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  • Report:  #1477586

Complaint Review: EMILY HALIFAX


  • Reported By:
    12345 — other
  • Submitted:
    Tue, April 23, 2019
  • Updated:
    Tue, May 21, 2019


this woman goes by the name emily halifax and she has a youtube channel called psycic emily halifax. she claims to be a number one psychic in oklahoma but she is a big time scammer. she charges way too much and she does not do the spells at all. she just takes ur moeny and doesnt get back to any emails. she is very rude after you pay her. she manipulates a lot ! this woman had different names before like emily west, amelia westbrook, etc. she has a history of scamming. she has been arrested for prostituition.

the explanation she has given for this was she was a dominatrix once upon a time and she was performing the act of being a dominatrix when she was arrested. huh ? a dominatrix claiming to have powers and performing spells. 

she has been reported by the association of independent readers and rootoworkers too.

she has a business called healing woods to which all the payment goes but its description is under pet foods and supplies. we have all the evidences. she sends threatening emails to everyone who asks her for a refund. she actually performs reverse spells so what you want doesnt happen. she has performed spells on one of her clients to get him to her. she has approached six people to cross and kill everyone who turned against her. 

every one of her review and testimonials are written by her. and her family members. she says she got handwritten testimonials. but hey, can we not change our handwritings ?? that is the easiest.


24 Updates & Rebuttals


United States

Seeking Refund for Emily Halifax's Fraudulent Candle Vigils and Psychic Readings

#25Consumer Comment

Tue, May 21, 2019

I honestly believed in this woman until I found out she hires employees to create fake reviews online to promote her services. Emily Halifax performed a reading; which she got 100% wrong and 5 vigil candles which never worked.

No results! Other people I have talked to also had no results! Her Youtube videos are all laced with advertisement and heavily moderated. She will promise you the world, but leave you for dead when you don't have anymore money to pay her.

When I asked for a refund, she became hostile and I started to see her true colors. She threaten me and called me the N word!

My bank did reverse the payments I made to her. If you want a refund, DO NOT ask Emily directly! She will threaten you. Instead, call your bank and file a charge-back.

After this experience, I will never trust any one online. You can do your own candle vigils from home. Never pay any one to do it for you. Most often these witches turn out to be a right out scam.

She moderates her LIVE Burns videos, making it impossible for victims of her services to warn others.

DO NOT TRUST any positive reviews below! They were wrtten by Emily or her Employees!

Loyal client

United States

A group of hateful people determined to ruin someone’s hard work

#25Consumer Comment

Sun, April 28, 2019

 It’s so ridiculous that these people are still taking the time to "ruin” Emily’s reputation. Y’all have issues, Move on from the past. You guys did this to yourselves! Emily is successful for a reason, she is fully booked because her spells work. And you have your own power to make her work successful for you and also to ruin it for yourself with your own thoughts and actions.

Emily as a rootworker sells her spells (that technically if you knew hoodoo you could do it yourself) but the moment you willingly decided to pay her to do the work, you expect her to perform your spells. AND THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT SHE DOES! She puts her energy and time into it and she has proof of every single spell she does. So you tell me, how is that a scam??

Regarding the name, every psychic as a ficticios business name! It’s common for many businesses. Educate yourselves and don’t be ignorant. Who gives a crap if she used to be a domme, I certainly don’t as long as my magic works! And it did! Her spells had a LOT of success for me. So I’ll leave it at that so that any one who reads this can make their own intelligent decision of whether they want to work with Emily or not.

Nikki H


Emily Halifax is the real deal!

#25Consumer Comment

Sun, April 28, 2019

Wow! 45 thousand plus followers on YouTube, thousands of hand written testimonials, hundreds of 5 star reviews on google. We must all be idiots!

Where are your followers, testimonials and reviews? Please show us proof of how much better you are then Emily. You know you can’t because you are a handful of hateful, jealous, spiteful nutcases!

Emily has been honest, transparent, caring and not to mention brilliant at what she does the whole time I’ve been following her, I’m not yet a client because she’s so busy. Why is she so busy? Because she’s so d**n good at what she does and it’s making you so jealous you can’t see straight.

