the world, and that everyone else somehow 'owes' them something because they are so kind as to give you a job... but in fact you are lied about your title from day one.  They tell clients that they have TEAMS of Project managers, when in reality the floor is filled with people who may/may not even have a high school diploma.  I don't think a single person in that company has a college degree, and the problem is that they like it that way... they want a dumb floor.

But anyways, I don't get the bitching about it on here... who f***ing cares if they are a**holes, just quit and move on!  The only reason I'm writing this is because of the employer rebuttle, and it's hilarious that they think they are such good people on the inside... but I guess if you keep telling yourself the same lie over and over again, eventually you will believe it!

Overall... ECO=bad place to work (underpaid, hostile environment, backstabbing, lies, rumours) it's basically like a high school lunch room with all the different clicks and the gossip.  They are also dishonest and screw over poor contractors left and right (I was forced to do it myself some), and lie to their customers about their service as well.

Anyways, best of luck ECO.  You should try to remember the golden rule ''Treat others as you would like to be treated yourself'', and stop thinking that everyone is out to get you... cause in reality, nobody gives a f*** about you or your family.

-Former employee


Lake Mary,

All of You Should Seek Professional Help!

#7UPDATE Employee

Fri, October 25, 2013

These reports are so inaccurate and deceiving! How can anyone take these reports as legitimate? Three cry-baby complaints from three disgruntled former employees—that is what it is. Honestly, I thought I was reading reports from three parrots from a second rate pet store. It is so comical! The authenticity of these reports is hearsay and obviously these disgruntled beings cannot present anything new for they have PARROTED statements from each other. The way these reports were written is laughable. If all of you were “over-worked,” where did you find the time to indulge in idle gossip? No wonder you are no longer working at Eco Construction and Maintenance! Thank you for resigning for I would have campaigned to have you all fired! And, if you were fired, come forward and tell your story, but you can’t because you have nothing! You screwed up! You sit cowardly shielded by your monitor. Don’t dole out hearsay stories that had nothing to do with you. It never ceases to amaze me, how quick people are to criticize and find faults as if there is a reward for finding them! What kind of handsome reward did you receive for writing your report? ZILCH. Personal satisfaction? Reputation damage? Bird seeds? Oh, by the way, if you are looking for a job, prospective employers do research companies you have previously worked for and if they read derogatory comments from former employees, it will reflect on you whether you wrote them or not! Who would want to hire from a company whose former employees write derogatory comments on a website that publishes unverified reports? I would not hire any of you. You are a liability to any company you set foot in! Are you proud of yourself now? You reap what you sow. …oh and by the way, Eco Construction & Maintenance continues to grow! Eco Construction and Maintenance is a fast-paced organization and everyone working at Eco must have a thick skin or you will not survive. Obviously, the previous three disgruntled little parrots did not posses these traits. The early bird gets the worm. So your feathers were heavy & you could not fly. You starved to death; had you been an eagle, you’d soar. That is why you are no longer employed by Eco. I am going to let you in on a little secret of how you can succeed at Eco and believe me it is not hard at all. In fact, every company, including fast-food restaurants has this policy: report to work on time and come to work everyday! Do your work and do it better than the person sitting next to you. It is apparent by what I have read you do not have what it takes to make it anywhere, not even flipping burgers or asking Drive-thru customers, “Would you like fries with that?” and that is why you are no longer working at Eco and are unemployable. Does Polly want another cracker? Keep reading: I am not glorifying Eco Construction and Maintenance for every company, employee, owner, manager and client have their ups and down. However, one cannot over look the good things Eco Construction and Maintenance continues to do for their employees as well as the community. I am sure none of the parrots have participated in any monthly birthday potluck luncheon, Football Camp for children sponsored by Eco and the Orlando Predators, received complimentary tickets to Predator games, participated during softball season, joined in our holiday celebrations—the list is endless. Continue chirping because there is more. So, you were over-worked and underpaid? The owners are very forgiving! Not to mention the many times employees report to work late or were out for personal or family issues before meeting company policy (which every organization has)—we have seen them all. You must have been late and absent many times to complain you were underpaid. Once you speak with the owners of the company and address your issues, they will work with you. Better than any other company I have worked for! Somehow that was not enough for you. Tweet in on some more. It is a husband and wife team. They treat everyone like family and on non-occasions treat the company for lunch. If you were not part of this, you were absent that day! Sure there are going to be arguing and discussion between them, but it is obvious that they love each other because, hey, guess what? They are still married!! They care about their company as good bosses do and want everyone to excel because if you are not committed to your work, the company does not make money. Apparently, you were not producing! Not enough for you? You wrote about sexual harassment, discrimination, and a sex ring. Exactly, what is a sex ring? Were you the victim of harassment? Were you involved in these events? Of course not! It is all hearsay, again. In short: gossip. Eco operates 24-hours a day, 7 days a week and globally. Our company is PROUD of their international and multi-cultural operation and of their employees. Do you speak another language or look different? NO! Were you discriminated? NO! Once again, hearsay! Another thing I am sure you are unaware of every company has a sexual harassment & discrimination case in court. Why wait until resigning to file a complaint? And don’t say he or she did not know because you know that is a LIE. All employees must go through Non-Harassment training. I should know I took the class and received a certificate. Unfortunately, these are the same people for whom the company has helped during personal crisis and came to the company owners for help because they were turned away by their own. A hand was extended to them and help was provided—not much as a “thank you,’” or gratitude, but malicious gossip about the owners. And yes, companies before they hire you will do the research—through public records. If they are looking for another job, I got news for you, only a second rate company may hire them. Ask them if they enjoy working for a minimum wage store-front company or for Eco. Your co-workers treated you like family. How do I know? I am part of that family! We know exactly who you are. Guess what? They do not trust any of you. In conclusion, you have forgotten to mention: company thieves! I’m sure you would not dare! Oh, no! Because you have and that is why YOU ARE NOT EMPLOYED BY ECO. Oh and yes, it is PUBLIC INFORMATION and yes, everyone in the company knows. When you ask them, they will deny it, just like you denied everything. You are a flip-flop thief! Are you proud of yourself now? Sincerely, The VERY Visible AND Satisfied Employee



insane crazy

#7REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, August 16, 2013

 During my employment at Eco, I also witnessed nearly every single scandalous event mentioned in the first report. This company under pays their employees and does not always pay their subcontractors. 

They discriminated people and do favoritism. There is a sewual ring going on.

The owner went to court several times for sexual harrasment. I have seen him touching employees.

Someone filed a claim against the General manager as well.

The owner's wife will scream and insult you in front of everybody.

They do illegal business as well.


I left this company and I thank God everyday for that because this place is totally insane !!



I couldn't agree more

#7UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, June 04, 2013

During my tenure at this horrible company I witnessed nearly every single scandalous event mentioned in this report.  This company under pays their employees and subcontractors and over charges their clients, in some cases 200-300%.  To say they don’t have any ethics would be an understatement; it might be easier to assume they don’t even know the word exists.  The sexual harassment and discrimination is evident from both the husband and the wife and God forbid you get on either’s bad side or caught in the middle of their twisted marriage.  The husband will offer you money for sexual favors and the wife blames the victim for the husband’s misdeeds.  These people are monsters and shouldn’t be allowed to raise a plant much less be someone’s employer.  

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