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  • Report:  #125963

Complaint Review: EdwardsKnox Central School

EdwardsKnox Central School You gotta be in the "click" to survive this school Russell New York

  • Reported By:
    russell New York
  • Submitted:
    Wed, January 05, 2005
  • Updated:
    Fri, January 21, 2005
  • EdwardsKnox Central School
    Russell, New York
  • Phone:
  • Category:
*Consumer Comment: Hilarious *Author of original report: YES SIR! *Consumer Suggestion: Most of this is true *Consumer Comment: OMG, You forgot to mention that not all the students who don't get into trouble are related to a certain person or know the right people. *Consumer Comment: We all started from nothing at that school, and built our rep. throughout time. *UPDATE Employee: Look at it from an inside perspective *Consumer Suggestion: Chief of The Monkey Clan Speaks *REBUTTAL Individual responds: get over it *UPDATE Employee: Corrupted EK?? there are a few teachers who so show favoritism towards kids *Consumer Comment: Lets Clear Some Things Up *Consumer Comment: You have it lucky *Author of original report: THESE CLAIMS HAVE BEEN TAKEN TO THE SCHOOL IN A FACE TO FACE FASHION OVER AND OVER!!!!! *Consumer Comment: High Priest Of the Monkey Clan Speaks *Consumer Comment: High Priest Of the Monkey Clan Speaks *Consumer Comment: High Priest Of the Monkey Clan Speaks *Consumer Comment: High Priest Of the Monkey Clan Speaks *Consumer Suggestion: I hope you do not think we believe you are from the Ukraine Europe *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Good afternoon Ladies and Gents. For any students who want to stand up and stop complaining, join the student council. *Consumer Comment: you're full of crap *Consumer Comment: POT *Consumer Comment: i agree THERE IS AN "IN" CROWD *Consumer Comment: Chief knows what they are talking about *Consumer Suggestion: EKCS is a good school despite this "Report" *Consumer Suggestion: prison *Consumer Suggestion: Education is key... *Consumer Comment: The whole 'in crowd' thing is BULL *Author of original report: Agree/Disagree *Consumer Comment: STOP YOUR CRYING *Consumer Comment: It's there business

I just wanna rant here. First of all. I have kids in this school and I have seen and heard of the MOST outragious diciplinary procedures ever. One kid 12 years old had a cd player on, the bus driver yelled to him about something, when the child didnt respond the bus driver went to him, screaming in his face and actually ripped the headphones off his head.
(Child wasnt part of the in crowd)

BUT that was ok according to the school.
I have seen my kids and thier friends receive 7 days of in school suspension for "talking back" to the teacher.
( niether child was part of the in crowd)

I told by my son that one kid swore on the bus, he was moved to the front and told that for the rest of the year here would remain there, not only on the ride to and from school but also for any events, fieldtrips..ect....
(Child wasnt part of the in crowd)

Bus monitors are allowed to slap the children. This has been reported by MANY KIDS and parents. (the monitor was sent to anger management classes)
Gimme a break

These teachers need to understand they are CIVIL SERVANTS!!!!!
Nothing more. They think around here that because they have the title of teacher and are reffered to as MR or Mrs that they are god like?
Gee, maybe I should go grab a BA a become a teacher to help my kids keep thier popularity, Afterall, anyone can do it.

The principal is worthless he will tell you what you wanna hear and brush it under the rug.
The lil school principal expects that when she claps her hands every child is to be silent!!! Wonder if she can make them rollover too.

I have alot more but just let me pint out one more thing that EVERYONE in the area knows about.
Last year, 3 kids (1 girl, 2 guys)
were caught smoking POT on the band bus. The monitor and the driver saw them, every kid on the bus said yes they were smoking it. Guess what NOTHING AT ALL HAPPENED TO THEM. NOTHING. The three refused drug tests. THE SCHOOL DID NOTHING.

I seem feel this lil fact may have come into play.
The girls mother is a teacher, One boy was her boyfriend. And the third kids father is on the board of education.

SO, basically at Edwards Knox, You cant swear, talkback, listen to music or anything a child normally does but GONE AHEAD and SMOKE A LIL WEED ON THEM, even while the bus is in motion!!!

Hope they read this, I have alot more if they start responding.

russell, New York

29 Updates & Rebuttals


New York,

It's there business

#30Consumer Comment

Thu, January 20, 2005

First of all, i think that if a person wants to smoke pot, it's there business. Pluss, i don't think that a bus moniter would ever hit a kid, because if they did, they would be arrested dumb a*s!


New York,


#30Consumer Comment

Wed, January 19, 2005

ok some of the things R said were true and some things R said were along the lines of true but they got it mixed up alot. and about the whole in crowd thing yes there is an in crowd but they do not get away from everything and i know there are people that will say im only saying that because i am apart of the in crowd but im not im not really in either crowd, ill talk to anyone that talks to me, but the truth is the people in the in crowd are just like the people that arent and they're really nice too so i think that the people that arent in the in crowd need to stop their crying because the "in crowd" is what the "out crowd" makes them!!! And R yes i do agree with some of the things you said but you made it sound way worse then it actually is! true im not particularly fond of this school but it could be worse! i think that everyone on here should just stop crying about it and if it really bothers them that bad then they should get off their buts get away from the computer and do somethin about it cause complaining to a website is not going to change anything!! and its just another place for the "out crowd" to complain about the "in crowd" which everything the "out crowd" is saying is really ridiculous and if they just stopped feeling sorry for theirselves then they could actually make some freinds outside of the "out crowd"


New York,


#30Author of original report

Wed, January 19, 2005

First I'd like to say that I thought you all had better things to do then sit here and b***h about everyone else when you're all sitting here doing nothing about it!