You cannot be busy if you can sit and spend what must be hours slandering her, trying to ruin her business, trying to defame her character. And I say trying because that’s all you can do, is try, you won’t get anywhere. As for the anti Semitic comments, what year are we living in? You showed your true colours right there.

As for Emily’s past, that’s exactly what it is and where it should be left, I guess you’ve never done anything wrong though, pure as the driven snow are you? No skeletons in any of your closets? Ha! Right, I could call a few of you out right here, but not going to do it, I don’t go around slandering people. All will be revealed in time.

Emily Halifax, thank you for all that you’ve done, all that you do, the advice you give that comes straight from the heart, your work that you put your blood, sweat and tears into. Your true clients, subscribers and followers thank you for all that you do for us everyday.
Don’t give these lunatics any more of your time or energy, you gave them so much already and they repay you like this.

Keep your circle tight people because when you’re successful and you sacrifice things to make a better life for yourself and others, there are nasty, vindictive, insanely jealous, crazy people that will turn on a dime and stick a knife in your back as quick as look at you. We’ve all unfortunately learned that by the handful of people that have unsuccessfully ‘tried’ to break Emily.

New York,
United States

Sad Haters

#25Consumer Comment

Sat, April 27, 2019

 I really don’t understand why people are so jealous of one individual! There is enough success and work to go around. Instead of trying to shame and bring someone down to get ahead why not focus on your work and push forward. Putting time into all the wrong s**t! Let Emily thrive in peace and go on with you’re lives.

Even if she was this alleged "fraud” what is it to you ? Because a group of people did not get their way? They decided to overstep boundaries and be obsessive. Everyone knows that you need to have a fine balance between work and your personals life, so that is on them for stalking her! She runs a business and conducts herself like a proper business woman and the fact that past clients are still hurt, bothered and trying to ruin her is insane.

Speaks volumes to the type of people they are. & as for YOU who posted this, If people want to work with a low sense of self person like you, who is clearly jealous and envious and will put all of that into their work. I feel sorry for them, I’d work with emily over any person any day. She is kind genuine and heart felt. She will make sure you get results end of story !

Ti Na

Plaines Wilhems District,

Not true

#25Consumer Comment

Sat, April 27, 2019

This is all so not true. I had a consultation with Emily this week and she is the most generous and down to earth person I have ever met. She tells you the truth and only the truth. She puts her heart and soul in her work. I have been following her for quite some time now. And it is a blessing for me that I actually got to connect with her face to face and actually talk to her.

I feel blessed and fortunate to have known this angel in this life. She listens and hears you and understands your pain. I could feel that so intensely. She even cries for the pain of her clients. Emily is constantly reminding us of how to be careful of how we spend our hard earned money. She gives us so many advice that no-one would ever share with strangers.

She is herself all against scam and she has continuously voiced out about this in so many of her videos. Just go and watch her videos and find out for yourself what a gem of a person she is.

Ti Na

Plaines Wilhems District,

Not true

#25Consumer Comment

Sat, April 27, 2019

This is all so not true. I had a consultation with Emily this week and she is the most generous and down to earth person I have ever met. She tells you the truth and only the truth. She puts her heart and soul in her work. I have been following her for quite some time now. And it is a blessing for me that I actually got to connect with her face to face and actually talk to her.

I feel blessed and fortunate to have known this angel in this life. She listens and hears you and understands your pain. I could feel that so intensely. She even cries for the pain of her clients. Emily is constantly reminding us of how to be careful of how we spend our hard earned money.

She gives us so many advice that no-one would ever share with strangers. She is herself all against scam and she has continuously voiced out about this in so many of her videos. Just go and watch her videos and find out for yourself what a gem of a person she is.


United Kingdom

Emily a reputable service

#25General Comment

Sat, April 27, 2019

 I know how it is to be scammed and have been scammed twice from a uk and pakistan based spellcaster well over 4k. I can reassure you that emily is transparent with high integrity and honest. When i approach emily she made it clear that the work is not recommended and that she does not want me to waste my money.

Emily is also the only spellcaster that shows you that your rootwork has been complete with explanation. Most rootworkers take your money and you have to take there word that your work has been done but has it. If emily was scammimg she would not be visible to her audience and would be hiding behind fake names and certainly would not be showing her work online.

