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  • Report:  #60007

Complaint Review: Enterprise Rent A Car

Enterprise Rent A Car Be Careful If You're Thinking About Working For Enterprise Dallas Internet

  • Reported By:
    Sherman Texas
  • Submitted:
    Mon, June 09, 2003
  • Updated:
    Mon, August 29, 2005
  • Enterprise Rent A Car
  • Phone:
  • Category:
*UPDATE EX-employee responds: grow up! *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Response to Mark *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Lies in the Skies, Enterprise is an awful company to work for. *UPDATE EX-employee responds: I wasted my degree and they ruined my life. *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Worst Experience of My Life. Lies and BS. That's all this company is. *UPDATE EX-employee responds: everything written here is true DO NOT WORK FOR THIS COMPANY *UPDATE Employee: Unfortunately, your troubles will follow you.... *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Sucking the ERAC Kool-Aid *UPDATE Employee: Unethicall, illiegal, imorral ..Enterprise is full of it! *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Get Out While You Can *UPDATE EX-employee responds: NOT A GOOD COMPANY TO WORK FOR. Look somewhere *REBUTTAL Individual responds: Enterprise sucks, they truly take you for an idiot *UPDATE Employee: You never got out of rental *UPDATE EX-employee responds: How refreshing to see that people are spreading the truth about ERAC. *UPDATE Employee: Secrets Of Erac *UPDATE Employee: Secrets Of Erac *UPDATE Employee: Secrets Of Erac *UPDATE Employee: I am ashamed.... *UPDATE EX-employee responds: I Worked For ERAC for 3.5 Years *UPDATE Employee: WOW!! It is a wonder why the strong people stay with the company and all the whiners quit... *UPDATE Employee: They got you *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Wow... *UPDATE EX-employee responds: WoW I have to admit most of the things that was said here are true. *UPDATE EX-employee responds: WoW I have to admit most of the things that was said here are true. *UPDATE EX-employee responds: WoW I have to admit most of the things that was said here are true. *UPDATE EX-employee responds: WoW I have to admit most of the things that was said here are true. *Consumer Suggestion: I love companies like this. You just need to understand how to get ahead, that's all! *UPDATE EX-employee responds: ERAC Blows *Consumer Comment: Interview with ERAC *UPDATE Employee: Last Week at Enter-lies (I mean Prise)

If you or someone you know is thinking about working for this company, then I say BEWARE! I worked for Enterprise for about a year. The company is very slick about selling you on a "long and prosperous career" as long as "you're willing to make it happen."

I won't even cite examples of Enterprise's ability to mislead. Before you interview you should visit a couple of branches. You should even call branches in different regions of the country. After you interview (if you decide to) you should notice a common denominator: Almost every employee you encounter appears to be 25 or younger.

Why do you suppose this is? Could it be because younger employees equal inexpensive labor? Could it be because after a couple of years most employees leave the company? Could it be that after a short time employees learn of the company's pie in the sky lies? I think it's a mixture of each. Do what you want but beware. Remember, I used to work there.

Sherman, Texas

30 Updates & Rebuttals



Last Week at Enter-lies (I mean Prise)

#31UPDATE Employee

Mon, August 29, 2005

Hey, hey I feel great today. I gave this company 5 long years of my life and all they did with that is lie lie lie lie. I hate this company so much I don't know how in the world I stay there so long. I have a family now so I couldn't just up and leave my source of income. Today is a new day I found a new job making way more money and I'll be doing it in less time. Ha, Ha Mr. Taylor as Johnny Paycheck would put it take this job and shove it I aint working here no more.... Oh to all you poor pro Enterprise fools your day will come when they won't need your stupid a*s, and guess what you will be back on this board crying the blues under a different name...

Exit interview tomorrow and I'm gonna tell them a thing or two, don't worry i'll be quite civil. No need to get crazy, i'm too happy now that i'm leaving. They tried to get me to sell lies, some customers acted like big babies. To hell with all that, get out while you can, and do it with dignity..... Peace and have a wonderful life. BigPoz out of Southside Atlanta not California like where I registered for this forum, but now I don't give a s**t i'm out-peace...


British Columbia,

Interview with ERAC

#31Consumer Comment

Wed, April 13, 2005

Well I am so glad I did my homework before accepting this job offer at ERAC. I am a recent college grad (05) and was offered a job at Enterprise. I had my 1st interview last week and now have my 2nd interview with the Area Manager next week.

I am glad that I came across this website and read all the reviews etc. Everyone here seems to be RIGHT/CORRECT on one thing. ENTERPRISE is full of lies. After reading everything I can see why the company is willing to hire anyone out of college/university.

I was told so many blant lies during my interview saying I would earn so and so and this n that, then I asked myself, wtf thats only 12 bux an hour working 55+ hours a week on a base salary.

I don't have much experience coming straight out of college but I don't think I want to be working for Enterprise after reading all these reviews and would rather keep applying elsewhere and hopefully land a 9-5 job and make 2x as much..........



ERAC Blows

#31UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, April 05, 2005

I worked for ERAC in Philly from 1994-1996 without ever being promoted. I guess the fact that I never bought in to their bullshit hype was apparent to my superiors.

In hindsight, I consider it a learning experience since it was my first job out of college (like most of the posters on this site) and I sure am glad that I got to get my screw ups out of the way with a piece of s**t company like ERAC rather than blow a real opportunity.

Here's a scary question for all the ex-ERACS, how many of you still remember your employee number? I still remember my employee number after nearly 10 years; I might as well have the number tattooed on my forearm like a camp survivor.

To all those who have a hard-on for ERAC and are going to claim we ex-ERAC are whiners, I ask you this: Look around and how many long-timers do you see? Your Area Manager or maybe a VP? As someone else mentioned here, there's not much longevity with the company because you will either burn out or get pushed out. It's simple mathematics. Out of the hundreds of ERAC employees who will pass through their doors in a given group, what makes you think you're going to be that one of a handful who actually lasts long enough?

