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  • Report:  #1513787

Complaint Review: Facebook/Meta

Facebook/Meta Mark Zuckerberg Facebook’s Community Standards Used to Accomplish Continued Racial Disparities Menio Park California

  • Reported By:
    Carl — Lawton Oklahoma United States
  • Submitted:
    Fri, November 19, 2021
  • Updated:
    Sun, November 28, 2021
  • Facebook/Meta
    1 Hacker Way
    Menio Park, California
    United States
  • Phone:
    (650) 543-4800
  • Category:

This is a formal complaint of racial discrimination based on (Section 42 USC §1981); as well as the racially motivated censoring and biases against Carl Robertson’s free speech by Facebook’s Ad Team, and in violation of the U.S. Constitution. This document is being sent to the following entities: Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division, and Mark Zuckerberg, Chief Executive Officer Facebook/Meta.

1.   Facebook (starting in August 2021, and after the release of the book “Titans of Corruption and Other Poems”) has forced Carl Robertson to turn his author’s page EXPOCORRUPTION (established in 2017) into a business; and has also necessitated over a two-month period several documents (Facebook Notarized Identification form, Driver’s License F & B, Bank Account with my name and EXPOCORRUPTION on it, as well as an IRS EIN for EXPOCORRUPTION) to confirm Robertson’s identity in order to be provided a disclaimer for speaking about social issues. Although Carl Robertson has provided all required documents (shown above) as requested, Facebook continues to claim that Carl Robertson has not provided enough documents to confirm his identity, phone number, or business EXPOCORRUPTION.

2.   Carl A. Robertson, Sr. is now seeking legal representation, and is also requesting an investigation by the Department of Justice Civil Rights Division, into Facebook’s denying his author’s and business page EXPOCORRUPTION the same type of Legal and Constitutional Rights as provided to white businesses, poets, writers, and bloggers. without any focused intrusions through and by Facebook employees, managers, outside sources, or owner as a way to stymie Carl Robertson’s personal achievements and/or success through the marketing and promoting of his recently released book “Titans of Corruption and Other Poems,” EXPOCORRUPTION page, and/or other posts and writings displayed on Facebook’s social media platform.

3.     Over this past year (writing numerous emails and complaints to Facebook), all that Carl Robertson have asked, is that Facebook’s Ad Team leave him alone, and to treat him just as fairly and equally as all others who write and post on Facebook. Nevertheless, instead of Facebook satisfying the above request; it seems as if Facebook’s Ad Team has made a deliberate determination to undermine and hinder Carl Robertson’s ability to promote and market his book “Titans of Corruption and Other Poems,” through his author’s page ExpoCorruption where his posts and ads are paid for.

4.  Carl Robertson is of a firm belief that Facebook’s Ad Team is racially profiling his EXPOCORRUPTION page, racially discriminatory towards him as a Facebook user, as well as racially prejudice in relations to him as an African-American author by rejecting valid (non-threatening) paid ads.

5.   On November 4, 2019,  a web article (Facebook, Protect Civil Rights or You Could Face Lawsuits) within the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law webpage, and written by Kristen Clarke states: The Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law sent an open letter to Mark Zuckerberg which described how . . . "Facebook is exposing itself to legal liability for failure to protect the safety and civil rights of its users.” Here’s a brief snippet of that letter:

“Federal statutes that Facebook may be violating include the Fair Housing Act, Equal Credit Opportunity Act, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Age Discrimination in Employment Act, 42 U.S.C. § 1981 (discrimination in contracting), and 42 U.S.C. § 1982 (discrimination in housing) . . . Section 1981 is particularly noteworthy; it prohibits race discrimination in both the formation and enjoyment of contracts . . . If Facebook provides inferior service to a subset of users based on their race, . . . that may constitute unlawful discrimination in contracting.”

It is Carl Robertson’s genuine belief that Facebook’s Ad Team has (within this pending complaint) have knowingly refused to abide by the Constitutional Laws (against racial discrimination) of the United States; especially, Section 42 U.S.C. § 1981 (discrimination in contracting).

