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  • Report:  #460198

Complaint Review: Ed Benko Genesis Credit Solutions

Ed Benko, Genesis Credit Solutions Unprofessional Treatment and Bogus Refund Policy Aurora Colorado

  • Reported By:
    houston Texas
  • Submitted:
    Tue, June 09, 2009
  • Updated:
    Sun, July 13, 2014
  • Ed Benko, Genesis Credit Solutions
  • Phone:
  • Category:

I am posting this complaint against "Genesis Credit Solutions" to hopefully prevent anyone else that is trying to find a solution in finding help from an adjustable rate increase through a Modifiction comany.

We did A LOT of research in looking for a company that could help us obtain a fixed mortgage rate vs. our adjustable rate. We are not due to increase until late summer but I was told by many people to start the process early as it would help when our time approaches. I received an email from Genesis Credit Solutions and it was impressive due to making the consumer "aware" of what to watch out for from other companies. I contacted the owner, Ed Benko, and we spoke for awhile about the process and things in general. He liked to talk and I thought that was reassuring. We paid our fee of $700 and he had said that he has had success in the past with HomeEq and felt confident he could get us a positive outcome of at least a fixed rate if not a lower one also. He was also a lot cheaper then the other companies and stated he had a refund policy of 50% if he was not able to obtain the request or to obtain a positive alternative. We decided to go with him.

Little things started to catch my attention. He claimed he was SO busy that it was not uncommon if we emailed him that it could take a couple of days to get a response, yet I always had one within a couple of hours. He claims others work with him, yet no one else answers the phone. Small things like that but I dismissed them. I am not the one to sit by after hiring someone to help me complete something. I paid my hard earned money and I feel I should be kept up on what is going on. Everything was fine in the beginning and he answered (same hour usually) my emails. As more time passed and I knew something had to have been in the works, he became more vague in his answers to my emails. I started to get very nervous. Yes, $700 is not a lot of money compared to other companies but it was my hard earned $700. I wanted answers. He mostly responded by takes time, be patient, etc. Even if I had asked a specific question the response was the same.

I received a "Denial" letter from HomeEq in early March. It stated that "required documents" were not sent in to complete the process of making the decision. I contated Ed Benko and explained my letter and he said they were just "rubber stamping and being lazy" he would contact them. I emailed a few days later for an update and I noticed I was starting to irritate him. I call in my payments to HomeEq (due to them being paid late in the month) and I would ask them how the modification was going and they told me 2x's it had been rejected. When I asked for some detail from HomeEq, which at this point, why would they lie? they weren't doing the modification anyway about when's the last time Genesis was in touch with them and so forth, the dates never matched up with Ed's. I sent an email, which at this piont I'm very frustrated with this ongoing process and he went off the wall. Saying I was calling him a liar and he was a scam. I did use those words but I also said it was "beginning to look that way" I never at that time said he was. He became very unprofessional. I paid him and he argues with me, I don't get customer service anymore. As time goes on the emails become more insulting (between both, but he took mine way more out of context then I did his, I was compared to the simple minded of Jerry (((REDACTED))), hum) So at the end 4-5 month ordeal, I still did not get a modification and I have to denial letters to back that up. He claims I told him to stop working on my case, yet, I told him HomeEq said to give it up until my rate increases. I asked for my 50% refund and he laughed basically in my face. Used the same jargin of "We worked out butt off, your getting no refund" He was also sending emails he thought were "mean or bulling" to my husband b/c he felt I was keeping my husband in the dark through this whole process. Ok, get serious, tatteling on me? My husband was aware of the whole thing from the beginning, I have a solid marriage and keep my husband informed on everything. But if I didn't, Ed Benko has no place to "inform" anyone in my family that he feeling bullied and abused (exact words) My husband emailed him inquiring about the refund and Ed told him that he didn't feel he should because he wanted to play on my words and he was verbally abuse by me and bullied. Ok, get serious, My emails were not put in that way EVER!! Yes, some things I could have said nicer but abused and bullied...OMG!!