As far as I go, I went back to school to get my Masters degree and I now manage an office with @90 employees. I make more money in less time than any of you will ever see at ERAC. So maybe I couldn't "hack it" at ERAC but maybe I didn't want to. Work smart not hard.

Oh yeah, Rich in Glendale those are some classics buddy! I was splitting my side.



I love companies like this. You just need to understand how to get ahead, that's all!

#31Consumer Suggestion

Fri, March 11, 2005

You people all did the job wrong. I've been at plenty of companies like this.

They expect you to work long hours for chump change. They promise you one thing and pay you another.

They expect you to cheat customers day in and day out.

That can only mean one thing. You are working for CROOKS.

So, do them one better! Show them how it's done!

That's what I do.

One for me, and one for the company.
Two for me, and one for the company.

Hell, in these rental places, you can make $1500 a week easily. You just have to be able to figure out which rental is yours and which rental is the companies.

There is always a way to cheat a crook. You just need to look for it.

That's the problem with many people. They let themselves get used, and then stomp away mad.

Me, I walk away with a small fortune. When I eventually get tired of the job, I leave whistling Dixie.

That's how life should be!

Next time, be the winner, not the sucker.



WoW I have to admit most of the things that was said here are true.

#31UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, March 11, 2005

Well I have to admit most of the things that was said here are true. I not in to speaking negative about anyone or any company but when I worked for this particular company I came across this email...

Mr.Andy & Jack Taylor,

My name is ***********, and I've been with the company for 4 1/2 years.I fell down a flight of stairs at work in 2002,and have suffered painful physical therapy for the last 2 1/2 years.I receive painful injections as part of my therapy,sometimes enduring 15-30 injections in the base of my head,neck and shoulders.I was sent to a location with no computer,personal fax,car wash tech or even a personal phone line.This plea however, is not based on vengeance for my unfair treatment, but because there are practices going on in this company that act as a dangerous virus that is rapidly spreading.

Because of my delicate situation(workman's comp case)and due to the fact that I 'm sure that my days are limited,I will take the responsibility to the issues that plague our region.I my being the martyr will improve the current situation,then I will take that honor.

Preferential promotions,discrimination against women,and minorities continue to run rampently.When opportunites are announced for promotions,if you aren't in the "Good Ol' Boy"system,or favored you don't have a chance.If you are African-American,your path is already paved for you.If you are allowed to grill,you must first prove yourself at a satellite location(smaller location,less money).In other words,while other counterparts are given the advantage to start at the plate,African-Americans and women, are started outside the ball park.We are trained from day one to "think outside the box".Well that's difficult to do if your aren't allowed in the box in the first place.Promoting from within is set up because you have the power to manipulate.No outside ideas,no outside interference. Instead of producing entreprenuers,instead you create puppets to do and think as you do.

No one expects promotions based on skin color.However,if being ethical truly serves as a part of the foundatiion of this company,we deserve the same opportunites.There are very few African-American Area Managers.As a matter of fact,there are no women in that position at all.It is also ironic that the only African-American VP just happens to be in the "South" part of town.

Mr.Taylor,there are wonderful,dedicated people that toil to make the company a success.So instead of donations in millions to colleges,or charity,give your Manager Trainees,Manager Assistants,and Branch Managers that extra financial contribution.If I can give a fellow employee $20 to assist in paying their utilities(and this is on money from workman's comp)there should be no hesitation from the RVP's and above.After all,if it weren't for the level I and level 2 employees,the billions that are made would not exist.

I hope and pray that this letter would ignite those in power to make the company's mission statement a reality.I have no fear of being fired or blackballed.I also hope that more employees will band together to make the road easier for those that follow.As of right now,in our region,the open door policy is not what it was intended to be.At this very moment,it means that if you open your mouth,they will show you the door.

I am speaking on behalf of many,but the turnover should be a clue that ethical behavior is not in control.The discrimination suit last year was just a foreshadow for the hurt,disappointment,and unfair treatment of many.

I thank you for your time,and I hope this letter will serve as a catalyst to make this company what it was intended to be.

As many of you know,my deliverance of this will cause my termination.Due to my physical disabilities(from my fall),I am not able to be the voice of concern at all times.However if you have the courage,and faith to see things change,please contact the EOC.(Eradication of Crime,Discriminationmand Hostility in the workplace).From what I understand there are many past and present employees that are contacting the EOC to start making a diffierence.You may as for Nolan or Shaheed at ***-***-****.This is the time to stand for true equality or fall into a cycle of continual abuse,and injustice.There is also a website, where you can interact with other employees who needed an outlet to express how they feel.

Mr.Taylor,there needs to be an awakening of justice and real issues.How is it that some people can get promoted without grilling.?Why does ***** **** have to fight to get promoted when Top Performers Club is her second home,and she is well rounded in other areas.

People only want respect,what they deserve,and a fair playing field. TPC is not,but it doesn't mean anything if you can't pay your bills.

We applaud you for your drive and success,and hope that the matter will be handled in a just manner.Unfortunately,many times when you're at the top,it's hard to see the struggle of those at the bottom.There are many unsung heroes that give 100%,and weather the storm every day.We hope that you can provide the rainbow of truth,fair compensation,and equal opportunity for those that sacrifice 10-12hrs daily.

In closing we once again thank you for your time,and the EOC looks forward to hearing from you.


***** ******

Thanks for reading, I feel very strong with the writer who is losing his computer skills while working at the big E, same here... The only good thing I can say about the company is that you will gain a lot of experience that you will benefit from in the future. Just don't lose the ones you already have....



WoW I have to admit most of the things that was said here are true.

#31UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, March 11, 2005

Well I have to admit most of the things that was said here are true. I not in to speaking negative about anyone or any company but when I worked for this particular company I came across this email...

