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  • Report:  #1027662

Complaint Review: Eric Leavell

Eric Leavell Legal Services Atlanta, Georgia

  • Reported By:
    Rebuttal — New York New York United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Tue, March 12, 2013
  • Updated:
    Tue, March 12, 2013
  • Eric Leavell
    1355 Peachtree St
    Atlanta, Georgia
    United States of America
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Eric Leavell has collaborated with the Lambros Lawfirm and James and Charles Grant of Hartwell, GA to discredit me.  The reason behind this is that first Eric Leavell was extremely sick and second is that I Jerome D Hoffman was married to their mother for 25 blessed years who now has Alzheimers disease at a very advanced
stage.  The grand boys were cut out of the will of Janes and my property and the assets are to go to a foundation in Atlanta, GA in the name of the Jane Grant Foundation.  Is anticipated that every time my company builds a new store named for Jane Grant called Jane Grant Junior Warehouse Store a half million dollars per store will go to the Foundation. If and when we have an IPO it should be worth ten times this amount.
All complaints on the Rip off Report were written by the same people using different names. They are Eric Leavell and Paul Rinko.
Rebuttal of the Ripoff Report by Eric Leavell. 


Eric, were to understand, has been in-and-out of mental hospitals

for the last ten years. 

People that know him say that he is psychotic and

potentially very dangerous.  There are

two police investigations in Atlanta now taking place about Mr. Leavell.


I have been told that Eric Leavell has been in and out of

mental institutions for a number of years.. 

I believe he is a sadist psychopath who put this on the Web.

He worked for our company in Atlanta for three months, and

he was paid in full, treated very well, spent a third of his time out of the

office doing therapy, and nothing was deducted for his time out.At the

beginning of the second month, we raised his pay from $30,000 to $50,000 a

year.  He was later discharged for cause

of indecent behavior.  Whatever his

preference is, that is his business, it is not to be carried out in my office.

Our in-house attorney, Phil Craig, told everyone in the

office to be fearful of him because he thought he could be very dangerous.  Eric has said to many people, I am the

meanest son of a b***h alive.  He has

stated many times that when he goes out, he will go out with a big bang,

whatever that means.

Eric has done this to other people as well, I have been

told, including an executive of Walmart. There are two police investigations

taking place in Atlanta over Eric Leavell at this time.  Shortly there will be a very extensive report

published on the Web of his activities done by a private detective agency.

What this is all about, is that my wife, Jane Grant, for

twenty-five years invested in my companies over the years.  She has not talked to her sons, Charles and

James Grant, for over two years, because she said, They are only after my


An agreement was made in Probate Court, Fulton County, Georgia,

that her sons would get none of the money from the investment in my company. Jane

and I have an agreement that we would give our share to a Foundation to the

good people of Atlanta, which could amount to Tens of Millions of Dollars or


Charles and James Grant, Janes sons, by her first marriage,

hired Eric Leavell in one form or another, to discredit me.  Shortly, there will be on the Web, a two

thousand page document explaining in great detail with court papers this whole

unfortunate incident.

One of Eric Leavells cohorts is Paul Rinko,

attorney-at-law.  I would like to quote

one of his e-mails to me, plus, three mails from Eric Leavell to me that will

explain his psychotic behavior.

One can see that Eric has severe problems.  Eric has done this to others, and they will

testify in Court when litigation begins. 

Janes sons, Charles and Jimmy, put Eric Leavell up to this.  We have a complete history of Eric Leavell,

from his fraudulent bankruptcy, and much more.


Creditors are prepared to testify about Mr. Leavell.  We have some thirty e-mails from Mr. Leavell,

which I would like to print the text of three which will tell you his mental




Paul J. Rinko, a licensed attorney in the State of New

York, registration number 2365211, formerly with the Kiley Law Firm, Utica, New

York, has written me over seventy e-mails in the past three years, and is a

collaborator of Eric Leavell.  I would

like to quote from one of Paul Rinkos e-mails, and the others can be brought

up on this Website which is now being organized. some two thousand pages.


Note:    We have not

displayed email addresses due to the rules of the website. But the following testimonials

provide examples of events that have taken place. They all have been verified.



Testimonial 1



Get on your knees b*****d, I am your Master, you are my Slave.  You will obey me.  I will not let you become successful.


I will hunt you down for the

rest of your life.  You will obey

me.  This is what you get for suing



If Mr. Rinko feels that this is not true, why doesnt he

sue me?


He knows that there are about seventy similar

e-mails.  Mr. Rinko is an attorney now

living in Richmond, Virginia, working for his brothers firm, which is Colonial

Scientific, Inc., 2121 Hamilton Street, #1, Richmond, Virginia.  He is vice president of the corporation.  A copy of this e-mail was sent to his

brother, his former law firm, and others.


