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  • Report:  #246564

Complaint Review: Expert Movers - Movers Express - Royal Moving And Storage

Expert Movers - Movers Express - Royal Movers Life's possessions hijacked & held ransom for more money, phony address on Contract ripoff Cerritos California

  • Reported By:
    Redondo Beach California
  • Submitted:
    Wed, May 02, 2007
  • Updated:
    Thu, November 29, 2007
  • Expert Movers - Movers Express - Royal Moving And Storage
    25301 Cabot Rd., #111, Laguna Hills, California 92653
    16708 Parkside Ave., Cerritos, California
  • Phone:
  • Category:

This company uses a scam to extort more money out of their move victims. First, they come in with a low-fixed bid, and take a desposit.

Second, on the day your possessions are to be delivered, they demand CASH payment of remaining balance due BEFORE they will take anything off the truck. They threaten that they will not take anything off the truck until you pay them, and pay them in cash. They do not accept ATM cards or credit cards for payments. It has to be CASH, so their is no trace, and your payment can be disputed. No receipt for cash is provided to move victim.

After you pay them the remaining balance due, they drop off a couple of items, and then when you are not looking they close the truck and drive off to an undisclosed location, leaving you with no word as to where they went or why. All phone numbers at the company headquarters are either off the hook all day or disconnected (throw-away cell phones).

IF you have the presence of mind to immediately call the police and file a Grand Theft report, in CA, it helps some. But hours later you find out that your report doesn't even get delivered to the "detective's" department for "investigation" until 24 hours later. Thus nothing is done on your case on day one, except a few phone calls to the company headquarters where the phones are off the hook all day.

Then IF you have the presence of mind to jump in the car and drive down to the location of the Movers Expess, Inc., as listed on the Move Contract, supposedly in Laguna Hills, CA, you find that no Moving company is based there, and never has been based there. A CPA firm is located at this address, and has been for years. You realize your worst fears, your goods have been stolen and/or are held at an undisclosed location.

Finally, you receive a phone call from the police department who was able to get through on one of their many phone lines. Movers Express, Inc. makes up one MASSIVE FABRICATION (LIE) after another, including: I refused delivery of my own possessions AND I threatened the movers physically and these 3 big burly movers were afraid of a single woman. Police "accept" these illogical WHOPPERS and reclassify the report from Grand Theft to a Civil Dispute, and close their case.

The police were able to extract out of the Mover's Express, Inc. the TRUE location of their warehouse, and my possessions, in Cerritos, CA not Laguna Hills, CA. I am told by police that Mover's Express, Inc. will be HAPPY to deliver my possessions the next day, FOR MORE MONEY! OR, I can hire other movers and go get my goods off their truck in Cerritos and finish my move.

Imagine if: 1) I hadn't driven 4 hours out of my way to the stated address in Laguna Hills, I wouldn't have found out that their address on the contract is phony. 2) I hadn't filed a police report. If I hadn't filed a police report I would have had no idea where my possessions were. That is the sole purpose of having a phony address on the Move Contract. If you don't know where your possessions are, you can't even hire other movers to obtain your goods. In the past, no doubt people have just paid the extra money, and taken it in the shorts. This is extortion.

Then when I arrive the next day with a crew from Mayflower Movers, Crooked Mover's Express, Inc. refuses to release my possessions unless I sign an illegible hand-written scribbled note releasing Mover's Express of all liabilities. If I signed my name adding the words "under duress" (which is the truth), they refuse to release my possessions.

None of my fragile equipment and furniture were professionally wrapped/boxed as promised during the on-site Estimation process. Instead they were literally thrown into the truck unprotected. Naturally, just about everything is broken and/or seriously marred, not to mention the items that have completely dissappeared.

THIS IS STANDARD ROUTINE. Come in with a low bid to land the contract, then hold victim's goods ransom in an undisclosed location until the victim coughs up more money. Lie on the police report to make it appear that there is a civil dispute, to get criminal case closed against them.

I am not the first person they have done this too.

I am suing them for the cost of the second movers, all the nights I was forced to stay in hotels until I could get my possessions back, and the cost of all my damaged and lost furniture/equipment.