Mr.Andy & Jack Taylor,

My name is ***********, and I've been with the company for 4 1/2 years.I fell down a flight of stairs at work in 2002,and have suffered painful physical therapy for the last 2 1/2 years.I receive painful injections as part of my therapy,sometimes enduring 15-30 injections in the base of my head,neck and shoulders.I was sent to a location with no computer,personal fax,car wash tech or even a personal phone line.This plea however, is not based on vengeance for my unfair treatment, but because there are practices going on in this company that act as a dangerous virus that is rapidly spreading.

Because of my delicate situation(workman's comp case)and due to the fact that I 'm sure that my days are limited,I will take the responsibility to the issues that plague our region.I my being the martyr will improve the current situation,then I will take that honor.

Preferential promotions,discrimination against women,and minorities continue to run rampently.When opportunites are announced for promotions,if you aren't in the "Good Ol' Boy"system,or favored you don't have a chance.If you are African-American,your path is already paved for you.If you are allowed to grill,you must first prove yourself at a satellite location(smaller location,less money).In other words,while other counterparts are given the advantage to start at the plate,African-Americans and women, are started outside the ball park.We are trained from day one to "think outside the box".Well that's difficult to do if your aren't allowed in the box in the first place.Promoting from within is set up because you have the power to manipulate.No outside ideas,no outside interference. Instead of producing entreprenuers,instead you create puppets to do and think as you do.

No one expects promotions based on skin color.However,if being ethical truly serves as a part of the foundatiion of this company,we deserve the same opportunites.There are very few African-American Area Managers.As a matter of fact,there are no women in that position at all.It is also ironic that the only African-American VP just happens to be in the "South" part of town.

Mr.Taylor,there are wonderful,dedicated people that toil to make the company a success.So instead of donations in millions to colleges,or charity,give your Manager Trainees,Manager Assistants,and Branch Managers that extra financial contribution.If I can give a fellow employee $20 to assist in paying their utilities(and this is on money from workman's comp)there should be no hesitation from the RVP's and above.After all,if it weren't for the level I and level 2 employees,the billions that are made would not exist.

I hope and pray that this letter would ignite those in power to make the company's mission statement a reality.I have no fear of being fired or blackballed.I also hope that more employees will band together to make the road easier for those that follow.As of right now,in our region,the open door policy is not what it was intended to be.At this very moment,it means that if you open your mouth,they will show you the door.

I am speaking on behalf of many,but the turnover should be a clue that ethical behavior is not in control.The discrimination suit last year was just a foreshadow for the hurt,disappointment,and unfair treatment of many.

I thank you for your time,and I hope this letter will serve as a catalyst to make this company what it was intended to be.

As many of you know,my deliverance of this will cause my termination.Due to my physical disabilities(from my fall),I am not able to be the voice of concern at all times.However if you have the courage,and faith to see things change,please contact the EOC.(Eradication of Crime,Discriminationmand Hostility in the workplace).From what I understand there are many past and present employees that are contacting the EOC to start making a diffierence.You may as for Nolan or Shaheed at ***-***-****.This is the time to stand for true equality or fall into a cycle of continual abuse,and injustice.There is also a website, where you can interact with other employees who needed an outlet to express how they feel.

Mr.Taylor,there needs to be an awakening of justice and real issues.How is it that some people can get promoted without grilling.?Why does ***** **** have to fight to get promoted when Top Performers Club is her second home,and she is well rounded in other areas.

People only want respect,what they deserve,and a fair playing field. TPC is not,but it doesn't mean anything if you can't pay your bills.

We applaud you for your drive and success,and hope that the matter will be handled in a just manner.Unfortunately,many times when you're at the top,it's hard to see the struggle of those at the bottom.There are many unsung heroes that give 100%,and weather the storm every day.We hope that you can provide the rainbow of truth,fair compensation,and equal opportunity for those that sacrifice 10-12hrs daily.

In closing we once again thank you for your time,and the EOC looks forward to hearing from you.


***** ******

Thanks for reading, I feel very strong with the writer who is losing his computer skills while working at the big E, same here... The only good thing I can say about the company is that you will gain a lot of experience that you will benefit from in the future. Just don't lose the ones you already have....



WoW I have to admit most of the things that was said here are true.

#31UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, March 11, 2005

Well I have to admit most of the things that was said here are true. I not in to speaking negative about anyone or any company but when I worked for this particular company I came across this email...

Mr.Andy & Jack Taylor,

My name is ***********, and I've been with the company for 4 1/2 years.I fell down a flight of stairs at work in 2002,and have suffered painful physical therapy for the last 2 1/2 years.I receive painful injections as part of my therapy,sometimes enduring 15-30 injections in the base of my head,neck and shoulders.I was sent to a location with no computer,personal fax,car wash tech or even a personal phone line.This plea however, is not based on vengeance for my unfair treatment, but because there are practices going on in this company that act as a dangerous virus that is rapidly spreading.

Because of my delicate situation(workman's comp case)and due to the fact that I 'm sure that my days are limited,I will take the responsibility to the issues that plague our region.I my being the martyr will improve the current situation,then I will take that honor.

Preferential promotions,discrimination against women,and minorities continue to run rampently.When opportunites are announced for promotions,if you aren't in the "Good Ol' Boy"system,or favored you don't have a chance.If you are African-American,your path is already paved for you.If you are allowed to grill,you must first prove yourself at a satellite location(smaller location,less money).In other words,while other counterparts are given the advantage to start at the plate,African-Americans and women, are started outside the ball park.We are trained from day one to "think outside the box".Well that's difficult to do if your aren't allowed in the box in the first place.Promoting from within is set up because you have the power to manipulate.No outside ideas,no outside interference. Instead of producing entreprenuers,instead you create puppets to do and think as you do.

No one expects promotions based on skin color.However,if being ethical truly serves as a part of the foundatiion of this company,we deserve the same opportunites.There are very few African-American Area Managers.As a matter of fact,there are no women in that position at all.It is also ironic that the only African-American VP just happens to be in the "South" part of town.

