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  • Report:  #203453

Complaint Review: EcoQuest International And BEST FINANCE INC.

EcoQuest International And BEST FINANCE INC. ripoff home based business will steal your money, time and enthusiasm - do not get involved! Greeneville, MOSHEIM And P.O BOX 9, Tennessee

  • Reported By:
    Cote-St-Luc Quebec
  • Submitted:
    Sat, July 29, 2006
  • Updated:
    Mon, February 05, 2007
  • EcoQuest International And BEST FINANCE INC.
    310 T. Elmer Cox Dr And MOSHEIM
    Greeneville, And P.O BOX 9, MOSHEIM, Tennessee
  • Phone:
  • Category:

EcoQuest International and Best Finance Inc. are ripping off their distributors and they ripped me off as well. I am ex distributor of EcoQuest and I must say that I was a fool when I gave my trust to Michael Jackson - the owner of the company. In fact he owns both companies.

To the best of my knowledge - the owner of the Best Finance and EcoQuest is the same person Michael Jackson and therefore there is a conflict of interest in my opinion.

He lend me his money in June 05 to buy his Success Pack /5 Fresh Air Purifiers/ for $2495.65 US. BUT LATER ON HE DID NOT LET ME TO SEND THEM BACK as per my request already in September 2005 when I knew I was unable to sell them. They are too expensive - suggested price in Canada is $899.00 which is really ridiculous. No one will pay this price here. So I had to keep these purifiers ONE YEAR UNTIL June 11.2006 based on their contract "Double Your Income"...In fact only Michael Jackson is doubling his income with this contract.... HE NEVER SAID IN THE CONTRACT THAT HE WOULD CHARGE INTEREST THE WHOLE YEAR ON MONEY BORROWED FROM HIM. SO THE TRUTH WAS HIDDEN AND THEREFORE THE CONTRACT IS NOT VALID - AT LEAST NOT FOR ME.

So in the mean time Best Finance start to charge interest every day on borrowed money, despite my effort to send purifiers back earlier. I even wrote a letter to Michael Jackson on Nov.14.05 requesting his consent for sending back his Success pack, but he did not even bother to answer.

When I returned those purifiers in July 06, which costs me another $99.00, not only the credit was 25% less than the price I originally paid, there was an interest charged on the money and in the end the company hired a collection agency also in July 06 - asking me still for $ 2 085.29 US despite of the fact that they have their credit for the merchandise and despite of the fact that I already paid $818.15.

So this is a real RIP-OFF Company and I am contacting BBB as well.

Cote-St-Luc, Quebec

5 Updates & Rebuttals


New Hampshire,

Those who fail are lazy

#6UPDATE Employee

Sun, February 04, 2007

My name is Art Fontaine and I have been a dealer for 3 months. I am also a Certified Mold Inspector and Biocide applicator. I signed up with Ecoquest because when I got certified we were told the technology was the best. If you read the latest test results the proof is now on paper!

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

No one conned me into anything, I had to fight for my success pack. I failed the credit app 2x and then my MGR wrote best a letter telling them how I had been a heroin addict before coming to Christ and I was only applying for 3 units. They upgraded me to a success pack and I paid it off a week early. This time they gave me financing with no money down. I have an amazing upline and though I was signed up for 3 months I have only been working it for 6 weeks and I made close to $3000. Gee that sounds like a scam to me. There have been several times I wanted to give up but luckily my MGR and another MGR who isn't in my upline and doesn't make a dime off me help me daily. She is even going to make some calls with me on monday.

This is a hard business but since we now have the proof that the technology is the best in the world and Sucess From Home Magazine featured us in Jam 06&07 and Healthier You featured us Oct 06 and Bitz and Pieces rated us the best business op in the world....Can all these people be wrong? Says who, a few lazy failures on this site. It is funny that if you go to the better business bureau we have been in good standing with them since 03. Oh and as far as the FTC goes notice we say the things we couldn't now and we aren't in court, it is because we proved what we can do!

No one said it would be easy , but they said if you follow the path laid out for you, you will succeeed and I am seeing that already. I am only a rank away from qualifying for my bonus car, so by July I will be a MGR, I promise!




