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  • Report:  #176079

Complaint Review: Emerald Passport Business Opportunity - Jim Rivas - Profit Masters - Liberty League International

Emerald Passport Business Opportunity - Jim Rivas - Profit Masters - Liberty League, they are ripping off business opportunity suckers, work at home scam Panama City Panama

  • Reported By:
    Berkley California
  • Submitted:
    Mon, February 13, 2006
  • Updated:
    Tue, September 29, 2009
  • Emerald Passport Business Opportunity - Jim Rivas - Profit Masters - Liberty League International
  • Phone:
  • Category:

1. I worked in Emerald Passport (EPI) for 6 months and can tell you without a doubt that there is a 90% chance you will not make any money by doing it. Here Is Why:

2. Go to Google and do a search on Emerald Passport. The people who come up will all be your competitors if you decide to get involved. You may introduce someone to Emerald but then they will likely join with someone else. I did it. I was introduced to the business by one woman then decided to join under head scam man Jim Rivas. So all your marketing time, effort, & money is going up in smoke. Quite fitting for a scheme which is nothing more than smoke & mirrors anyway.

3. Speaking of scam artists, this business is so full of em the EPI roster is a veritable who's who of people not to do business with. Take EPI's poster child Jim Rivas. The guy claims he has made $800,000 doing this business. To do that he would have had to bring in roughly 500 people. Where are all these people? They aren't on his "Team" calls every day. They aren't on his live "Scam Overview" calls. They aren't on his team "training" calls. There are roughly 20 to 30 of his team members who are regularly on these calls. I'll tell you where the 500 are: Either they never existed or they came in and left after a month of seeing this "opportunity" for what it truly is.

4. Let's get to the heart of the matter. The product itself. A regurgitated Carlton Sheets real estate course and a negotiation course, Oh, and lets not forget the "Self" module, a bunch of worthless mind over matter rubbish. Folks, this junk is so poorly put together that they even go so far as to quote Ivan Boeski in their "Wealth Mastery" module. You'll find the following in their Wisdom Module - Learning From The Best:
My advice to the first-time investor is the same that I give to the young investors in my classes. Devote the same earnest attention to investing that $50,000 as you devoted to earning it.---- Ivan Boesky Ivan spent 4 years in federal prison for insider trading violations. Although I'm sure he's a hero to the potato heads pushing this nonsense. The bottom line here is that most of the general information in this "course" could easily be obtained at your local library. My rough guestimate is that the product they are pushing for $1300 has a value of no more than $300 US.

5. Let me tell you from 6 months in the trenches with EPI that most of the people who get involved have no idea how difficult it is to get the average person to part with $1400. Marketing this thing is very difficult. So difficult, that most of the people you hear on the calls talking about how wonderful the product is and how much money they are making have NEVER MADE A DIME selling this product. They have invested so heavily in advertising this scam, that they stay in the game to hopefully at least get their money back. Like a gambler at the jack table down 10 large, hoping the next flipped card will at least get him less poor.

6. It's alway been my belief that a large number of these frauds are created and sustained by the people who have the most to gain by them. The suckers who enroll in them prequalify themselves to be stupid enough to buy all the "stuff" they will need to be successful. For instance this Rivas character sells his enrolees "AT COST" a steady supply of web surfer leads who viewed a movie about working from home. Guess what Rivas charges for these "Leads"? How about $20 a pop. Imagine that?
There is another arm of EPI called "Profit Masters" which supplies all "potetial entrepeneurs" the ability to have Web Pages and other "essential" business building add-ons. By the way, Profit Masters will bill you $30 per month, Visa & Mastercard accepted. ARE YOU GETTING THE PICTURE FOLKS???

7. The beauty of the internet is the speed at which it shows that the emporer has no clothes. With postings such as this throwing light on the vampires of EPI, it is no wonder their enrollment rates have slowed significantly in the last 3 months. Your potential prospects are probably going to read posts just like this one & it will be just enought to pusuade them not to join. I know many of my potential prospects did not join because of blogs. The EPI business will be that much more difficult to do with each passing month. Remember the 500 people who Rivas did not bring in. Some of them are mad as h*ll and are posting up and down and all around.

8. How quickly will EPI be shut down? EPI is not a US based company so it could go on forever, especially in it's headquarters of Panama City, Panama. Here's a little ditty about Panama from Jerome Schneider (Offshore Money Haven author and expert): "Simply put, I dislike Panama and advise you to avoid it at all costs. I have not had one experience or heard one report about the competence or integrity of any financial transactions that take place in Panama City. It seems to be a pirate's womb" A more important question to ask is: When will the attorney generals of each of the fifty states start to hear complaints about EPI. That generally happens when a fraud reaches the 10,000 person mark. Right now EPI has somewhere around 8,000 enrolled, a portion of which are outside the US. So my guess would be sometime during the next year. A big earthquake under the foundation of the US EPI group will be a "Dateline" or "20/20" investigation into the "opportunity".

9. The #'s don't lie !!!!!!!!! You need to speak with 50 - 75 people to bring one person into this "business". So lets do some simple math. You will have to order 100 leads, or prospects, from some lead source to talk to 50 - 75 people. Those 100 leads will cost you on average $10 per pop. So you spend $1000 to make $1000 from the person you bring into this sham. Oh but lets not forget all of your overhead: long distance, internet costs, OPPORTUNITY COSTS (for those who don't know what that is take an economics 101 course), merchant account fees, etc. HEY YOUR IN THE RED........ But Wait It Gets Better: You don't get to keep the $2000 from the first 2 people you bring in. That goes to the person who brought you in (pass up sales). HEY THATS A GREAT FRIGGIN DEAL.

Now the A-hole who responds to this blog will say that once you get your first 2 people in (pass up sales) you get to keep the first 2 from whoever you bring in after that. HERE IS ANOTHER STAT: 75% of the people who come into this business will never bring in ANYONE. Of the remaining 25% only half will bring in 1 person, and only 1 in 10 people who come in will actually bring in their 2 people.

10. EPI and it's retarded cousin Liberty League are known in the networking industry as australian 2UP's. These maligned network marketing structures are best described by Leonard Clements in his much acclaimed book on the network marketing industry Inside Network Marketing. "Australian 2UP's are so unpopular that not one single company in Australia uses it....something is seriously wrong with that plan".

Now if after this expose you still decide to pursue the smoke & mirrors of EPI, WAIT, give me a call: (email deleted - see below)(recognize the name?) because I have an ice castle in Arizona which I am going public with, you need to get in on the IPO.

Berkley, California

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

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26 Updates & Rebuttals


New Jersey,

EPI is legit! One of the best internet businesses!

#27UPDATE Employee

Tue, September 29, 2009

I'll keep this short (unlike Jim!)  I've been here almost 2 years and love it!  Hey, I'm not earning a 6 figure income yet but that's because I don't work all that hard by choice as I love my time freedom.

