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  • Report:  #202362

Complaint Review: Ecoquest Intl.

Ecoquest Intl. Ecoquest takes advantage of marketing representatives ebay GreeneVille Tennessee

  • Reported By:
    Colorado Springs Colorado
  • Submitted:
    Sat, July 22, 2006
  • Updated:
    Wed, August 19, 2009
  • Ecoquest Intl.
    310 T. Elmer Cox Drive
    GreeneVille, Tennessee
  • Phone:
  • Category:

EcoQuest International sells 'Success Packs' to marketing representatives at $2,595 financed through their affiliate, Best Finance. Each 'Success Pack' contains five FreshAir air purification units, as well as various printed materials and some DVD's.

The FreshAir units have a suggested retail price of $699-$750 each. What EcoQuest does not tell its marketing representatives is that these very same units are selling on EBAY for $150!

The reason FreshAir units are selling on EBAY for $150 on average is because EcoQuest marketing representatives, who have been purchasing these units at five units for $2,595, are unable to sell them due to competition from rival air purifier salesmen who offer products that may or may not work as well, but cost hundreds of dollars less!

Customers who are looking for an air purifier for their nail salon, or veteranary clinic, or home, or other use, don't necessarily look for quality during times of layoffs and economic strife - they look at the bottom line; PRICE.

This leaves EcoQuest marketing representatives with FreshAir units that cannot be sold, debt to Best Finance which cannot be paid, and FreshAir units which end up on EBAY being sold for a fraction of EcoQuest's suggested retail price!

To add to this 'Christian' method of business, EcoQuest will accept ANYONE as a marketing representative, including persons with disabilities both mental and physical, some of whom succeed, some of whom do not. Best Finance, EcoQuest's associate, does not care one way or the other, they just collect money!

As a person with a disability, I found myself unable to sell the FreshAir units I ordered in my 'Success Pack', after placing them in homes and nail salons, after selling one and reinvesting the money into marketing efforts, selling two to a hock shop in a desperate effort to raise more money for marketing, and failing. I even tried to return the remaining units to EcoQuest, but they refused to take them back because they had been 'demo'd' out.

This has left me with $2,595 debt, which is now increasing, to Best Finance. They have declared my account to be in default, and have started adding interest. When I spoke to Best Finance, they suggested that I try to return the remaining units to EcoQuest, which had already refused to take them. I am just glad it is all unsecured debt.

EcoQuest made all the promises in the world to me, to go so far as to promise me that this business would help me to get off of Social Security Disability for good, and turn my life around. They said their training calls were everything I needed to get me going in a direction that would make an incredible change in my life while helping my business to soar.

I feel very comfortable in saying that EcoQuest is a ripoff, and whether you are a person with a disability or not - stay away from EcoQuest and their 'Christian' ethic. If you want a FreshAir unit, buy it on EBAY and save yourself several hundred dollars.

Colorado Springs, Colorado

8 Updates & Rebuttals


New York,

EcoQuest is not a ' rip off'


Wed, August 19, 2009

The internet is filled with ignorance. What this complainer will not tell you is that whats sells on eBay usually are NOT dealers but somebody that somehow got their hands on the units and figured they could sell it and make a little money. EcoQuest does NOT, I REPEAT, does NOT ALLOW THEIR REGISTERED BUSINESS OWNERS TO SELL ON EBAY. They could lose their dealership PERMANENTLY.

The company will NOT warrantee any EcoQuest product bought on eBay as the unit must have a dealer number to register the product and no one who sells on ebay that is a dealer is about to do that!

The unit rightly sells for $747.00

If you do not want to pay that price, buy one from ebay from that person selling it for $150 and see just how much customer service you will get from that individual.

Once the unit breaks down you are stuck.

EcoQuest is NOT a rip off. 


New York,

Basic Business and Financial Principles Apply

#9UPDATE Employee

Fri, May 22, 2009

I have been a Distributor for EcoQuest for a few years. I do not sell a lot of units, but I joined the company because they provided a solution for me when I desperately needed one. (My commercial office space for my previous publications company flooded, and grew mold. My employees were all sick. Some of them developed asthma for the first time, some had their eyes and throat swell closed, etc. It was a mess.) I heard all of the controversial things about the company, but I was desperate...and they brought commercial units into my home after I left the commercial office space, and was environmentally ill from the stuff. Everything including our shoes smelled like that moldy office, and when I came home with files, or clothes I had worn there, it introduced the stuff into our house. Ecoquest systems helped me treat the mold problem, and regain my strength. They let me have a free demonstration for a week, so no one forced me to spend any money, and I didn't buy the units or get involved with the company for several months...until I needed another free demo to solve another problem. I began to realize that I had borrowed units for demos quite often, and the company rep had helped me. So I was a fan.

