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  • Report:  #673999

Complaint Review: EVO MORALES & Alvarado Garcia Linera


  • Reported By:
    Anna — Lake mary Florida U.S.A.
  • Submitted:
    Tue, December 21, 2010
  • Updated:
    Wed, December 29, 2010
  • EVO MORALES & Alvarado Garcia Linera
    1200 Palacio Quemado
    La Paz, Select State/Province
    United States of America
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EVO MORALES VICE PRESIDENT ALVARADO GARCIA LINERA IS TO DECLARED AND CONFESSED TERRORIST! Governor cruceo does not fear to being the next processed authority Maricruz Mendoza Ugarte The Governor of Santa Cruz, Rubn Coasts, said not to fear to be the next competing authority processed judicially after which its pair of Tarija, Mario Cosso was remote of its position by the formal accusation that weighs in his against by the Inbolsur case. It is the search to leave without a leader to everything what means democratic opposition with a judicial barbarism but does not clear the dream, we are in favor here of the vote, we do not have any fear while we have the endorsement of the people, simultaneously asserted to lament happened to the authority tarijea who, to her consideration, are part of `carnicera' and of `terrorism of Estado'. Case terrorism On the formal imputation that the public prosecutor did who investigates the case terrorism, Marcelo Soza, against his brother, Humberto Coasts, the first departmental authority assured that what the Government looks for through this `payasada', as he called to this accusation, it is to destabilize it and `descabezarlo' but as has not cheered up, they show no mercy against his family. It is a way of that they do not have God nor family, for that reason use any means with so obtaining his dark intentions, in time said to show that the accusation against its consanguineous one also comprises of the political persecution that the national Government in his search has initiated to obtain the total power. Whatsoever, Coasts wrote down that it stays signs in the fight to defend the principles. The Vice-president dreams about seeing me in the jail About the judicial process that follows the Vice-president to him of the State, Alvaro Garci'a Linera by the disrespect crime, the Governor remembered that he has threatened it to the agent chief executive in reiterated occasions putting it imprisoned, according to his words, because it is his dream. The unique one that would have to go imprisoned is the Vice-president because he is the unique terrorist confeso that exists I say and it without no type of rage, it aimed at the time of criticizing that the national authority with an absolute cynicism, hypocrisy and impudence says that does not become jumbled in justice when it knows itself that he is the one who is behind the case terrorism that has brought about the preoccupation of many families and the community crucea generally. At times of dictatorship and obscurantism these things would seem to be daily currencies, I must be conscious that they want my head to like of place but that the unique thing that does is to temper my spirit, emphasized. TEXTUAL It is the search to leave without a leader to everything what means democratic opposition with a judicial barbarism but does not clear the dream to us, we are in favor here of the vote, we do not have no fear while we have the endorsement of people. Governing Rubn Coasts of Santa Cruz The first authority of the department cruceo came out in defense of its brother and called to vice-president Garci'a terrorist Linera confeso Rubn Coasts affirmed that the political persecution of which victim feels instead of to debilitate it fortifies, it. It said that one will stay signs in the defense of the principles THE DATA Judicial processes that Rubn Governor faces Coasts: v Disrespect, denounced by vice-president Garci'a Linera after which it suggested the dignitary of State that constructs hundreds of jails with the money that gives the drug trafficking him. v public prosecutor Marcelo Soza also takes ahead a judgment to him by this same crime because Coasts described as farcical as the Government the representative of the Public Ministry. v opposite Resolutions to the Constitution, uneconomical conduct and breach of duties are the crimes that are imputed to him in the accomplishment of the autonomic referendum of 2008. v processes it to the Contralora by the purchase nonbudgeted of forty light trucks outside the competitions defined for the resources of the Direct Tax to Hidrocarburos (IDH), and one second complaint by the falsification of 13 invoices. v the salubristas recently demanded the Governor to have created of parallel and unnecessary form the health secretariat that is to the control of doctor Oscar Urenda. EVO MORALES VICE PRESIDENT ALVARADO GARCIA LINERA IS A DECLARED AND CONFESSED TERRORIST!!