I go to Edwards Knox and I have all of my life. I agree with "R" that bus monitors are allowed to yell at the students because I've seen it happen, but I have never seen them hit a student or anything like that.

About the whole kids getting suspended deal, if your kids didn't talk back then you wouldn't have to worry about it, but I do agree that there are some teachers at the school are more bitchy and anal then they should be and they need to lighten up a little or get out of the field that involves children.

The principle isn't necessarily useless and he doesn't sweep all things under the rug, he just picks his battles wisely and worries about the most important problems first and if the small ones that amount to nothing like a mother or father that can't do anything with their problem child that gets in trouble comes up and he has time then he will do something about it. I know this because I have gone down to him and spoken civilly without yelling and it got me places and he payed attention to what I had to say and did something about it! (Maybe you should try it instead of griping on here about it behind his back, it might just get you somewhere!)

And that whole deal about the pot on the band bus, I was on the other bus and I heard about it, that's all kids talked about for about a week after it happened but when kids talk things get mixed up and stories get turned all around backwards. So I would have to say that if you wanted to know about it, then you would have to go to one of the three kids that were accused of smoking it, because if you don't then you'll never know the truth! (Try doing that too instead of just believing what your child tells you all the time.)

If your child wants to be part of the so called "in crowd" then maybe they should put some effort into it too. I've had kids say that I'm from the "in crowd" but I don't think that I am I try to talk and get along with everyone but some are more difficult to get along with then others. I've met kids in school that says everyone else thinks they are better then them, but what they don't realize is that they are going to have to try and work just like the other people.

I do agree to some extent that the "last name" bit is true but for the most part it's not. You may have one or two students that can get away with most things and they won't get in trouble because of who they are but then you have the rest that get in trouble for it. What you have to realize is that some kids are just destined to get in trouble more then the rest of them, and they just have to live with that.

Some of you people that don't actually attend the school yourself, you should come attend it and then b***h about it instead of just listening to what everyone else says or what your child comes home and tells you, sometimes you have to see things and live things for yourself or you won't have much "information".

And I think that if you guys want to complain about this school so much then why don't you post your name, if you want to get the attention then post your names, don't be big babies about it.

Well that's all for now if I have anymore I'll post it later, but I just wanted to say that you guys are sad if you've got nothing better to do! GET A LIFE!!!:)


New York,

The whole 'in crowd' thing is BULL

#30Consumer Comment

Tue, January 18, 2005

I think that the whole 'in crowd' and ppl getting treated because they have a 'known last name' is a bunch of bull. I consider myself friends with basically everyone, and I never single anyone out for being different. I try to talk to everyone that is around me so the ppl realize the whole 'in crowd' thing is not true. You can't go around saying that the 'in crowd' never gets disciplined, and Mr.Davis doesnt do s**t about it, because he does. I know first hand that a 'more popular' person was disciplined in a manner that was appropriate and another 'not so popular' person did it...and they got the same punishment. And i've also seen the 'not so popular' ppl get away with things...such as wearing hats in the cafeteria and mouthing off to the teachers. Its not fair to unfairly judge ppl because they are well doesnt mean they are stuck up and only like 'popular' ppl. I consider myself in between, and im never judged for who i talk to. My 'more popular' friends could care less who i talk to and my 'less popular' friends couldnt care either. Real friends dont disown another friend for talking to whoever they want to...and if you have that problem maybe you should rethink your friendship. The term 'preps' shouldnt even exist in our school, i personally only see a select few ppl who think they are remotely better than anyone else. Preps are the ppl in the movies bullying ppl around and ignoring ppl who dont do their hair just right. We dont have any ppl in the school...that i know of, that are like that. How can you judge a person as being more popular anyways, and then ppl b***h because its a 'popularity' contest, well it wouldnt be if they wouldnt make it one. Its true that when you get out of high-school none of this crap is going to matter. IF you were popular or not is not the determining factor on what kind of education you get. And actually i also think the whole 'dating outside of the very thin line' is a bunch of crap too, considering I am dating someone who people would consider 'less popular' and my friends just accept that fact, and again if they didnt they really werent real friends in the first place. Ppl who try hard succeed, no matter what race or status.

Another offense Cheif Eric, but maybe thats why your not part of the what you call 'in crowd. You dont give ppl a chance, you think because they are 'popular' you shouldnt give them a chance and you should be mean to them and backtalk them becuase if you wont be accepted into your 'group.' Just a thought...

OO..and the 'in crowd' ppl arnt afraid to act stupid either. You cant make assumptions about things like that considering you dont hang out with them. They are just like you and me...they have dif opinions about things and like to express them.


New York,

Education is key...

#30Consumer Suggestion

Mon, January 17, 2005

I cannot agree with -R- in saying that "Anyone" can be a teacher as it just isn't true. You may be able to pass the classes (and that requires work) to get a piece of paper acknowledging that you are able to teach, but that doesn't necessarily make you a teacher.

As far as "clicks", you will not find a school without them. Edwards Knox is just small enough such that there are less than a handful of them (clicks) thus leaving some to feel left out. A larger school has larger clicks and more of them and maybe this is the school for someone who is not fairing well at EK.