I knew I didn't have the money to buy a whole dealer kit to start out, and it would have been financially irresponsible to buy the kit banking on selling the units, and knowing that interest was involved that could make the cost of the units go higher. This is a basic business I brought just one unit and figured I would buy and sell them as I could afford them. I don't sell a lot because I mainly sell them to people who have health issues and need to get better...Ecoquest has been more of a Health Mission than a profession for me, because I have other business interests. I am also still interested in the commercial side of the company (large units for hospitals etc. I have dealt with MRSA in my family, and my family member got it at a hospital...the only time she did not have an EcoQuest unit by her bedside.)

So, in response to this report, I would say that no one should buy anything they can't afford by counting on selling them. (This puts your financial situation at a deficit immediately and then you have to dig yourself out!) Anyone had the choice to start with just one unit like I did, and everyone had the opportunity to pay cash and not finance anything. While it is true that some items have been back ordered, and the company has some growing pains to manage, I personally believe that the units have helped me deal with environmental contaminants, and feel better. To anyone considering any new venture, I would say, "Start small." If this is supposed to be your income generator, then you'd better plan on making 10 or more sales contacts every week, because like every sales process, not every one is a potential buyer. You have to qualify the customer as to whether they have a problem, and have the money to purchase the solution you are selling. You also have to look at the sales cycle length. Some of the people I contacted did not buy units initially, but came back in 6 mos. to 1 year and said they couldn't handle dealing with their environment anymore and were desperate for a solution...(and they got one).

The company has always been an opportunity, not a crutch. (One very successful couple came here from a foreign county with only the clothes on their back. They are wealthy people now because they went after the opportunity with superior effort and made their dreams come true.) People should stop looking for a handout or a get rich quick scheme and realize that success takes effort. I'm not saying that Ecoquest doesn't have some issues...but I am saying that they provide a unique solution and a definite business opportunity. I haven't worked very hard at selling the units, and with next to no effort, I sold 5 units (a success pack) easily. If you don't qualify the customer, you can try all day to sell something to someone who doesn't have a big problem, and doesn't have the money to buy it or doesn't want it. (You can't sell a lot of down parkas in Florida in the summer, but it doesn't mean that the parka company is ripping you off. The parka can be a high quality parka that provides a solution for people who are cold.) You have to understand a little about marketing, or attend the calls and training sessions to learn about the units if you want to sell them. Honestly with the MRSA issues lately, I don't know why it isn't a cake walk to sell these units. This isn't my primary job, but when I want to sell a unit, it is easy to do so. You have to understand what this product can do if you want to sell it. As for me, I have my own personal experiences to tell to potential customers, and I would not sell something that I believed didn't work, even if I made a milllion dollars a year on it. Don't blame the company for your lack of enthusiasm and motivation.



Are you for real?

#9UPDATE Employee

Wed, October 03, 2007

Ok, Ill make this short and sweet as I have a very lucrative business to run and many satisfied customers to tend to. I do not consider myself an EcoQuest dealer in the traditional sense, truth be told, I've always believed that the most surefire way to defamate a fantastic product line such as the RCI line of products, is to subject it to multi-level marketing or network marketing or whatever you want to call it. MLM's traditionally attract an alarming number of unmotivated "no-loads" that are looking for that "get rich quick" scheme that promises them a front door key to the Playboy mansion. Think about it, why are all the "get rich quick" infomercials ran at 2am on a Wednesday morning? What truly motivated person would be awake to watch it? So these unmotivated "no-loads" who are recruited into this business learn very quickly that nothing in life comes easy, but unwilling to accept failure, they tend to resort to questionable tactics such as coersion, deciet, misdirection, whatver they can conjure to increase thier "downlines", and whats worse is that the people I'm referring to have little to no standards for the people they choose to recruit. So now you have a plethera of ignorant people running around giving the product a bad name. Which by the way is totally unfair, the RCI Technology has been raked across the coals by at least four different universities and has come out squeaky clean, in fact, its one of the few products I've come across that actually does what it says it does on the box. Don't believe me? Lets schedule a meeting :)

The point is, there is far too many people flaming EcoQuest directly for the actions taken by thier "uplines" or "downlines", the truth of the matter is that, to me at least, EcoQuest is nothing more to me than a distribution center from which I obtain my merchandise. Call me a bragger, but I have never recruited a single person to my downline, and have even rejected a few direct requests! I have only been selling EcoQuest product for a little over seven months and my net profit after I pay my capitol gains is over $11,000 a month and steadily increasing. I do not play into the MLM network marketing BS, I dont care about my "PV/QV", this of course pisses off my "upline" but I dont care. If I get a bonus check in the mail or a company paid car, I doubt I'll refuse. Thats the beauty of dealing with EcoQuest, there are no set guidelines you have to follow, although most of your amok, MLM crazed "mentors" will tell you otherwise, thats nothing more than hot air. As far as Best Financing, the only people who even use them are people who arent serious enough to invest $2500 into an upstart company, Best Financing dosent lie, they are up front when they lay down thier terms and tell you that regardless of your credit situation, they're going to rape you on interest if you dont pay them in a set amount of time.