Gobernador cruceo no teme a ser la prxima autoridad procesada

Maricruz Mendoza Ugarte

El Gobernador de Santa Cruz, Rubn Costas, dijo no temer ser la prxima autoridad opositora procesada judicialmente luego de que su par de Tarija, Mario Cosso fuera alejado de su cargo por la acusacin formal que pesa en su contra por el caso Inbolsur. Es la bsqueda de descabezar a todo lo que signifique oposicin democrtica con una barbarie judicial pero no nos quita el sueo, estamos aqu por el voto, no tenemos ningn temor mientras tengamos el respaldo de la gente, asever a la vez de lamentar lo sucedido con la autoridad tarijea que, a su consideracin, es parte de la carnicera y del terrorismo de Estado.

Caso terrorismo Sobre la imputacin formal que hizo el fiscal que investiga el caso terrorismo, Marcelo Soza, contra su hermano, Humberto Costas, la primera autoridad departamental asegur que lo que el Gobierno busca a travs de esta payasada, como llam a dicha acusacin, es desestabilizarlo y descabezarlo pero como no se han animado, se ensaan contra su familia. Es una manera de los que no tienen Dios ni familia, por eso usan cualquier medio con tal de lograr sus oscuros propsitos, dijo a tiempo de manifestar que la acusacin contra su consanguneo tambin forma parte de la persecucin poltica que ha iniciado el Gobierno nacional en su bsqueda de obtener el poder total. Pese a todo, Costas anot que se mantiene firme en la lucha por defender los principios. El Vicepresidente suea con verme en la crcel Acerca del proceso judicial que le sigue el Vicepresidente del Estado, lvaro Garca Linera por el delito de desacato, el Gobernador record que el mandatario lo ha amenazado en reiteradas ocasiones con meterlo preso, segn sus palabras, porque es su sueo. El nico que debera ir preso es el Vicepresidente porque l es el nico terrorista confeso que existe y lo digo sin ningn tipo de rabia, apunt al momento de criticar que la autoridad nacional con un cinismo absoluto, hipocresa y descaro diga que no se involucra en la justicia cuando se conoce que l es quien est detrs del caso terrorismo que ha provocado la preocupacin de muchas familias y de la comunidad crucea en general. En pocas de dictadura y oscurantismo estas cosas parecieran ser monedas diarias, tengo que estar consciente de que quieren mi cabeza a como de lugar pero eso lo nico que hace es templar mi espritu, enfatiz.


Es la bsqueda de descabezar a todo lo que signifique oposicin democrtica con una barbarie judicial pero no nos quita el sueo, estamos aqu por el voto, no tenemos ningn temor mientras tengamos el respaldo de la gente.

Rubn Costas Gobernador de Santa Cruz

La primera autoridad del departamento cruceo sali en defensa de su hermano y llam al vicepresidente Garca Linera terrorista confeso

Rubn Costas afirm que la persecucin poltica de la que se siente vctima en vez de debilitarlo, lo fortalece. Dijo que se mantendr firme en la defensa de los principios


Procesos judiciales que enfrenta el Gobernador Rubn Costas: v Desacato, denunciado por el vicepresidente Garca Linera luego de que sugiriera al dignatario de Estado que construya cientos de crceles con el dinero que le da el narcotrfico. v El fiscal Marcelo Soza tambin le lleva adelante un juicio por este mismo delito debido a que Costas calific de bufn del Gobierno al representante del Ministerio Pblico. v Resoluciones contrarias a la Constitucin, conducta antieconmica e incumplimiento de deberes son los delitos que se le imputan en la realizacin del referndum autonmico de 2008. v La Contralora lo procesa por la compra no presupuestada de cuarenta camionetas fuera de las competencias definidas para los recursos del Impuesto Directo a los Hidrocarburos (IDH), y una segunda querella por la falsificacin de 13 facturas. v Los salubristas recientemente demandaron al Gobernador por haber creado de forma paralela e innecesaria la secretara de salud que est al mando del doctor scar Urenda.
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