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  • Report:  #1135841



  • Reported By:
    Blank — Phoenix Arizona
  • Submitted:
    Thu, April 03, 2014
  • Updated:
    Thu, April 03, 2014
    4518 N. 12th St.
    Phoenix, Arizona
  • Phone:
  • Category:

December 27, 2013

 Dear Pablo Sr.,


I just wanted to properly defend myself with the truth that everyone seems to IGNORE & DISMISS.  When I started at Epcon, I was not aware of the conditions of the company and the interworking’s.  I gave 100% effort under extraordinary conditions.  The first week I started, Melika Bakhshai was coming in at ten or eleven o’clock and I would be very busy with tasks that were given to me by multiple people.  I was told I worked for you, Celeste and Pablo.  Melika would come in at eleven o’clock and my desk would be covered with work and she would tell me stop what I am doing to make HER coffee when she obviously had nothing to do but shop on the internet.  On one occasion when I told her I was very busy with assignments from one or all three of you, her response was , “I didn’t mean right this second" like she expected me to stop my assigned duties to make her coffee so she could do her internet shopping.  Melika is very bad for the general morale in the office, as everyone knew she does NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING, BUT hired an assistant to do the work she is expected to do.  Other people in the office were aware of this and constantly complain about her, then assume that type of work ethic is generally acceptable.  I was not hired to wait on Melika.  I’ve never waited tables in a restaurant before like Melika has and I didn’t go to college to ever start serving coffee to my co-workers either.

Trust me Pablo, you know well she isn’t employable anywhere else with very little real experience, no qualifications, and a horrible work ethic.  Then her and her brother constantly creating problems and acting like they resolved them.  Neither one of them are capable of doing much of anything but creating bad habits.  This is obvious to other employees and then when coworkers start employing those attitudes, it makes it difficult to instill enthusiasm.  And believe me I tried.  I was becoming very discouraged by watching the antics of Melika and Reza and listening to other employees constantly complain how they were being abused by management and cheated on payroll.  Then I realized you don’t even pay for Christmas or Thanksgiving; national designated holidays.  What employer does that???

 I negotiated a salary of $45,000 per annum but clearly the Craigslist Ad said $46,000.  Then Celeste said she would only hire me at $30,000, but we negotiated my starting salary at $35,000 and promised me $45,000 in 6 months after my start date of employment with Epcon.  Why advertise an amount that you can’t pay?  Why does everything have to be misleading?  Why do you guys not pay your vendors and treat them fairly.  The employment agency called me and I told them thanks, but no thanks I had found a position. When I told them who I worked for, their response was, “we are VERY aware of them and their reputation, have you ever researched them? So I Did.  The first thing that comes up when I put Epcon was SCAM ALERT. 

The Internet was filled with negative information from many of disgruntled employees and consumers as well.  Although Celeste doesn’t think I know who the AGs office is but they sure knew about Epcon and my research uncovered all that I feared and worse.  Not only does Epcon mistreat their employees but, the entire business is centered on fraudulent schemes, misrepresentation and taking advantage of poor low-income families.  I realize some of what I read on the Internet may not be factual or may be biased but when everything you read is negative and accusatory, they can’t all be wrong.  I couldn’t believe that Epcon actually thinks they can pay salaried employee’s hourly when it benefits them, then pay them hourly if it benefits them too. If you were well versed in HR, I would think you surely know this is not legal.  Celeste laughs at me and disrespects me and her parting remark was I didn’t know about the AGs office.  That is insulting and makes her look stupid when she has no idea who my husband is and has represented the National NLRB for years in his earlier legal career.  She just has NO RESPECT for ANYONE or anything and then expects others to disregard their family.

 When my husband was hospitalized before his surgery, that little wannabe Reza had the audacity to tell me I should have been at the party.  Well I’m sorry, but my husband comes before an embarrassing cheap party at a BAR that’s supposed to be a time when employers show gratitude to their employees and a uninformed moron like Melika is instructing us, begging for donations and telling us to put the company name on it, not realizing that people who make charitable donations do so with a SS number as to deduct on federal taxes.  Did you really expect people who were not being paid and not being fairly paid to begin with to donate money in the companies name so that you could write it off?  All this done 24 hours before the ostensible Christmas party which was a joke and quite embarrassing for me to put my name on it.  