A high school does not fall short of any other organization, job, or gathering involving more than a couple people as it has its share of politics and corruption. Another school would merely mean a different set of problems.

Perhaps we should stop focusing on all the wrong aspects of the school. I believe that the school provides us with some great educators and many who are willing to go an extra mile for any student in need.

Simply put, I believe that EKCS has much to offer a student if they are willing to accept it.

The Music Department (Mr. Ziemba & Mrs. Curley) is amazing as they are able to educate all students in their choice of instrument and have for quite some time. The English Department (notably Mrs. Young and formerly Mr. Young & Mrs. McKinnon) has had irreplaceable leaders in their departments demanding more from students year after year.
On that note Mrs. Aiken, who often perceived as strict, only ever asked that her students do well and saw nothing less. Mr. Albern stylishly found ways to contribute his wide knowledge of Social studies to each student as well. The list goes on and on...

The Marching Band has won many state championships, Soccer team has always been successful, and there are so many opportunities outside of class for students to get involved with.

How can you tarnish a name of a school when it has so much going for it?

"No human thing is of serious importance."
- Plato


New York,


#30Consumer Suggestion

Mon, January 17, 2005

this school is a f**kin prison you cant even wear hats in this peice of s**t mr davis and half the teachers f**kin hate me

i dont even have to be at school and if some thing f**kin happens im the only on and some of my freinds are the ones to be f**kin blamed

our lunchs taste like s**t and all u get is a little bit and the s**t dont even fill u up the only ppl that get away with s**t is f**kin preps and b***h

well i have to go smoke a cig so later bitchs


New York,

EKCS is a good school despite this "Report"

#30Consumer Suggestion

Sun, January 16, 2005

I have been reading this report and following it for a few days after being told about it. I am amazed at some of the responses. I did not have the priviledge of attending EKCS. I was a professional new kid most of my life and went to many schools. I was not part of any in-crowds.

I have children that attend this school and have had job opportunities that would allow us to move and get out of this school...but, I am still here because I DO NOT want to take my kids out of the district.

Everyone responding in favor of "R" needs to look at your surrounding schools and realize that you are in a great school, despite the in-crowd thing. The "in-crowd" HAPPENS AT EVERY SCHOOL!!! You are just lucky enough that your school is small enough that the in-crowd is small. Be happy you don't have GANGS and a "REAL" drug problem.

P.S. The in-crowd is necessary. It helps people realize early in life that things aren't fair. The only people that are hurt by it, in the real world, are the people in the in-crowd.

The bus incident referred to about the 12 or 15 yr old child not listening or sitting down on the bus is ridiculous. At that age the child should know enough to sit down and listen. The bus drivers have enough to worry about with the conditions of the roads and getting MY CHILDREN safely home. If you are so worried about your children you should be happy that they make it home safely everyday. I have alot of respect for any bus driver....I would have mega headaches!!

OK, Please tell me how a teacher is to discipline a child. I think that writing a childs name on the board is a good tactic. If the child is embarrassed enough maybe they won't do it again. It is called negative re-enforcement. If the child does something good or worth while, then the teacher can give positive re-inforcement (respect)....not before hand. If the teacher doesn't do anything when a child is being disrespectful it just shows other children that "it is OK to be disrespectful because nothing happens."

And....NO, my kids and I do not have one of "those names" you refer to at school.


New York,

Chief knows what they are talking about

#30Consumer Comment

Sat, January 15, 2005

I've Been reading this for a while and I would like to say that Chief knows what they are talking about and so might B-rad. I am not a "popular" person and I know exactly what Chief Is talking about. My friends are not in the In Crowd. None of us would like to be eather. And I don't see why anyone would want to be part of that.

And I think B-Rad might be right too. I have never got a warning In my whole 7th-now years. I get whats coming to me but there are other people who do the SAME thing (I know I was there) and they can get 2-3 warnings. Now I don't know this could be a freak thing but the other person was related to a teacher In school. I don't want to point fingers or have NEone think I am. So all I ment was this really could be a freak thing. And Im not a person who Is In trouble a lot.

-From EK-


New York,


#30Consumer Comment

Sat, January 15, 2005



New York,


#30Consumer Comment

Fri, January 14, 2005

Ok. So you seem to think that people were caught smoking pot on the band bus....Idk know why you wrote this. Did you think the school was going to change just because one bitchy mom wrote to Rip Off Report. Well i have news for you it won't. Our school won't change for one person. and you can think whatever you want. It doesn't matter if those people got off for smoking pot, everyone gets away with something in life! So why don"t you get a life and stop writing to this!


New York,

you're full of crap

#30Consumer Comment

Thu, January 13, 2005

there is n way anyone could be smokin pot o the band bus. there is a person who is allergic to it and could tell if any one was smokin.

You are right about the bus drivers, they cant beat the crap out the other kids and they shouldn't be yelling at the kids some kids are sensitive you know.

you're still full of crap "R" and i hate you completely


New York,

Good afternoon Ladies and Gents. For any students who want to stand up and stop complaining, join the student council.

#30UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, January 12, 2005

I've been following this website for some time now after having been directed to it by a friend. I find almost all the comments to be an excellent source of comedic material. Here is a REAL suggestion for anyone who wants to change things.

For any adults who wish to truly make a difference in this school and not just complain, I suggest that you run for the Board of Education.