Mr.Taylor,there are wonderful,dedicated people that toil to make the company a success.So instead of donations in millions to colleges,or charity,give your Manager Trainees,Manager Assistants,and Branch Managers that extra financial contribution.If I can give a fellow employee $20 to assist in paying their utilities(and this is on money from workman's comp)there should be no hesitation from the RVP's and above.After all,if it weren't for the level I and level 2 employees,the billions that are made would not exist.

I hope and pray that this letter would ignite those in power to make the company's mission statement a reality.I have no fear of being fired or blackballed.I also hope that more employees will band together to make the road easier for those that follow.As of right now,in our region,the open door policy is not what it was intended to be.At this very moment,it means that if you open your mouth,they will show you the door.

I am speaking on behalf of many,but the turnover should be a clue that ethical behavior is not in control.The discrimination suit last year was just a foreshadow for the hurt,disappointment,and unfair treatment of many.

I thank you for your time,and I hope this letter will serve as a catalyst to make this company what it was intended to be.

As many of you know,my deliverance of this will cause my termination.Due to my physical disabilities(from my fall),I am not able to be the voice of concern at all times.However if you have the courage,and faith to see things change,please contact the EOC.(Eradication of Crime,Discriminationmand Hostility in the workplace).From what I understand there are many past and present employees that are contacting the EOC to start making a diffierence.You may as for Nolan or Shaheed at ***-***-****.This is the time to stand for true equality or fall into a cycle of continual abuse,and injustice.There is also a website, where you can interact with other employees who needed an outlet to express how they feel.

Mr.Taylor,there needs to be an awakening of justice and real issues.How is it that some people can get promoted without grilling.?Why does ***** **** have to fight to get promoted when Top Performers Club is her second home,and she is well rounded in other areas.

People only want respect,what they deserve,and a fair playing field. TPC is not,but it doesn't mean anything if you can't pay your bills.

We applaud you for your drive and success,and hope that the matter will be handled in a just manner.Unfortunately,many times when you're at the top,it's hard to see the struggle of those at the bottom.There are many unsung heroes that give 100%,and weather the storm every day.We hope that you can provide the rainbow of truth,fair compensation,and equal opportunity for those that sacrifice 10-12hrs daily.

In closing we once again thank you for your time,and the EOC looks forward to hearing from you.


***** ******

Thanks for reading, I feel very strong with the writer who is losing his computer skills while working at the big E, same here... The only good thing I can say about the company is that you will gain a lot of experience that you will benefit from in the future. Just don't lose the ones you already have....



WoW I have to admit most of the things that was said here are true.

#31UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, March 11, 2005

Well I have to admit most of the things that was said here are true. I not in to speaking negative about anyone or any company but when I worked for this particular company I came across this email...

Mr.Andy & Jack Taylor,

My name is ***********, and I've been with the company for 4 1/2 years.I fell down a flight of stairs at work in 2002,and have suffered painful physical therapy for the last 2 1/2 years.I receive painful injections as part of my therapy,sometimes enduring 15-30 injections in the base of my head,neck and shoulders.I was sent to a location with no computer,personal fax,car wash tech or even a personal phone line.This plea however, is not based on vengeance for my unfair treatment, but because there are practices going on in this company that act as a dangerous virus that is rapidly spreading.

Because of my delicate situation(workman's comp case)and due to the fact that I 'm sure that my days are limited,I will take the responsibility to the issues that plague our region.I my being the martyr will improve the current situation,then I will take that honor.

Preferential promotions,discrimination against women,and minorities continue to run rampently.When opportunites are announced for promotions,if you aren't in the "Good Ol' Boy"system,or favored you don't have a chance.If you are African-American,your path is already paved for you.If you are allowed to grill,you must first prove yourself at a satellite location(smaller location,less money).In other words,while other counterparts are given the advantage to start at the plate,African-Americans and women, are started outside the ball park.We are trained from day one to "think outside the box".Well that's difficult to do if your aren't allowed in the box in the first place.Promoting from within is set up because you have the power to manipulate.No outside ideas,no outside interference. Instead of producing entreprenuers,instead you create puppets to do and think as you do.

No one expects promotions based on skin color.However,if being ethical truly serves as a part of the foundatiion of this company,we deserve the same opportunites.There are very few African-American Area Managers.As a matter of fact,there are no women in that position at all.It is also ironic that the only African-American VP just happens to be in the "South" part of town.

Mr.Taylor,there are wonderful,dedicated people that toil to make the company a success.So instead of donations in millions to colleges,or charity,give your Manager Trainees,Manager Assistants,and Branch Managers that extra financial contribution.If I can give a fellow employee $20 to assist in paying their utilities(and this is on money from workman's comp)there should be no hesitation from the RVP's and above.After all,if it weren't for the level I and level 2 employees,the billions that are made would not exist.

I hope and pray that this letter would ignite those in power to make the company's mission statement a reality.I have no fear of being fired or blackballed.I also hope that more employees will band together to make the road easier for those that follow.As of right now,in our region,the open door policy is not what it was intended to be.At this very moment,it means that if you open your mouth,they will show you the door.

I am speaking on behalf of many,but the turnover should be a clue that ethical behavior is not in control.The discrimination suit last year was just a foreshadow for the hurt,disappointment,and unfair treatment of many.

I thank you for your time,and I hope this letter will serve as a catalyst to make this company what it was intended to be.

As many of you know,my deliverance of this will cause my termination.Due to my physical disabilities(from my fall),I am not able to be the voice of concern at all times.However if you have the courage,and faith to see things change,please contact the EOC.(Eradication of Crime,Discriminationmand Hostility in the workplace).From what I understand there are many past and present employees that are contacting the EOC to start making a diffierence.You may as for Nolan or Shaheed at ***-***-****.This is the time to stand for true equality or fall into a cycle of continual abuse,and injustice.There is also a website, where you can interact with other employees who needed an outlet to express how they feel.

