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  • Report:  #427440

Complaint Review: Faith Church St

Faith Church - David Crank False Prophet Warning! Fenton Missouri

  • Reported By:
    Heaven Missouri
  • Submitted:
    Mon, February 23, 2009
  • Updated:
    Mon, September 26, 2016
  • Faith Church St
    1416 Larkin Williams Road
    Fenton, Missouri
  • Phone:
  • Category:
*Consumer Comment: From Anonymous' Mother *Consumer Comment: Looks like This Televangelist Wannabe Has been understudying Robert TIlton and Benny Hinn... *Consumer Comment: curious *Consumer Comment: curious *Consumer Comment: curious *Consumer Comment: curious *Consumer Comment: Disservice Confronted *Consumer Comment: Pray for ALL men * : more lies * : Anonymous is wrong on one thing. * : Atten Jonnie Vitale, David Crank Faith Church St. Louis false teachers! *Consumer Comment: David Crank, Faith Church, Anonymous Slams *General Comment: In agreement *General Comment: Don't believe every little ANONYMOUS you hear *General Comment: It's not what you say it's how you say it *General Comment: I've learned *General Comment: I've learned *Consumer Comment: BIRDS OF A FEATHER FLOCK TOGETHER *Consumer Comment: Anonymous is correct. *General Comment: faith church rebutal *Consumer Comment: Anyone can 'Google' this- UK PRIEST CONVICTED ON CHILD SEX ABUSE CHARGES, and read the related articles... *General Comment: Church matters. *Consumer Comment: People can and should think for themselves *Consumer Comment: Wow, you're a phony. *REBUTTAL Owner of company: David Crank...Saint or Sinner or just a younger voice for a younger world? *REBUTTAL Owner of company: David Crank...Saint or Sinner or just a younger voice for a younger world? *Consumer Comment: Thank You *Consumer Comment: RE: Thank You *General Comment: Oh my goodness *Consumer Comment: Isolate The Sin not The Sinner / We Are All Sinners *Consumer Comment: Confused

Sunday February 22, 2009 Fenton, MO 63026

So, I arrive EARLY for ALL services today, except third because of traffic. Packed crowds for all of them, and David Crank made sure we all new that, more on that later. When I arrive for the third service, there is a man outside SMOKING! Wow, very professional and Christ like. What's funny is, the man had a nerve to greet me with his smoke breath and say "praise the Lord brother! Isn't the Lord Good?" Christians smoking? Well, I guess if Paris Hilton says shes a Christian while she is still sleeping around with numerous men (source: my wife) I guess anything is possible.

I go in and sit with my pen and paper and recorder and let me tell you, I am at the point to admit the DEVIL has a lot of people doiong his work. I am a firm believer HELL will be "standing room only" with people like David Crank calling themselves preachers. So, Crank gets up preaching AGAIN wearing a skeet (slang for to small) vest, white shirt, gigantic tie and you guessed it, JEANS! Not to leave out the cowboy boats... So, the prosperity message he choses today is...."On the right path." Okay, maybe there will be a pub about staying on the right path to get to Heaven and if you get off and stay off when the Lord returns, your going to Hell? Fair assessment. Well, Crank didn't come close.

I have to admit, Crank did an EXCELLENT job at acting today. He cried perfectly. That was the greatest part of the service. Sadly to say, the crowd sucked it up and believed him. People WAKE UP! Crank is a fraud. I can make myself cry. Still need more convincing?

Well, here we go. Crank plays a video about a women who was on meth and "suddenly" sobored up when she watched his program. It's like Joel Osteen's "stories" when people are flipping through the channels and their remote "stops" working and it lands on Lakewood. Whatever! I love Joel but he has question marks about his ministry too. Then Crank shares about a man in Home Depot, that he "hugged" and the man said ever since watching him, his life has changed. Then Crank embarrasses a man in the audience and brings him up on stage and tells all his business! He was on drugs, was going to commit suicide on and on. We don't need to know his business. That man told you that in confidence. Crank also makes a statement, "If you tell me something, I'm going to tell EVERYBODY." Wow. That coming from the head of the church. Correct me if I'm wrong but when you go to a Pastor/mentor, isn't that supposed to be confidential? I wouldn't dare disclose that personal information. That young man was embarrassed. His head was down the entire time.

So basically, WATCH Cranks "Successful Christian Living" show and BOOM! Everything you ever wanted will be granted. It's like Robert Tilton telling people to make a vow to HIS church ONLY and thats the ONLY way to get your healing. Once again, CRANK IS A FRAUD!

Speaking of his show, "Successful Christian Living," if you ever watch it, all it is is Dr. Phil. The title says it all, just with Christian thrown in. "Successful" "happy" "prosperous" all PROSPERITY GOSPEL. Still need more warnings?

Well, Crank addresses his critics about why he wears jeans and why he doesn't preach on hell. He response to jeans: "I'm reaching the unchurched?" Well duh. Let me tell you Crank, I know many pastors and people like myself that has reached the "unchurched" in a $10,000 suit. His response to NOT preaching on Hell: "They already know their sinning and I don't need to remind them." Well, Crank, we know that we need to tithe so why do you keep reminding us to give? Let me do your job again Crank. You can preach hell, without being condeming. I actually know the perfect sermon to preach on that. You need to tell people the TRUTH. 'Truth, will set you free." Apparently they don't know their sinning and if they do, they don't know the consequences. It's like telling a smoker that if you smoke, you will lung cancer, heart disease, yellow teeth. That's not condeming, it's that TRUTH. Same thing with hell. When the Lord returns and you haven't made peace with God, or have sins you haven't repented of, you will NOT enter the kingdom of Heaven. Call me liar? I dare ya, because I have the WORD of GOD to back it up.

Crank then mentions that there was 1,130 people at their Northwest Campus. Do you ever notice they don't mention how many got saved? All their doing is packing the church and storing up treasures on earth. More on that in my post after tonights service.

Continuing on with more, Crank says people need to be told "God loves you" "God forgives you" on and on. Boy, that feels good. Man, thats preaching to the ITCHING EARS. Now, that is true. Yet this is where Crank comes up short again. God also has WRATH that you fail to mention. Like myself, I'm a parent. I love my kids. NO they are not perfect but they are my pride and joy. But, when they make mistakes, they are punished. I love them and forgive them, but as a FATHER, I will punish them. As will God and sin. God HATES sin. God won't fellowship with sin. When you sin, you become an ENEMY of GOD. Bet Crank won't say that on Television.

One thing Crank told the gulliable crowd today was and I quote: "I'm not perfect and sometimes I say the wrong words and I have to MAKE UP WORDS for my LACK OF EDUCATION." WOW! This man isn't even qualified to be a pastor. No formal training or NOTHING. Now before people say you don't need a degree to preach, and I agree with that to a certain degree, let me ask, would you let a DOCTOR do a serious operation on you without a degree or licence? For us smart peope the answer is NO! Crank steals his material from other preachers. He has ZERO formal training and is a embarassment to the Kingdom of God and to the real TV preachers out there like Bayless Conley.