For any students who want to stand up and stop complaining, join the student council. Those are the only two places where rules can be changed, added, or dropped.

If you want a voice then you have to SPEAK up and not TYPE up. Simple enough? If people only want to continue to post irrelevant comments then that's fine by me as it does tend to make me laugh most of the time. Love, peace, and chicken grease.


New York,

I hope you do not think we believe you are from the Ukraine Europe

#30Consumer Suggestion

Tue, January 11, 2005

Viktor- I hope you do not think we believe you are from the Ukraine Europe.. I have had a student in my home from the Ukraine and Honey you are not it.. Keep up the good work! You may fool some of the people but not all of the people.

Chief Eric

New York,

High Priest Of the Monkey Clan Speaks

#30Consumer Comment

Tue, January 11, 2005

My friends aren't part of the in crowd and neither am I, but we don't sit there and b***h about it. Because in acctuality, we prefere it that way. We know that when we get out of high school, we will have more to talk about than what the final score of a soccer game. I think (mind you this is just my opinion) My friends and i would agree and have agreed that we think that the "preps" are useless. And if you ignore them then you won't have to worry about them. We, in general I think, have more fun than the in crowd bc we aren't afraid to act stupid whereas if the preps did they would be seen as "weird" and ultimatly cast out. Also we don't care what other ppl think bc it doesn't matter whereas the preps do care. (again 'in general')Oh and one more thing...We can date whoever the hell we want. where preps can't. If they date outside a very thin line, then they will not be as accepted as they were before.

On another matter. I don't think the in crowd does most of this stuff on purpose. One of them asked me if I like them and i said no. She asked why? I said "bc you have never said hi to me or even talked to me so why should i like you? You don't even know me. Your just asking random ppl if they like you. You don't even care what I think." She said "Well, You dn't know me either." And I said " I have said hi to you befre and you completly ignored me. so I gave up." Ppl like her don't understand that they are preps and acctually a lot less liked than they think they are.

Chief Eric

New York,

High Priest Of the Monkey Clan Speaks

#30Consumer Comment

Tue, January 11, 2005

My friends aren't part of the in crowd and neither am I, but we don't sit there and b***h about it. Because in acctuality, we prefere it that way. We know that when we get out of high school, we will have more to talk about than what the final score of a soccer game. I think (mind you this is just my opinion) My friends and i would agree and have agreed that we think that the "preps" are useless. And if you ignore them then you won't have to worry about them. We, in general I think, have more fun than the in crowd bc we aren't afraid to act stupid whereas if the preps did they would be seen as "weird" and ultimatly cast out. Also we don't care what other ppl think bc it doesn't matter whereas the preps do care. (again 'in general')Oh and one more thing...We can date whoever the hell we want. where preps can't. If they date outside a very thin line, then they will not be as accepted as they were before.

On another matter. I don't think the in crowd does most of this stuff on purpose. One of them asked me if I like them and i said no. She asked why? I said "bc you have never said hi to me or even talked to me so why should i like you? You don't even know me. Your just asking random ppl if they like you. You don't even care what I think." She said "Well, You dn't know me either." And I said " I have said hi to you befre and you completly ignored me. so I gave up." Ppl like her don't understand that they are preps and acctually a lot less liked than they think they are.

Chief Eric

New York,

High Priest Of the Monkey Clan Speaks

#30Consumer Comment

Tue, January 11, 2005

My friends aren't part of the in crowd and neither am I, but we don't sit there and b***h about it. Because in acctuality, we prefere it that way. We know that when we get out of high school, we will have more to talk about than what the final score of a soccer game. I think (mind you this is just my opinion) My friends and i would agree and have agreed that we think that the "preps" are useless. And if you ignore them then you won't have to worry about them. We, in general I think, have more fun than the in crowd bc we aren't afraid to act stupid whereas if the preps did they would be seen as "weird" and ultimatly cast out. Also we don't care what other ppl think bc it doesn't matter whereas the preps do care. (again 'in general')Oh and one more thing...We can date whoever the hell we want. where preps can't. If they date outside a very thin line, then they will not be as accepted as they were before.

On another matter. I don't think the in crowd does most of this stuff on purpose. One of them asked me if I like them and i said no. She asked why? I said "bc you have never said hi to me or even talked to me so why should i like you? You don't even know me. Your just asking random ppl if they like you. You don't even care what I think." She said "Well, You dn't know me either." And I said " I have said hi to you befre and you completly ignored me. so I gave up." Ppl like her don't understand that they are preps and acctually a lot less liked than they think they are.

Chief Eric

New York,

High Priest Of the Monkey Clan Speaks

#30Consumer Comment

Tue, January 11, 2005

My friends aren't part of the in crowd and neither am I, but we don't sit there and b***h about it. Because in acctuality, we prefere it that way. We know that when we get out of high school, we will have more to talk about than what the final score of a soccer game. I think (mind you this is just my opinion) My friends and i would agree and have agreed that we think that the "preps" are useless. And if you ignore them then you won't have to worry about them. We, in general I think, have more fun than the in crowd bc we aren't afraid to act stupid whereas if the preps did they would be seen as "weird" and ultimatly cast out. Also we don't care what other ppl think bc it doesn't matter whereas the preps do care. (again 'in general')Oh and one more thing...We can date whoever the hell we want. where preps can't. If they date outside a very thin line, then they will not be as accepted as they were before.