Mr.Taylor,there needs to be an awakening of justice and real issues.How is it that some people can get promoted without grilling.?Why does ***** **** have to fight to get promoted when Top Performers Club is her second home,and she is well rounded in other areas.

People only want respect,what they deserve,and a fair playing field. TPC is not,but it doesn't mean anything if you can't pay your bills.

We applaud you for your drive and success,and hope that the matter will be handled in a just manner.Unfortunately,many times when you're at the top,it's hard to see the struggle of those at the bottom.There are many unsung heroes that give 100%,and weather the storm every day.We hope that you can provide the rainbow of truth,fair compensation,and equal opportunity for those that sacrifice 10-12hrs daily.

In closing we once again thank you for your time,and the EOC looks forward to hearing from you.


***** ******

Thanks for reading, I feel very strong with the writer who is losing his computer skills while working at the big E, same here... The only good thing I can say about the company is that you will gain a lot of experience that you will benefit from in the future. Just don't lose the ones you already have....

Ex Enterprise Employee



#31UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, January 19, 2005

I worked for Enterprise for 3 years in two opposite ends of the country and I was an assistant manager in both groups.

I am not going to bash the company, I think that enough people have already done that. I realize that you must take the good and the bad with any job, and for the most part it was good. However, I would caution anyone that is looking to start a career with Enterprise. When you go to your interview ask some very simple questions:

1-What is your retention rate? Don't let them side step the question. The Company average at Enterprise is between 55-65%. Draw your own conclusions, but why would you want to work for a company that looses 50% of the people they hire.

2-What skills are you going to teach me that will help make me a better employee? I had a college degree and completed three internships with two of the most admired company's in the country. I chose Enterprise because I was sold by a recruiter and area manager (I must admit that they do produce some excellent salespeople). After I left the company I realized that my computer skills had regressed. At Enterprise you dont have a PC. That means no email, excel, powerpoint, or any computer skills that is essential in any bussiness atmosphere. Also, forget about writing, designing brochures, websites, or any other marketing materials.

3-Do you pay for education and is it encouraged to get an advanced degree? Chances are that you will get "no" as an answer. Again, draw your own conclusions, but why would a company not what to invest in an employee. I was lucky to find a company that is going to pay for my MBA and values an education.

The bottom line is that you must make the choice for yourself. I hope that these questions help in your pursuit for your ideal career. By best advise is that if you are looking for a career in sales or retail management Enterprise is a great place to start. Dont stay too long though, or you will become jaded like the others that have written about the company. If you are interested in any other area of business, you are not going to learn much more at Enterprise. I choose to leave Enterprise because I felt that the skills that would make me best marketable were deteriorating. I felt that the company did not want to invest in my future and therefore did not want to invest in their own.

Good luck in your pursuit of the ideal career. On a side note, I will always rent from Enterprise and would never buy a car from any place except Enterprise Car Sales.


St. Louis,

They got you

#31UPDATE Employee

Wed, November 24, 2004

All that is said theyre is absolutly true about it being a bunch of BS...


what they do when you get a rental branch running well is move you to another horrible branch...most people I know that "own" their biz stay with it when its running well...

has for "working hard" for 7 years then live on the boat...umm They got you fooled on how much City Manager make...

Group Managers do make big dollars...true..but are very could make it to one of those spots if your cut throat enough...

You get great experience and alot of job offers elsewhere....BECAUSE OTHER EMPLOYERS SAY here is a moron willing to work 60 hours for no money..

The only way to survive ERAC is to get out of rental into their other departments...

and dont call those people unwilling to work because they put in 4 years ...

most people I know that "stick it out" stay on for about 8 years eventually get pushed out...

hell if your willing to do that you might has well start your own MLM like quixtar or least their is room for you to succeed...theyre can only be so many area manager and above spots for the THOSANDS of MT'sMA's


Orange County,

WOW!! It is a wonder why the strong people stay with the company and all the whiners quit...

#31UPDATE Employee

Tue, November 16, 2004

Well Well Well... All the pikers please stand up. I honestly can't stand you people that quit a company after 3, 4, 5+ years and then bad-mouth the company. If it is so bad, quit. I know that all employees are young, energetic, and like to have a good time. It looks like a lot of you didn't fit this mold, so it is good that you came to the conclusion that you should sit behind a desk, in a 40 hour a week job, sipping your caffe lattes and forwarding on those funny e-mails. Gee... that sure sounds like fun if you aspire to be middle management. Unfortunately, the people here at enterprise want a little more for themselves. We are willing to run our own company...WITHOUT putting up the capital. The ones that stay here know that, yes-this job is very hard in the beginning, and yes the pay isn't great. But we also know that the potential is there to make a LOT of money.


The reoccuring theme that I hear is that your didn't want to work hard. You weren't willing to put the hours in. That is fine. Don't bash the company because YOU COULDN'T CUT IT... There is nothing that you heard in the recruiting interview that isn't true. You want to make money? Fine. The only thing I ask is that you work your butt of for 5, 6, 7 years. Thats all. Do you want to work margianlly hard for 30 years, or do you want to work your a*s off for 10 and then enjoy those remaining years on your boat?

Obviously these people making the posts are not cut out to work hard day in and day out. They don't see the big picture. The thing that really irks me is the benefit of having Enterprise on their resume. In my first year with the company I was approached 17 times (I kept count) with job offers. People were willing to give me a job without even interviewing me, because Enterprise has such a strong training program.

Lastly, if you didn't like the company, fine. There is no need to bash it. It truly reflects the kind of person you are.

Thank you for your time. Feel free to contact anyone at Enterprise if you think anything I said is not true.



I Worked For ERAC for 3.5 Years

#31UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, November 11, 2004

I was a branch manager at erac for my last 1.5 years of employment there in Costa Mesa, Ca. I quit the company to pursue another career in another industry and left on good terms.

