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  • Report:  #197917


EXPERIAN EQUIFAX TRANSUNION ripoff the inaccuracies in my credit report. Someone needs to review and audit it so it reflects the corrections shoddy service rip-off fraud to consumers Irvine, California

  • Reported By:
    alameda California
  • Submitted:
    Sat, June 24, 2006
  • Updated:
    Thu, April 09, 2009

Alameda, CA 94501

Equifax Credit Reporting Services, Inc. All three bureaus did the same thing
P.O. Box 740241
Atlanta, GA 30374
Attn: Complaint Department

To Whom It May Concern:


Once again, I write to your company in attempt to resolve the inaccuracies in my credit report. Someone needs to review and audit it so it reflects the corrections I have been attempting to resolve with your company since January of this year. Because of the untimely actions of your dispute resolution department, I have wound up paying higher interest amounts on the refinancing of my home, and a higher of payment of$3,892 were it should have been a $1,700 month payment and I think this is something you should be held accountable for. At the least, you could end all of my time ( time is money, as you may well know ) I'm still spending- to get you to do what it is you are required to do by Federal statutes outlined by the FTC. Also, I would like an explanation for all these misprints which have nothing to do with me. Why and where did all this incorrect information come from anyways? Why should I have to go through all this when it is your job to correct my credit report after I have submitted proof of my innocence? I want to speak with whom ever is in charge. I would appreciate a phone call as well as getting my report corrected in writing.

Let me refresh your memory:

As a consumer, I reserve the right to dispute incomplete or inaccurate information in my credit report. If you identify information included within, that is incomplete or inaccurate, and report it, the agency must investigate unless the dispute is frivolous.
Consumer reporting agencies must correct or delete inaccurate, incomplete, or unverifiable information within 30 days.

As a subscriber to your internet monitoring service, I was of the belief that not only would my subscription let me monitor all reports generated by your company, but as well, ease the bureaucracy of the dispute resolution process by enabling me to deal directly with your representatives via e-communication. This has not been the case, as I have also had to make numerous telephone calls, and spend money on postage which makes your service not worthy of the cost, excepting the ability to generate reports at will within the allotted time of the service agreement. But, in my case, for what? So I can waste more paper and time getting nothing for what I paid for?

I have been more than patient with your lack of regard for these rules? it is now May of 2006 ( five months later ) and I have still to receive completion of all disputes, as well, new inaccuracies which have surfaced. Although I am of the understanding that consumer reporting agencies may continue to report information it has verified, I don't comprehend why so if I have complied with your request(s) to provide you with proof of things misreported, why they still remain unchanged.

I intend to file a complaint with the FTC about your shoddy service, if it will be effective, who knows? Surely I'm not the first person to receive the proverbial shaft from you. Currently, I also am researching what legal recourse I have to make your agency accountable for your shoddy business practices.

So, I'm going to try this again, to resolve these errors as of my current Equifax report, confirmation # 6647068804 dated May 27, 2006. I have circled the items I dispute on the attached copy.
Starting with the following sections:

Names and Addresses:

My legal name is spelled N-I-C-O-L-A-S (NICOLAS) E. ((REDACTED BY RIP-OFF REPORT))

My home address is Central Avenue, Alameda, CA 94501

Listed as a former address of mine is XXXXXX Centeral Ave, which is incorrect.

I have enclosed a copy of my CA identification, and my current utility bill for proof of person and address. Also, my birth date is not September 1, 1960. My correct date of birth is September 10, 1960.

Account Histories:

My current mortgage company is, according to my escrow papers, underwritten by Argent Mortgage Company (AMC mortgage services, Inc) not Ameriquest Mortgage Company, as reported by you.

Negative Account Histories:

HOMEQ SERVICING (WACHOVIA FSU) Account #((REDACTED BY RIP-OFF REPORT)) has a paid in full balance of $0.00, final payment date noted as made in March of 2006. This is absolutely incorrect, as I made the final payment on October 27th, 2005 by certified check, # 7700237298 in the amount of $ 1472.00. This payment was to reflect the last two payments on the account, which were $984.00 and $ 72.00, respectively. If you add the aforementioned two sums together, it actually equals $1056.00. So, in all actuality, HOMEQ was overpaid $ 416.00. I have since to recover the overpaid amount, as the origin of the mistake is yet undetermined by myself. Enclosed you will find a photocopy of the check reflecting the correct date of payment, as well as a letter from Trans Union(Who also had the wrong date reported) reflecting the result of their inquiry, which stands corrected with them?