Lastly, but not least: I found this company on the Better Business Bureau (BBB) on-line. They HAVE a AA rating, even to this day! I've come to find out that the BBB, since it is not paid for by consumers is a fraud and a hoax. Best ratings go to who ever pays the most. Even after my complaint, filed a month ago, they are still listed with an "AA" rating, with no mention of my complaint.

I would NOT use the BBB at all! Completely mis-leading!

Redondo Beach, California

Click here to read other Rip Off Report list of other Moving Companies

Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on National Moving Network and other various transport companies ripping off the consumer

STOP! ..before you think about using the Better Business Bureau (BBB)... CLICK HERE to see how other consumers were victimized by the BBB's false or misleading information. Don't be fooled! It has been reported, when there are thousands of complaints and other investigations underway by authorities, the BBB has no choice but to finally give an UNsatisfactory rating to a BBB member business that is paying the BBB big membership fees every year. When a business is reported that is NOT a BBB member, BBB files WILL more likely show an UNsatisfactory rating, then reportedly shake down that company to become a member of the BBB. One positive thing about the BBB is, either way, if a business has an unsatisfactory rating with the BBB, you can be sure, the business is bad. But what about all those BBB member businesses that had complaints filed against them? Consumers never get to hear about them. What about the BBB advertising to the public? Is this a false and misleading perception they are giving about consumer confidence when dealing with a business? Click here to understand more of what consumers and business alike are saying about the BBB. You decide. ..Remember. The BBB membership is not earned, it's paid for!

4 Updates & Rebuttals



Expert Movers-Mover's Express (Royal Moving)

#5UPDATE Employee

Wed, November 28, 2007

The main reason for this response is to inform Ripoff Report and their respected subscribers the outcome to Deborah's "complaint" we tried every way possible to satisfy Deborah. as we do any valued client.

Deborah did file suit on us, and she had her day in Court. The bottom line (to save some reading) Deborah, after explaining her case to the Judge, as she did in her complaint, we presented the facts, and the Judge ruled in our favor, finding no fault on our part after hearing the whole case.

We gave her a guaranteed price for her move, as long as she kept to the list of belongings that she stated was going to our estimator, and that she would be packed AND ready to move the day she set for the move.

The day of the move she was not finished packing, of course we helped her pack, and charged less for the additional labor than we should have, upon supplying boxes, that were not charged to her. The extra packing time caused the job to go overtime (into that evening) We asked her if we could deliver the next morning, and she agreed. This is where it really got out of hand.

We showed up the next morning as agreed, her new home in Redondo Beach was part of a large condo complex, with very limited parking, our crew had to park about 1/2 block away. It is industry standard to collect the balance due BEFORE unloading, which she paid (not with out an uproar)Then Deborah stated that she wanted her white carpets covered in plastic to protect them (again another unstated request, which is done for an additional charge) so my crew called, he did his best with what he had, No charge, we just wanted to complete the job, next she wanted the truck unloaded out front (1/2 block away) and she wanted to see everything off the truck, and then she would pick how she wanted things to go in the house, at this point our crew called again, the local security patrol informed them that they could not unload then move her in. I tried to call HER, and She did not answer her phones, or return our calls. Finally acording to our crew, she put her arm across the doorway, and said "that if they tried to pass her or if they were to bump into her, she would sue the company" at this point I told my crew to take lunch while I tried to reach her, again no responses. After their lunch, the crew returned and Deborah was nowhere to be found. It was at this point we had no other choice but to have the crew return. Again no responses from Deborah.

The next morning, we had the P.U.C. , the L.A. County Sheriff, and another moving company at our door, we explained to them the whole scenario, and they wished us well with her, and we let her new movers take her belongings. No we did not refund her monies, since we did try to deliver as agreed, but Deborah seemed to have a plan of her own, and she got her results, and our local Justice system agreed!

Our B.B.B rating was lowered due to her complaint, but, after informing them of the Court's decision, our good standing was restored. The P.U.C. did investigate, and they filed no charges. On Local Moves it is our experience to accept verified funds ONLY due to stop payments, bounced checks, and disputed credit transactions, which leads to a big loss in revenue, this is something any business person can tell you makes it a hardship an any size company.