He told my husband on May 11th and May 26th that he was a good man and he would send out our refund. June 9th today and have not received anything from Ed Benko, Genesis Credit Solutions. Now, I would have to call him a liar.

So future consumers, do not fall for smooth talking companies. You can do the modification yourself. If you fail, THEN hire someone. Do plenty of research and most of all, PRAY you found someone who is a professional, attentive to their clients and will uphold any refund policy their site may claim they honor.

Remeber as we are in dire need of home modifications and restructures don't give up. A solution will come to you. Even if you have been burned by a company such as we have, still have faith.

Good luck to all!! Please be careful of who you hire, not all are what they claim they are.

houston, Texas

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11 Updates & Rebuttals



Anonymous Complaint?

#12REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, July 13, 2014

As you did not leave your name or contact information, I cannot validate you "anonymous" posting ... 

I can / will state for the record that Genesis Credit Solutions nor anyone in it's employ ever "cheated" anyone and / or engaged in any act of dishonesty and /or misrepresentation -


Out of the many hundreds of distressed homeowners we helped, I've only seen these two "complaints" ..One which was investigated by both the BBB and State of Colorado Division of Real Estate / Regulatory Agencies, and yours - Both of which are hightly reputable, respected institutions & both of which  found NO wrong doing on the part of myself and the former GCS 

Screwed In Mass

North Attleboro,

Mr. Benko does nothing for you he is so charming

#12Consumer Comment

Wed, July 22, 2009

I also had an issue with Ed Benko he did nothing but take our money. Then when I found that he had not contacted either one of my mortgage company he was rude to us. I ended up working with both companies directly without any help from him or his so called staff. How much money he is taking from people that are desperate. SHAME ON YOU




#12Author of original report

Fri, June 26, 2009

Whenever a bussiness threatens a lawsuit against you for unflattering, negative comments against a bussiness, remind them that any lawsuit that is filed today is public information and more then likely will end up on the internet. Once they file that lawsuit that bussiness will not be to do anything about it once it is filed and becomes public information. If any consumer "Googles" that bussiness for their web-site or for researching that company, more then likely the lawsuit will pop up along with their name. That is only going to give the bussiness more bad publicity, and that would be without anything coming from the consumer. So consumers do not hesitate in making a report on any internet listing that provides you an oppertunity to let your voice be heard. But please make sure you do put your opinions and facts (if you have proof). Don't let the bussiness try and scare you into "retracting or keeping quiet" about anything that happened that you felt was out of line and uncalled for. I just wanted to "enlighten" you with some information on "lawsuits filed against the consumer for voiceing their side of the situation" Whether people think Rip-Off is a good site or not, it is here, it is for the consumers and it is probably here to stay for awhile. I do feel horrible for bussiness that are on here without warrant and did try and do the right thing for the consumer, to those bussiness, you just have to remeber you ARE dealing with the public and you are also dealing with thousands of different personalities and beliefs. It's going to happen but also bussiness need to understand, negative feedback goes around way faster then positive and making the customer happy (to just be done with their situation and to save yourself from being listed on here or other web-sites) is a way smaller price to pay then recieving negative comments and feedback. In today's world where consumers are trying to hang on longer to their hard earned dollars, more and more are researching companies to see if they are honest, fair and reputable. 95% are but consumers need a "search tool" to weed out the 5% that are not. It's not fair to not let the consumer be aware of other bad experiences AND good experiences that other consumers have had from other companies. We still, in todays world, are limited to our incoming information and our ability to make good, researched choices. But we do have more then we did 15-10-5 years ago. I am glad there are sites such as this and the BBB and, etc. I feel more in power as to where I would decide my hard earned money would go. Sometimes it's a happy ending, sometimes not so much so. Either way. We are consumers and we deserve honest, fair, professional treatment by any and all bussiness that deal with the public. Thank you and Happy Researching!!



