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  • Report:  #609820

Complaint Review: Exquisite Home Tenders

Exquisite Home Tenders Exquisite Home Tenders of Idaho, Arizona, Nevada, Jason and Sundy Provencio Simply put, this lady is a lunatic and a sociopath. Lies, Manipulation, horrible ethic. Boise, Idaho

  • Reported By:
    highfive — Boise Idaho United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Thu, June 03, 2010
  • Updated:
    Fri, May 02, 2014

Sundy Provencio and her husband are the worst people I have ever come in contact with. Sundy's business idea is a good one but unfortunately this woman should not even be allowed to own a business and EHT will fail because of it. Her contract she provides is also complete BS, it's the worst put-together contract I've ever seen and looks like a child typed it up... very unclear. She needs to get down off her high horse and get her head checked because she is an undiagnosed sociopath. Not to mention she looks like a killer psycho in her business photos.

At first she comes off as a nice woman but as soon as you do one thing to piss her off she is like a PMS-raging demon. She will turn on her word even if you have proof and makes threat after threat, even threatens to put a family with children out on the streets. I seriously believe she gets pleasure from this power-trip she has going on. She completely denies her behavior as well and twists the problem around (not very well I might add), totally immature. We even had police involved and they agreed with us that she was completely wrong in what she was trying to do and would be charged if she had the balls to actually carry out her threats.

Very unprofessional woman. We reported her to the Better Business Bureau as well. Apparently she has several aliases as well, one of them being Sundy Marie Peak. With further research she has a report with the Idaho Compliance Connection, quoting "Order of Denial of Mortgage Loan Originator License License
application denied due to Respondents lack of character and

Sundy I think it's time you let someone else handle your business for you because you need to enter a mental facility...

7 Updates & Rebuttals



This B**** is Crazy!

#8General Comment

Fri, April 25, 2014

Sundy Peak is a psycho! I worked with her for 3 months and I can definfietly say they were the most stressful 3 months of my life. She worked at Chico's FAS womens clothing as a Sales Lead Manager. Yes, this crazy woman held keys to the store and handled the money in the till. Worst desicion ever! She started showing up late almost every shift and bringing her daughter into the store because she was too stupid to find a baby sitter. She let her daughter run around on the sales floor and sit on the cashwrap counters. We tried to give her the benefit of the doubt since she was new to the job but you give her an inch and she takes 100 miles. She does not take direction from anyone and is a compulsive liar. She goes by Sundy Peak, Sundy Bytwerk, and Sundy Provencio. Red Flag! She has an 8 year old daughter who will unfortunately turn out just like her psycho mother. The daughter's father "passed away" from 2 different ways. First she told us that he was a police officer and died in a shooting. The other story we were told was that he worked for an tile company and shot himself cleaning a gun. (((Redacted Questionable Conent))) she was unfit as a mother so her parents took him into custody! She has brought so much drama into everyone's life its ridiculous! We found out about her 20 page long record and spoke with a plumber she scammed that came into our store to let us know shes a terrible person. She lied to us about her daughter breaking her leg on Easter so she didn't have to come into work and said she could come back on the Thursday after Easter at 12:30PM. No call No show for her shift. She sent the managers this text at 4PM: Now that was a no call no show!! Consider this my resignation, I have been offered a salaried position with a company that does allow liard to hold positions of authority. You both can kiss my a**! :):):):):). Internal affairs now has cases against you both! Have a great day!..... Can you say immature! This woman is a child and definitely acts like it too! There are no cases against us because the company knows she's a psycho! No one should ever hire this woman. She has no integrity and will lie to your face every day! 



I was not the 1st but I was the 1st to post on Rip Off

#8Consumer Comment

Fri, April 19, 2013

I just want to share I feel each and everyone of you're pain. I was the 1st to start this thread on Rip-Off and I was hoping; I too would save others from Jason and Sundy. But I see now, years later that they continued to scam people. So sad.
Once I posted my ordeal and she posted ALL of our e-mails I had a couple different people contact me privately including the State Attorney. Apparently Sundy was being watched and I believe might of been on some sort of probation-so they were just waiting. Thank god for Karma!
One lady whom I spoke with a couple times mentioned all this started when Sundy & Jason themselves were home tenders and then stole the idea & contracts and opened their own business. Hmmm go figure. So yes, like one lady stated-not all home tending businesses are bad. Just like not all people are bad.  I didn't mind that I wasn't getting any money by having someone live in my home...but it would of been nice had this home tending company stood up to their promises and actually tried to sell my home vs locking us in hell w/the banks and numerous sales that fell through.
Like all stories here, Jason reals you in and then eventually you meet his girlfriend (not wife) and all chaos hits the fan. I too never was able to deal with her in a civil manner and of course she always turned it on me.
Her and her tenant never ever provided insurance, and once I signed her contract I became estranged from my house and was NEVER allowed in until things got so messy. Forget the police. She knows just enough to keep you away and make your life a living hell. I'm sure she is smiling as she reads this.
At one point she called the cops sounding frantic and in a panic stating I had just driven by her home in Boise, ID scaring her and the kids. I told the detective I had just went for lunch in Renton, WA with a friend and had the receipt to prove it. Beware! She is good at what she does which is scamming you. And from what  I have heard Jason was a good guy, but love is blind.
Like someone else here I reported her to BBB and I considered taking them to court, but again I weighed the pro's and con's and just wanted to get this nightmare behind me.
Also knowing we were part of getting him fired from his real estate company was a comfort.
Since being scammed by these two I can tell you I always, always, always research people on the internet and I've gotten familiar with sites that help out. It's sad we must live this way but once you have been scammed you are scared for life and all you want to do is save someone from the hardship you encountered thanks to monsters like these two.
If you are reading this and you are a victim please continue to share your stories. Someday this B***** will be put away where she deserves to be.