Crank is right, he is not perfect and NOT even close. You say the wrong words? Have to make up words? Let me ask Crank, when you speak in tongues, if you believe in that, do you make up that to and just mumble? Here is another CLEAR EXAMPLE of why he is NOT called and is a false prophet. Crank says he "makes up words and says the wrong words?" Well, doesn't the bible say that the Holy Spirit will guide you. If Crank is TRULY lead by God, he shouldn't be saying the wrong words or making them up because if he is following the holy spirit, the holy spirits words are NOT wrong. So thank you David Crank for proving yet again my point, you are a FALSE prophet and you should be avoided at all costs.

Then Crank says he is the 'peoples preacher." What is he The Rock the wrestler NOW? He's acting like Bishop Jordan who is called the "Mastor Prophet." These preachers are so busy building themselves up and giving themselves names, isn't that how Lucifer got kicked out of Heaven? Got a little to big for his britches? Crank once again, it isn't about YOU! It is about souls. Souls, souls, souls. Get that through your thick skull.

Crank then ONCE again delivers the all anticipated prophecy. Here is another way to spot a FRAUD. When any person, preacher or Christian tells you they have a 'Word from the Lord" accept it. But if it doesn't come true, two things: Either God is slipping and Aging or that person, in this cause David Crank, is LYING. God has spoken to me to give a word to numerous people and you know what, I haven't had person tell me It was wrong. Before the offering, he tells the crowd to left of their hands and to speak into their hands and money will come to them. What a load of crap. Boy, Crank is pulling out all the stops to get money.

I have gone on long enough but I saved this FACT OF FRAUD for last.

SALVATION PRAYER: During the prayer for salvation, he did the say it and your saved thing again. I feel so sorry for all of you. He did not say anything about repenting, confessing with you mouth and believing in your heart. This prayer opened my eyes and proved my point, Crank is a FRAUD and if he is NOT, he is not qualified to be a Pastor. He needs some training because he really looks stupid up there. It's the "Educated and Rich " people like myself that he bad mouthed that know the facts. Crank, if you are real, doubt it, but if you are, take all these reports into consideration and make the neccessay changes. I'm only helping you and the thousands your fooling. For those you want to be saved and receive the BEST gift you can possibly receive, the bible clearly outlines how to receive Christ. This is apparently where Cranks LACK OF EDUCATION comes in. Which is really sad. If you are going to preach, you should at list know how to tell people how to get saved and to heaven.


The bible outline THREE "PREQUITES" TO RECEIVING Christ. Take notes Crank. #1-Repent of your sins. What does repent mean? Turn away from. Don't do again.
#2-Confess with your MOUTH that Jesus died and believe in your HEART that God raised him (Jesus) from the Dead.

It was the death, burial and resurrection from the grave that proved he was the Son of God and gave him power and authority over sin and death. (1 Cor. 15:1-6) When the miracle of salvation takes place and an individual is born again, the Word of God declares that our sins are NOT remembered against us. It is as if they NEVER happened. "For I will be merciful to thier unrighteousness and their sins and dtheir iniquites wil I remember no more." (Heb. 8:12)

Wow, I'm doing Cranks job. Why didn't he quote these scriptures? There NOT condeming. Let me continue and do his job. Here is a Real prayer for salvation from the Lord.

Let me ask for those who are unsaved, Do you know what would happen to you if you heart stopped beating right now and you died before you could take take your next breath? Where will you spend eternity? Thats the ULTIMATE QUESTION. Since Crank can't assist you with this I can. If you are unsure about your eternal destination. you can remove all doubt RIGHT NOW and know with absolute certainty where you will spend eternity by praying this prayer: 'Lord Jesus, I want to have the assurance today that I will spend eternity with you. I'm tired of living for myself and going my own way. I'm tired of trusting in myself and in my own abilties. I want to trust in you starting today. I CONFESS that I have broken your laws. I have rebelled against you and done wrong against others. I know that I have sinned. I am sorry for ALL my sins. Please forgive me and cleanse me from ALL sin. Take away the guilt and make me pure and clean in your sight. I confess with my mouth that Jesus died for me. I believe in my heart, that God rose Jesus from the dead and he is ALIVE. I accept you as my Lord and Savior. Starting today, I want to live a righteous and holy life. From this moment on, I will turn away from everything the Bible calls SIN. Help me live in obedience and walk in your ways everyday for the rest of my life. Thank you, Jesus, for cleansing my heart from sin and making me your child. AMEN.

Since this church fails to follow up with new believers on questions, I will help again. The most common question is How can I know I have been born again? Simply put, if you have TRULY been born again, you love the things that God loves and HATES the things that God hates. This is CLEARLY outlined in the Bible, or what my church calls the BELIEVERS HANDBOOK 4-LIFE. It's about 3:30pm now and I am about an hour away from this church so I will close and follow up tonight after I attend their Night Service.

Some may ask, what's the point of this? Well, the bible clearly says false prophets will come and it is the duty of every christian and citizen to alert people about scams. David Crank is a FRAUD. Nicole too. I know the bible and I am a man of FACTS. FACT: This "pastor" is deceiving many people and I am only hoping to save people from believing in something thats not even real. Once again, AVOID CRANK and Faith Church St. Louis. I beg all of you, DON'T BELIEVE ME. Thats right, DON'T. GO see it for yourself. Live and in person. I guarantee, you will see what I see. Oh, and when I guarantee something, you can take it to the bank! And it won't bounce. lol

David & Nicole Crank + Faith Church St. Louis= Hell Hereafter...As tough as that is to swallow, IT'S TRUE!

Heaven, Missouri

31 Updates & Rebuttals


West Paalm Beach,


#32Consumer Comment

Mon, September 26, 2016

     I have read your report several times and find your comments disturbing and unfounded, my family and I have been going to the WPB campus for 3 years now and we love Pastors David and Nicole, they have a unique style of preaching that may not be for everyone, they put the word of God into Lamanes terms and apply it to everyday life so that people can understand it and apply it to their own lives. Maybe you just don't understand their style or it's not for you. If they bring people to Jesus who cares what their style is, you mentioned they never speak of how many lives are saved which is untrue, I can tell you that every 3 months we hold baptisms on the beach here in WPB and we have anywhere from 30 to 70 people who get baptized and their lives have been changed because of Pastors David and Nicole.

     You spoke that Pastor David had no formal training to be a preacher, well, I feel inclined to remind you neither did Jesus, Peter or Paul yet they preached the word of God.

     You also spoke of how Pastor David has people hold up their tithes and speak into their hands and money will come to them, this is so untrue, we hold up our tithes so he can pray over them, never once has he said speak into your hand and money will come, You seem to be a person of little faith because the bible says to bring to the storehouse your first 10% and the storehouse is the church, the bible also says you have not because you ask not. Ask with a good heart and you shall receive.

     Just so you know God doesn't care what you wear to church, as long as you go. Pastors David and Nicole are down to earth people, they like fine things but who doesn't, they shop at goodwill for goodness sakes, they are not above anyone nor do they claim to be. Just to set the record straight, they do not own a Yacht, yes they own a small boat, so do I, so what.

