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ereplicastock related to eluxury-replica took money and sent defective item no replies to my emails ever, Internet
I bought a replica LV beauty case from ereplicastock, a company in Guangdong China. The company that took the payment was GZ SHUANG QIAN NET S&T CO.,LTD. First I heard nothing from ereplicastock about the tracking number so I had no idea what was happening. I emailed several times but no reply. I finally received the item 2 weeks later and it was useless. The lock was broken; the two latches were missing so I couldn't close the bag and couldn't carry it as the handle is at the top. There were other parts missing too.
I emailed the seller and wanted to return it for a refund (losing money for the postage back) but, of course, there was no reply. I did manage to talk to a girl at the agent's but she just kept saying that the seller promised to get in touch with me. The last email I got from her she said that the seller had switched off his phone but she would keep trying. I tried to do another (fake) order with a fake name and the order number had moved up by 25, so I assume that means another 25 people have been scammed in the last two weeks or so.