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  • Report:  #682470

Complaint Review: EVO MORALES

EVO MORALES Vice President Franco Request that Corrupted Evo Morales Minister Suxo must be controled from her gross interference, intrepidity and abusive hehavior in foreing affairs. La Paz, Internet

  • Reported By:
    Opinion — Santa Cruz Internet U.S.A.
  • Submitted:
    Fri, January 14, 2011
  • Updated:
    Fri, January 14, 2011


Franco pide a Garca Linera ocuparse de injerencia de Suxo Vicepresidente de Paraguay niega que haya emitido juicio de valor sobre Gobierno el boliviano y que es cuidadoso en emitir declaraciones en el conflicto suscitado en el caso Cosso

asuncin/AGENCIAS Tomado de ABC color

El vicepresidente de la Repblica, Federico Franco, rechaz las expresiones de su colega boliviano lvaro Garca Linera. Debera preocuparse de la conducta de su funcionaria, Nardy Suxo, quien tuvo una grosera injerencia en nuestro pas al abogar por el rechazo al pedido de refugio de Mario Cosso. El vicepresidente de Bolivia, lvaro Garca Linera, manifest que generaron malestar las expresiones de su colega de Paraguay, Federico Franco, respecto al pedido de refugio poltico solicitado a nuestro pas a fines de diciembre por el destituido gobernador de Tarija, Bolivia. Franco respondi ayer, a travs de la radio 970, que las relaciones entre ambos pases, luego de la Guerra del Chaco (1932-1935), han sido armnicas y proporcionales. Agreg que las declaraciones de autoridades circunstanciales, como el caso del Vicepresidente de ambos pases, de ninguna manera deben manchar las relaciones absolutamente armnicas y profesionales que tienen los pueblos de Paraguay y Bolivia. Seal que al referirse al conflicto suscitado con Cosso y su destitucin, fue muy cuidadoso en todas sus declaraciones. Dije que no voy a emitir ningn juicio de valor sobre el Gobierno de Bolivia, acot. Record que en el Paraguay est garantizado por ley que un ciudadano pueda venir al pas y plantear acceder al refugio poltico. Yo deseo fervorosamente que las autoridades de la Conare (Comisin Nacional de Refugiados) le otorguen el refugio al gobernador Cosso. Esa decisin de ninguna manera puede significar, ni por un instante siquiera, que el Paraguay ha emitido un juicio de valor hacia el Gobierno de Bolivia. Yo de ninguna manera dije, ni voy a decir nada injurioso contra ningn gobierno y en particular el de Bolivia. As que quiero que estn tranquilos, puntualiz Federico Franco. INJERENCIA Recomend a su colega boliviano Garca Linera que debiera preocuparse de su funcionaria (Nardy Suxo, ministra de Transparencia) que vino a tener una clara y grosera injerencia poltica en cuestiones de la independiente y soberana Repblica del Paraguay para otorgar el refugio poltico al seor Mario Cosso. Eso s es injerencia poltica y eso s debiera preocuparle al Vicepresidente. Federico Franco reivindic la absoluta potestad que tiene un Estado soberano y libre como el Paraguay de decidir, segn las leyes, lo mejor que le parece respecto al pedido de refugio poltico del destituido gobernador de Tarija. Considero una injerencia absolutamente innecesaria, en este caso del vicepresidente Garca Linera, sobre algo que es potestad exclusiva y soberana del pueblo paraguayo, recalc.

Franco Garcia Linera called interference address Paraguay's Vice Suxo denies making value judgments about the Bolivian government that is careful to make statements on the conflict that has arisen in the case Cosso

Assumption / Taken from ABC color AGENCIES

The Vice President Federico Franco, rejected the terms of his Bolivian counterpart Alvaro Garcia Linera. Should concern the conduct of their official, Suxo Nardy, who had a gross interference in our country to advocate the rejection of the request for refuge Mario Cossio. Vice President of Bolivia, Alvaro Garcia Linera said that expressions of distress generated colleague Paraguay, Federico Franco, regarding the request for political asylum request to our country in late December by the deposed governor of Tarija, Bolivia. Franco said yesterday, through the radio 970, that relations between both countries after the Chaco War (1932-1935), have been harmonious and proportionate. He added that the statements made by circumstantial, as the case of Vice President of both countries, "in no way should stain completely harmonious and professional relationships with the people of Paraguay and Bolivia." He noted that in referring to the conflict that arose with Cossio and his dismissal, he was very careful in all their statements. "I said I will not give any value judgments on the Government of Bolivia," he said. He recalled that in Paraguay is guaranteed by law that a citizen can come into the country and raise access to political asylum. "I wish fervently that the authorities of the CONARE (National Commission for Refugees) will grant refuge to the Governor Cossio. This decision in no way can mean even for an instant, that Paraguay has been assessed value to the Government of Bolivia. I said no way, nor am I going to say anything insulting against any government and particularly that of Bolivia. So I want to be calm, "said Federico Franco. Recommended INTERFERENCE Garca Linera his Bolivian counterpart that "should worry about your elected officials (Nardy Suxo Transparency minister) who came to have a clear and gross political interference in matters of the independent and sovereign Republic of Paraguay to grant political asylum to Mr. Mario Cossio. That it is political interference and that should worry the Vice President himself. " Federico Franco claimed the absolute power that has a sovereign and free and Paraguay to decide, by law, the best thing that appears regarding the request for political asylum of the deposed governor of Tarija. "I consider it absolutely unnecessary interference in this case Vice President Garca Linera, on something that is exclusive and sovereign authority of the Paraguayan people," he said.

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