I have sent all seventy of his e-mails to fifty State Bar

Associations, and asked if it is the proper behavior of an attorney who may

wish to obtain a license in your state.


The response from the Bar Associations were astounding

that an attorney licensed in NY could send approximately 70 emails over a 3 year

period that are sexually an d sadistically and masochistically phrased.



We are now going to present a number of e-mails from Eric

Leavell, which I believe will explain his mental state and our rebuttal.



Testimonial 2


Convict Hoffman

You have no money except for

about 700 a month in Social

Security.  You signed Janes name to checks which is a felony


each check.



exploited even more money from her by


her sign blank checks.  You are looking

to serve about


years in jail.


I am

the reason you lost today.  I am the

reason that the


have the checks where you signed Janes name. 

I am the reason you have no more access to Janes money.  I am the reason FOX news was at the hearing



I am

the reason East West Bank knows about your dealings and wont do business with

you.  I am the reason your efforts to

Chinese immigrants have failed to raise money.


I will

be the reason you go to jail.  I

win.  You lose.  Jane is


of you forever.



Erik .

. . . . . . . . . . ..


This man is

insane and having hallucinations.  Let me

see one check on which I have signed Janes name, and he should take it to the




Testimonial 3



After careful thought and serious

consideration, I am tendering my two week notice and resignation; my last day

with the company will be February 10, 2012.


I had every intention of making a

career with GFH/Todays Market and still believe you will redefine the retail

food industry, however I can no longer be part of this company and your vision.


Unfortunately, the events of

today compounded by the conversation tonight at 10:15pm lead me to one

conclusion; our boundaries became,


at some point, so muddled that it

will only continue to erode our working relationship and I want to leave before

that happens.


I will

continue to fully perform my role for you during the next two weeks and assist

with the transition in any and all ways possible.  If you wish for me to leave at an earlier

date, then I will respect that request.


Please know that I am grateful for the opportunity you gave me; I

learned a tremendous amount from you in a short time.  I was also thrilled with the 45% raise you

gave me in my first 30 days.


 However, neither of those can overcome the

increasingly derogatory and demeaning conversations that are becoming regular

interactions within the office.


 I am not sure if you ever listen to the words

you say to me, but I find it offensive.


 For example, you will ask me to hold off on

sending an email and then go into a tirade an hour later about the email not

being sent or tell me to send one specific piece of information to a person and

then go into a tirade that other information should have been sent even though

you were specific that only one piece of information be sent and it is never

your practice to send supplemental information to individuals.


There was also the time you

were reading a copy of a sent email that I typed from your dictation and stormed

into my office telling me that


by inadvertently adding the

word then to a sentence that I am re-writing your entire email and that my

job should be replaced by someone more talented in New York.


There have also been

incidents when you tell me that if I use a particular job board again that



 I will be fired and then spend 10 minutes

belittling me when I ask you if you want to use that job board after you were

clear to never use it again.


 In no way do I claim to be perfect you helped

show me many ways that I could do a task in a better way I simply dont have

the fortitude to keep enduring this treatment.


There is no waiting job for

me.  I tender this resignation will enter

the unemployed masses; I will remain unemployed for however long it takes to

find another job. 


In fact, there is a good

chance that I will make less in my next job, but some things are not about

money and, this is one of those times.


I will let you tell whomever

in whatever timeline you wish about my departure.  I will not discuss this with work

colleagues.  I copied Phil on this email

so he may prepare whatever exist paperwork you wish for me to review and sign

prior to my last day.


Obviously, I will respect the

terms of the Confidentiality Agreement and have nothing disparaging to say

about the company or anyone associated with it so will have no issue signing

additional paperwork to that effect.


It was a hard decision to say

goodbye to this opportunity, but in my heart I knew it would be harder for me

to stay.


Best of luck with Todays



It was on January 27, that I found Eric

Leavell having oral sex in the office and told him this could not

continue.  What is his preference is his

business, but not in the company office. 


Testimonial 4


Convict Hoffman-


It is my understanding that

the Marshall served you with a summons at Janes house (not your home since you

never contribute any money to the home as you are a loser and financial

failure) to appear on May 21, 2012, in Fulton County Court


for the Criminal Warrant

Hearing with regard to the matter I reported and your statement to me that you

were going to get me Stacie confirms that the summons is at the house.


Also I wanted to share with

you that I contacted the Chinese Embassy, reported your outstanding warrant

number, sent over a copy of the police report

itemizing your theft as well

as the US Court of Appeals verdict holding you personally liable for more than

$500,000 in claims so that you could not get a visa to talk with Chinese



 Since you only have 600 a month to live on

from Social Security what a joke I didnt think it was fair for you to

waste a visa application fee for no reason.