6.   This complaint is related to Carl Robertson’s (Business and Author’s) EXPOCORRUPTION page, as well as Facebook’s receiving and accepting payments for specific written paid ads for marketing and promotional purposes. Many of those ads have either been deceptively rejected, technologically altered somehow, clandestinely concealed from Facebook friends, family and the public’s view, and/or obscured by some means when shared by EXPOCORRUPTION page followers.

7.   Carl Robertson honestly believes that the reasons behind Facebook placing him and his writing through unnecessary hurdles with its “community standards” policies; are due to explicit Facebook employees who are racially bias towards the words written and/or spoken (audio link recordings) by Carl Robertson as a writer and newly published African-American author.

8.   If such practice is shown to be truly going on, that makes Facebook liable for the racial discriminatory treatments being cast at Carl A. Robertson, Sr by its employees. Facebook needs to clarify its reasonings for accepting money for paid ads written and authored by Carl Robertson; and explain why is it essential for Carl Robertson to get permission from Facebook’s Ad Team, in order to edit said paid ad, when Carl Robertson (as administrator) deems it necessary to make changes or other type corrections. 

9.   Although Facebook’s Ad Team have at times removed its rejections of certain (paid ads) after numerous complaints from Robertson, and have also allowed those same paid ads to be seen by the public (mostly white community); it also looks as if Facebook’s Ad Team find other ways to (hinder, stop, hide, alter, and deter) Robertson’s efforts to promote his EXPOCORRUPTION page, or promote/market his book “Titans of Corruption and Other Poems” to members of Robertson’s own Black (public) community, friends, and family. 

10.Carl Robertson is requesting that the Department of Justice Civil Rights Division, Federal Communications Commission, and all others who receive this complaint to fully investigate this matter as racially motivated due to the below inconsistencies shown within this complaint, and is being said to be done by Facebook and its employees through the means of high-tech deceptions:

a)  Rejection of ads that (once complained of by Robertson) shows to have not violated any of Facebook’s community standards,

b)     allowing white poets/writers (invited by Robertson to follow EXPOCORRUPTION) to post poems or other writings on EXPOCORRUPTION main page—but then deny the page administrator (Carl Robertson), that same right by making him pay to post any writings on his created and established (since 2017) EXPOCORRUPTION page,

c)     denying EXPOCORRUPTION followers who shares Robertson’s paid ads to their friends and the public from being found, seen, and/or limited from complete public access,

d)  circumventing all notifications to EXPOCORRUPTION’S followers when the page administrator (Carl Robertson) submit new written post and/or written paid ads,

e)  disallowing various links (audios, publisher’s book link, several author interviews, etc.) attached to written ads on EXPOCORRUPTION; to be properly opened on mobile devices and/or computer,

f)  Facebook’s intentionally directing (posted and attached) valid links back to Carl Robertson’s regular Facebook page and/or WhatsApp page, where those (posted and attached) valid links cannot be seen or opened by Facebook friends or the public,

g)  paid ads which are supposed to be posted within Robertson’s WhatsApp business page, and Instagram accounts have never been posted to those site by Facebook, and

h) even though Carl Robertson paid over $500 to a Fiverr Representative (TIMMYBLESSING) for promotion and marketing of his book through social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn), those efforts were hampered through some clandestined means which had never happened to the Fiverr representative before.

Thank you for your time, help, and understanding

2 Updates & Rebuttals


Highlands Ranch,
United States

Anyone can read lots of free poems...

#3Consumer Comment

Sat, November 20, 2021

and sing free songs that appear in the comments section at the corresponding Ripoff Reports by simply typing in the following numbers at this site:

411913, 502469, 476868, 261157, 271454, 646259

Happy Holidays!


Highlands Ranch,
United States

Anyone in the world can...

#3Consumer Comment

Sat, November 20, 2021

type in 269840 at this site and read “SLUDGE POEM” which appears in Ripoff Report #269840.

FACT: Toyota’s CEO quit his position exactly two weeks after the poem was posted at this site.

*******GLOBAL STOCK MARKET ALERT: Make sure to type in 1512122 at this site and read Ripoff Report #1512122 and ALL of the Updates for EXTREMELY IMPORTANT information NOW!!!

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