     If you pay attention to Pastor Davids message you will realize number 1. he's not perfect, he's human, no one  other than God himself is perfect,  when you get saved your flesh doesn't get saved your soul gets saved, the human side of people make mistakes, they stumble and God knew we would do this and that is why he allows us to ask for forgiveness. God also said in the book of James 4:11 Do Not speak evil of each other, do not judge others or you will be judged by God in heaven. Isn't this what you have done? You have jugded this man and his wife.

Pastor Davids main focus is to tell people about God, that God loves you, he's not against you, he talks about what happens if you are not saved, does he harp on it? No. We all know what our choices are.

Faith Church gives a lot, I guess you didn't know that as you were more worried that they wanted your money. Faith church does a lot of things in each community, they feed the homeless, they provide blankets for the homeless during winter in STL, we just paid the rent of a homeless shelter here in WPB because they were about to be evicted, we also bought this organization a brand new deep freezer as the the one they have is failing,we go out and do things for veterans, we have bought 3 playgrounds for orphanages in Haiti, we are helping so many people in so many countries, this is where our money goes to. They give a lot back. stick around maybe you can be a part of a missions team and see all we do.

One last thing that caught my attention, your whole comment was a form of bashing, criticism and  judgement, yet you spoke of being on your way at 330 to Faith Church for yet another service, why if you are so unhappy with these Pastors would you go back for yet another service?





Isolate The Sin not The Sinner / We Are All Sinners

#32Consumer Comment

Mon, October 15, 2012

What the last party said seems most accurate (Sorry if it is an IPod rather than a Palm Pilot....I have neither in my cave! LOL!). The reason why I have such an aversion towards organized religion is because of the tiny minded, soul sucking, back-stabbing rodents like most here. They are more interested in "the structure" and old school ways rather than "the results". Who cares if a pastor says "Our father who art in heaven" or "The Mighty Lord who rides the waves of the clouds" as long as people GET IT and care? People are hung up on the words and that a pastor need be wearing a suit.....but not TOO NICE A SUIT or they are materialistic! God forbid the pastor's wife is wearing TOO LARGE a wedding ring while teaching Bible study!

I just am SO SICK of the hypocrisy. My family is facing some financial crisis right now that ANY CHURCH could step in and help with without breaking a sweat on their budget. The Catholics will spend $20 million IN ONE STATE to fight gay marriage but ask for a few hundred because a tree collapsed in your driveway and they say "we have no funds". So fighting the rights of 2 consenting adults over bigotry is higher in importance than families in need, homeless and hungry. Nevermind the pedophile priest that they hide, hire lawyers for, pay off families.

I don't think Faith Church or Pastor Crank is asking or expecting people to give what they can't. But if one is in a position to spare $5 or $10 so that the church (IF THE CHURCH DOES AS THEY'RE SUPPOSED TO) can help those in need or support the church's expenses SO WHAT?

As someone who has nowhere to turn, no family and facing crushing financial issues I'd welcome a church that could help me and, in turn, when on my feey give back. Isn't that what it's supposed to be about?


United States of America

Oh my goodness

#32General Comment

Mon, October 15, 2012

1st of all It's an IPad not a palm pilot. Half of America or better has one. Guess I'm a sinner. 2nd I have no formal schooling to be a Pastor, however I minister to people all the time. Does this make me a false prophet? 3rd ok ok faith church teaches about tithing. It's in the bible and your saying he is not teaching out of the bible. You can teach about tithing or you can spend church funds to buy food to have fund raisers to repair the roof!!! While I am sure you wake up every morning with your halo blinding and an angel playing her harp,not all of us are saint like. Bottom line is why does it really matter who we are listening to as long as we are hearing the word of God! Pastor David does not state that God loves sin he says God loves the sinner. I am not perfect but I am forgiven. That is something Faith Church taught me. I now can go out and spread the good news. Isn't that what is important. We all know we are sinners. Turn away from your wicked ways. I know God is using me for his greater good. So maybe he is using Pastor David & Pastor Nicole.

I will pray for your bitterness and judgement of others. Smokers, Pastor David, etc...



RE: Thank You

#32Consumer Comment

Sun, October 14, 2012

I think you mistake me for Pastor Crank. If not, I will make it my mission in life to show up at your next service and speak my mind. After all, this is America and we need not be a Pastor to share our beliefs.

That said, if you are criticizing my mere defense (more about giving Pastor Crank the benefit of the doubt rather than judge him by a man smoking a cigarette outside the church, that he used a palm pilot in his sermon or the size of his wife's jewelry) than you need to look in the mirror and The Bible and when you get to the part about "judge les not be judged" write it 100 times on the blackboard.

I hope you work on those anger issues and turn them towards areas in the world that need them.

Gary Sellars


Thank You

#32Consumer Comment

Sat, October 13, 2012

On behalf of all those who enjoy the presence of the Lord, I want to thank you for not showing up and ruining the service for those to whom you might speak.

On the outside chance that you might look in the mirror someday and ask, "Why am I so bitter? Why do I care what these people do?" you might take a serious look at at John 3:19, where Jesus tells you why you won't come to Him (uh... the REAL reason--not the nonsense you've fabricated in your own mind because you continually lie to yourself).

If you'll remember, when Jesus began to preach the gospel, the FIRST word out of his mouth was "Repent," which means change your mind. You've never done this. You approached the good news as if you were qualified to judge it rather than desiring to hear the voice of the Almighty tell you what you need to do.

You're following in your daddy's footsteps and you'll get the same results if you don't change your mind.



David Crank...Saint or Sinner or just a younger voice for a younger world?

#32REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, October 12, 2012

So many of you rag on Pastor Crank as a pastor, family man, leader of a church, his knowledge and deliverance of the scriptures right down to a palm pilot in his sermons. Even "I" have questions but those apply to ALL organized religions and TV holy men!

The thing is NEITHER MYSELF NOR ANYONE HERE knows the mans heart or what drives him. He's a young guy spreading the word to a more youthful crowd. If you're 60-70 you probably wouldn't appreciate Pastor Crank's louder, hyper, blue jeans and t-shirt style. Then grandma's would be offended by Jesus with his long hair and sandals!

I was raised in the Catholic faith till I was old enough to realize something is wrong with a faith that denounces birth control in this age of STD's and poor families with 12 kids when they can't afford 1. A faith that hides pedophiles and pays off families and hires lawyers for them, moving them to another parish when all is said and done. At 47 I've seen the Jim Baker's and the Jimmy Swaggart's with his "forgive me, I have sinned" complete with tears when a more accurate statement would've been "I'm sorry I got caught"! Hypocrisy, greed, sex and holy men in ALL FAITHS go together like peanut butter and jelly!