Expert Movers-Mover's Express (Royal Moving)

#5UPDATE Employee

Wed, November 28, 2007

The main reason for this response is to inform Ripoff Report and their respected subscribers the outcome to Deborah's "complaint" we tried every way possible to satisfy Deborah. as we do any valued client.

Deborah did file suit on us, and she had her day in Court. The bottom line (to save some reading) Deborah, after explaining her case to the Judge, as she did in her complaint, we presented the facts, and the Judge ruled in our favor, finding no fault on our part after hearing the whole case.

We gave her a guaranteed price for her move, as long as she kept to the list of belongings that she stated was going to our estimator, and that she would be packed AND ready to move the day she set for the move.

The day of the move she was not finished packing, of course we helped her pack, and charged less for the additional labor than we should have, upon supplying boxes, that were not charged to her. The extra packing time caused the job to go overtime (into that evening) We asked her if we could deliver the next morning, and she agreed. This is where it really got out of hand.

We showed up the next morning as agreed, her new home in Redondo Beach was part of a large condo complex, with very limited parking, our crew had to park about 1/2 block away. It is industry standard to collect the balance due BEFORE unloading, which she paid (not with out an uproar)Then Deborah stated that she wanted her white carpets covered in plastic to protect them (again another unstated request, which is done for an additional charge) so my crew called, he did his best with what he had, No charge, we just wanted to complete the job, next she wanted the truck unloaded out front (1/2 block away) and she wanted to see everything off the truck, and then she would pick how she wanted things to go in the house, at this point our crew called again, the local security patrol informed them that they could not unload then move her in. I tried to call HER, and She did not answer her phones, or return our calls. Finally acording to our crew, she put her arm across the doorway, and said "that if they tried to pass her or if they were to bump into her, she would sue the company" at this point I told my crew to take lunch while I tried to reach her, again no responses. After their lunch, the crew returned and Deborah was nowhere to be found. It was at this point we had no other choice but to have the crew return. Again no responses from Deborah.

The next morning, we had the P.U.C. , the L.A. County Sheriff, and another moving company at our door, we explained to them the whole scenario, and they wished us well with her, and we let her new movers take her belongings. No we did not refund her monies, since we did try to deliver as agreed, but Deborah seemed to have a plan of her own, and she got her results, and our local Justice system agreed!

Our B.B.B rating was lowered due to her complaint, but, after informing them of the Court's decision, our good standing was restored. The P.U.C. did investigate, and they filed no charges. On Local Moves it is our experience to accept verified funds ONLY due to stop payments, bounced checks, and disputed credit transactions, which leads to a big loss in revenue, this is something any business person can tell you makes it a hardship an any size company.



Expert Movers-Mover's Express (Royal Moving)

#5UPDATE Employee

Wed, November 28, 2007

The main reason for this response is to inform Ripoff Report and their respected subscribers the outcome to Deborah's "complaint" we tried every way possible to satisfy Deborah. as we do any valued client.

Deborah did file suit on us, and she had her day in Court. The bottom line (to save some reading) Deborah, after explaining her case to the Judge, as she did in her complaint, we presented the facts, and the Judge ruled in our favor, finding no fault on our part after hearing the whole case.

We gave her a guaranteed price for her move, as long as she kept to the list of belongings that she stated was going to our estimator, and that she would be packed AND ready to move the day she set for the move.

The day of the move she was not finished packing, of course we helped her pack, and charged less for the additional labor than we should have, upon supplying boxes, that were not charged to her. The extra packing time caused the job to go overtime (into that evening) We asked her if we could deliver the next morning, and she agreed. This is where it really got out of hand.