CREDIT SOLUTIONS CORPORATION (2 Accounts) these are listed as ?open? by you, but they were paid in full by myself in April 2006. Enclosed you will find receipt of 4/24/2006, ref id # 432070 for $100.00. Shouldn't the status also be marked as ?closed? as well as ?paid?? I have no other outstanding debts to them and would like it closed.

OCWEN FEDERAL BANK Account #s 3174xxxx and 3632xxxx this is a mortgage account that was originally opened with Option One. As your records show, this account was transferred to Ocwen Federal Bank, and assigned a new account # starting with 3174. On or about May of 2003 I took an opportunity to re-fi with Ocwen. This changed the account number, at this point, the re-fied account # starting with 3632.

Your error here lies here with reporting that in May of 2003 the account number starting with 3174 is marked with a 30 day delinquent payment, where as this is not the case, it simply is the month the account was switched to the 3632 # under different terms. Enclosed you will find three letters from the research department @ Ocwen apologizing for their mistake and verifying that I had an absolute satisfactory payment history with Ocwen. Also have a letter from TransUnion on 3/01/2006 Investigation result account #xXXXXX deleted. and one more with equ stated within these correspondences is Ocwens' intent to report this to all three major credit bureaus themselves, in order to correct this inaccuracy. I believe that I as well, per your request, furnished these letters to your bureau as part of dispute resolution regarding this particular account. That means that your company has been informed not only by me (2 xs) but also by the origin of the information to begin with. I reiterate, why hasn't this been addressed, and or fixed????

As you are aware, delinquent payment status is a deciding factor of a derogatory FICO score, which I continue, despite my best efforts, to raise. Also in my FICO Report Date Mar 1, 2006 Report ID :R0E(((REDACTED BY RIP-OFF REPORT))) Had me down for a 30 day late in year of Oct 2000 I never had Ocwen at the time and that cost me who knows how long and how much time. :

I expect to be hearing back from a representive of your company within 7 business days of receipt of this letter, which will be sent certified mail. I see this as my final attempt at resolution with your company before I take my complaints further.


One more thing about the inquires how can they be valid if there is so many errors. Transunion has cleared already 40 inquiries. Equifax has also cleared me on 50 inquiries. So with that, WHY would they of cleared these inquiries if they were NOT accurate?

Below you will see that there are two credit reports from early March marked with all the errors, (highlighted in yellow) that will clearly show ALL the inaccurate information your company has provided as False information. Also, listed below are six more credit reports that I have received today; June 5, 2006 ( also, highlighted in yellow).

((Attachments coming soon))

Thank You,

alameda, California

9 Updates & Rebuttals



Stop the pirates who falsify your credit report.

#10Consumer Suggestion

Thu, April 09, 2009

A person or credit agency reporting false credit information about someone in the State of California is guilty of Commercial Defamation: a felony. The act is considered the commission of Libel if it occurred in a written form.

Since the violation jeopardizes one's income or financial well being because of a false, degrading report offered by a credit reporting agency to a third party, the report itself is, on its face, the self evident proof of Commercial Libel needed to file an action for damages and win, or to file a Commercial Lien, as the I. R. S. does, and therefore cause the individuals involved and the reporting institution to lose their own credit privilages as long as the lien is in force.

The latter filing costs about twenty dollars at the County Recorders Office. I'm surprised that so many people don't know how to defend themselves against these pirates, because they hand you the amunition to shoot them with, IN WRITING!

I hope this helps.

James R.