Everyone has a different way of working spirituality the same way ppl believe in god but follow different religions but our destinations are heaven or hell. Stop spreading such negativity when things dont go your way please be respectful of others and as far as emily is concerned she is highly respected and loved.

Emily ignore haters and negativity, you know your work is honest and truthful and you dont need the minority telling you otherwise. Shanaz


United Kingdom

It's always the jealous ones

#25General Comment

Sat, April 27, 2019

 Emily is real and she's lovely. I have been following her videos for a while now. She actually shows the spells she is doing for her clients and does this live on YouTube. How can she be a fake when she has a big magical shop and performs all spells online???

Don't worry Emily, we all know you're real. There's always someone out to get someone because their lives are so miserable. Carry on with your great work Emily. Xx


Fort Lauderdale,
United States

Habitual liars!

#25Consumer Comment

Sat, April 27, 2019

 The people claiming that Emily has scammed them are complete and utter habitual liars! All you are doing is going around the internet copying and pasting lies about an innocent woman. As a current client of Emily’s I can one vouch for the fact that no one paid her $1225 to scam them as there’s nothing you could purchase that would end in the domination of $25, that’s not how her fees even add up so that’s lie number one.

IF you were a client you would know that Emily gets very upset when she hears of anyone having ever been scammed and tells those people exactly how they can go about getting their money back and exactly how to file reports against them. IF she was fraudulent in any way, why would she ever do that?!? It’s because she in fact is NOT fraudulent and the people doing this have severe mental health issues and need to seek the appropriate treatment instead of commuting a crime against Emily.

What you are doing is against the law and I for one who have been scammed by a fake psychic in the past take extreme offense to your false claims against an innocent woman! Go get professional help and stop lying about Emily. If this ever goes to court you will be purgering yourself under oath which also is a criminal offense. I don’t know how you sleep at night you all should be ashamed of yourselves!


United Kingdom

STFU Again

#25Consumer Comment

Sat, April 27, 2019

 Are y'all good!? You think talking bad about someone else, who, by the way, does not deserve this, is a good thing to do!? My experience with Emily has been nothing but a pleasure. I respect this woman & how hard she FN works.

Her past testimonials support how true & authentic her work is. In my rootwork consultation, she was honest & straight up.. & As a fellow fire sign who is honest & straight up too, I could only respect it. She cares so much, not just about her clients, but about people in-general.. & All she wants to do is help. I never got the vibe that she was "only after my money". I can't talk specifically about rootwork as mine is going to get done in the next few weeks.

That alone shows she takes time to do the work properly, not rushed, etc. But, her showing work on YouTube is unique & I personally love it. Hell, I binge all the videos I have not seen. Emily is human, she has a past & so does everyone else including the person who put this out. But, what has that got to do with sh*t? It, for one, has nothing to do with the person putting this bull bull out.

You look like a fool, man. Anyway, don't even say this is a fake testimonal, because like her, I am a public figure too & can make myself very known to the you HATERS. Nothing but love for Emily & always got her back. Xtina


United States


#25General Comment

Sat, April 27, 2019

Emily Halifax is far from a scammer or a theif.  She has extremely high ethical standards - not only in her spiritual work but in her business practices.

This woman displays extreme transparency in not only her guidelines for work, but also in her business practices.  She is an open book to all who take the time to get to know her through her YouTube platform as well - and has been extremely open about her own negative experiences of being personally scammed by spiritual workers in her past.  She has taken the time to go out of her way to educate those on what to look for from this personal experience.  As a current client, my transactions with her, her staff and monetary exchanges have been nothing but professional, smooth and without any negativity at all.  Period.  

Emily has been in this line of practice for more than a decade and only recently - by a select group of individuals- is now being maligned.  If this woman were a scam artist- there would have been a trail of evidence covering this time period- instead she has constantly had highly touted personal reviews through out the internet and been deemed Oklahoma's #1 psychic for multiple years.  

Emily Halifax IS the real deal- genuine, authentic and above all highly ethical.  I stand behind Emily Halifax.


