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  • Report:  #376110

Complaint Review: Enchanted Ridge

Enchanted Ridge Gets Sued And Plaintiff Wins enchanted ridge gets sued and plaintiff wins Mekinock North Dakota

  • Reported By:
    fargo North Dakota
  • Submitted:
    Fri, September 26, 2008
  • Updated:
    Tue, September 30, 2008
  • Enchanted Ridge
    Mekinock, North Dakota
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Beware of Aaron and Anna Goodnoe On February 26, 2007 there was an ad in the Grand Forks Herald
advertising two weimaraners for sale. I called right away. There was no answer, so I kept trying to call through out the day. Finally I got an answer, it was Anna. She said that both of the weimaners were still
available, so we asked her a lot of questions about them. She told us that they were raised around kids, cats and other dogs. She stated that they were completely housetrained. That they were in perfect health and shots were up to date. That they were AKC registered, and that they were asking $400 each/or best offer. So my husband and I asked to come and
take a look at them. Anna insisted that we meet at a local pet store, rather than at her home. We, at the time didn't think anything of it, and we agreed to meet at a local pet store. We drove over 80 miles, and
met Anna, and two of her friends inside a local pet store. Anna was not very friendly, but she talked and talked about the two weimaraners, what they ate, what they liked and what they didn't like. The female dog's
name was Savannah, who was 6 months old and the male dog was Ashton, who was 10 months. She told us that Ashton was very calm and laid back and that Savannah was a bit more active. She stated that Ashton was a very
expensive dog because she had bought him out of state, and then had to pay to have him shipped to her. Anna stated that Savannah hadn't cost much, as Anna had bought her from a local breeder. Anna claimed that she
did weimaraner rescue, but did not go into detail.

My husband and I talked amongst ourselves for a little while. I had decided that I wanted to buy both dogs, but he wanted only one. He thought that two large dogs might be too much, as our house is not huge, and we have four children and a cat. I managed to coax him into
buying both, on the condition that if two got to be "too much"; we would ask Anna if we could return one to her.

So we went and talked to Anna. We told her that we would like both Savannah and Ashton, but that my husband was a bit skeptical about having two large dogs. We asked Anna if we were to buy both, could we return one if need be. Anna totally understood and said that was fine,
she would be more than happy to take one back.

My husband then asked Anna if she would do a package deal, if Anna would take "$600.00 for both, (or $300.00 for each".) She said that was fine. So my husband and I walked through a local pet store and bought about
$200 worth of pet supplies. We then met up with Anna again in a local pet store, and I paid her $600.00 in cash. (Anna had required that she be paid in cash, when we spoke on the phone, prior to meeting her and
the dogs.) I took one dog and my husband took the other. Anna had two portfolio folders with her, one for each of the dogs, containing health information and so forth. Before handing the folders over to us, she removed Ashton's AKC paper, and Savannah's AKC paper from them.

She told us that her husband wasn't around today, so he hadn't signed off on the papers, and that she would have him sign the papers and then mail them to us as soon as possible. My husband and I, glanced at each other thinking that was a bit weird, but we said that was fine, and we gave her our address. She then helped us put Ashton and Savannah into our truck and then handed us a bottle of Dramamine and told us that Ashton gets carsick and needs to take one pill 45 minutes before riding anywhere. (After she had just told us that both dogs were perfectly healthy??) So we took off for home.

Once we were home, Ashton was running all over the house checking things out. Savannah found herself a quiet place next to the couch and pretty much stayed there and that's how it remained for a couple of days.
Ashton discovered our cat and was constantly chasing him. (After we had been told by Anna that he was great with cats.) They weren't good with kids at all. Ashton would run from them, and Savannah would growl at
them if they even walked towards her. And our kids are great with pets!! Later I found out that Aaron and Anna have no kids. And Anna had told us that they were great with kids????? NOT!!!!

We had left the house for about 2 hours one day and when we returned the house was in shambles, and the dogs had broken a $100 floor lamp that we had just gotten. That was it for my husband. Ashton and Savannah were
totally opposite of what Anna had told us. Ashton was very hyper and Savannah was very mellow. My husband said we would keep Savannah, and Ashton needed to be returned to Anna. I called Anna and asked if she was still willing to take Ashton back. She immediately became loud and hostile. She seemed to take it personally or something. She was asking what's wrong with Ashton?? Why don't you like HIM?? Why do you want to keep Savannah?? What did Ashton ever do??" Anna agreed to take him back but kept questioning why! Why! Why! Anna told me that her and her husband were leaving town for a week, but they had a friend who lived in the same town as us, so she would see if her friend could come pick him up right away. I said that was fine. So Anna asked me to give Ashton his Dramamine and have all of his paperwork ready to give back. Anna's friend showed up only 20 minutes after Anna had called her. I told her
friend that Ashton wasn't ready to travel, as he had only had his pill 20 minutes ago. She said she had to go. She asked too, what was wrong with Ashton? Why didn't we like him? I explained that there was nothing
wrong with him, that two big dogs were just too much. She was very rude.