The product is awesome and it's easy to attack something proprietary that's been developed by some of the greatest experts in the world.  My husband and I have saved $26K in a year by some of the info we've learned here..  My attitude on life has improved as have my personal skills and self esteem.  How could a scam be in business for 19 years...?????????? Let's get real Jim.

The business... attrition rate is high because.... people are looking for a get rich quick scheme or a lottery ticket.  We work hard (by choice!)  I was in corporate america for decades (Verizon) and this is the best support, training and team I've ever experienced.

The only people who FAIL ARE those who quit or don't have the skills or don't want to develop the skills they need.  All of this is just sour grapes.  Call me, I'll be glad to talk to you about it..  And, I won't try to sell you.. the product sells itself.  I don't need to chase, pressure or convince....  Hope this helps.... of course, as a LEGITIMATE BUSINESS WOMAN.  I'll leave my web site, just in case you are open to a new future and not listening to the sour grape, negative, sad people here..

Bananama Republic

Central America,

Emerald Passport MLM Scheme Deploys Former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard to Panama

#27Consumer Comment

Wed, October 29, 2008

Monday's foiled assassination plot against Barack Obama and more than a hundred others shows that racially motivated terrorism by white supremacists is no imaginary threat. In that light, it is all the more surprising that former Canadian Ku Klux Klan "Grand Wizard" and convicted coup plotter James Alexander McQuirter, while not allowed to enter the United States, is freely entering the strategic Republic of Panama where he supposedly hosts seminars for a shadowy multi-level marketing scheme "Emerald Passport" - right next to the Canal.

Read the full story at



Emerald Passport has real Products

#27UPDATE Employee

Thu, January 10, 2008

2008 is getting off to a bang. I love this time of year. It is so easy to cultivate new business. Everyone is out there looking for a way to generate more money and have more time freedom. People are also looking to educate themselves in areas that will create cash flow for them in 2008. That is why Emerald Passport is the best opportunity in the marketplace.

We have the best products, practical products that teach and have tremendous value. A simple streamlined system, and an amazing compensation plan. We are the ONLY company out there that will allow the customer to view the product before they buy it. We have nothing to hide unlike SO MANY of the other companies out there with their bogus products.

NOW IS THE TIME to get in the game. People are really taking advantage of the Premier package fast track to qualification special. It is really simple to earn $10k+ a month if you are consistent. Let me teach you how! If you have any questions about anything let me know. Happy New Year to all!

True Vision Team

White Marsh,

Indiviudal Distributor For Liberty League International

#27UPDATE Employee

Wed, December 19, 2007

I am here to tell you that I am sick of of small minority of people complaining or wining about not making money in Liberty League International. The fact is I am on a team inside of Liberty League that has over 300 independent distributors and we have an 83% retention rate of distributors that join our business and are still active and earning six months later! We have so many of the 300 earning five and six figures a MONTH! These slackers that come into this or any other home based business and expect to invest in a lucrative home based business opportunity and sit back and become a millionaire are NOT the majority! They obviously have allot of imbalances and do not have what it takes to be successful in any opportunity, so they resort to advertising on the internet about how bad it is? Please speak for yourself when making allegations, because you are not in a position to speak on the behalf of the other 4,000 happy associates that have made it work and are very grateful to have found this lucrative and rewarding opportunity! Please save the crap!


Little Rock,

Profit Masters/Emerald Passport Not a Scam

#27Consumer Comment

Mon, October 01, 2007

I'm tired of seeing paid ads and sponsored links with negative comments about the integrity or validity of Emerald Passport. I'm a business researcher and investigator, and have spoke with some of the hierarchy within Emerald Passport.

The truth is this is legitimate business opportunity similar to other network marketing or direct sales businesses. And just like those others, some people make money (really good money) and some may not. Usually this is a result of individual effort.

Like any business, there is a certain amount of time, effort and money that needs to be added, in order to achieve success.

What concerns me in regards to Emerald Passport, and I'm sure this applies to other opportunities as well, is the ability of anyone to "pay" for better positioning on the search engines regardless of the truthfulness of their ads. If you type Emerald Passport or Profit Masters into a Google search, most of these paid ads will say or imply something negative - however when you click on them they often say nothing specific about Emerald Passport, but rather start pitching their company which often seems to be a copy or rip-off of EPI.
With any opportunity, you need to do your homework.

Just because Jack had a bad experience (or alleged bad experience) does not mean the company is a scam or fraud. He makes a comment about the speed in which the Internet can reveal that the emperor has no clothes - well Jack - that works both ways. I think your accusations, name calling and often nonsensical writing reveals who the real emperor may be.

Your references to Panama are completely pointless and irrelevant. I can't help but wonder what business opportunity you are offering?



Little Rock,

Profit Masters/Emerald Passport Not a Scam

#27Consumer Comment

Mon, October 01, 2007

I'm tired of seeing paid ads and sponsored links with negative comments about the integrity or validity of Emerald Passport. I'm a business researcher and investigator, and have spoke with some of the hierarchy within Emerald Passport.

The truth is this is legitimate business opportunity similar to other network marketing or direct sales businesses. And just like those others, some people make money (really good money) and some may not. Usually this is a result of individual effort.

Like any business, there is a certain amount of time, effort and money that needs to be added, in order to achieve success.

What concerns me in regards to Emerald Passport, and I'm sure this applies to other opportunities as well, is the ability of anyone to "pay" for better positioning on the search engines regardless of the truthfulness of their ads. If you type Emerald Passport or Profit Masters into a Google search, most of these paid ads will say or imply something negative - however when you click on them they often say nothing specific about Emerald Passport, but rather start pitching their company which often seems to be a copy or rip-off of EPI.
With any opportunity, you need to do your homework.

Just because Jack had a bad experience (or alleged bad experience) does not mean the company is a scam or fraud. He makes a comment about the speed in which the Internet can reveal that the emperor has no clothes - well Jack - that works both ways. I think your accusations, name calling and often nonsensical writing reveals who the real emperor may be.

Your references to Panama are completely pointless and irrelevant. I can't help but wonder what business opportunity you are offering?



Little Rock,

Profit Masters/Emerald Passport Not a Scam

#27Consumer Comment

Mon, October 01, 2007

I'm tired of seeing paid ads and sponsored links with negative comments about the integrity or validity of Emerald Passport. I'm a business researcher and investigator, and have spoke with some of the hierarchy within Emerald Passport.

The truth is this is legitimate business opportunity similar to other network marketing or direct sales businesses. And just like those others, some people make money (really good money) and some may not. Usually this is a result of individual effort.

Like any business, there is a certain amount of time, effort and money that needs to be added, in order to achieve success.