Homeq Sent Fraudulent letter of apology to myself and AG of MN and didn't correct my credit

#10Consumer Comment

Thu, July 03, 2008

In Oct of 06 Homeq, owned by Wachovia at the time misapplied my payment check. It took 5 faxes, a zillion calls, a conference call with my bank and the two request from the Attorney general of Mn Office to get them to respond. In January 07 they apologized to me saying they removed penalties, applied my payment and sent the appropriate information to all credit bureaus making sure there were no negative reporting or notes on foreclosure.

I went shopping for a new mortgage and kept getting turned down because of my credit. I checked in Nov 07 and found out that Homeq did not correct my credit, and they did not take off the lawyers fees and I don't even think they applied by check because now I owe 6k more than I did last year.

I sent in the information to all bureaus and Homeq refused to change my report, making it impossible to get a new lower rate mortgage. The attorney general of MN got another letter dated 3/31/07 stating they fixed everything too. They couldn't care less if they get fraudulent responses.

I will be foreclosing on my house as of today. I will not pay them one more cent. They can kiss my backside and eat what is now an upside down mortgage. They have ruined my credit and my life and now I am going to leave my really clean, well decorated, 3 dollar chinese laterns fixture lights, plastic wood to them to try to sell. LOL Nothin is nailed down. Good luck.

It should be worth about 20k less than I owe. Oh well thank God I live in MN. The AG may be useless but I can still live her for many months mortgage free untill they drag my butt out.

Sorry to be so sarcastic but I have worked on this simple misapplied fund for 2.5 years and I can't get any help, dispite my efforts to go after their crooked methods of business. I call it set up for foreclosure structure. I will get on board with any class action suit. I will speak in front of congress, I have all the evidence and I can proove every word.

AND I'm tellin' my Mom on them!!!




The RICO suit will be NEXT

#10Consumer Comment

Tue, July 04, 2006

Thanks Steve

i have read a lot of your responses and admire
all your advice you have given...

I as mentioned in other reports here have begun
to gather lawsuits that all 3 have lost huge on
and some of the most important cases are

Sheffer v. Experian 249F.Supp.2d 560 2003

Johnson v. MBNA and Experian and the other 2
357 F.3d 426 2004

Cushman v. Trans Union 115 F.3d 220 1997

Boris v. Choicepoint Services 249 F. Supp 2d 851

I will be planning on the next case to be filed
after I beat Discover et al defendants...

Victory is going to be SWEET....



Sherry..This qualifies under the RICO act..Here's how..

#10Consumer Suggestion

Mon, July 03, 2006

The credit reporting agencies are a FOR PROFIT business. YOU are NOT the customer. The credit reporting customer is the CREDITOR.

You do not have a choice in the matter.

Therefore, this is conspiracy to defraud if you dispute an item and they do not correct it or provide proof that it is accurate. They refer you to THEIR customer, the creditor to fix it.

It is not your legal obligation to go to the creditor. The LAW REQUIRES a CRA to report ONLY 100% ACCURATE information.

In return for them not doing THEIR job with THEIR customer, YOU pay more for credit!

Conspiracy is the word of the day here.



Sherry..This qualifies under the RICO act..Here's how..

#10Consumer Suggestion

Mon, July 03, 2006

The credit reporting agencies are a FOR PROFIT business. YOU are NOT the customer. The credit reporting customer is the CREDITOR.

You do not have a choice in the matter.

Therefore, this is conspiracy to defraud if you dispute an item and they do not correct it or provide proof that it is accurate. They refer you to THEIR customer, the creditor to fix it.

It is not your legal obligation to go to the creditor. The LAW REQUIRES a CRA to report ONLY 100% ACCURATE information.

In return for them not doing THEIR job with THEIR customer, YOU pay more for credit!

Conspiracy is the word of the day here.



Sherry..This qualifies under the RICO act..Here's how..

#10Consumer Suggestion

Mon, July 03, 2006

The credit reporting agencies are a FOR PROFIT business. YOU are NOT the customer. The credit reporting customer is the CREDITOR.

You do not have a choice in the matter.

Therefore, this is conspiracy to defraud if you dispute an item and they do not correct it or provide proof that it is accurate. They refer you to THEIR customer, the creditor to fix it.

It is not your legal obligation to go to the creditor. The LAW REQUIRES a CRA to report ONLY 100% ACCURATE information.