Although thier financing rates are outrageous, they provide the service exactly as its described, and it comes down to personal accountability wether or not to use thier service. I personally wouldn't, there are far better avenues to get reasonable financing. What disgusts me the most is that people make themselves a victim of thier own ignorance and proceed to defame an otherwise upstanding company so they dont have to accept accountability for themselves. Uniquely american isn't it?

P.S Yeah, this is a long post, but I dictated it with a voice recognition program. :)



Are you for real?

#9UPDATE Employee

Wed, October 03, 2007

Ok, Ill make this short and sweet as I have a very lucrative business to run and many satisfied customers to tend to. I do not consider myself an EcoQuest dealer in the traditional sense, truth be told, I've always believed that the most surefire way to defamate a fantastic product line such as the RCI line of products, is to subject it to multi-level marketing or network marketing or whatever you want to call it. MLM's traditionally attract an alarming number of unmotivated "no-loads" that are looking for that "get rich quick" scheme that promises them a front door key to the Playboy mansion. Think about it, why are all the "get rich quick" infomercials ran at 2am on a Wednesday morning? What truly motivated person would be awake to watch it? So these unmotivated "no-loads" who are recruited into this business learn very quickly that nothing in life comes easy, but unwilling to accept failure, they tend to resort to questionable tactics such as coersion, deciet, misdirection, whatver they can conjure to increase thier "downlines", and whats worse is that the people I'm referring to have little to no standards for the people they choose to recruit. So now you have a plethera of ignorant people running around giving the product a bad name. Which by the way is totally unfair, the RCI Technology has been raked across the coals by at least four different universities and has come out squeaky clean, in fact, its one of the few products I've come across that actually does what it says it does on the box. Don't believe me? Lets schedule a meeting :)

The point is, there is far too many people flaming EcoQuest directly for the actions taken by thier "uplines" or "downlines", the truth of the matter is that, to me at least, EcoQuest is nothing more to me than a distribution center from which I obtain my merchandise. Call me a bragger, but I have never recruited a single person to my downline, and have even rejected a few direct requests! I have only been selling EcoQuest product for a little over seven months and my net profit after I pay my capitol gains is over $11,000 a month and steadily increasing. I do not play into the MLM network marketing BS, I dont care about my "PV/QV", this of course pisses off my "upline" but I dont care. If I get a bonus check in the mail or a company paid car, I doubt I'll refuse. Thats the beauty of dealing with EcoQuest, there are no set guidelines you have to follow, although most of your amok, MLM crazed "mentors" will tell you otherwise, thats nothing more than hot air. As far as Best Financing, the only people who even use them are people who arent serious enough to invest $2500 into an upstart company, Best Financing dosent lie, they are up front when they lay down thier terms and tell you that regardless of your credit situation, they're going to rape you on interest if you dont pay them in a set amount of time.

Although thier financing rates are outrageous, they provide the service exactly as its described, and it comes down to personal accountability wether or not to use thier service. I personally wouldn't, there are far better avenues to get reasonable financing. What disgusts me the most is that people make themselves a victim of thier own ignorance and proceed to defame an otherwise upstanding company so they dont have to accept accountability for themselves. Uniquely american isn't it?

P.S Yeah, this is a long post, but I dictated it with a voice recognition program. :)



Are you for real?

