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  • Report:  #822910

Complaint Review: Empire Today

Empire Today Lied , Screamed and yelled at us , talked down to us on the phoned , refused to give ua a report from an inspection company that said we are entiled to the report.Has made us wait to reslove this, Internet

  • Reported By:
    Paul — Monroe Michigan Michigan United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Sun, January 15, 2012
  • Updated:
    Tue, January 17, 2012
  • Empire Today
    41199 Van Born , Belleville , Michigan 48111
    United States of America
  • Phone:
  • Category:

On 12/5/11 we called Karen to make a complaint about our laminate buckeling . No reply. on 12/7/11 we then called Corp . due to no response talked to Ivan tald him we could not get a hold of karen to make a complaint m he then tried to call Karen him self , but got no response either , he left a message. He told us we would hear from some one in 1 to 3 days. On 12/10/11 Called back talked to Jamie from corp explained problem and no call back in time frame , she said Karen to handle our problem she also called Karen no answer. On 12/12/11 Called Karen could only leave message. On 12/12/11 Dave called us said Rich would come on the 14th or 15th to take care of problem.
  On 12/14/11 Rich came to look at the floor , said the metal strips the carpet people laided down were the problem , they should of never put them over the laminate , it causes floor not to float. He went backed talked to Karen , he suggestion a different type flooring . Karen called that same day said they will replace the floor , that some times this happens when carpeting is replaced and they use metal strips instead of transitions. We told her the metal strips were orginal from install.
 On 12/19/11 Rich comes to replace floor with laminate ,all material is in his trailer . He comes in looks at problems with the floor , he starts to pull up carpeting at metal strip to see how far the strip was nailed down. Wife starts to ask questions , remark from him was you keep asking me a 100 questions , I can either do this or leave. Then he made a statemen he could leveling out slight hump he said was due to metal strips binding up the floor . Then he turns around and says I can put this floor in but in 6 months it could do it again. Wife stated why would you do that if you have to keep coming out thats money out of the companies pocket and time out of our lives again. He then said he did not want to be responsable for it doing it again. He then called Karen , then Karen called us .Karen said she would contact corp about different type flooring lvt flooring . We would hear in 2 days. Rich said they would approve it. 
   Two days went by went by we heard nothing , we then called her left a message asked why we heard nothing. On 12/21/11 We called Corp talked to Clarissa due to not hearing from Karen . I asked why we dont get call backs like we`re told. She checked into the computer found nothing in there from Karen to corp about different flooring or problem. In the meantime the floor kept getting worse. I got cut from the transtion peice being cracked , i hit my head from the transition being loose , I pinched my finger from the floor coming out from under the molding. ( wife ) That was all in the hallway. ( Husband ) Hurt his foot from seperation of floor in kitchen , toe hurt from sparp edge in foyer . Helen called said she would get on the case with us . I sent in the mean time emails to crop.
  12/22/11 I got a call saying a man named Bob would come to look at the problems , never told where he would be coming from . He shows up , he looks around he said he did not see any danger problems , and said right off the bat it was a joist probkem , We had another work crew here that heard it all and seen what all he did abd didnt do. He was rude , didnt want to listen to us , all he did was out a level  on floor , and took about 6 pics. He also stated Rich did not say it was metal strips that caused the problems. I was explaing the kitchen problems he walked out and said corp would get a hold of us in a week or so. I sent more emails.
  12/23/11 Roger called to say he was sending someone out Tuesday to oull up floor to check out laminate. He also said he looked at 17 pictures.
   12/27/11 Installer called at 9 am , his name was Tom. Showed up at 1030 am he looked at the floor and all the problems there was took about two hours. The gaps , waves,spongyness , chips, uneven sides, moldings in all rooms , tacks sticking up by all transitions,. This guy took the time to listen to us . When he walked in we ask where he was from , meaning what city or office , he stated Belville , we then in the same sentace asked where Bob was from , since we were not told. Tom said this type of floor was not for this type of job abd asked if we considered lvt . We said yes , we were promised that from Karen and Rich , it never happened , he said he would go back and do his best. He never attempted to take up floor. He said he would hopfully be back in 2 hours o show us samples. He gave us his number, we never heard back. Three days later we tried to call him , no answer. Emails were sent to corp again. He also said the different flooring would not give the typ of problems the laninate is. Hed also signed a letter we wrote with all the problems and we signed to give to the Belville office. 
   12/28/11 Called Corp and talked to David , told himj of the problems and wanted to talke to some one hig up in the company . He gave us the Belville office instead and was Roger. Roger started to yell and was rude , accused us us of obstructing their job from finding out what the problem is with the laminate. He also said Tom told him we were not expecting him. Both are not senile yet! He said he would call back cause he was hearing one side and tghen another side . I told him I had a tape recording , so no lies on our part. He then got more irrate over that. He never ccalled back. More emails to corp. Laura Woods then called said they wanted to resloved the problems. I told her both installers said a different flooring is best then a floating floor. She too said it was a joist problem and would call back the nest day. I reminded her we had people look for a joist probkem we dont have one .
   12/29/11 Laura called said they were sending indepdent insection company out to check floor asap.
   12/30/11 Got call from Inspect souluations . 1/2 12 he came out to inspect. Rich showed up to check it out , he asked of everything that was wrong incuding if tghey left it here for two days before install , we said no . It was left in truck while install in June in heat. He said he should hear from Empire in one to two weeks . And if we requested a copy of the report we were intitiled to it. We asked Empire told us no.
  1/9/12 Got a call from Laura she said they could come and install laminate on 1/10/12 . I told her we were suppose to get different type flooring installed that was stated by the belville office. The two installers and he inspector that was here. She said ok to lvt material. She said she would have some one call to set up for sales to come to house. She did said we would have to sign off saying if we have a joist probkem they are not resposable and we would have to get it fixed. We have no joist problem , I have no idea what the report says since they refuse to gve it to us. She said everything will be replaced per her in the home. We called compinies about about the problems on the flooring material .
    1/10/12 saleserson came out we picked our flooring , we have never heard anything back , no install date , nothing. Floor is worse , we are still dealing with it. They have done nothing to resolve our floor thus far. But words , lies, blackmail.
   We are entiled to the report , we should not have have to wait almost two months , the report we have gotten on our own on a joist problem and their install and material tells us other wise. What its coming down to is bad material , bad install . Read manufacturs install of all material they did not follow that , its buckeling due to all that not a joist problem. I have to contiue to worry eveyr day on getting hurt one way or another. I refuse to email corp any more. Two months is long enough. A joist will not crwon in one spot , it will do it from one end to the other. This has been nothing but put blame where blame is due on their oart. There is way more to this but typing all is is hard , explations are tough on emails.