What concerns me in regards to Emerald Passport, and I'm sure this applies to other opportunities as well, is the ability of anyone to "pay" for better positioning on the search engines regardless of the truthfulness of their ads. If you type Emerald Passport or Profit Masters into a Google search, most of these paid ads will say or imply something negative - however when you click on them they often say nothing specific about Emerald Passport, but rather start pitching their company which often seems to be a copy or rip-off of EPI.
With any opportunity, you need to do your homework.

Just because Jack had a bad experience (or alleged bad experience) does not mean the company is a scam or fraud. He makes a comment about the speed in which the Internet can reveal that the emperor has no clothes - well Jack - that works both ways. I think your accusations, name calling and often nonsensical writing reveals who the real emperor may be.

Your references to Panama are completely pointless and irrelevant. I can't help but wonder what business opportunity you are offering?



Little Rock,

Profit Masters/Emerald Passport Not a Scam

#27Consumer Comment

Mon, October 01, 2007

I'm tired of seeing paid ads and sponsored links with negative comments about the integrity or validity of Emerald Passport. I'm a business researcher and investigator, and have spoke with some of the hierarchy within Emerald Passport.

The truth is this is legitimate business opportunity similar to other network marketing or direct sales businesses. And just like those others, some people make money (really good money) and some may not. Usually this is a result of individual effort.

Like any business, there is a certain amount of time, effort and money that needs to be added, in order to achieve success.

What concerns me in regards to Emerald Passport, and I'm sure this applies to other opportunities as well, is the ability of anyone to "pay" for better positioning on the search engines regardless of the truthfulness of their ads. If you type Emerald Passport or Profit Masters into a Google search, most of these paid ads will say or imply something negative - however when you click on them they often say nothing specific about Emerald Passport, but rather start pitching their company which often seems to be a copy or rip-off of EPI.
With any opportunity, you need to do your homework.

Just because Jack had a bad experience (or alleged bad experience) does not mean the company is a scam or fraud. He makes a comment about the speed in which the Internet can reveal that the emperor has no clothes - well Jack - that works both ways. I think your accusations, name calling and often nonsensical writing reveals who the real emperor may be.

Your references to Panama are completely pointless and irrelevant. I can't help but wonder what business opportunity you are offering?



New York,

I once felt like "Jack" did towrads Mr. Rivas

#27Consumer Comment

Wed, January 24, 2007

The truth of the matter was that I was with EPI for 7 months back in 2005 and I never qualified and lost a lot of money, and almost my marriage due to my obsession with making EPI work for me. It was wrong of me, or anyone for that matter, to personally attack someone just because I was jealous of his accomplishments and that appears to be some of the motives of some of these posts or reports.

You see, I too wrote false and unsubstantiated reports about Mr. Rivas myself for no reason other to personally attack his integrity like "Jack" is doing right now.

I knew after I had written the posts that it was wrong and I realized that it was my own envy for Jim and his success as well as the team atmosphere and the training that he provided for his members. I did not receive that type of training and had I had a sponsor of Jim's caliber and willingness to help his team, who knows things may have turned out differently. You may have noticed that I have not posted anything in a long time and I just could not bring myself to the board after what I wrote and the unprofessionalism that I displayed.

Today things are much different for me since I have been with ITV and I now see people lashing out at me for exactly the same reason that I did at Mr. Rivas. I can only imagine what duress I have caused him and I want to make it known publicly that I was out of line and that is why I am including my real name and not a pseudonym. I want you all to know who it was that littered the board with a post that was unfounded and quite frankly, undeserving.

Since my initial posts some time ago, I have had the pleasure to actually speak with Mr. Jim Rivas and I realized many important characteristics and traits about Jim that I was not aware of. He is everything that I thought he might be and I can see from his personality and his knowledge why he attracts people by the masses. He is a fantastic individual with a tremendous amount of concern for the well being of his team members. This man bends over back words and puts himself out day in and day out to ensure the success of his team, and not to mention that he also equips his team with state of the art training that flat out works.

In short, I made some pretty bold statements that were way outside the box and for that I am deeply sorry. I now know Jim as a professional individual and I would like to publicly rescind my prior personal attacks on his character that were completely unfounded.

Jim, I wish you and your team all the best and I apologize for the injustice that I may have caused you, your family or any member of Team Falcon.


Mike - New York

Everyone makes mistakes, but those that learn from those erroneous actions will become better individuals in the end. - P. Turner



Not all is at is seems...

#27Consumer Comment

Sun, January 14, 2007

I read the complaint, the rebuttal, all of the preceding comments as well as conducted my own personal research on the companies mentioned, the complaint filed in Maryland, etc.

I'm very open minded but very grounded on business ventures. My wife is looking for a "work at home" job and I stumbled upon the links for Profit Masters, Emerald Passport and several other online businesses that link to Emerald Passport, Inc. The wife even got a phone call from a business claiming to be one of Emerald Passport, Inc.'s affiliates.

We're not inclined to jump onto those get rich quick schemes but we are inclined to research those that sound somewhat reasonable and aren't immediately identified on the net at "Scam" and here at "Rip off" (among other places) as scams.

EPI is a business on the internet that's looking for clients, distributors. The buy in is a bunch more than some and a bunch less than others. They offer a product. Like any business, it's up to the "distributor" and the "director" to legally and properly represent the product offered AND the methodologies used in the marketing/training and subsequent sales of their products.

The Maryland complaint alluded to by one of the commentors on this site resulted from the "director's" misrepresentation not the company's product, marketing schemes, etc.

The "director" passed himself off as a securities advisor by assuring ("guaranteeing" was the actual word used in the document) an investor that he (the investor) would make 5 to 6 times his initial investment within the first couple of weeks.

Maryland did not pursue any actions against EPI to my knowledge... and yes, I researched it finding nothing beyond the "director". The complaint was a 2005 complaint that was (and should have been) upheld and a 2005 legal consent decision between the State of Maryland and the "director" of EPI's affiliate for engaging in business practices that he was not licensed to engage in.

That particular affiliate was ordered to close his business and cease and desist "securities trading" in Maryland.

It is my understanding that there are other EPI affiliates in Maryland doing business without government interference.

I'm most likely not going to purchase any option re: EPI because I'm still not quite convinced it isn't a Multi Level Marketing organization and know the wife won't be all that happy about another MLM... and she's the one who would have to work most of it. We've been there and done several of those... made money at some lost money on others.

But I do think EPI has a sound foundation and can obviously be a success for those who can sell their "products". I mean, most of the information I've come across to date has been positive about their products and their "partners" overall successes.

As for the initial complaint here on this particular site, I haven't seen any information posted by the complainant that refutes anything this Jim Rivas has said. In all fairness, Mr. Rivas actually sounds sincere and went to far greater lengths than he had to to adequately explain the situation re:Jack's complaints... and NO I'm not a shill for him but then again, I wouldn't expect everyone to believe that.