My husband warned me people would not like that and he was right. Epcon was laughed at.  How DO you show your appreciation to your employees?  By inviting them to a bar with a two drink maximum?  I don’t drink and neither do some other employees.  That’s a joke and celeste and melika thought that was too generous… Everyone laughed about such a perception of what a Christmas party is about.  Not at a bar!  I would be embarrassed if I were any of you.  Do you realize how others perceive this company?  How they view some tart like Malika that was afraid her lover might be or interested in me than in her.  What a joke.  I have a very kind loving and very handsome husband who treats me wonderfully and I don’t partake in workplace shananagens like her.  Thanks but no thanks.  Little girls like her are a joke.  She knows her job hinges on how long Pablo is interested or not in her.  She’s so stupid she doesn’t understand she is by far not the only one and he can do far better and will if not already has realized that.  Then coming in at ten or eleven with Pablo.  How obvious.  

Well I hope she is able to keep him occupied because she surely couldn’t get a job anywhere else with her skills or lack thereof or work ethic.  Come on Pablo, she has only been a You-tube modeling agency wannabe and worked at a restaurant.  That hardly qualifies her to be a Marketing person. Now Musa is the one actually doing her work.  Lets get the bigger picture.  After being degraded by Celeste over the past days, weeks actually, you will soon see I am not so stupid as she may have you believe.  I am well aware of how you defraud innocent consumers, misrepresent everything to a poor fixed income family and then rip them off.  This is not Internet periphery, but so very obvious to everyone else, both inside and outside to the public.  When we realized what Epcon was really about and how they deceived the consumer, my husband insisted I find another job in a bona fide legal and legitimate company.  He was very concerned about this affecting his business in the future being associated with your name. 

I defended the three of you to my husband until Celeste started showing her real side and acting like I was stupid when she was actually listening to two liars Like Malika and reza.  She has misunderstood my innocence or loyalty as ignorance, which is common in the criminal arena.  Are you aware of a group of previous employees that hired an attorney to pursue Epcon on criminal matters and payroll claims and the attorney is presenting it to the AGs office requesting an investigation?  Why the hell didn’t anyone tell me about this?  Do you think concealing is the best way?  I thought very highly of the three of you but all of a sudden through Celeste’s actions with Melika I see a whole new company.  I was naive....yes.  I believed in all three of you, especially You, Viejo…but when Celeste turned her ways on me a few weeks ago, that turned everything and all that everyone was trying to tell me became evident.  I have had a call from an investigator from the state, a call from an attorney representing past employees asking me questions which, my husband wouldn’t allow me to answer, calls from past employees refusing to identify themselves and now I understand it all.  You guys run a criminal organization and focus your business on poor fixed income families and then bleed them dry with solar or water sales.

 Why would you hire a convicted felon and put him in a monetary position? This is new to me but I’ve been told these types of business with water and solar panels have been around a long time.  At this point Pablo, I don’t care what happens to you guys after the way all of you treated me, and you sat by and let it happen.  You and Pablo just let everyone do the dirty work and I thought the WORLD of you!  I used to tell my husband I wish I had a father like you.  I am truly crushed…I thought the world of Celeste until I saw how easily she was swayed by cheap trashy people like Reza and Melika.  

Even yesterday, did you see how she quietly removed the pink post-it on the paper she was showing regarding the unemployment?  That was part of the proof that I was “all over it” and I kept trying to catch Celeste all last week but she developed a habit of walking away right in the middle of a conversation with me. On my phone, I still have in a text, how I tried like hell to talk with her in an urgent manner on December 19 (before the due date regarding this matter that she used as an excuse to fire me for), but she developed a rude dismissive manner to never answer my calls, text messages or acknowledge me when I physically approached her to talk with her either.  It also just seems like in this office people walk up all the time interrupt people’s conversations freely with impunity.  No manners, no kindness, nothing!  All this sickens me Pablo.