I asked her for my $300.00. She said that she didn't have any money but Anna was going to mail it to me and I was supposed to call Anna. So I gave her the papers and the dog and she left. (Ashton did NOT want to go
with her, she was pulling him by his leash with all her might and he was resisting with all of his. I offered to help but she snapped "no!" and dragged him to her car. I immediately called Anna who told me; yes she would be sending me my $300.00 and also my AKC papers for Savannah. I waited for over a week and it never came in the mail. I called Anna (now back from her trip). She told me that she would have her husband sign
the AKC papers and send the money the next day.

I waited a few days, again they never showed. I made several attempts to get her to send my papers and money and finally I told Anna that if I didn't have my papers and money within the next two weeks, I would take
her to court. Anna exploded!! She told me not to threaten her, and I told her that it was a FACT and NOT a THREAT. She started yelling at me and calling me every name in the book. She then told me that I was not
getting any money, because Ashton was only worth $100 and Savannah was worth $500. (After my husband specifically said $300.00 each at the time
of purchase and that was fine with Anna then.) Then Anna (still yelling at me) stated that she wasn't turning over any AKC papers until I got Savannah spayed. WHAT??? I said! That was NEVER in the deal! What was
she taking about I asked her. Just because I made her angry, now I wasn't going to get the papers. She obviously had it planned all along. She knew she would never get $300 for a dog without papers, or full
registration. Telling us that her husband would sign them and then they would be mailed was a scam all along. I demanded that she follow through with our deal- I wanted my money and my unlimited papers, and she told
me no way in hell was I getting either. I wondered what was wrong with her. Was she really going to scam me out of the papers and $300? YEP.

I called her and called her trying to collect what was mine, and she refused. She was rude, constantly yelling, and calling me every name in the book, and I had done nothing wrong, except for trusting her. So I began searching online for any information on Anna and her husband, so I could find out what his name was. That is when I learned that she breeds Minpins and weimaraners! Much later I also learned that her husbands name is Aaron Goodnoe. I also learned that they have around 40 animals living with them in their house!! She claims she is not a puppy mill or a kennel! Whatever. I had a friend of mine call Anna and ask if she could come out to her home and look at buying a Minpins puppy from her.
Anna told her no, that she wouldn't want a min pin because they were so hyper. Why won't Anna let anyone come out to her home???

So I sued. I filed a small claims suit against her. I would have sued her husband also, but I did not know his name at that time, and Anna had stated that he was in the military. So on April 6th, 2007 I sued her for
$300.00, unlimited AKC papers for Savannah, and a bill of sale for Savannah, so that I could get her microchip changed to my information, costing me $25. Anna was served by the sheriff, (which cost me $40.10).
Anna had 20 days to respond, but she did not respond. Instead her husband started calling me on the phone, trying to make a deal with me. He asked me to drop the lawsuit, and he would give me Savannah's AKC
papers, with full breeding rights, but no money. I refused. He kept calling and calling trying to make a deal. And each time he called I could hear Anna in the background screaming and swearing and calling me
names. At one point she grabbed the phone from him and started yelling at me and told me I could never breed Savannah. I replied that I didn't need papers to breed her, and that I would breed her with or without papers.

Anna went ballistic!! She told me that she was going to register the dog in her husbands name in order to hide from the courts and me, and told me that since I didn't know what his name was, I would never be able to
sue him for the papers. Her husband, Aaron, got on the phone and said that I would never find out what his name was because Anna had kept her maiden name, which was Goodnoe. And then he laughed.

I won my court case. Well, the $300.00 + $55.10 for court cost anyways. The judge explained to me that he doesn't have the right to order a person to turn over any type of document in small claims court. He
apologized for not being able to allow me the papers, told me if Anna didn't pay or if I had any problems with her to call and let him know, and wished me luck.

When Anna received the papers stating that I had won she hit the roof again. Her husband called and told me I would never see a dime, or the AKC papers. I told him I no longer even wanted the AKC papers, and that Anna had to pay the $355.10, that she needed to be a responsible adult and pay me the money just as the court ordered her to do. (Aaron was no longer letting Anna talk to me on the phone because she would always loose control and after screaming at me, she would hang up on me, never
getting anything accomplished). Aaron was so upset that Anna had lost. He couldn't understand why she never even got a court date. I explained that she had 20 days to respond, and that if she had read the papers, it
stated so in plain English. So then Aaron told me he was going to counter sue me. FOR WHAT?? I told him to go ahead. And he was still trying to make deals with me. He said if I would give them Savannah back, they would return my whole $600. (They couldn't return my $355.10
but they would give me $600?? Ya right.) I told him to quit trying to make deals with me, and that I would never return Savannah. He then became irate and told me that he was going to call the police and report
Savannah as stolen and get her back. (Also at one point Anna told my husband that she was going to come here and just take the dog. He told her if she ever stepped foot on our property he'd have her sent to jail.) So anyways I told Aaron to go ahead and call the police because I
had already gone to my local police department and filed a report about what was going on. (And I had, early on, as soon as I learned what these two were like. I knew they would eventually try to report her as stolen
and if they ran the microchip, it would place her to them, the police knew what was going on. Aaron was speechless for a moment.