I do have to agree that it appears "Jack" has some personal grudge or ax to grind here. He's certainly had ample opportunity to support his claims or counter Jim's claims.

Either way, I'm simply reading what's been written, doing some simple follow up and responding.

For what it's worth.

Take care everyone and may you be successful in your life.



Not all is at is seems...

#27Consumer Comment

Sun, January 14, 2007

I read the complaint, the rebuttal, all of the preceding comments as well as conducted my own personal research on the companies mentioned, the complaint filed in Maryland, etc.

I'm very open minded but very grounded on business ventures. My wife is looking for a "work at home" job and I stumbled upon the links for Profit Masters, Emerald Passport and several other online businesses that link to Emerald Passport, Inc. The wife even got a phone call from a business claiming to be one of Emerald Passport, Inc.'s affiliates.

We're not inclined to jump onto those get rich quick schemes but we are inclined to research those that sound somewhat reasonable and aren't immediately identified on the net at "Scam" and here at "Rip off" (among other places) as scams.

EPI is a business on the internet that's looking for clients, distributors. The buy in is a bunch more than some and a bunch less than others. They offer a product. Like any business, it's up to the "distributor" and the "director" to legally and properly represent the product offered AND the methodologies used in the marketing/training and subsequent sales of their products.

The Maryland complaint alluded to by one of the commentors on this site resulted from the "director's" misrepresentation not the company's product, marketing schemes, etc.

The "director" passed himself off as a securities advisor by assuring ("guaranteeing" was the actual word used in the document) an investor that he (the investor) would make 5 to 6 times his initial investment within the first couple of weeks.

Maryland did not pursue any actions against EPI to my knowledge... and yes, I researched it finding nothing beyond the "director". The complaint was a 2005 complaint that was (and should have been) upheld and a 2005 legal consent decision between the State of Maryland and the "director" of EPI's affiliate for engaging in business practices that he was not licensed to engage in.

That particular affiliate was ordered to close his business and cease and desist "securities trading" in Maryland.

It is my understanding that there are other EPI affiliates in Maryland doing business without government interference.

I'm most likely not going to purchase any option re: EPI because I'm still not quite convinced it isn't a Multi Level Marketing organization and know the wife won't be all that happy about another MLM... and she's the one who would have to work most of it. We've been there and done several of those... made money at some lost money on others.

But I do think EPI has a sound foundation and can obviously be a success for those who can sell their "products". I mean, most of the information I've come across to date has been positive about their products and their "partners" overall successes.

As for the initial complaint here on this particular site, I haven't seen any information posted by the complainant that refutes anything this Jim Rivas has said. In all fairness, Mr. Rivas actually sounds sincere and went to far greater lengths than he had to to adequately explain the situation re:Jack's complaints... and NO I'm not a shill for him but then again, I wouldn't expect everyone to believe that.

I do have to agree that it appears "Jack" has some personal grudge or ax to grind here. He's certainly had ample opportunity to support his claims or counter Jim's claims.

Either way, I'm simply reading what's been written, doing some simple follow up and responding.

For what it's worth.

Take care everyone and may you be successful in your life.



Not all is at is seems...

#27Consumer Comment

Sun, January 14, 2007

I read the complaint, the rebuttal, all of the preceding comments as well as conducted my own personal research on the companies mentioned, the complaint filed in Maryland, etc.

I'm very open minded but very grounded on business ventures. My wife is looking for a "work at home" job and I stumbled upon the links for Profit Masters, Emerald Passport and several other online businesses that link to Emerald Passport, Inc. The wife even got a phone call from a business claiming to be one of Emerald Passport, Inc.'s affiliates.

We're not inclined to jump onto those get rich quick schemes but we are inclined to research those that sound somewhat reasonable and aren't immediately identified on the net at "Scam" and here at "Rip off" (among other places) as scams.

EPI is a business on the internet that's looking for clients, distributors. The buy in is a bunch more than some and a bunch less than others. They offer a product. Like any business, it's up to the "distributor" and the "director" to legally and properly represent the product offered AND the methodologies used in the marketing/training and subsequent sales of their products.

The Maryland complaint alluded to by one of the commentors on this site resulted from the "director's" misrepresentation not the company's product, marketing schemes, etc.

The "director" passed himself off as a securities advisor by assuring ("guaranteeing" was the actual word used in the document) an investor that he (the investor) would make 5 to 6 times his initial investment within the first couple of weeks.

Maryland did not pursue any actions against EPI to my knowledge... and yes, I researched it finding nothing beyond the "director". The complaint was a 2005 complaint that was (and should have been) upheld and a 2005 legal consent decision between the State of Maryland and the "director" of EPI's affiliate for engaging in business practices that he was not licensed to engage in.

That particular affiliate was ordered to close his business and cease and desist "securities trading" in Maryland.

It is my understanding that there are other EPI affiliates in Maryland doing business without government interference.

I'm most likely not going to purchase any option re: EPI because I'm still not quite convinced it isn't a Multi Level Marketing organization and know the wife won't be all that happy about another MLM... and she's the one who would have to work most of it. We've been there and done several of those... made money at some lost money on others.

But I do think EPI has a sound foundation and can obviously be a success for those who can sell their "products". I mean, most of the information I've come across to date has been positive about their products and their "partners" overall successes.

As for the initial complaint here on this particular site, I haven't seen any information posted by the complainant that refutes anything this Jim Rivas has said. In all fairness, Mr. Rivas actually sounds sincere and went to far greater lengths than he had to to adequately explain the situation re:Jack's complaints... and NO I'm not a shill for him but then again, I wouldn't expect everyone to believe that.

I do have to agree that it appears "Jack" has some personal grudge or ax to grind here. He's certainly had ample opportunity to support his claims or counter Jim's claims.

Either way, I'm simply reading what's been written, doing some simple follow up and responding.

For what it's worth.

Take care everyone and may you be successful in your life.




#27REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, January 10, 2007

I am the most honest person there is and I am all for the truth. When I read this information about Jim, I was shocked and appalled. I work with Jim everyday and trust me, if you would get under Jim's support, guidance and mentoring you will be in for a real treat. Your whole attitude about life will change completely. You will realize what is important and what you have to do to get where you need to get.

Jim Rivas does NOT rip off business opportunity seekers. I know for a fact. I have been working with him, going on 1 year. When I first started working for him, he didn't pressure me into doing anything or joining any type of business, I was just his assistant (and that was what I was hired for).

After working with Jim for a few months, it started to hit me...this is what I have been looking for. I wanted to get involved in a business, where I can be my own boss, and make pretty decent money doing it. Plus I loved the fact of helping people better themselves, financially, spiritually, and emotionally. (AND THAT'S WHAT I DO).

You know what else is so shocking, if Jim was anyway like a money hungry person; he would of taken my money quicker than a heart attack. He didn't do that. We had a long conversation about why I wanted to join the business and you know what, he didn't want me to join the business because of the opportunity of making money. He make it clear that it's not about making all this money, it's about being happy, and doing something that I love.