  Did someone tell you I actually talked to the investigators and this is retaliation?  How could you allow this?  I thought you understood HR and I thought you believed in doing the right thing.  What your family is doing here is nothing short of organized crime under the legal definitions. And every one of you is mentioned by name on the Internet.  Doesn’t that bother you?  After a while everyone cannot be classified as disgruntled employees. Everyone that has ever worked here all say the same things.  The same terms. “Unbelievable, Illegal, Scammers don’t pay, screw the public, lie to other consumer, misrepresented to purchasers”, all the same over and over.  I wasn’t fully aware of how extensive until the past two weeks when it all came together.  I watched how my husband handled his business.  How his past and current employees spoke of him, how important his clients were to him.  It’s the exact opposite here!

I am so disappointed and if you knew all that I have been put through with the games with Malika, the remarks from Reza, you might understand.  I think you will agree Melika is just an inexperienced tart so desperate to retain a job she has to pursue the owner to keep it.  I can only hope Pablo finds a decent woman and stays away from trash like that instead of bringing it into his business.  Where’s the LOYALTY??  One of my Coworkers over heard Melika in her office on her cell phone telling her girlfriend in Texas that she had the easiest job in the world and she can come and go as she pleases, as long as she is with Pablo, HAHAHAHA…..that’s so disgusting and shows the lack of character that exists in that office….But I don’t know how you can’t see this or how you allow your children to conduct a business in such a horrific manner. 

Not one person has anything good to say on the Internet, but Elijah about himself in defense of another complaint.  Not one Pablo! It’s so bad I have to take you completely off my resume because of the reputation that it’s so widespread.  Where’s the character and integrity?  In my parting remarks I was told by one of the lawyers who called me that I have little chance of getting paid any accumulated time or even pay but I will say this.  By law you were to pay me upon termination and if voluntary by the end of the next pay period.  I expect my check and I expect it now.  I am not like the others who do not know what to do.  If Epcon tries this on me you will sorely regret it.  I have enough at this point to open another investigation on Epcon.

 One is already in the works from my understanding.  I will not hesitate to open a second one if you try this on me.  I expect to be paid in full immediately and for my accumulated mileage expenses too.  Make no mistake about it Pablo; I will not stand for these games with Epcon.  I can leave it alone or close Epcon down within months if I am pushed.  There are many people and government agencies out there waiting to close this business.  This is the real world Pablo and when you do illegal things you are held accountable and just because others have not done enough doesn’t mean I am the same.  You have a mile of past employees and subs with payment complaints.  They are civil matters.  What I believe the AGs office already has and what I am willing to finish is not civil, it is criminal, its called Fraudulent scams under title 19 of the A.R.S. and there are federal law violations as well.

  Tell Celeste to laugh, I dare her?  Celeste may think she so powerful amongst the kinds of people she hires with tattoos and what have you, but her saying I don’t even know who the Attorney Generals office is will come back to haunt her if I don’t receive my pay.  I was wondering how everyone could be so wrong.  Why were people constantly coming in the offices with complaints and subs wanting to get paid but I finally learned how this business works when I overheard Melika instructing sales trainees not to ever speak of the term of the financing that is simply baiting underprivileged or elderly people who may not know better.  Are you proud of this Pablo?  Seriously call it what you want, disguises it, but these are your children and by being there you are condoning it.

 Its just a matter of short time this is all going to crumble around them and I think its incumbent upon you to show them how they are hurting so many people.  What if one of those customers was your mother or father??  I thought so highly of you and you have let me down. Celeste and Malika and Reza.......just down right dangerous and ruthless.  Why is it that everyone calling or coming in with complaints, its always either Reza or Celeste involved on lying and usually Reza for misleading people.

 I am glad this nightmare is over for me because my husband has insisted over and over by what he has read that this was not a bona fide company and was involved in shady dealings and even showed me a very similar case with a water purification company that was indicted in Texas on 330 accounts of fraud and fraudulent schemes.  Most the witnesses were either former employees or victims just like here.  I really don’t care to see any of you again.  Just pay me what you owe me and don’t start that crap like you did with Sue, trying to charge off her hours with false accusations or I will open the doors of hell on Epcon and I won’t give up until you all are behind bars.  Don’t believe me.....Try me!  You should be shamed Pablo…. I really thought you had character and integrity.   At least that’s what you preach.

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