You are a model to the world

in how to avoid failure by doing the exact opposite of whatever choice you

make.  Maybe that is your one purpose and

contribution to life.


Anyone can put anything on

the web.  In your case its all true.


Warmest Regards,



PS I also sent over the

excerpt from your deposition in the appeal in which you state the business has

no money and no credit line therefore violating the two key provisions for

having a business visa to solicit investors. Ha!


Eric Leavell is insane.  Let him show one document to verify any of

these allegations.

I repeat, Eric Leavell is insane, let him

show one document to verify any of these e-mails to me, including the Appeals

Court Record, etc.


James and

Charlie Grant, Janes children by her first marriage, who will receive no money

from my and Janes companies, put Eric Leavell up to this.


I also

believe that Michael Lambros and Patricia Packwood, attorneys for the Grant

boys, helped to facilitate this enormous fabrication that Eric Leavell put on

the Web. 


I have been

physically threatened twice by Michael Lambros, Esq., on two different

occasions.  On the first occasion, Steve

Carly, Esq., Janes attorney, was present and had to step in between Mr.

Lambros and I, when he was ready to strike me.


This incident

took place in the Honorable Judge Pinkie Toomers Court Room in Probate Court,

Fulton County, Georgia. at the Hearing for Settlement Agreement about two years



The second

incident was when I was in Court on the 19th of October, 2012 and

there were four witnesses, Gary Spencer, Esq., Bertram Boley, Jr., Esq., Jane

Grant, and the Court Officer who I do not know by name. 


The Court

Officer had to physically step-in between Mr. Lambros and me because he was

ready to attack me and raised his hand to strike my face.  This is the attorney for James and Charles



At that time,

my wife was in the Court Room, and she said to me, They told me  you were dead.  I love you, come home like it used to be.


The warrant

that Eric refers to is that he swore out a warrant for my arrest that I

threatened his life and had a witness to verify this by the name of Thomas

Mattas, who worked in our office.  


At the Court

Hearing Thomas Mattas, did not show up, the judge read some of the above and

dismissed the case, and the warrant was for a misdemeanor, not a felony.  Gary Spencer, of Atlanta, Georgia, was my

attorney of record at the Hearing.


A two-thousand

page report that will shortly be on the Web will treat with this rebuttal.  I urge anyone interested to see the complete

report that will give you a comprehensive view of what has taken place.


Fox News, owned by News Corp.

did two stories on me.  One was done

three years ago, when I had a physical fight with the anchor man, Randy Travis,

which is on tape, facilitated by Paul Rinko. 

Mr. Travis tried to break-in to our office forcing the door open and I

kicked him in the groin.


He had no right to come on to

our property and force the door open. Court records, Cobb County Superior

Court, Georgia, will verify the incident and I sued Fox News for invasion of

privacy.  For some strange reason, when

the trial date was to take place our attorney did not show up, and the case was



And the other story, a few

months ago, which Eric Leavell helped facilitate, which is described in his

e-mail to me quoted in this document.  At

that time, I had another physical encounter with Randy Travis, the reporter on

Fox News, who swore out a warrant for my arrest.


Mr. Travis is some thirty

years younger than me.  I might point out

that this was a misdemeanor under Georgia law and not a criminal act.  He reported on the news that I was a



Randy Travis stalked me with

a cameraman for over two hundred yards when I was going to a garage to pick up

my care, he stated in Court that I broke his camera.


The reason I am stating these

two incidents of Fox News is that they are famous for this type of reporting in

this country and abroad.  The scandal of

London is now the scandal in the USA.


Rupert Murdoch, President of

News Corporation, which owns Fox News, I believe is a decent and fair man, and

he is set about cleaning up the scandal reporting that has taken place in his



As you may know, one hundred

reporters have been arrested in London over accepting bribes, bribing Scotland

Yard, tapping the Queens phones, and closing one of the oldest newspapers in

London, The Sunday Times.


The scandal is now coming to

the States.  He has promised to clean

this up, and the reporting of his other companies in America.


An Index of every document

will be listed on the Website and its origin of which will allow interested

parties to digitally search for any information about this case.  In reading these documents, it will give you

a more comprehensive background of this unfortunate episode.


This is a public document.

In answering these

allegations by Eric Leavell, let it be known that a foundation in the name of

Jane Grant is now being established.


Our company is building stores throughout the nation. For every

store we build, a Half-Million Dollars of hers and my share will go to her

foundation in her name, and will be given to the good citizens of greater



Now please explore the website.


This document will be furnished to the media.

It is a shame and tragic that in todays world anybody can put

anything on the web.


All complaints were written by the same people in this memorandum.

They are Eric Leavell and Paul Rinko.

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