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  • Report:  #618008

Complaint Review: Fayette County Friend Of The Court

Fayette County Friend Of The Court Barbara Norris Abuse of Power Lexington, Kentucky

  • Reported By:
    Rick — Versailles Kentucky United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Sun, June 27, 2010
  • Updated:
    Wed, June 18, 2014
  • Fayette County Friend Of The Court
    120 Limestone Street, 4th Floor
    Lexington, Kentucky
    United States of America
  • Phone:
  • Category:

The friend of the court is entrusted with to much faith and power from the court system. It seems judges put way to much trust in these people who are supposed to be looking out for the best interest of children.

I have an ex-wife who has been so bad that I was even awarded permanent custody of her daughter that was not biologicaly mine as well as my daughter who is bilogically mine. I have had custody for the past five years. The mother has constantly caused domestic violence, lied, manipulated and violated every court order ever set. Our court file case has a history of the mother lying, being manipulative, and using the children as a tool for revenge. My history in the file states that I have been cooperative, trustworthy, and looked out for the best interest of the children. I have in the past had the support of the GAL and DCBS. Recent reports from the GAL have been influenced by Barbara Norris, So I also have Babara Housmansmith to thank for my problems. She has reported total lies that I have documetned proof of some pretty big lies from her too.

Barabara Norris has been assigned to our case to "help" the mother and I mediate and work things out to avoid paying attorney's fee's. In the begining she seemed to side with me, then all of a sudden she sided with the mother. Barbara Norris never remained neutral, it was one way or the other for her. I have made the same reports to Barbara Norris that I always have made in the past of the constant violations from the mother and the lying and manipulation the mother has done. Which have always been true and verified by the GAL & DCBS which led to me getting custody of a child that is not bilogically mine. Now all of a sudden she is reporting everything the mother says as fact and that I am all of sudden lying and can no longer considered to be credible. Even though the mother is just as bad as she always has been Barbara Norris has helped her gain unsupervised visits for the first time in years and now has helped that mother gain custody of both girls. All based on reporting false information and being totally biased.

The older daughter whom is not bilogically mine looks and acts just like her mother, very dishonest and very manipulative. But I love her very much and have been there for the past 11 & 1/2 years out of 12 years. Last year the older daughter made accusation of abuse and neglect against a teacher and a "bully" and she was so convincing that it sparked a DCBS investigation that went all the way up to the superintendent. She came up with this story when she was worried about getting in trouble for cheating for someone on a test. the "bully" made her do it she claimed and came up with a detailed in depth story that was obviously convincing enought to prompt an investigation into the school. Turns out she was lying and made everything up and caused alot of trouble to avoid being grounded for cheating. All of this was happening and the mother had not even been trying to see the children for a 4-5 month time period.

I said all of that to give an example of what this child had done before and that she has a documented history of lying and manipulating. (just like her mother) The older daughters behavior and grades has dropped from honor roll the first half of the year to a having D's and C's on her report card and behavior problems in school starting when the mother started having unsupervised visitation with the children. Well I grounded the older daughter from everything electronic as a punishment, and within a day or two of being grounded I get a call from her science teacher informing that the older daughter had not turned in a science project that was due two weeks earlier. As additional punishment, I took her blackberry storm permantely away from her, not to mention I was not happy and she got an hour worth of discussion and lecture. The very next day the older daughter goes into school and request to call Barbara Norris (by the way, Norris to this day still has not even so much as met either child) The older daughter complained that she was afraid to come home and that I was mean and abusive towards her (never mentioning the fact that she was in a lot of trouble) Barbara Norris call DCBS and makes a complaint against me. I even had a police officer come to my home to do a welfare check. The older daughter was fine and working on the science project when thepolice officer came, she was not afraid in any way. I thought the police was there because she did something bad (I belived she was coached by her mother to make that call to Norris and what to say to her)

I then go to court due to a motion filed by the mother that i was mentally abusive towards the older daughter. When I went to court I was given Barabara Norris's report just as i walked into court, I was made to speak first, then after that all kinds of things were said slamming me that I am mean, cruel, abusive. I did not get a chance to defend any of this, plus I was dealing with the loss of my father whom passed away days before court. Many things were said that came from the mother and the older daughter were all entirly untrue, her report never even mentioned anything that the older daughter was grounded and in trouble for bad behavior and grades. Based on what Barabara Norris and the GAL- Barbara Housmansmith said in court (which there is an abuse of power from the GAL too) the kids were immediately removed from my home and I had to go pay for supervised visits for the next 4 weeks. My daughter that is mine had no complaints or fears, but yet she was kept from me due to the fact without the older on there Norris said I would start abusing her,