BBB Conclusion

#12REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, June 23, 2009

Complaint Case #: 75083221
Consumer: XXXXX

Thank you for your cooperation in responding to the above consumer's complaint. Following our usual procedure, we notified the consumer of your response and requested notification of whether or not it was satisfactorily resolved. The consumer has notified our office they are satisfied. Therefore, we have closed the complaint as, 'resolved'.

Again, thank you


Once again - Everything / anything that could / can be done to saisfy Cheri was / has been done & done so prior to her posting her statements on this, and apparently every other consumer website on the Planet ..

Resolution was reached / agreed upon with her Husband. Cheri was told a check woudl be issued in the Month of June. Cheri displayed absolutely no doubt / concern that in fact what I'd said I would do would be done. All Cheri was asked to do was wait a week or two check to arrive - As she "didn't" believe what was promised to Cheri, she went ahead and posted these false allegations / negative statements anyway even though the check had already been issued & mailed.

This has gone far beyond reasonable / rational and it's finished

Ed Benko
Owner / CEO Genesis Credit Solutions, Inc.



Responding AGAIN to Cheri

#12REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, June 23, 2009

Cheri ..

It seems that you are intent on portraying both myself, and my business as being "dishonest" and "unethical" by whatever means / avenues you need to pursue..and that's fine, as you are more then entitled to you "opinions" however, that is all you are posting is opinion and once again, I am formally requesting you "cease & desist" with this insanity.

It's very clear that our personalities don't mesh however, it is not justification to continue this public battering and / or slandering.

Yes, I had mentioned lawsuit as I have the same rights as you under the Constitution. You have (and seemingly still do) made very serious allegations against my personal character, and my company's porofessional ethic / integrity, and it absolutely needs to stop before it gets to far out of hand to where I do need to protect ourselves legally ...Again, I am an American also, and protected by the sames rights / laws as you & if I have to file a "cease & desist" and / or a restraining order to stop you from constantly posting slanderous, false, opinion based allegations I will do so without hesitation!

Cheri, with all due respect, it is very evident to anyone reading this that you are "angry" however, it is also evident that I have done absolutely everything asked of me, and even things not contractually required to appease your anger, and satisfy your "complaint" ..There is absolutely nothing more that can be done ma'am, and this matter is concluded..Any / all postings by you "after the fact" can only be looked upon as "overkill and / or harassment" and once again, I formally request you stop this "terror" campaign you're on, and go in peace.

You've posted your "opinions" to which I've responded with truth.. Every story has two sides Cheri and certainly yours is valid however, in fariness to the public, you glossed over and / or omitted a great deal of information that needs to be known to "round out" the picture, and inform any readers of both sides ..

This entire matter was nothing more than a difference in perspectives which (thankfully) "cooler heads" prevailed by communicating with Cheri. I have a great deal of respect for the way Cheri conducted himself and once again, I give credit for this "difference in opinion" being resolved directly to he and his calm, rational, impartial communication skills as it had become painfully evident (and still is) that communications with yourself had become literally impossible.

Cheir, I am terribly sorry that you felt in necessary and / or appropriate to air this in public forum AFTER Mr.Powers and I had reached agreement & said agreement was being / had been honored. There was absolutely no need for this excessive, extreme action, as all that was asked of you was "be patient" ..Something that you yourself has admitted more than once, is not one of your better qualities.

Cheri and I reached resolution. It was agreed that a check would be issued within the month of June, and it was & long before the end of the month. Yes, I contacted you asking why you had done this as it was completely uncalled for, and un necessary & you told me you did it simply because "you didn't believe me" ... Cheri on the other hand, assured me that he was confident I'd do that which I said I would do & in fact, was done as promised / agreed.

Cheri, it is evident that this is nothing more than "rage" and dare I say "vindictive" in nature. It is unfortunate that you, and I do not get along on a personal level however, NO WRONG was done you professionally / ethically. Truth is that up until this "refund" matter, everything was "Thank you for all your hard work".... "Keep up the good fight" and it was only AFTER I challenged your refund request based on contractual terms / conditions that these attacks started.