United Kingdom


#25General Comment

Sat, April 27, 2019

Come on Nikki Montgomery from Okmulgee Oaklahoma, if Christ was your rock and you really were a genunine loving mother why are you doing all this against Emily? This "genuine" loving mother is about to face a court case for harrassing a wonderful soul who will NOT be beaten by your hate train. Everyone has a past and from looking at the state of you I bet you definitely have a past. If Emily had scammed someone then why does she still have a business? Why isn't she locked up if she is a scammer? Having different names makes no difference, if you had business acumen or even a bit of common sense you would know that it is not a crime to have different business names.

Emily shows all of the work she does on her channel, which you clearly know because you were trying to bully her customers. Emails are answered by Emily's staff or by her, she works so d**n hard. Her past has NOTHING to do with her ability to help people, stop trying to manipulate people into thinking in your retarded way. Oh and I wonder who reported her to the association of independent readers and rootoworkers???? 

You are doing waaaaay too much, bro this is not the way forward. I get Emily is pretty but to try and get her attention like this is crazy. You are obssessed with her, wonder how your daughter would feel if she knew what you were up to? Wonder how proud she would be of a failed model mother, failed dancer. Is that why you are so mad at Emily because she is actually successful? You may not have any hope in life but stop trying to bring Emily down as she has done nothing to you and how DARE you even try to do this against her. I hope the law come down on you HARD.

Chub vanilla

United States

Lets keep this 100%!!!

#25General Comment

Sat, April 27, 2019

People are spreading wrong and mix information about Emily Halifax..iam a long time follower of hers and she is beyond one of the most wonderful friends and teachers to have!You will learn so much goodness and positively stuff from her!

She inspires and motivates me and brings out the best in people and her clients who she treats as family! People must stop harassing her !it is wrong! What these people are doing to her! Please help us support Emily halifax !

Polka dot


Acts of Jealousy

#25Consumer Comment

Sat, April 27, 2019

  I am an active client of Emily Halifax. I found her on YouTube late last year and since then I've been following and watching her videos. I decided to seek her help last January and purchased her plan of attack for my situation.

Back then she had so many clients and she was very honest about this on YT that work will be delayed and some appointments may need to be rebooked because of the flood of work she has. I must admit that I had to wait a while before my spells were completed. But the fact is, they were done.

Yes she shows the burns and explanations on her channel but all of her clients were aware that she's been doing that. Despite this manner, I still felt that my identity was protected and even if she wants to share a client's story, she always asks permission to do so.

I appreciate Emily's hard work, dedication and HONESTY with her clients. She does not take on your work if she feels it's not going to be good and she will never prey on a vulnerable client nor will she steal anybody's clients.

She has been very transparent with what has been going on with her work and even personal life. She values her work and clients and I believe in her abilities. The effort she puts and the service she gives to her clients are amazing, I can speak for that myself. What these claims or reports say are all just a matter of means to try and take down Emily because of pure jealousy.

I am dumbfounded that ex-clients and ex-moderators of her channel has the audacity to file all these reports, dig up her past and post sensitive information online just because Emily won't meet up with them in person.

Even if she was not doing anything at that time it was still her choice whether to meet up with you or not. You were not invited nor asked to come and just because you can't swallow a 'no' does not justify these actions that you do. I pity you people.


United States

This is completely false

#25Consumer Comment

Sat, April 27, 2019

Emily Halifax is the real deal! I am currently working with her and I have nothing but positive things to say about her. 

She is patient, honest, hardworking, and takes time out of her busy schedule to make time for her clients. She answers every question I have had about my work (which is currently being done).

I do not understand why you throw so much shade her way. Either you didn’t give your spells enough time, or you didn’t believe in it. That is on you. I have no misgivings about the fates that brought me to Emily.  I trust her with every fiber of my being to do what she thinks is best. It has been a personally tough journey for me but emily’s reading was dead on point.  And her spells are working in the same way as long as you have faith. 

So, for those of you who wish to keep slandering her, a word of advice... the only thing more frustrating then slanderers is those foolish enough to believe them. And always remember, rumors are carried by haters, spread by fools and accepted by idiots.


United States

Real deal

#25Consumer Comment

Sat, April 27, 2019

I’m a real client of Emily’s and she is the BEST. She has given me a sense of positivity back due to my situation. When I had my spell consultation, she was very nice and informative and I felt very comfortable. We laid out our plan of attack and she did a reading that was so accurate! She is 100% real and I’m glad I found her. These posts saying she’s a "scammer” is fake. Emily’s clients love her so much because she truly works from the heart and delivers results!!