We showed up the next morning as agreed, her new home in Redondo Beach was part of a large condo complex, with very limited parking, our crew had to park about 1/2 block away. It is industry standard to collect the balance due BEFORE unloading, which she paid (not with out an uproar)Then Deborah stated that she wanted her white carpets covered in plastic to protect them (again another unstated request, which is done for an additional charge) so my crew called, he did his best with what he had, No charge, we just wanted to complete the job, next she wanted the truck unloaded out front (1/2 block away) and she wanted to see everything off the truck, and then she would pick how she wanted things to go in the house, at this point our crew called again, the local security patrol informed them that they could not unload then move her in. I tried to call HER, and She did not answer her phones, or return our calls. Finally acording to our crew, she put her arm across the doorway, and said "that if they tried to pass her or if they were to bump into her, she would sue the company" at this point I told my crew to take lunch while I tried to reach her, again no responses. After their lunch, the crew returned and Deborah was nowhere to be found. It was at this point we had no other choice but to have the crew return. Again no responses from Deborah.

The next morning, we had the P.U.C. , the L.A. County Sheriff, and another moving company at our door, we explained to them the whole scenario, and they wished us well with her, and we let her new movers take her belongings. No we did not refund her monies, since we did try to deliver as agreed, but Deborah seemed to have a plan of her own, and she got her results, and our local Justice system agreed!

Our B.B.B rating was lowered due to her complaint, but, after informing them of the Court's decision, our good standing was restored. The P.U.C. did investigate, and they filed no charges. On Local Moves it is our experience to accept verified funds ONLY due to stop payments, bounced checks, and disputed credit transactions, which leads to a big loss in revenue, this is something any business person can tell you makes it a hardship an any size company.



Expert Movers-Mover's Express (Royal Moving)

#5UPDATE Employee

Wed, November 28, 2007

The main reason for this response is to inform Ripoff Report and their respected subscribers the outcome to Deborah's "complaint" we tried every way possible to satisfy Deborah. as we do any valued client.

Deborah did file suit on us, and she had her day in Court. The bottom line (to save some reading) Deborah, after explaining her case to the Judge, as she did in her complaint, we presented the facts, and the Judge ruled in our favor, finding no fault on our part after hearing the whole case.

We gave her a guaranteed price for her move, as long as she kept to the list of belongings that she stated was going to our estimator, and that she would be packed AND ready to move the day she set for the move.

The day of the move she was not finished packing, of course we helped her pack, and charged less for the additional labor than we should have, upon supplying boxes, that were not charged to her. The extra packing time caused the job to go overtime (into that evening) We asked her if we could deliver the next morning, and she agreed. This is where it really got out of hand.

We showed up the next morning as agreed, her new home in Redondo Beach was part of a large condo complex, with very limited parking, our crew had to park about 1/2 block away. It is industry standard to collect the balance due BEFORE unloading, which she paid (not with out an uproar)Then Deborah stated that she wanted her white carpets covered in plastic to protect them (again another unstated request, which is done for an additional charge) so my crew called, he did his best with what he had, No charge, we just wanted to complete the job, next she wanted the truck unloaded out front (1/2 block away) and she wanted to see everything off the truck, and then she would pick how she wanted things to go in the house, at this point our crew called again, the local security patrol informed them that they could not unload then move her in. I tried to call HER, and She did not answer her phones, or return our calls. Finally acording to our crew, she put her arm across the doorway, and said "that if they tried to pass her or if they were to bump into her, she would sue the company" at this point I told my crew to take lunch while I tried to reach her, again no responses. After their lunch, the crew returned and Deborah was nowhere to be found. It was at this point we had no other choice but to have the crew return. Again no responses from Deborah.

The next morning, we had the P.U.C. , the L.A. County Sheriff, and another moving company at our door, we explained to them the whole scenario, and they wished us well with her, and we let her new movers take her belongings. No we did not refund her monies, since we did try to deliver as agreed, but Deborah seemed to have a plan of her own, and she got her results, and our local Justice system agreed!

Our B.B.B rating was lowered due to her complaint, but, after informing them of the Court's decision, our good standing was restored. The P.U.C. did investigate, and they filed no charges. On Local Moves it is our experience to accept verified funds ONLY due to stop payments, bounced checks, and disputed credit transactions, which leads to a big loss in revenue, this is something any business person can tell you makes it a hardship an any size company.

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