I respect your "opinions" Cheri however you must also inject truth / facts when telling the "story" and those truths cannot be changed no matter how many negative things you allege / post.
Truth: NO one ever lied to you. Truth: There was no professional misconduct.
Truth: Our personalities DO NOT mesh well & that is what led to communication break down.
Truth: It was you that started name calling / making allegations and it was only AFTER you realized I was not just going to jump when you snapped your fingers.

I regret that this insanity still continues weeks after it was resolved. This is as un necessary as the original barrage of complaints were. It is juvenile, and unprofessional Cheri and it stops here and now!

As of this date, I will no longer engage in these "playground" type verbal engagements. I have done all that can be done to satisfy you, and gone above & beyond the call of duty doing so. If anyone reading this choose's to not retain us based solely on your angry words / opinionated, unproven, false allegations, they are absolutely entitled to do so. This is still America Cheri. People have rights to speak their minds / express opinions but again I caution to not allow opinion to over shadow factual, documented truth as that can absolutely lead to legal actions being taken to make it stop and / or clarify the public record.

I have request you stop this "harassment" many times and each time my requests are ignored ...

Yes Cheri, if a lawsuit / cease & desist / restraining order is what's needed to make you stop this constant onslaught against myself / my business, I will have no other option than to exercise my legal rights and take whatever lawful actions necessary to do so.

In summary, please stop harassing us immediately. Cease & desist these un necessary slanderous public postings. The matter has long since been resolved to "your satistaction" (also a matter of public record) and if you are indeed "satisfied" Please....Go in peace and end this barrage of harassment.

There is absolutely nothing else that can be done Cheri, your loan modification did not happen & as you wrote me on 05/05/2009 "it's a no go" -
You allegations of me being a "liar" are absolutely false & by your own admission, stated because "you didn't believe me" in spite of your refund check already being issued / sent.

No where can professional misconduct and / or unethical actions be documented as fact - Again, this allegation is nothing more than the opinion of an angry person being vented.

Our refund policy is NOT "bogus" as alleged as in fact it was honored for you even though contractually there was a "gray area" as to it's validity. Contracts are signed for a reason Cheri. They are there to protect both parties, and spell out clearly each parties obligations / responsibilities under it's terms. I have NOT violated the terms of my contract regardless of how you choose to "spin" truth and / or manipulate factual details to your favor.

I cannot / will not respond to anymore of your postings Cheri. For the record, this matter has been / is resolved, and has been for weeks now. I can only view any further "attacks" as an intentional / malicious act designed to slander / disrupt / damage my business.

To date Cheri, you are the absolute ONLY one complaint ever filed against us out of the hundreds we have, and continue to help.

Please accept this as formal / legal demand to cease & desist.

Thank you

Edward J.Benko, Owner / CEO
Genesis Credit Solutions, Inc.
CO. License # MB100019240
303-745-7003 Office
720-334-2994 Cell
800-364-1939 Toll Free



Forgot one more detail

#12Author of original report

Sun, June 21, 2009

Forgot to add...
Yesterday you said you did not have any copy of any denial letter from HomeEq. I told you that you do you have the first one because I have the fax receipt from my husband from the day he faxed it to you. Today you claim you have that one but not the other 2. Which is it Ed, do you have one or not? I already apologized for my mistake by saying "3" written denials. There were "2" and a verbal one on the phone. But the fact remains, I had one in my hand and I gave it to you and I still have no modification. Those are the facts, the rest of this is sour frosting on a spoiled cake. I am sorry you are feeling slighted, damaged or anything else you feel but I stated the facts and I also have the emails. You said your lawyers are ready to pounce on me (by the threat of a lawsuit and forwarding all these emails, in case the need arises) well either tell them to pounce or back off. I do not take kindly to threats. It totally shocks me that this has even turned this direction. It's only a failed modification, a refund (whether you saw it fit to give or not) and that's all. If I was a customer and I heard about your company and I was checking up on your repatation ( which I did when I was researching you and modifications)...honestly Ed, I would personally turn away. The fact you are "arguing" your point to be heard and trying to make the customer look stupid and insane would be more then I would be willing to bargin with. What if it happened to me? I wish you luck with your bussiness and with most of everything, time will heal all wounds but you have to stop opening them up. I did what you asked me to do and update my first report, I'm sorry if it did not go as you would have liked or requested it to bit it IS my side of the story and I'm sure the public understands that. But regardless, it IS my side of the story and I'm in all legal rights to tell it with both facts and my opinions. I'm sorry you do not see it this way, but it is the way it is and will remain. Good Day Ed.