Screw scriptures...they are lost on me. If a man has good intention in his heart and pulls from bullet points on their palm pilot so they cover all they wished God bless them. What makes faiths and most here screwy and WRONG is most here would judge a homosexual as going to hell. You would believe a 13 year old victim of rape or incest who becomes pregnant are SINNERS if they have an abortion. When a church and a pastor embraces homosexuals as people and Christian's and counsel's acceptance and healing to that 13 year old girl over admonishment THAT'S a judgment free God-like church I want to attend.

So I find most here spitting out scripture with no compassion or the belief system beyond and passed the words, whining about someone smoking a cigarette outside a church and a pastor who used a palm pilot during his sermon small and petty. I don't know what David Crank's story is "BUT" I know what the Catholic Church is about because they should toss these sick priest into a police car and let the law handle them. The have clowns like Bill Donohue and the Catholic League speaking in DEFENSE of these pedophiles with the most asinine of logic!



David Crank...Saint or Sinner or just a younger voice for a younger world?

#32REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, October 12, 2012

So many of you rag on Pastor Crank as a pastor, family man, leader of a church, his knowledge and deliverance of the scriptures right down to a palm pilot in his sermons. Even "I" have questions but those apply to ALL organized religions and TV holy men!

The thing is NEITHER MYSELF NOR ANYONE HERE knows the mans heart or what drives him. He's a young guy spreading the word to a more youthful crowd. If you're 60-70 you probably wouldn't appreciate Pastor Crank's louder, hyper, blue jeans and t-shirt style. Then grandma's would be offended by Jesus with his long hair and sandals!

I was raised in the Catholic faith till I was old enough to realize something is wrong with a faith that denounces birth control in this age of STD's and poor families with 12 kids when they can't afford 1. A faith that hides pedophiles and pays off families and hires lawyers for them, moving them to another parish when all is said and done. At 47 I've seen the Jim Baker's and the Jimmy Swaggart's with his "forgive me, I have sinned" complete with tears when a more accurate statement would've been "I'm sorry I got caught"! Hypocrisy, greed, sex and holy men in ALL FAITHS go together like peanut butter and jelly!

Screw scriptures...they are lost on me. If a man has good intention in his heart and pulls from bullet points on their palm pilot so they cover all they wished God bless them. What makes faiths and most here screwy and WRONG is most here would judge a homosexual as going to hell. You would believe a 13 year old victim of rape or incest who becomes pregnant are SINNERS if they have an abortion. When a church and a pastor embraces homosexuals as people and Christian's and counsel's acceptance and healing to that 13 year old girl over admonishment THAT'S a judgment free God-like church I want to attend.

So I find most here spitting out scripture with no compassion or the belief system beyond and passed the words, whining about someone smoking a cigarette outside a church and a pastor who used a palm pilot during his sermon small and petty. I don't know what David Crank's story is "BUT" I know what the Catholic Church is about because they should toss these sick priest into a police car and let the law handle them. The have clowns like Bill Donohue and the Catholic League speaking in DEFENSE of these pedophiles with the most asinine of logic!



Wow, you're a phony.

#32Consumer Comment

Fri, October 12, 2012

"When I arrive for the third service, there is a man outside SMOKING! Wow, very professional and Christ like. What's funny is, the man had a nerve to greet me with his smoke breath and say "praise the Lord brother! Isn't the Lord Good?" Christians smoking?"

Clearly, you completely missed Jesus' teaching that you will be judged AS you judge, or you would have enough fear of God to never have started your post.

The rancor, resentment, jealousy, hatred and contempt you express isn't listed anywhere in the gifts of the spirit, but there are many admonishments, not only from Jesus, but Paul and Peter that would show such a "fine example of a Christian" as you are, that you're a hypocrite and a phony.

I suggest that you start reading the Scriptures as if they're written for you to obey and not for you to backbite and tell us how others are failing. Notice Joel Osteen's popularity? It's so great because SO MANY people can easily see what you fail to see. Bad-mouthing people behind their back is the antithesis of real Christianity.

You should be ashamed, but it's clear that you think you're qualified to badmouth and backbite when your life is not a picture you'd want to parade. Why don't you understand that people pick this stuff up intuitively? You don't have enough sense to understand that you've embarrassed yourself.

The first thing you should do is analyze your post in HUMILITY and then write letters of apology to each person you criticized and post those as follow-ups to your first post and leave them there AT LEAST as long as your first post.

In fact, if you really humble yourself, delete the original post and accurately include each offense immediately prior to your apology and express your sorrow at your foolishness, arrogance and rejection of the counsel of God's Word.

The poison of your vile display is still working in your heart and needs to be cleansed by humility and repentance. What you did was that for which you were blaming others, EXACTLY what Romans 2 says. God tells us to examine ourselves. How did you miss that?

David H. Hagen

St. Louis,

People can and should think for themselves

#32Consumer Comment

Fri, August 19, 2011

Never take the word of a man who shrouds himself in anonymity. In my years on this earth Ive found that people who dont want you to know they are the purveyor of their words dont have anything worth hearing. As you can see, my name is listed on this comment.

Ive attended Faith Church St. Louis for almost a year now. Are Pastors David and Nicole Crank infallible? No. They will tell you that themselves. I wouldnt attend a church that had pastors who didnt hold this position. Yes they are Christian. But theylike everyone reading thisare human. We all make mistakes in our wording, sometimes have an off day, etc. To ask more than this from your pastor is very unreasonable. Pastors David and Nicole Crank are very good people who preach the word of God to people like my wife and myself who never quite fit into other churches. I cant say enough about the campus and youth pastors, the Praise and Worship Team and the many great employees and volunteers who make this church a wonderful place to worship. Faith Church St. Louis feels like family.

As for the points brought up by the anonymous poster:

1. A man was smoking outside the church. OK, people are allowed to do this in public. Should the church somehow prevent such people from greeting you warmly? Does this mans presence outside the church indicate they approve of smoking? Would you have only non-smokers attend your ideal church?

2. Pastor David Crank was wearing non-traditional church clothes. Should pastors and church members wear a certain type of clothes? Does it say in the Bible that speakers of the word of God need to dress in three-piece suits?

3. A woman watched Faith Church St. Louis and TV and it had a positive effect on her life. Shouldnt hearing the word of God do this? What would you want the members of your ideal church take away from the experience?

4. You state that Pastor David Crank preaches prosperity. Doesnt God want his people to prosper? Doesnt prosperity equate to more than just financial gains?

5. You state that you have preached in a $10,000 suit. Does this mean you have prospered from hearing the word of God? Is this level of dress requires to preach?

6. You state that Pastor David Crank doesnt preach The Truth. Isnt the love and forgiveness of God the truth? Must one always preach on Hell and damnation to express the true nature of God?

7. You mention that God also has wrath and the congregation should be told this. Do you think people havent experienced the wrath of God? Have you lived such a blessed life that you havent seen the atrocities bestowed upon mankind by other humans, by our thinking we can be the God of our own lives?

8. Pastor David Crank admitted to saying the wrong word sometimes. Do you not do this? Does the Holy Spirit guide every word from your mouth? If not, does that mean you too are a false prophet?

9. Pastor David Crank called himself a Peoples Preacher. To whom would you have him preach? Shouldnt the congregation like their pastor?