In return for them not doing THEIR job with THEIR customer, YOU pay more for credit!

Conspiracy is the word of the day here.



Sherry..This qualifies under the RICO act..Here's how..

#10Consumer Suggestion

Mon, July 03, 2006

The credit reporting agencies are a FOR PROFIT business. YOU are NOT the customer. The credit reporting customer is the CREDITOR.

You do not have a choice in the matter.

Therefore, this is conspiracy to defraud if you dispute an item and they do not correct it or provide proof that it is accurate. They refer you to THEIR customer, the creditor to fix it.

It is not your legal obligation to go to the creditor. The LAW REQUIRES a CRA to report ONLY 100% ACCURATE information.

In return for them not doing THEIR job with THEIR customer, YOU pay more for credit!

Conspiracy is the word of the day here.



Planning on suiing Experian and others possibly

#10Consumer Comment

Sun, July 02, 2006

Hi Nick

yes you will find nothing BUT frustration from
Experian they are the worst but wait no they
ALL are awful there is no accountability from
the people there at all...

If could see all the federal law cases I have
right now ...Most of them are regarding TransUnion. But I at this time have begun to
gather federal cases against Experian.

I sent Experian a copy of the US Judges order
which states a legal wrong has been committed against me by Discover etc and Experian has been
mentioned already in my complaint as they have not
deleted Discover off my report.

Experian has no excuse to NOT delete the Discover
fraud and to top things off they pushed a bogus
Asset Acceptance on there which is why they will
be the next ones to get sued by me if federal court your story confirms my thoughts exactly...

They the CRA's intentionally screw things around to play games with us all to make us pay higher
rates etc..How do any of us really know if they
do not get a cut from the lender for doing these things?

When they do change things or cause errors they know what will happen they have knowledge it is going to harm us so they have culpabilty in the financial harm 100%

This fact Discover has been on my report for 6 years and I noticed a few months ago suddenly
there was a higher amount added on the Experian
report ...this was for at least 5 8 months...
so of course I go to get a motorcycle and I end up oaying 9 % instead of 5% ...

yes I have all the ducks lined up against Experian and when they refuse to delete Discover
after being sent a copy of a judges order they
will be toast in court...




#10Author of original report

Sun, July 02, 2006

June26, 2006
Experian Credit Reporting Services, Inc.

To Whom It May Concern:

Once again, I write to your company in attempt to resolve the inaccuracies in my credit report. Someone needs to review and audit it so it reflects the corrections I have been attempting to resolve with your company since January of this year. Because of the untimely actions of your dispute resolution department, I have wound up paying higher interest amounts on the refinancing of my home, and I think this is something you should be held accountable for. Now, we are in June 26 2006. I began in Jan of 2006 trying to take care of the inaccuracies' on my credit report now look at what I am going to say ok. Now everything is showing paid RIGHT you cant tell me that am wrong you were in the wrong the whole time you just make me look bad because of you lack of poor service .If my credit report was audited, it would show that I was right the whole time you give me the run around and I don't know why. I did paid all my bills on time the 30 day late that I got now is on your company for the lack of your services if your company would done what your job is to do in the time that's by the law your company would resolve my matter around mar of 2006 that two moths that would given me enough time refinance my home but you did not do what the law said that you were to do I will be looking in to having your company investigate for your lack of reporting inaccuracies and misreported errors and lack of doing your job in a untimely time .I have letters that will show you wrong I don't have to do that you did it on your own. But, I have to pay for lack of services. Now that what I was trying to tell you, Now In At the least, you could end all of my time ( time is money, as you may well know ) I'm still spending- to get you to do what it is you are required to do by Federal statutes outlined by the FTC.

Let me refresh your memory:

As a consumer, I reserve the right to dispute incomplete or inaccurate information in my credit report. If you identify information included within, that is incomplete or inaccurate, and report it, the agency must investigate unless the dispute is frivolous.
Consumer reporting agencies must correct or delete inaccurate, incomplete, or unverifiable information within 30 days.