Are you serious Mr. Benko?

#12Author of original report

Sun, June 21, 2009

I just read your post to my update and are you serious? I'm getting very tired of this back and forth baby crap that it truely is becoming very sad. I'm going to respond to this one because it seems you are "talking negatively about MY character" First off, I do not run a business so the comment about "learning from others on the internet about my methods and means to achieve my goals?" WTF? Who on earth did you hear that from Ed? A bussiness? A friend? A credit card? Who, where would you hear about how I conduct myself with anyone else? Second, I have not harrassed you or slandered you once! Please quote where this has happened? What did I say? If anyone in the public can tell me where I slandered Ed Benko (public or course because in emails to each other he should not even touch slandering) or harrassed him please fill me in. Yes, I did email Ed about "keeping his word" on this refund he said he was going to mail, and he response was "Quite while your ahead Cheri" I asked a follow up question, that is not harrassment. What is harrassment however, is calling me every hour for 4 hours and leaving a text to discuss this. That is harrassement. You emailed me you were sending out our refund BEFORE THE BBB GOT INVOLVED and said your response was "30 bussiness days OR SO" What is OR SO? Does that mean AFTER 30 days, does that mean NEVER? I do not know what that means. It's either 30 days or it's not. Another thing, yes "tattling" you said you wanted my husband to see the abuse I'm inflicting onto you. (He never saw it Ed). As a bussiness man do you see that you are "acting like a girly boy" by arguing with me ON HERE TOO? You received negative feedback GET OVER IT.
On the last note, your report said I am saying "unfound remarks/warnings" Warnings? Warning to what? YOU warned ME to retract for I could face a possible lawsuit. Are you speaking of that warning? If so, it is you warning me. This is getting completely stupid. I received my refund, regardless of how or who helped me does not matter, I got it. You need to let this go and move on, like I said yesterday, and stop making yourself look silly with all the comments back to my report. As far as my level headed, common sense husband you seem to respect (mostly due in my opinion because he does not openly question you) he is even confused by what has happened these past 2 days and why you are making things worse by still having contact with the "playground abuser" Ed, LET IT GO!!



Follow Up to Client Response

#12REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, June 21, 2009

As much as I appreciate Mrs. Powers agreeing to my request that a follow up be posted stating this matter had already been resolved, it's evident that she's done so "grudgingly" and not without having to leave additional "side bar" commentary based on personal opinions rather than fact leaving any reader to still think / believe some dishonesty and / or professional misconduct was involved.

I respect Mrs. Power's right to her opinions however, stating those opinions without explaining all sides of the story and / or selectively choosing what information to include / not include, does not leave the reader with a clear picture of the entire story............

It is very clear to anyone reading this that Mrs. Powers, and I simply do not like one another and do not mesh well as people however, our not being compatible as people does not justify her attempts to publicly present I and my business as being either dishonest or disreputable.

I respect Mrs. Power's right to express personal opinions but in a situation as potentially damaging / slanderous as this, personal opinions should not be presented as fact / reality.

The truth / reality of this entire matter is that Mrs. Powers wanted a refund but, under the terms of our contractual refund policy, the way she requested it appeared to be a cancellation of contract, and did not constitute failure on our part. Although a denial had been issued by her lender in April, neither the Powers nor I were satisfied that all options had been explored /exhausted and work continued on their case per their request / instruction.

Mrs. Powers stated she had 3 denials from her lender yet only the one issued in April was documented in our office. The other two (one now being alleged as a "verbal" given Mrs. Powers by a customer service rep) still remain unconfirmed / documented.

