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  • Report:  #740894


EXMOVERE HOLDINGS DAVID BYCHKOV, CHEYENNE CROW The State Corporation Commission of Virginia, has issued a temporary Stop/Cease Trade Order , as of June 14, 2011, against EXMOVERE HOLDINGS and its oficers, DAVID BYCHKOV and CHEYENNE HURBEN CROW. McLean,,Las Vegas,Frankfurt, Virginia

  • Reported By:
    ScamBuster — Chicago Illinois Canada
  • Submitted:
    Wed, June 15, 2011
  • Updated:
    Wed, June 22, 2011

The State Corporation Commission of the Commonwealth of Virginia, on June 14, 2011, issued a CEASE/STOP TRADE ORDER against EXMOVERE HOLDINGs and its officers David Bychkov and Cheyenne Crow . This is in response to a year long ongoing investigation into the suspicious and questionable activities of the Company and its officers etc. This Company has been making private sales of stocks to investors who were lured into investing money with the promise of imminent huge returns upon the company going public on the NYSE . Said stocks were also sold in contravention of SEC regulations in that the investors were neither accredited nor sophisticated within the meaning of Regulation D. Many of the investors were women of a certain background and means who were singled out by the Company and emotionally prayed upon by its officers.

3 Updates & Rebuttals

Victim of Exmovere

District of Columbia,
United States of America

Internet is double-edged sword

#4Consumer Comment

Wed, June 22, 2011

Does anyone else see the irony that the very tool the Bychkov-Crow team used to hunt down their victims and lure them in for "the kill" is the same weapon that has brought their dark, filthy scheme out from under a slimy rock into the bright light of truth?



Bychkov designed the illusion behind the fraud

#4Consumer Comment

Mon, June 20, 2011

Bychkov propagated the image of the rich successful entrepreneur Crow as backing for his business endeavor, but also made sure to nurture his eccentric and out of control image, so that he could blame it all on Crow when push comes to shove.

Go get all those women and their money, he cheered!

I wonder why he did not go get the women himself? :)




#4UPDATE Employee

Wed, June 15, 2011

 Bychkov suffered complete and irreversible amnesia shortly after he made the statement below to CNNMONEY in February 2008:

SEC change helps small-caps raise cash

An SEC rule change that takes effect today will make it easier for small companies to negotiate private investment deals - but could also unleash a small-cap sell-off as investors dump stock.EMAIL  |   PRINT  |   SHARE  |   RSSBy Brandi StewartLast Updated: September 19, 2008: 2:41 PM EDT

(FORTUNE Small Business) -- A tidal wave of small-cap stock liquidity hits today as changes take effect to the Securities and Exchange Commission's Rule 144, shortening the holding period for investors with restricted securities from one year to six months.

"If small companies are not good at managing the cash they bring in through private investments in public equity and don't do things to entice shareholders to stay with them when people dump, you absolutely risk catastrophe," said David Bychkov, CEO of Exmocare, a New York City company that develops medical monitoring technology. "Your stock could drop 85% in one day."Bychkov doesn't expect immediate fallout for his company from the Rule 144 revisions, but the new terms may affect several private placement deals Exmocare is currently negotiating with potential investors."In the past, these small-cap companies had a full year to get their act together," Bychkov said. "Now, you've got six months before you have the risk of someone dumping a very substantial amount of stock. My hope is that this will be a wake-up call to small-cap companies to keep their markets orderly." 
First Published: February 15, 2008: 11:51 AM EST

Of course , Bychkov didnt " expect immediate fallout for his company from the Rule 144 revisions" : we all know that the pimp had a special "NEGOTIATING" TOOL with which he lured unsuspecting investors in , namely, Cheyenne Crow.  Bychkov you fat little monkey , wake up and smell the coffee: the fallout took two and half years to happen and it didnt happen quite the way the reporter and SEC were thinking , but Bychkov's world is certainly falling apart.

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