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  • Report:  #57261

Complaint Review: Energy Automation Systems Inc.

Energy Automation Systems, Inc. ripoff, full house of crooks listed below Hendersonville Tennessee

*UPDATE.. Rip-off Report Investigation: Energy Automation Systems Inc- EASI, pledges its commitment to customer satisfaction. Most negative reports proven false & fabricated by competitors verified by Rip-off Report.. excellent business opportunity growing field of industrial energy conservation. Commitment to Rip-off Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program.

  • Reported By:
    Dallas Texas
  • Submitted:
    Sat, May 17, 2003
  • Updated:
    Mon, May 26, 2003
  • Energy Automation Systems, Inc.
    145 Anderson Lane
    Hendersonville, Tennessee
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Do not do business with these people:

Joe Merlo
Dr. Paul Bleweis
Phil Rastocny
Tye Swift
Donna Swift
John Medina
Bob Depalo
Bill Thiessen
Rafael Larios
Elaine Gilbert
Chris Daniel
Tyler Bloomfield
Joelle Frasca
Kathy Harris
Carol Machado
Joey Frasca

How could you trust any of these people? They all make their living ripping people off.

Dallas, Texas

5 Updates & Rebuttals



I call the employees of this firm not only my business associates but friends.

#6UPDATE Employee

Sun, May 25, 2003

Gentlemen, I take personal offence at the things I have read here. To castigate this company and it's employees in this manor should be, if not, criminal. I have been an EASI dealer since 1986. I call the employees of this firm not only my business associates but friends.

It appears, as my son so aptly put it, that "somebody was looking for an "EASI" way to make money and when they found they had to take the stairs to the top they wanted out. Sucess does not come without hard work."

I was ten months in this business before the first sale. This first sale paid for my EASI investment with change left over. When I started I had a partner whose responsibility was to do all of the selling. It was only when I took over the business as a sole owner did it succeed. My first source of business were customers my partner had called on. After I was able to make the sale I aked why they bought from me and not my ex partner and I was told "they just didn't like him OR his attitude". People buy, and don't buy for many reasons. You might ask if I ever sold a survey and not the job and the answer would be yes, in fact If I was playing baseball, my batting average would be so low I wouldn't even make the minors. But, the ones I have been able to close have paid me well. In ever case, the staff at EASI has given me all of the support I asked for.

The Proposals have been professionally prepared. The orders 100% filled. I suggest that the people that are complaining and whinning about EASI do as I did, get up from behind their computers, put on there boots, grab there sales case, load it down with brochures and get out and make about eight demos a day. If they do this for about ten months I feel certain they will be as proud as I to be an EASI Dealer.




#6UPDATE Employee

Thu, May 22, 2003

What exactly is your complaint with EASI? You publish a message stating that those people are all crooks, but you provide no additional information to substantiate your claim.

If what you say about the people listed in your message is true, where is your proof against each person listed? What documentation, evidence, or witnesses do you possess to corroborate your claim?

If you have the courage of your convictions, why didn't you provide a full accurate description of your grievances against EASI? Why did you choose to publish a blanket character assassination against each employee in the company? Why did you not list your real, full name when you signed your message? Concidering that we have no dealers named Larry in Texas, who are you really?

I can only surmise three facts based on your message:

1 - You have no real, factual, legitimate complaint
2 - You have no proof
3 - You have no courage, convictions or character



We really do care!

#6UPDATE Employee

Tue, May 20, 2003

Evidentally you know each of us by name,first and last, yet you cowardly hide behind only a first name, which may not even be true and possibly a false location.If you felt free enough to reveal us then feel free enough to reveal yourself.Take issue with us in person or on the phone, certainly not on a website with postings intended to spread poison. Certainly nothing productive can come of your complaining.

First of all EASI did not wrench your money from your dead hands. You made a conscious, hopefully informed, adult decision. Yes, it is a big investment that obviously you didn't take seriously enough. You may know us by name but you don't really know us. We all spend our days doing whatever it takes to help our affiliates be successful, at least the dealers who are trying. No, it isn't easy for them and yes,it would be easy for us to sit behind our desks and tell them everything is going to work out but that isn't the case. We have formulated personal relationships with many of our affiliates and their successes become ours as well as their dissappointments.

We do employ several people that were once EASI affiliates but they are here because of their commitment to energy conservation and are willing to sacrifice so that other affiliates can glean from their experience. Rather than critize from the sidelines they jumped in to make EASI a better company. For many of us at EASI we have lived and breathed the business. We are committed and we care.

Why don't you spend your time utilizing your investment. Call us! Give us the chance to support and encourage you, any way we can.



We really do care!

#6UPDATE Employee

Tue, May 20, 2003

Evidentally you know each of us by name,first and last, yet you cowardly hide behind only a first name, which may not even be true and possibly a false location.If you felt free enough to reveal us then feel free enough to reveal yourself.Take issue with us in person or on the phone, certainly not on a website with postings intended to spread poison. Certainly nothing productive can come of your complaining.

First of all EASI did not wrench your money from your dead hands. You made a conscious, hopefully informed, adult decision. Yes, it is a big investment that obviously you didn't take seriously enough. You may know us by name but you don't really know us. We all spend our days doing whatever it takes to help our affiliates be successful, at least the dealers who are trying. No, it isn't easy for them and yes,it would be easy for us to sit behind our desks and tell them everything is going to work out but that isn't the case. We have formulated personal relationships with many of our affiliates and their successes become ours as well as their dissappointments.

We do employ several people that were once EASI affiliates but they are here because of their commitment to energy conservation and are willing to sacrifice so that other affiliates can glean from their experience. Rather than critize from the sidelines they jumped in to make EASI a better company. For many of us at EASI we have lived and breathed the business. We are committed and we care.

Why don't you spend your time utilizing your investment. Call us! Give us the chance to support and encourage you, any way we can.



We really do care!

#6UPDATE Employee

Tue, May 20, 2003

Evidentally you know each of us by name,first and last, yet you cowardly hide behind only a first name, which may not even be true and possibly a false location.If you felt free enough to reveal us then feel free enough to reveal yourself.Take issue with us in person or on the phone, certainly not on a website with postings intended to spread poison. Certainly nothing productive can come of your complaining.

First of all EASI did not wrench your money from your dead hands. You made a conscious, hopefully informed, adult decision. Yes, it is a big investment that obviously you didn't take seriously enough. You may know us by name but you don't really know us. We all spend our days doing whatever it takes to help our affiliates be successful, at least the dealers who are trying. No, it isn't easy for them and yes,it would be easy for us to sit behind our desks and tell them everything is going to work out but that isn't the case. We have formulated personal relationships with many of our affiliates and their successes become ours as well as their dissappointments.

We do employ several people that were once EASI affiliates but they are here because of their commitment to energy conservation and are willing to sacrifice so that other affiliates can glean from their experience. Rather than critize from the sidelines they jumped in to make EASI a better company. For many of us at EASI we have lived and breathed the business. We are committed and we care.

Why don't you spend your time utilizing your investment. Call us! Give us the chance to support and encourage you, any way we can.

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