7 Updates & Rebuttals


North Carolina,
United States of America

Wow, would you post that garbage they demanded you sign?

#8Consumer Comment

Tue, January 17, 2012

Please post their documented threat for the whole world to see. They're morons anyway if they think RR will ever remove this post. The most they could expect is for you to post that everything was resolved.

Make sure you keep detailed and full documentation of everything pertaining to this, along with closeup photos of injuries and the defects in work.

And it is probably time to hire a lawyer to at least consult with, or to pen a simple response to their asinine threat.

Good going, Empire. After seeing this, I for one will never consider using you. I'd rather have a dirt floor than take that chance.

As for Rebecca Clerk, assuming you're for real, maybe you should meet Genelle from Enterprise. You 2 could become good friends. Maybe the 2 companies should merge. Become Empireprise, or Enterpire, or Funeral-Pire. Hahahahahahahaha.


Monroe Michigan,
United States of America

I`m sorry also

#8Author of original report

Tue, January 17, 2012

I sent in another rebutal it has not been posted as of yet. What needs to happen to reslove this cause Laura has made it tens times worse as of yesterday, Is some needs to come to my home to talk this out. Its not going to get solved through Laura Woods. She too has accussed us of the same thing that Bellville has. And now has told us we can not talke to even our neighbors ever again even know they already know or we get sued. Thats so wrong. Im dealing with cancer my husband is going prazied , were senior citzens , and dealing with this for two months when we now know it was from the very begining belviles fault sated from Laura is not getting resloved. Now Im threated with being sued. Please send some one to the home to resolve this . This has gotten so far out of hand to spend this kind of money to pay for keeping people in their jobs and we get treated this way. We seriously need help other then phone calls that solve nothing. I will not sign papers when we were never in the wrong. The report shows that . For a compnay to blackmail people to get help is wrong. I dont want to result in going to nthe news or the bbb or aclu but my nerves can not take any more , im asking one last time for help serious help.