10. Pastor David Crank had the congregation pray for financial gain. Is this against Biblical doctrine? Dont people need money to live in this world?

11. The Salvation Prayer wasnt up to your standards. Did the pastors state you are not required to turn from evil ways to be saved? Isnt asking for Jesus to come into your heart and accepting the sacrifice He paid for us the beginning of salvation?

Your last comment was that people should avoid Faith Church St. Louis. For a man who feels this way it sure seems that you love visiting the campus! Does God need you to shine the light on those leading his flock away? It seems to me that God can handle his own business. People should attend Faith Church St. Louis for themselves and make up their own minds, if they wish to do so. Your enlightenment is not necessary for their salvation.


United States of America

Church matters.

#32General Comment

Sun, October 31, 2010

The comments here made are to each his own.  The individual above obviously is clueless to the parties in question, as to his faith has blinded him/her.

This man has no apparent background of any pastoral teachings or history outside of that which he created himself. The truth is not to be watered down and excepted as the word of God is not compromised but as one can see, many do just that. In this is the problem with the parties in question.  Too much compromise, found the truth elsewhere and it was not watered down.  No question about it.


Highlands Ranch,

Anyone can 'Google' this- UK PRIEST CONVICTED ON CHILD SEX ABUSE CHARGES, and read the related articles...

#32Consumer Comment

Sun, October 24, 2010

on the web, right?

***************************** MORTGAGE ALERT *****************************

*Make sure to visit the MERRILL LYNCH page of this site and the BANK OF AMERICA page for valuable information if you are in foreclosure


United States of America

faith church rebutal

#32General Comment

Sat, October 23, 2010

May I just say for starters, We are talking about Pastor Davids education. Did some of you proof read your rip off report?

Enough about that, To anyone that does not think that Faith Church St. Louis is the real deal you obviously need to take heed of some things.

1 Who really cares what the "Pastor" is wearing or his wife? Are you going to Church for a fashion show or for the Word?

2 It seems you are hung up on the David and Nicole being divorced. God hates divorce but he does not hate people who are divorced so why should you? That does not mean they are unable to bring people to God.

3 You seem to be hung up on a money issue. Bring your 1st fruits, feed the homeless, etc these are our jobs here on earth for God.

4 Seems to me Christians are not suppose to sit in judgement isn't that Christs job? You see you are more unchristian by doing that than Pastor David and Nicole ever were. P.S. Were did you go to seminary school and I don't believe God wants you telling his children they are going to Hell.

That said if you hate it so much why do you keep attending service? If the people of St. Louis want to know whats going on let them come to church.

Thier ways of teaching may be a little "modern" however some people don't want to walk into a church with the pastor, preacher, deacons or priests all in thier sunday best knowing they are as big of sinners as the rest of us.

The only differance between you and Faith Church is we admit our downfalls,that we will sin we are not perfect but we try to do our very best. See I don't act like a Christian I am a Christian.

I thank God for Faith Church.  My life was in ruins before I walked thru that door.

For the lady talking about the Back to the future series. Well yes all of what you sd about Heuy Lewis and John Belushi is true. But lets keep it real I think we are good enough parents that those are not the role models for our child they are props.

Get of your holier than thou horses and leave the Cranks alone. So what if he didn't shake your hand.

Remember this we focus on God he focuses on those who come to harm us. So while I am at that Church tonight getting My Spirtual Fill I will be praying for you all..

Ps thank you jonnie i love ya


United States of America

Anonymous is correct.

#32Consumer Comment

Thu, October 07, 2010

I too attended this church September 2010, I was horrified that they had John Belushi on the wall for starters and dancing to a song that Hewey lewis made, (Back to the future,) isn't he the one who sings, ( I want a new drug?) and also, lets not forget..poor John Belushi died of an overdose, ya those are some real good role model starters for young Christian teenagers.  The huge screens (3 of them) had young teens dancing all over the place, it was a little silly and out of line if you ask me.  Also, as the letter states, there was no call for salvation, its was all about seeker sensitive submission to the Lord, as long as it doesnt hurt you seek Christ,  go forward for the good is coming.

His wife taught that night, it was hard to overlook her 3 carat diamond ring and her sparkling diamond flower broche she wore that night, wow, I guess, must be nice.  However, I am sure they feel its deserved, but are we deserved anything in this life but Gods grace?, yes thats it, his mercy and grace only.  So if your going to get up on the stage and teach, get down to business as the letter states and do it the Lords way.  Too many are being deceived, many in these responces above as well.  Its a shame but its the world we live in.
I really feel like his wife gets it and is saved, she was a little silly on the part how young everyone always sais she is, she looks 20, no..she looks every bit of 38 and that too is very young but she never mentioned salvation. She witnessed of her past but never mentioned her glory story, you she found Christ and and turned her life over to him.  NO..nothing on that at all.   At the end, some people on the stage said,... if you want to pray come up front, I thought..if I want to pray? pray about what? I can do that here in the spot I sit.  I had to tell my friend who brought me, had I not been saved already I surely would not have found Christ there that night at that church.  A week later a portion of the building collapsed and the teenagers inside left just in time..mmm WAKE UP CALL ANYONE IN FAITH CHURCH? certainly could be.  I think if they both return back to A ministoral school this church may have a fighting chance, but now its a little to scary.  Seeker Sensitive, afraid to teach the true Gospel is not what Christ is all about.




#32Consumer Comment

Tue, September 28, 2010





Nikeya Jones

United States of America

I've learned

#32General Comment

Thu, September 02, 2010

From being a pk all my life, and growing up around churches, I have seen some crooked people in the church, and that affected the way I looked at certain pastors, churches, there congregation etc.  If I knew what you were doing in the dark, you couldnt pray for me, you couldnt come near me, I wouldnt even got to your church!  Especially if you were a pastor, I am a firm believer in "It starts with the head and trinkles on down!"  So if the pastor was doing it than there ministers and congregation was too.  Till oneday one of the pastors I wasnt to fond of was on  TV and gave a POWERFUL word for my life!

Now with that being said, Pastor Crank, could be all that was said and then some, but that does not mean God cant use him to touch your lives or speak a word to the people.  If your so worried about his life, pray for him, not about him.  He has the ability to reach many so pray that good uses him to heal the sin sick people. 

I just recently for the first time became familiar with the pastors on TBN yesterday, so I came across this trying to find more info on them, but in no way did I let this taint the word he gave me!  He was speaking on juding, and with my statement in now way im I juding anyone, this is just my opinion.  But fact is, it does take money to run a church and or a ministry! So if you feel its a scam, dont give but the bible says "Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again. Luke 6:38"  But be opened minded to what he has to say because there could be something valuable for your life.

Lastly, you cant really blame the pastor if your prayer life is shot, especially if the pastor is teaching about prayer,  he and his wife touched on how important it is to pray.  Prayer is your communication with god, your fellowship time.