Although at times enterprise was very tough, I believe that it was time well spent. The training that I got regarding customer service, aggressive sales techniques, and dealing as a middle management employee have all helped me jump to the next level as a mortgage lender..which is what I do now. If anything, take what you've learned from erac and use it as a tool to get to that next level. For most people including myself, ERAC is a mere stepping stone for future careers. As for those who say it has ruined your lives, you should have quit before it got that bad. Don't blame others for your lack of taking control of your own career. Just my thoughts...



I am ashamed....

#31UPDATE Employee

Wed, November 03, 2004

I am ashamed of myself for the things I have done, experienced, condoned (and continue to do) as an Enterprise manager. During the course of my career, I have had to-

1. work 60 to 70 hour weeks while making less than my peers that work mon-fri 9-5 no weekends.

2. lie to customers about damage waiver, reservations, out-of-date inspections, defective cars

3. rent cars that have two or three recalls on them, haven't had an oil change in over 10,000 miles, have a check engine light on (oh, someone just left the gas cap off, it'll be ok), or got returned earlier that day because of some mechanical defect

4. lie to my employees about their "bright future" with the company when the turnover percentage company-wide is around 40% and is 50%+ in the Greater Philadelphia area

5. listen to upper management say promotions are handled fairly then see them promote who they like, want, drink-with, etc. and justify it by saying that person had the "intangible qualities" they wanted rather than just good performance

6. lie to customers about the credit card deposit (we won't take anything off your card sir/madam) then charge the hell out of it after 90 days if their insurance company, bodyshop, dealer, company, etc hasn't paid the bill (even when the mistake is on our part for not working on getting it paid)

...and this is just the short list. Look, no company is perfect but Enterprise puts itself up as such a wonderful place to work that cares about it's customers and employees when the reality of it stinks really bad. Everyone smiles and acts happy-go-lucky and friendly but there's a lot of crap that goes on. I suggest that if you're looking for a new career, save yourself a lot of heartache and look somewhere else. I've been with this company 5 long years and the more I learn abotu how things REALLY work here, the more disgusted I get. My resume is already out there and I'm out as soon as I get another job.



Secrets Of Erac

#31UPDATE Employee

Sun, October 31, 2004

Hello, Glad to see you all are seeing everything said by all the different writers. All I am going to do is fill you in on some secrets of erac.

*Taking petty cash and doing the box on your own and balancing it out without others knowing.

*Taking Lincolns home instead of the token Corolla. I also like to take Vans and SUV's home to.

*At 2 O'Clocks, writting fake contract to get higher on rents.

*pushing customers to take DW
Putting dog crap in the back seat of a car to rotten customers.

*spitting on the stearing wheel for bad customers.

*Spitting on the pizzas and donuts I delivered to dealerships and body shops.

*giving free spiffs to body shop and dealership owners for fake rides.

*screwing the fresh meat new hire who is hot on me for my position.

*drinking chocolate milk in the morning (cause it makes me fart bad) so that I can stink up a car full of rides That I am bringing back to my store.

*finding fake receipts for lunch to use for reimbursement.

*Telling cash customers your to poor to rent

*Having a copy of the Grill to cheat from and sharing it with every person behind me.

*Passing or flunking anyone I want from the Grill based on what I feel about them.

*Anybody remember the John Cook/Christy Bain Sexual Harrasment case that happened years ago.

These are just a few things....Anybody else, feel free to add to the list...I look forward to the insides of ERAC.



Secrets Of Erac

#31UPDATE Employee

Sun, October 31, 2004

Hello, Glad to see you all are seeing everything said by all the different writers. All I am going to do is fill you in on some secrets of erac.

*Taking petty cash and doing the box on your own and balancing it out without others knowing.

*Taking Lincolns home instead of the token Corolla. I also like to take Vans and SUV's home to.

*At 2 O'Clocks, writting fake contract to get higher on rents.

*pushing customers to take DW
Putting dog crap in the back seat of a car to rotten customers.

*spitting on the stearing wheel for bad customers.

*Spitting on the pizzas and donuts I delivered to dealerships and body shops.

*giving free spiffs to body shop and dealership owners for fake rides.

*screwing the fresh meat new hire who is hot on me for my position.

*drinking chocolate milk in the morning (cause it makes me fart bad) so that I can stink up a car full of rides That I am bringing back to my store.

*finding fake receipts for lunch to use for reimbursement.

*Telling cash customers your to poor to rent

*Having a copy of the Grill to cheat from and sharing it with every person behind me.

*Passing or flunking anyone I want from the Grill based on what I feel about them.

*Anybody remember the John Cook/Christy Bain Sexual Harrasment case that happened years ago.

These are just a few things....Anybody else, feel free to add to the list...I look forward to the insides of ERAC.



Secrets Of Erac

#31UPDATE Employee

Sun, October 31, 2004

Hello, Glad to see you all are seeing everything said by all the different writers. All I am going to do is fill you in on some secrets of erac.

*Taking petty cash and doing the box on your own and balancing it out without others knowing.

*Taking Lincolns home instead of the token Corolla. I also like to take Vans and SUV's home to.

*At 2 O'Clocks, writting fake contract to get higher on rents.

*pushing customers to take DW
Putting dog crap in the back seat of a car to rotten customers.

*spitting on the stearing wheel for bad customers.

*Spitting on the pizzas and donuts I delivered to dealerships and body shops.

*giving free spiffs to body shop and dealership owners for fake rides.

*screwing the fresh meat new hire who is hot on me for my position.

*drinking chocolate milk in the morning (cause it makes me fart bad) so that I can stink up a car full of rides That I am bringing back to my store.

*finding fake receipts for lunch to use for reimbursement.

*Telling cash customers your to poor to rent

*Having a copy of the Grill to cheat from and sharing it with every person behind me.

*Passing or flunking anyone I want from the Grill based on what I feel about them.

*Anybody remember the John Cook/Christy Bain Sexual Harrasment case that happened years ago.