As a subscriber to your internet monitoring service, I was of the belief that not only would my subscription let me monitor all reports generated by your company, but as well, ease the bureaucracy of the dispute resolution process by enabling me to deal directly with your representatives via e-communication. This has not been the case, as I have also had to make numerous telephone calls, and spend money on postage which makes your service not worthy of the cost, excepting the ability to generate reports at will within the allotted time of the service agreement. But, in my case, for what? So I can waste more paper and time getting nothing for what I paid for?

I have been more than patient with your lack of regard for these rules it is now May of 2006 ( five months later ) and I have still to receive completion of all disputes, as well, new inaccuracies which have surfaced. Although I am of the understanding that consumer reporting agencies may continue to report information it has verified, I don't comprehend why so if I have complied with your request(s) to provide you with proof of things misreported, why they still remain unchanged.

I intend to file a complaint with the FTC about your shoddy service, if it will be effective, who knows? Surely I'm not the first person to receive the proverbial shaft from you. Currently, I also am researching what legal recourse I have to make your agency accountable for your shoddy business practices.

So, I'm going to try this again, to resolve these errors as of my current Equifax report, confirmation xxxxxxxxxdated May 26th, 2006. Starting with the following sections:

Names and Addresses:

My legal name is spelled N-I-C-O-L-A-S ( NICOLAS) xxxxxxx

My home address is: xxxxxxxx
Listed as a former address of mine is xxxxxxxxxxx, which is incorrect.

Account Histories:

My current mortgage company is, according to my escrow papers, underwritten by xxxxxxxxxxx, as reported by you. ((((((This name and other company names deleted by ROR because they aren't necessary for this report and they aren't in this instance ripping anybody off and may not like to be listed here.)))))))

Negative Account Histories:

Hxxxxx SERVICING Account # 4xxxxx has a paid in full balance of $0.00, final payment date noted as made in March of 2006. This is absolutely incorrect, as I made the final payment on October 27th, 2005 by certified check, # 7xxxxxxx in the amount of $ 1472.00. This payment was to reflect the last two payments on the account, which were $984.00 and $ 72.00, respectively. If you add the aforementioned two sums together, it actually equals $1056.00. So, in all actuality, Hxxxxxx was overpaid $ 416.00. I have since to recover the overpaid amount, as the origin of the mistake is yet undetermined by myself. Enclosed you will find a photocopy of the check reflecting the correct date of payment, as well as a letter from Trans Union
(Who also had the wrong date reported) reflecting the result of their inquiry, which stands corrected with them?

Cxxxx SxxxxCxxxxxx (2 Accounts) these are listed as open by you, but they were paid in full by myself in April 2006. Shouldn't the status also be marked as closed as well as paid?

Oxxxxx FEDERAL BANK Account #s xxxx and xxxx this is a mortgage account that was originally opened with OxxxxOxxx. As your records show, this account was transferred to Ocwen Federal Bank, and assigned a new account # starting with 3174. On or about May of 2003 I took an opportunity to re-fi with Ocwen. This changed the account number, at this point, the re-fied account # starting with xxxxx. Your error here lies here with reporting that in May of 2003 the account number starting with xxxxx is marked with a 30 day delinquent payment, where as this is not the case, it simply is the month the account was switched to the xxxxx under different terms. Enclosed you will find three letters from the research department @ Oxxxx apologizing for their mistake and verifying that I had an absolute satisfactory payment history with Oxxxx. Also stated within these correspondences is Oxxxx' intent to report this to all three major credit bureaus themselves, in order to correct this inaccuracy. I believe that I as well, per your request, furnished these letters to your bureau as part of dispute resolution regarding this particular account. That means that your company has been informed not only by me (2 xs) but also by the origin of the information to begin with. I reiterate, why hasn't this been addressed, and or fixed???? As you are aware, delinquent payment status is a deciding factor of a derogatory FICO score, which I continue, despite my best efforts, to raise.

I expect to be hearing back from a representive of your company within 7 business days of receipt of this letter, which will be sent certified mail. I see this as my final attempt at resolution with your company before I take my complaints further.

Thank You,

Nicolas xxxxx

Reporting Services, Inc. True Credit
100 Cross St. Suite 202
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401

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