He also told me that there is a lot to learn, and everyone is different and everyone is on different levels and when you get involved in something you don't want to just quit, it might take time for you to get where you want to be but if you are persistent and try hard you will get to that point.

So I joined the business (after praying) and I thank God everyday that I did. EPI with Jim Rivas guiding and mentorship has been a success to my family and me. I have grown so much as a person and I have learned so much at a young age. I am truly blessed that I took that step and plus I am still learning. And I am not learning just from someone, I am learning from the BEST MENTOR there is.

Jim Rivas mastered Internet Marketing and Information Marketing and I am soaking it all in. I am his right hand woman and because of my diligence and patience, I am seeing the results in my life people would only dream about. And I am blessed that I ran across this business and Jim at this time in my life.

So to all that are reading this RIP OFF POST, if you do not remember anything, remember this statement - Treat people the way you want to be treated. People come into your life for a reason. Well I found out my reason for working with Jim, and it has been a blessing since.

Westwego, LA


Kenneth City,

Hoop Snake

#27Consumer Comment

Sun, January 07, 2007

I came into this discussion knowing nothing about either side. I've carefully examined the claims on both sides and I find Mr. Rivas' claims to be disingenuous in the extreme.

The fact is that there is no 'Product'. This whole scheme is exactly as if I set up a webpage touting my great-grandmother's Amazing 100-year-old, prize-winning cheesecake recipe. Instead of selling you the recipe, however, I sell you a story about how she taught me to make the cheesecake. I mention what she was wearing and the tone of her voice when teaching me. I talk about her hairstyle and how it relates to her era...just to give validation of the age of the recipe, of course. I include 'extra' lessons on How She Taught Me to Choose the Right Pan and How She Taught Me to Control Heat in a Woodburning Stove and offer a 'Premium Package' that includes a story about How She Taught
Me to Churn My Own Butter without ever, of course, actually telling you how to churn butter.

I then tell you to go out and sell the How My Great-Grandmother Taught Me to Make Cheesecake 'course' and charge you a commission on each person to whom you sell the 'course'. No one would ever wrap their lips around any actual cheesecake.

It's exactly like the fables of the hoopsnake. He bites his own tail and merrily rolls down hills to escape enemies and live to bite another day. Emerald Passport is a tail-chasing organization that bites...right in your pocket.


Kenneth City,

Emerald Passport's problems in Maryland

#27Consumer Comment

Sun, January 07, 2007

EP had legal problems in Maryland, resulting in a consent order. See:


Grand Junction, Co. 81503,

Emerald Passport

#27Consumer Comment

Sun, January 07, 2007

Emerald Passport is a real company, with a real
product and compensation plan and ideal business
model for anyone willing to do the work, just like in any business.

The company is about quality of life and family.
I like to refer to it as the 5 rights.

1. Right product Passport to Prosperity and
WealthandSelf education/conference.
2. Right time--21st Century Megatrends--baby
boomers getting ready to retire, millions
of people on the internet. People all over
the Globe in 33 countries looking for a home
business. Forbes magazine Webeducation.
3. Right Place--Where else can you avoid being
stuck in traffic, setting alarm clocks, avoid
working long hours away from your family
with alot of stress and simply walk a few
steps to your computer and be in business
for yourself.
4. Right business--Where else can you make a profit of $1000 or $4500 without selling lots
and lots of vitamins, pills, lotions or creams
and purchasing alot of inventory.
5. Right family--Emerald Nation, where support
and training for your home business is given
on a daily basis. Where you can grow and better
your quality of life with your family.

This is no scam, no deceit, no fraud except for
people looking for "a free lunch", you must work
this business to succeed, just like any other
business. The passport to prosperity courses
are worth much, much more than what it retails

I also personally met Jim Rivas at our Las Vegas
convention, and know that his his rebuttal is
100% correct, and that he teaches and coaches
with our Emerald Nation, to help everyone succeed
in this business.



Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!

#27REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, December 25, 2006

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!

It's The Holiday's and time for reflection and gratitude.

When I first saw this post and other egregious posts by these guys I was concerned. When you are a leader you become a target. It goes with the territory, but I was particularly concerned that there was no editorial oversight or review by In other words, you can go say anything about someone, and you are assumed to be "Guilty" without due process. Because of that the reader should be aware that these posts are being made by competitors that believe the way to build their success is to try to destroy their competition. That is completely out of phase with what the stated mission of the website is.

But this website post has provided me the opportunity to PROVE my integrity, and the value I provide people. Just visit my website and review the testimonials. I'll even give you dozens of phone numbers and allow you to attend my private tele-seminars and events so you can see the truth if you want to.

Even though the facts set out in this Article posted last February 2006 by JT of New Hampshire, AKA Jack and AKA Kaiser, are completely incorrect and bear the obvious agenda of a competitor. This posting has proven to be a huge boost to my businesses.

Everyone loves a controversy and when my prospects come see the truth for themselves, they realize that this whole post against me was a scam in itself.

Why did JT (Jack) Stevens make this post? I am not totally sure. He never filed a complaint with me or my company or made a request for a refund. He was for a while a regular participant in my advanced training program. But I think it is because I would not lie for him. JT wanted me to lie about his results and I would not. So he enrolled in a competitive program and took cheap shots at me.

His potential customers detected the sort of behavioral capability in him that would lead him to go on the internet and make false and defamatory statements about an individual (just read his agenda), and try to disguise it as a company review. Your character is naked on the phone, and people can figure things out.

So anyone that wants to know the truth about this, don't trust me up front. Come see what I do. Experience all I have to offer anyone seeking help with starting a small or home business and form your own opinion.

And again Thanks JT (Jack), and Mike ( the poster of the bit about my right hand man) and all of the others that have helped me build more credibility because of all of the attention you have brought to me and my website.

Jim Rivas

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.



Another Completely wrong Cheap Shot

#27REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, October 27, 2006

To the readers of this website, you should know that the individuals making these completely false and defamatory statements are competitors that are too cowardly to use their real names. No here in these posts are there any actual claims of being "ripped off". The material is just here to make you think that somehow I have ripped someone off or go about my business ripping people off. I thought this forum was about some real facts; supported facts.

I can support my claims, and most importantly, I have a way for you the consumer to determine for yourself if this information is true and correct. We conduct our business with so much integrity that we allow all of our prospective clients to spend time on all of our training and support calls while they are conducting their review of the business. This way they can really see what we do and if it is for them. We also provide references. If you are interested in the truth simply type my name in a search engine, and look for my website (It has my picture on the cover of HBC magazine at the top). Put me and my business to the challenge. We have nothing to hide.

I can prove every aspect of my story, including my income. And yes it has been phenomenal, but I also have allot of business experience coming in; and my income is clearly the exception.