#6Consumer Suggestion

Wed, January 10, 2007

I am not a EcoQuest dealer yet, but I plan to be very shortly. I feel sorry for the people that turned away from EcoQuest because of a few disgruntled people. If you want a clear picture of EcoQuest, do your own research. They have a risk free trail on their products, with no real time limit. They will also send you all the information anyone would need to evailuate the products and company. They provide telephone numbers so you can talk to other people that just started their own business. You can also start your training without signing up. This way you know for sure that this is the right comapany and products for you.

Again I am sorry that you didn't look into this company for yourself. I think in this case, your loss will be someone elses gain.




#6Consumer Comment

Wed, January 03, 2007

I thought this was a Christian company??? I was looking at becoming a member until I read these reports. I don't know who's telling the truth, but I can say that name calling and mud slinging is not what Jesus would want us to do. If EcoQuest really values Christianity, then they should stop casting stones on people with alternative views. There will always be someone who has a negative opinion (whether it's right or wrong), but remember when Jesus was being sentenced to die, he did not call his accusers names. Instead, he asked God to forgive them for killing him!!! Let's not forget what being Christian is all about.

Good luck to all of you and may God Bless you.




#6UPDATE Employee

Wed, September 27, 2006

I am a distributor and I'm sorry the business was not right for you. The purifiers are difficult to sell. But that is just it - we are not taught to sell. Our job is to share them. 50% of all units shared, statistically, sell.

I'm not a salesperson. I simply own a unit and when it removed MOLD from my home and I could wake up without a head full of g**k and stopped needing allergy medicine, I decided to become a distributor so I could get paid sharing them with others. I want to help people and this is a fantastic way to do so.

Unfortunately, you were not able to do this and had to return your success pack - resulting in an even greater expense. It does appear to be a rip off but the fact is EQ had to incorporate the penalties you endured for a reason. If everyone who began the business who is aware that there is the risk involved in any investment gives up because it is NOT a close your eyes and get rich scheme, and wants to give everything they purchased back for a full reimbursement, the company would spend more than half of their time taking back products because, sadly, people are prone to taking the easy way out.

Our company is not easy. HARD WORK and PERSERVERANCE (share!share!share!) WILL bring every distributor success. When new dealers run into their first challenges, however, and consider giving up it cannot be made easy for them to do so. They made a commitment to give it their all. They invested in starting their own business. Who can invest in any business and bail out with no incidentals? It's not possible.

I'm sorry you suffered the penalties of not being able to accomplish what you originally committed to do. Please don't despise the company for your giving up nor for it costing you for doing so. They just can't run a corporation spending their time and efforts on you and your training, equipping with the means to become financially free, and then hand every dollar back to you a few months later when you want to give the product back - product that you very well could have been using, no less. They invested in you and you quit. There had to be penalties for this. You have to appreciate that a successful organization has to do things precisely as EQ did. Learn from it and think twice before committing to something you later may decide to no longer be committed to.



What an Idiot ! get off your backside....and EARN your money !

#6UPDATE Employee

Sun, July 30, 2006

What a crock.... people always complain when they are too lazy to get of their backside and do the work. If this company was really sooo bad...why are we the #1 rated pay plan and business opportunity in the continent for 4 years? This person's a Canadian..... and I personally know many Canadians who are extremely successful in their EcoQuest fact...I wish I had their paychecks !

Don't let idiots like this steal your opportunity...... I know.... I'm living it.....and do you hear them saying the products don't work???? NO...of course's them that didn't work....simple as that. I guess N.A.S.A. and Next Generation Home of the Future and The Pentagon Bldg. and every firehouse in New York City, etc., etc., etc...are stupid....and that's why EcoQuest was just featured in May on Secretary of State Alexander Haig's television show "World Business Review".

This is as ridiculous as McDonalds getting sued for the coffee being too hot...come on now!

When you get your'll see.....I guarantee it.

Go the e-mail "Is EcoQuest a legitimate business and opportunity"..... it speaks for itself....just like our sells itself. I know....that's how I got started.....why I bought my first unit.....and why I've now earned over $400,000 in 4 my first and only homebased business ever.

My name is Mike ---. I live in Creswell, Oregon... a population of 3,600 people ... and I'm 46 years old.