Saint Croix,
Saint Croix Island,
U.S. Virgin Islands

False, Lies Copy Paste Trolling

#25Consumer Comment

Fri, April 26, 2019

2) She preys on people in vulnerable positions who seek the counsel of psychics and spellcasters.

  • Emily does not do this; Emily will turn down a client that is verbally expressing that they are stepping outside of their Financial Boundaries.
  • People come to Psychics or Spellcasters when they need help or are in vulnerable positions. Emily consults her clients on what is needed to be done. She will never force or tell a client to step outside of their Financial Limit.

3) She has been flagged for posting others' spell photos and passing them as her own

  • This is loosely based on a small article in the link provided for #5 from 2013
  • The website has 0% credibility.
  • There is no reference that Emily is doing this.

4) She writes her own reviews about her spell work and psychic abilities and then tells callers to check out her "reviews." If you read them you will see they basically say the same thing and are almost exactly the same words she uses on her listing on If you can believe it, one review even has a picture of her as the writer!

  • Another false accusation and once again with no proof. Emily will ask her clients to write reviews on google for her, she ask’s for honest reviews. She hardly gets a bad one, because Emily and her team resolve issues beforehand.
  • com has over 1,000 reviews from Emily. It’s almost impossible for her to write all of those herself, she would have to make over 1,000 accounts.

5) She has been reported by the Association of Independent Readers and Rootworkers as being a fake.

  • Emily is not scamming people; this allegation has been debunked multiple times. Emily’s clients pay for work and the work is done by Emily. This is proven by her YouTube videos. If a client feels they are being scammed; we will show proof of work being done.
  • This is from 2013
  • This is weakly based on her stealing photos. She has live videos from YouTube showing her shop, that includes her spell work, candles, etc.

She now promotes herself as a "non-profit" and bills her clients through fake scam companies such as pet’s food and circus parks cosmetics billed under Bookeo and Heading Woods even though they are paying for psychic readings and spell casting.


  • She bills her clients listed under Healing Woods, her umbrella company. There are several options that are within the category of her business and (1) of them is “Supply Stores” which was failed to be seen by the people accusing her of scamming people under a ‘pet food’ company. This is a complete fallacy.

She compromises the anonymity of her clients by posting their burns on live video (not contractual) and often times revealing their names on live feeds.

  • Everyone is aware of this, if they want their name confident, then they tell Emily before the burn begins.
  • Everyone who orders Vigil Candles watches the live burns. THEY ARE AWARE OF THIS

She promotes herself as being able to do multiple burns at one time (sometimes 15 or more) which is not condoned per reputable psychic workers.

  • Per who?
  • Where does it say this?
  • This is just outright false information.

The accusations in this report are slander and defamation.





Saint Croix,
Saint Croix Island,
U.S. Virgin Islands

False, False, False information

#25Consumer Comment

Fri, April 26, 2019

2) She preys on people in vulnerable positions who seek the counsel of psychics and spellcasters.

  • Emily does not do this; Emily will turn down a client that is verbally expressing that they are stepping outside of their Financial Boundaries.
  • People come to Psychics or Spellcasters when they need help or are in vulnerable positions. Emily consults her clients on what is needed to be done. She will never force or tell a client to step outside of their Financial Limit.

3) She has been flagged for posting others' spell photos and passing them as her own

  • This is loosely based on a small article in the link provided for #5 from 2013
  • The website has 0% credibility.
  • There is no reference that Emily is doing this.

4) She writes her own reviews about her spell work and psychic abilities and then tells callers to check out her "reviews." If you read them you will see they basically say the same thing and are almost exactly the same words she uses on her listing on If you can believe it, one review even has a picture of her as the writer!

  • Another false accusation and once again with no proof. Emily will ask her clients to write reviews on google for her, she ask’s for honest reviews. She hardly gets a bad one, because Emily and her team resolve issues beforehand.
  • com has over 1,000 reviews from Emily. It’s almost impossible for her to write all of those herself, she would have to make over 1,000 accounts.

5) She has been reported by the Association of Independent Readers and Rootworkers as being a fake.

