one of my letters to evony:
i would like to get a repley from a real person, when i send u mail and proof of me not botting not and automated message that says u have been found guilt and that there is no explaination of what i have been found guilty of was sent back to me. ( whos the bot?)
i spend alot of money on my account ( between 30- 60 dollars a month) and when i put my account on holiday seem to lose troops this happened 2x now to me and when u ask about it there s no one home.
i have looked therw the rules and i see no where that it says ure not aloud to write coords down in a list so that all u have to do when sending out farming runs is put the new coords in and a new hero in.. (i scanned those spreedsheets and sent them with my first mail. there are 2 because i activly play both servers on same login) i have a third server on my email adres too but im not that actieve there. i play ss 35 ss36 and 139 and its the ss35 and 139 i play actievly, both of which have game coins i paid for on them.
nor dose it say im not aloud switch pcs constantly which is what i did the day before it got suspennded because i had been on over 40 hours of the last 48 due to heave actievity on the war front, and that my allaince kept calling me back to my desktop, because i us my labtop to watch my account when im trying to rest or do house work. ( i say this because someone told me that u look at the login times to try and prove botting)
anouther thing i have talked to people about botting and what it dose and from my understanding is this it farms for u, can build for u, and deffend for u, and on that last point i have anouther point to make when my account was suspended it was on a truce, and if these facts about botting are correct that would mean i would not need to truce so i can rest easly after a 2 day long period of being behind my account, and being compleetly exsusted and needing rest. so i would like to know exacly what i did wrong, because i have found nothing in the game rules that i do that is prohibited.
sincerly ures an evony addict
i want to know why im being repremanded for somnething i havent done, i hit somewhere between 50 - 70 npcs a day to feed my armys and its taken me a long time to build my armys there and get my food to a descent level to support that. i get back from holiday friday and now im banned , sorry i just dont understand this, and i even bought new coins yesterday, and my account was truced last night so i could get some sleep i had been playing for almost 40 hours straight. u could say im an evony addict and u have earned alot from me. i work hard for my account and i do not appriciate being accused of something like botting when im not guilty of it, why do i not get a repley this is what u guys did to me in march to when i sent a message to evony about me setting holiday and paying but still i lost 2/3 of my troops and over half of my resources, never ever heard anything from u guys and this what ure doing right noe isnt fair, u had already cheched my account before in i think feb i was cleared then while others got a comention package i got nothing, that time i was sure the a former member of my alliance reported me due the fact the the day before my account was frozen we had a spat in world chat whitch they lost. i dont trash, i m always helping out people and well they help me too by feeding some of my army. and anouther thing the constant rebuilding of our npc fields costs us troops and resources too, and thats not fair either!