Just read the testimonials on the 2nd page of my personal website. They truth is there in the words of my customers.

As far as all of this tripe about my back. I have provided that information because it is my true story, and a main part of the reason why I left traditional business ownership and pursued a home based business. I do not provide it as means to gain sympathy, but as a point of inspiration to others that may be experiencing the same type of health problems.

The reader should beware of this forum when they allow unsupported personal attack information to reside here. While this site does provide an opportunity for rebuttal, anyone with malicious intent can go make some outrageous unsupported claim as has been done here; and provide no evidence to support their claim. I can back up my story, where is the support for their claims?

When someone says they have been scammed what are they saying? My understanding is that scamming people is taking their money, and running; providing no products, or not fulfilling the obligation under a mutual agreement. What these people that are claiming to have been scammed (assuming they are real [and there is no C-ville, Louisiana]), have purchased is a product that they were able to see and sample before purchasing it (just go to ProductWOW ). They were allowed free access to the platform, and chose to purchase the information product (without author's names on it), after sampling the material. Personally I have saved tens of thousands of dollars in a wide range of expenses including a recent real estate purchase by applying what I learned in the product in question.

Jim Rivas Metairie, LA



What Jim Rivas Doesn't Want You to Know

#27Consumer Suggestion

Tue, October 10, 2006

Google this: Jim Rivas' right hand man is Sam Lajic

It's a long read but very worth the effort. You will see through the smoke and mirrors Jack is trying to warn you about. EPI and the real people behind it, including their poster boy, Jim, is an unbelievable story. I'm waiting for 20/20 to get a hold of this one.

Yes, truth can be stranger than fiction. BTW, Jim uses his back surgery story in all his literature, an odd way for anyone with the credentials he claims to have to leverage sympathy. I know a few people in wheel chairs, one blind, and highly successful. I never hear them use their disabilities to gain sympathy. In fact, they would never mention their disabilities to gain your sympathy. The EPI folks feign success. Jim Rivas says the company invested "millions" in their product. What's their ROI so far? Well, fact of the matter is they didn't invest millions in this material. They're working on a million or so to make an effortless comfortable living doing nothing but scamming people.

READ THE ARTICLES I refer you to. EPI is a small group of SCAMMERS. NO AUTHORS' NAMES are attached to any of this extremely valuable material. Let me ask you something. Would you trust an ANONYMOUS SURGEON perform surgery on you?



Why I made no money in EPI

#27Consumer Comment

Fri, September 15, 2006

EPI is a solid business with a real product that
has real value. Jim Rivas and Team Falcon are real successful people running an honest business. Jim is a true leader.

I did not have the strong desire it takes to succeed that is why I made no money in EPI



How is this for a thought?

#27Consumer Suggestion

Tue, September 05, 2006

What about the people who spent thousands of dollars on an education and actually used it to have a great career that made really good money?

Or are they just losers too?


New York,

EPI Rippoff? Not!!

#27Consumer Comment

Mon, September 04, 2006


Some people will spend $10's of thousands of dollars for college education and do what ...some market themselves and succeed.... some will end up with a high degree to work at a coffee shop or machine shop or some other low paying ridiculous job.... Will the college refund their money because they did not succeed in the field they studied...I don't think so...

Some spend $100's of thousands of dollars starting a franchise, mall store,etc... Some make it some do not!!! That is life!!!

If you can't except the risk and put in a good honest effort then go get a job flipping burgers, or working for an over controlling boss where you have a guaranteed paycheck that adds up to.....poor ROI on your life hours invested!
Don't slam EPI for your lack of effort to succeed!!

Be well on your life travels... You only get one chance ...Step out of the box and put your best foot forward and strive to achieve YOUR dream instead of fulfilling someone elses!!!!!

Curt Emond


New York,

EPI Rippoff? Not!!

#27Consumer Comment

Mon, September 04, 2006


Some people will spend $10's of thousands of dollars for college education and do what ...some market themselves and succeed.... some will end up with a high degree to work at a coffee shop or machine shop or some other low paying ridiculous job.... Will the college refund their money because they did not succeed in the field they studied...I don't think so...

Some spend $100's of thousands of dollars starting a franchise, mall store,etc... Some make it some do not!!! That is life!!!

If you can't except the risk and put in a good honest effort then go get a job flipping burgers, or working for an over controlling boss where you have a guaranteed paycheck that adds up to.....poor ROI on your life hours invested!
Don't slam EPI for your lack of effort to succeed!!

Be well on your life travels... You only get one chance ...Step out of the box and put your best foot forward and strive to achieve YOUR dream instead of fulfilling someone elses!!!!!

Curt Emond


New York,

EPI Rippoff? Not!!

#27Consumer Comment

Mon, September 04, 2006


Some people will spend $10's of thousands of dollars for college education and do what ...some market themselves and succeed.... some will end up with a high degree to work at a coffee shop or machine shop or some other low paying ridiculous job.... Will the college refund their money because they did not succeed in the field they studied...I don't think so...

Some spend $100's of thousands of dollars starting a franchise, mall store,etc... Some make it some do not!!! That is life!!!

If you can't except the risk and put in a good honest effort then go get a job flipping burgers, or working for an over controlling boss where you have a guaranteed paycheck that adds up to.....poor ROI on your life hours invested!
Don't slam EPI for your lack of effort to succeed!!

Be well on your life travels... You only get one chance ...Step out of the box and put your best foot forward and strive to achieve YOUR dream instead of fulfilling someone elses!!!!!

Curt Emond


New York,

EPI Rippoff? Not!!

#27Consumer Comment

Mon, September 04, 2006


Some people will spend $10's of thousands of dollars for college education and do what ...some market themselves and succeed.... some will end up with a high degree to work at a coffee shop or machine shop or some other low paying ridiculous job.... Will the college refund their money because they did not succeed in the field they studied...I don't think so...

Some spend $100's of thousands of dollars starting a franchise, mall store,etc... Some make it some do not!!! That is life!!!

If you can't except the risk and put in a good honest effort then go get a job flipping burgers, or working for an over controlling boss where you have a guaranteed paycheck that adds up to.....poor ROI on your life hours invested!
Don't slam EPI for your lack of effort to succeed!!

Be well on your life travels... You only get one chance ...Step out of the box and put your best foot forward and strive to achieve YOUR dream instead of fulfilling someone elses!!!!!

Curt Emond



Jack's post is completely wrong and defaming

#27REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, May 01, 2006

From Jim Rivas

First, a little about me. I have a joint advanced degree in Systems Engineering and Printing/ Publishing from a very prestigious upstate New York University. I have owned several successful traditional businesses where I serviced fortune 500 clients for most of the last 15 years. I hold the intellectual property rights to several innovative software systems still in use in the Trade Show Industry.