  • Emily is not scamming people; this allegation has been debunked multiple times. Emily’s clients pay for work and the work is done by Emily. This is proven by her YouTube videos. If a client feels they are being scammed; we will show proof of work being done.
  • This is from 2013
  • This is weakly based on her stealing photos. She has live videos from YouTube showing her shop, that includes her spell work, candles, etc.

She now promotes herself as a "non-profit" and bills her clients through fake scam companies such as pet’s food and circus parks cosmetics billed under Bookeo and Heading Woods even though they are paying for psychic readings and spell casting.


  • She bills her clients listed under Healing Woods, her umbrella company. There are several options that are within the category of her business and (1) of them is “Supply Stores” which was failed to be seen by the people accusing her of scamming people under a ‘pet food’ company. This is a complete fallacy.

She compromises the anonymity of her clients by posting their burns on live video (not contractual) and often times revealing their names on live feeds.

  • Everyone is aware of this, if they want their name confident, then they tell Emily before the burn begins.
  • Everyone who orders Vigil Candles watches the live burns. THEY ARE AWARE OF THIS

She promotes herself as being able to do multiple burns at one time (sometimes 15 or more) which is not condoned per reputable psychic workers.

  • Per who?
  • Where does it say this?
  • This is just outright false information.

The accusations in this report are slander and defamation.





Boston ,
United States

Emily Halifax is the real deal !!

#25Consumer Comment

Fri, April 26, 2019

 I am a client of Emily and she is a amazing person she has given me readings that blew my mind with information that only I would know her spell consult was amazing and she targeted my problem and when I asked for more spells she said it wasn’t needed because she cares about her clients well being her only goal is helping u reach your goal emily is a wonderful person and I look forward to keep doing business with her

Emily Halifax

United States

Real, Raw and Uncut From Psychic Emily Halifax

#25REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, April 26, 2019

Please take a moment to watch the video above to view what these malicious, vindictive people are attempting to do to me. It explains everything in detail.

A group of people have all committed criminal acts by SLANDERING me, CYBER STALKING me, DEFAMING me and INTERFERRING with my business in the State of Oklahoma. They also have committed THEFT OF SERVICE by charging back after their spellwork was completed and shown live on Youtube. One person had the audacity to report a charge as FRAUDULENT making it seem like I had her credit card number and made the charge myself. How is that even possible!? It's not.

These people have formed a cult and need psychological help. They are green with envy of my success and obsessed with me. They claimed that "I stole TWO THOUSAND dollars from a client's bank account." If that is true, how would I even be writing this? Wouldn't I be locked up?? Exactly!! They are out of their minds and nuts!

They created a conspiracy theory that I am running a non-profit and selling services under "Pet Food Supplies, Circuses and Cosmetics" - the funny thing about that is they are clearly so blind and ignorrant that they did not even SEE that those were "merely categories" and within that category was also 1 category that applied to MY shop and/or business!! They just did not see it correctly and/or did not want to see it because they are grasping for so many straws that they cannot even see straight.

Another comical thing is their accusation that all 175+ Google Business reviews and my handwritten testimonials "are written by myself and my family members". That one just makes me laugh. First, I do not even have that many family members and second, if you know anything about Google (you know...that Billion dollar company...that one) they do NOT ALLOW anyone to post review after review from multiple IP addresses (and yes, they can track your phone IP) or your listing will be shut down so fast you won't know what hit you!! Google does not play with that sort of thing. I have Google Reviews that stem back to over 4 years ago. You think I wrote all of those too? I think we all know that is impossible and you are just grasping for anything you can again to make me look bad.

The accusation that I can "change my handwriting" is outlandish. No one can change their handwriting. You can 'clean up your handwriting', but you cannot completely change it. It's unique to the individual who writes it. All of my handwritten testimonials look completely different, not to mention that the people who have written them are ON MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL AND CHAT!! So how are you going to accuse me of that too?

