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  • Report:  #646428

Complaint Review: esources Stefano Carboni

esources Stefano Carboni Theft of data by Stefano Carboni, careear criminal, scamster :: data theft scam of auction, wholesale and trade sources data, Internet

  • Reported By:
    Auctions International Ltd — United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Fri, October 01, 2010
  • Updated:
    Fri, October 01, 2010

Here we are again!!!

A quick Google search on the phrase: 'Stefano Carboni Scam' will reveal a surprising number of results:

An acquaintance of mine has been actively exposing Carboni and I applaud the fact that he has not been scared by Carboni's ridiculous legal threats and rebuttals on forums and other websites.

There appear to be no end of people who have nothing good to say about this person and here is yet another report for your perusal.

I have been asked to write this by Auctions International Ltd who run a network of auction, surplus stock and wholesale websites in anticipation of Carboni as it appears that anyone attempting to reveal the truth about him is subjected to his own form of retaliation ... well we say bring it on Carboni. 

There is nothing in this report that can't be fully substantiated by factual evidence and screenshots.

This coward hides behind his accommodation addresses and never answers his mobile. Occasionally, when you do get through, incredulously, his mummy answers.

For those who have been on the receiving end of Carboni and were interested in the face behind the frauds and threats, here he is: (((link redacted))) ... Pretty eh?

So what has he done now to incense yet another person to bash out on the keyboard?

Mr Carboni appears to be doing very well from selling information on his wholesale network of websites so you would think that a little honest investment in data input wouldn't be too much to ask.

But no!

Auctions International first became aware of Carboni's existence when he approached them through one of their websites asking 'if he could promote the auction data as it would be a good match for his service'.  A few mails were passed and nothing came of it, mainly due to the fact Carboni failed to deliver on any of his promises.

So imagine the shock and horror when they found through routinely searching and checking seo, esources suddenly coming up under auctions related keywords!!! ... especially as only a few weeks prior they absolutely no auction database and only maintained wholesale data.

Miraculously, Carboni had managed to find every auctioneer in the UK 'through organic research!!!' (a feat that took Auctions International several years of ongoing work to accomplish), and place it in his database that, astonishingly duplicated that of Auctions International to the letter. Even the categories were word perfect; words that had been entered by a hard working researcher.

Naturally Carboni was approached and said it must be a 'data input mistake' and 'would look at it' ... of course he didn't and the data is still appearing on his other website which, again appears to be trading at an accomadation address:

However, a quick who is search on the domain and hey presto!  Carboni rears his ugly head:

Now, not content with stealing data and publishing it as his own Carboni has recently stooped even lower ... if that were possible.

Auctions International have, for 15 years, published wholesale data and when Carboni set up after scamming another contact in 2006 must have soon realized that they were a competitor and probably, although they can't prove it, has been systematically stealing that data too.

This year Auctions International has been undergoing major changes and rebranding - They brought their wholesale data under the main website.

Imagine the utter astonishment when they received a mail from their hosting company whereby they had received a copyright infringement claim!!!!

Yes! Carboni is now claiming copyright ownership of data he stole from Auctions International TWO YEARS AGO!. 

Although laughable it is actually quite serious as they are now having to defend their position and present their evidence that Carboni is actually, factually, as low as they come.

Auctions International have now filed thier own Copyright Infringement notice to Rackspace, Carboni's hosting company and to Nominet the Internet registry for .uk domain names. And I imaging it won't end there...

We'll be posting this article around the web and encourage anyone who has had a run in with Carboni to not sit and take it but get it reported on the web.

Carboni can threaten all he likes but the truth will out!

eSources is trading on stolen data and anyone paying is funding the luxury lifestyle of scam artist.

We urge you to get the word out.

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