I got involved in EPI because I am disabled due to a serious accident I was involved in back in 1999. I received 3 spinal fractures, underwent 6 surgeries, 2 years of recovery and simply could not travel any more as required to service my high end clients. When I got involved in EPI it was because of the extraordinary product value, and because the business was capitalizing on some very significant Internet trends. Since starting my EPI business, I have conducted myself with the very highest standards of ethics and professionalism.

All of the information I am providing for this rebuttal can be verified as fact, unlike most of the claims in this post which are opinion. Opinions from a person that is now working for our competition and is motivated to make these posts because I am the Top producer in the world in the EPI business. Nothing like attacking the leader. It goes with the territory.

In order to properly answer the length of these allegations let me first state that the individual that made this post is lying with the very first statement. Jack, enrolled in EPI in December 2005, after calling me, Jack enrolled in the EPI program on his own free will. I never called him to try to convince him to join, not once. He said he had thoroughly researched Emerald Passport was completely satisfied with the product, and business model. I told Jack up front (and I have the document in writing to prove it) that this was a real business and that he would have to advertise to be successful. Jack proceeded to tell me that he would advertise after he started making money (I have this in writing from him also). He had already been in the business 2 weeks at this point and accepted his product. He did not once ever request a refund, and he did not once engage in the business.

He did call me for a scheduled strategy session, and I explained what he needed to do to get his business in to profits; that he would need to speak with people and introduce them to the business if he was to engage in the referral marketing side. His other choice was to strictly market the Product, the Passport to Prosperity to end users. Keep in mind in our business; Jack got to see the Passport to Prosperity before he elected to purchase it. He paid zero dollars to become a distributor, as we do not require anyone to purchase anything to become and Emerald Passport Distributor. But Jack wanted my coaching and training program, so he chose to enroll with me.

Also keep in mind that Jack got a 30+ page written business plan when he enrolled with me that spelled out exactly what I did to start my business in great detail, and what he should do to duplicate that. He also had a 4 day right of cancellation period that he did not take advantage of. So if he did not like the Passport to Prosperity as he claims, or my training, he should have simply requested his money back and moved on with his life.

After doing nothing in the business for 2 months, he requested to be transferred to another director claiming that I was not accessible. Again that is totally unfounded because I am accessible on team training call every day, as well as for scheduled appointments. Jack knew this because I post my schedule every week to my team members. I have been very successful in Emerald Passport because of the excellent Service and Support I provide. You can verify this by reviewing the testimonials on my website.

After 2 months, Jack had made a statement that I was not supporting the company marketing system. It was totally incorrect, I completely supported it and advised him that I could teach him how to use it, and would teach him how to use it. I had made several hundred thousand dollars using the company systems. But I had created my own marketing system that was producing better results. He was offered both options.

Bottom line is that Jack had some kind of personality clash with me that I never understood because he made several false and defamatory statements to EPI's officials about me after I released him.

My personal opinion is the Jack had another agenda all together because he never once asked for a refund, and never once did any activity with his business. He had 4 days to review the product her purchased from me, plenty of time to dig into it actually, yet did not request a refund. If it was as bad as he claims in his post then, why would he keep it?

To make the claim that I am scammer or "Scammed" is completely false constitutes a defamatory and totally unsupportable statement by Jack. He purchased a product from me, it was delivered under terms. His purchase did not constitute a business opportunity of any sort. He also chose to become a distributor for EPI and entered into a contract with me to mentor, train, and coaches him.

He even went and made several post on other message boards under the alias "Kaiser Soze", putting a modified picture of me on his post with a rifle cross hair over my head. The picture had been taken from a Christmas card I sent him. On one post in-particular (and I can provide the exact post), Jack committed the equivalent of a federal crime by using a public medium to personally threaten my life. I think on this basis alone, you should remove any posts he has made using your forum. Please contact me for the support on the personally threatening post.

Jack also associates me with Liberty League in his post. Please be advised that I have never been involved in Liberty League in any capacity. I got involved with EPI instead of Liberty League because EPI had a real product with extensive marketable value. I have many product only clients that paid full retain for the Financial Literacy Package.

Emerald Passport's world headquarters are located in the World Trade Center in Panama City Panama, a major international financial, banking, and commerce center. Panama also has an extraordinary business climate and internet infrastructure. It really is a great place to host a global internet business. Being headquartered there also keeps our cost down so we can offer extraordinary value for the price.

My responses to Jack's list of supposed facts are as follows.

1) There is over a 90% chance that any new business will fail in the first 3 years from startup. Internet business and home based businesses are not exempt from this. There is no guarantee of success from either the company or from me as the mentor trainer. Business success depends upon the development of the distributor as an entrepreneur and the hard work and de3dication of that entrepreneur. Jack knew from my written disclosure and training document that he was enrolling with EPI, indicating that he wanted to start an EPI business. He never got started. I have no record of his ever purchasing any advertising from our co-opt and her certainly never brought me a client for a 3-way.

2) Jack chose to join with me after seeing the disclaimer on my website that clearly says that it is HIS responsibility to get back with the person that introduced him to the business. That I was not in the business of taking other ID's prospects. Jack did not disclose to me that he had spoken with someone else already. Who is the one with the lack of character here? I have my website up there to promote EPI and for my prospects to see when they go out on Google. AS far has his smoke and mirrors statement, tell that to the hundreds of people that are making multiple six figure income in our program, and to all of the happy product clients out there.

3) Jack's statement constitutes a direct defamatory remark with no support to back up his statements. I thought this website held people to some form of Burdon of proof. I am sure my response will be. My income is well documented by the company. Jack does not understand the compensation plan very well. To generate the $800K + only required that I enroll 162 direct distributors. The rest come from referrals and Phase 2 upgrades. And those numbers only happen when people succeed. 70% of my business is Phase 2 or $4500 commissions. Again Jack does not know his facts very well.

4) The Passport to Prosperity is clearly not re-gritted Carlton Sheets. It is a complete original. There is nothing out there like it. The courses are the Emerald Passport brand and the company spent millions of dollars paying professors, other professional advisors and industry consultants to develope the content. The Passport to Prosperity is a condensation of Financial Literacy and personal development information into a knowledge platform. But rmember, Jack saw the product before he bought it, and he had 4 days to review it and request a refund. Even when he left the business is a bitter manner he still did not request a refund. My guess is that he extracted the value of the system, and the records indicate that he in fact downloaded it to his computer using special software. It was good enough for him to spend the hours it took to download the information so his statements are completely false and lack any credibility. I am not sure what credentials Jack has to put a value on the Passport to Prosperity, but our courses have been independently valued at over $7,500; the cost of attaining comparable information on today's equivalent market. If it was so bad he should have returned it.