On 05/05/209 Mrs. Powers sent me and email saying "Thank you for all your help but it looks like a no go" which I interpreted as a cancellation of contract which under the terms of our very clearly written refund policy, does NOT allow. When I responded to Mrs. Powers stating this, the "trouble" began....

Mrs. Powers's first response (email on file) stated "keep the money Ed" then, a few days later, she apparently changed her mind bringing about a new series of very harsh emails from Mrs. Powers calling me a scammer, criminal, crook, etc.. In one email, she went as far as trying to emasculate me by calling me (loosely translated) a "girly boy" ..Transcripts of these emails remain on file - It became painfully evident that any further rational communication between Mrs. Powers and was now an impossibility.

Please Note: In her original "complaint" Mrs. Powers accuse's me of being "unprofessional I find it very interesting how she conveniently neglected to mention her conduct in these communications. I can only conclude that had she done so, her allegations of my professional misconduct would have paled in comparison....

Mr. Powers on the other hand, is the exact opposite or Mrs. Powers in personality. Mr. Powers conducts himself in an intelligent, rational, reasonable person capable of viewing an issue from all sides before making a statement and / or decision. Naturally, all further communication seeking resolution was directed to Mr. Powers. Mrs. Powers said that my communicating with Mr.Powers made her feel that I was "tattling" on her...Excuse me? I still do not understand this coment..

Mr. Powers and I discussed this in great detail, and after hearing / understanding both sides, I was inclined to agree with his viewpoint, and agreed to grant his request for a refund, and in accordance with my business policy, would do so within the next 30 business days, and that was done exactly as discussed / agreed upon.

Apparently, the terms Mr. Powers, and I had agreed upon did not meet with Mrs. Powers "approval" so she filed a complaint with the BBB in what can only be viewed as a "strong arm" attempt to have things done "her way" regardless of what had been previously agreed upon between her Husband & I....

I immediately responded to the BBB, explained all that had happened, provided them with copies of Mrs. Powers "angry" emails, and the emails between Mr. Powers and myself discussing / reaching resolution. The BBB was satisfied that I had responded correctly / professionally and the complaint was dismissed.

Again, all had already been discussed / resolved but yet again not to the personal satisfaction of Mrs. Powers - In spite of the BBB involvement, Mrs. Powers continued sending prodding emails demanding I "keep my word to Mr. Powers" etc,etc... Reluctantly, I replied to Mrs. Powers email and repeated what had been already discussed / agreed upon with Mr. Powers, and again confirmed / reaffirmed my intention to honor my word as I always have in the past, and always do in the future.

Again, this was not enough to satisfy Mrs. Powers and she posted this report, and from what I've learned many others across the internet in what I can only conclude is yet another attempt at her having her way and using whatever methods / means possible to achieve her goals!

The tragic part of all this is that none of it was necessary..Yes, there was some question over whether a refund was warranted or not but that was calmly resolved long before any of this happened and when I asked Mrs. Powers why she's continued hammering on us for the past few weeks & she replied that she did it because "she didn't believe me" ..No other valid reason could be or was offered..

Mr. Powers and I reached our agreement in May. All that was asked of Mrs. Powers was that she abides by the agreement, and allow for it to conclude itself. Had Mrs. Powers just been patient (a quality that by her own admission is not her strong suit) she would have seen that in fact, I am an honorable, honest businessman, and that this campaign of slander / harassment was completely un necessary / un called for.

I have done all that can be done. I have responded to any / all questions, concerns, and now public, damning reports. I made an agreement, and honored it accordingly. I even agreed to honor a refund that technically / legally I was not contractually obligated to do so as a further sign of my integrity / good intentions.

There is absolutely nothing more that I can add to this other than I regret the entire incident, and believe that it could have / should have been handled better by all parties concerned.

It is unfortunate that out of the many hundreds of people we have helped /continue to help, Mrs. Powers is the one, and only complaint ever lodged against us. No business can exist without a complaint however, in spite of Mrs. Powers negative, un founded remarks / warnings I feel that one complaint out of many hundreds is a record I can live with.