On another matter. I don't think the in crowd does most of this stuff on purpose. One of them asked me if I like them and i said no. She asked why? I said "bc you have never said hi to me or even talked to me so why should i like you? You don't even know me. Your just asking random ppl if they like you. You don't even care what I think." She said "Well, You dn't know me either." And I said " I have said hi to you befre and you completly ignored me. so I gave up." Ppl like her don't understand that they are preps and acctually a lot less liked than they think they are.


New York,


#30Author of original report

Tue, January 11, 2005

EveryOne Says...... "why don't you go to the school and complain"

Ok, Let me say this one final time.


Understand it now, or shall I try again....


Maybe you should run down for a quick comprehensive exam?

Any problems I Personally had..again....


In the post "Lets clear some things up"
Thats really quite funny. I can twist things around and avoid problems by making obtuse excuses. Comedy actually.
You should write comic books, you may do well.

I do see some kids agreeing, guys its sad but true. At least the teachers can see that this type of behavior does not go as unseen.
*Spelling errors are subject to change*


Kiev, Ukraine,

You have it lucky

#30Consumer Comment

Tue, January 11, 2005

I am reading the complaints you have about your local school system and I must say, you have it rather lucky. In my own schooling, here in the Ukraine, expression of one's feelings is something not only frowned upon, but punishable by strict disciplinary action. I can remember one time, I was listening to my music player on the bus ride to class, which was quite foolish of me as it is in violation of the rules, and the driver slowed to a stop, turned around and threw a half full bottle of Russian Vodka at me. It hurt quite badly. I reported this to the headmaster of my school and he beat me with a rod for 12 straight days. Pretty standard procedure, actually. One thing you may not know about the Ukraine is that we have cliques here in my school, as well. However, at the beginning of each term, children who are not in the 'in' crowd are usually lined up and shot.

You should be thankful that your children are in a school where teachers have college degrees that actually mean something. The economics professor at my school has a 4-year degree in Eastern European economics....from 1973! That is like...having a shtenklavic without even having a transkmavn to go with it! Ridiculous, I know!

I must wrap this commentary up quickly, as it is almost time for our school-mandated 3 hour isolation period. All I can do is urge you to count your blessings in terms of where you live and the priveleges that you and your children have been given. And the next time you feel that your children have been mistreated in school, think of your ol' buddy Viktor and how much worse I have it...I wasn't born with 6 toes, you know.


New York,

Lets Clear Some Things Up

#30Consumer Comment

Tue, January 11, 2005

First of all I want to start off by saying, if you think that everything you said is so right, why don't you post your name so we can all know who this anonymous rebel is. I mean, you would have nothing to worry about if you were right, am I correct? Now lets get on to what you say is true. You say the 3 kids were smoking pot on the band bus, all the kids on the bus say they saw them do it, and they refused drug tests. I may be wrong, but I believe there was only one kid smoking pot, but the three were accused, only the bus driver said something about it, and they didn't refuse drug tests because they weren't asked to take one. I'm not 100% about the drug test part, I'll admit to that. Next you say bus monitors are allowed to slap kids on the bus. This is not true, I've talked to other bus monitors about this. There was a bus monitor that was slapping kids, and she did get in trouble for it, she wasn't allowed to do it. Next you say your kids and their friends received 7 days of in-school for talking back .I'll bet you its because your kids and there friends have done things in the past, and had so many referrals, that they got 7 days of in-school so they didn't have to get suspended, I may also be wrong on that, but I know that if they talk back once, and it's the first bad thing they did all year, they aren't going to get 7 days of in-school because they are part of the so called "In Crowd." Another thing I'm wondering ab out is this "In Crowd." Define this so called "In Crowd." What's so special about it. There are different group in our school , yes, but that doesn't mean that one certain group gets all the good grades because the teachers like them, or that one certain group gets everything overlooked because the teachers like them. I think that this "In Crowd" is something that you thought of to try to make it look like there's a group that gets these things. There are a lot of different groups in our school, some may look better or get better grades or the teachers like them more, and there's a reason for that, because they stay out of trouble, minus the occasional pink slip for 3 lates or the PDA referral, and they, for the most part aren't mouthy and let the teachers know exactly what they think of them to their face. You use the term "if you're on the soccer team then you will do ver well ." Shows what you know, and whatever student told you that. Not just for soccer, but for all sports there's this thing called eligibility, maybe you've heard about it. I can't count the number of people I know who can't play sports because they don't have good grades, they can practice but can't play in games. They have a certain period of time to get the grades back up, or they are kicked off the team. That sounds like there doing very well, doesn't it. Students who don't have good grades say that, a bout doing well if you play soccer. It is said because people who play sports have to have good grades to play. They can't just slack off, then be able to play, they have to work for it, and the people who don't work for it, don't play, simple as that. And another thing, kids don't tune out their teachers lectures because they don't lie the teacher or because they aren't respected enough.They tune out the teachers because they're thinking of their weekend, or what they're going to do after school, or that girl or guy they like, or something funny somebody said in the hall, things of that sort. I can see how a kid wouldn't listen to things a teacher says if the teacher was putting them down, and saying stuff about their mother and things like that, but personally, I can't recall anything that would bother a student that much, they didn't deserve. I think that kids who think that the world is picking on them need to realize that mommy and daddy aren't always going to be able to hold their hand and walk them through life. Teachers write kids names on the board for two reasons: 1- they are in 4th grade or a grade below that, and that doesn't damage kids for life, it teaches discipline. 2- to remind the teacher or kid of something. That doesn't teach the kids fear, and doesn't make them think less of themselves, it makes them think the teacher must be mad at me, maybe I shouldn't do that anymore. If it does make them think that, they need to talk to somebody about it, not go and write something on the internet about things they don't even know about. If the teacher is related to a certain student and talks to that students more or something, it just means simple that they know each other and talk. That would be like me talking to a friend and not somebody I didn't know as much, and the person I didn't know as much getting mad and it changing their life because I didn't talk to them. The reason why the principle talked about rules, getting along, self-ester, and respect and not academics at the meeting about entering into seventh grade is because kids enter into seventh grade there is no longer any teachers to walk them to gym or to art, they do that on their own, and many times, younger kids are in trouble a lot, that's why he talked about it, so he could try to prevent it. What did you want him to say about academics, keep your grades up and get high honor roll, that would make a pretty weak meeting wouldn't it? Then you would be complaining about just talking about academics instead of being good. And about teachers looking for popularity they never got. Why would they be teachers if they were looking for that? Teachers aren't usually well liked by a lot of kids. Why would they enter into a job that you aren't usually well liked by a lot of the kids? When you're looking for popularity. If I think of anything else I'll let you know. I think all this complaining should stop, especially when you're complaining about lies part of the time. Some of the stuff you say is true but some of it isn't too.