Monroe Michigan,
United States of America

1/16/12 update

#8Author of original report

Tue, January 17, 2012

1/16/12 Laura called at 3pm said she left a voice mail . We do not have voice mail , so dont know what that was about , but thats neither here nor there.

She stated we have to sign a statement from their legal dept. saying we have to take the rip off report off , plus we will not sue for injuries , or will never use the term Emprie , or empire today . or any word that contains Empire , or talk about any of the people from empire. Or we can be sued . Thats in order to get our floor fixed. 

  Now One We have never sued any one in our life , this country is sue happy as it is and coist us more in the end due to it. Two No Judge in this country would award money for a cut or a hit to the head with not going to a hospital. Common sense. Two I have no problem taking this report off rip off , if and when they decide to fix my floor in sead of waitng so long two months of abouse , down grading us , lies , defamation of charater is enough. But I wil not sign.
My 1st amendments right away, in signing off I can never say the word Empire , thats above and beyound stupid. The neighbirs know how bad we have had it , seen our floor , the crew that was here seen Bob and how rude he was . I have tapes to prove we`re notying which no one has had the guts to come listen to , to prove we`re not lying how very sad that is.

One neighbors is a Federal agent, one intalls laminate . one a conpnay that installs laminate , n one has any thing good to say about empire , yet they are not getting a letter to sign saying they can never use the word Empire. Just me wrong on so many levels in order to get my floor fixed. Blackmail again.

I have freedom of speech in this country. Freedsom of expression. Your compnay has no right to take that away.

A car company has recalls all the time , due to braks that could give out , wheels that could fall off etc. now they have to take that car in , they dont hand them a paper to sign saying we`ll fix the car but you cant say any thing bad about our name or car , or we`ll sue. Tons of companies are talked about daily , your trying to be on a royal throne here and stall again and be the super company. Get over yurself.

Laura stated what was on the report from the indepant copmany they sent out called Inpect soluations , it stated bad material , bad instalation, some thing we already knew . You cant have laminate sit in a truck for 6 hours in 90 degree weather . It will buckle and get cut too short then cold weather shrink . She then stated her self the same thing Roger did that we tried to stop the workers from doing thier job. Once again we said we have the tapes listen to them. That also told us , she is not a resolution person , shes a compnay person to take sides.

The tapes proves we dont lie. Some one have the guts to listen to them. One way or another some one will. Laura also stated they are giving us more expensive upgrade , I told her so did the carpet people , she said that was due to a defect , wrong again , that was due to the same problem , bad iinstall. The workers that did the bad install , paided for it out of thier own pocket. 

   You have a warranty you have to own up to , like it or not. Or give our money back in full. Rather I sing any thing or not. Then you have another dilema , since your installer Rich oulled up our carpeting for some unknow reason that is loose , since the laminate is all bad none of transition peices are holding down the carpet in any room its all losses m so that would all have to be paided back since your last words are yu cant help us any more , cause i wont sign a paper to get a floor fixed. I shouldnt have too if your compnay had took responsability les then two months ago for bad install , bad material it wouldnt of went this far. If your 5 people we let in would of be knowledgeable and notice bad install and bad material i wouldnt be signing any thing would I ?

If your sales person who knew this matieral wasnt right for this home , which you Laura stated your compnay does know the difference , and it shouldnt of come in this home , we wouldnt be here. 

  You Laura gave us a second reason for not giving us the report m this time it was because your compnay paid for it , yet didnt offer us to pay for a copy. Even though Inpect soluations told us we`re entitled to it. But you telling us what was on was good enough as least some truth came out of this. Oncde again your company is not speical , you will get talked bad about from tons of people , not just me your bbb report tells me that alone. The people we are to met tonight that is going through the samw battle as us will talk bad , that will go on with your compnay every other compnay people whould not have to sign any thing to honor a warannty or fix a mess , which you admitted Belville created. You cant put back in laminate you admitted that too wrong material from the start for this type of home. One thing to also think about if we stopped workers from doing their job why did i let 5 people march through my home for this long ??? All your company has to do is listen to the tapes , speak to the crew that was here . Simple , you want to call us liars isnt the law innocent until proven quilty ???? I can prove it !!!!!