I thank you for allowing me time / space to address this matter openly, and honestly.

As always, I welcome any / all inquiries / concerns.


Edward J.Benko, Owner / CEO
Genesis Credit Solutions, Inc.
CO. License # MB100019240
303-745-7003 Office
720-334-2994 Cell
800-364-1939 Toll Free



Follow up

#12Author of original report

Sun, June 21, 2009

I read what the owner of Genesis Credit Solutions wrote and I just want to comment on some of the statements he made. I received a phone call yestersay, June 20th and he was angry because he read what I had written on the Rip-Off Report site and said he wanted me to retract everything I said. He was telling me in fact, on how to write it and what to say. He wanted me to include, I was angry when I wrote it, I used the wrong words to describe Ed and how this situation played out. He said he did not want or deserve bad press. He also stated if I did not retract within (first it was 48 hours then it came down to 2 hours) he could possibly file a lawsuit against me. He said I slandered his name and his bussiness and I needed to "fix it" I told Ed, after he had finished, if he didn't settle down I was hanging up and then told him I would UPDATE my report. At no time did I say I would retract any words I said. He said I said his company was fraudulent, I never used that word. I did use the word "bogus" and at that time, that was how the refund was playing out. I did update in my report (I did not retract that word) but that now that was not the right word to use. I was not "angry" when I made the 1st report and it was not in the "heat of the moment". I was feedup. He also stated he told us a refund check would be sent within 30 days due to company policy. He sent an email on May 11th, stating somewhat the same thing. He wrote, "Expect a check from us within 30 bussiness days OR SO" this is also in the same email where he said the reason for the check was to "wash his hands of me and this situation" he also compared me to the trashy talk show host "Jerry Springer" in saying I was simple minded. He told me "Water seeks it's own level, does it not?" Said I was a "playground bully" and was making "childish taunts". What self esteem boosters. I'm happy I don't depend on him to decide how I should feel about myself. That was the last time I spoke to him until recently. On May 26th, my husband emailed him asking how the refund was looking. In today's world $350 can go along way for a bill or whatever. He told my husband "We are not on the top of his priorty list" At this point, I really did not feel he was going to send it out due to the comments he made and him also stating he does not feel he should. I really had dismissed the possibilty of us receiving that refund check. I was searching the internet onday and decided to check out the BBB web-site. I was not angry or heated but I was disappointed and frustrated. I decided to file a complaint with the BBB, even though he was not a member. I do not totally know how the BBB works. I just hit the "file a complaint" button and procecced to make complaint about Ed Benko. After I hit "submit" I did not really think much of it after that. I just figured it would go through the process of the BBB and since he was not a member I didn't really think it would be posted for public view. And as far as I know, it's still not. I was not after that anyway, I just wanted a way to vent the wrong that had happened to me and to maybe find a way to warn others about hiring a modification company. After a few days to a week the BBB emailed me stating it had contacted Ed Benko of my complaint. I was happy. I also came across this web-site and decieded to make a report of my situation in hopes others will make sure they do their homework and try to find the perfect company to handle such a serious matter. After a few more days, Ed had responded to my complaint and the BBB asked if I was happy with his response or did I want to respond to his feedback. I was not happy with his response, since I still had not received a refund check apart of me felt he was not getting off that easy, my side was going to be told. I responded NO I was not satisfied. After the next response from ED, that one said a refund would be issued in the month of June. I was shocked. I feel the only reason I have my refund today was because the BBB became involved. So I thank the BBB for helping me get back what I deserved. As far as this web-site, I think it is great. It is hard for consumers to really check out places and to feel secure about who they hire. This web-site is a great tool to further the process of finding out if a company is what they say they are and if they handle complaints the correct way or just their bussiness as a whole the correct way. Bussiness can't make everyone happy, that's a fact, but how they handle those dissatisfied customers can almost make or break a company. I felt much better after making my report on here and also the BBB helping me obtain my refund. All was dandy until yesterday June 20th when Ed called me very angry because he found out I made a report on this web-site. As mentioned in the beginning of this report his conversation with me I started to become frustrated again because I do not take being threatened with legal action calmly.I told Ed I would do my best to report an update to my report as soon as I could. Which I did manage to do within the 2 hours. I refused to answer the other 4 phone calls he made and responded to his text by stating "I was busy and I made my updated report". When I came home I emailed him asking what he wanted. At that point I wanted what he had to say to me in writing. I feel that was totally out of line to call me and tell what I needed to say to help him undo negative feedback and if I didn't comply he would sue me. I did not once again, slander his name (he compared this to a child molester, saying if I walked around demanding someone was a child molester without having proof that is slander. Yes that would be. I did not do that with Ed. I would have never compared it to a child molester anyway) Whatever I mentioned in my reports, I have emails to "prove" what I had writen. So hopefully this will be the end of this nightmare. But for the record consumers, don't let any company tell you how to act and what you should do. You are not the professional here but you ARE the one handing over your hard earned money. I will not be told what to say (which would have been a lie had I fullfilled what Ed was telling me to say) by anyone. This is America and I have freedom of speech, EVEN if it is negative. Good luck (once again) I wish all consumers the very best in their search for any need they may face.