Nikeya Jones

United States of America

I've learned

#32General Comment

Thu, September 02, 2010

From being a pk all my life, and growing up around churches, I have seen some crooked people in the church, and that affected the way I looked at certain pastors, churches, there congregation etc.  If I knew what you were doing in the dark, you couldnt pray for me, you couldnt come near me, I wouldnt even got to your church!  Especially if you were a pastor, I am a firm believer in "It starts with the head and trinkles on down!"  Till oneday of the pastors I wasnt to fond of was on  TV and gave a POWERFUL word for my life!

Now with that being said, Pastor Crank, could be all that and then some, but that does not me God cant use him to touch your life or speak a word to you.  If your so worried about his life, pray for him, not about him.  He has the ability to reach many so pray that good uses him to heal the sin sick people. 

I just recently for the first time became familiar with the pastors on TBN yesterday, so I came across this trying to find more info on them, but in no way did I let this taint the word he gave me!  He was speaking on juding, and with my statement in now way im I juding anyone, this is just my opinion.  But fact is, it does take money to run a church and or a ministry! So if you feel its a scam, dont give but the bible says "Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again. Luke 6:38"

Lastly, you cant really blame the pastor if your prayer life is shot! Really that's your relationship between you and god!

God Chick

United States of America

It's not what you say it's how you say it

#32General Comment

Thu, August 12, 2010

The book of Proverbs says, "A gentle answer turns away wrath, but harsh words stir up anger." It is better to rebuke someone in love. As a Christian it is so important to remember this. I think people read this report and think "wow, this person is angry and this is slander and libel."  That along with remaining anonymous tends to invalidate your creditability irregardless of how accurate the things you say might possibly be. In other Words, no one will take you seriously. Smoking isn't healthy but it does not mean that someone doesn't have a heart for God. You never know how far someone is in their walk or what rock pile they just climbed out from under. It's not our place to judge someone especially on outside appearances.  The book of Samuel says, "Man looks at the outward appearance and God looks at the heart." 

That being said, I can give you a little background about myself. I am a born again Christian who grew up in St. Louis, Missouri and now live in Austin, Texas. I said the salvation prayer when I was about 6 and attended private Christian Schools. My mom taught in the children's church and I hung out with the pastors kids. In other words, I was hardcore raised in the church. So you could say that I've got a little bit of  Jesus under my belt. I did a little backsliding in my early 20's but came back full force to the right way of living when I was in my late to mid 20's and have remained pretty much on track since. I'm now in my mid 30's.

I am familiar with Faith Christian Center as it was called when I lived in the area. I distinctly recall visiting this church with friends and family under David Crank Sr. and none of us liking the "vibe" we got. I was probably only about 10 years old at the time and thought something seemed off. There was so much focus on money and material things. It wasn't what I was used to feeling when I went to church.

My family helped plant a small church in the area and the pastor was in some way related to Pastor Crank. Our small church was a great little place up until the Cranks got involved. I was really young so I can't remember everything exactly. The energy just changed and suddenly the focus turned more on money than ministering to people. The pastor began putting people on guilt trips about tithing which hadn't happened previously. Suddenly the church started getting decorated in a very gaudy fashion. It just got so weird that my family left and started going to another church.

Now, I am not going to stand here and call David Crank a false prophet. I think that is a bit harsh. I also think writing a Rip Off Report is the wrong place to be voicing your concerns. Perhaps a blog or a letter to the Pastor himself would be more appropriate means for voicing your concerns. You write reports about car dealers selling you lemons here not how you don't like a church or pastor. But then again, one has to wonder if Pastor Crank is selling us a lemon on Sunday mornings.

I don't know Pastor Crank's heart. Only God does. But I do think that there is a rather disturbing trend with churches that started in the mid 1980's and has been rapidly spreading over the past few years.  The trend is "Name it and claim it theology" or "Prosperity Gospel." I do believe this to be a dangerously misinterpreted doctrine. I might even go so far to say that I believe it to be false doctrine. Yes, God will bless you if you ask him to do so.  1 Chronicles 4:10 comes to mind. But I don't think it is meant to be interpreted as "I give 10% of my income and a BMW falls from the sky into my driveway." Jesus said "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the gates of heaven."  He told his disciples to give away all that they own and to follow Him.  Not "give me everything that you own so I can build a million dollar house."  That is the danger in the messages being taught by churches like this.  I wish our pastors would look at themselves in the mirror and realize that it's not about the spiky hair and trendy clothes and 30 sec sound bites. It's about spreading the gospel to a very lost and fallen world. A lost and fallen world that is very turned off when you roll up to church in your Lexus.


St. Louis,
United States of America

Don't believe every little ANONYMOUS you hear

#32General Comment

Mon, June 14, 2010

"Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour" -1 Peter 5:8

That is exactly what Anonymous is trying to do to the ministry of David Crank and his wife.  I have not attended Faith Church St. Louis for a long period of time.  I have no personal ties to Mr. Crank, his wife or any of his staff.  I just know what I have experienced and how my life has been positively affected by Faith Church St. Louis. 

Here are the changes I have found in myself since I have been attending Faith Church St. Louis:

1.  I am learning to put God first in my life.  

2. I pray more because I want to, not because I feel like I have to.

3. I praise God more because I want to, not because I feel like I have to.

4.  I am reading the Bible more, again, because I want to.

5.  I no longer suffer from anxiety and I used to get panic attacks regularly. 

6. I don't wake up through the night or the early morning hours with worry.

7. I am a much happier person and I look for opportunity to bless others.

8. My family likes to go to church and is excited to go.

9. I am not as critical of other people.  Yes, I see people who leave church smoking and I am not judging them for smoking, I'm praising God that they came to church.  Smoking doesn't make you a bad person nor will it send you to Hell.  Jesus ministered to prostitutes and brought them under his wing so why can't smokers come to church and even volunteer if they would like? 

10. I am confident that God loves me. I don't wake up feeling like I just can't measure up to the standards that Anonymous struggles to live by day to day.  I know that God knows my heart and isn't waiting for me to mess up so he can send me to Hell.  Yes, I know I must be saved to go to Heaven.

Anonymous is trying to make it sound like the Devil is working through David Crank.  If that is the case, why would the Devil bring me and my family closer to God?  My mom told me to always look for the "fruit of the vine" when trying to figure out if someone is real or fake.  I would say that Mr. Crank has some pretty good fruit coming off his vine and I am proud to say that I attend Faith Church St. Louis where God is still working in people's lives including my own. 

AND one last thing- about the money, it is God who tells us to tithe and give offering. Just like Susan G. Komen, they can't work for the greater good without the giving of the supporters.  Same for the church, any church you attend.  It is biblical that God will bless those who give and I haven't attended a church yet that doesn't take an offering. Who are you to limit God's blessings?  If I choose to tithe or give my offering to Faith Church St. Louis because I can see the fruit of the vine and I am happy with that fruit than it is my choice.  Mr. Crank (and Mrs.) provided a very good living for their family before they became pastors but beside that I see the money I give going to the needy and to help save the lost and to provide a church for those who want to build a closer relationship with God.  In my opinion, that is money well spent.