P. S.- Just to clear up previous statements, you can become a teacher with a B.A. but you need to OBTAIN a masters degree withing 3 years of teaching


New York,

Corrupted EK?? there are a few teachers who so show favoritism towards kids

#30UPDATE Employee

Tue, January 11, 2005

As a student at EK i see a lot of the s**t that goes on. From what i have seen there are a few teachers who so show favoritism towards kids w/ the "right last names" or the ones that are in the "in crowd". So i agree w/ who ever posted the original letter because i've seen most of it first hand, so i know it happens and everyone knows what goes on in our school it's just that no one does anything about it.

Oh, and a little word of advice to "Jack" if u guys are some of those people who always get out of s**t don't post a rebuttal saying it doesn't happen...


New York,

get over it

#30REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, January 10, 2005

hey, one of my friends told me about this site and told me that there was a whole bunch of B.S about are school on here. well some of it's true. But there is a WHOLE bunch of B.S...

the whole thing with the 12 year old kid and the cd player... ya, its true. except he was 15! so if your going to run your mouth... maybe you should get your story right! but yeh it happend. matter of fact it happend on my bus... to one of my friends. the whole bus monitor thing... where she got sent to Anger management... yeh thats also ture... and it happend on my bus.

the whole in crowd thing... I think it's all a bunch of B.S!

true some kids are treated diffrently by the teachers, but it's not because of the whole in crowd. there's not really a in crowd in our school! the way I see it is... the teachers treat the kids that suck up more better than the rest, and once you do one thing wrong, they are on your case... and there's no way to get them off! this is happening right now while the teachers are on there little power trip... well hate to tell you, but if it comes my way thier trip wont be as long as they thought!

[[ get over it! ]]
I think your kids need to learn how to grow up... instead of going home and cryin to there parents. what are they going to do when they get on there own.... what are they going to do if they have boyfriend or girlfriend problems? are they going to go home and cry to thier parents, so then they can go on this website and pull kidlish anticts like this?

[[comes down to this]]
but really what this comes down to its if you got something to say, then instead of hidding, and acting like little bitches, go down to the f**king school... and work threw your problems. PROBLEM SOLVED!


New York,

Chief of The Monkey Clan Speaks

#30Consumer Suggestion

Mon, January 10, 2005

Hey ppl. sup? nmh. I just have a few words to say on this newly discovered site that I so hapened to stumble upon. If you guys are so adament about pissin eachother off about this whole "in crowd" thing, then why don't just get together and solve it like adults instead of childishly parading around on this web site hiding behind your moniters and modems where no one can see you. I don't understand why we need to b***h at eachother endlessly.

On other matters, I go to this school and have all my life. And I'll tell ya what...Yes i am only 17 but i do recognize the "in crowd" everyday. And yes ppl can be treated unfairly or differently. It happens all the time and the popular ppl don't recognize this bc they are just that...popular. I don't think they know how to see things from an outcast's perspective so they do things unintentionaly (or intentionaly) that may hurt other ppl. But i think you guys need lives because instead of telling your children to ignore ppl and just get on with it, they take things to heart. And yes i know how it feels to be an outcast. I was picked on everyday of my life bc of the popular ppl. But just think about the way they will feel when they realize that being popular in high school will get you nowhere in the real world? And you know what else? Revenge is a dish best served COLD...

P.S. The chief of the Monkey Clan has spoken!