Aaron made it clear that they were not going to pay, even with a court order. So I had to drive 80 miles again, got to district court to get an execution, so that the sheriff department could collect the money for
me. I had to pay $10 to district court for the execution; then I had to pay $75 to the sheriffs department to collect. When Aaron and Anna got
notice from the sheriff, Aaron called me and tried to make payment arrangements. He wanted to pay me $50/month. I told him no. I paid in full when I bought the dog and I wanted my money in full in return. He
tried to tell me that they were flat broke and couldn't pay me.

(By the way I've been watching their website,, watching them sell puppy after puppy for $550-$850 each!! But they have
no money? Aaron claimed that they only make $100 profit off of each puppy they sell. Whatever. I told Aaron I wanted the money in full and that was final.

Aaron called me later the same day and said that they were able to come up with $355.10 (all the while I could hear Anna in the background saying this is f-----g b------t!), and that he was going to mail it right away. I said ok. That was almost 2 weeks ago and I still haven't
gotten a check in the mail.

And to top it off, we ended up having to part with Savannah. After we returned Ashton, Savannah started peeing on the floor, she chewed everything in sight including my leather sofa, she was horrible with the
kids, and she would wake us up at 2am every morning and seemed to suddenly develop a severe case of separation anxiety or something. I placed an ad in the paper and got a ton of calls. I even received a call from a lady who asked me where I got Savannah from. I told her and she said, It wasn't from Anna Goodnoe was it? When I replied that she was, she said that she had a run in with Anna and Aaron and she was glad to be rid of them and never wanted anything to do with them again. Anna and Aaron had been to her place to look at buying one of her puppies and Anna said they looked sickly, and wormy. Aaron and Anna left and then
Anna kept calling and emailing the lady telling her how sickly and wormy her puppies looked and that they didn't want one. Because the dog came from Anna and because there were no AKC papers, she passed on
buying Savannah. We finally sold Savannah to a retired couple who would be home with her all the time. We were only able to get $150 for her.

So after listening to lie after lie, harassing phone calls, being called every name in the book, being swore at constantly, being threatened, ending up having pee on my carpet, a chewed leather sofa, and having
everything else in reach being chewed not to mention being out over $800.00 and having NO dogs - THANK YOU TO AARON AND ANNA GOODNOE!!!!!!!!!!

fargo, North Dakota

2 Updates & Rebuttals



I Am Certainly Not Pro Breeder But

#3Consumer Suggestion

Mon, September 29, 2008

I read the initial report and then I read it again. From what I can see, you had no business purchasing two dogs in the first place. My first hint that you didn't know what you were doing was insinuating that dog who gets carsick is not perfectly healthy. Who on earth told you that? Just because a dog gets carsick does not mean they are not otherwise healthy. Did you do any homework before you purchased the dogs? Did you purchased crates and crate train them to protect them AND your home? When they "chased the cat" or "growled at the kids" did you take the dogs to obedience classes? You had to give both dogs back because you returned one and the one you kept suddenly had issues? The two dogs were BONDED, of course the one you kept would have issues and my bet is the one you returned had issues from losing his buddy as well.

I do not condone what the breeder did and did not do in this case but I strongly urge you to do your homework BEFORE you purchase another canine companion for your household. What these two canine companions went through is sad and had you known what you were doing, you might still have two wonderful dogs as members of your family.



Anna and Aaron Goodnoe's M.O.

#3Consumer Comment

Sun, September 28, 2008

Your situation sounds very familiar. I'm sorry you had such a bad time with them. You might what to check your states garnishment laws, it might be as simple as filing one form with your current case. Anna and Aaron Goodnoe's attitudes are exactly the same in my situation. Anna's bad temperament and vulgar language is evident in both her phone calls and emails. My State allows me to garnish his work wages if I don't get paid. It just a form, after it's signed by the judge I have the courts and sheriff serve his place of employment, then my payment comes directly from his wages and I get paid before he does. It's similar to how mothers collect child support.

In my case once the process is started it's next to impossible to stop. Can you imagine the embarrassment he will face when his supervisor asks him why his paycheck is being garnished, things like this get around and follow you from employer to employer, the employer doesn't have a choice but to comply with the court orders. It's a very uncomfortable situation to put the employer in. They had an easy out to, If they would have appeared on the Judge Joe Brown show, who by the way, pays for their expenses then I would not have been able to garnish his wages. But since this process is well on it's way, I will see my money back in my pocket in a reasonable amount of time. Then Anna and Aaron Goodnoe will have another civil suit to added to their credit report. It doesn't seem like they care much for their credit report, as Aaron has already file bankruptcy once and Anna has at least one civil judgement (soon to be two) on hers.

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