In agreement

#32General Comment

Mon, March 15, 2010

pastor david crank is NOT Qualified to lead a church READ 1 Timothy 3: 1-7. After you read that you will see that people are not judging him they just know the truth and are worried about all the people being led astray! Today at church he not only criticized people who donated clothes to Haiti Victims but then spent the whole time talking about how he gave money and saying "I" a lot!!!!, to add insult to injury as if our tithing wasn't enough, he had the audacity to pass the bucket around again telling everyone not to be stingy and not think "I already gave". He asked us to turn to 1 John 2:27 as he quoted that verse I turned and read, but what was in the bible in no way matched what he said. He has to look at his palm pilot for scripture, Pastors are not to premeditate their sermons they are supposed to let it come from the heart. Equip yourselves with the word of God, read 1 Timothy 6:8, David Crank is a novice, he has no business leading a church he is supposed to be a leader we are supposed to look up to him. what Christian leader says that Chritian's don't like him?????? his words exactly. he talks about how he spoils his daughter, he can't even lead his own family how can he lead SOULS to CHRIST!!!!!!???? DO NO BE DECEIVED!!, SEEK TREASURES IN HEAVEN NOT ON EARTH. God be with you and God bless you. God is not under our command we are in a covenant with God, he gives us what we need, when we give we are thanking God and giving because our Father in Heaven gives to us. Love in Christ pray for David Crank. He judges other preachers for acting like they have it together says they pretend to be perfect, but that's only because he doesn't know what it means to be a pastor. All of your good deeds mean nothing without GOD!!!



David Crank, Faith Church, Anonymous Slams

#32Consumer Comment

Mon, February 01, 2010

I've only caught David Crank on TV and he is a bit "modern" for me. That said, whether he is a crook or not I cannot say. These days I consider most televangelist and Churches in general, including Catholics, Mormons, etc to be crooks.

In all fairness, I take issue with reading a Rip-Off Report and it being 90% bible scripture. I also take issue with someone doing character assassination and not having the balls to sign their name. What a gutless wonder the person who levels 3 of the 4 reports here is to be "anonymous". Whether your report is real or not is less effective when you won't put your name to it. If YOU are going to smear or paint someone a crook have the decency of (A) citing real circumstance and proof and (B) putting your name to it.

It's easy to smear from the cheap seats and takes guts to put your name to your claims if, in fact, they are valid. I'm not interested in reading bible scripture or whether someone was smoking a cigarette outside as that goes under the category of "who cares?".

Understand, I am NOT DEFENDING David Crank or the Faith church as I assume all these guys to be crooks until proved to me otherwise. I am attacking your unclear, unsubstantiated by fact, garbled in bible mumbo-jumbo attack. BE SPECIFIC...SHARE FACTS!!!



Atten Jonnie Vitale, David Crank Faith Church St. Louis false teachers!


Wed, September 16, 2009

This letter is for Jonnie Vitale.  The Lord says if you love me you will obey my commands, right?  Well it is important to speak the truth of salvation, heaven, and hell to people in a loving manor.  Crank often says the love of God draws man to repentance, right?  Well that means when people realize how much God loves them and when we realize everything God does in our lives it makes us want to repent.  If someone loves you and you hurt or sin against them when they have done nothing but love you especially if they died for you, wouldn't you want to say your sorry/repent?  Yes you would.  Crank says we already know were sinners but that is simply not true and even if it was the bible is designed to bring light to peoples sin in hopes that they would repent.  Crank should be preaching repentance of sin and not that God loves you and doesn't care about the way you live your life.  I have heard members of his staff use curse words, they smoke, and are having premarital sex and that's just what I know about.  They don't even hide it!  Corinthians 6:9,10 - "Or do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, shall inherit the kingdom of God.   What is not clear about those words from God?  It's really sad cuz these people will end up in hell and they think they are going to heaven.  I guess crank believes in once saved always saved.  I know you have worked for Crank for a long time but my friend he had deceived you just like he deceived my too.  Ask the Lord and He will start to show you the truth!

2 Tim  3:1  This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.

2  For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,

3  Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,

4  Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;

5  Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

6  For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts,

7  Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. 

That's some powerful truth right there!  Pray for Crank everyone that he turns from his wicked ways and comes back to the true message of Christ.  He might be a real man of God but he himself has been deceived also. 

God bless Angela



Anonymous is wrong on one thing.


Wed, September 16, 2009

I have to say that everything that anonymous says in his report is true except one thing.  I should start by saying I was a member of Faith Church stl for about 2 and a half years.  I fell completely for the money/blessing message hook line and sinker.  After awhile I started realizing I was not being fed spiritually at this church.  My prayer life was horrible, they make light of sin and repentance, pastor doesn't socialize or counsel his SHEEP what so ever (aren't pastors supposed to take care of their sheep?).  How can he take care of his sheep when he has TWO huge churches and he hogs the stage?  He can't that's the answer!  I put my entire heart and soul into this ministry and I THANK GOD for pulling me out of it by showing me the errors of their ways.  It's really sad actually because they hardly teach on living right for God or on repentance.  The bible says he who endures to the end will be saved, it does not say he who gives the most will be saved.  We have to walk daily with the Lord and allow him to transform us into the image of Christ.  Cranks message is not even close to that.  I firmly believe had the great God of heaven not of pulled me out of that church I would of gone to hell.  The one thing that anonymous does have wrong is Crank is not a racist.  He doesn't like Obama but who does?  He has many african american members and his right hand man (sort of) is african american too.  Crank actually wishes he was black but really he's just sucking up to them for their money too.  Also I have to say that I had maybe one very short conversation the whole time I attended that church with Crank and never did his wife speak to me except the one time she yelled at me for stepping in glue and then stepping on the new carpet.  Opps my bad!  However when I LEFT the church Crank sent me a couple twitters (which he loves to brag on himself on there)  with such a poor display of concern wondering if everything was ok with us.  O now you talk to me!  Well I was a religious tither never ever missing cuz after all God would take everything from me if I missed one time of tithing.  God would also take my business, my marriage, my home, my car would start breaking down, etc.  Give me a break!  What a joke!  I tell you the truth and that is my life has never been more blessed since I left that church.  God is showing me so much and putting me on the RIGHT path and has given me so many friends that really care about my life and my spiritual maturity.  We actually just started a brand new church in the Fenton area.  We are meeting at 10 on Sunday mornings at the Stratford Inn hotel in conference room 105 (you are welcome to come).  I thank God I met real Holy Ghost filled believers who are showing me the real Jesus.  There is no teaching on the Holy Ghost, the gifts of the spirit, hearing from God, etc. at Faith church either.  It's really sad cuz it really reminds me more of a broadway show then church.  They also rush us out the door for the next service so you can forget fellowship and ministering to others.  What a joke and if you make a mistake look out Nicole (his wife) will attack you!  The staff is super stressed too.  They run around like chickens with their heads cut off.  There is no peace in them what so ever and they are s****.>


st louis,

more lies


Thu, September 10, 2009

more lies.  i can see that is all that you know how to do.  next time really disclose who you are, if you don't trust me we all know it is lies you write.