United States of America

Mug Shot

#8Author of original report

Wed, August 01, 2012

I recently came across this. What was it for? Hm


United States of America

Jason Provencio Scam Help

#8Consumer Comment

Sat, August 20, 2011

Jason and Sundy split up and Jason, would like to blame everything on Sundy. But the court records say other story. Her real name Sundy Marie Peak born in 1975. Each of these con artists know if you file a judgment on her with the incorrect name it will not go through the courts. These people especially Jason are very messed up people. His ego alone will get him caught. Jason also knows how to get in contact with Sundy sense he spends time with her daughter. 

Jason has a facebook profile and is still in Boise right along with Sundy. His facebook ID is (professional ah?). He also owns a carpet cleaning business claiming to be in business sense March of 1995, Proven Carpet Cleaning. Contact number is 208-407-3972. The facebook address for his carpet cleaning business is The email address for this company is He is also listed as a real estate agent for Valentine & Associates.

He lives in Boise off State St. in the Lakeharbor Apartments area on your hard earned money him and Sundy stole from you good people. He hangs out at the local area bars as in Terry's and Montego Bay. These are both in the area of his apartment and he also walks to each bar. I am thinking because he can get out quickly if someone spots him.   

I do NOT think his new business has a business license or insurance; which in the state of Idaho is illegal.  I am also sure the IRS has no idea of his new income as well or that he has been doing this sense 1995, as he claims.

As well as, on each of these Facebook profiles he seems to forget to mention his Real Estate license has been suspended during the time he was working full time, as a real estate agent from 2003 and on. He also did not mention that his name is Black Listed in the real estate community. Meaning no one will show any home his name is listed on. This in any book is false advertisement. Right along with the crap on his Proven Carpet Cleaners saying he has done this work sense 1995 and is a second generation carpet cleaner. 

I hope this helps anyone who is trying to find justice for the unethical business practices these people have done. Very soon hope to see both him and her rotting in jail like the scum they are. Jason is a pathological liar and will tell you any story to make himself look good or to get himself out of trouble. He is also a predictor and uses people to get what he wants.   

Best Wishes and Good Luck!!


United States of America

Comments from an Ex-Hometender

#8UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, November 14, 2010

I want to tell my story, so that people will know how Sundy Provencio/Peak treated us as Home tenders...i.e.the other people she made money off of.

The house we were renting went into foreclosure, and we needed a house quickly.  We found an ad on Craigslist, talked to Jason, and started an eleven month relationship with Exquisite Hometending. 

Like was mentioned in a previous post, Jason cames across as a nice guy.  Our dealings with Sundy were minimal.  We knew that they could come over anytime and inspect the house, or at least do drive bys.  Over the next eleven months and two houses, we only saw Sundy and Jason once, and that was only because they wanted to get their rent check before leaving town.  They never did any kind of inspection, and never 'staged' the home or checked to see what our decorating looked like!  (It was very nice by the way...)

Yet we still followed all the rules, even got rental insurance, which they never even asked about.  When the first house we were in went into foreclosure, we only had a few days to move.  We were told this was because they had no waring from the realtor that this was happening.  I found this curious, since the man worked with Jason.  But there was a house close by we could move into, so it worked out okay.

But less than six months later it happened again.  We got a message on the 3rd. that we needed to be out by the 6th because the house had sold.  Plus they weren't sure if they had a place for us to move, at least not in the area that we needed to stay.

But then I got a call from a call from another realtor asking when she could bring clients by to see the house.  When I told her it was sold, she informed me the sell had fallen through and the house was back on the market.  I called the realtor that had the listing, and found out he had told Sundy 2 weeks prior that the house was selling.  She in turn said we had another house to move into and would be moving on the 6th.  She lied to him AND to us!