I started just over 4 years ago with EcoQuest. I was on the internet seeking employment..... when I ran across an opportunity ad. I looked at the site... a gentleman then called and spoke with me....and although it sounded good ... I was very skeptical. He sent me a unit (a new technology) to evaluate for myself. To my surprise, it took me off of 5 prescription medicines for my allergies and asthma... in only 4 days !

Folks, I KNEW that I had found something here....... but I was flat broke, losing my home, out of work for over 2 1/2 months, and was over $8k in credit card debt.

Luckily...someone had told me once "Mike.... the definition of insanity... is to keep doing the same thing..... and expect to get different results!"... I finally decided to act upon those words.

I took advantage of the company's NO MONEY DOWN / NO PAYMENTS UP FRONT / ZERO % INTEREST Financing Program... and got a Success Pack sent out. I put out 7 units on trial in 7-1/2 hours in my first two days, and 5 days after receiving that Success Pack ..... I had $1,068 profit in my pocket, after just 15 hours of actual work. Within 8 weeks, in just 15 hours a week, that profit climbed to over $8,600 !

When I wasn't retailing 15 hours a week, I started using my time to get on company training calls, got a couple of web sites, and got on an internet lead program and started calling other people all over the country, people just like me, who were looking for an honest, legitimate, proven way to make great money from home. I simply followed a proven stategy for success and didn't try to re-create the wheel. A mentor in the business had shared something vitally important early on. He said "Success leaves clues... if you want to be successful, find a mentor, a coach, someone who has achieved a level of success that you aspire to... and just do what they did, and you'll get what they got!" He was right !

In our 8th month, I earned my first FREE Luxury Bonus Car , a Brand New Red Jaguar. We brought it home and parked it right next to our 86 Sprint and our 87 Topaz! Then in my 9th month I came home from a trip out of town to find my monthly Bonus check in the mail box.... for $9,219.28 ! FOR 1 MONTH ! I literally hit my knees praising God. And that's when it finally hit me.....this is for real ! Folks... that's when I got my "PHD" .... my "Past Having Doubt."

I recently earned my second FREE Luxury Bonus Car (a $40k SUV) in my 34th month...... and have now enjoyed numerous Company Paid Bonus Vacations around the world... including FREE cruises to Mexico, Bahamas, Cayman Islands, and Cozumel. In my 13th month in business, I took my wife and three kids to Hawaii on a $9,000 prepaid vacation for 21 nights.... and when we came back, I'll admit.... I was a little nervous about my earnings for the month. After all... I'd just taken the longest vacation I have ever had in my life ! But when we opened up the mailbox ... we found a monthly Bonus Check for $6,878.... earned while I was vacationing with my family in Hawaii.... now that's what I call a trip to paradise!

We've also enjoyed many other company paid trips to Hawaii, New Orleans, Orlando, San Diego, Dallas, Seattle, and yes, even Memphis, and more!.... even earning EXTRA Bonus Checks for thousands of dollars while on some of those vacations....and numerous other perks and prizes such as DVD players, Video Cameras, Digital Cameras, and OH YES... did I mention that I was awarded a Surprise $22k Harley Davidson Fatboy Motorcycle on one of those free company paid cruises... out in the middle of the Bahamas? FREE & CLEAR... I OWN IT ! And as if that wasn't enough....we staggered back to our cabin find a $6,000 Bonus check under our pillow ! And this was just our 18th month in the business!

Yes, it has been the career change of a life time for me.... and this is my final career stop. I have earned over $350,000 in 4 years with EcoQuest.... and by the way... did I mention that I don't have a college education, have never worked from home, have never run my own business, and was doing roofing and working on a garbage truck for the four years prior to this opportunity ?

Folks.... God is blessing this company....and those who take this opportunity seriously!

Join us, See this opportunity for what it truly is..... a real chance, with a solid 20 year cutting edge technology company, to forever change your financial future, and to find the TIME.... FREEDOM... AND INCREASE IN INCOME... that you and your family deserve !

Tell me it doesn't I drive my FREE bonus Jaguar, Harley, and S.U.V.(in just 34 months)or any of the other proud, hard working EcoQuest business owners currently driving some of the over 60 million dollars worth of bonus cars around....

I'll just keep helping those who are willing to change their entire finacial futures, and to live better , healthier lives......and I'll keep praising God...and laughing.....all the way to the bank. Now reality !

I challenge anyone to refute what this company and products have done for my own personal health....and my bank account!

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