These are just a few things....Anybody else, feel free to add to the list...I look forward to the insides of ERAC.



How refreshing to see that people are spreading the truth about ERAC.

#31UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, October 09, 2004

I worked for the company for for two years as an assistant manager. Yesterday I was let go because of two speeding tickets over two years ago, and a crack in a bumper (the estimate was less than $300).

In my experience with ERAC, I have seen my former area manager get an MT pregnant. A new area manager who was incredibly unprofessional-- literally yelling @ employees, and using profane language towards them. I have seen countless lies and broken promises.

Enterprise will continue using employees--they wonder why there is such a high turnover rate? They know why. As an employee of ERAC, you are ALWAYS expendable even as you are working yourself into the ground for the company. Even as a manager of an ERAC branch, you are absolutely still considered low on the food chain.

I gave my life to this company for two years. Worked 60 hours a week, did my best to make my customers and managers happy, and I lived paycheck to paycheck. DONT WORK FOR ENTERPRISE. The weight is now lifted off of my shoulders, but what a huge mistake I made. I am disappointed that I ever represented such an crooked company.


Fort Washington,

You never got out of rental

#31UPDATE Employee

Sat, August 07, 2004

All of you obviously never got out of the rental gig. Fleet services is where it's at. I was in rental for a year and hated it, but ever since i went into fleet services, it is almost as if i work for a different company. The opportunities there were in rental in the 80's are there now. There is no heartache or bad feelings, the office environment is relaxed and no one is there asking why the esqi is so low. I wish everyone realized that enterprise is a great company, unless you are a member of the cash cow part of it.


New Jersey,

Enterprise sucks, they truly take you for an idiot

#31REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, July 08, 2004

I worked for Enterprise for a year and a half. Like any job it has its good parts and bad parts but overall is a terrible job. You really have to not have a lot of self-respect to work here. I say this because . I suppose that if I would have stayed to become an area manager or something it might have been okay but I could not in good conscience sit there and watch all these poor souls become brainwashed. They really overwork you and when I brought this up to my Regional VP she agreed with me! That is when I knew that it was time to leave.




#31UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, May 17, 2004

Unless you enjoy working 60 hour weeks, working weekends, making $10.41/hour, destroying suits, ties, and shoes, and having your life suck. DO NOT work for ERAC.

I worked for Enterlies for three years, was promoted three times and made less money each time. At my last gig, I was the branch manager at an small airport location. We were open from 7am to 7pm 7 days a week. I worked the normal work week and had to go in on Saturday and Sunday to make sure we had clean cars and check in dropped cars. I could never have my MT's or MA's go in on the weekend because that might give them more over time.

I was "Let Go" from Enterlies after working my a*s for the company for three years. I made an "Unethical Business Decision" after adding my LEGAL wife on to the company health insurance. In Colorado, Common Law Marriage is still very legal and repected by MOST compaines. However, Enterlies said that they went off of Fedral standars and not State standards. In the mean time Area managers where buying beer, christmas presents, concert tickets, strippers, and god knows what for their own personal use and having the company pay for it. But that is Ethical.

What ever the case I found 40 hour/week job which pays almost doudle what Enterlies pays. Haven't worked a weekend in two years and much happier. Plus I haven't ruined a suit because I'm out washing cars.

Enterlies is NOT A GOOD COMPANY TO WORK FOR. Look somewhere eles there is better stuff out there.


New Orleans,

Get Out While You Can

#31UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, May 14, 2004

At least everyone here had the smarts to leave this company fairly early. I, on the other hand, did what Enterprise Management terms "bled green"...For 12 years (and was NEVER written up once)!

Though, I did gain valuable experience which has allowed me to take another job with a starting salary TWICE that of what I made as a Regional Rental Manager, I doubt it was worth it.

Management Trainees typically work 55-65 hours per week-often without lunches or breaks, unless the focus that month is cutting personell expense, then your hours will be cut so much that you cannot pay rent. Historically, 90% of employees who leave do so within the 1st 90 days of employement and this is why.

Once you are promoted to Assistant Manager, you are now on salary and commision. Many AM's find they made more as hourly employees because their base has been reduced so much.

In my years at ERAC I have seen and heard so many inappropriate things from Upper Management that I could write a book. Never mind the potential law suite that they would lose!

Here's an example: An Area Manager PUNCHED a Trainee in the face during a company happy hour. That Area Manager was not fired. In fact the Trainee was instead "pushed" out over the course of time and upon leaving asked to sign a release in exchange for a $1500 payout. He's out of work and the Area Manager is sitting pretty.

I have seen RVP's sexually harass their female employees. I have heard conversations between RVP's and HR Managers regarding employees race, sexual orientation, etc...I have been "in the know" while members of management plotted to force out employees in the worst ways.

And the worst part is that I use to be one of them, until I was "pushed" out. Since then, 3 awesome people who worked for me have also been forced out...and they are not done yet.

Curently Employed By Erac

Jersey Shore,
New Jersey,

Unethicall, illiegal, imorral ..Enterprise is full of it!

#31UPDATE Employee

Mon, April 05, 2004

All those disgruntalled employees are 110% correct in their responces. Enterprise is full of it . I am a current manager(performing one at that)and have unfortunatly just realized how full of it the company is. They lie at every turn and want us to lie and cheat as well. Those of you who disagree get your heasd out of your @#$#@ and admit it. Then again thoser who disagree are eithier level 2's and up or new mt's ma's they used up two years of my life. I am walking. They will eventually feel the rath through lawsuits! (i.e. DElaney case is going to hurt bad Saint LOuis)



Sucking the ERAC Kool-Aid

#31UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, March 28, 2004

Sounds like Drew is chugging the good stuff! I worked for ERAC for 4 years. I worked hard to get up to a branch manager position and was working harder to make it to area manager. But at ERAC you must remember that you're only as good as your last month-- a good work history doesn't matter if you didn't have enough revenue last month. I'd seen it happen to a lot of people before me and it came around to bite me in the a*s.