#9UPDATE Employee

Wed, October 03, 2007

Ok, Ill make this short and sweet as I have a very lucrative business to run and many satisfied customers to tend to. I do not consider myself an EcoQuest dealer in the traditional sense, truth be told, I've always believed that the most surefire way to defamate a fantastic product line such as the RCI line of products, is to subject it to multi-level marketing or network marketing or whatever you want to call it. MLM's traditionally attract an alarming number of unmotivated "no-loads" that are looking for that "get rich quick" scheme that promises them a front door key to the Playboy mansion. Think about it, why are all the "get rich quick" infomercials ran at 2am on a Wednesday morning? What truly motivated person would be awake to watch it? So these unmotivated "no-loads" who are recruited into this business learn very quickly that nothing in life comes easy, but unwilling to accept failure, they tend to resort to questionable tactics such as coersion, deciet, misdirection, whatver they can conjure to increase thier "downlines", and whats worse is that the people I'm referring to have little to no standards for the people they choose to recruit. So now you have a plethera of ignorant people running around giving the product a bad name. Which by the way is totally unfair, the RCI Technology has been raked across the coals by at least four different universities and has come out squeaky clean, in fact, its one of the few products I've come across that actually does what it says it does on the box. Don't believe me? Lets schedule a meeting :)

The point is, there is far too many people flaming EcoQuest directly for the actions taken by thier "uplines" or "downlines", the truth of the matter is that, to me at least, EcoQuest is nothing more to me than a distribution center from which I obtain my merchandise. Call me a bragger, but I have never recruited a single person to my downline, and have even rejected a few direct requests! I have only been selling EcoQuest product for a little over seven months and my net profit after I pay my capitol gains is over $11,000 a month and steadily increasing. I do not play into the MLM network marketing BS, I dont care about my "PV/QV", this of course pisses off my "upline" but I dont care. If I get a bonus check in the mail or a company paid car, I doubt I'll refuse. Thats the beauty of dealing with EcoQuest, there are no set guidelines you have to follow, although most of your amok, MLM crazed "mentors" will tell you otherwise, thats nothing more than hot air. As far as Best Financing, the only people who even use them are people who arent serious enough to invest $2500 into an upstart company, Best Financing dosent lie, they are up front when they lay down thier terms and tell you that regardless of your credit situation, they're going to rape you on interest if you dont pay them in a set amount of time.

Although thier financing rates are outrageous, they provide the service exactly as its described, and it comes down to personal accountability wether or not to use thier service. I personally wouldn't, there are far better avenues to get reasonable financing. What disgusts me the most is that people make themselves a victim of thier own ignorance and proceed to defame an otherwise upstanding company so they dont have to accept accountability for themselves. Uniquely american isn't it?

P.S Yeah, this is a long post, but I dictated it with a voice recognition program. :)



Are you for real?

#9UPDATE Employee

Wed, October 03, 2007

Ok, Ill make this short and sweet as I have a very lucrative business to run and many satisfied customers to tend to. I do not consider myself an EcoQuest dealer in the traditional sense, truth be told, I've always believed that the most surefire way to defamate a fantastic product line such as the RCI line of products, is to subject it to multi-level marketing or network marketing or whatever you want to call it. MLM's traditionally attract an alarming number of unmotivated "no-loads" that are looking for that "get rich quick" scheme that promises them a front door key to the Playboy mansion. Think about it, why are all the "get rich quick" infomercials ran at 2am on a Wednesday morning? What truly motivated person would be awake to watch it? So these unmotivated "no-loads" who are recruited into this business learn very quickly that nothing in life comes easy, but unwilling to accept failure, they tend to resort to questionable tactics such as coersion, deciet, misdirection, whatver they can conjure to increase thier "downlines", and whats worse is that the people I'm referring to have little to no standards for the people they choose to recruit. So now you have a plethera of ignorant people running around giving the product a bad name. Which by the way is totally unfair, the RCI Technology has been raked across the coals by at least four different universities and has come out squeaky clean, in fact, its one of the few products I've come across that actually does what it says it does on the box. Don't believe me? Lets schedule a meeting :)

The point is, there is far too many people flaming EcoQuest directly for the actions taken by thier "uplines" or "downlines", the truth of the matter is that, to me at least, EcoQuest is nothing more to me than a distribution center from which I obtain my merchandise. Call me a bragger, but I have never recruited a single person to my downline, and have even rejected a few direct requests! I have only been selling EcoQuest product for a little over seven months and my net profit after I pay my capitol gains is over $11,000 a month and steadily increasing. I do not play into the MLM network marketing BS, I dont care about my "PV/QV", this of course pisses off my "upline" but I dont care. If I get a bonus check in the mail or a company paid car, I doubt I'll refuse. Thats the beauty of dealing with EcoQuest, there are no set guidelines you have to follow, although most of your amok, MLM crazed "mentors" will tell you otherwise, thats nothing more than hot air. As far as Best Financing, the only people who even use them are people who arent serious enough to invest $2500 into an upstart company, Best Financing dosent lie, they are up front when they lay down thier terms and tell you that regardless of your credit situation, they're going to rape you on interest if you dont pay them in a set amount of time.