Laura you also stated you do understand the difference betwwen mobile and manufacured homes , over a regular built home with the floors. You said more movedment with the floors with the mobile and manufactured homes. Too bad your sales people dont. But I think now I know why Rich said he could put the laminate back in but it would do it again in 6 months.

Business Response


ET Customer Support

#8UPDATE Employee

Tue, January 17, 2012

Paul, we apologize for any miscommunication or confusion that occurred. We understand that we have spoken to you about this issue and that we are in the process of working on a resolution. Please feel free to contact us with any additional questions. Thank you. Rebekah Clerk, National Customer Service Manager


Monroe Michigan,
United States of America

No resulation as of yet !

#8Author of original report

Mon, January 16, 2012

No I guess we dont. Laura Woods tried to called today , her phone we could not hear from , she said she would call back from a different she  she has not called back yet. Her solution was for us to sign off papers for a joist problem. We tried again to call the liscense contrator out to re look again after your sales person came out told us they never should of never put this type of floor in this too hard for thistype of floor and preceeded to tell us we get no grout , due to our circumstances , we asked him what that meant , he said I have to shut up now. Since when does Empire talk about peoples homes , and or whats going on leave out the lies to a sales man??? 

   The soluation will be no blackmail. We will recieve the report  from the company that came out , who said we are entiled to it. Laura will not tell us no. Then turn around and say to us we have to sign off papers due a joist problem when its due to bad material or bad instalation that sat in a truck in the middle of june and came in with a couple of boxes at a time. Read again maufacures instalations of each of your products , its suppose to stay in the home for 2 to 3 days prior before install which each site has that listed but Empire. Its buckeling due to that reason no joist problem. 

  So now we have another problem either the company you sent out yo look at our floor is lying or Empire is lying again. The company that came out said we are fully entitled to that report , Empire says no , whos lying now ? Once again. I will not sign off any papers , it either gets fixed the right way . all material stays in my home two to three days before install , I get my report. I do not sign off any thing. I will also be meeting with another coustomer that is having the same problem with Empire tomorrow that is figting the same battle we ran into today. We are going to compare notes. 
   As of this email Laura has not called back !


Monroe Michigan,
United States of America

No We dont

#8Author of original report

Mon, January 16, 2012

No I guess we dont. Laura Woods tried to called today , her phone we could not hear from , she said she would call back from a different phone   she has not called back yet. Her solution was for us to sign off papers for a joist problem. We tried again to call the liscense contrator out to re look again after your sales person came out told us they never should of never put this type of floor in this  was too hard for thistype of floor and preceeded to tell us we get no grout , due to our circumstances , we asked him what that meant , he said I have to shut up now. Since when does Empire talk about peoples homes , and or whats going on leave out the lies to a sales man??? 

   The soluation will be no blackmail. We will recieve the report  from the company that came out , who said we are entiled to it. Laura will not tell us no. Then turn around and say to us we have to sign off papers due a joist problem when its due to bad material or bad instalation that sat in a truck in the middle of june and came in with a couple of boxes at a time. Read again maufacures instalations of each of your products , its suppose to stay in the home for 2 to 3 days prior before install which each site has that listed but Empire. Its buckeling due to that reason no joist problem. 

  So now we have another problem either the company you sent out to look at our floor is lying or Empire is lying again. The company that came out said we are fully entitled to that report , Empire says no , whos lying now ? Once again. I will not sign off any papers , it either gets fixed the right way . all material stays in my home two to three days before install , I get my report. I do not sign off any thing. I will also be meeting with another coustomer that is having the same problem with Empire tomorrow that is figting the same battle we ran into today. We are going to compare notes. As tgis ketter ends we still have not heard from Back from Laura ! 

Business Response


ET Customer Support

#8UPDATE Employee

Mon, January 16, 2012

Paul, we apologize for the issues that youve experienced with your product post-installation and for any delays that have occurred in completing your repairs. We understand that we have come to a resolution with you, and someone will be in contact with you soon to discuss it further. If you have additional questions, please email us at or call us at 888-588-2315 x4195. Thank you. Rebekah Clerk, National Customer Service Manager

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