All of this was when our next rent check was due, and we suspect that is why Sundy delayed in telling us about having to move.  Of course we did not pay when there was no indication that she had a house for us to move into.  When she emailed (not called) me to ask if we had deposited the check yet (we had to deposit th money into their check account each month, not send a check to them) and I replied that we were waiting to see if she had a place for us to move into, she got very ugly---extremely ugly.

We told her that we would no longer be hometending for her (in fact, I went out and found a house to home tend on my own!) and that we needed our deposit back.  She had 30 days.  When she replied, after several emails, she said she would deduct the days we stayed.  I informed her that those days were an arrangement between the agent and us.  This time she went completely off!

She told me she would not return our deposit because we had broken contract.  When I asked her repeatedly about lying to us, she ignored me and kept turning things around.  Then she threatened to take us to court, although she had no grounds.  She kept saying how horrible we had been at hometending, although she had told agent after agent that we were 'their best hometenders'.

It got very ugly (and I have all of the emails to prove it!), until finally I blocked her emails.  We never got our deposit back, which I am not surprised about.  We thought about taking them to small claims, but did not have the time or energy for it.  It was worth it being away from her and her lies, ugliness, and scam of a company.

I very much wanted to warn realtors and home owners alike about the farse of a business Jason and Sundy were running.  The last realtor we worked with said he had not wanted to use them, but they had gone behind his back and signed a contract with the office manager.  I asked him if any of the money we paid to Sundy went to the homeowners.  Of course it did not.  They take all that money and don't do a single thing! They did not decorate, stage, inspect, or do anything but take our money, lie, and take advantage of us and the owners.

I am glad to learn that the business seems to have been dissolved.  But is probably just under another name.  If you look at the Idaho court records, put in either their personal names or Exquisite Hometending, you will learn a lot about the integrity, or lack of, that these people have always shown and continue to show.

I am hoping my story will show everyone, especially those who seem to be defending and supporting Sundy (and I kind of wonder if it might be Sundy herself posing as someone else?  I wouldn't put it past her...) that those on the other side of their shady business got screwed as well. 

But the good thing that has come out of all of this is that we found an amazing home all on our own! 

Hopefully this will help others steer clear of Sundy, Jason, and any business/scam they cook up again.


United States of America

Her name is Sundy Peak

#8Consumer Comment

Wed, November 10, 2010

I am another one of her former clients, Karina Spencer. Her and her boyfriend have been evading our process server, but they have recently moved to a new home and we'll catch up to them soon. I've thought about dropping our suit all together, as we'd have to get in line behind other entities that are already suing them. I imagine it's just a matter of time before they disappear into the night.

Her hapless boyfriend Jason (who has since had his real estate license suspended per, talked us into their business scheme when he was trying to sell my home. They left my home trashed, unsold, and put a home tender in the house that could never provide proof of insurance. Sadly, Jason seems like a nice, capable, man-I hope that he's able to discontinue business with Sundy PEAK before it's too late.

Sundy PEAK is not Sundy Provencio. There is no record of a marriage through the Bureau of Vital Statistics in Idaho, Arizona, Nevada, or Washington for Sundy Peak or Jason Provencio. But, with 21 different charges on her rap sheet ranging from providing false information on a police report to a forgery that resulted in prison(!) time-I'd want to use a new name too. You can validate this information at While you are there, make sure to check into the 3 judgements that "Exquisite" Home Tending has already received.  With the felonies on her record, there's no way that Idaho would give her any kind of license. Neither Jason nor Sundy have any sort of license to operate in the real estate industry and have found a loophole to continue fleecing people (

In my research, she spends most of her time coming up with online aliases (I'm sure that's her that's posted above) to belittle people under the guise of being a supporter or posting fake compliments to her business on various sites like Craigslist or tweeting heinous items on I've sold many homes in my lifetime and am a local businesswoman, I work with people from all over and I've never encountered anybody as abrasive and cruel as Sundy PEAK.

Google "Exquisite Hometending," "Exquisite Home Tending," and Sundy Marie Peak. It will provide hours of entertainment and a fair amount of insight. It's quite remarkable to see a small business actually inspire blogs and lengthy posts about how terrible they are. She's even listed two other times on this website.

Please, please, please do your research before getting near these people.


United States of America

Great Woman, horrid Home Tender removal

#8Consumer Comment

Thu, September 23, 2010


I live in Washington and run a Home Tending company here.  I have spoke with this woman many times and she simply gets her job done.  Sundy Peak-Provencio always goes WITH the police to remove noncompliant Home Tenders, she is the one who taught my employees how to do it.  I would conclude that you made the mistake of not following her program and now you are acting like a spoiled child.  Shame on you.  Speaking for all Home Tending Company owners, we protect the home and follow the legal contracts.  The worst part of owning a business like this is dealing with people like you. 

You are obviously the poor individual with issues, most of your complaints are of her appearance or saying she is crazy when,in fact you are the one that sounds like a crazy person.  Just a little tip for you Dear, most women do indeed change thier names when they are married.

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