When we go back to court, the reports again are slamming me(again gettting the reports right before court), even droppping the words physical abuse, which I do not spank or hit my kids. The children made no claims of me physically hurting them, but yet it is in the report. Barabara Norris also previously reported that due to me not being the bioligiacal father, ahe said i was programing the older daughter and gave a list of reasons why I should be under scrutiny for sexual abuse. (that is so sick) Norris even suprinsingly put in her report information from the DCBS supervisor that did an investiagtion, that the older daughter has a history of lying and cannot be believed, The DCBS worker even complimented me on my sacrifice and dedication to these children. But, that was ignored and Norris recomended that the older daughter never have contact with me again and that full custody of both girls be given to the mother. (which I provided proof that the mother had currently been violating the court orders) but that was ignored. They even had a therapist meet with the girls once, TOGETHER. the report read the older one said this and that then the younger daughter agreed over with what the older one said, and that's how Norris said everything the older one said was true, because the younger one agreed. (what a pressure situation for a 9 year old to be in) And that therapist after meeting the children one time was able to recomend that the older one should never see me again.

I have had the girls in therapy earlier this year by a professional therapist (before unsupervised visits happened) and the children were released early from therapy because they were happy an well adjusted. The DCBS supervisor could not be at court because I live in a diferent county and it is not her jurisdiction to be there. I can't get the judge to have DCBS to get involved to do a home evaluation. I don't know why, I thought abuse and removal of children from a home was their kind of thing. If DCBS were involved they would have a night and day diferent report than Norris's report- Heck they might even take time to meet the girls lives whom they are changing. My mother who is very reputable (principal real estate broker who even sits in as a judge when realtors have disputes) went to talk to Norris and Norris reported the things my mother were simply untrue. My mother has spent more time with the girls in the past five years than the girls own mother.

I have concrete proof that the things in the reports are totally bogus, I have email, with time and dates, contradicting what is in Norris reports. Norris even reported to the judge that I did not send any clothes for the older daughter, which I had sent all of her clothes and have emails to prove it. I have witnesses, previous reports even including one where a DCBS worker reported the mother said If I have to teach my girls to lie to see them that she will.  but i can't get a trial- or afford this kind of trial.

These people are destroying my family, I can't tell you how much has been wasted in attorney fees and TIME. The daughter that is mine is now sleeping on an air mattress and surrounded by piles of clothes and scared through the night when she is with her mother- At least during the summer I have her half the time, but now she will be yanked from a school she loves. The mother works as a cartaker and has to get up at 7 am and be with her at work until 7pm, i could go on and on.

Also, I have a 2 year old son with my fiancee that both girls are very close to and all of a sudden the older daughter will no longer have a realtionship with him, and although my son is only 2 he has definately noticed the absence of his sisters, he is not even considered by Norris. Norris is on a war path and does not mind lying and false reporting to get what she thinks is best for my children or who she hurts.

There is so much more to this story, I just don't have the time to put it all in. I am a dedicated father whom before all of this happend used to live in Jersey running a large remodeling company making 6 figures. My exwife has destroyed our lives and conitnues to do so. I have adjusted my life to run a business from home that enables me to be here when they come home from school, take them to the Doctor, constantly be in court (most employers don't like you disappearing to court on a regular basis) I have chosen my children over career, I have alwys been there for them. I havent got child support that often, I have provided health insurance and a quite nice life for all of these children. I live for my children, I am not an ordinary dad, I am one of the best fathers out there, while I may not be perfect, I have made some mistakes, but nothing in comparassion to their mother. I am still a great father and it is real hard for me to take this woman Barbara Norris crap that I am a terrible abusive father. I mean who gets custody of a child that is not even his, I have been checked out, I am not a bad man. The mothers ex even went to jail for threatning to kill me. We have been through so much, it needs to come to an end.

How can these people play god with peoples lives? Why can't I get justice? How can I get justice? Is there anyone out there that can help?

2 Updates & Rebuttals



Barbara Norris

#3General Comment

Mon, June 16, 2014

I was railroaded by Barbara Norris twice.  She is deceitful, a liar, files false reports and needs to be exposed.  I have spoken to many people who feel the same way.  We need to get her removed from her position and going through Barry Minton, her boss, is a dead end.  I am willing to set up a forum or meeting to get as much and many people to report her to the Kentucky Board of Social Work.  You can file a complaint here



burned by norris


burned by norris

#3Consumer Comment

Thu, December 05, 2013

Hello.  I was recently very badly burned by Barbara Norris - we need to put her on trial and expose her lies.  Your contact information would be very much appreciated.  My lawyer needs others who can testify.  Thank you.

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