Chief Mindy-Edwards-knox


New York,

Look at it from an inside perspective

#30UPDATE Employee

Sun, January 09, 2005

As a student at EK I see a lot that goes on in the inside. Yeah.. a lot of things do happen that probably shouldn't but our school really isn't that bad. You have only taken the perspectives and opinions of the people who may think they are better or the kids that feel they haven't been necessarily treated fairly.Why don't you look at the majority of us who keep our noses clean and just do what we are supposed to? I never had a " family name" and I was never a star. I have friends and I keep good grades. I participate in school activites and I have no problems. I may not like some of the decisions that some people make as students, teachers or administration but everyone makes mistakes. And for your parents out there who are saying these things about teachers being biased... Aren't you being biased by suddenly taking your child's word for everything? I understand trusting your child and supporting them but shouldn't you hear both sides of the story? If your child is being suspended and constantly in trouble how can you be sure that they are telling you the whole story? Things could be a lot worse at our school, sure, all of us don't wanna be there most of the time. Who wants to be confined in a building 6 hours a day 5 days a week? but its got to be done.My spelling and grammar may not be perfect...but that's what i'm in school for....right?


New York,

We all started from nothing at that school, and built our rep. throughout time.

#30Consumer Comment

Sun, January 09, 2005

I used to attend Edwards-Knox C.S. I have never played a sport, and my last name didn't credit me for much at all. I built myself. Prom prince, and prom king. Yeah...right here. We all started from nothing at that school, and built our rep. throughout time. As well all the students should do at E.K. I can see where you were going with all of this. It is very unfortunate that some kids are treated differenly. I saw it, everyday. But you don't see it nearly as much here, as you would in a bigger school. I feel sorry for the 4 kids that arent liked in E.K. I really do. But this is how the world works. Plain and simple. Did John Kerry b***h and whine that he lost the election? Naw, he didn't. I'm sure you and your family have tons of things going for you. But public education is not one, apparently. Teachers do not discipline with embarassment. Teachers try to get students to not be embarrassed in class..with an open floor format. Your child, or any child for that matter have the ability to open their mouth and speak their mind. Now lets remember this is a place of growth. And with growing..complications will arise. It's so hard to write a response because I get caught off track. My bad. But...what it all comes down to..for that you can't expect every rule and every situation to turn your way. Teachers, and yes...even the beloved principals will make mistakes. Much like you have as a person, by writting that blog of "examples" when it was all hear-say. I bet you didn't see 90% of all the stuff you listed as wrong doings. Thats the problem with the world today. Assumption. Don't make an a*s out of yourself because the world doesnt sway the way you do.

and yeah...teachers are not servents, man.
public school may be a waste on the education aspect, but those people at e.k have so much heart and supported me through troubled times. they would support your kid if he didnt fall asleep in class because he was SMOKIN A LIL WEEEEEED, huh.

Go with ease, my child. Don't sweat the small stuff. E.K will shape your child and he'll grow up to be just like his mother. A w***e. What!?


New York,

OMG, You forgot to mention that not all the students who don't get into trouble are related to a certain person or know the right people.

#30Consumer Comment

Sat, January 08, 2005

Alright, I agree with some of what you are saying, yes in some cases it is better if you have "the right name" but thats not exactly true in all cases, I just want to go back on what you said, "To gain respect you must first give it!!!!!" well do you give your children respect before they give respect to you? That just doesn't seem right, I can see if children give teachers respect and don't get it in return but if they just go into the classroom not willing to give the teacher a try why should the teacher bother giving them respect just to get talked back to and disrespected? That doesn't make sense to me?! Teachers are there to do a job and that is what they are doing. Personally I believe that childern that attend Edwards-Knox are recieving a good education, and recently there has become a problem of lack of respect to the administration. If a child is getting into trouble and suspended for 7 days at a time then they obviously did something wrong. Sometimes the punishments may be harsh for the crime but not always. If I were a teacher being treated like some of the kids treat them I would want the harshest punishment for them too. Maybe this would teach them a lesson instead of having a parent who doesn't know ALL the facts telling the world about some of the minor problems that occur at our school. You forgot to mention that not all the students who don't get into trouble are related to a certain person or know the right people. It just so happens that there are a select few students who are frequently in trouble but they bring it on themselves. And I don't feel that you writing this "report" is helping matters any. I hope you think about what you are talking about and realize that what you are saying isn't all true.
Thank you for your time.


New York,

Most of this is true

#30Consumer Suggestion

Fri, January 07, 2005

i agree and disagree with some of this, the "IN" crowd does not exest in this school not really there is a few, like maybe 10 or 15 that think they are better than others, but not a real "in" crowd. the monitor was not moved to any class they where removed so somthing did happen and that was the ONLY monitor that did that. there are NO TEACHER's that think they are god and teachers my favor there better students but they are all fair and students need to understand that, i agree that some teachers are harder and stricter than others but everyone acts diff. and the principal is not worthless, he may brush things under the rug sometimes but he does not do it all the time. i know it happend to me. yes i KNOW 3 kids where smoking on the band bus but the school did do somthing but it was no longer the school year so they could not make them if them and there parents refused. "SO, basically at Edwards Knox, You cant swear, talkback, listen to music or anything a child normally does but GONE AHEAD and SMOKE A LIL WEED ON THEM, even while the bus is in motion!!!" this is 100% wrong teachers may not write a kid up for swearing in the hall but teachers do write kids up for swearing in the class room. i know all of this cause go to the school this school may not be the BEST but it is one of the better school's in this state.


New York,


#30Author of original report

Fri, January 07, 2005


I am excited, Jack has clarified everything for us, we can all forget it now.
Thank you Jack.
You helped me make my point.

Initially I knew that the main focus on this post would be the use of "slang" language and/or spelling errors. Typically
thats the way this system works. To beguile the initial point! So feel free to "pick"
away at any typos. Anyone who obtusely focuses on poor writing or spelling skills
is simply trying to expunge the main point. Again I do thank you for proving that!

