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  • Report:  #486546


EMPIRE CARPET - EMPIRE TODAY Empire Flooring, EmpireToday Empire Today will not even send me my paperwork don't even get me started on how bad my floors are INTERNET

  • Reported By:
    KaraOberth — Walesak Georgia USA
  • Submitted:
    Fri, August 28, 2009
  • Updated:
    Sat, November 14, 2009
    United States of America
  • Phone:
  • Category:

When we had an in home estimate and signed up for the floors we talked to the salesman about what the warranty would cover seeing that there is alot of room for interpertation. He told us it would cover all damage unless there was standing water and at point we would need to file a claim with our home owners insurance because there would have had to be a flood. Also promised that it would cover all scratches for life.

Over time our floors started to warp and buckle at the seams. Corners are peeling up too. We had to call twice just to get someone to make an appointment to come and take a look at our floors to make a claim. Because the first time we called they did not enter it into the system. 

Finally we had someone come out and look at the floors. He told us that they should fix it all because of how uneven the floors were and the damage that was done was not caused by things excluded in the waranty. He let us know that we would hear back in around 2 weeks.

Several weeks later (Friday Aug. 21st) we called to find out why we had not heard back on our claim and asked what number was on file. They gave us the correct home number and then transferred us to someone about our claim. We were then told she had left us three messages but had a different number on file which was to a hotel. Why did no one think to make sure it was the right number? We were then told our claim would not be filed because the damage was localized scratches but they would repair the uneven parts from faulty instillation. And we would be getting a phone call on Monday to set up an appointment.

At that time we also asked for the name of the salesman that came to our house and were told you have no record of it. We asked for them to fax a copy of the warranty we signed and were told they could not find it.

On Sunday August 23rd I emailed through the site asking for a copy of the warranty to be faxed to us thinking maybe by then they would have found our paperwork and the name of the salesman that came to our house. I have still not heard anything back either through fax or the email address I gave on the form.

Monday August 24th we received no call. So that afternoon we called and were told we would get a call on Tuesday. Tuesday we called 3 different times and finally at the end of the day were told that the man we needed to talk to had not been in the office Monday or Tuesday and would be back on Wednesday. We were promised to get a call then.

We asked on Tuesday to get a faxed copy of our warranty, the claim report, what the perimeter sealant was and how to tell if that was on our floors, and what the definition of localized was by Empire. None of which we have received nor were they able to explain over the phone. We then explained that that was the reason why our claim was turned down due to localized damage & scratches and were told that she saw no note of that being the reason; but she couldnt give us a reason why it was turned down either.

We keep being told that the warranty that will cover our floors is the same one online. I am reading the one online as I write this; NOWHERE does it say anything about localized damage. We have not had a flood and seeing as this is on the second level of our house we would have had to call in our homeowners insurance for that kind of damage. It also says it will not cover plumbing failure which once again we have not had. It also says it will not coverage damage from severe impact, gouging, scratching or cutting none of which we have. Our floors are coming up at the seams. Since this is not excluded I am not seeing any reason why our floors are not being replaced.

We received no call on Wednesday as promised. Thursday I emailed all my complaints through their site and posted a complaint on some message boards. We got a call that evening. Only to be told that they would now not even be fixing the uneven floors. They did admit though that we were told that and the person must have just made a mistake. Once again we asked why and they could not give us an answer. We asked for our paperwork, contracts, warranty, definition of localized and more to be sent to us three different times in that one phone call. It wasn't until we let them know it was so we would have paperwork to give to the lawyers that they finally told us the only way to get it was to call the President's Office and they would do that for us. We had to demand several times before they we give us a number and all they gave us was the 800 number telling us we would have to be transfered through.

We called last nite and left a message. We were contacted back today (August 28th) from the President's Office. We were told that even if it was still in the 1 Year warranty period our uneven floors would not be fixed (which if you read the warranty they should be). They still could not give us a reason why they were not going to fix the other problems with the floor that are covered under the 25 year warranty. And when we asked for our paperwork and told them we were promised that they would be the ones to give it to us we were told yet again that someone else has to authorize it. We are suppose to get a call from them soon.

Received a call back today. We were told that they have taken it under consideration that we want our paperwork but the contract is archived and we will not be getting it and they will also not be sending us a copy of the claims report since they paid for it but that is was they are basing all this off of. We were told by Empire that the inspector put that it was installed incorrectly but Empire refutes it in this same conversation. I am very unsure why they even send out inspectors if they are going to deny any of their findings. Also why did it take this many phone calls before we were told that we couldnt even get our paperwork?

So far everyone we have talked to has talked down to us and has been very rude. They have no paperwork anywhere on us. We have to make multiple calls in a single day just to be told that someone is out of the office. No one has called back when they said they would. We still do not have our warranty, a copy of the claims report, name of our salesman, etc. that we have asked for. We have been told several different reasons why our claim was turned down. We were lied too about what the warranty meant seeing as it is very short and a lot is left up to interpretation we felt the need to ask the salesman when he was selling us our floors. The customer service keeps explaining it differently too and here is one of the many problems we are having with Empire. We still have no idea what their definition of localized damage is. 

We have now been calling back and forth for several weeks and have nothing to show for it. Our floors are horrible, they were installed incorrectly, even their employees and claims person said that they should be repaired. But we are getting the run-around and they won't even give us our paperwork which we are entitled too. We are not giving up on it though. And now knowing they will not give us our paperwork we are ready to start seeking legal guidance.

4 Updates & Rebuttals


Port Orchard,
United States of America

Thanks for the heads up!!

#5Consumer Comment

Sat, November 14, 2009

I am glad I read your report. I was thinking of having laminate/carpet installed in the house I am going to be selling due to divorce since the ex and dog ruined it all. I had seen the ads on TV and thought it would save me some labor doing it myself. But after reading your story I will steer clear of them.
 The clincher was after all you have done, and reported, they still post their little blurb about contacting customer support!!!! DUH!!!  What the heck do you think she has been doing??  They must have a paid employee who does nothing but post the same thing on every complaint as it seems to be common to almost every complaint against them!!
 I for one will steer clear of them and look for a local reputable contractor/flooring installer!! Thanks!!!



Company Response


Mon, September 21, 2009

Thank you for bringing your experience to our attention.  We apologize for any inconvenience, and our team would like to work with you to explore a resolution.  Please contact us at so that we may be able to assist.  You can also visit our online customer center at



Consumer Advocate Team

Empire Today, LLC



Just wanted to add


Sat, August 29, 2009

Prior to the last set of phone calls we looked up laws regarding recording conversations. After making sure we were doing it right we recorded our phone calls for the last couple of discussions we had including how they told us about not giving us our report or contract.

We also have the names of all the employees we have talked to about getting our paperwork and our claim to have the floors fixed (still no name for our salesman though).



these places are all alike


Fri, August 28, 2009

did any of you all ever see the movie with Danny DiVito called Tin Men?

these places are all like this, empire today, direct buy, for that matter, home depot and lowes, and the ilk.  big advertising budgets and slick ads that pull the consumer in.  I have heard that their sales people often make into six figures.  How is that possible?  well, they get into your home and won't leave until you buy.  then, they take product that should cost half what they are charging you into your home and convince you that it is a great buy.  then, the consumer is sorry about their purchase.

wake up America!

as John Ruskin wrote:

There is hardly anything in the world that some man cannot make a little worse and sell a little cheaper, and the people who consider price only are this mans lawful prey! John Ruskin


I am really sorry for your's and all the other grief that this company and the like cause.  try a locally owned store next time, where the owner has in interest in your satisfaction.  really, it will cost a lot less and you have a much better chance of getting a nice job!

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