Jonnie Vitale

St Louis,

Pray for ALL men

#32Consumer Comment

Sat, May 23, 2009

I didn't realize there were several posts about FCSL. The word string and vitriolic adjectives suggest all were written by the same individual. David, Stephen, Anonymous. Since I am a member of FCSL and I can see by your posts that you also regularly attend. Because of the verbal hatred apparent, I am wondering if the entire flock is at risk by your presence? You need someone to tell you the, I don't mean the Word. I can see that you have plenty of that. You need great, intelligent, humble friends to add some dimension to your thought processing. My guess is that your world, like your words, is pretty harsh. I empathize with's very sad to hate life...I've been there.

I do think it would be remiss, however, to let your posts go unanswered. They need to be thoroughly scrutinized by some sort of law enforcement for Internet crime, as the content is saturated by "hate-filled" criticism. I realize that this forum is for those which feel ripped off but ...if you were ripped off in a department store, would you continue to shop the store? Therefore, I can only conclude that your faithful attendance to a place with a leader you despise bears the element of perversion. Especially, in light of your numerous posts and your attempt to make it appear that they were written by different individuals. You are ripping yourself off by not finding a church where you can be fed and thoroughly equipped for your heavenly calling, which is in Christ Jesus.

I cannot imagine that God would not take advantage of your Peter-like acumen.
But I can imagine that He won't until you take control of your thoughts and make your language that of love. By THIS ALL men WILL KNOW that YOU are MY disciple. Pray, whomever you are. God believes the best in you and so do I. God wants you to come to the fullness of the stature of Christ. Walk in humility, take dominion over your thoughts, and don't kid yourself thinking that your mission is to lead people away from "false prophets." Many have gone nuts thinking they were the spirit police. If it's God you can't stop it and if it isn't it won't last. Pray for change. Pray for David Crank Jr that he'll be led of God and believe you receive when you pray.

God Bless You.

Jonnie Vitale

St Louis,

Disservice Confronted

#32Consumer Comment

Fri, May 22, 2009

Hello, Anonymous. I am Jonnie Vitale. A member of long-standing at the Faith Church. In fact, I also served under David Sr. I have attended hunderds of services and you would be hard-pressed to find anyone in the last 2 decades who could legitimately call me a flake, a phoney, or gullible. That goes for my business life, as well.
I also would never think of attacking the credibilty of someone without taking the responsibilty of making my identity known. I don't want to imagine that you may be entering the doors on a weekly basis pretending to be part of a sheepfold. Why waste your time on don't even know if you will be alive tomorrow. Spend you time on enjoying your llife. Read Ecclesiastes...I promise it's biblical! Your anonymous letter is indicative that you are likely a ravenous wolf, moreso than a serious Christian and at best, not courageous.
The key to scripture is rightly dividing the words of truth. I'm sure you are sincere and believe you are doing God a favor by "exposing" David Crank. I'm sure this is true of most hardlined Christians. However, instead you make his point perfectlly with regards to mean Christians always threatening with scripture, works, and hell. I plant flowers and there have been times that it has been difficult to distinguish the leaves of a weed from the leaves of a flower or "planting." I could either uproot all or wait on the flower's bud. I didn't plant weeds but they are there, nonetheless. Are you getting this? I hope so! So it is with people. The angels have been given the charge of harvesting in the end time. You would show wisdom to cease from your works of trying to separate the wheat from the tares. The only person you can really know is yourself and it's my guess that you are suffering. Work out your own salvation. God didn't call me or your to exposition. We are to personally be aware and yes we have a guide to lead us into all truth. You have a wealth of word in is for you to grow thereby, not appoint yourself as fruit inspector. I've heard people give themselves this right to judge others, but however you "doll up" judging another's servant your still judging another's servant. God didn't call me to be a fruit inspector either. takes money to reach the world. I'm sure David Crank wishes he never has to ask. God Bless You.




#32Consumer Comment

Thu, April 16, 2009

I'm curious to know if you (Stephen from Heaven, MO) are the same person who has also posted blogs about this David Crank person and his church under the name David (also from Heaven, MO).

And how did you hear about the church if you live an hour away?




#32Consumer Comment

Thu, April 16, 2009

I'm curious to know if you (Stephen from Heaven, MO) are the same person who has also posted blogs about this David Crank person and his church under the name David (also from Heaven, MO).

And how did you hear about the church if you live an hour away?




#32Consumer Comment

Thu, April 16, 2009

I'm curious to know if you (Stephen from Heaven, MO) are the same person who has also posted blogs about this David Crank person and his church under the name David (also from Heaven, MO).

And how did you hear about the church if you live an hour away?




#32Consumer Comment

Thu, April 16, 2009

I'm curious to know if you (Stephen from Heaven, MO) are the same person who has also posted blogs about this David Crank person and his church under the name David (also from Heaven, MO).

And how did you hear about the church if you live an hour away?



Looks like This Televangelist Wannabe Has been understudying Robert TIlton and Benny Hinn...

#32Consumer Comment

Thu, March 12, 2009

And the rest of the charismatic TBN ZOO of religious fanatics, nuts, liars, money grubber and con men and women...on TV which is where he obviously gets his role models...

as long as the sheeple keep giving him money, he will keep on doing what he is doing --building his own personal prosperity at YOUR expense...

I am glad that the Christian Meshiach can't see what happened to the Faith He started...

I don't know who is more to be pitied -- the hillbilly who wants to be Robert Tilton OR the poor ignorant people who fill his "church" and listen to his stuff...


I haven't been to an organized religious organization in years... becauseof stuff JUST LIKE THIS!


Anonymous' Mom


From Anonymous' Mother

#32Consumer Comment

Tue, March 10, 2009

I must start off by saying I am truly sorry that about what has happened here. Allow me to explain some back ground information so that you may understand where he comes from. When little Anonymous was about 2, I dropped him on his head. The Dr said that after the swelling on his brain went down, he would never be the same. Well the Dr was correct. Anonymous has been spewing hate his entire life. Everyone he comes into contact with he argues with and makes up lies about. That is just what has happened here. Another thing that helped mold my boy Anonymous into what he has become as an adult, is as a 5 year old, he did not get enough cookies. He is still bitter about that. I failed to let him have his cookies and milk every night and now he takes it out on the world.

Son, Anonymous, I want you to finally start reading the Bible. You obviously have not done that yet.
Make sure you get a hold of Romans 14:10-14 10You, then, why do you judge your brother? Or why do you look down on your brother? For we will all stand before God's judgment seat. 11It is written:
" 'As surely as I live,' says the Lord,
'every knee will bow before me;
every tongue will confess to God.' "12So then, each of us will give an account of himself to God.
13Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in your brother's way. 14As one who is in the Lord Jesus, I am fully convinced that no food[b] is unclean in itself. But if anyone regards something as unclean, then for him it is unclean.

I continue to pray for you as all mothers do for their sons, I hope someday you will come to know the Lord, He is Love. You need to get some of that.

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