Let me address the Readers and Rootworkers Association: posting so much info about me on your site tells me how much you view me as a threat. You claim I "steal your clients". Really?? How can that be when ALL of my clients come DIRECTLY to me from YouTube? I am so busy right now that I cannot even take on a new client until June at the earlies. People email me daily requesting work from me - pleading their cases stating, "I am the only one they know they can trust and they love my channel, integrity and energy." You had the audacity to investigate me and snoop so deeply into the internet and write names that you 'think' I go by which are totally bogus (including family names which is none of your d**n business)! The comments you made about me are untrue and invalid. You are defaming me, slandering me and inteferring with my business practice in the State of Oklahoma. I know my rights.

This all comes down to jealousy. These people think they can slam me online and no one will want to purchase work from me ever again. That is never going to happen. I have too many people that love me. I am too positive, high energy and powerful to cascade from this petty bullsh*t. Anyone who is a part of these reports (and I know who all of you are) need to 'Get A Life and Get Out of Mine'.

"This is MY road of gold you are on - and you don't have an invitation."






San diego,
United States

Absurd. Completely wrong.

#25Consumer Comment

Fri, April 26, 2019

 Emily DOES NOT fake reviews or testimonials. I’m left handed and it would be quite difficult for her to fake that. Plus I have numerous documents with the same handwriting for anyone who would like to see. She completes every spell with LOVE and the intention that you want.

These people are insane, they too had results from spells Emily did for them but were upset when they decided to violate her privacy in her hometown. You are getting the 100% real deal with Emily.


San Diego,
United States

I Don't Think So

#25General Comment

Fri, April 26, 2019

Um, no. Emily has been nothing short of helpful. Doesn't get back to emails?? Please, she responds very quickly. Also, what does being a dominatrix have to do with spell work? Nothing. Performing reverse work so what you want doesn't happen?

One, how do you know that? Two, why would anyone waste time doing the burns and showing them on Youtube only to turn around and reverse it. Changing handwriting? That isn't necessarily easy to do? Why would she ask for handwritten testimonials and not only rely on online reviews if she was fake? Oh, that's because handwriting is unique to each individual.

Also, how do you know all the reviews are from her family? Last, why don't you just move on with your life? If you were really scammed, you would have already taken legal action instead of flooding the internet with this nonsense. Just move on with your life.


United States

YOUR FREE WILL! Spells take time

#25Consumer Suggestion

Thu, April 25, 2019

I am confused as to your complaint. I have never received a reading quite like the one I received from Emily. How in the world do you feel scammed? You paid for services. There is no time limit on spells and how long they can take to manifest. I am not sure what you expected...... It seems you are stuck in your own head and in the way of the work you asked her to perform.

You paid her with free will. I am not sure what part of her personal life and past has anything to do with why you posted all of this...... EVERYONE has a past.... You obviously have a past of your own and wanted to use her services to remedy a situation..... I have never received anything but GRACE from her. I emailed her..... She responds very professional.

I have written my own responses for the services I have purchased. Its my handwriting..... She didnt ask for it. I wanted to share how amazing she is in hopes she can help others in the way that she has helped me. 




#25Author of original report

Tue, April 23, 2019

his woman goes by the name emily halifax and she has a youtube channel called psycic emily halifax. she claims to be a number one psychic in oklahoma but she is a big time scammer. she charges way too much and she does not do the spells at all. she just takes ur money and doesnt get back to any emails. she is very rude after you pay her. she manipulates a lot ! this woman had different names before like emily west, amelia westbrook, etc. she has a history of scamming. she has been arrested for prostituition.


the explanation she has given for this was she was a dominatrix once upon a time and she was performing the act of being a dominatrix when she was arrested. huh ? a dominatrix claiming to have powers and performing spells.


she has been reported by the association of independent readers and rootoworkers too.


she has a business called healing woods to which all the payment goes but its description is under pet foods and supplies. we have all the evidences. she sends threatening emails to everyone who asks her for a refund. she actually performs reverse spells so what you want doesnt happen. she has performed spells on one of her clients to get him to her. she has approached six people to cross and kill everyone who turned against her.


every one of her review and testimonials are written by her. and her family members. she says she got handwritten testimonials. but hey, can we not change our handwritings ?? that is the easiest.

she has been hitting on one of her clients.

she illegally took some money out of a clients credit card and billed her for cosmetics.

her youtube channel is psychic emily halifax. here is the link. 

she has three websites.,,

three fb pages- love spells, psychic emily west, psychic emily halifax

all her reviews are written by her relatives. 

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