As far as a masters? YOUR WRONG! You can become a teacher with a B.A. Not sure but you may need to eventually gain a masters but initially NO.

Why not relocate? The problems listed were not mine! They were discussed among a group of parents.
I have no reason to relocate nor any desire to do so. I am simply speaking the mind of parents in this area, it is our right and this
is what we see as an ongoing problem.

As far as coming Face to Face that HAS been done many times by many parents.
It was useless!

I only have ( myself) a problem with a select few teachers in this district
definetly not all of them.

The FACTS that I wrote in my first post are true and your personal "slams" agaist me are whats truely hilarious.
(Did I spell that right?)

The points I made about the buses were all true. I do not know any of the drivers or monitors
but this information is accurate as it came from MANY parents and students.

In short, Jack your rebuttal is paltry.

Now moving forward! :)

Here are some things to dwell upon:

The school is a family tree! If you have a "known" family, you are taken care of. In a small area almost everyone is related in the school.
I see this as a very negative aspect. Each child is not treated equally which results in different
opportunities for different students. This should not hold true in any public school.

In my school, your family was especially noticeable, when it came to discipline and the consequences a student
would suffer for specific antisocial or bad actions. For instance, one student skipped school and was caught.
However, the situation was overlooked because of his family's standing in the community.
Where another not of the "tree" would be made an example of.

Lets face it, this type of behavior unveils its ugly face in every school
district, we all know it, it is a part of growing up but it appears that in this school
there are a "handfull" of teachers that contribute knowingly. (I do not think they reached thier popularity "rating" in school)
therefor making the whole situation worse because the kids see this.

The "handfull" also use a diciplinary action called EMBARRASSMENT! I have seen this, maybe a name on a board, something that will stand out.
This is not a good thing is it?
When students are disciplined in front of a class, they suffer embarrassment. Embarrassment should not be the goal of
discipline. In the past, we hung people by the neck until they were dead for their wrong doings.
However, today, just imagine what society would be like if people were still punished in that fashion.
Many classrooms still use discipline systems in which fear of embarrassment is used to elicit performance from the students,
instead of an understanding of the necessity of following directions.

This technique of fear teaching is extremely uncharacteristic of the real world and should be changed in classrooms today.

Teachers may not realize it, but in more ways than they can imagine, they hold the keys to whether a student will excel
or flounder in their attitude and approach to teaching. They need to understand they are there to teach not for a personal gain whether social or intellectual.

Thinking back, I remember a time when there were comments made (FROM STUDENTS) that
"if you are on the soccer team then you will do very well" if not then forget it!
Do you honestly think that this does NOT effect the kids?
IT DOES! PERIOD! This School needs to abandon their mindless pursuit of empty
self-esteem and return to the fundamental task of helping students do their best.
Traditional academic preparation best teaches children how to achieve old-fashioned academic success.

Behavior like this leads kids to tune out of "lectures or whatnot" when the material they need is cogent to the assignment that has been given.
What's worse is that the student no longer respects the authority of the teacher
because he/she knows that the teacher does not treat all students equally or fairly.
****I am making this up as an example*****
A teacher has a relative in his/her class. The teacher knowingly shows special attention to this child. Another child notices this and wants this similar attention
When a child wants attention they sometimes do crazy things for it resulting in the teacher diciplining he/she by keeping them inside during recess. (whatever)
In the mind of this child, what must he/she be thinking? Why am I different? Am I not as good or as smart?
This begins a domino effect early in life and progresses as they continue through school.
Obviously they grow older and wiser to these acts, resulting in them protesting and seeking revenge in sort "fueling the flame" so to speak!
Other Thoughts:

When I went to the meeting to help prepare students and parents for the transition of 6th-7th grade,

I was dismayed at the school's dismal lack of focus on academics.
The principal seemed more geared at social conditioning than at teaching anything
challenging and interesting. They spent lots of time discussing rules, getting along,
self-esteem, respect for HIM, and related watered-down gruel.

These are the main points that totally coincide:

The school is more interested in reaching its status
as a "redoubtable scholar of the Renaissance". (Intellect for administration)

The teachers (NOT ALL, a handfull) are still searching
for the popularity they never achieved.

Bus problems will always be there and always brushed under the rug! Nothing being done is a tool for the administration to show
that the parents have no power. Ok, fine, Its the kids you are REALLY hurting, the ones YOU demand respect from, good luck getting it!
Always remember this, to gain respect you must first give it!!!!!

Thats IT, I am done now. It is my lunch hour and I do have to eat! SORRY for any typos


New York,


#30Consumer Comment

Thu, January 06, 2005

Okay, first of all...YOU need to learn how to spell. That's a definite problem. All of the information that you just posted is bullshit. If you're going to criticize innocent people and this school come up here and say what you have to say to these people's faces. No one smoked anything on the band bus you stupid fool. Get a grip. You are pathetic...and I do believe that you may need some psychiatric help. Also, no one that was accused of smoking on that bus was ever even asked to take a drug test. Don't lie. Oh and by the way if you and your son don't like the district why don't you just get the hell out of here and don't come back I'm sure no one will mind. Oh and another thing, you need a masters degree to become a teacher. That just shows how stupid you really are.
Many people that feel this way.

PS If you think that "normal" children swear, and talk back then maybe you also need to learn how to be a parent.

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