Update to report

#12Author of original report

Sat, June 20, 2009

To update this report (at the request of Ed Benko) I will give the conclusion. Before or after of writing this report I also contacted the BBB (but before the BBB contacted me with my complaint I had filled out this report). This company is not a member but you can still file a complaint and I did. After the BBB contacted Ed Benko, in my opinion, resolution was found faster. Ed had contacted my husband and also told the BBB that we would have our check written by the end of June. I did receive our check (yesterday) for 50% of the amount we paid. We are satisfied now since we have received our money. I guess there are times when personalities clash and things get out of hand and neither side is willing to back down. But just because we did not have success in obtaining a modification does not mean others won't or they will have the experiences I did with this company. In the above report I used the word "bogus" and at the time that was how this whole situation was playing out, in my opinion, but since the refund has been issued "bogus" would not be the correct word at this time. I did not use the word fraudulent at anytime in the above report. But we did receive our 50% refund and now we can successfully part ways. I wish everyone good luck with modifications (they are not easy to obtain, but I will try again with mine at a later time and hopefully get success and much needed relief). As with ANY company, just stay on your toes and pay attention to detail. :) The above report also was stated with the facts as how I understood them to happen. Unfortunately for companies that get unsatified clients this is a web-site for them to vent and get their experience out in the open. My goal was not to prevent future clients from obtaining their services but to get my side of the story out. I know bad press can be hurtful in obtaining future clients and I am not at any point saying do not check into a company, just do your homework and for consumers, this is part of your homework. That is why it is here. But satification on my situation has been completed and once again, I wish everyone luck.



Response to Consumer Statement from GCS,Inc. Owner

#12REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, June 20, 2009

This report is a result of nothing more than a clash of personalities. We did not refuse a refund, we simply stated that it is our company's policy to issue refunds within a 30 day time frame for record keeping purpose's.

This client was notified by email that her refund request would be granted within the month of June, and long before this report was filed. The check was issued as promised.

Once again, this client was "angry" and per her own admission "did not believe me" & this led to this report being filed.

I operate a legitimate, licensed, bonded firm. We have helped many, many homeowner's and have never & would never cheat anyone out of a dime legitimately owed them.

The terms of our refund policy is clrearly spelled out (in plain english) on our agreement forms & sadly, this client is one we were not able to be successful with.

I have spoken to this client regarding this report & it was agreed that it was written prematurely, and in the heat of the moment.

This client has also agreed to enter a full retraction of the harsh, derogatory comments.

I welcome any / all inquires, and thank you for allowing this opportunity to explain the "other" side of the story


Edward J.Benko, Owner / CEO
Genesis Credit Solutions, Inc.
CO. License # MB100019240
303-745-7003 Office
720-334-2994 Cell
800-364-1939 Toll Free

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