5) Again Jack was not in EPI for 6 months, he was only in for 2 months. And it is really hard to get people to spend $1400 when you are not talking to any people trying to market the product. My results on the other hand, as well as many others's are that when presented to the right market, the $1295 is an insignificant price to pay for the knowledge. I mean really, a college English class cost $1200 - $1600. The Passport to Prosperity contains over 120 hours of proprietary material; and you get to see if before you purchase it. How much more forthcoming can a company be than that.

And any business person knows that it takes effort and resources to get a business up and running; especially if you have never run one before. We are completely forthcoming in our disclosure about what it takes to be successful in the business. We even provide a business plan in writing for new associates. A business plan that has been used to grow a $1,000,000 per year plus Emerald Passport businesses. Again, read the testimonials on my website to see what many people wrote about the training program and documentation.

6) One of the most difficult things to teach a new entrepreneur is marketing. I created my lead co-opt program so that new associates could have access to high quality leads that were exclusive to each purchaser (unlike lead company leads) and were generated from very highly placed Google Adwords advertising. Anyone that knows anything about Google Adwords know that it is very expensive to put your ads up in the top 6 which is where our co-opt ads typically are. I disclose my costs to the co-opt participants on a regular basis, and when costs drop, like they did recently, lead costs to the participants dropped too. But I should point out that this lead program is totally optional. Every new distributor has a choice of how to acquire leads, but history has shown that the leads from our co-opt are the very best that you can purchase because they are actually generated the same way you would your own organic advertising. Anyone that knows direct advertising, knows it is expensive, but it also produces the best quality prospect. Most new distributors simply would not have access to these kinds of leads if it were not for the co-opt. The co-opt has made many people into 6 figure earners before they had to worry about learning their own advertising. We encourage all associates to learn how to do their own advertising, once they are in profits and have the time to devote to it. However, it has been my experience that many people prefer to just out-source this activity and are making big money using the $18 leads. In our pay plan, the numbers work out just fine. I built by business on $20 - $30 leads. You have to talk to far less people when you are talking to more qualified people.

I see a 20/20 interview in the future after hundreds of millionaires have been made in this program because they took advantage of huge emerging trends that are building in the marketplace. I have already been featured in a cover story of an industry publication, Home Business Connection, April 2006. You can see the article and cover by visiting my website.

7) Kasier's (oops Jack's) statement's here show his TRUE agenda. He is an angry person, angry at his inability to produce results for himself in life. The only problem for Jack is that defamation of character is a violation of civil law. When you make defaming comments about someone, with the clear intent to do just that as you so graciously point out in this statement, you open yourself up for legal action.

But think about it, look at his anger, it is probably that anger that actually prevents him from any success because people don't like to do business with angry people. Would you do business with someone that is bitter and angry. You would not. Perhaps Jack thought that he was entitled to make money just because he purchased (and kept) the Passport to Prosperity. Truth be told, he could simply use the Real Estate Course, or Forex course to recover his $1295 easily. Or just go to the insurance module and negotiation training module and reduce your insurance costs 30% this year. That will probably pay for your purchase price.

If you are seeking prosperity, keep in mind, you have to listen to those people that have the kind of prosperity you want, in order for you to learn how to attract that kind of prosperity into your life. You cannot listen to underachievers like Jack (Kaiser). If I ever did anything to personally offend you Jack, please accept my apology. I am running a business, and sometimes people mistake my business only approach as something else. I also have also encountered those that think I do not deserve the kind of prosperity I have attained through hard work because all of the people I coached did not succeed. Well if being coached guaranteed success, then I guess all football players would be in the pro-bowl, or that everyone with a CPA would become a millionaire. No it is what the individual does with the coaching that will produce (or not produce) the desired result.

8) I doubt EPI will ever be shut down because of our product quality and very high ethical standards of operations. The company takes ethics very seriously. The home business industry does bring out some unscrupulous people that need to be monitored, and in some cases banned from being in business. AS far as Jack's comment's about Panama, he is quoting 25 year old material. Panama today is a thriving international business community. It's good enough for Federal Express, Proctor and Gamble, Coca Cola, Adams and Reese, and many other fortune 500 companies to locate their international headquarters in Panama. In fact all of the company's I mentioned are located in the World Trade Center in Panama, the same building as EPI's home office. I guess we shouldn't do business with companies in Singapore or Taiwan either. Come on! How about a real argument. And again, Jack you chose to get involved with EPI KNOWING the company's headquarters were in Panama. It did not seem to bother you when you had profits on your mind.

9)The number's don't lie, Jack you are right. The problem is that you don't know them because you actually never generated any. You cannot throw any generic "lead" counts without factoring quality of leads and lead source. Plus you have to figure the experience of the distributor. When a distributor is new they have to learn our system and get comfortable talking to people on the phone. Most people that join have not done that before. That's why they require coaching. That's why we provide extensive training and coaching. I'll tell you a couple of numbers. I did not enroll a single person from my first 100 leads when I stared by 6 weeks in the business. By 1 year later, I had enrolled 9 out of my first 10. You see when you are building a real business with a real client base, it takes time to forge relationships. Plus the timing has to be right for the customer. We never control whether the timing is right for the customer, so if you are building your business, you simply keep building your potential client base. And then, as the clients start reaching their right buying time, they step forward to get started. It does work like that. But we do no chasing of prospects or hyping them up or hard closing them. Our sales approach is that of tour guides, we take people through for a look. Then get their questions answered. If the business is a fit, then it is a fit. If not then it is not. Nothing lost.

To address the other aspect of Jack's ridiculous statements (and Jack I thought you were a business consultant so you know the right answer here, do you know a business that has zero overhead that is actually a business. Why is it so incredible to think that there might be overhead costs? With my team though, if you are using the co-opt, you don't need websites, and your only overhead is your phone system ($30 a month with inbound 800 number) and you advertising budget. This is a very low overhead business. In fact all you need is a phone and an internet connection (with computer of course) and you are in business.

10) EPI and Liberty League are totally unrelated. But I guess Jack is an expert at Liberty League to. Did he also join Liberty League?

Closing remarks

Jack, watch you language, your anger is showing again. And again, you don't know your numbers or what you are talking about. How could you? You never even worked the business. You are making statements as fact without any support or even a basis for support. And you give your real agenda away with your personal attack comments. I think the people reading your story are smarter than that and can see your true motivation. I really believe you are a competitor just taking cheap shots. That's unfortunate because you may be depriving some people the opportunity to change their lives. We know you aren't interested in that, but other's are. Anyone interested, I can give you a long list of personal and professional references.

If you are looking for a real home business, do your due diligence. Beware the person that is always doing a new deal. BE careful. Some bad people give this industry a bad name. I, Jim Rivas, am not one of them. I invite you to find out for yourself. Since all of my contact information will get filtered out of this response, just go ononline and and type in my name.

Jim Rivas

sorry, allowing you to give a competitors name would instigate others to just file against their competition, to only come back later to suggest their company your comments on this policy are welcome! CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

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