Although thier financing rates are outrageous, they provide the service exactly as its described, and it comes down to personal accountability wether or not to use thier service. I personally wouldn't, there are far better avenues to get reasonable financing. What disgusts me the most is that people make themselves a victim of thier own ignorance and proceed to defame an otherwise upstanding company so they dont have to accept accountability for themselves. Uniquely american isn't it?

P.S Yeah, this is a long post, but I dictated it with a voice recognition program. :)



Ecoquest, International: Doing Business with the Highest Ethical Standards

#9UPDATE Employee

Tue, June 12, 2007

The author of the RipOff report is accurate in his definition of Succes Packs offered to Business Owners (Independent Dealers). He did not mention that Ecoquest finances these "start up kits" at zero down and zero percent interest for 3 or 4 months. Thus, allowing a new dealer significant time to place and sell the units, pay of the company loan, and put $1200 + into their new business bank account.

I have personally worked with people who done exactly that. And, further, every Ecoquest dealer is taught to explain to new dealers that once they purchase product from Ecoquest, it is a final sale and may not be returned.

However, I have also had a few new dealers, who for various reasons -- in one case, his wife objected so strongly to his investing in a Success Pack, that she demanded he return it -- asked to return their units. Because the units were still in the box, unopened, Ecoquest, Intl was able to take them back and give my client a full refund of the $2,595 he had financed. It is only reasonable that they cannot take back opened boxes, since there is no way of knowing how much use was put on the unit.

These returned units are then put back on the assemlby line, completely examined and tested and made available for re-sale as "Factor Re-Certified" units -- clearly marked on the packaging and on the unit. These units are then discounted off the normal wholesale price to the company's dealers, who then retail them. So, everytime Ecoquest takes back a unit, it is costing them a significant financial loss. Yet, they continue to do so in order to keep the goodwill this company has extablished over its 20 year history of direct marketing.

The fact that Ecoquest air purifiers are being sold on Ebay is correct. Thomas fails to mention, it is also an illegal practice and many people doing so have been prosecuted. Also, units purchased on Ebay will not be honored for the industry-best, 36-month warranty.

I have been an Independent Business Owner with Ecoquest, Intl for four years, and have many satisfied retail customers and successful business partners whom I have sponsored into the business. Some have been very successful, others have dropped out. Ecoquest, Intl offers industry-best training for its new business owners. However, no company can guarantee success for any of its employees or dealers. Ecoquest does fulfill its promse to create an environment where business owners can choose and achieve success by following the proven marketing systems in place.

In my entire experience with this company I have found them to be honest, straight forward and transparent in communicating information about product, policies and procedures. The ownership, management and dealership team are people of the highest character and integrity. It pains me to hear these good people and this good company discredited by this "Rip Off" report by Thomas.


Winston Salem,
North Carolina,

EcoQuest Is like any Business You Get back what YOU put in!

#9UPDATE Employee

Sun, July 23, 2006

I have read through and I am a Dealer for EcoQuest. Yes I will tell you everyone here is not perfect...but the Team I am involved in is very helpful, Supportive and we help each other.

Pyramid scheme. I think not. It is YOUR Dealership/Business and your success depends on you, not the Company. I own other busineses as well and if I do nothing, I get just that Nothing!

Prices? You get exactly what you pay for, quality. (the story on Sharper Image is True, I researched and compared it to others myself)This goes for anything you buy in life. I recently purchased a new Surround Sound System that was cheap but had a DVD Player...I got exatly what I paid for...poor quality. I returned it and am still using my old one that is a better made brand that has qualty.

I realize you are gonna have disgruntled people for whatever reasons (some people you just can't never satisfy)but this Company has value and Qualty. If you took the time to Researh the company and not what you hear or have pre-conceived notions over you will see that what I am saying is true.

All are trained intensly, not amaturishly and have the correct knoledge of the products they sell.

The Success Pak...Yes it does make it easier for the "go getter" to get started ( no one will call you if they do not know you exist), I had to go another route in getting started and NO ONE pushed me to buy a Success Pak.

I am sure there are some that may, Sales People do things differntly, I myself will not push anything on you as I want to help you succeed and a smaller level may be best for you.

I am not going to cross lines, but felt I needed to stand up and say something. They have an overall 98% Satisfction rating, that alone says enough! This Business is not for everyone, neither is being a Funeral Director, Police Officer, Fire Fighter, and the same goes for Sales, it is NOT for everyone but I will say the method is without rejection and has helped me in my other endeavors. Books that were suggested reading that we all need to read as it would help us all be nicer and better people. Instead of mudslinging, which is extremely immature.

Please get detailed facts, assumptions or a bad experience does not mean an entirely bad business. Many have done well and you get back exactly what you put into it.

Thank you,
East Coast

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