Like most of the other writers before me here, there's too much to write about. It was a fun four years. I certainly could have spent them more wisely to get my career off to a real start. I feel sorry for the few I know who have remained there still. (God help me I don't know how they've done it!)

Good luck to those who decide to work at're a fool if you do.



Unfortunately, your troubles will follow you....

#31UPDATE Employee

Tue, February 10, 2004

Gee, Aven... It's so hard to see why they fired you! You had such a cheerful disposition! What does being in a "black area" mean? And what the hell does that have to do being in truck rental where your marketplace actually encompasses the entire Chicago group that has has plenty of business. I have been with the company over 7 years and Enterprise has never broken any promises to me and have rewarded me for every success I've ever had. I too had to occasionally "chase down people and cars in f****d up neighborhoods" as you say...not because someone made do it, because I took responsibility for my business and didn't want to lose my a*s! I realize not everyone has had as great of an experience with the company as I, but I have a feeling your situation had less to do with ERAC and more to do with the kind of person you are---the kind of person who would bad mouth the company and show his crappy pay plan (which you probably deserved) to other employees and try to drive business away not out of concern for the customer but out of spite which is exactly what a petulant, immature, whiny, hateful person like you would do. You probably never should have been hired in the first place which isn't your fault. Hey, I wish you the best of luck, though...somehow I have a feeling you are having the same problems you had at ERAC at wherever you work now.



everything written here is true DO NOT WORK FOR THIS COMPANY

#31UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, December 23, 2003

Please believe that everything written here is true. Understandably, every company has something bad about it. I have recently 12/03 been releaseed from Enterprise Rent a Truck. Their new and "growing division". I was offered a position to get in on the "ground floor" of this exciting opportunity.I had to work 80 hours per week, deal with customers who were the nastiest f**king truck drivers you ever want to see, chase down people for money (literally),reposess "my" rental vehicle from deadbeat customers in f**ked up neighborhoods the list goes on and on. The truck department is worse, because you are on call 24 hours of the day and have a nextel phone attached to your hip. Granted I was interviewing for another job and got it before they finally decided to fire me. I was waiting until the next pay period to give my two weeks. I was indeed brainwashed. No question about it! I had a little revenge by showing my pay plan to other newer members of the team and showing them how my plan was devised, complete bullshit!! I also turned many customers away because I knew thier bottom line would suffer. Also we were in an all black area with the smallest number of trucks. Go figure who was the manager and assistant manager? They keep you stupid with liquor and brainwashing you. Trust me there are people who want to get fired. DO NOT WORK FOR THIS COMPANY.




Worst Experience of My Life. Lies and BS. That's all this company is.

#31UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, December 07, 2003

Was it the worst experience of my life or the best? Don't get me wrong, I worked there for almost 2 years and hated every day of it, but I think it was one of the best learning experiences of my life, right next to touching that hot stove when I was three.

Lies and BS. That's all this company is. When you go for interviews or see them at job fairs or they visit your school they feed you lies and throw you a bunch of BS. If you fall for their crap you will soon be exposed to a WORLD of lies and BS. NEVER work for this company unless your only alternative is prison and even then consider minimum security before E-Crap. I was in prison for years, every single day felt like a punishment. "For having a low GPA in college, your sentence is one year working for Enterprise Rent a Car, for cheating on that History test Freshman year, your sentence is 6 months at Enterprise Rent a Car, and finally for being in a fraternity and drinking every night for 5 years, your sentence is 6 months at pound me in the a*s Enterprise Rent a Car." Run from them. Quickly. Are you thinking of working there, or you already do and thinking of quitting?
It's all true



I wasted my degree and they ruined my life.

#31UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, November 19, 2003

I worked for Enterprise for longer than I wish to admit. What a terrbile company. I was lied to day in and day out and the worst part about it is that all the managers and area managers i think also know subconsciously that they are scumbag liers. I wasted my degree and they ruined my life. I am now divorced because i never was home i was always working or at b.s. company happy hours or functions. I hate them.


New York,

Lies in the Skies, Enterprise is an awful company to work for.

#31UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, October 21, 2003

John and Barbara are correct, Enterprise is an awful company to work for. I was lucky and never became brainwashed and quit after a little over a year. We were trained how to lie to customers to get them to buy CDW, and this dishonesty is praised and encouraged.

After working a year of 60 hour weeks in order to make my "$31,000 salary" and having almost no contact with my family or friends i decided enough was enough.

I could go on and on but I won't. There are many companies where you can advance as rapidly as Enterprise, so don't believe all their bull. I work 40 hour weeks, make more money, and am MUCH happier since I quit.


North Carolina,

Response to Mark

#31UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, August 02, 2003


Maybe you should grow up.... I too worked for Enterprise Rent A Car for 6 years 3 of which as a branch manager. The reason Enterprise has a young, young staff is because they push people out after they have been with the company for an number of years. Most employees do not make it to the seven year mark when they are totally vested. Count the number of employees that are past the seven year mark there are not many.

I left the company because I was pushed out...Out of the nine branch managers in my area only one remains. I would not recommend the company to anyone because of the way they treat their employees. In my opinion the truth should come out about their organization, running your own business my @###!!! More like be micromanaged by your area manager. You may think I am whining but I have seen first hand how Enterprise treats their employees and it isnt pretty. You are lucky that you had a crappy driving record in the end you are better off.


South Carolina,

grow up!

#31UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, June 12, 2003

I used to work for Eterprise also, YES the writer is right MANY of the employees are young and running their own business!! How many companies allow 25 year olds to control millions of dollars in assets? I left the company because of MY driving. I was told when I started my driving record MUST remain clean. I screwed up!! ME, MYSELF, stop whining when I interviewed it was with 3 differnet managers and I sat and watched an office for 1 hour (REQUIRED) I KNEW what I was getting into, so did the writer. If it didnt work out, okay but shut up already!!

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